org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Cells Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.cassandra.db.rows;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.context.CounterContext;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ValueAccessor;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.ColumnMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.DeletionTime;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.PartitionStatisticsCollector;
* Static methods to work on cells.
public abstract class Cells
private Cells() {}
* Collect statistics ont a given cell.
* @param cell the cell for which to collect stats.
* @param collector the stats collector.
public static void collectStats(Cell> cell, PartitionStatisticsCollector collector)
if (cell.isCounterCell())
* Reconciles/merge two cells.
* Note that this method assumes that the provided cells can meaningfully
* be reconciled together, that is that cell are for the same row and same
* column (and same cell path if the column is complex).
* This method is commutative over it's cells arguments: {@code reconcile(a, b, n) == reconcile(b, a, n)}.
* @param c1 the first cell participating in the reconciliation.
* @param c2 the second cell participating in the reconciliation.
* @return a cell corresponding to the reconciliation of {@code c1} and {@code c2}.
* For non-counter cells, this will always be either {@code c1} or {@code c2}, but for
* counter cells this can be a newly allocated cell.
public static Cell> reconcile(Cell> c1, Cell> c2)
if (c1 == null || c2 == null)
return c2 == null ? c1 : c2;
if (c1.isCounterCell() || c2.isCounterCell())
return resolveCounter(c1, c2);
return resolveRegular(c1, c2);
private static Cell> resolveRegular(Cell> left, Cell> right)
long leftTimestamp = left.timestamp();
long rightTimestamp = right.timestamp();
if (leftTimestamp != rightTimestamp)
return leftTimestamp > rightTimestamp ? left : right;
long leftLocalDeletionTime = left.localDeletionTime();
long rightLocalDeletionTime = right.localDeletionTime();
boolean leftIsExpiringOrTombstone = leftLocalDeletionTime != Cell.NO_DELETION_TIME;
boolean rightIsExpiringOrTombstone = rightLocalDeletionTime != Cell.NO_DELETION_TIME;
if (leftIsExpiringOrTombstone | rightIsExpiringOrTombstone)
// Tombstones always win reconciliation with live cells of the same timstamp
// CASSANDRA-14592: for consistency of reconciliation, regardless of system clock at time of reconciliation
// this requires us to treat expiring cells (which will become tombstones at some future date) the same wrt regular cells
if (leftIsExpiringOrTombstone != rightIsExpiringOrTombstone)
return leftIsExpiringOrTombstone ? left : right;
// for most historical consistency, we still prefer tombstones over expiring cells.
// While this leads to the an inconsistency over which is chosen
// (i.e. before expiry, the pure tombstone; after expiry, whichever is more recent)
// this inconsistency has no user-visible distinction, as at this point they are both logically tombstones
// (the only possible difference is the time at which the cells become purgeable)
boolean leftIsTombstone = !left.isExpiring(); // !isExpiring() == isTombstone(), but does not need to consider localDeletionTime()
boolean rightIsTombstone = !right.isExpiring();
if (leftIsTombstone != rightIsTombstone)
return leftIsTombstone ? left : right;
// ==> (leftIsExpiring && rightIsExpiring) or (leftIsTombstone && rightIsTombstone)
// if both are expiring, we do not want to consult the value bytes if we can avoid it, as like with C-14592
// the value bytes implicitly depend on the system time at reconciliation, as a
// would otherwise always win (unless it had an empty value), until it expired and was translated to a tombstone
if (leftLocalDeletionTime != rightLocalDeletionTime)
return leftLocalDeletionTime > rightLocalDeletionTime ? left : right;
return compareValues(left, right) >= 0 ? left : right;
private static Cell> resolveCounter(Cell> left, Cell> right)
long leftTimestamp = left.timestamp();
long rightTimestamp = right.timestamp();
boolean leftIsTombstone = left.isTombstone();
boolean rightIsTombstone = right.isTombstone();
if (leftIsTombstone | rightIsTombstone)
// No matter what the counter cell's timestamp is, a tombstone always takes precedence. See CASSANDRA-7346.
assert leftIsTombstone != rightIsTombstone;
return leftIsTombstone ? left : right;
ByteBuffer leftValue = left.buffer();
ByteBuffer rightValue = right.buffer();
// Handle empty values. Counters can't truly have empty values, but we can have a counter cell that temporarily
// has one on read if the column for the cell is not queried by the user due to the optimization of #10657. We
// thus need to handle this (see #11726 too).
boolean leftIsEmpty = !leftValue.hasRemaining();
boolean rightIsEmpty = !rightValue.hasRemaining();
if (leftIsEmpty || rightIsEmpty)
if (leftIsEmpty != rightIsEmpty)
return leftIsEmpty ? left : right;
return leftTimestamp > rightTimestamp ? left : right;
ByteBuffer merged = CounterContext.instance().merge(leftValue, rightValue);
long timestamp = Math.max(leftTimestamp, rightTimestamp);
// We save allocating a new cell object if it turns out that one cell was
// a complete superset of the other
if (merged == leftValue && timestamp == leftTimestamp)
return left;
else if (merged == rightValue && timestamp == rightTimestamp)
return right;
else // merge clocks and timestamps.
return new BufferCell(left.column(), timestamp, Cell.NO_TTL, Cell.NO_DELETION_TIME, merged, left.path());
* Adds to the builder a representation of the given existing cell that, when merged/reconciled with the given
* update cell, produces the same result as merging the original with the update.
* For simple cells that is either the original cell (if still live), or nothing (if shadowed).
* @param existing the pre-existing cell, the one that is updated.
* @param update the newly added cell, the update. This can be {@code null} out
* of convenience, in which case this function simply copy {@code existing} to
* {@code writer}.
* @param deletion the deletion time that applies to the cells being considered.
* This deletion time may delete both {@code existing} or {@code update}.
* @param builder the row builder to which the result of the filtering is written.
public static void addNonShadowed(Cell> existing,
Cell> update,
DeletionTime deletion,
Row.Builder builder)
if (deletion.deletes(existing))
Cell> reconciled = reconcile(existing, update);
if (reconciled != update)
* Adds to the builder a representation of the given existing cell that, when merged/reconciled with the given
* update cell, produces the same result as merging the original with the update.
* For simple cells that is either the original cell (if still live), or nothing (if shadowed).
* @param column the complex column the cells are for.
* @param existing the pre-existing cells, the ones that are updated.
* @param update the newly added cells, the update. This can be {@code null} out
* of convenience, in which case this function simply copy the cells from
* {@code existing} to {@code writer}.
* @param deletion the deletion time that applies to the cells being considered.
* This deletion time may delete both {@code existing} or {@code update}.
* @param builder the row builder to which the result of the filtering is written.
public static void addNonShadowedComplex(ColumnMetadata column,
Iterator> existing,
Iterator> update,
DeletionTime deletion,
Row.Builder builder)
Comparator comparator = column.cellPathComparator();
Cell> nextExisting = getNext(existing);
Cell> nextUpdate = getNext(update);
while (nextExisting != null)
int cmp = nextUpdate == null ? -1 : comparator.compare(nextExisting.path(), nextUpdate.path());
if (cmp < 0)
addNonShadowed(nextExisting, null, deletion, builder);
nextExisting = getNext(existing);
else if (cmp == 0)
addNonShadowed(nextExisting, nextUpdate, deletion, builder);
nextExisting = getNext(existing);
nextUpdate = getNext(update);
nextUpdate = getNext(update);
private static Cell> getNext(Iterator> iterator)
return iterator == null || !iterator.hasNext() ? null : iterator.next();
private static int compareValues(Cell left, Cell right)
return ValueAccessor.compare(left.value(), left.accessor(), right.value(), right.accessor());
public static boolean valueEqual(Cell left, Cell right)
return ValueAccessor.equals(left.value(), left.accessor(), right.value(), right.accessor());
public static T composeValue(Cell cell, AbstractType type)
return type.compose(cell.value(), cell.accessor());
public static String valueString(Cell cell, AbstractType> type)
return type.getString(cell.value(), cell.accessor());
public static String valueString(Cell cell)
return valueString(cell, cell.column().type);
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