org.apache.cassandra.db.ReadCommand Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.cassandra.db;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.Operator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.monitoring.ApproximateTime;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.monitoring.MonitorableImpl;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.RTBoundCloser;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.RTBoundValidator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.RTBoundValidator.Stage;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.StoppingTransformation;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.transform.Transformation;
import org.apache.cassandra.dht.AbstractBounds;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.Index;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.IndexNotAvailableException;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.ForwardingVersionedSerializer;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.IVersionedSerializer;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataInputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataOutputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.TableMetrics;
import org.apache.cassandra.net.MessageOut;
import org.apache.cassandra.net.MessagingService;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.IndexMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.UnknownIndexException;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ClientWarn;
import org.apache.cassandra.tracing.Tracing;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ByteBufferUtil;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;
* General interface for storage-engine read commands (common to both range and
* single partition commands).
* This contains all the informations needed to do a local read.
public abstract class ReadCommand extends MonitorableImpl implements ReadQuery
private static final int TEST_ITERATION_DELAY_MILLIS = Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("cassandra.test.read_iteration_delay_ms", "0"));
protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReadCommand.class);
public static final IVersionedSerializer serializer = new Serializer();
// For READ verb: will either dispatch on 'serializer' for 3.0 or 'legacyReadCommandSerializer' for earlier version.
// Can be removed (and replaced by 'serializer') once we drop pre-3.0 backward compatibility.
public static final IVersionedSerializer readSerializer = new ForwardingVersionedSerializer()
protected IVersionedSerializer delegate(int version)
return version < MessagingService.VERSION_30
? legacyReadCommandSerializer : serializer;
// For RANGE_SLICE verb: will either dispatch on 'serializer' for 3.0 or 'legacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer' for earlier version.
// Can be removed (and replaced by 'serializer') once we drop pre-3.0 backward compatibility.
public static final IVersionedSerializer rangeSliceSerializer = new ForwardingVersionedSerializer()
protected IVersionedSerializer delegate(int version)
return version < MessagingService.VERSION_30
? legacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer : serializer;
// For PAGED_RANGE verb: will either dispatch on 'serializer' for 3.0 or 'legacyPagedRangeCommandSerializer' for earlier version.
// Can be removed (and replaced by 'serializer') once we drop pre-3.0 backward compatibility.
public static final IVersionedSerializer pagedRangeSerializer = new ForwardingVersionedSerializer()
protected IVersionedSerializer delegate(int version)
return version < MessagingService.VERSION_30
? legacyPagedRangeCommandSerializer : serializer;
public static final IVersionedSerializer legacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer = new LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer();
public static final IVersionedSerializer legacyPagedRangeCommandSerializer = new LegacyPagedRangeCommandSerializer();
public static final IVersionedSerializer legacyReadCommandSerializer = new LegacyReadCommandSerializer();
private final Kind kind;
private final CFMetaData metadata;
private final int nowInSec;
private final ColumnFilter columnFilter;
private final RowFilter rowFilter;
private final DataLimits limits;
private final boolean isDigestQuery;
// if a digest query, the version for which the digest is expected. Ignored if not a digest.
private int digestVersion;
private final boolean isForThrift;
private final IndexMetadata index;
protected static abstract class SelectionDeserializer
public abstract ReadCommand deserialize(DataInputPlus in,
int version,
boolean isDigest,
int digestVersion,
boolean isForThrift,
CFMetaData metadata,
int nowInSec,
ColumnFilter columnFilter,
RowFilter rowFilter,
DataLimits limits,
IndexMetadata index) throws IOException;
protected enum Kind
SINGLE_PARTITION (SinglePartitionReadCommand.selectionDeserializer),
PARTITION_RANGE (PartitionRangeReadCommand.selectionDeserializer);
private final SelectionDeserializer selectionDeserializer;
Kind(SelectionDeserializer selectionDeserializer)
this.selectionDeserializer = selectionDeserializer;
protected ReadCommand(Kind kind,
boolean isDigestQuery,
int digestVersion,
boolean isForThrift,
CFMetaData metadata,
int nowInSec,
ColumnFilter columnFilter,
RowFilter rowFilter,
DataLimits limits,
IndexMetadata index)
this.kind = kind;
this.isDigestQuery = isDigestQuery;
this.digestVersion = digestVersion;
this.isForThrift = isForThrift;
this.metadata = metadata;
this.nowInSec = nowInSec;
this.columnFilter = columnFilter;
this.rowFilter = rowFilter;
this.limits = limits;
this.index = index;
protected abstract void serializeSelection(DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException;
protected abstract long selectionSerializedSize(int version);
public abstract boolean isLimitedToOnePartition();
* Creates a new ReadCommand
instance with new limits.
* @param newLimits the new limits
* @return a new ReadCommand
with the updated limits
public abstract ReadCommand withUpdatedLimit(DataLimits newLimits);
* The metadata for the table queried.
* @return the metadata for the table queried.
public CFMetaData metadata()
return metadata;
* The time in seconds to use as "now" for this query.
* We use the same time as "now" for the whole query to avoid considering different
* values as expired during the query, which would be buggy (would throw of counting amongst other
* things).
* @return the time (in seconds) to use as "now".
public int nowInSec()
return nowInSec;
* The configured timeout for this command.
* @return the configured timeout for this command.
public abstract long getTimeout();
* A filter on which (non-PK) columns must be returned by the query.
* @return which columns must be fetched by this query.
public ColumnFilter columnFilter()
return columnFilter;
* Filters/Resrictions on CQL rows.
* This contains the restrictions that are not directly handled by the
* {@code ClusteringIndexFilter}. More specifically, this includes any non-PK column
* restrictions and can include some PK columns restrictions when those can't be
* satisfied entirely by the clustering index filter (because not all clustering columns
* have been restricted for instance). If there is 2ndary indexes on the table,
* one of this restriction might be handled by a 2ndary index.
* @return the filter holding the expression that rows must satisfy.
public RowFilter rowFilter()
return rowFilter;
* The limits set on this query.
* @return the limits set on this query.
public DataLimits limits()
return limits;
* Whether this query is a digest one or not.
* @return Whether this query is a digest query.
public boolean isDigestQuery()
return isDigestQuery;
* If the query is a digest one, the requested digest version.
* @return the requested digest version if the query is a digest. Otherwise, this can return
* anything.
public int digestVersion()
return digestVersion;
* Sets the digest version, for when digest for that command is requested.
* Note that we allow setting this independently of setting the command as a digest query as
* this allows us to use the command as a carrier of the digest version even if we only call
* setIsDigestQuery on some copy of it.
* @param digestVersion the version for the digest is this command is used for digest query..
* @return this read command.
public ReadCommand setDigestVersion(int digestVersion)
this.digestVersion = digestVersion;
return this;
* Whether this query is for thrift or not.
* @return whether this query is for thrift.
public boolean isForThrift()
return isForThrift;
* Index (metadata) chosen for this query. Can be null.
* @return index (metadata) chosen for this query
public IndexMetadata indexMetadata()
return index;
* The clustering index filter this command to use for the provided key.
* Note that that method should only be called on a key actually queried by this command
* and in practice, this will almost always return the same filter, but for the sake of
* paging, the filter on the first key of a range command might be slightly different.
* @param key a partition key queried by this command.
* @return the {@code ClusteringIndexFilter} to use for the partition of key {@code key}.
public abstract ClusteringIndexFilter clusteringIndexFilter(DecoratedKey key);
* Returns a copy of this command.
* @return a copy of this command.
public abstract ReadCommand copy();
* Returns a copy of this command with isDigestQuery set to true.
public abstract ReadCommand copyAsDigestQuery();
protected abstract UnfilteredPartitionIterator queryStorage(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, ReadExecutionController executionController);
protected abstract int oldestUnrepairedTombstone();
* Whether the underlying {@code ClusteringIndexFilter} is reversed or not.
* @return whether the underlying {@code ClusteringIndexFilter} is reversed or not.
public abstract boolean isReversed();
public ReadResponse createResponse(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator)
// validate that the sequence of RT markers is correct: open is followed by close, deletion times for both
// ends equal, and there are no dangling RT bound in any partition.
iterator = RTBoundValidator.validate(iterator, Stage.PROCESSED, true);
return isDigestQuery()
? ReadResponse.createDigestResponse(iterator, this)
: ReadResponse.createDataResponse(iterator, this);
long indexSerializedSize(int version)
return null != index
? IndexMetadata.serializer.serializedSize(index, version)
: 0;
public Index getIndex(ColumnFamilyStore cfs)
return null != index
? cfs.indexManager.getIndex(index)
: null;
static IndexMetadata findIndex(CFMetaData table, RowFilter rowFilter)
if (table.getIndexes().isEmpty() || rowFilter.isEmpty())
return null;
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Keyspace.openAndGetStore(table);
Index index = cfs.indexManager.getBestIndexFor(rowFilter);
return null != index
? index.getIndexMetadata()
: null;
* If the index manager for the CFS determines that there's an applicable
* 2i that can be used to execute this command, call its (optional)
* validation method to check that nothing in this command's parameters
* violates the implementation specific validation rules.
public void maybeValidateIndex()
Index index = getIndex(Keyspace.openAndGetStore(metadata));
if (null != index)
* Executes this command on the local host.
* @param executionController the execution controller spanning this command
* @return an iterator over the result of executing this command locally.
@SuppressWarnings("resource") // The result iterator is closed upon exceptions (we know it's fine to potentially not close the intermediary
// iterators created inside the try as long as we do close the original resultIterator), or by closing the result.
public UnfilteredPartitionIterator executeLocally(ReadExecutionController executionController)
long startTimeNanos = System.nanoTime();
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Keyspace.openAndGetStore(metadata());
Index index = getIndex(cfs);
Index.Searcher searcher = null;
if (index != null)
if (!cfs.indexManager.isIndexQueryable(index))
throw new IndexNotAvailableException(index);
searcher = index.searcherFor(this);
Tracing.trace("Executing read on {}.{} using index {}", cfs.metadata.ksName, cfs.metadata.cfName, index.getIndexMetadata().name);
UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator = (null == searcher) ? queryStorage(cfs, executionController) : searcher.search(executionController);
iterator = RTBoundValidator.validate(iterator, Stage.MERGED, false);
iterator = withStateTracking(iterator);
iterator = RTBoundValidator.validate(withoutPurgeableTombstones(iterator, cfs), Stage.PURGED, false);
iterator = withMetricsRecording(iterator, cfs.metric, startTimeNanos);
// If we've used a 2ndary index, we know the result already satisfy the primary expression used, so
// no point in checking it again.
RowFilter filter = (null == searcher) ? rowFilter() : index.getPostIndexQueryFilter(rowFilter());
* TODO: We'll currently do filtering by the rowFilter here because it's convenient. However,
* we'll probably want to optimize by pushing it down the layer (like for dropped columns) as it
* would be more efficient (the sooner we discard stuff we know we don't care, the less useless
* processing we do on it).
iterator = filter.filter(iterator, nowInSec());
// apply the limits/row counter; this transformation is stopping and would close the iterator as soon
// as the count is observed; if that happens in the middle of an open RT, its end bound will not be included.
iterator = limits().filter(iterator, nowInSec(), selectsFullPartition());
// because of the above, we need to append an aritifical end bound if the source iterator was stopped short by a counter.
return RTBoundCloser.close(iterator);
catch (RuntimeException | Error e)
throw e;
protected abstract void recordLatency(TableMetrics metric, long latencyNanos);
public PartitionIterator executeInternal(ReadExecutionController controller)
return UnfilteredPartitionIterators.filter(executeLocally(controller), nowInSec());
public ReadExecutionController executionController()
return ReadExecutionController.forCommand(this);
* Wraps the provided iterator so that metrics on what is scanned by the command are recorded.
* This also log warning/trow TombstoneOverwhelmingException if appropriate.
private UnfilteredPartitionIterator withMetricsRecording(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter, final TableMetrics metric, final long startTimeNanos)
class MetricRecording extends Transformation
private final int failureThreshold = DatabaseDescriptor.getTombstoneFailureThreshold();
private final int warningThreshold = DatabaseDescriptor.getTombstoneWarnThreshold();
private final boolean respectTombstoneThresholds = !SchemaConstants.isLocalSystemKeyspace(ReadCommand.this.metadata().ksName);
private final boolean enforceStrictLiveness = metadata.enforceStrictLiveness();
private int liveRows = 0;
private int tombstones = 0;
private DecoratedKey currentKey;
public UnfilteredRowIterator applyToPartition(UnfilteredRowIterator iter)
currentKey = iter.partitionKey();
return Transformation.apply(iter, this);
public Row applyToStatic(Row row)
return applyToRow(row);
* Count the number of live rows returned by the read command and the number of tombstones.
* Tombstones come in two forms on rows :
* - cells that aren't live anymore (either expired through TTL or deleted) : 1 tombstone per cell
* - Rows that aren't live and have no cell (DELETEs performed on the primary key) : 1 tombstone per row
* We avoid counting rows as tombstones if they contain nothing but expired cells.
public Row applyToRow(Row row)
boolean hasTombstones = false;
for (Cell cell : row.cells())
if (!cell.isLive(ReadCommand.this.nowInSec()))
hasTombstones = true; // allows to avoid counting an extra tombstone if the whole row expired
if (row.hasLiveData(ReadCommand.this.nowInSec(), enforceStrictLiveness))
else if (!row.primaryKeyLivenessInfo().isLive(ReadCommand.this.nowInSec())
&& row.hasDeletion(ReadCommand.this.nowInSec())
&& !hasTombstones)
// We're counting primary key deletions only here.
return row;
public RangeTombstoneMarker applyToMarker(RangeTombstoneMarker marker)
return marker;
private void countTombstone(ClusteringPrefix clustering)
if (tombstones > failureThreshold && respectTombstoneThresholds)
String query = ReadCommand.this.toCQLString();
Tracing.trace("Scanned over {} tombstones for query {}; query aborted (see tombstone_failure_threshold)", failureThreshold, query);
throw new TombstoneOverwhelmingException(tombstones, query, ReadCommand.this.metadata(), currentKey, clustering);
public void onClose()
recordLatency(metric, System.nanoTime() - startTimeNanos);
boolean warnTombstones = tombstones > warningThreshold && respectTombstoneThresholds;
if (warnTombstones)
String msg = String.format(
"Read %d live rows and %d tombstone cells for query %1.512s; token %s (see tombstone_warn_threshold)",
liveRows, tombstones, ReadCommand.this.toCQLString(), currentKey.getToken());
Tracing.trace("Read {} live rows and {} tombstone cells{}",
liveRows, tombstones,
(warnTombstones ? " (see tombstone_warn_threshold)" : ""));
return Transformation.apply(iter, new MetricRecording());
protected class CheckForAbort extends StoppingTransformation
long lastChecked = 0;
protected UnfilteredRowIterator applyToPartition(UnfilteredRowIterator partition)
if (maybeAbort())
return null;
return Transformation.apply(partition, this);
protected Row applyToRow(Row row)
return maybeAbort() ? null : row;
private boolean maybeAbort()
* The value returned by ApproximateTime.currentTimeMillis() is updated only every
* {@link ApproximateTime.CHECK_INTERVAL_MS}, by default 10 millis. Since MonitorableImpl
* relies on ApproximateTime, we don't need to check unless the approximate time has elapsed.
if (lastChecked == ApproximateTime.currentTimeMillis())
return false;
lastChecked = ApproximateTime.currentTimeMillis();
if (isAborted())
return true;
return false;
private void maybeDelayForTesting()
if (!metadata.ksName.startsWith("system"))
protected UnfilteredPartitionIterator withStateTracking(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iter)
return Transformation.apply(iter, new CheckForAbort());
* Creates a message for this command.
public abstract MessageOut createMessage(int version);
protected abstract void appendCQLWhereClause(StringBuilder sb);
// Skip purgeable tombstones. We do this because it's safe to do (post-merge of the memtable and sstable at least), it
// can save us some bandwith, and avoid making us throw a TombstoneOverwhelmingException for purgeable tombstones (which
// are to some extend an artefact of compaction lagging behind and hence counting them is somewhat unintuitive).
protected UnfilteredPartitionIterator withoutPurgeableTombstones(UnfilteredPartitionIterator iterator, ColumnFamilyStore cfs)
final boolean isForThrift = iterator.isForThrift();
class WithoutPurgeableTombstones extends PurgeFunction
public WithoutPurgeableTombstones()
protected Predicate getPurgeEvaluator()
return time -> true;
return Transformation.apply(iterator, new WithoutPurgeableTombstones());
* Recreate the CQL string corresponding to this query.
* Note that in general the returned string will not be exactly the original user string, first
* because there isn't always a single syntax for a given query, but also because we don't have
* all the information needed (we know the non-PK columns queried but not the PK ones as internally
* we query them all). So this shouldn't be relied too strongly, but this should be good enough for
* debugging purpose which is what this is for.
public String toCQLString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("SELECT ").append(columnFilter().toCQLString());
sb.append(" FROM ").append(metadata().ksName).append('.').append(metadata().cfName);
if (limits() != DataLimits.NONE)
sb.append(' ').append(limits());
return sb.toString();
// Monitorable interface
public String name()
return toCQLString();
private static class Serializer implements IVersionedSerializer
private static int digestFlag(boolean isDigest)
return isDigest ? 0x01 : 0;
private static boolean isDigest(int flags)
return (flags & 0x01) != 0;
private static int thriftFlag(boolean isForThrift)
return isForThrift ? 0x02 : 0;
private static boolean isForThrift(int flags)
return (flags & 0x02) != 0;
private static int indexFlag(boolean hasIndex)
return hasIndex ? 0x04 : 0;
private static boolean hasIndex(int flags)
return (flags & 0x04) != 0;
public void serialize(ReadCommand command, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
assert version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30;
out.writeByte(digestFlag(command.isDigestQuery()) | thriftFlag(command.isForThrift()) | indexFlag(null != command.index));
if (command.isDigestQuery())
CFMetaData.serializer.serialize(command.metadata(), out, version);
ColumnFilter.serializer.serialize(command.columnFilter(), out, version);
RowFilter.serializer.serialize(command.rowFilter(), out, version);
DataLimits.serializer.serialize(command.limits(), out, version, command.metadata.comparator);
if (null != command.index)
IndexMetadata.serializer.serialize(command.index, out, version);
command.serializeSelection(out, version);
public ReadCommand deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version) throws IOException
assert version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30;
Kind kind = Kind.values()[in.readByte()];
int flags = in.readByte();
boolean isDigest = isDigest(flags);
boolean isForThrift = isForThrift(flags);
boolean hasIndex = hasIndex(flags);
int digestVersion = isDigest ? (int)in.readUnsignedVInt() : 0;
CFMetaData metadata = CFMetaData.serializer.deserialize(in, version);
int nowInSec = in.readInt();
ColumnFilter columnFilter = ColumnFilter.serializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata);
RowFilter rowFilter = RowFilter.serializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata);
DataLimits limits = DataLimits.serializer.deserialize(in, version, metadata.comparator);
IndexMetadata index = hasIndex ? deserializeIndexMetadata(in, version, metadata) : null;
return kind.selectionDeserializer.deserialize(in, version, isDigest, digestVersion, isForThrift, metadata, nowInSec, columnFilter, rowFilter, limits, index);
private IndexMetadata deserializeIndexMetadata(DataInputPlus in, int version, CFMetaData cfm) throws IOException
return IndexMetadata.serializer.deserialize(in, version, cfm);
catch (UnknownIndexException e)
logger.info("Couldn't find a defined index on {}.{} with the id {}. " +
"If an index was just created, this is likely due to the schema not " +
"being fully propagated. Local read will proceed without using the " +
"index. Please wait for schema agreement after index creation.",
cfm.ksName, cfm.cfName, e.indexId);
return null;
public long serializedSize(ReadCommand command, int version)
assert version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30;
return 2 // kind + flags
+ (command.isDigestQuery() ? TypeSizes.sizeofUnsignedVInt(command.digestVersion()) : 0)
+ CFMetaData.serializer.serializedSize(command.metadata(), version)
+ TypeSizes.sizeof(command.nowInSec())
+ ColumnFilter.serializer.serializedSize(command.columnFilter(), version)
+ RowFilter.serializer.serializedSize(command.rowFilter(), version)
+ DataLimits.serializer.serializedSize(command.limits(), version, command.metadata.comparator)
+ command.selectionSerializedSize(version)
+ command.indexSerializedSize(version);
private enum LegacyType
public final byte serializedValue;
LegacyType(byte b)
this.serializedValue = b;
public static LegacyType fromPartitionFilterKind(ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind kind)
return kind == ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind.SLICE
public static LegacyType fromSerializedValue(byte b)
return b == 1 ? GET_BY_NAMES : GET_SLICES;
* Serializer for pre-3.0 RangeSliceCommands.
private static class LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer implements IVersionedSerializer
public void serialize(ReadCommand command, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
PartitionRangeReadCommand rangeCommand = (PartitionRangeReadCommand) command;
assert !rangeCommand.dataRange().isPaging();
// convert pre-3.0 incompatible names filters to slice filters
rangeCommand = maybeConvertNamesToSlice(rangeCommand);
CFMetaData metadata = rangeCommand.metadata();
out.writeLong(rangeCommand.nowInSec() * 1000L); // convert from seconds to millis
// begin DiskAtomFilterSerializer.serialize()
if (rangeCommand.isNamesQuery())
out.writeByte(1); // 0 for slices, 1 for names
ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
LegacyReadCommandSerializer.serializeNamesFilter(rangeCommand, filter, out);
out.writeByte(0); // 0 for slices, 1 for names
// slice filter serialization
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexSliceFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
boolean makeStaticSlice = !rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() && !filter.requestedSlices().selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
LegacyReadCommandSerializer.serializeSlices(out, filter.requestedSlices(), filter.isReversed(), makeStaticSlice, metadata);
// limit
DataLimits limits = rangeCommand.limits();
if (limits.isDistinct())
out.writeInt(LegacyReadCommandSerializer.updateLimitForQuery(rangeCommand.limits().count(), filter.requestedSlices()));
int compositesToGroup;
boolean selectsStatics = !rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() && filter.requestedSlices().selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
if (limits.kind() == DataLimits.Kind.THRIFT_LIMIT)
compositesToGroup = -1;
else if (limits.isDistinct() && !selectsStatics)
compositesToGroup = -2; // for DISTINCT queries (CASSANDRA-8490)
compositesToGroup = metadata.isDense() ? -1 : metadata.clusteringColumns().size();
serializeRowFilter(out, rangeCommand.rowFilter());
AbstractBounds.rowPositionSerializer.serialize(rangeCommand.dataRange().keyRange(), out, version);
// maxResults
// countCQL3Rows
if (rangeCommand.isForThrift() || rangeCommand.limits().perPartitionCount() == 1) // if for Thrift or DISTINCT
// isPaging
public ReadCommand deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version) throws IOException
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
String keyspace = in.readUTF();
String columnFamily = in.readUTF();
CFMetaData metadata = Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(keyspace, columnFamily);
if (metadata == null)
String message = String.format("Got legacy range command for nonexistent table %s.%s.", keyspace, columnFamily);
throw new UnknownColumnFamilyException(message, null);
int nowInSec = (int) (in.readLong() / 1000); // convert from millis to seconds
ClusteringIndexFilter filter;
ColumnFilter selection;
int compositesToGroup = 0;
int perPartitionLimit = -1;
byte readType = in.readByte(); // 0 for slices, 1 for names
if (readType == 1)
Pair selectionAndFilter = LegacyReadCommandSerializer.deserializeNamesSelectionAndFilter(in, metadata);
selection = selectionAndFilter.left;
filter = selectionAndFilter.right;
Pair p = LegacyReadCommandSerializer.deserializeSlicePartitionFilter(in, metadata);
filter = p.left;
perPartitionLimit = in.readInt();
compositesToGroup = in.readInt();
selection = getColumnSelectionForSlice(p.right, compositesToGroup, metadata);
RowFilter rowFilter = deserializeRowFilter(in, metadata);
AbstractBounds keyRange = AbstractBounds.rowPositionSerializer.deserialize(in, metadata.partitioner, version);
int maxResults = in.readInt();
boolean countCQL3Rows = in.readBoolean(); // countCQL3Rows (not needed)
in.readBoolean(); // isPaging (not needed)
boolean selectsStatics = (!selection.fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() || filter.selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING));
// We have 2 types of DISTINCT queries: ones on only the partition key, and ones on the partition key and static columns. For the former,
// we can easily detect the case because compositeToGroup is -2 and that's the only case it can be that. The latter one is slightly less
// direct, but we know that on 2.1/2.2 queries, DISTINCT queries are the only CQL queries that have countCQL3Rows to false so we use
// that fact.
boolean isDistinct = compositesToGroup == -2 || (compositesToGroup != -1 && !countCQL3Rows);
DataLimits limits;
if (isDistinct)
limits = DataLimits.distinctLimits(maxResults);
else if (compositesToGroup == -1)
limits = DataLimits.thriftLimits(maxResults, perPartitionLimit);
else if (metadata.isStaticCompactTable())
limits = DataLimits.legacyCompactStaticCqlLimits(maxResults);
limits = DataLimits.cqlLimits(maxResults);
return PartitionRangeReadCommand.create(true, metadata, nowInSec, selection, rowFilter, limits, new DataRange(keyRange, filter));
static void serializeRowFilter(DataOutputPlus out, RowFilter rowFilter) throws IOException
ArrayList indexExpressions = Lists.newArrayList(rowFilter.iterator());
for (RowFilter.Expression expression : indexExpressions)
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(expression.column().name.bytes, out);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(expression.getIndexValue(), out);
static RowFilter deserializeRowFilter(DataInputPlus in, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
int numRowFilters = in.readInt();
if (numRowFilters == 0)
return RowFilter.NONE;
RowFilter rowFilter = RowFilter.create(numRowFilters);
for (int i = 0; i < numRowFilters; i++)
ByteBuffer columnName = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
ColumnDefinition column = metadata.getColumnDefinition(columnName);
Operator op = Operator.readFrom(in);
ByteBuffer indexValue = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
rowFilter.add(column, op, indexValue);
return rowFilter;
static long serializedRowFilterSize(RowFilter rowFilter)
long size = TypeSizes.sizeof(0); // rowFilterCount
for (RowFilter.Expression expression : rowFilter)
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(expression.column().name.bytes);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(0); // operator int value
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(expression.getIndexValue());
return size;
public long serializedSize(ReadCommand command, int version)
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
assert command.kind == Kind.PARTITION_RANGE;
PartitionRangeReadCommand rangeCommand = (PartitionRangeReadCommand) command;
rangeCommand = maybeConvertNamesToSlice(rangeCommand);
CFMetaData metadata = rangeCommand.metadata();
long size = TypeSizes.sizeof(metadata.ksName);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(metadata.cfName);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof((long) rangeCommand.nowInSec());
size += 1; // single byte flag: 0 for slices, 1 for names
if (rangeCommand.isNamesQuery())
PartitionColumns columns = rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns();
ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
size += LegacyReadCommandSerializer.serializedNamesFilterSize(filter, metadata, columns);
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexSliceFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
boolean makeStaticSlice = !rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() && !filter.requestedSlices().selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
size += LegacyReadCommandSerializer.serializedSlicesSize(filter.requestedSlices(), makeStaticSlice, metadata);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(filter.isReversed());
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(rangeCommand.limits().perPartitionCount());
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(0); // compositesToGroup
if (rangeCommand.rowFilter().equals(RowFilter.NONE))
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(0);
ArrayList indexExpressions = Lists.newArrayList(rangeCommand.rowFilter().iterator());
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(indexExpressions.size());
for (RowFilter.Expression expression : indexExpressions)
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(expression.column().name.bytes);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(expression.operator().ordinal());
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(expression.getIndexValue());
size += AbstractBounds.rowPositionSerializer.serializedSize(rangeCommand.dataRange().keyRange(), version);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(rangeCommand.limits().count());
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(!rangeCommand.isForThrift());
return size + TypeSizes.sizeof(rangeCommand.dataRange().isPaging());
static PartitionRangeReadCommand maybeConvertNamesToSlice(PartitionRangeReadCommand command)
if (!command.dataRange().isNamesQuery())
return command;
CFMetaData metadata = command.metadata();
if (!LegacyReadCommandSerializer.shouldConvertNamesToSlice(metadata, command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns()))
return command;
ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter) command.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter sliceFilter = LegacyReadCommandSerializer.convertNamesFilterToSliceFilter(filter, metadata);
DataRange newRange = new DataRange(command.dataRange().keyRange(), sliceFilter);
return command.withUpdatedDataRange(newRange);
static ColumnFilter getColumnSelectionForSlice(boolean selectsStatics, int compositesToGroup, CFMetaData metadata)
// A value of -2 indicates this is a DISTINCT query that doesn't select static columns, only partition keys.
// In that case, we'll basically be querying the first row of the partition, but we must make sure we include
// all columns so we get at least one cell if there is a live row as it would confuse pre-3.0 nodes otherwise.
if (compositesToGroup == -2)
return ColumnFilter.all(metadata);
// if a slice query from a pre-3.0 node doesn't cover statics, we shouldn't select them at all
PartitionColumns columns = selectsStatics
? metadata.partitionColumns()
: metadata.partitionColumns().withoutStatics();
return ColumnFilter.selectionBuilder().addAll(columns).build();
* Serializer for pre-3.0 PagedRangeCommands.
private static class LegacyPagedRangeCommandSerializer implements IVersionedSerializer
public void serialize(ReadCommand command, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
PartitionRangeReadCommand rangeCommand = (PartitionRangeReadCommand) command;
assert rangeCommand.dataRange().isPaging();
CFMetaData metadata = rangeCommand.metadata();
out.writeLong(rangeCommand.nowInSec() * 1000L); // convert from seconds to millis
AbstractBounds.rowPositionSerializer.serialize(rangeCommand.dataRange().keyRange(), out, version);
// pre-3.0 nodes don't accept names filters for paged range commands
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter;
if (rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter.kind() == ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind.NAMES)
filter = LegacyReadCommandSerializer.convertNamesFilterToSliceFilter((ClusteringIndexNamesFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter, metadata);
filter = (ClusteringIndexSliceFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
// slice filter
boolean makeStaticSlice = !rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() && !filter.requestedSlices().selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
LegacyReadCommandSerializer.serializeSlices(out, filter.requestedSlices(), filter.isReversed(), makeStaticSlice, metadata);
// slice filter's count
DataLimits.Kind kind = rangeCommand.limits().kind();
boolean isDistinct = (kind == DataLimits.Kind.CQL_LIMIT || kind == DataLimits.Kind.CQL_PAGING_LIMIT) && rangeCommand.limits().perPartitionCount() == 1;
if (isDistinct)
out.writeInt(LegacyReadCommandSerializer.updateLimitForQuery(rangeCommand.limits().perPartitionCount(), filter.requestedSlices()));
// compositesToGroup
boolean selectsStatics = !rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() || filter.requestedSlices().selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
int compositesToGroup;
if (kind == DataLimits.Kind.THRIFT_LIMIT)
compositesToGroup = -1;
else if (isDistinct && !selectsStatics)
compositesToGroup = -2; // for DISTINCT queries (CASSANDRA-8490)
compositesToGroup = metadata.isDense() ? -1 : metadata.clusteringColumns().size();
// command-level "start" and "stop" composites. The start is the last-returned cell name if there is one,
// otherwise it's the same as the slice filter's start. The stop appears to always be the same as the
// slice filter's stop.
DataRange.Paging pagingRange = (DataRange.Paging) rangeCommand.dataRange();
Clustering lastReturned = pagingRange.getLastReturned();
ClusteringBound newStart = ClusteringBound.inclusiveStartOf(lastReturned);
Slice lastSlice = filter.requestedSlices().get(filter.requestedSlices().size() - 1);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, newStart, true), out);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(LegacyLayout.encodeClustering(metadata, lastSlice.end().clustering()), out);
LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer.serializeRowFilter(out, rangeCommand.rowFilter());
// command-level limit
// Pre-3.0 we would always request one more row than we actually needed and the command-level "start" would
// be the last-returned cell name, so the response would always include it.
int maxResults = rangeCommand.limits().count() + 1;
// countCQL3Rows
if (rangeCommand.isForThrift() || rangeCommand.limits().perPartitionCount() == 1) // for Thrift or DISTINCT
public ReadCommand deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version) throws IOException
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
String keyspace = in.readUTF();
String columnFamily = in.readUTF();
CFMetaData metadata = Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(keyspace, columnFamily);
if (metadata == null)
String message = String.format("Got legacy paged range command for nonexistent table %s.%s.", keyspace, columnFamily);
throw new UnknownColumnFamilyException(message, null);
int nowInSec = (int) (in.readLong() / 1000); // convert from millis to seconds
AbstractBounds keyRange = AbstractBounds.rowPositionSerializer.deserialize(in, metadata.partitioner, version);
Pair p = LegacyReadCommandSerializer.deserializeSlicePartitionFilter(in, metadata);
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter = p.left;
boolean selectsStatics = p.right;
int perPartitionLimit = in.readInt();
int compositesToGroup = in.readInt();
// command-level Composite "start" and "stop"
LegacyLayout.LegacyBound startBound = LegacyLayout.decodeSliceBound(metadata, ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in), true);
ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in); // the composite "stop", which isn't actually needed
ColumnFilter selection = LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer.getColumnSelectionForSlice(selectsStatics, compositesToGroup, metadata);
RowFilter rowFilter = LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer.deserializeRowFilter(in, metadata);
int maxResults = in.readInt();
boolean countCQL3Rows = in.readBoolean();
// We have 2 types of DISTINCT queries: ones on only the partition key, and ones on the partition key and static columns. For the former,
// we can easily detect the case because compositeToGroup is -2 and that's the only case it can be that. The latter one is slightly less
// direct, but we know that on 2.1/2.2 queries, DISTINCT queries are the only CQL queries that have countCQL3Rows to false so we use
// that fact.
boolean isDistinct = compositesToGroup == -2 || (compositesToGroup != -1 && !countCQL3Rows);
DataLimits limits;
if (isDistinct)
limits = DataLimits.distinctLimits(maxResults);
limits = DataLimits.cqlLimits(maxResults);
limits = limits.forPaging(maxResults);
// The pagedRangeCommand is used in pre-3.0 for both the first page and the following ones. On the first page, the startBound will be
// the start of the overall slice and will not be a proper Clustering. So detect that case and just return a non-paging DataRange, which
// is what 3.0 does.
DataRange dataRange = new DataRange(keyRange, filter);
Slices slices = filter.requestedSlices();
if (!isDistinct && startBound != LegacyLayout.LegacyBound.BOTTOM && !startBound.bound.equals(slices.get(0).start()))
// pre-3.0 nodes normally expect pages to include the last cell from the previous page, but they handle it
// missing without any problems, so we can safely always set "inclusive" to false in the data range
dataRange = dataRange.forPaging(keyRange, metadata.comparator, startBound.getAsClustering(metadata), false);
return PartitionRangeReadCommand.create(true, metadata, nowInSec, selection, rowFilter, limits, dataRange);
public long serializedSize(ReadCommand command, int version)
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
assert command.kind == Kind.PARTITION_RANGE;
PartitionRangeReadCommand rangeCommand = (PartitionRangeReadCommand) command;
CFMetaData metadata = rangeCommand.metadata();
assert rangeCommand.dataRange().isPaging();
long size = TypeSizes.sizeof(metadata.ksName);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(metadata.cfName);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof((long) rangeCommand.nowInSec());
size += AbstractBounds.rowPositionSerializer.serializedSize(rangeCommand.dataRange().keyRange(), version);
// pre-3.0 nodes only accept slice filters for paged range commands
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter;
if (rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter.kind() == ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind.NAMES)
filter = LegacyReadCommandSerializer.convertNamesFilterToSliceFilter((ClusteringIndexNamesFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter, metadata);
filter = (ClusteringIndexSliceFilter) rangeCommand.dataRange().clusteringIndexFilter;
// slice filter
boolean makeStaticSlice = !rangeCommand.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() && !filter.requestedSlices().selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
size += LegacyReadCommandSerializer.serializedSlicesSize(filter.requestedSlices(), makeStaticSlice, metadata);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(filter.isReversed());
// slice filter's count
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(rangeCommand.limits().perPartitionCount());
// compositesToGroup
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(0);
// command-level Composite "start" and "stop"
DataRange.Paging pagingRange = (DataRange.Paging) rangeCommand.dataRange();
Clustering lastReturned = pagingRange.getLastReturned();
Slice lastSlice = filter.requestedSlices().get(filter.requestedSlices().size() - 1);
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(LegacyLayout.encodeClustering(metadata, lastReturned));
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(LegacyLayout.encodeClustering(metadata, lastSlice.end().clustering()));
size += LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer.serializedRowFilterSize(rangeCommand.rowFilter());
// command-level limit
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(rangeCommand.limits().count());
// countCQL3Rows
return size + TypeSizes.sizeof(true);
* Serializer for pre-3.0 ReadCommands.
static class LegacyReadCommandSerializer implements IVersionedSerializer
public void serialize(ReadCommand command, DataOutputPlus out, int version) throws IOException
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
assert command.kind == Kind.SINGLE_PARTITION;
SinglePartitionReadCommand singleReadCommand = (SinglePartitionReadCommand) command;
singleReadCommand = maybeConvertNamesToSlice(singleReadCommand);
CFMetaData metadata = singleReadCommand.metadata();
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(singleReadCommand.partitionKey().getKey(), out);
out.writeLong(singleReadCommand.nowInSec() * 1000L); // convert from seconds to millis
if (singleReadCommand.clusteringIndexFilter().kind() == ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind.SLICE)
serializeSliceCommand(singleReadCommand, out);
serializeNamesCommand(singleReadCommand, out);
public ReadCommand deserialize(DataInputPlus in, int version) throws IOException
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
LegacyType msgType = LegacyType.fromSerializedValue(in.readByte());
boolean isDigest = in.readBoolean();
String keyspaceName = in.readUTF();
ByteBuffer key = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
String cfName = in.readUTF();
long nowInMillis = in.readLong();
int nowInSeconds = (int) (nowInMillis / 1000); // convert from millis to seconds
CFMetaData metadata = Schema.instance.getCFMetaData(keyspaceName, cfName);
DecoratedKey dk = metadata.partitioner.decorateKey(key);
switch (msgType)
return deserializeNamesCommand(in, isDigest, metadata, dk, nowInSeconds, version);
return deserializeSliceCommand(in, isDigest, metadata, dk, nowInSeconds, version);
throw new AssertionError();
public long serializedSize(ReadCommand command, int version)
assert version < MessagingService.VERSION_30;
assert command.kind == Kind.SINGLE_PARTITION;
SinglePartitionReadCommand singleReadCommand = (SinglePartitionReadCommand) command;
singleReadCommand = maybeConvertNamesToSlice(singleReadCommand);
int keySize = singleReadCommand.partitionKey().getKey().remaining();
CFMetaData metadata = singleReadCommand.metadata();
long size = 1; // message type (single byte)
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(command.isDigestQuery());
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(metadata.ksName);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(metadata.cfName);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof((short) keySize) + keySize;
size += TypeSizes.sizeof((long) command.nowInSec());
if (singleReadCommand.clusteringIndexFilter().kind() == ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind.SLICE)
return size + serializedSliceCommandSize(singleReadCommand);
return size + serializedNamesCommandSize(singleReadCommand);
private void serializeNamesCommand(SinglePartitionReadCommand command, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException
serializeNamesFilter(command, (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter)command.clusteringIndexFilter(), out);
private static void serializeNamesFilter(ReadCommand command, ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException
PartitionColumns columns = command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns();
CFMetaData metadata = command.metadata();
SortedSet requestedRows = filter.requestedRows();
if (requestedRows.isEmpty())
// only static columns are requested
for (ColumnDefinition column : columns)
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(column.name.bytes, out);
out.writeInt(requestedRows.size() * columns.size());
for (Clustering clustering : requestedRows)
for (ColumnDefinition column : columns)
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(LegacyLayout.encodeCellName(metadata, clustering, column.name.bytes, null), out);
// countCql3Rows should be true if it's not for Thrift or a DISTINCT query
if (command.isForThrift() || (command.limits().kind() == DataLimits.Kind.CQL_LIMIT && command.limits().perPartitionCount() == 1))
out.writeBoolean(false); // it's compact and not a DISTINCT query
static long serializedNamesFilterSize(ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter, CFMetaData metadata, PartitionColumns fetchedColumns)
SortedSet requestedRows = filter.requestedRows();
long size = 0;
if (requestedRows.isEmpty())
// only static columns are requested
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(fetchedColumns.size());
for (ColumnDefinition column : fetchedColumns)
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(column.name.bytes);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(requestedRows.size() * fetchedColumns.size());
for (Clustering clustering : requestedRows)
for (ColumnDefinition column : fetchedColumns)
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(LegacyLayout.encodeCellName(metadata, clustering, column.name.bytes, null));
return size + TypeSizes.sizeof(true); // countCql3Rows
private SinglePartitionReadCommand deserializeNamesCommand(DataInputPlus in, boolean isDigest, CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey key, int nowInSeconds, int version) throws IOException
Pair selectionAndFilter = deserializeNamesSelectionAndFilter(in, metadata);
return SinglePartitionReadCommand.legacyNamesCommand(isDigest, version, metadata, nowInSeconds, selectionAndFilter.left, key, selectionAndFilter.right);
static Pair deserializeNamesSelectionAndFilter(DataInputPlus in, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
int numCellNames = in.readInt();
// The names filter could include either a) static columns or b) normal columns with the clustering columns
// fully specified. We need to handle those cases differently in 3.0.
NavigableSet clusterings = new TreeSet<>(metadata.comparator);
ColumnFilter.Builder selectionBuilder = ColumnFilter.selectionBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < numCellNames; i++)
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
LegacyLayout.LegacyCellName cellName;
cellName = LegacyLayout.decodeCellName(metadata, buffer);
catch (UnknownColumnException exc)
// TODO this probably needs a new exception class that shares a parent with UnknownColumnFamilyException
throw new UnknownColumnFamilyException(
"Received legacy range read command with names filter for unrecognized column name. " +
"Fill name in filter (hex): " + ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(buffer), metadata.cfId);
// If we're querying for a static column, we may also need to read it
// as if it were a thrift dynamic column (because the column metadata,
// which makes it a static column in 3.0+, may have been added *after*
// some values were written). Note that all cql queries on non-compact
// tables used slice & not name filters prior to 3.0 so this path is
// not taken for non-compact tables. It is theoretically possible to
// get here via thrift, hence the check on metadata.isStaticCompactTable.
// See CASSANDRA-11087.
if (metadata.isStaticCompactTable() && cellName.clustering.equals(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING))
// for compact storage tables without clustering keys, the column holding the selected value is named
// 'value' internally we add it to the selection here to prevent errors due to unexpected column names
// when serializing the initial local data response
if (metadata.isStaticCompactTable() && clusterings.isEmpty())
in.readBoolean(); // countCql3Rows
// clusterings cannot include STATIC_CLUSTERING, so if the names filter is for static columns, clusterings
// will be empty. However, by requesting the static columns in our ColumnFilter, this will still work.
ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = new ClusteringIndexNamesFilter(clusterings, false);
return Pair.create(selectionBuilder.build(), filter);
private long serializedNamesCommandSize(SinglePartitionReadCommand command)
ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter)command.clusteringIndexFilter();
PartitionColumns columns = command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns();
return serializedNamesFilterSize(filter, command.metadata(), columns);
private void serializeSliceCommand(SinglePartitionReadCommand command, DataOutputPlus out) throws IOException
CFMetaData metadata = command.metadata();
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexSliceFilter)command.clusteringIndexFilter();
Slices slices = filter.requestedSlices();
boolean makeStaticSlice = !command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() && !slices.selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
serializeSlices(out, slices, filter.isReversed(), makeStaticSlice, metadata);
boolean selectsStatics = !command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() || slices.selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
DataLimits limits = command.limits();
if (limits.isDistinct())
out.writeInt(1); // the limit is always 1 for DISTINCT queries
out.writeInt(updateLimitForQuery(command.limits().count(), filter.requestedSlices()));
int compositesToGroup;
if (limits.kind() == DataLimits.Kind.THRIFT_LIMIT || metadata.isDense())
compositesToGroup = -1;
else if (limits.isDistinct() && !selectsStatics)
compositesToGroup = -2; // for DISTINCT queries (CASSANDRA-8490)
compositesToGroup = metadata.clusteringColumns().size();
private SinglePartitionReadCommand deserializeSliceCommand(DataInputPlus in, boolean isDigest, CFMetaData metadata, DecoratedKey key, int nowInSeconds, int version) throws IOException
Pair p = deserializeSlicePartitionFilter(in, metadata);
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter = p.left;
boolean selectsStatics = p.right;
int count = in.readInt();
int compositesToGroup = in.readInt();
// if a slice query from a pre-3.0 node doesn't cover statics, we shouldn't select them at all
ColumnFilter columnFilter = LegacyRangeSliceCommandSerializer.getColumnSelectionForSlice(selectsStatics, compositesToGroup, metadata);
// We have 2 types of DISTINCT queries: ones on only the partition key, and ones on the partition key and static columns. For the former,
// we can easily detect the case because compositeToGroup is -2 and that's the only case it can be that. The latter is probablematic
// however as we have no way to distinguish it from a normal select with a limit of 1 (and this, contrarily to the range query case
// were the countCQL3Rows boolean allows us to decide).
// So we consider this case not distinct here. This is ok because even if it is a distinct (with static), the count will be 1 and
// we'll still just query one row (a distinct DataLimits currently behave exactly like a CQL limit with a count of 1). The only
// drawback is that we'll send back the first row entirely while a 2.1/2.2 node would return only the first cell in that same
// situation. This isn't a problem for 2.1/2.2 code however (it would be for a range query, as it would throw off the count for
// reasons similar to CASSANDRA-10762, but it's ok for single partition queries).
// We do _not_ want to do the reverse however and consider a 'SELECT * FROM foo LIMIT 1' as a DISTINCT query as that would make
// us only return the 1st cell rather then 1st row.
DataLimits limits;
if (compositesToGroup == -2)
limits = DataLimits.distinctLimits(count); // See CASSANDRA-8490 for the explanation of this value
else if (compositesToGroup == -1)
limits = DataLimits.thriftLimits(1, count);
limits = DataLimits.cqlLimits(count);
return SinglePartitionReadCommand.legacySliceCommand(isDigest, version, metadata, nowInSeconds, columnFilter, limits, key, filter);
private long serializedSliceCommandSize(SinglePartitionReadCommand command)
CFMetaData metadata = command.metadata();
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexSliceFilter)command.clusteringIndexFilter();
Slices slices = filter.requestedSlices();
boolean makeStaticSlice = !command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns().statics.isEmpty() && !slices.selects(Clustering.STATIC_CLUSTERING);
long size = serializedSlicesSize(slices, makeStaticSlice, metadata);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(command.clusteringIndexFilter().isReversed());
size += TypeSizes.sizeof(command.limits().count());
return size + TypeSizes.sizeof(0); // compositesToGroup
static void serializeSlices(DataOutputPlus out, Slices slices, boolean isReversed, boolean makeStaticSlice, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
out.writeInt(slices.size() + (makeStaticSlice ? 1 : 0));
// In 3.0 we always store the slices in normal comparator order. Pre-3.0 nodes expect the slices to
// be in reversed order if the query is reversed, so we handle that here.
if (isReversed)
for (int i = slices.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
serializeSlice(out, slices.get(i), true, metadata);
if (makeStaticSlice)
serializeStaticSlice(out, true, metadata);
if (makeStaticSlice)
serializeStaticSlice(out, false, metadata);
for (Slice slice : slices)
serializeSlice(out, slice, false, metadata);
static long serializedSlicesSize(Slices slices, boolean makeStaticSlice, CFMetaData metadata)
long size = TypeSizes.sizeof(slices.size());
for (Slice slice : slices)
ByteBuffer sliceStart = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, slice.start(), true);
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(sliceStart);
ByteBuffer sliceEnd = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, slice.end(), false);
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(sliceEnd);
if (makeStaticSlice)
size += serializedStaticSliceSize(metadata);
return size;
static long serializedStaticSliceSize(CFMetaData metadata)
// unlike serializeStaticSlice(), but we don't care about reversal for size calculations
ByteBuffer sliceStart = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, ClusteringBound.BOTTOM, false);
long size = ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(sliceStart);
size += TypeSizes.sizeof((short) (metadata.comparator.size() * 3 + 2));
size += TypeSizes.sizeof((short) LegacyLayout.STATIC_PREFIX);
for (int i = 0; i < metadata.comparator.size(); i++)
size += ByteBufferUtil.serializedSizeWithShortLength(ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER);
size += 1; // EOC
return size;
private static void serializeSlice(DataOutputPlus out, Slice slice, boolean isReversed, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
ByteBuffer sliceStart = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, isReversed ? slice.end() : slice.start(), !isReversed);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(sliceStart, out);
ByteBuffer sliceEnd = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, isReversed ? slice.start() : slice.end(), isReversed);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(sliceEnd, out);
private static void serializeStaticSlice(DataOutputPlus out, boolean isReversed, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
// if reversed, write an empty bound for the slice start; if reversed, write out an empty bound for the
// slice finish after we've written the static slice start
if (!isReversed)
ByteBuffer sliceStart = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, ClusteringBound.BOTTOM, false);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(sliceStart, out);
// write out the length of the composite
out.writeShort(2 + metadata.comparator.size() * 3); // two bytes + EOC for each component, plus static prefix
for (int i = 0; i < metadata.comparator.size(); i++)
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(ByteBufferUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER, out);
// write the EOC, using an inclusive end if we're on the final component
out.writeByte(i == metadata.comparator.size() - 1 ? 1 : 0);
if (isReversed)
ByteBuffer sliceStart = LegacyLayout.encodeBound(metadata, ClusteringBound.BOTTOM, false);
ByteBufferUtil.writeWithShortLength(sliceStart, out);
// Returns the deserialized filter, and whether static columns are queried (in pre-3.0, both info are determined by the slices,
// but in 3.0 they are separated: whether static columns are queried or not depends on the ColumnFilter).
static Pair deserializeSlicePartitionFilter(DataInputPlus in, CFMetaData metadata) throws IOException
int numSlices = in.readInt();
ByteBuffer[] startBuffers = new ByteBuffer[numSlices];
ByteBuffer[] finishBuffers = new ByteBuffer[numSlices];
for (int i = 0; i < numSlices; i++)
startBuffers[i] = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
finishBuffers[i] = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(in);
boolean reversed = in.readBoolean();
if (reversed)
// pre-3.0, reversed query slices put the greater element at the start of the slice
ByteBuffer[] tmp = finishBuffers;
finishBuffers = startBuffers;
startBuffers = tmp;
boolean selectsStatics = false;
Slices.Builder slicesBuilder = new Slices.Builder(metadata.comparator);
for (int i = 0; i < numSlices; i++)
LegacyLayout.LegacyBound start = LegacyLayout.decodeSliceBound(metadata, startBuffers[i], true);
LegacyLayout.LegacyBound finish = LegacyLayout.decodeSliceBound(metadata, finishBuffers[i], false);
if (start.isStatic)
// If we start at the static block, this means we start at the beginning of the partition in 3.0
// terms (since 3.0 handles static outside of the slice).
start = LegacyLayout.LegacyBound.BOTTOM;
// Then if we include the static, records it
if (start.bound.isInclusive())
selectsStatics = true;
else if (start == LegacyLayout.LegacyBound.BOTTOM)
selectsStatics = true;
// If the end of the slice is the end of the statics, then that mean this slice was just selecting static
// columns. We have already recorded that in selectsStatics, so we can ignore the slice (which doesn't make
// sense for 3.0).
if (finish.isStatic)
assert finish.bound.isInclusive(); // it would make no sense for a pre-3.0 node to have a slice that stops
// before the static columns (since there is nothing before that)
slicesBuilder.add(Slice.make(start.bound, finish.bound));
return Pair.create(new ClusteringIndexSliceFilter(slicesBuilder.build(), reversed), selectsStatics);
private static SinglePartitionReadCommand maybeConvertNamesToSlice(SinglePartitionReadCommand command)
if (command.clusteringIndexFilter().kind() != ClusteringIndexFilter.Kind.NAMES)
return command;
CFMetaData metadata = command.metadata();
if (!shouldConvertNamesToSlice(metadata, command.columnFilter().fetchedColumns()))
return command;
ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter = (ClusteringIndexNamesFilter)command.clusteringIndexFilter();
ClusteringIndexSliceFilter sliceFilter = convertNamesFilterToSliceFilter(filter, metadata);
return command.withUpdatedClusteringIndexFilter(sliceFilter);
* Returns true if a names filter on the given table and column selection should be converted to a slice
* filter for compatibility with pre-3.0 nodes, false otherwise.
static boolean shouldConvertNamesToSlice(CFMetaData metadata, PartitionColumns columns)
// On pre-3.0 nodes, due to CASSANDRA-5762, we always do a slice for CQL3 tables (not dense, composite).
if (!metadata.isDense() && metadata.isCompound())
return true;
// pre-3.0 nodes don't support names filters for reading collections, so if we're requesting any of those,
// we need to convert this to a slice filter
for (ColumnDefinition column : columns)
if (column.type.isMultiCell())
return true;
return false;
* Converts a names filter that is incompatible with pre-3.0 nodes to a slice filter that is compatible.
private static ClusteringIndexSliceFilter convertNamesFilterToSliceFilter(ClusteringIndexNamesFilter filter, CFMetaData metadata)
SortedSet requestedRows = filter.requestedRows();
Slices slices;
if (requestedRows.isEmpty())
slices = Slices.NONE;
else if (requestedRows.size() == 1 && requestedRows.first().size() == 0)
slices = Slices.ALL;
Slices.Builder slicesBuilder = new Slices.Builder(metadata.comparator);
for (Clustering clustering : requestedRows)
slicesBuilder.add(ClusteringBound.inclusiveStartOf(clustering), ClusteringBound.inclusiveEndOf(clustering));
slices = slicesBuilder.build();
return new ClusteringIndexSliceFilter(slices, filter.isReversed());
* Potentially increases the existing query limit to account for the lack of exclusive bounds in pre-3.0 nodes.
* @param limit the existing query limit
* @param slices the requested slices
* @return the updated limit
static int updateLimitForQuery(int limit, Slices slices)
// Pre-3.0 nodes don't support exclusive bounds for slices. Instead, we query one more element if necessary
// and filter it later (in LegacyRemoteDataResponse)
if (!slices.hasLowerBound() && ! slices.hasUpperBound())
return limit;
for (Slice slice : slices)
if (limit == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
return limit;
if (!slice.start().isInclusive())
if (!slice.end().isInclusive())
return limit;