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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;
* Incremental builders of on-disk tries which packs trie stages into disk cache pages.
* The incremental core is as in {@link IncrementalTrieWriterSimple}, which this augments by:
* - calculating branch sizes reflecting the amount of data that needs to be written to store the trie
* branch rooted at each node
- delaying writing any part of a completed node until its branch size is above the page size
- laying out (some of) its children branches (each smaller than a page) to be contained within a page
- adjusting the branch size to reflect the fact that the children are now written (i.e. removing their size)
* The process is bottom-up, i.e. pages are packed at the bottom and the root page is usually smaller.
* This may appear less efficient than a top-down process which puts more information in the top pages that
* tend to stay in cache, but in both cases performing a search will usually require an additional disk read
* for the leaf page. When we maximize the amount of relevant data that read brings by using the bottom-up
* process, we have practically the same efficiency with smaller intermediate page footprint, i.e. fewer data
* to keep in cache.
* As an example, taking a sample page size fitting 4 nodes, a simple trie would be split like this:
* Node 0 |
* -a-> | Node 1
* | -s-> Node 2
* | -k-> Node 3 (payload 1)
* | -s-> Node 4 (payload 2)
* -----------------------------------
* -b-> Node 5 |
* -a-> |Node 6
* | -n-> Node 7
* | -k-> Node 8 (payload 3)
* | -s-> Node 9 (payload 4)
* where lines denote page boundaries.
* The process itself will start by adding "ask" which adds three nodes after the root to the stack. Adding "ass"
* completes Node 3, setting its branch a size of 1 and replaces it on the stack with Node 4.
* The step of adding "bank" starts by completing Node 4 (size 1), Node 2 (size 3), Node 1 (size 4), then adds 4 more
* nodes to the stack. Adding "banks" descends one more node.
* The trie completion step completes nodes 9 (size 1), 8 (size 2), 7 (size 3), 6 (size 4), 5 (size 5). Since the size
* of node 5 is above the page size, the algorithm lays out its children. Nodes 6, 7, 8, 9 are written in order. The
* size of node 5 is now just the size of it individually, 1. The process continues with completing Node 0 (size 6).
* This is bigger than the page size, so some of its children need to be written. The algorithm takes the largest,
* Node 1, and lays it out with its children in the file. Node 0 now has an adjusted size of 2 which is below the
* page size, and we can continue the process.
* Since this was the root of the trie, the current page is padded and the remaining nodes 0, 5 are written.
public class IncrementalTrieWriterPageAware
extends IncrementalTrieWriterBase>
implements IncrementalTrieWriter
final int maxBytesPerPage;
private final static Comparator> BRANCH_SIZE_COMPARATOR = (l, r) ->
// Smaller branches first.
int c = + l.nodeSize, r.branchSize + r.nodeSize);
if (c != 0)
return c;
// Then order by character, which serves several purposes:
// - enforces inequality to make sure equal sizes aren't treated as duplicates,
// - makes sure the item we use for comparison key comes greater than all equal-sized nodes,
// - orders equal sized items so that most recently processed (and potentially having closer children) comes
// last and is thus the first one picked for layout.
c =, r.transition);
assert c != 0 || l == r;
return c;
IncrementalTrieWriterPageAware(TrieSerializer trieSerializer, DataOutputPlus dest)
super(trieSerializer, dest, new Node<>((byte) 0));
this.maxBytesPerPage = dest.maxBytesInPage();
public void reset()
reset(new Node<>((byte) 0));
Node performCompletion() throws IOException
Node root = super.performCompletion();
int actualSize = recalcTotalSize(root, dest.position());
int bytesLeft = dest.bytesLeftInPage();
if (actualSize > bytesLeft)
if (actualSize <= maxBytesPerPage)
bytesLeft = maxBytesPerPage;
// position changed, recalculate again
actualSize = recalcTotalSize(root, dest.position());
if (actualSize > bytesLeft)
// Still greater. Lay out children separately.
// Pad if needed and place.
if (root.nodeSize > dest.bytesLeftInPage())
// Recalculate again as pointer size may have changed, triggering assertion in writeRecursive.
recalcTotalSize(root, dest.position());
return root;
void complete(Node node) throws IOException
assert node.filePos == -1;
int branchSize = 0;
for (Node child : node.children)
branchSize += child.branchSize + child.nodeSize;
node.branchSize = branchSize;
int nodeSize = serializer.sizeofNode(node, dest.position());
if (nodeSize + branchSize < maxBytesPerPage)
// Good. This node and all children will (most probably) fit page.
node.nodeSize = nodeSize;
node.hasOutOfPageChildren = false;
node.hasOutOfPageInBranch = false;
for (Node child : node.children)
if (child.filePos != -1)
node.hasOutOfPageChildren = true;
else if (child.hasOutOfPageChildren || child.hasOutOfPageInBranch)
node.hasOutOfPageInBranch = true;
// Cannot fit. Lay out children; The current node will be marked as one with out-of-page children.
private void layoutChildren(Node node) throws IOException
assert node.filePos == -1;
NavigableSet> children = node.getChildrenWithUnsetPosition();
int bytesLeft = dest.bytesLeftInPage();
Node cmp = new Node<>(256); // goes after all equal-sized unplaced nodes (whose transition character is 0-255)
cmp.nodeSize = 0;
while (!children.isEmpty())
cmp.branchSize = bytesLeft;
Node child = children.headSet(cmp, true).pollLast(); // grab biggest that could fit
if (child == null)
bytesLeft = maxBytesPerPage;
child = children.pollLast(); // just biggest
assert child != null;
if (child.hasOutOfPageChildren || child.hasOutOfPageInBranch)
// We didn't know what size this branch will actually need to be, node's children may be far.
// We now know where we would place it, so let's reevaluate size.
int actualSize = recalcTotalSize(child, dest.position());
if (actualSize > bytesLeft)
if (bytesLeft == maxBytesPerPage)
// Branch doesn't even fit in a page.
// Note: In this situation we aren't actually making the best choice as the layout should have
// taken place at the child (which could have made the current parent small enough to fit).
// This is not trivial to fix but should be very rare.
bytesLeft = dest.bytesLeftInPage();
assert (child.filePos == -1);
// Doesn't fit, but that's probably because we don't have a full page. Put it back with the new
// size and retry when we do have enough space.
bytesLeft = dest.bytesLeftInPage();
// The sizing below will use the branch size, so make sure it's set.
node.branchSize = 0;
node.hasOutOfPageChildren = true;
node.hasOutOfPageInBranch = false;
node.nodeSize = serializer.sizeofNode(node, dest.position());
@SuppressWarnings("DuplicatedCode") // intentionally duplicated in IncrementalDeepTrieWriterPageAware
protected int recalcTotalSize(Node node, long nodePosition) throws IOException
if (node.hasOutOfPageInBranch)
int sz = 0;
for (Node child : node.children)
sz += recalcTotalSize(child, nodePosition + sz);
node.branchSize = sz;
// The sizing below will use the branch size calculated above. Since that can change on out-of-page in branch,
// we need to recalculate the size if either flag is set.
if (node.hasOutOfPageChildren || node.hasOutOfPageInBranch)
node.nodeSize = serializer.sizeofNode(node, nodePosition + node.branchSize);
return node.branchSize + node.nodeSize;
@SuppressWarnings("DuplicatedCode") // intentionally duplicated in IncrementalDeepTrieWriterPageAware
protected long write(Node node) throws IOException
long nodePosition = dest.position();
for (Node child : node.children)
if (child.filePos == -1)
child.filePos = write(child);
nodePosition += node.branchSize;
assert dest.position() == nodePosition
: "Expected node position to be " + nodePosition + " but got " + dest.position() + " after writing children.\n" + dumpNode(node, dest.position());
serializer.write(dest, node, nodePosition);
assert dest.position() == nodePosition + node.nodeSize
|| dest.paddedPosition() == dest.position() // For PartitionIndexTest.testPointerGrowth where position may jump on page boundaries.
: "Expected node position to be " + (nodePosition + node.nodeSize) + " but got " + dest.position() + " after writing node, nodeSize " + node.nodeSize + ".\n" + dumpNode(node, nodePosition);
return nodePosition;
protected String dumpNode(Node node, long nodePosition)
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(String.format("At %,d(%x) type %s child count %s nodeSize %,d branchSize %,d %s%s%n",
nodePosition, nodePosition,
TrieNode.typeFor(node, nodePosition), node.childCount(), node.nodeSize, node.branchSize,
node.hasOutOfPageChildren ? "C" : "",
node.hasOutOfPageInBranch ? "B" : ""));
for (Node child : node.children)
res.append(String.format("Child %2x at %,d(%x) type %s child count %s size %s nodeSize %,d branchSize %,d %s%s%n",
child.transition & 0xFF,
child.children != null ? TrieNode.typeFor(child, child.filePos) : "n/a",
child.children != null ? child.childCount() : "n/a",
child.children != null ? serializer.sizeofNode(child, child.filePos) : "n/a",
child.hasOutOfPageChildren ? "C" : "",
child.hasOutOfPageInBranch ? "B" : ""));
return res.toString();
public PartialTail makePartialRoot() throws IOException
// The expectation is that the partial tail will be in memory, so we don't bother with page-fitting.
// We could also send some completed children to disk, but that could make suboptimal layout choices, so we'd
// rather not. Just write anything not written yet to a buffer, from bottom to top, and we're done.
try (DataOutputBuffer buf = new DataOutputBuffer())
PTail tail = new PTail();
// Readers ask rebufferers for page-aligned positions, so make sure tail starts at one.
// "Padding" of the cutoff point may leave some unaddressable space in the constructed file view.
// Nothing will point to it, though, so that's fine.
tail.cutoff = dest.paddedPosition();
tail.count = count;
tail.root = writePartial(stack.getFirst(), buf, tail.cutoff);
tail.tail = buf.asNewBuffer();
return tail;
@SuppressWarnings("DuplicatedCode") // intentionally duplicated in IncrementalDeepTrieWriterPageAware
protected long writePartial(Node node, DataOutputPlus dest, long baseOffset) throws IOException
long startPosition = dest.position() + baseOffset;
List> childrenToClear = new ArrayList<>();
for (Node child : node.children)
if (child.filePos == -1)
child.filePos = writePartial(child, dest, baseOffset);
long nodePosition = dest.position() + baseOffset;
if (node.hasOutOfPageInBranch)
// Update the branch size with the size of what we have just written. This may be used by the node's
// maxPositionDelta, and it's a better approximation for later fitting calculations.
node.branchSize = (int) (nodePosition - startPosition);
serializer.write(dest, node, nodePosition);
if (node.hasOutOfPageChildren || node.hasOutOfPageInBranch)
// Update the node size with what we have just seen. It's a better approximation for later fitting
// calculations.
long endPosition = dest.position() + baseOffset;
node.nodeSize = (int) (endPosition - nodePosition);
for (Node child : childrenToClear)
child.filePos = -1;
return nodePosition;
static class Node extends IncrementalTrieWriterBase.BaseNode>
* Currently calculated size of the branch below this node, not including the node itself.
* If hasOutOfPageInBranch is true, this may be underestimated as the size
* depends on the position the branch is written.
int branchSize = -1;
* Currently calculated node size. If hasOutOfPageChildren is true, this may be underestimated as the size
* depends on the position the node is written.
int nodeSize = -1;
* Whether there is an out-of-page, already written node in the branches below the immediate children of the
* node.
boolean hasOutOfPageInBranch = false;
* Whether a child of the node is out of page, already written.
* Forced to true before being set to make sure maxPositionDelta performs its evaluation on non-completed
* nodes for makePartialRoot.
boolean hasOutOfPageChildren = true;
Node(int transition)
Node newNode(byte transition)
return new Node<>(transition & 0xFF);
public long serializedPositionDelta(int i, long nodePosition)
assert (children.get(i).filePos != -1);
return children.get(i).filePos - nodePosition;
* The max delta is the delta with either:
* - the position where the first child not-yet-placed child will be laid out.
* - the position of the furthest child that is already placed.
* This method assumes all children's branch and node sizes, as well as this node's branchSize, are already
* calculated.
public long maxPositionDelta(long nodePosition)
// The max delta is the position the first child would be laid out.
assert (childCount() > 0);
if (!hasOutOfPageChildren)
// We need to be able to address the first child. We don't need to cover its branch, though.
return -(branchSize - children.get(0).branchSize);
long minPlaced = 0;
long minUnplaced = 1;
for (Node child : children)
if (child.filePos != -1)
minPlaced = Math.min(minPlaced, child.filePos - nodePosition);
else if (minUnplaced > 0) // triggers once
minUnplaced = -(branchSize - child.branchSize);
return Math.min(minPlaced, minUnplaced);
NavigableSet> getChildrenWithUnsetPosition()
NavigableSet> result = new TreeSet<>(BRANCH_SIZE_COMPARATOR);
for (Node child : children)
if (child.filePos == -1)
return result;
void finalizeWithPosition(long position)
this.branchSize = 0; // takes no space in current page
this.nodeSize = 0;
this.hasOutOfPageInBranch = false; // its size no longer needs to be recalculated
this.hasOutOfPageChildren = false;
public String toString()
return String.format("%02x branchSize=%04x nodeSize=%04x %s%s", transition, branchSize, nodeSize, hasOutOfPageInBranch ? "B" : "", hasOutOfPageChildren ? "C" : "");