org.apache.camel.maven.ValidateMojo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.camel.maven;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.camel.catalog.CamelCatalog;
import org.apache.camel.catalog.ConfigurationPropertiesValidationResult;
import org.apache.camel.catalog.DefaultCamelCatalog;
import org.apache.camel.catalog.EndpointValidationResult;
import org.apache.camel.catalog.LanguageValidationResult;
import org.apache.camel.catalog.common.FileUtil;
import org.apache.camel.catalog.lucene.LuceneSuggestionStrategy;
import org.apache.camel.catalog.maven.MavenVersionManager;
import org.apache.camel.parser.RouteBuilderParser;
import org.apache.camel.parser.XmlRouteParser;
import org.apache.camel.parser.model.CamelEndpointDetails;
import org.apache.camel.parser.model.CamelRouteDetails;
import org.apache.camel.parser.model.CamelSimpleExpressionDetails;
import org.apache.camel.tooling.maven.MavenArtifact;
import org.apache.camel.tooling.maven.MavenDownloaderImpl;
import org.apache.camel.tooling.maven.MavenResolutionException;
import org.apache.camel.util.OrderedProperties;
import org.apache.camel.util.StringHelper;
import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.maven.model.Resource;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystem;
import org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession;
import org.jboss.forge.roaster.Roaster;
import org.jboss.forge.roaster.model.JavaType;
import org.jboss.forge.roaster.model.source.JavaClassSource;
import static org.apache.camel.catalog.common.CatalogHelper.asRelativeFile;
import static org.apache.camel.catalog.common.CatalogHelper.findJavaRouteBuilderClasses;
import static org.apache.camel.catalog.common.CatalogHelper.findXmlRouters;
import static org.apache.camel.catalog.common.CatalogHelper.matchRouteFile;
import static org.apache.camel.catalog.common.CatalogHelper.stripRootPath;
import static org.apache.camel.catalog.common.FileUtil.findJavaFiles;
* Parses the source code and validates the Camel routes has valid endpoint uris and simple expressions, and validates
* configuration files such as
@Mojo(name = "validate", threadSafe = true)
public class ValidateMojo extends AbstractMojo {
* The maven project.
@Parameter(property = "project", required = true, readonly = true)
protected MavenProject project;
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${session}", readonly = true, required = true)
private MavenSession session;
* Skip the validation execution.
@Parameter(property = "camel.skipValidation", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean skip;
* Whether to fail if invalid Camel endpoints were found. By default, the plugin logs the errors at WARN level
@Parameter(property = "camel.failOnError", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean failOnError;
* Whether to log endpoint URIs which was un-parsable and therefore not possible to validate
@Parameter(property = "camel.logUnparseable", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean logUnparseable;
* Whether to include Java files to be validated for invalid Camel endpoints
@Parameter(property = "camel.includeJava", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean includeJava;
* List of extra maven repositories
@Parameter(property = "camel.extraRepositories")
private String[] extraMavenRepositories;
* List of sources transitive dependencies that contains camel routes
@Parameter(property = "camel.sourcesArtifacts")
private String[] sourcesArtifacts;
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${}")
private String projectBuildDir;
* Whether to include XML files to be validated for invalid Camel endpoints
@Parameter(property = "camel.includeXml", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean includeXml;
* Whether to include test source code
@Parameter(property = "camel.includeTest", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean includeTest;
* To filter the names of java and XML files to only include files matching any of the given list of patterns
* (wildcard and regular expression). Multiple values can be separated by comma.
@Parameter(property = "camel.includes")
private String includes;
* To filter the names of java and XML files to exclude files matching any of the given pattern in the list
* (wildcard and regular expression). Multiple values can be separated by comma.
@Parameter(property = "camel.excludes")
private String excludes;
* Whether to ignore unknown components
@Parameter(property = "camel.ignoreUnknownComponent", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean ignoreUnknownComponent;
* Whether to ignore incapable of parsing the endpoint uri
@Parameter(property = "camel.ignoreIncapable", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean ignoreIncapable;
* Whether to ignore deprecated options being used in the endpoint uri
@Parameter(property = "camel.ignoreDeprecated", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean ignoreDeprecated;
* Whether to ignore components that use lenient properties. When this is true, then the uri validation is stricter
* but would fail on properties that are not part of the component but in the uri because of using lenient
* properties. For example, using the HTTP components to provide query parameters in the endpoint uri.
@Parameter(property = "camel.ignoreLenientProperties", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean ignoreLenientProperties;
* Whether to show all endpoints and simple expressions (both invalid and valid).
@Parameter(property = "camel.showAll", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean showAll;
* Whether to allow downloading a Camel catalog version from the internet. This is needed if the project uses a
* different Camel version than this plugin is used by default.
@Parameter(property = "camel.downloadVersion", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean downloadVersion;
* Whether to validate for duplicate route ids. Route ids should be unique, and if there are duplicates, then Camel
* will fail to start up.
@Parameter(property = "camel.duplicateRouteId", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean duplicateRouteId;
* Whether to validate direct/seda/disruptor endpoints sending to non-existing consumers.
@Parameter(property = "camel.internalContextPairCheck", alias = "camel.directOrSedaPairCheck", defaultValue = "true")
private boolean internalContextPairCheck;
* When sourcesArtifacts are declared, choose to download transitive artifacts or not carefully enable this flag
* since it will try to download the whole dependency tree
@Parameter(property = "camel.downloadTransitiveArtifacts", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean downloadTransitiveArtifacts;
* Location of configuration files to validate. The default is Multiple values can be
* separated by comma and use wildcard pattern matching.
@Parameter(property = "camel.configurationFiles", defaultValue = "")
private String configurationFiles;
private RepositorySystem repositorySystem;
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${repositorySystemSession}", readonly = true)
private RepositorySystemSession repositorySystemSession;
* javaFiles in memory cache, useful for multi modules maven project
private static final Set javaFiles = new LinkedHashSet<>();
* xmlFiles in memory cache, useful for multi modules maven projects
private static final Set xmlFiles = new LinkedHashSet<>();
private static final Set downloadedArtifacts = new LinkedHashSet<>();
public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException {
if (skip) {
getLog().info("skipping route validation as per configuration");
CamelCatalog catalog = new DefaultCamelCatalog();
// add activemq as a known component
catalog.addComponent("activemq", "org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent");
// enable did you mean
catalog.setSuggestionStrategy(new LuceneSuggestionStrategy());
// enable loading other catalog versions dynamically
new MavenVersionManager(repositorySystem, repositorySystemSession, session.getSettings()));
// use custom class loading
// enable caching
String detectedVersion = findCamelVersion(project);
if (detectedVersion != null) {
getLog().info("Detected Camel version used in project: " + detectedVersion);
if (catalog.getLoadedVersion() != null) {
getLog().info("Validating using downloaded Camel version: " + catalog.getLoadedVersion());
} else {
getLog().info("Validating using Camel version: " + catalog.getCatalogVersion());
private void downloadCamelCatalogVersion(CamelCatalog catalog) {
if (downloadVersion) {
String catalogVersion = catalog.getCatalogVersion();
String version = findCamelVersion(project);
if (version != null && !version.equals(catalogVersion)) {
// the project uses a different Camel version so attempt to load it
getLog().info("Downloading Camel version: " + version);
boolean loaded = catalog.loadVersion(version);
if (!loaded) {
getLog().warn("Error downloading Camel version: " + version);
* Download extra sources only if artifact sources are defined and the current project is not a parent project
private void downloadExtraSources() throws MojoExecutionException {
if (!"pom".equals(project.getPackaging()) && sourcesArtifacts != null && sourcesArtifacts.length > 0) {
// setup MavenDownloader, it will be used to download and locate artifacts declared via sourcesArtifacts
List artifacts = Arrays.asList(sourcesArtifacts);
.forEach(artifact -> {
if (!artifact.contains(":sources:")) {
getLog().warn("The artifact " + artifact
+ " does not contain sources classifier, and may be excluded in future releases");
try (MavenDownloaderImpl downloader
= new MavenDownloaderImpl(repositorySystem, repositorySystemSession, session.getSettings())) {
downloadArtifacts(downloader, artifacts);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(e);
} catch (MavenResolutionException e) {
// missing artifact, log and proceed
private void downloadArtifacts(MavenDownloaderImpl downloader, List artifacts)
throws MavenResolutionException, IOException {
Set repositorySet =
List artifactList = new ArrayList<>(artifacts);
// Remove already downloaded Artifacts
if (!artifactList.isEmpty()) {
doDownloadArtifacts(artifactList, downloader, repositorySet);
private void doDownloadArtifacts(List artifactList, MavenDownloaderImpl downloader, Set repositorySet)
throws MavenResolutionException, IOException {
getLog().info("Downloading the following artifacts: " + artifactList);
List mavenSourcesArtifacts
= downloader.resolveArtifacts(artifactList, repositorySet, downloadTransitiveArtifacts, false);
// Create folder into the target folder that will be used to unzip
// the downloaded artifacts
Path extraSourcesPath = Paths.get(projectBuildDir, "camel-validate-sources");
if (!Files.exists(extraSourcesPath)) {
// Unzip all the downloaded artifacts and add javas and xmls files into the cache
unzipIntoCache(mavenSourcesArtifacts, extraSourcesPath);
private void unzipIntoCache(List mavenSourcesArtifacts, Path extraSourcesPath) throws IOException {
for (MavenArtifact artifact : mavenSourcesArtifacts) {
final String gav = toGav(artifact);
// Avoid downloading the same dependency multiple times
Path target = extraSourcesPath.resolve(artifact.getGav().getArtifactId());
getLog().info("Unzipping the artifact: " + artifact + " to " + target);
if (Files.exists(target)) {
unzipArtifact(artifact, target);
FileUtil.findJavaFiles(target.toFile(), javaFiles);
FileUtil.findXmlFiles(target.toFile(), xmlFiles);
private static String toGav(MavenArtifact artifact) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final String gav = sb.toString();
return gav;
private static void unzipArtifact(MavenArtifact artifact, Path target) throws IOException {
try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(artifact.getFile().toPath().toFile())) {
Enumeration extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
target = target.normalize();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
Path dest = target.resolve(entry.getName()).normalize();
if (dest.startsWith(target)) {
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
} else {
try (InputStream in = zipFile.getInputStream(entry)) {
Files.copy(in, dest);
protected void doExecuteConfigurationFiles(CamelCatalog catalog) throws MojoExecutionException {
Set propertiesFiles = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (Resource dir : project.getResources()) {
findPropertiesFiles(new File(dir.getDirectory()), propertiesFiles);
if (includeTest) {
for (Resource dir : project.getTestResources()) {
findPropertiesFiles(new File(dir.getDirectory()), propertiesFiles);
List results = new ArrayList<>();
for (File file : propertiesFiles) {
parseProperties(catalog, file, results);
private void validateResults(List results) throws MojoExecutionException {
ValidationComputedResult validationComputedResult = new ValidationComputedResult();
for (ConfigurationPropertiesValidationResult result : results) {
int deprecated = countDeprecated(result.getDeprecated());
boolean validationPassed = checkValidationPassed(validationComputedResult, result, deprecated);
handleValidationResult(validationComputedResult, result, validationPassed);
String configurationSummary;
if (validationComputedResult.getConfigurationErrors() == 0) {
int ok = results.size() - validationComputedResult.getConfigurationErrors()
- validationComputedResult.getIncapableErrors() -
configurationSummary = String.format(
"Configuration validation success: (%s = passed, %s = invalid, %s = incapable, %s = unknown components, %s = deprecated options)",
ok, validationComputedResult.getConfigurationErrors(), validationComputedResult.getIncapableErrors(),
} else {
int ok = results.size() - validationComputedResult.getConfigurationErrors()
- validationComputedResult.getIncapableErrors() -
configurationSummary = String.format(
"Configuration validation error: (%s = passed, %s = invalid, %s = incapable, %s = unknown components, %s = deprecated options)",
ok, validationComputedResult.getConfigurationErrors(), validationComputedResult.getIncapableErrors(),
logErrorSummary(validationComputedResult.getConfigurationErrors(), configurationSummary);
if (failOnError && (validationComputedResult.getConfigurationErrors() > 0)) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(configurationSummary + "\n");
private String buildValidationFailedSummary(ConfigurationPropertiesValidationResult result) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Configuration validation error at: ");
if (result.getLineNumber() > 0) {
String out = result.summaryErrorMessage(false, ignoreDeprecated, true);
final String validationFailed = sb.toString();
return validationFailed;
private static String buildValidationPassedSummary(ConfigurationPropertiesValidationResult result) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Configuration validation passed at: ");
if (result.getLineNumber() > 0) {
final String validationPassed = sb.toString();
return validationPassed;
private void parseProperties(CamelCatalog catalog, File file, List results) {
if (matchPropertiesFile(file)) {
try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file)) {
Properties prop = new OrderedProperties();
// validate each line
for (String name : prop.stringPropertyNames()) {
validateLine(catalog, file, results, name, prop);
} catch (Exception e) {
getLog().warn("Error parsing file " + file + " code due " + e.getMessage(), e);
private void validateLine(
CamelCatalog catalog, File file, List results, String name,
Properties prop) {
String value = prop.getProperty(name);
if (value == null) {
final String text = name + "=" + value;
ConfigurationPropertiesValidationResult result = catalog.validateConfigurationProperty(text);
// only include lines that camel can accept (as there may be non camel properties too)
if (result.isAccepted()) {
// try to find line number
int lineNumber = findLineNumberInPropertiesFile(file, name);
if (lineNumber != -1) {
private int findLineNumberInPropertiesFile(File file, String name) {
name = name.trim();
// try to find the line number
try (LineNumberReader r = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(file))) {
String line = r.readLine();
while (line != null) {
int pos = line.indexOf('=');
if (pos > 0) {
line = line.substring(0, pos);
line = line.trim();
if (line.equals(name)) {
return r.getLineNumber();
line = r.readLine();
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
return -1;
protected void doExecuteRoutes(CamelCatalog catalog) throws MojoExecutionException {
List endpoints = new ArrayList<>();
List simpleExpressions = new ArrayList<>();
List routeIds = new ArrayList<>();
// find all java route builder classes
findJavaRouteBuilderClasses(javaFiles, includeJava, includeTest, project);
// find all xml routes
findXmlRouters(xmlFiles, includeXml, includeTest, project);
for (File file : javaFiles) {
if (matchFile(file)) {
parseJavaRouteFile(endpoints, simpleExpressions, routeIds, file);
for (File file : xmlFiles) {
if (matchFile(file)) {
parseXmlRouteFile(endpoints, simpleExpressions, routeIds, file);
// endpoint uris
validateResults(catalog, endpoints, simpleExpressions, routeIds);
private void validateResults(
CamelCatalog catalog, List endpoints, List simpleExpressions,
List routeIds)
throws MojoExecutionException {
ValidationComputedResult validationComputedResult = new ValidationComputedResult();
for (CamelEndpointDetails detail : endpoints) {
getLog().debug("Validating endpoint: " + detail.getEndpointUri());
EndpointValidationResult result
= catalog.validateEndpointProperties(detail.getEndpointUri(), ignoreLenientProperties);
int deprecatedCount = countDeprecated(result.getDeprecated());
boolean validationPassed = checkValidationPassed(validationComputedResult, result, deprecatedCount);
handleValidationResult(validationComputedResult, detail, result, validationPassed);
String endpointSummary
= buildEndpointSummaryMessage(endpoints, validationComputedResult.getEndpointErrors(),
validationComputedResult.getUnknownComponents(), validationComputedResult.getIncapableErrors(),
logErrorSummary(validationComputedResult.getEndpointErrors(), endpointSummary);
// simple
int simpleErrors = validateSimple(catalog, simpleExpressions);
String simpleSummary = buildSimpleSummaryMessage(simpleExpressions, simpleErrors);
logErrorSummary(simpleErrors, simpleSummary);
// endpoint pairs
int endpointsWithError = 0;
String logErrorSummary = "";
if (internalContextPairCheck) {
long numberOfEndpoints = (long) countEndpointPairs(endpoints, "direct")
+ (long) countEndpointPairs(endpoints, "seda")
+ (long) countEndpointPairs(endpoints, "disruptor")
+ (long) countEndpointPairs(endpoints, "disruptor-vm");
endpointsWithError += validateEndpointPairs(endpoints, "direct")
+ validateEndpointPairs(endpoints, "seda")
+ validateEndpointPairs(endpoints, "disruptor")
+ validateEndpointPairs(endpoints, "disruptor-vm");
logErrorSummary = getSedaDirectSummary(endpointsWithError, numberOfEndpoints);
logErrorSummary(endpointsWithError, logErrorSummary);
// route id
int duplicateRouteIdErrors = validateDuplicateRouteId(routeIds);
String routeIdSummary = "";
if (duplicateRouteId) {
routeIdSummary = handleDuplicateRouteId(duplicateRouteIdErrors, routeIds);
if (failOnError && hasErrors(validationComputedResult.getEndpointErrors(), simpleErrors, duplicateRouteIdErrors)
|| endpointsWithError > 0) {
throw new MojoExecutionException(
endpointSummary + "\n" + simpleSummary + "\n" + routeIdSummary + "\n" + logErrorSummary);
private void handleValidationResult(
ValidationComputedResult validationComputedResult, CamelEndpointDetails detail, EndpointValidationResult result,
boolean validationPassed) {
if (!validationPassed) {
if (result.getUnknownComponent() != null) {
} else if (result.getIncapable() != null) {
} else {
String msg = buildValidationErrorMessage(detail, result);
} else if (showAll) {
String msg = buildValidationPassedMessage(detail, result);
private void handleValidationResult(
ValidationComputedResult validationComputedResult, ConfigurationPropertiesValidationResult result,
boolean validationPassed) {
if (!validationPassed) {
if (result.getUnknownComponent() != null) {
} else if (result.getIncapable() != null) {
} else {
final String validationFailed = buildValidationFailedSummary(result);
} else if (showAll) {
final String validationPassedSummary = buildValidationPassedSummary(result);
private boolean checkValidationPassed(
ValidationComputedResult validationComputedResult, EndpointValidationResult result, int deprecatedCount) {
boolean validationPassed = checkValidationPassed(result.isSuccess(), result.hasWarnings(), result.getUnknownComponent(),
validationComputedResult, result.getIncapable(), deprecatedCount);
return validationPassed;
private boolean checkValidationPassed(
ValidationComputedResult validationComputedResult, ConfigurationPropertiesValidationResult result,
int deprecatedCount) {
boolean validationPassed = checkValidationPassed(result.isSuccess(), result.hasWarnings(), result.getUnknownComponent(),
validationComputedResult, result.getIncapable(), deprecatedCount);
return validationPassed;
private boolean checkValidationPassed(
boolean success, boolean hasWarning, String unknownComponent, ValidationComputedResult validationComputedResult,
String incapable, int deprecatedCount) {
boolean validationPassed = success && !hasWarning;
if (!validationPassed && ignoreUnknownComponent && unknownComponent != null) {
// if we failed due unknown component, then be okay if we should ignore that
validationPassed = true;
if (!validationPassed && ignoreIncapable && incapable != null) {
// if we failed due incapable then be okay if we should ignore that
validationPassed = true;
if (validationPassed && !ignoreDeprecated && deprecatedCount > 0) {
validationPassed = false;
return validationPassed;
private static String getSedaDirectSummary(int endpointErrors, long totalPairs) {
String summary;
if (endpointErrors == 0) {
summary = String.format("Endpoint pair (seda/direct/disruptor/disruptor-vm) validation success: (%s = pairs)",
} else {
summary = String.format(
"Endpoint pair (seda/direct/disruptor/disruptor-vm) validation error: (%s = pairs, %s = non-pairs)",
totalPairs, endpointErrors);
return summary;
private static int countDeprecated(Set result) {
return result != null ? result.size() : 0;
private void logErrorSummary(int errors, String summary) {
if (errors > 0) {
} else {
private static boolean hasErrors(int endpointErrors, int simpleErrors, int duplicateRouteIdErrors) {
return endpointErrors > 0 || simpleErrors > 0 || duplicateRouteIdErrors > 0;
private String handleDuplicateRouteId(int duplicateRouteIdErrors, List routeIds) {
String routeIdSummary;
if (duplicateRouteIdErrors == 0) {
routeIdSummary = String.format("Duplicate route id validation success: (%s = ids)", routeIds.size());
} else {
routeIdSummary = String.format("Duplicate route id validation error: (%s = ids, %s = duplicates)",
routeIds.size(), duplicateRouteIdErrors);
logErrorSummary(duplicateRouteIdErrors, routeIdSummary);
return routeIdSummary;
private String buildSimpleSummaryMessage(List simpleExpressions, int simpleErrors) {
String simpleSummary;
if (simpleErrors == 0) {
int ok = simpleExpressions.size() - simpleErrors;
simpleSummary = String.format("Simple validation success: (%s = passed, %s = invalid)", ok, simpleErrors);
} else {
int ok = simpleExpressions.size() - simpleErrors;
simpleSummary = String.format("Simple validation error: (%s = passed, %s = invalid)", ok, simpleErrors);
return simpleSummary;
private String buildEndpointSummaryMessage(
List endpoints, int endpointErrors, int unknownComponents, int incapableErrors,
int deprecatedOptions) {
String endpointSummary;
if (endpointErrors == 0) {
int ok = endpoints.size() - endpointErrors - incapableErrors - unknownComponents;
endpointSummary = String.format(
"Endpoint validation success: (%s = passed, %s = invalid, %s = incapable, %s = unknown components, %s = deprecated options)",
ok, endpointErrors, incapableErrors, unknownComponents, deprecatedOptions);
} else {
int ok = endpoints.size() - endpointErrors - incapableErrors - unknownComponents;
endpointSummary = String.format(
"Endpoint validation error: (%s = passed, %s = invalid, %s = incapable, %s = unknown components, %s = deprecated options)",
ok, endpointErrors, incapableErrors, unknownComponents, deprecatedOptions);
return endpointSummary;
private String buildValidationPassedMessage(CamelEndpointDetails detail, EndpointValidationResult result) {
StringBuilder sb = buildValidationSuccessMessage("Endpoint validation passed at: ", detail.getClassName(),
detail.getLineNumber(), detail.getMethodName(), detail.getFileName(), result.getUri());
return sb.toString();
private String buildValidationErrorMessage(CamelEndpointDetails detail, EndpointValidationResult result) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Endpoint validation error at: ");
buildErrorMessage(sb, detail.getClassName(), detail.getLineNumber(), detail.getMethodName(), detail.getFileName());
String out = result.summaryErrorMessage(false, ignoreDeprecated, true);
return sb.toString();
private void parseXmlRouteFile(
List endpoints, List simpleExpressions,
List routeIds, File file) {
try {
List fileEndpoints = new ArrayList<>();
List fileSimpleExpressions = new ArrayList<>();
List fileRouteIds = new ArrayList<>();
// parse the XML source code and find Camel routes
String fqn = file.getPath();
String baseDir = ".";
try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file)) {
XmlRouteParser.parseXmlRouteEndpoints(is, baseDir, fqn, fileEndpoints);
// need a new stream
try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file)) {
XmlRouteParser.parseXmlRouteSimpleExpressions(is, baseDir, fqn, fileSimpleExpressions);
if (duplicateRouteId) {
// need a new stream
try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file)) {
XmlRouteParser.parseXmlRouteRouteIds(is, baseDir, fqn, fileRouteIds);
// add what we found in this file to the total list
} catch (Exception e) {
getLog().warn("Error parsing xml file " + file + " code due " + e.getMessage(), e);
private void parseJavaRouteFile(
List endpoints, List simpleExpressions,
List routeIds, File file) {
try {
List fileEndpoints = new ArrayList<>();
List fileRouteIds = new ArrayList<>();
List fileSimpleExpressions = new ArrayList<>();
List unparsable = new ArrayList<>();
// parse the java source code and find Camel RouteBuilder classes
String fqn = file.getPath();
String baseDir = ".";
JavaType> out = Roaster.parse(file);
// we should only parse java classes (not interfaces and enums etc)
if (out instanceof JavaClassSource clazz) {
RouteBuilderParser.parseRouteBuilderEndpoints(clazz, baseDir, fqn, fileEndpoints, unparsable, includeTest);
RouteBuilderParser.parseRouteBuilderSimpleExpressions(clazz, baseDir, fqn, fileSimpleExpressions);
if (duplicateRouteId) {
RouteBuilderParser.parseRouteBuilderRouteIds(clazz, baseDir, fqn, fileRouteIds);
// add what we found in this file to the total list
// was there any unparsable?
if (logUnparseable && !unparsable.isEmpty()) {
for (String uri : unparsable) {
getLog().warn("Cannot parse endpoint uri " + uri + " in java file " + file);
} catch (Exception e) {
getLog().warn("Error parsing java file " + file + " code due " + e.getMessage(), e);
private int countEndpointPairs(List endpoints, String scheme) {
int pairs = 0;
Set consumers =
.filter(e -> e.isConsumerOnly() && e.getEndpointUri().startsWith(scheme + ":")).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Set producers =
.filter(e -> e.isProducerOnly() && e.getEndpointUri().startsWith(scheme + ":")).collect(Collectors.toSet());
// find all pairs, eg producers that has a consumer (no need to check for opposite)
for (CamelEndpointDetails p : producers) {
boolean any = -> matchEndpointPath(p.getEndpointUri(), c.getEndpointUri()));
if (any) {
return pairs;
private int validateEndpointPairs(List endpoints, String scheme) {
int errors = 0;
Set consumers =
.filter(e -> e.isConsumerOnly() && e.getEndpointUri().startsWith(scheme + ":")).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Set producers =
.filter(e -> e.isProducerOnly() && e.getEndpointUri().startsWith(scheme + ":")).collect(Collectors.toSet());
// are there any producers that do not have a consumer pair
for (CamelEndpointDetails detail : producers) {
boolean none = -> matchEndpointPath(detail.getEndpointUri(), c.getEndpointUri()));
if (none) {
final String msg = buildEndpointValidationErrorMessage(detail);
} else if (showAll) {
StringBuilder sb = buildValidationSuccessMessage("Endpoint pair (seda/direct) validation passed at: ",
detail.getClassName(), detail.getLineNumber(), detail.getMethodName(), detail.getFileName(),
final String msg = sb.toString();
// NOTE: are there any consumers that do not have a producer pair
// You can have a consumer which you send to from outside a Camel route such as via ProducerTemplate
return errors;
private StringBuilder buildValidationSuccessMessage(
String str, String className, String lineNumber, String methodName, String fileName, String uri) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
buildErrorMessage(sb, className, lineNumber, methodName, fileName);
return sb;
private String buildEndpointValidationErrorMessage(CamelEndpointDetails detail) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Endpoint pair (seda/direct) validation error at: ");
buildErrorMessage(sb, detail.getClassName(), detail.getLineNumber(), detail.getMethodName(), detail.getFileName());
return sb.toString();
private void buildErrorMessage(StringBuilder sb, String className, String lineNumber, String methodName, String fileName) {
if (className != null && lineNumber != null) {
// this is from java code
if (methodName != null) {
} else if (lineNumber != null) {
// this is from xml
String fqn = stripRootPath(asRelativeFile(fileName, project), project);
if (fqn.endsWith(".xml")) {
fqn = fqn.substring(0, fqn.length() - 4);
fqn = asPackageName(fqn);
} else {
private static String endpointPathSummaryError(CamelEndpointDetails detail) {
String uri = detail.getEndpointUri();
String p = uri.contains("?") ? StringHelper.before(uri, "?") : uri;
String path = StringHelper.after(p, ":");
return path + "\t" + "Sending to non existing " + detail.getEndpointComponentName() + " queue name";
private static boolean matchEndpointPath(String uri, String uri2) {
String p = uri.contains("?") ? StringHelper.before(uri, "?") : uri;
String p2 = uri2.contains("?") ? StringHelper.before(uri2, "?") : uri2;
p = p.trim();
p2 = p2.trim();
return p.equals(p2);
private int validateSimple(CamelCatalog catalog, List simpleExpressions) {
int simpleErrors = 0;
for (CamelSimpleExpressionDetails detail : simpleExpressions) {
LanguageValidationResult result;
boolean predicate = detail.isPredicate();
if (predicate) {
getLog().debug("Validating simple predicate: " + detail.getSimple());
result = catalog.validateLanguagePredicate(null, "simple", detail.getSimple());
} else {
getLog().debug("Validating simple expression: " + detail.getSimple());
result = catalog.validateLanguageExpression(null, "simple", detail.getSimple());
if (!result.isSuccess()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Simple validation error at: ");
buildErrorMessage(sb, detail.getClassName(), detail.getLineNumber(), detail.getMethodName(),
String[] lines = result.getError().split("\n");
for (String line : lines) {
} else if (showAll) {
StringBuilder sb = buildValidationSuccessMessage("Simple validation passed at: ", detail.getClassName(),
detail.getLineNumber(), detail.getMethodName(), detail.getFileName(), result.getText());
return simpleErrors;
private int validateDuplicateRouteId(List routeIds) {
int duplicateRouteIdErrors = 0;
if (duplicateRouteId) {
// filter out all non uniques
for (CamelRouteDetails detail : routeIds) {
// skip empty route ids
if (detail.getRouteId() == null || "".equals(detail.getRouteId())) {
int count = countRouteId(routeIds, detail.getRouteId());
if (count > 1) {
final String msg = buildRouteIdValidationMessage("Duplicate route id validation error at: ", detail);
} else if (showAll) {
final String msg = buildRouteIdValidationMessage("Duplicate route id validation passed at: ", detail);
return duplicateRouteIdErrors;
private String buildRouteIdValidationMessage(String str, CamelRouteDetails detail) {
StringBuilder sb = buildValidationSuccessMessage(str, detail.getClassName(), detail.getLineNumber(),
detail.getMethodName(), detail.getFileName(), detail.getRouteId());
return sb.toString();
private static int countRouteId(List details, String routeId) {
int answer = 0;
for (CamelRouteDetails detail : details) {
if (routeId.equals(detail.getRouteId())) {
return answer;
private static String findCamelVersion(MavenProject project) {
Dependency candidate = null;
for (Dependency dep : project.getDependencies()) {
if ("org.apache.camel".equals(dep.getGroupId())) {
if ("camel-core".equals(dep.getArtifactId())) {
// favor camel-core
candidate = dep;
} else {
candidate = dep;
if (candidate != null) {
return candidate.getVersion();
return null;
private void findPropertiesFiles(File dir, Set propertiesFiles) {
File[] files = dir.isDirectory() ? dir.listFiles() : null;
if (files != null) {
for (File file : files) {
if (file.getName().endsWith(".properties")) {
} else if (file.isDirectory()) {
findJavaFiles(file, propertiesFiles);
private boolean matchPropertiesFile(File file) {
for (String part : configurationFiles.split(",")) {
part = part.trim();
String fqn = stripRootPath(asRelativeFile(file.getAbsolutePath(), project), project);
boolean match = PatternHelper.matchPattern(fqn, part);
if (match) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean matchFile(File file) {
return matchRouteFile(file, excludes, includes, project);
private static String asPackageName(String name) {
return name.replace(File.separator, ".");
private static String asSimpleClassName(String className) {
int dot = className.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dot > 0) {
return className.substring(dot + 1);
} else {
return className;
private static class ValidationComputedResult {
private int endpointErrors = 0;
private int configurationErrors = 0;
private int unknownComponents = 0;
private int incapableErrors = 0;
private int deprecatedOptions = 0;
public void incrementEndpointErrors() {
public void incrementConfigurationErrors() {
public void incrementUnknownComponents() {
public void incrementIncapableErrors() {
public void incrementDeprecatedOptionsBy(int extra) {
deprecatedOptions += extra;
public int getEndpointErrors() {
return endpointErrors;
public int getConfigurationErrors() {
return configurationErrors;
public int getUnknownComponents() {
return unknownComponents;
public int getIncapableErrors() {
return incapableErrors;
public int getDeprecatedOptions() {
return deprecatedOptions;
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