org.apache.cassandra.io.util.File Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.cassandra.io.util;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UncheckedIOException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.file.FileSystem;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths; // checkstyle: permit this import
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.RateLimiter;
import net.openhft.chronicle.core.util.ThrowingFunction;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.FSWriteError;
import static org.apache.cassandra.io.util.PathUtils.filename;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.Throwables.maybeFail;
* A thin wrapper around java.nio.file.Path to provide more ergonomic functionality.
* TODO codebase probably should not use tryList, as unexpected exceptions are hidden;
* probably want to introduce e.g. listIfExists
public class File implements Comparable
private static FileSystem filesystem = FileSystems.getDefault();
public enum WriteMode { OVERWRITE, APPEND }
public static String pathSeparator()
return filesystem.getSeparator();
@Nullable final Path path; // nullable to support concept of empty path, that resolves to the working directory if converted to an absolute path
* Construct a File representing the child {@code child} of {@code parent}
public File(String parent, String child)
this(parent.isEmpty() ? null : filesystem.getPath(parent), child);
* Construct a File representing the child {@code child} of {@code parent}
public File(File parent, String child)
this(parent.path, child);
* Construct a File representing the child {@code child} of {@code parent}
public File(Path parent, String child)
// if "empty abstract path" (a la java.io.File) is provided, we should behave as though resolving relative path
if (child.startsWith(pathSeparator()))
child = child.substring(pathSeparator().length());
this.path = parent == null ? filesystem.getPath(child) : parent.resolve(child);
* Construct a File representing the provided {@code path}
public File(String path)
this(path.isEmpty() ? null : filesystem.getPath(path));
* Create a File equivalent to the java.io.File provided
public File(java.io.File file)
this(file.getPath().isEmpty() ? null : file.toPath());
* Construct a File representing the child {@code child} of {@code parent}
public File(java.io.File parent, String child)
this(new File(parent), child);
* Convenience constructor equivalent to {@code new File(Paths.get(path))}
public File(URI path)
this(Paths.get(path)); //TODO unsafe if uri is file:// as it uses default file system and not File.filesystem
if (!path.isAbsolute() || path.isOpaque()) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
* Unsafe constructor that allows a File to use a differet {@link FileSystem} than {@link File#filesystem}.
* The main caller of such a method are cases such as JVM Dtest functions that need access to the logging framwork
* files, which exists on in {@link FileSystems#getDefault()}.
public File(FileSystem fs, String first, String... more)
this.path = fs.getPath(first, more);
* @param path the path to wrap
public File(Path path)
if (path != null && path.getFileSystem() != filesystem)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible file system; path FileSystem (" + path.getFileSystem() + ") is not the same reference (" + filesystem + ")");
this.path = path;
public static Path getPath(String first, String... more)
return filesystem.getPath(first, more);
* Try to delete the file, returning true iff it was deleted by us. Does not ordinarily throw exceptions.
public boolean tryDelete()
return path != null && PathUtils.tryDelete(path);
* This file will be deleted, and any exceptions encountered merged with {@code accumulate} to the return value
public Throwable delete(Throwable accumulate)
return delete(accumulate, null);
* This file will be deleted, obeying the provided rate limiter.
* Any exceptions encountered will be merged with {@code accumulate} to the return value
public Throwable delete(Throwable accumulate, RateLimiter rateLimiter)
return PathUtils.delete(toPathForWrite(), accumulate, rateLimiter);
* This file will be deleted, with any failures being reported with an FSError
* @throws FSWriteError if cannot be deleted
public void delete()
maybeFail(delete(null, null));
* This file will be deleted, with any failures being reported with an FSError
* @throws FSWriteError if cannot be deleted
public void deleteIfExists()
if (path != null)
* This file will be deleted, obeying the provided rate limiter.
* @throws FSWriteError if cannot be deleted
public void delete(RateLimiter rateLimiter)
maybeFail(delete(null, rateLimiter));
* Deletes all files and subdirectories under "dir".
* @throws FSWriteError if any part of the tree cannot be deleted
public void deleteRecursive(RateLimiter rateLimiter)
PathUtils.deleteRecursive(toPathForWrite(), rateLimiter);
* Deletes all files and subdirectories under "dir".
* @throws FSWriteError if any part of the tree cannot be deleted
public void deleteRecursive()
* Try to delete the file on process exit.
public void deleteOnExit()
if (path != null) PathUtils.deleteOnExit(path);
* This file will be deleted on clean shutdown; if it is a directory, its entire contents
* at the time of shutdown will be deleted
public void deleteRecursiveOnExit()
if (path != null)
* Try to rename the file atomically, if the system supports it.
* @return true iff successful, false if it fails for any reason.
public boolean tryMove(File to)
return path != null && PathUtils.tryRename(path, to.path);
* Atomically (if supported) rename/move this file to {@code to}
* @throws FSWriteError if any part of the tree cannot be deleted
public void move(File to)
PathUtils.rename(toPathForRead(), to.toPathForWrite());
* @return the length of the file if it exists and if we can read it; 0 otherwise.
public long length()
return path == null ? 0L : PathUtils.tryGetLength(path);
* @return the last modified time in millis of the path if it exists and we can read it; 0 otherwise.
public long lastModified()
return path == null ? 0L : PathUtils.tryGetLastModified(path);
* Try to set the last modified time in millis of the path
* @return true if it exists and we can write it; return false otherwise.
public boolean trySetLastModified(long value)
return path != null && PathUtils.trySetLastModified(path, value);
* Try to set if the path is readable by its owner
* @return true if it exists and we can write it; return false otherwise.
public boolean trySetReadable(boolean value)
return path != null && PathUtils.trySetReadable(path, value);
* Try to set if the path is writable by its owner
* @return true if it exists and we can write it; return false otherwise.
public boolean trySetWritable(boolean value)
return path != null && PathUtils.trySetWritable(path, value);
* Try to set if the path is executable by its owner
* @return true if it exists and we can write it; return false otherwise.
public boolean trySetExecutable(boolean value)
return path != null && PathUtils.trySetExecutable(path, value);
* @return true if the path exists, false if it does not, or we cannot determine due to some exception
public boolean exists()
return path != null && PathUtils.exists(path);
* @return true if the path refers to a directory
public boolean isDirectory()
return path != null && PathUtils.isDirectory(path);
* @return true if the path refers to a regular file
public boolean isFile()
return path != null && PathUtils.isFile(path);
* @return true if the path can be read by us
public boolean isReadable()
return path != null && Files.isReadable(path);
* @return true if the path can be written by us
public boolean isWritable()
return path != null && Files.isWritable(path);
* @return true if the path can be executed by us
public boolean isExecutable()
return path != null && Files.isExecutable(path);
* Try to create a new regular file at this path.
* @return true if successful, false if it already exists
public boolean createFileIfNotExists()
return PathUtils.createFileIfNotExists(toPathForWrite());
public boolean createDirectoriesIfNotExists()
return PathUtils.createDirectoriesIfNotExists(toPathForWrite());
* Try to create a directory at this path.
* Return true if a new directory was created at this path, and false otherwise.
public boolean tryCreateDirectory()
return path != null && PathUtils.tryCreateDirectory(path);
* Try to create a directory at this path, creating any parent directories as necessary.
* @return true if a new directory was created at this path, and false otherwise.
public boolean tryCreateDirectories()
return path != null && PathUtils.tryCreateDirectories(path);
* @return the parent file, or null if none
public File parent()
if (path == null) return null;
Path parent = path.getParent();
if (parent == null) return null;
return new File(parent);
* @return the parent file's path, or null if none
public String parentPath()
File parent = parent();
return parent == null ? null : parent.toString();
* @return true if the path has no relative path elements
public boolean isAbsolute()
return path != null && path.isAbsolute();
public boolean isAncestorOf(File child)
return PathUtils.isContained(toPath(), child.toPath());
* @return a File that represents the same path as this File with any relative path elements resolved.
* If this is the empty File, returns the working directory.
public File toAbsolute()
return new File(toPath().toAbsolutePath());
/** {@link #toAbsolute} */
public String absolutePath()
return toPath().toAbsolutePath().toString();
* @return a File that represents the same path as this File with any relative path elements and links resolved.
* If this is the empty File, returns the working directory.
public File toCanonical()
Path canonical = PathUtils.toCanonicalPath(toPath());
return canonical == path ? this : new File(canonical);
/** {@link #toCanonical} */
public String canonicalPath()
return toCanonical().toString();
* @return the last path element for this file
public String name()
return path == null ? "" : filename(path);
public void forEach(Consumer forEach)
PathUtils.forEach(path, path -> forEach.accept(new File(path)));
public void forEachRecursive(Consumer forEach)
PathUtils.forEachRecursive(path, path -> forEach.accept(new File(path)));
private static ThrowingFunction nulls() { return ignore -> null; }
private static ThrowingFunction rethrow()
return fail -> {
if (fail == null) throw new FileNotFoundException();
throw fail;
private static ThrowingFunction unchecked()
return fail -> {
if (fail == null) fail = new FileNotFoundException();
throw new UncheckedIOException(fail);
* @return if a directory, the names of the files within; null otherwise
public String[] tryListNames()
return tryListNames(nulls());
* @return if a directory, the names of the files within, filtered by the provided predicate; null otherwise
public String[] tryListNames(BiPredicate filter)
return tryListNames(filter, nulls());
* @return if a directory, the files within; null otherwise
public File[] tryList()
return tryList(nulls());
* @return if a directory, the files within, filtered by the provided predicate; null otherwise
public File[] tryList(Predicate filter)
return tryList(filter, nulls());
* @return if a directory, the files within, filtered by the provided predicate; null otherwise
public File[] tryList(BiPredicate filter)
return tryList(filter, nulls());
* @return if a directory, the names of the files within; null otherwise
public String[] listNames() throws IOException
return tryListNames(rethrow());
* @return if a directory, the names of the files within, filtered by the provided predicate; null otherwise
public String[] listNames(BiPredicate filter) throws IOException
return tryListNames(filter, rethrow());
* @return if a directory, the files within; null otherwise
public File[] list() throws IOException
return tryList(rethrow());
* @return if a directory, the files within, filtered by the provided predicate; null otherwise
public File[] list(Predicate filter) throws IOException
return tryList(filter, rethrow());
* @return if a directory, the files within, filtered by the provided predicate; null otherwise
public File[] list(BiPredicate filter) throws IOException
return tryList(filter, rethrow());
* @return if a directory, the names of the files within; null otherwise
public String[] listNamesUnchecked() throws UncheckedIOException
return tryListNames(unchecked());
* @return if a directory, the names of the files within, filtered by the provided predicate; null otherwise
public String[] listNamesUnchecked(BiPredicate filter) throws UncheckedIOException
return tryListNames(filter, unchecked());
* @return if a directory, the files within; null otherwise
public File[] listUnchecked() throws UncheckedIOException
return tryList(unchecked());
* @return if a directory, the files within, filtered by the provided predicate; null otherwise
public File[] listUnchecked(Predicate filter) throws UncheckedIOException
return tryList(filter, unchecked());
* @return if a directory, the files within, filtered by the provided predicate; throw an UncheckedIO exception otherwise
public File[] listUnchecked(BiPredicate filter) throws UncheckedIOException
return tryList(filter, unchecked());
* @return if a directory, the names of the files within; null otherwise
public String[] tryListNames(ThrowingFunction orElse) throws T
return tryListNames(path, Function.identity(), orElse);
* @return if a directory, the names of the files within, filtered by the provided predicate; null otherwise
public String[] tryListNames(BiPredicate filter, ThrowingFunction orElse) throws T
return tryList(path, stream -> stream.map(PathUtils::filename).filter(filename -> filter.test(this, filename)), String[]::new, orElse);
* @return if a directory, the files within; null otherwise
private File[] tryList(ThrowingFunction orElse) throws T
return tryList(path, Function.identity(), orElse);
* @return if a directory, the files within, filtered by the provided predicate; null otherwise
private File[] tryList(Predicate filter, ThrowingFunction orElse) throws T
return tryList(path, stream -> stream.filter(filter), orElse);
* @return if a directory, the files within, filtered by the provided predicate; null otherwise
private File[] tryList(BiPredicate filter, ThrowingFunction orElse) throws T
return tryList(path, stream -> stream.filter(file -> filter.test(this, file.name())), orElse);
private static String[] tryListNames(Path path, Function, Stream> toFiles, ThrowingFunction orElse) throws T
if (path == null)
return orElse.apply(null);
return PathUtils.tryList(path, stream -> toFiles.apply(stream.map(File::new)).map(File::name), String[]::new, orElse);
private static V[] tryList(Path path, Function, Stream> transformation, IntFunction constructor, ThrowingFunction orElse) throws T
if (path == null)
return orElse.apply(null);
return PathUtils.tryList(path, transformation, constructor, orElse);
private static File[] tryList(Path path, Function, Stream> toFiles, ThrowingFunction orElse) throws T
if (path == null)
return orElse.apply(null);
return PathUtils.tryList(path, stream -> toFiles.apply(stream.map(File::new)), File[]::new, orElse);
* @return the path of this file
public String path()
return toString();
* @return the {@link Path} of this file
public Path toPath()
return path == null ? filesystem.getPath("") : path;
* @return the path of this file
public String toString()
return path == null ? "" : path.toString();
public int hashCode()
return path == null ? 0 : path.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj)
return obj instanceof File && Objects.equals(path, ((File) obj).path);
public int compareTo(File that)
if (this.path == null || that.path == null)
return this.path == null && that.path == null ? 0 : this.path == null ? -1 : 1;
return this.path.compareTo(that.path);
public java.io.File toJavaIOFile()
return path == null ? new java.io.File("") // checkstyle: permit this instantiation
: path.toFile(); // checkstyle: permit this invocation
* @return a new {@link FileChannel} for reading
public FileChannel newReadChannel() throws NoSuchFileException
return PathUtils.newReadChannel(toPathForRead());
* @return a new {@link FileChannel} for reading or writing; file will be created if it doesn't exist
public FileChannel newReadWriteChannel() throws NoSuchFileException
return PathUtils.newReadWriteChannel(toPathForRead());
* @param mode whether or not the channel appends to the underlying file
* @return a new {@link FileChannel} for writing; file will be created if it doesn't exist
public FileChannel newWriteChannel(WriteMode mode) throws NoSuchFileException
switch (mode)
default: throw new AssertionError();
case APPEND: return PathUtils.newWriteAppendChannel(toPathForWrite());
case OVERWRITE: return PathUtils.newWriteOverwriteChannel(toPathForWrite());
public FileWriter newWriter(WriteMode mode) throws IOException
return new FileWriter(this, mode);
public FileOutputStreamPlus newOutputStream(WriteMode mode) throws NoSuchFileException
return new FileOutputStreamPlus(this, mode);
public FileInputStreamPlus newInputStream() throws NoSuchFileException
return new FileInputStreamPlus(this);
public File withSuffix(String suffix)
if (path == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot suffix an empty path");
return new File(path.getParent().resolve(path.getFileName().toString() + suffix));
private Path toPathForWrite()
if (path == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot write to an empty path");
return path;
private Path toPathForRead()
if (path == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot read from an empty path");
return path;
public static FileSystem unsafeGetFilesystem()
return filesystem;
public static void unsafeSetFilesystem(FileSystem fs)
filesystem = fs;
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