org.apache.camel.scala.Preamble.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.camel
package scala
import processor.aggregate.AggregationStrategy
import org.apache.camel.builder.ExchangeBuilder.anExchange
import org.apache.camel.scala.Preamble.FnAggregationStrategy.exchangeWrappingAggregator
* Trait containing common implicit conversion definitions.
trait Preamble {
implicit def exchangeWrapper(exchange: Exchange) = new RichExchange(exchange)
implicit def enrichInt(int: Int) = new RichInt(int)
implicit def int2Period(value: Int) = new SimplePeriod(value)
implicit def enrichMessage(msg: Message) = new RichMessage(msg)
implicit def enrichFnAny(f: Exchange => Any) = new ScalaPredicate(f)
implicit def enrichAggr(f: (Exchange, Exchange) => Exchange) = new FnAggregationStrategy(f)
implicit def enrichWrappingAggregator[T <: Any](f: (Exchange, Exchange) => T) = exchangeWrappingAggregator(f)
* process { in(classOf[String]) { _+"11" } .toIn }
* process { in(classOf[Int]) { 11+ } .toOut }
* process(in(classOf[Event]) {
* case event: LoginEvent => doSession(event)
* case event: LogoutEvent => removeSession(event)
* })
def in[T](clazz: Class[T]) = new BodyExtractor[T](_.getIn.getBody(clazz))
* process { out(classOf[String]) { (s: String) => s+"11" } .toIn }
* process { out(classOf[Int]) { _+11 } .toOut }
def out[T](clazz: Class[T]) = new BodyExtractor[T](_.getOut.getBody(clazz))
* filter { in(classOf[Int]) { _ % 2 == 0 } }
* filter { out(classOf[String]) { (s: String) => s.startsWith("aa") } }
implicit def wrapperFilter(w: WrappedProcessor) = w.predicate
trait WrappedProcessor extends Processor {
implicit def enrichFnUnit(f: Exchange => Unit) = new ScalaProcessor(f)
def run(exchange: Exchange): Option[Any]
def toIn: Processor =
(exchange: Exchange) =>
run(exchange) foreach {
case () => throw new RuntimeTransformException("Cannot save Unit result into message")
case v => exchange.in = v
def toOut: Processor =
(exchange: Exchange) =>
run(exchange) foreach {
case () => throw new RuntimeTransformException("Cannot save Unit result into message")
case v => exchange.out = v
def predicate: Predicate =
(exchange: Exchange) =>
run(exchange) map {
case () => throw new RuntimeTransformException("Unit result cannot be used in Predicate")
case v => v
} getOrElse false
override def process(exchange: Exchange) {
run(exchange) foreach {
case () =>
case v => exchange.in = v
class BodyExtractor[T](val get: (Exchange) => T) {
def by(f: (T) => Any): WrappedProcessor = new FnProcessor(f)
* process { in(classOf[Event]) collect { case event: LoginEvent => doSession(event) } }
* filter { in(classOf[Event]) collect { case event: LoginEvent => event.isAdmin } }
def collect(pf: PartialFunction[T,Any]): WrappedProcessor = new PfProcessor(pf)
def apply(f: (T) => Any): WrappedProcessor = by(f)
* Wrapper for function processor / predicate
class FnProcessor(val f: (T) => Any) extends WrappedProcessor {
override def run(exchange: Exchange): Option[Any] = Some(f(get(exchange)))
* Wrapper for PartialFunction processor / predicate
class PfProcessor(val pf: PartialFunction[T,Any]) extends WrappedProcessor {
override def run(exchange: Exchange): Option[Any] = PartialFunction.condOpt(get(exchange))(pf)
* Wrapper for (Exchange, Exchange) => Exchange that acts as AggregationStrategy
class FnAggregationStrategy(aggregator: (Exchange, Exchange) => Exchange) extends AggregationStrategy {
override def aggregate(original: Exchange, resource: Exchange): Exchange = aggregator(original, resource)
object FnAggregationStrategy {
def exchangeWrappingAggregator[T <: Any](aggregator: (Exchange, Exchange) => T) = {
val wrappingAggregator =
(oldExch: Exchange, newExch: Exchange) => newExch match {
case null => oldExch
case _ => anExchange(newExch.getContext).withBody(aggregator(oldExch, newExch)).build
new FnAggregationStrategy(wrappingAggregator)
* Object globally exposing [[org.apache.camel.scala.Preamble]] trait. Useful to import explicit conversions
* without extending trait. For example:
* `import org.apache.camel.scala.Preamble._`
object Preamble extends Preamble
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