org.apache.camel.component.http4.HttpComponent Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.component.http4;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
import org.apache.camel.ComponentVerifier;
import org.apache.camel.Endpoint;
import org.apache.camel.Producer;
import org.apache.camel.ResolveEndpointFailedException;
import org.apache.camel.SSLContextParametersAware;
import org.apache.camel.VerifiableComponent;
import org.apache.camel.component.extension.ComponentVerifierExtension;
import org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpBinding;
import org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpCommonComponent;
import org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpHelper;
import org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpRestHeaderFilterStrategy;
import org.apache.camel.http.common.UrlRewrite;
import org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy;
import org.apache.camel.spi.Metadata;
import org.apache.camel.spi.RestConfiguration;
import org.apache.camel.spi.RestProducerFactory;
import org.apache.camel.spi.RestProducerFactoryHelper;
import org.apache.camel.util.FileUtil;
import org.apache.camel.util.IntrospectionSupport;
import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper;
import org.apache.camel.util.ServiceHelper;
import org.apache.camel.util.StringHelper;
import org.apache.camel.util.URISupport;
import org.apache.camel.util.UnsafeUriCharactersEncoder;
import org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters;
import org.apache.http.client.CookieStore;
import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig;
import org.apache.http.config.Registry;
import org.apache.http.config.RegistryBuilder;
import org.apache.http.conn.HttpClientConnectionManager;
import org.apache.http.conn.socket.ConnectionSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.conn.socket.PlainConnectionSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.DefaultHostnameVerifier;
import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder;
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager;
import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext;
import org.apache.http.ssl.SSLContexts;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Defines the HTTP4
* Component
* @version
@Metadata(label = "verifiers", enums = "parameters,connectivity")
public class HttpComponent extends HttpCommonComponent implements RestProducerFactory, VerifiableComponent, SSLContextParametersAware {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpComponent.class);
@Metadata(label = "advanced", description = "To use the custom HttpClientConfigurer to perform configuration of the HttpClient that will be used.")
protected HttpClientConfigurer httpClientConfigurer;
@Metadata(label = "advanced", description = "To use a custom and shared HttpClientConnectionManager to manage connections."
+ " If this has been configured then this is always used for all endpoints created by this component.")
protected HttpClientConnectionManager clientConnectionManager;
@Metadata(label = "advanced", description = "To use a custom org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext when executing requests.")
protected HttpContext httpContext;
@Metadata(label = "security", description = "To configure security using SSLContextParameters."
+ " Important: Only one instance of org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters is supported per HttpComponent."
+ " If you need to use 2 or more different instances, you need to define a new HttpComponent per instance you need.")
protected SSLContextParameters sslContextParameters;
@Metadata(label = "security", description = "To use a custom X509HostnameVerifier such as DefaultHostnameVerifier or NoopHostnameVerifier.")
protected HostnameVerifier x509HostnameVerifier = new DefaultHostnameVerifier();
@Metadata(label = "producer", description = "To use a custom org.apache.http.client.CookieStore."
+ " By default the org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCookieStore is used which is an in-memory only cookie store."
+ " Notice if bridgeEndpoint=true then the cookie store is forced to be a noop cookie store as cookie"
+ " shouldn't be stored as we are just bridging (eg acting as a proxy).")
protected CookieStore cookieStore;
// timeout
@Metadata(label = "timeout", defaultValue = "-1", description = "The timeout in milliseconds used when requesting a connection"
+ " from the connection manager. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout."
+ " A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout."
+ " A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default).")
protected int connectionRequestTimeout = -1;
@Metadata(label = "timeout", defaultValue = "-1", description = "Determines the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established."
+ " A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout."
+ " A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout."
+ " A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default).")
protected int connectTimeout = -1;
@Metadata(label = "timeout", defaultValue = "-1", description = "Defines the socket timeout in milliseconds,"
+ " which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently,"
+ " a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets)."
+ " A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout."
+ " A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default).")
protected int socketTimeout = -1;
// options to the default created http connection manager
@Metadata(label = "advanced", defaultValue = "200", description = "The maximum number of connections.")
protected int maxTotalConnections = 200;
@Metadata(label = "advanced", defaultValue = "20", description = "The maximum number of connections per route.")
protected int connectionsPerRoute = 20;
// It's MILLISECONDS, the default value is always keep alive
@Metadata(label = "advanced", description = "The time for connection to live, the time unit is millisecond, the default value is always keep alive.")
protected long connectionTimeToLive = -1;
@Metadata(label = "security", defaultValue = "false", description = "Enable usage of global SSL context parameters.")
private boolean useGlobalSslContextParameters;
public HttpComponent() {
public HttpComponent(Class extends HttpEndpoint> endpointClass) {
* Creates the HttpClientConfigurer based on the given parameters
* @param parameters the map of parameters
* @param secure whether the endpoint is secure (eg https4)
* @return the configurer
* @throws Exception is thrown if error creating configurer
protected HttpClientConfigurer createHttpClientConfigurer(Map parameters, boolean secure) throws Exception {
// prefer to use endpoint configured over component configured
HttpClientConfigurer configurer = resolveAndRemoveReferenceParameter(parameters, "httpClientConfigurer", HttpClientConfigurer.class);
if (configurer == null) {
// fallback to component configured
configurer = getHttpClientConfigurer();
configurer = configureBasicAuthentication(parameters, configurer);
configurer = configureHttpProxy(parameters, configurer, secure);
return configurer;
private HttpClientConfigurer configureBasicAuthentication(Map parameters, HttpClientConfigurer configurer) {
String authUsername = getParameter(parameters, "authUsername", String.class);
String authPassword = getParameter(parameters, "authPassword", String.class);
if (authUsername != null && authPassword != null) {
String authDomain = getParameter(parameters, "authDomain", String.class);
String authHost = getParameter(parameters, "authHost", String.class);
return CompositeHttpConfigurer.combineConfigurers(configurer, new BasicAuthenticationHttpClientConfigurer(authUsername, authPassword, authDomain, authHost));
return configurer;
private HttpClientConfigurer configureHttpProxy(Map parameters, HttpClientConfigurer configurer, boolean secure) throws Exception {
String proxyAuthScheme = getParameter(parameters, "proxyAuthScheme", String.class);
if (proxyAuthScheme == null) {
// fallback and use either http or https depending on secure
proxyAuthScheme = secure ? "https" : "http";
String proxyAuthHost = getParameter(parameters, "proxyAuthHost", String.class);
Integer proxyAuthPort = getParameter(parameters, "proxyAuthPort", Integer.class);
if (proxyAuthHost != null && proxyAuthPort != null) {
String proxyAuthUsername = getParameter(parameters, "proxyAuthUsername", String.class);
String proxyAuthPassword = getParameter(parameters, "proxyAuthPassword", String.class);
String proxyAuthDomain = getParameter(parameters, "proxyAuthDomain", String.class);
String proxyAuthNtHost = getParameter(parameters, "proxyAuthNtHost", String.class);
if (proxyAuthUsername != null && proxyAuthPassword != null) {
return CompositeHttpConfigurer.combineConfigurers(
configurer, new ProxyHttpClientConfigurer(proxyAuthHost, proxyAuthPort, proxyAuthScheme, proxyAuthUsername, proxyAuthPassword, proxyAuthDomain, proxyAuthNtHost));
} else {
return CompositeHttpConfigurer.combineConfigurers(configurer, new ProxyHttpClientConfigurer(proxyAuthHost, proxyAuthPort, proxyAuthScheme));
return configurer;
protected Endpoint createEndpoint(String uri, String remaining, Map parameters) throws Exception {
Map httpClientParameters = new HashMap<>(parameters);
final Map httpClientOptions = new HashMap<>();
// timeout values can be configured on both component and endpoint level, where endpoint take priority
int val = getAndRemoveParameter(parameters, "connectionRequestTimeout", int.class, connectionRequestTimeout);
if (val != -1) {
httpClientOptions.put("connectionRequestTimeout", val);
val = getAndRemoveParameter(parameters, "connectTimeout", int.class, connectTimeout);
if (val != -1) {
httpClientOptions.put("connectTimeout", val);
val = getAndRemoveParameter(parameters, "socketTimeout", int.class, socketTimeout);
if (val != -1) {
httpClientOptions.put("socketTimeout", val);
final HttpClientBuilder clientBuilder = createHttpClientBuilder(uri, parameters, httpClientOptions);
HttpBinding httpBinding = resolveAndRemoveReferenceParameter(parameters, "httpBinding", HttpBinding.class);
HttpContext httpContext = resolveAndRemoveReferenceParameter(parameters, "httpContext", HttpContext.class);
SSLContextParameters sslContextParameters = resolveAndRemoveReferenceParameter(parameters, "sslContextParameters", SSLContextParameters.class);
if (sslContextParameters == null) {
sslContextParameters = getSslContextParameters();
if (sslContextParameters == null) {
sslContextParameters = retrieveGlobalSslContextParameters();
String httpMethodRestrict = getAndRemoveParameter(parameters, "httpMethodRestrict", String.class);
HeaderFilterStrategy headerFilterStrategy = resolveAndRemoveReferenceParameter(parameters, "headerFilterStrategy", HeaderFilterStrategy.class);
UrlRewrite urlRewrite = resolveAndRemoveReferenceParameter(parameters, "urlRewrite", UrlRewrite.class);
boolean secure = HttpHelper.isSecureConnection(uri) || sslContextParameters != null;
// need to set scheme on address uri depending on if its secure or not
String addressUri = (secure ? "https://" : "http://") + remaining;
addressUri = UnsafeUriCharactersEncoder.encodeHttpURI(addressUri);
URI uriHttpUriAddress = new URI(addressUri);
// validate http uri that end-user did not duplicate the http part that can be a common error
int pos = uri.indexOf("//");
if (pos != -1) {
String part = uri.substring(pos + 2);
if (part.startsWith("http:") || part.startsWith("https:")) {
throw new ResolveEndpointFailedException(uri,
"The uri part is not configured correctly. You have duplicated the http(s) protocol.");
// create the configurer to use for this endpoint
HttpClientConfigurer configurer = createHttpClientConfigurer(parameters, secure);
URI endpointUri = URISupport.createRemainingURI(uriHttpUriAddress, httpClientParameters);
// the endpoint uri should use the component name as scheme, so we need to re-create it once more
String scheme = StringHelper.before(uri, "://");
endpointUri = URISupport.createRemainingURI(
new URI(scheme,
// create the endpoint and set the http uri to be null
String endpointUriString = endpointUri.toString();
LOG.debug("Creating endpoint uri {}", endpointUriString);
final HttpClientConnectionManager localConnectionManager = createConnectionManager(parameters, sslContextParameters);
HttpEndpoint endpoint = new HttpEndpoint(endpointUriString, this, clientBuilder, localConnectionManager, configurer);
// configure the endpoint with the common configuration from the component
if (getHttpConfiguration() != null) {
Map properties = new HashMap<>();
IntrospectionSupport.getProperties(getHttpConfiguration(), properties, null);
setProperties(endpoint, properties);
if (urlRewrite != null) {
// let CamelContext deal with the lifecycle of the url rewrite
// this ensures its being shutdown when Camel shutdown etc.
// configure the endpoint
setProperties(endpoint, parameters);
// we can not change the port of an URI, we must create a new one with an explicit port value
URI httpUri = URISupport.createRemainingURI(
new URI(uriHttpUriAddress.getScheme(),
if (headerFilterStrategy != null) {
} else {
if (httpBinding != null) {
if (httpMethodRestrict != null) {
if (httpContext != null) {
if (endpoint.getCookieStore() == null) {
return endpoint;
protected HttpClientConnectionManager createConnectionManager(final Map parameters,
final SSLContextParameters sslContextParameters) throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
if (clientConnectionManager != null) {
return clientConnectionManager;
final HostnameVerifier resolvedHostnameVerifier = resolveAndRemoveReferenceParameter(parameters, "x509HostnameVerifier", HostnameVerifier.class);
final HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = Optional.ofNullable(resolvedHostnameVerifier).orElse(x509HostnameVerifier);
// need to check the parameters of maxTotalConnections and connectionsPerRoute
final int maxTotalConnections = getAndRemoveParameter(parameters, "maxTotalConnections", int.class, 0);
final int connectionsPerRoute = getAndRemoveParameter(parameters, "connectionsPerRoute", int.class, 0);
final Registry connectionRegistry = createConnectionRegistry(hostnameVerifier, sslContextParameters);
return createConnectionManager(connectionRegistry, maxTotalConnections, connectionsPerRoute);
protected HttpClientBuilder createHttpClientBuilder(final String uri, final Map parameters,
final Map httpClientOptions) throws Exception {
// http client can be configured from URI options
HttpClientBuilder clientBuilder = HttpClientBuilder.create();
// allow the builder pattern
httpClientOptions.putAll(IntrospectionSupport.extractProperties(parameters, "httpClient."));
IntrospectionSupport.setProperties(clientBuilder, httpClientOptions);
// set the Request configure this way and allow the builder pattern
RequestConfig.Builder requestConfigBuilder = RequestConfig.custom();
IntrospectionSupport.setProperties(requestConfigBuilder, httpClientOptions);
// validate that we could resolve all httpClient. parameters as this component is lenient
validateParameters(uri, httpClientOptions, null);
return clientBuilder;
protected Registry createConnectionRegistry(HostnameVerifier x509HostnameVerifier, SSLContextParameters sslContextParams)
throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
// create the default connection registry to use
RegistryBuilder builder = RegistryBuilder.create();
builder.register("http", PlainConnectionSocketFactory.getSocketFactory());
builder.register("http4", PlainConnectionSocketFactory.getSocketFactory());
if (sslContextParams != null) {
builder.register("https", new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContextParams.createSSLContext(getCamelContext()), x509HostnameVerifier));
builder.register("https4", new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(sslContextParams.createSSLContext(getCamelContext()), x509HostnameVerifier));
} else {
builder.register("https4", new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(SSLContexts.createDefault(), x509HostnameVerifier));
builder.register("https", new SSLConnectionSocketFactory(SSLContexts.createDefault(), x509HostnameVerifier));
protected HttpClientConnectionManager createConnectionManager(Registry registry) {
return createConnectionManager(registry, 0, 0);
protected HttpClientConnectionManager createConnectionManager(Registry registry, int maxTotalConnections, int connectionsPerRoute) {
// setup the connection live time
PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager answer =
new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager(registry, null, null, null, getConnectionTimeToLive(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
int localMaxTotalConnections = maxTotalConnections;
if (localMaxTotalConnections == 0) {
localMaxTotalConnections = getMaxTotalConnections();
if (localMaxTotalConnections > 0) {
int localConnectionsPerRoute = connectionsPerRoute;
if (localConnectionsPerRoute == 0) {
localConnectionsPerRoute = getConnectionsPerRoute();
if (localConnectionsPerRoute > 0) {
}"Created ClientConnectionManager {}", answer);
return answer;
protected boolean useIntrospectionOnEndpoint() {
return false;
public Producer createProducer(CamelContext camelContext, String host,
String verb, String basePath, String uriTemplate, String queryParameters,
String consumes, String produces, RestConfiguration configuration, Map parameters) throws Exception {
// avoid leading slash
basePath = FileUtil.stripLeadingSeparator(basePath);
uriTemplate = FileUtil.stripLeadingSeparator(uriTemplate);
// replace http with http4 in the host part
host = host.replaceFirst(":", "4:");
// get the endpoint
String url = host;
if (!ObjectHelper.isEmpty(basePath)) {
url += "/" + basePath;
if (!ObjectHelper.isEmpty(uriTemplate)) {
url += "/" + uriTemplate;
RestConfiguration config = configuration;
if (config == null) {
config = camelContext.getRestConfiguration("http4", true);
Map map = new HashMap<>();
// build query string, and append any endpoint configuration properties
if (config.getComponent() == null || config.getComponent().equals("http4")) {
// setup endpoint options
if (config.getEndpointProperties() != null && !config.getEndpointProperties().isEmpty()) {
// get the endpoint
String query = URISupport.createQueryString(map);
if (!query.isEmpty()) {
url = url + "?" + query;
// there are cases where we might end up here without component being created beforehand
// we need to abide by the component properties specified in the parameters when creating
// the component, one such case is when we switch from "http4" to "https4" component name
RestProducerFactoryHelper.setupComponentFor(url, camelContext, (Map) parameters.get("component"));
HttpEndpoint endpoint = camelContext.getEndpoint(url, HttpEndpoint.class);
if (parameters != null && !parameters.isEmpty()) {
setProperties(camelContext, endpoint, parameters);
String path = uriTemplate != null ? uriTemplate : basePath;
endpoint.setHeaderFilterStrategy(new HttpRestHeaderFilterStrategy(path, queryParameters));
// the endpoint must be started before creating the producer
return endpoint.createProducer();
public HttpClientConfigurer getHttpClientConfigurer() {
return httpClientConfigurer;
* To use the custom HttpClientConfigurer to perform configuration of the HttpClient that will be used.
public void setHttpClientConfigurer(HttpClientConfigurer httpClientConfigurer) {
this.httpClientConfigurer = httpClientConfigurer;
public HttpClientConnectionManager getClientConnectionManager() {
return clientConnectionManager;
* To use a custom and shared HttpClientConnectionManager to manage connections.
* If this has been configured then this is always used for all endpoints created by this component.
public void setClientConnectionManager(HttpClientConnectionManager clientConnectionManager) {
this.clientConnectionManager = clientConnectionManager;
public HttpContext getHttpContext() {
return httpContext;
* To use a custom org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext when executing requests.
public void setHttpContext(HttpContext httpContext) {
this.httpContext = httpContext;
public SSLContextParameters getSslContextParameters() {
return sslContextParameters;
* To configure security using SSLContextParameters.
* Important: Only one instance of org.apache.camel.util.jsse.SSLContextParameters is supported per HttpComponent.
* If you need to use 2 or more different instances, you need to define a new HttpComponent per instance you need.
public void setSslContextParameters(SSLContextParameters sslContextParameters) {
this.sslContextParameters = sslContextParameters;
public boolean isUseGlobalSslContextParameters() {
return this.useGlobalSslContextParameters;
* Enable usage of global SSL context parameters.
public void setUseGlobalSslContextParameters(boolean useGlobalSslContextParameters) {
this.useGlobalSslContextParameters = useGlobalSslContextParameters;
public HostnameVerifier getX509HostnameVerifier() {
return x509HostnameVerifier;
* To use a custom X509HostnameVerifier such as {@link DefaultHostnameVerifier}
* or {@link org.apache.http.conn.ssl.NoopHostnameVerifier}.
public void setX509HostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier x509HostnameVerifier) {
this.x509HostnameVerifier = x509HostnameVerifier;
public int getMaxTotalConnections() {
return maxTotalConnections;
* The maximum number of connections.
public void setMaxTotalConnections(int maxTotalConnections) {
this.maxTotalConnections = maxTotalConnections;
public int getConnectionsPerRoute() {
return connectionsPerRoute;
* The maximum number of connections per route.
public void setConnectionsPerRoute(int connectionsPerRoute) {
this.connectionsPerRoute = connectionsPerRoute;
public long getConnectionTimeToLive() {
return connectionTimeToLive;
* The time for connection to live, the time unit is millisecond, the default value is always keep alive.
public void setConnectionTimeToLive(long connectionTimeToLive) {
this.connectionTimeToLive = connectionTimeToLive;
public CookieStore getCookieStore() {
return cookieStore;
* To use a custom org.apache.http.client.CookieStore.
* By default the org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCookieStore is used which is an in-memory only cookie store.
* Notice if bridgeEndpoint=true then the cookie store is forced to be a noop cookie store as cookie
* shouldn't be stored as we are just bridging (eg acting as a proxy).
public void setCookieStore(CookieStore cookieStore) {
this.cookieStore = cookieStore;
public int getConnectionRequestTimeout() {
return connectionRequestTimeout;
* The timeout in milliseconds used when requesting a connection
* from the connection manager. A timeout value of zero is interpreted
* as an infinite timeout.
* A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
* A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default).
* Default: {@code -1}
public void setConnectionRequestTimeout(int connectionRequestTimeout) {
this.connectionRequestTimeout = connectionRequestTimeout;
public int getConnectTimeout() {
return connectTimeout;
* Determines the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established.
* A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
* A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
* A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default).
* Default: {@code -1}
public void setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout) {
this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout;
public int getSocketTimeout() {
return socketTimeout;
* Defines the socket timeout ({@code SO_TIMEOUT}) in milliseconds,
* which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently,
* a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets).
* A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
* A negative value is interpreted as undefined (system default).
* Default: {@code -1}
public void setSocketTimeout(int socketTimeout) {
this.socketTimeout = socketTimeout;
public void doStart() throws Exception {
public void doStop() throws Exception {
// shutdown connection manager
if (clientConnectionManager != null) {"Shutting down ClientConnectionManager: {}", clientConnectionManager);
clientConnectionManager = null;
public ComponentVerifier getVerifier() {
return (scope, parameters) -> getExtension(ComponentVerifierExtension.class).orElseThrow(UnsupportedOperationException::new).verify(scope, parameters);
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