org.apache.cassandra.index.Index Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.index;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.Operator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.DecoratedKey;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.DeletionTime;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.RangeTombstone;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ReadCommand;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ReadExecutionController;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.RegularAndStaticColumns;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.WriteContext;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.filter.RowFilter;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.LifecycleNewTracker;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.memtable.Memtable;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.PartitionIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.PartitionUpdate;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.partitions.UnfilteredPartitionIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.Row;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.internal.CollatedViewIndexBuilder;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.transactions.IndexTransaction;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Component;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Descriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.ReducingKeyIterator;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.SSTableFlushObserver;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.SSTable;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.format.SSTableReader;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.ColumnMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.IndexMetadata;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.TableMetadata;
* Consisting of a top level Index interface and two sub-interfaces which handle read and write operations,
* Searcher and Indexer respectively, this defines a secondary index implementation.
* Instantiation is done via reflection and implementations must provide a constructor which takes the base
* table's ColumnFamilyStore and the IndexMetadata which defines the Index as arguments. e.g:
* {@code MyCustomIndex( ColumnFamilyStore baseCfs, IndexMetadata indexDef )}
* The main interface defines methods for index management, index selection at both write and query time,
* as well as validation of values that will ultimately be indexed.
* Two sub-interfaces are also defined, which represent single use helpers for short lived tasks at read and write time.
* Indexer: an event listener which receives notifications at particular points during an update of a single partition
* in the base table.
* Searcher: performs queries against the index based on a predicate defined in a RowFilter. An instance
* is expected to be single use, being involved in the execution of a single ReadCommand.
* The main interface includes factory methods for obtaining instances of both of the sub-interfaces;
* The methods defined in the top level interface can be grouped into 3 categories:
* Management Tasks:
* This group of methods is primarily concerned with maintenance of secondary indexes are are mainly called from
* SecondaryIndexManager. It includes methods for registering and un-registering an index, performing maintenance
* tasks such as (re)building an index from SSTable data, flushing, invalidating and so forth, as well as some to
* retrieve general metadata about the index (index name, any internal tables used for persistence etc).
* Several of these maintenance functions have a return type of {@code Callable>}; the expectation for these methods is
* that any work required to be performed by the method be done inside the Callable so that the responsibility for
* scheduling its execution can rest with SecondaryIndexManager. For instance, a task like reloading index metadata
* following potential updates caused by modifications to the base table may be performed in a blocking way. In
* contrast, adding a new index may require it to be built from existing SSTable data, a potentially expensive task
* which should be performed asynchronously.
* Index Selection:
* There are two facets to index selection, write time and read time selection. The former is concerned with
* identifying whether an index should be informed about a particular write operation. The latter is about providing
* means to use the index for search during query execution.
* Validation:
* Values that may be written to an index are checked as part of input validation, prior to an update or insert
* operation being accepted.
* Sub-interfaces:
* Update processing:
* Indexes are subscribed to the stream of events generated by modifications to the base table. Subscription is
* done via first registering the Index with the base table's SecondaryIndexManager. For each partition update, the set
* of registered indexes are then filtered based on the properties of the update using the selection methods on the main
* interface described above. Each of the indexes in the filtered set then provides an event listener to receive
* notifications about the update as it is processed. As such then, a event handler instance is scoped to a single
* partition update; SecondaryIndexManager obtains a new handler for every update it processes (via a call to the
* factory method, indexerFor. That handler will then receive all events for the update, before being
* discarded by the SecondaryIndexManager. Indexer instances are never re-used by SecondaryIndexManager and the
* expectation is that each call to indexerFor should return a unique instance, or at least if instances can
* be recycled, that a given instance is only used to process a single partition update at a time.
* Search:
* Each query (i.e. a single ReadCommand) that uses indexes will use a single instance of Index.Searcher. As with
* processing of updates, an Index must be registered with the primary table's SecondaryIndexManager to be able to
* support queries. During the processing of a ReadCommand, the Expressions in its RowFilter are examined to determine
* whether any of them are supported by a registered Index. supportsExpression is used to filter out Indexes which
* cannot support a given Expression. After filtering, the set of candidate indexes are ranked according to the result
* of getEstimatedResultRows and the most selective (i.e. the one expected to return the smallest number of results) is
* chosen. A Searcher instance is then obtained from the searcherFor method and used to perform the actual Index lookup.
* Finally, Indexes can define a post processing step to be performed on the coordinator, after results (partitions from
* the primary table) have been received from replicas and reconciled. This post processing is defined as a
* {@code java.util.functions.BiFunction}, that is a function which takes as
* arguments a PartitionIterator (containing the reconciled result rows) and a RowFilter (from the ReadCommand being
* executed) and returns another iterator of partitions, possibly having transformed the initial results in some way.
* The post processing function is obtained from the Index's postProcessorFor method; the built-in indexes which ship
* with Cassandra return a no-op function here.
* An optional static method may be provided to validate custom index options (two variants are supported):
* {@code public static Map validateOptions(Map options);}
* The input is the map of index options supplied in the WITH clause of a CREATE INDEX statement.
* {@code public static Map validateOptions(Map options, TableMetadata metadata);}
* In this version, the base table's metadata is also supplied as an argument.
* If both overloaded methods are provided, only the one including the base table's metadata will be invoked.
* The validation method should return a map containing any of the supplied options which are not valid for the
* implementation. If the returned map is not empty, validation is considered failed and an error is raised.
* Alternatively, the implementation may choose to throw an org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException
* if invalid options are encountered.
public interface Index
* Supported loads. An index could be badly initialized and support only reads i.e.
public enum LoadType
public boolean supportsWrites()
return this == ALL || this == WRITE;
public boolean supportsReads()
return this == ALL || this == READ;
* Helpers for building indexes from SSTable data
* Provider of {@code SecondaryIndexBuilder} instances. See {@code getBuildTaskSupport} and
* {@code SecondaryIndexManager.buildIndexesBlocking} for more detail.
interface IndexBuildingSupport
SecondaryIndexBuilder getIndexBuildTask(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Set indexes, Collection sstables, boolean isFullRebuild);
* Default implementation of {@code IndexBuildingSupport} which uses a {@code ReducingKeyIterator} to obtain a
* collated view of the data in the SSTables.
public static class CollatedViewIndexBuildingSupport implements IndexBuildingSupport
@SuppressWarnings({"resource", "RedundantSuppression"})
public SecondaryIndexBuilder getIndexBuildTask(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, Set indexes, Collection sstables, boolean isFullRebuild)
return new CollatedViewIndexBuilder(cfs, indexes, new ReducingKeyIterator(sstables), sstables);
* Singleton instance of {@code CollatedViewIndexBuildingSupport}, which may be used by any {@code Index}
* implementation.
public static final CollatedViewIndexBuildingSupport INDEX_BUILDER_SUPPORT = new CollatedViewIndexBuildingSupport();
* Management functions
* Get an instance of a helper to provide tasks for building the index from a set of SSTable data.
* When processing a number of indexes to be rebuilt, {@code SecondaryIndexManager.buildIndexesBlocking} groups
* those with the same {@code IndexBuildingSupport} instance, allowing multiple indexes to be built with a
* single pass through the data. The singleton instance returned from the default method implementation builds
* indexes using a {@code ReducingKeyIterator} to provide a collated view of the SSTable data.
* @return an instance of the index build task helper. Index implementations which return the same instance
* will be built using a single task.
default IndexBuildingSupport getBuildTaskSupport()
* Same as {@code getBuildTaskSupport} but can be overloaded with a specific 'recover' logic different than the index building one
default IndexBuildingSupport getRecoveryTaskSupport()
return getBuildTaskSupport();
* Returns the type of operations supported by the index in case its building has failed and it's needing recovery.
* @param isInitialBuild {@code true} if the failure is for the initial build task on index creation, {@code false}
* if the failure is for a full rebuild or recovery.
default LoadType getSupportedLoadTypeOnFailure(boolean isInitialBuild)
return isInitialBuild ? LoadType.WRITE : LoadType.ALL;
* Return a task to perform any initialization work when a new index instance is created.
* This may involve costly operations such as (re)building the index, and is performed asynchronously
* by SecondaryIndexManager
* @return a task to perform any necessary initialization work
public Callable> getInitializationTask();
* Returns the IndexMetadata which configures and defines the index instance. This should be the same
* object passed as the argument to setIndexMetadata.
* @return the index's metadata
public IndexMetadata getIndexMetadata();
* Return a task to reload the internal metadata of an index.
* Called when the base table metadata is modified or when the configuration of the Index is updated
* Implementations should return a task which performs any necessary work to be done due to
* updating the configuration(s) such as (re)building etc. This task is performed asynchronously
* by SecondaryIndexManager
* @return task to be executed by the index manager during a reload
public Callable> getMetadataReloadTask(IndexMetadata indexMetadata);
* An index must be registered in order to be able to either subscribe to update events on the base
* table and/or to provide Searcher functionality for reads. The double dispatch involved here, where
* the Index actually performs its own registration by calling back to the supplied IndexRegistry's
* own registerIndex method, is to make the decision as to whether or not to register an index belong
* to the implementation, not the manager.
* @param registry the index registry to register the instance with
public void register(IndexRegistry registry);
* If the index implementation uses a local table to store its index data, this method should return a
* handle to it. If not, an empty {@link Optional} should be returned. This exists to support legacy
* implementations, and should always be empty for indexes not belonging to a {@link SingletonIndexGroup}.
* @return an Optional referencing the Index's backing storage table if it has one, or Optional.empty() if not.
public Optional getBackingTable();
* Return a task which performs a blocking flush of the index's data corresponding to the provided
* base table's Memtable. This may extract any necessary data from the base table's Memtable as part of the flush.
* This version of the method is invoked whenever we flush the base table. If the index stores no in-memory data
* of its own, it is safe to only implement this method.
* @return task to be executed by the index manager to perform the flush.
public default Callable> getBlockingFlushTask(Memtable baseCfs)
return getBlockingFlushTask();
* Return a task which performs a blocking flush of any in-memory index data to persistent storage,
* independent of any flush of the base table.
* Note that this method is only invoked outside of normal flushes: if there is no in-memory storage
* for this index, and it only extracts data on flush from the base table's Memtable, then it is safe to
* perform no work.
* @return task to be executed by the index manager to perform the flush.
public Callable> getBlockingFlushTask();
* Return a task which invalidates the index, indicating it should no longer be considered usable.
* This should include an clean up and releasing of resources required when dropping an index.
* @return task to be executed by the index manager to invalidate the index.
public Callable> getInvalidateTask();
* Return a task to truncate the index with the specified truncation timestamp.
* Called when the base table is truncated.
* @param truncatedAt timestamp of the truncation operation. This will be the same timestamp used
* in the truncation of the base table.
* @return task to be executed by the index manager when the base table is truncated.
public Callable> getTruncateTask(long truncatedAt);
* Return a task to be executed before the node enters NORMAL state and finally joins the ring.
* @param hadBootstrap If the node had bootstrap before joining.
* @return task to be executed by the index manager before joining the ring.
default public Callable> getPreJoinTask(boolean hadBootstrap)
return null;
* Return true if this index can be built or rebuilt when the index manager determines it is necessary. Returning
* false enables the index implementation (or some other component) to control if and when SSTable data is
* incorporated into the index.
* This is called by SecondaryIndexManager in buildIndexBlocking, buildAllIndexesBlocking and rebuildIndexesBlocking
* where a return value of false causes the index to be exluded from the set of those which will process the
* SSTable data.
* @return if the index should be included in the set which processes SSTable data, false otherwise.
boolean shouldBuildBlocking();
* For an index to qualify as SSTable-attached, it must do two things:
* 1.) It must use {@link SSTableFlushObserver} to incrementally build indexes as SSTables are written. This ensures
* that non-entire file streaming builds them correctly before the streaming transaction finishes.
* 2.) Its implementation of {@link SecondaryIndexBuilder} must support incremental building by SSTable.
* @return true if the index builds SSTable-attached on-disk components
default boolean isSSTableAttached()
return false;
* Get flush observer to observe partition/cell events generated by flushing SSTable (memtable flush or compaction).
* @param descriptor The descriptor of the sstable observer is requested for.
* @param tracker The {@link LifecycleNewTracker} associated with the SSTable being written
* @return SSTable flush observer.
default SSTableFlushObserver getFlushObserver(Descriptor descriptor, LifecycleNewTracker tracker)
return null;
* Index selection
* Called to determine whether this index targets a specific column.
* Used during schema operations such as when dropping or renaming a column, to check if
* the index will be affected by the change. Typically, if an index answers that it does
* depend upon a column, then schema operations on that column are not permitted until the index
* is dropped or altered.
* @param column the column definition to check
* @return true if the index depends on the supplied column being present; false if the column may be
* safely dropped or modified without adversely affecting the index
public boolean dependsOn(ColumnMetadata column);
* Called to determine whether this index can provide a searcher to execute a query on the
* supplied column using the specified operator. This forms part of the query validation done
* before a CQL select statement is executed.
* @param column the target column of a search query predicate
* @param operator the operator of a search query predicate
* @return true if this index is capable of supporting such expressions, false otherwise
public boolean supportsExpression(ColumnMetadata column, Operator operator);
* Returns whether this index does any kind of filtering when the query has multiple contains expressions, assuming
* that each of those expressions are supported as defined by {@link #supportsExpression(ColumnMetadata, Operator)}.
* @return {@code true} if this index uses filtering on multiple contains expressions, {@code false} otherwise
default boolean filtersMultipleContains()
return true;
* If the index supports custom search expressions using the
* {@code}SELECT * FROM table WHERE expr(index_name, expression){@code} syntax, this
* method should return the expected type of the expression argument.
* For example, if the index supports custom expressions as Strings, calls to this
* method should return {@code}UTF8Type.instance{@code}.
* If the index implementation does not support custom expressions, then it should
* return null.
* @return an the type of custom index expressions supported by this index, or an
* null if custom expressions are not supported.
public AbstractType> customExpressionValueType();
* Transform an initial RowFilter into the filter that will still need to applied
* to a set of Rows after the index has performed it's initial scan.
* Used in ReadCommand#executeLocal to reduce the amount of filtering performed on the
* results of the index query.
* @param filter the intial filter belonging to a ReadCommand
* @return the (hopefully) reduced filter that would still need to be applied after
* the index was used to narrow the initial result set
public RowFilter getPostIndexQueryFilter(RowFilter filter);
* Return an estimate of the number of results this index is expected to return for any given
* query that it can be used to answer. Used in conjunction with indexes() and supportsExpression()
* to determine the most selective index for a given ReadCommand. Additionally, this is also used
* by StorageProxy.estimateResultsPerRange to calculate the initial concurrency factor for range requests
* @return the estimated average number of results a Searcher may return for any given query
public long getEstimatedResultRows();
* Check if current index is queryable based on the index status.
* @param status current status of the index
* @return true if index should be queryable, false if index should be non-queryable
default boolean isQueryable(Status status)
return true;
* Input validation
* Called at write time to ensure that values present in the update
* are valid according to the rules of all registered indexes which
* will process it. The partition key as well as the clustering and
* cell values for each row in the update may be checked by index
* implementations
* @param update PartitionUpdate containing the values to be validated by registered Index implementations
public void validate(PartitionUpdate update) throws InvalidRequestException;
* Returns the SSTable-attached {@link Component}s created by this index.
* @return the SSTable components created by this index
default Set getComponents()
return Collections.emptySet();
* Update processing
* Creates an new {@code Indexer} object for updates to a given partition.
* @param key key of the partition being modified
* @param columns the regular and static columns the created indexer will have to deal with.
* This can be empty as an update might only contain partition, range and row deletions, but
* the indexer is guaranteed to not get any cells for a column that is not part of {@code columns}.
* @param nowInSec current time of the update operation
* @param ctx WriteContext spanning the update operation
* @param transactionType indicates what kind of update is being performed on the base data
* i.e. a write time insert/update/delete or the result of compaction
* @param memtable current memtable that the write goes into. It's to make sure memtable and index memtable
* are in sync.
* @return the newly created indexer or {@code null} if the index is not interested by the update
* (this could be because the index doesn't care about that particular partition, doesn't care about
* that type of transaction, ...).
public Indexer indexerFor(DecoratedKey key,
RegularAndStaticColumns columns,
long nowInSec,
WriteContext ctx,
IndexTransaction.Type transactionType,
Memtable memtable);
* Listener for processing events emitted during a single partition update.
* Instances of this are responsible for applying modifications to the index in response to a single update
* operation on a particular partition of the base table.
* That update may be generated by the normal write path, by iterating SSTables during streaming operations or when
* building or rebuilding an index from source. Updates also occur during compaction when multiple versions of a
* source partition from different SSTables are merged.
* Implementations should not make assumptions about resolution or filtering of the partition update being
* processed. That is to say that it is possible for an Indexer instance to receive notification of a
* PartitionDelete or RangeTombstones which shadow a Row it then receives via insertRow/updateRow.
* It is important to note that the only ordering guarantee made for the methods here is that the first call will
* be to begin() and the last call to finish(). The other methods may be called to process update events in any
* order. This can also include duplicate calls, in cases where a memtable partition is under contention from
* several updates. In that scenario, the same set of events may be delivered to the Indexer as memtable update
* which failed due to contention is re-applied.
public interface Indexer
* Notification of the start of a partition update.
* This event always occurs before any other during the update.
default void begin() {}
* Notification of a top level partition delete.
default void partitionDelete(DeletionTime deletionTime) {}
* Notification of a RangeTombstone.
* An update of a single partition may contain multiple RangeTombstones,
* and a notification will be passed for each of them.
default void rangeTombstone(RangeTombstone tombstone) {}
* Notification that a new row was inserted into the Memtable holding the partition.
* This only implies that the inserted row was not already present in the Memtable,
* it *does not* guarantee that the row does not exist in an SSTable, potentially with
* additional column data.
* @param row the Row being inserted into the base table's Memtable.
default void insertRow(Row row) {}
* Notification of a modification to a row in the base table's Memtable.
* This is allow an Index implementation to clean up entries for base data which is
* never flushed to disk (and so will not be purged during compaction).
* It's important to note that the old and new rows supplied here may not represent
* the totality of the data for the Row with this particular Clustering. There may be
* additional column data in SSTables which is not present in either the old or new row,
* so implementations should be aware of that.
* The supplied rows contain only column data which has actually been updated.
* oldRowData contains only the columns which have been removed from the Row's
* representation in the Memtable, while newRowData includes only new columns
* which were not previously present. Any column data which is unchanged by
* the update is not included.
* @param oldRowData data that was present in existing row and which has been removed from
* the base table's Memtable
* @param newRowData data that was not present in the existing row and is being inserted
* into the base table's Memtable
default void updateRow(Row oldRowData, Row newRowData) {}
* Notification that a row was removed from the partition.
* Note that this is only called as part of either a compaction or a cleanup.
* This context is indicated by the TransactionType supplied to the indexerFor method.
* As with updateRow, it cannot be guaranteed that all data belonging to the Clustering
* of the supplied Row has been removed (although in the case of a cleanup, that is the
* ultimate intention).
* There may be data for the same row in other SSTables, so in this case Indexer implementations
* should *not* assume that all traces of the row have been removed. In particular,
* it is not safe to assert that all values associated with the Row's Clustering
* have been deleted, so implementations which index primary key columns should not
* purge those entries from their indexes.
* @param row data being removed from the base table
default void removeRow(Row row) {}
* Notification of the end of the partition update.
* This event always occurs after all others for the particular update.
default void finish() {}
* Querying
* Used to validate the various parameters of a supplied {@code}ReadCommand{@code},
* this is called prior to execution. In theory, any command instance may be checked
* by any {@code}Index{@code} instance, but in practice the index will be the one
* returned by a call to the {@code}getIndex(ColumnFamilyStore cfs){@code} method on
* the supplied command.
* Custom index implementations should perform any validation of query expressions here and throw a meaningful
* InvalidRequestException when any expression or other parameter is invalid.
* @param command a ReadCommand whose parameters are to be verified
* @throws InvalidRequestException if the details of the command fail to meet the
* index's validation rules
default void validate(ReadCommand command) throws InvalidRequestException
* Factory method for query time search helper.
* @param command the read command being executed
* @return an Searcher with which to perform the supplied command
public Searcher searcherFor(ReadCommand command);
* Performs the actual index lookup during execution of a ReadCommand.
* An instance performs its query according to the RowFilter.Expression it was created for (see searcherFor)
* An Expression is a predicate of the form [column] [operator] [value].
public interface Searcher
* Returns the {@link ReadCommand} for which this searcher has been created.
* @return the base read command
ReadCommand command();
* @param executionController the collection of OpOrder.Groups which the ReadCommand is being performed under.
* @return partitions from the base table matching the criteria of the search.
public UnfilteredPartitionIterator search(ReadExecutionController executionController);
* Replica filtering protection may fetch data that doesn't match query conditions.
* On coordinator, we need to filter the replicas' responses again.
* This will not be called if {@link QueryPlan#supportsReplicaFilteringProtection(RowFilter)} returns false.
* @return filtered response that satisfied query conditions
default PartitionIterator filterReplicaFilteringProtection(PartitionIterator fullResponse)
return command().rowFilter().filter(fullResponse, command().metadata(), command().nowInSec());
* Class providing grouped operations for indexes that communicate with each other.
* Index implementations should provide a {@code Group} implementation calling to
* {@link SecondaryIndexManager#registerIndex(Index, Object, Supplier)} during index registering
* at {@link #register(IndexRegistry)} method.
interface Group
* Returns the indexes that are members of this group.
* @return the indexes that are members of this group
Set getIndexes();
* Adds the specified {@link Index} as a member of this group.
* @param index the index to be added
void addIndex(Index index);
* Removes the specified {@link Index} from the members of this group.
* @param index the index to be removed
void removeIndex(Index index);
* Returns if this group contains the specified {@link Index}.
* @param index the index to be removed
* @return {@code true} if this group contains {@code index}, {@code false} otherwise
boolean containsIndex(Index index);
* Creates an new {@code Indexer} object for updates to a given partition.
* @param indexSelector a predicate selecting the targeted members
* @param key key of the partition being modified
* @param columns the regular and static columns the created indexer will have to deal with.
* This can be empty as an update might only contain partition, range and row deletions, but
* the indexer is guaranteed to not get any cells for a column that is not part of {@code columns}.
* @param nowInSec current time of the update operation
* @param ctx WriteContext spanning the update operation
* @param transactionType indicates what kind of update is being performed on the base data
* i.e. a write time insert/update/delete or the result of compaction
* @param memtable the {@link Memtable} to which the updates are being applied or {@code null}
* if the source of the updates is an existing {@link SSTable}
* @return the newly created indexer or {@code null} if the index is not interested by the update
* (this could be because the index doesn't care about that particular partition, doesn't care about
* that type of transaction, ...).
Indexer indexerFor(Predicate indexSelector,
DecoratedKey key,
RegularAndStaticColumns columns,
long nowInSec,
WriteContext ctx,
IndexTransaction.Type transactionType,
Memtable memtable);
* Returns a new {@link QueryPlan} for the specified {@link RowFilter}, or {@code null} if none of the indexes in
* this group supports the expression in the row filter.
* @param rowFilter a row filter
* @return a new query plan for the specified {@link RowFilter} if it's supported, {@code null} otherwise
QueryPlan queryPlanFor(RowFilter rowFilter);
* Get flush observer to observe partition/cell events generated by flushing SSTable (memtable flush or compaction).
* @param descriptor The descriptor of the sstable observer is requested for.
* @param tracker The {@link LifecycleNewTracker} associated with the SSTable being written
* @param tableMetadata The immutable metadata of the table at the moment the SSTable is flushed
* @return SSTable flush observer.
SSTableFlushObserver getFlushObserver(Descriptor descriptor, LifecycleNewTracker tracker, TableMetadata tableMetadata);
* @param type index transaction type
* @return true if index will be able to handle given index transaction type
default boolean handles(IndexTransaction.Type type)
return true;
* Called when the table associated with this group has been invalidated. Implementations
* should dispose of any resources tied to the lifecycle of the {@link Group}.
default void invalidate() { }
* Returns the SSTable-attached {@link Component}s created by this index group.
* @return the SSTable components created by this group
Set getComponents();
* Validates all indexes in the group against the specified SSTables.
* @param sstables SSTables for which indexes in the group should be built
* @param throwOnIncomplete whether to throw an error if any index in the group is incomplete
* @return true if all indexes in the group are complete and valid
* false if any index is incomplete and {@code throwOnIncomplete} is false
* @throws IllegalStateException if {@code throwOnIncomplete} is true and any index in the group is incomplete
* @throws UncheckedIOException if there is a problem validating any on-disk component of an index in the group
default boolean validateSSTableAttachedIndexes(Collection sstables, boolean throwOnIncomplete)
return true;
* Specifies a set of compatible indexes to be used with a query according to its {@link RowFilter}, ignoring data
* ranges, limits, etc. All the indexes in it should belong to the same {@link Group}.
* It's created by {@link Group#queryPlanFor} from the {@link RowFilter} that is common to all the subcommands of a
* user query's {@link ReadCommand}, so it can be reused by those subcommands along the cluster nodes. The
* {@link #searcherFor(ReadCommand)} method provides the {@link Searcher} object to read the index for each
* particular (sub)command.
interface QueryPlan extends Comparable
* Returns the indexes selected by this query plan, all of them belonging to the same {@link Group}.
* It should never be empty.
* @return the indexes selected by this query plan, which is never empty
Set getIndexes();
* Returns the first index in this plan.
* @return the first index
default Index getFirst()
return getIndexes().iterator().next();
* Return an estimate of the number of results this plan is expected to return for any given {@link ReadCommand}
* that it can be used to answer. Used by {@link SecondaryIndexManager#getBestIndexQueryPlanFor(RowFilter)}
* to determine the {@link Group} with the most selective plan for a given {@link RowFilter}.
* Additionally, this is also used by StorageProxy.estimateResultsPerRange to calculate the initial concurrency
* factor for range requests
* @return the estimated average number of results a Searcher may return for any given command
default long getEstimatedResultRows()
// CQL only supports AND expressions, so the estimated number of results for multiple indexes will be the
// the lowest of the estimates for each index
return getIndexes().stream()
.orElseThrow(AssertionError::new); // registered groups are never empty
* Used to determine whether to estimate initial concurrency during remote range reads. Default is true, each
* implementation must override this method if they choose a different strategy.
* @return true if the {@link QueryPlan} should estimate initial concurrency, false otherwise
default boolean shouldEstimateInitialConcurrency()
return true;
default int compareTo(QueryPlan other)
// initially, we prefer the plan with less estimated results
int results = Long.compare(getEstimatedResultRows(), other.getEstimatedResultRows());
if (results != 0)
return results;
// In case of having the same number of estimated results, we favour the plan that involves more indexes.
// This way, we honour the possible absence of ALLOW FILTERING in the CQL query. Also, this criteria should
// not break the transitivity of this method because the estimated number of results for a plan is the
// minimum of the estimates of its members.
return Integer.compare(getIndexes().size(), other.getIndexes().size());
* Used to validate the various parameters of a supplied {@link ReadCommand} against the indexes in this plan.
* @param command a ReadCommand whose parameters are to be verified
* @throws InvalidRequestException if the details of the command fail to meet the validation rules of the
* indexes in the query plan
default void validate(ReadCommand command) throws InvalidRequestException
getIndexes().forEach(i -> i.validate(command));
* Factory method for query time search helper.
* @param command the read command being executed
* @return an Searcher with which to perform the supplied command
Searcher searcherFor(ReadCommand command);
* Return a function which performs post processing on the results of a partition range read command.
* In future, this may be used as a generalized mechanism for transforming results on the coordinator prior
* to returning them to the caller.
* This is used on the coordinator during execution of a range command to perform post
* processing of merged results obtained from the necessary replicas. This is the only way in which results are
* transformed in this way but this may change over time as usage is generalized.
* See CASSANDRA-8717 for further discussion.
* The function takes a PartitionIterator of the results from the replicas which has already been collated
* and reconciled, along with the command being executed. It returns another PartitionIterator containing the results
* of the transformation (which may be the same as the input if the transformation is a no-op).
default Function postProcessor()
return partitions -> partitions;
* Transform an initial {@link RowFilter} into the filter that will still need to applied to a set of Rows after
* the index has performed it's initial scan.
* Used in {@link ReadCommand#executeLocally(ReadExecutionController)} to reduce the amount of filtering performed on the
* results of the index query.
* @return the (hopefully) reduced filter that would still need to be applied after
* the index was used to narrow the initial result set
RowFilter postIndexQueryFilter();
* Tells whether this index supports replica fitering protection or not.
* Replica filtering protection might need to run the query row filter in the coordinator to detect stale results.
* An index implementation will be compatible with this protection mechanism if it returns the same results for the
* row filter as CQL will return with {@code ALLOW FILTERING} and without using the index. This means that index
* implementations using custom query syntax or applying transformations to the indexed data won't support it.
* See CASSANDRA-8272 for further details.
* @param rowFilter rowFilter of query to decide if it supports replica filtering protection or not
* @return true if this index supports replica filtering protection, false otherwise
default boolean supportsReplicaFilteringProtection(RowFilter rowFilter)
return true;
* Status of index used to determine queryability
enum Status