org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.IndexSummaryRedistribution Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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The Apache Cassandra Project develops a highly scalable second-generation distributed database, bringing together Dynamo's fully distributed design and Bigtable's ColumnFamily-based data model.
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package org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionInfo;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionInterruptedException;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.OperationType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionInfo.Unit;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LifecycleTransaction;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableReader;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.StorageMetrics;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Refs;
import static org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Downsampling.BASE_SAMPLING_LEVEL;
public class IndexSummaryRedistribution extends CompactionInfo.Holder
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(IndexSummaryRedistribution.class);
// The target (or ideal) number of index summary entries must differ from the actual number of
// entries by this ratio in order to trigger an upsample or downsample of the summary. Because
// upsampling requires reading the primary index in order to rebuild the summary, the threshold
// for upsampling is is higher.
static final double UPSAMPLE_THRESHOLD = 1.5;
static final double DOWNSAMPLE_THESHOLD = 0.75;
private final List compacting;
private final Map transactions;
private final long memoryPoolBytes;
private final UUID compactionId;
private volatile long remainingSpace;
public IndexSummaryRedistribution(List compacting, Map transactions, long memoryPoolBytes)
this.compacting = compacting;
this.transactions = transactions;
this.memoryPoolBytes = memoryPoolBytes;
this.compactionId = UUID.randomUUID();
public List redistributeSummaries() throws IOException
logger.info("Redistributing index summaries");
List oldFormatSSTables = new ArrayList<>();
List redistribute = new ArrayList<>();
for (LifecycleTransaction txn : transactions.values())
for (SSTableReader sstable : ImmutableList.copyOf(txn.originals()))
// We can't change the sampling level of sstables with the old format, because the serialization format
// doesn't include the sampling level. Leave this one as it is. (See CASSANDRA-8993 for details.)
logger.trace("SSTable {} cannot be re-sampled due to old sstable format", sstable);
if (!sstable.descriptor.version.hasSamplingLevel())
long total = 0;
for (SSTableReader sstable : Iterables.concat(compacting, redistribute))
total += sstable.getIndexSummaryOffHeapSize();
logger.trace("Beginning redistribution of index summaries for {} sstables with memory pool size {} MB; current spaced used is {} MB",
redistribute.size(), memoryPoolBytes / 1024L / 1024L, total / 1024.0 / 1024.0);
final Map readRates = new HashMap<>(redistribute.size());
double totalReadsPerSec = 0.0;
for (SSTableReader sstable : redistribute)
if (isStopRequested())
throw new CompactionInterruptedException(getCompactionInfo());
if (sstable.getReadMeter() != null)
Double readRate = sstable.getReadMeter().fifteenMinuteRate();
totalReadsPerSec += readRate;
readRates.put(sstable, readRate);
logger.trace("Total reads/sec across all sstables in index summary resize process: {}", totalReadsPerSec);
// copy and sort by read rates (ascending)
List sstablesByHotness = new ArrayList<>(redistribute);
Collections.sort(sstablesByHotness, new ReadRateComparator(readRates));
long remainingBytes = memoryPoolBytes;
for (SSTableReader sstable : Iterables.concat(compacting, oldFormatSSTables))
remainingBytes -= sstable.getIndexSummaryOffHeapSize();
logger.trace("Index summaries for compacting SSTables are using {} MB of space",
(memoryPoolBytes - remainingBytes) / 1024.0 / 1024.0);
List newSSTables;
try (Refs refs = Refs.ref(sstablesByHotness))
newSSTables = adjustSamplingLevels(sstablesByHotness, transactions, totalReadsPerSec, remainingBytes);
for (LifecycleTransaction txn : transactions.values())
total = 0;
for (SSTableReader sstable : Iterables.concat(compacting, oldFormatSSTables, newSSTables))
total += sstable.getIndexSummaryOffHeapSize();
logger.trace("Completed resizing of index summaries; current approximate memory used: {}",
return newSSTables;
private List adjustSamplingLevels(List sstables,
Map transactions,
double totalReadsPerSec, long memoryPoolCapacity) throws IOException
List toDownsample = new ArrayList<>(sstables.size() / 4);
List toUpsample = new ArrayList<>(sstables.size() / 4);
List forceResample = new ArrayList<>();
List forceUpsample = new ArrayList<>();
List newSSTables = new ArrayList<>(sstables.size());
// Going from the coldest to the hottest sstables, try to give each sstable an amount of space proportional
// to the number of total reads/sec it handles.
remainingSpace = memoryPoolCapacity;
for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables)
if (isStopRequested())
throw new CompactionInterruptedException(getCompactionInfo());
int minIndexInterval = sstable.metadata.params.minIndexInterval;
int maxIndexInterval = sstable.metadata.params.maxIndexInterval;
double readsPerSec = sstable.getReadMeter() == null ? 0.0 : sstable.getReadMeter().fifteenMinuteRate();
long idealSpace = Math.round(remainingSpace * (readsPerSec / totalReadsPerSec));
// figure out how many entries our idealSpace would buy us, and pick a new sampling level based on that
int currentNumEntries = sstable.getIndexSummarySize();
double avgEntrySize = sstable.getIndexSummaryOffHeapSize() / (double) currentNumEntries;
long targetNumEntries = Math.max(1, Math.round(idealSpace / avgEntrySize));
int currentSamplingLevel = sstable.getIndexSummarySamplingLevel();
int maxSummarySize = sstable.getMaxIndexSummarySize();
// if the min_index_interval changed, calculate what our current sampling level would be under the new min
if (sstable.getMinIndexInterval() != minIndexInterval)
int effectiveSamplingLevel = (int) Math.round(currentSamplingLevel * (minIndexInterval / (double) sstable.getMinIndexInterval()));
maxSummarySize = (int) Math.round(maxSummarySize * (sstable.getMinIndexInterval() / (double) minIndexInterval));
logger.trace("min_index_interval changed from {} to {}, so the current sampling level for {} is effectively now {} (was {})",
sstable.getMinIndexInterval(), minIndexInterval, sstable, effectiveSamplingLevel, currentSamplingLevel);
currentSamplingLevel = effectiveSamplingLevel;
int newSamplingLevel = IndexSummaryBuilder.calculateSamplingLevel(currentSamplingLevel, currentNumEntries, targetNumEntries,
minIndexInterval, maxIndexInterval);
int numEntriesAtNewSamplingLevel = IndexSummaryBuilder.entriesAtSamplingLevel(newSamplingLevel, maxSummarySize);
double effectiveIndexInterval = sstable.getEffectiveIndexInterval();
logger.trace("{} has {} reads/sec; ideal space for index summary: {} ({} entries); considering moving " +
"from level {} ({} entries, {}) " +
"to level {} ({} entries, {})",
sstable.getFilename(), readsPerSec, FBUtilities.prettyPrintMemory(idealSpace), targetNumEntries,
currentSamplingLevel, currentNumEntries, FBUtilities.prettyPrintMemory((long) (currentNumEntries * avgEntrySize)),
newSamplingLevel, numEntriesAtNewSamplingLevel, FBUtilities.prettyPrintMemory((long) (numEntriesAtNewSamplingLevel * avgEntrySize)));
if (effectiveIndexInterval < minIndexInterval)
// The min_index_interval was changed; re-sample to match it.
logger.trace("Forcing resample of {} because the current index interval ({}) is below min_index_interval ({})",
sstable, effectiveIndexInterval, minIndexInterval);
long spaceUsed = (long) Math.ceil(avgEntrySize * numEntriesAtNewSamplingLevel);
forceResample.add(new ResampleEntry(sstable, spaceUsed, newSamplingLevel));
remainingSpace -= spaceUsed;
else if (effectiveIndexInterval > maxIndexInterval)
// The max_index_interval was lowered; force an upsample to the effective minimum sampling level
logger.trace("Forcing upsample of {} because the current index interval ({}) is above max_index_interval ({})",
sstable, effectiveIndexInterval, maxIndexInterval);
newSamplingLevel = Math.max(1, (BASE_SAMPLING_LEVEL * minIndexInterval) / maxIndexInterval);
numEntriesAtNewSamplingLevel = IndexSummaryBuilder.entriesAtSamplingLevel(newSamplingLevel, sstable.getMaxIndexSummarySize());
long spaceUsed = (long) Math.ceil(avgEntrySize * numEntriesAtNewSamplingLevel);
forceUpsample.add(new ResampleEntry(sstable, spaceUsed, newSamplingLevel));
remainingSpace -= avgEntrySize * numEntriesAtNewSamplingLevel;
else if (targetNumEntries >= currentNumEntries * UPSAMPLE_THRESHOLD && newSamplingLevel > currentSamplingLevel)
long spaceUsed = (long) Math.ceil(avgEntrySize * numEntriesAtNewSamplingLevel);
toUpsample.add(new ResampleEntry(sstable, spaceUsed, newSamplingLevel));
remainingSpace -= avgEntrySize * numEntriesAtNewSamplingLevel;
else if (targetNumEntries < currentNumEntries * DOWNSAMPLE_THESHOLD && newSamplingLevel < currentSamplingLevel)
long spaceUsed = (long) Math.ceil(avgEntrySize * numEntriesAtNewSamplingLevel);
toDownsample.add(new ResampleEntry(sstable, spaceUsed, newSamplingLevel));
remainingSpace -= spaceUsed;
// keep the same sampling level
logger.trace("SSTable {} is within thresholds of ideal sampling", sstable);
remainingSpace -= sstable.getIndexSummaryOffHeapSize();
totalReadsPerSec -= readsPerSec;
if (remainingSpace > 0)
Pair, List> result = distributeRemainingSpace(toDownsample, remainingSpace);
toDownsample = result.right;
for (SSTableReader sstable : result.left)
// downsample first, then upsample
for (ResampleEntry entry : toDownsample)
if (isStopRequested())
throw new CompactionInterruptedException(getCompactionInfo());
SSTableReader sstable = entry.sstable;
logger.trace("Re-sampling index summary for {} from {}/{} to {}/{} of the original number of entries",
sstable, sstable.getIndexSummarySamplingLevel(), Downsampling.BASE_SAMPLING_LEVEL,
entry.newSamplingLevel, Downsampling.BASE_SAMPLING_LEVEL);
ColumnFamilyStore cfs = Keyspace.open(sstable.metadata.ksName).getColumnFamilyStore(sstable.metadata.cfId);
long oldSize = sstable.bytesOnDisk();
SSTableReader replacement = sstable.cloneWithNewSummarySamplingLevel(cfs, entry.newSamplingLevel);
long newSize = replacement.bytesOnDisk();
transactions.get(sstable.metadata.cfId).update(replacement, true);
addHooks(cfs, transactions, oldSize, newSize);
return newSSTables;
* Add hooks to correctly update the storage load metrics once the transaction is closed/aborted
@SuppressWarnings("resource") // Transactions are closed in finally outside of this method
private void addHooks(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Map transactions, long oldSize, long newSize)
LifecycleTransaction txn = transactions.get(cfs.metadata.cfId);
txn.runOnCommit(() -> {
// The new size will be added in Transactional.commit() as an updated SSTable, more details: CASSANDRA-13738
txn.runOnAbort(() -> {
// the local disk was modified but book keeping couldn't be commited, apply the delta
long delta = oldSize - newSize; // if new is larger this will be negative, so dec will become a inc
static Pair, List> distributeRemainingSpace(List toDownsample, long remainingSpace)
// sort by the amount of space regained by doing the downsample operation; we want to try to avoid operations
// that will make little difference.
Collections.sort(toDownsample, new Comparator()
public int compare(ResampleEntry o1, ResampleEntry o2)
return Double.compare(o1.sstable.getIndexSummaryOffHeapSize() - o1.newSpaceUsed,
o2.sstable.getIndexSummaryOffHeapSize() - o2.newSpaceUsed);
int noDownsampleCutoff = 0;
List willNotDownsample = new ArrayList<>();
while (remainingSpace > 0 && noDownsampleCutoff < toDownsample.size())
ResampleEntry entry = toDownsample.get(noDownsampleCutoff);
long extraSpaceRequired = entry.sstable.getIndexSummaryOffHeapSize() - entry.newSpaceUsed;
// see if we have enough leftover space to keep the current sampling level
if (extraSpaceRequired <= remainingSpace)
logger.trace("Using leftover space to keep {} at the current sampling level ({})",
entry.sstable, entry.sstable.getIndexSummarySamplingLevel());
remainingSpace -= extraSpaceRequired;
return Pair.create(willNotDownsample, toDownsample.subList(noDownsampleCutoff, toDownsample.size()));
public CompactionInfo getCompactionInfo()
return new CompactionInfo(OperationType.INDEX_SUMMARY, (memoryPoolBytes - remainingSpace), memoryPoolBytes, Unit.BYTES, compactionId);
public boolean isGlobal()
return true;
/** Utility class for sorting sstables by their read rates. */
private static class ReadRateComparator implements Comparator
private final Map readRates;
ReadRateComparator(Map readRates)
this.readRates = readRates;
public int compare(SSTableReader o1, SSTableReader o2)
Double readRate1 = readRates.get(o1);
Double readRate2 = readRates.get(o2);
if (readRate1 == null && readRate2 == null)
return 0;
else if (readRate1 == null)
return -1;
else if (readRate2 == null)
return 1;
return Double.compare(readRate1, readRate2);
private static class ResampleEntry
public final SSTableReader sstable;
public final long newSpaceUsed;
public final int newSamplingLevel;
ResampleEntry(SSTableReader sstable, long newSpaceUsed, int newSamplingLevel)
this.sstable = sstable;
this.newSpaceUsed = newSpaceUsed;
this.newSamplingLevel = newSamplingLevel;
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