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org.apache.cassandra.metrics.TableMetrics Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.metrics;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;

import com.codahale.metrics.Counter;
import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge;
import com.codahale.metrics.Histogram;
import com.codahale.metrics.Meter;
import com.codahale.metrics.Metric;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.SSTableSet;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.lifecycle.View;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.memtable.Memtable;
import org.apache.cassandra.index.SecondaryIndexManager;
import org.apache.cassandra.metrics.Sampler.SamplerType;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.Schema;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaConstants;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.EstimatedHistogram;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.ExpMovingAverage;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.MovingAverage;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.Pair;

import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS;
import static org.apache.cassandra.metrics.CassandraMetricsRegistry.Metrics;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.Clock.Global.nanoTime;

 * Metrics for {@link ColumnFamilyStore}.
public class TableMetrics
     * stores metrics that will be rolled into a single global metric
    private static final ConcurrentMap> ALL_TABLE_METRICS = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
    public static final long[] EMPTY = new long[0];
    private static final MetricNameFactory GLOBAL_FACTORY = new AllTableMetricNameFactory("Table");
    private static final MetricNameFactory GLOBAL_ALIAS_FACTORY = new AllTableMetricNameFactory("ColumnFamily");

    public final static LatencyMetrics GLOBAL_READ_LATENCY = new LatencyMetrics(GLOBAL_FACTORY, GLOBAL_ALIAS_FACTORY, "Read");
    public final static LatencyMetrics GLOBAL_WRITE_LATENCY = new LatencyMetrics(GLOBAL_FACTORY, GLOBAL_ALIAS_FACTORY, "Write");
    public final static LatencyMetrics GLOBAL_RANGE_LATENCY = new LatencyMetrics(GLOBAL_FACTORY, GLOBAL_ALIAS_FACTORY, "Range");

    /** Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides on-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten. */
    public final Gauge memtableOnHeapDataSize;
    /** Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides off-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten. */
    public final Gauge memtableOffHeapDataSize;
    /** Total amount of live data stored in the memtable, excluding any data structure overhead */
    public final Gauge memtableLiveDataSize;
    /** Total amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides on-heap. */
    public final Gauge allMemtablesOnHeapDataSize;
    /** Total amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap. */
    public final Gauge allMemtablesOffHeapDataSize;
    /** Total amount of live data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap, excluding any data structure overhead */
    public final Gauge allMemtablesLiveDataSize;
    /** Total number of columns present in the memtable. */
    public final Gauge memtableColumnsCount;
    /** Number of times flush has resulted in the memtable being switched out. */
    public final Counter memtableSwitchCount;
    /** Current compression ratio for all SSTables */
    public final Gauge compressionRatio;
    /** Histogram of estimated partition size (in bytes). */
    public final Gauge estimatedPartitionSizeHistogram;
    /** Approximate number of keys in table. */
    public final Gauge estimatedPartitionCount;
    /** Histogram of estimated number of columns. */
    public final Gauge estimatedColumnCountHistogram;
    /** Histogram of the number of sstable data files accessed per single partition read */
    public final TableHistogram sstablesPerReadHistogram;
    /** Histogram of the number of sstable data files accessed per partition range read */
    public final TableHistogram sstablesPerRangeReadHistogram;
    /** (Local) read metrics */
    public final LatencyMetrics readLatency;
    /** (Local) range slice metrics */
    public final LatencyMetrics rangeLatency;
    /** (Local) write metrics */
    public final LatencyMetrics writeLatency;
    /** Estimated number of tasks pending for this table */
    public final Counter pendingFlushes;
    /** Total number of bytes flushed since server [re]start */
    public final Counter bytesFlushed;
    /** The average on-disk flushed size for sstables. */
    public final MovingAverage flushSizeOnDisk;
    /** Total number of bytes written by compaction since server [re]start */
    public final Counter compactionBytesWritten;
    /** Estimate of number of pending compactios for this table */
    public final Gauge pendingCompactions;
    /** Number of SSTables on disk for this CF */
    public final Gauge liveSSTableCount;
    /** Number of SSTables with old version on disk for this CF */
    public final Gauge oldVersionSSTableCount;
    /** Maximum duration of an SSTable for this table, computed as maxTimestamp - minTimestamp*/
    public final Gauge maxSSTableDuration;
    /** Maximum size of SSTable of this table - the physical size on disk of all components for such SSTable in bytes*/
    public final Gauge maxSSTableSize;
    /** Disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table */
    public final Counter liveDiskSpaceUsed;
    /** Uncompressed/logical disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table */
    public final Counter uncompressedLiveDiskSpaceUsed;
    /** Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete ones waiting to be GC'd */
    public final Counter totalDiskSpaceUsed;
    /** Size of the smallest compacted partition */
    public final Gauge minPartitionSize;
    /** Size of the largest compacted partition */
    public final Gauge maxPartitionSize;
    /** Size of the smallest compacted partition */
    public final Gauge meanPartitionSize;
    /** Off heap memory used by compression meta data*/
    public final Gauge compressionMetadataOffHeapMemoryUsed;
    /** Tombstones scanned in queries on this CF */
    public final TableHistogram tombstoneScannedHistogram;
    /** Live rows scanned in queries on this CF */
    public final TableHistogram liveScannedHistogram;
    /** Column update time delta on this CF */
    public final TableHistogram colUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram;
    /** time taken acquiring the partition lock for materialized view updates for this table */
    public final TableTimer viewLockAcquireTime;
    /** time taken during the local read of a materialized view update */
    public final TableTimer viewReadTime;
    /** Disk space used by snapshot files which */
    public final Gauge trueSnapshotsSize;
    /** Row cache hits, but result out of range */
    public final Counter rowCacheHitOutOfRange;
    /** Number of row cache hits */
    public final Counter rowCacheHit;
    /** Number of row cache misses */
    public final Counter rowCacheMiss;
     * Number of tombstone read failures
    public final Counter tombstoneFailures;
     * Number of tombstone read warnings
    public final Counter tombstoneWarnings;
    /** CAS Prepare metrics */
    public final LatencyMetrics casPrepare;
    /** CAS Propose metrics */
    public final LatencyMetrics casPropose;
    /** CAS Commit metrics */
    public final LatencyMetrics casCommit;
    /** percent of the data that is repaired */
    public final Gauge percentRepaired;
    /** Reports the size of sstables in repaired, unrepaired, and any ongoing repair buckets */
    public final Gauge bytesRepaired;
    public final Gauge bytesUnrepaired;
    public final Gauge bytesPendingRepair;
    /** Number of started repairs as coordinator on this table */
    public final Counter repairsStarted;
    /** Number of completed repairs as coordinator on this table */
    public final Counter repairsCompleted;
    /** time spent anticompacting data before participating in a consistent repair */
    public final TableTimer anticompactionTime;
    /** time spent creating merkle trees */
    public final TableTimer validationTime;
    /** time spent syncing data in a repair */
    public final TableTimer repairSyncTime;
    /** approximate number of bytes read while creating merkle trees */
    public final TableHistogram bytesValidated;
    /** number of partitions read creating merkle trees */
    public final TableHistogram partitionsValidated;
    /** number of bytes read while doing anticompaction */
    public final Counter bytesAnticompacted;
    /** number of bytes where the whole sstable was contained in a repairing range so that we only mutated the repair status */
    public final Counter bytesMutatedAnticompaction;
    /** ratio of how much we anticompact vs how much we could mutate the repair status*/
    public final Gauge mutatedAnticompactionGauge;

    public final SnapshottingTimer coordinatorReadLatency;
    public final Timer coordinatorScanLatency;
    public final SnapshottingTimer coordinatorWriteLatency;

    private final MetricNameFactory factory;
    private final MetricNameFactory aliasFactory;

    public final Counter speculativeRetries;
    public final Counter speculativeFailedRetries;
    public final Counter speculativeInsufficientReplicas;
    public final Gauge speculativeSampleLatencyNanos;

    public final Counter additionalWrites;
    public final Gauge additionalWriteLatencyNanos;

    public final Gauge unleveledSSTables;

     * Metrics for inconsistencies detected between repaired data sets across replicas. These
     * are tracked on the coordinator.
    // Incremented where an inconsistency is detected and there are no pending repair sessions affecting
    // the data being read, indicating a genuine mismatch between replicas' repaired data sets.
    public final TableMeter confirmedRepairedInconsistencies;
    // Incremented where an inconsistency is detected, but there are pending & uncommitted repair sessions
    // in play on at least one replica. This may indicate a false positive as the inconsistency could be due to
    // replicas marking the repair session as committed at slightly different times and so some consider it to
    // be part of the repaired set whilst others do not.
    public final TableMeter unconfirmedRepairedInconsistencies;

    // Tracks the amount overreading of repaired data replicas perform in order to produce digests
    // at query time. For each query, on a full data read following an initial digest mismatch, the replicas
    // may read extra repaired data, up to the DataLimit of the command, so that the coordinator can compare
    // the repaired data on each replica. These are tracked on each replica.
    public final TableHistogram repairedDataTrackingOverreadRows;
    public final TableTimer repairedDataTrackingOverreadTime;

    /** When sampler activated, will track the most frequently read partitions **/
    public final Sampler topReadPartitionFrequency;
    /** When sampler activated, will track the most frequently written to partitions **/
    public final Sampler topWritePartitionFrequency;
    /** When sampler activated, will track the largest mutations **/
    public final Sampler topWritePartitionSize;
    /** When sampler activated, will track the most frequent partitions with cas contention **/
    public final Sampler topCasPartitionContention;
    /** When sampler activated, will track the slowest local reads **/
    public final Sampler topLocalReadQueryTime;
    /** When sampler activated, will track partitions read with the most rows **/
    public final Sampler topReadPartitionRowCount;
    /** When sampler activated, will track partitions read with the most tombstones **/
    public final Sampler topReadPartitionTombstoneCount;
    /** When sample activated, will track partitions read with the most merged sstables **/
    public final Sampler topReadPartitionSSTableCount;

    public final TableMeter clientTombstoneWarnings;
    public final TableMeter clientTombstoneAborts;

    public final TableMeter coordinatorReadSizeWarnings;
    public final TableMeter coordinatorReadSizeAborts;
    public final TableHistogram coordinatorReadSize;

    public final TableMeter localReadSizeWarnings;
    public final TableMeter localReadSizeAborts;
    public final TableHistogram localReadSize;

    public final TableMeter rowIndexSizeWarnings;
    public final TableMeter rowIndexSizeAborts;
    public final TableHistogram rowIndexSize;

    public final ImmutableMap, ImmutableMap>> formatSpecificGauges;

    private static Pair totalNonSystemTablesSize(Predicate predicate)
        long total = 0;
        long filtered = 0;
        for (String keyspace : Schema.instance.getNonSystemKeyspaces().names())

            Keyspace k = Schema.instance.getKeyspaceInstance(keyspace);
            if (SchemaConstants.DISTRIBUTED_KEYSPACE_NAME.equals(k.getName()))
            if (k.getReplicationStrategy().getReplicationFactor().allReplicas < 2)

            for (ColumnFamilyStore cf : k.getColumnFamilyStores())
                if (!SecondaryIndexManager.isIndexColumnFamily(
                    for (SSTableReader sstable : cf.getSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL))
                        if (predicate.test(sstable))
                            filtered += sstable.uncompressedLength();
                        total += sstable.uncompressedLength();
        return Pair.create(filtered, total);

    public static final Gauge globalPercentRepaired = Metrics.register(GLOBAL_FACTORY.createMetricName("PercentRepaired"),
                                                                               new Gauge()
        public Double getValue()
            Pair result = totalNonSystemTablesSize(SSTableReader::isRepaired);
            double repaired = result.left;
            double total = result.right;
            return total > 0 ? (repaired / total) * 100 : 100.0;

    public static final Gauge globalBytesRepaired = Metrics.register(GLOBAL_FACTORY.createMetricName("BytesRepaired"),
                                                                           () -> totalNonSystemTablesSize(SSTableReader::isRepaired).left);

    public static final Gauge globalBytesUnrepaired = 
                         () -> totalNonSystemTablesSize(s -> !s.isRepaired() && !s.isPendingRepair()).left);

    public static final Gauge globalBytesPendingRepair = 
                         () -> totalNonSystemTablesSize(SSTableReader::isPendingRepair).left);

    public final Meter readRepairRequests;
    public final Meter shortReadProtectionRequests;
    public final Meter replicaFilteringProtectionRequests;
     * This histogram records the maximum number of rows {@link org.apache.cassandra.service.reads.ReplicaFilteringProtection}
     * caches at a point in time per query. With no replica divergence, this is equivalent to the maximum number of
     * cached rows in a single partition during a query. It can be helpful when choosing appropriate values for the
     * replica_filtering_protection thresholds in cassandra.yaml.
    public final Histogram rfpRowsCachedPerQuery;

    public final EnumMap> samplers;

     * Stores all metrics created that can be used when unregistering
    private final Set all = Sets.newHashSet();

    private interface GetHistogram
        EstimatedHistogram getHistogram(SSTableReader reader);

    private static long[] combineHistograms(Iterable sstables, GetHistogram getHistogram)
        Iterator iterator = sstables.iterator();
        if (!iterator.hasNext())
            return ArrayUtils.EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY;
        long[] firstBucket = getHistogram.getHistogram(;
        long[] values = Arrays.copyOf(firstBucket, firstBucket.length);

        while (iterator.hasNext())
            long[] nextBucket = getHistogram.getHistogram(;
            values = addHistogram(values, nextBucket);
        return values;

    public static long[] addHistogram(long[] sums, long[] buckets)
        if (buckets.length > sums.length)
            sums = Arrays.copyOf(sums, buckets.length);

        for (int i = 0; i < buckets.length; i++)
            sums[i] += buckets[i];
        return sums;

     * Creates metrics for given {@link ColumnFamilyStore}.
     * @param cfs ColumnFamilyStore to measure metrics
    public TableMetrics(final ColumnFamilyStore cfs, ReleasableMetric memtableMetrics)
        factory = new TableMetricNameFactory(cfs, "Table");
        aliasFactory = new TableMetricNameFactory(cfs, "ColumnFamily");

        if (memtableMetrics != null)

        samplers = new EnumMap<>(SamplerType.class);
        topReadPartitionFrequency = new FrequencySampler()
            public String toString(ByteBuffer value)
                return cfs.metadata().partitionKeyType.getString(value);
        topWritePartitionFrequency = new FrequencySampler()
            public String toString(ByteBuffer value)
                return cfs.metadata().partitionKeyType.getString(value);
        topWritePartitionSize = new MaxSampler()
            public String toString(ByteBuffer value)
                return cfs.metadata().partitionKeyType.getString(value);
        topCasPartitionContention = new FrequencySampler()
            public String toString(ByteBuffer value)
                return cfs.metadata().partitionKeyType.getString(value);
        topLocalReadQueryTime = new MaxSampler()
            public String toString(String value)
                return value;

        topReadPartitionRowCount = new MaxSampler()
            public String toString(ByteBuffer value)
                return cfs.metadata().partitionKeyType.getString(value);

        topReadPartitionTombstoneCount = new MaxSampler()
            public String toString(ByteBuffer value)
                return cfs.metadata().partitionKeyType.getString(value);

        topReadPartitionSSTableCount = new MaxSampler()
            public String toString(ByteBuffer value)
                return cfs.metadata().partitionKeyType.getString(value);

        samplers.put(SamplerType.READS, topReadPartitionFrequency);
        samplers.put(SamplerType.WRITES, topWritePartitionFrequency);
        samplers.put(SamplerType.WRITE_SIZE, topWritePartitionSize);
        samplers.put(SamplerType.CAS_CONTENTIONS, topCasPartitionContention);
        samplers.put(SamplerType.LOCAL_READ_TIME, topLocalReadQueryTime);
        samplers.put(SamplerType.READ_ROW_COUNT, topReadPartitionRowCount);
        samplers.put(SamplerType.READ_TOMBSTONE_COUNT, topReadPartitionTombstoneCount);
        samplers.put(SamplerType.READ_SSTABLE_COUNT, topReadPartitionSSTableCount);

        memtableColumnsCount = createTableGauge("MemtableColumnsCount", 
                                                () -> cfs.getTracker().getView().getCurrentMemtable().operationCount());

        // MemtableOnHeapSize naming deprecated in 4.0
        memtableOnHeapDataSize = createTableGaugeWithDeprecation("MemtableOnHeapDataSize", "MemtableOnHeapSize", 
                                                                 () -> Memtable.getMemoryUsage(cfs.getTracker().getView().getCurrentMemtable()).ownsOnHeap,
                                                                 new GlobalTableGauge("MemtableOnHeapDataSize"));

        // MemtableOffHeapSize naming deprecated in 4.0
        memtableOffHeapDataSize = createTableGaugeWithDeprecation("MemtableOffHeapDataSize", "MemtableOffHeapSize", 
                                                                  () -> Memtable.getMemoryUsage(cfs.getTracker().getView().getCurrentMemtable()).ownsOffHeap,
                                                                  new GlobalTableGauge("MemtableOnHeapDataSize"));
        memtableLiveDataSize = createTableGauge("MemtableLiveDataSize", 
                                                () -> cfs.getTracker().getView().getCurrentMemtable().getLiveDataSize());

        // AllMemtablesHeapSize naming deprecated in 4.0
        allMemtablesOnHeapDataSize = createTableGaugeWithDeprecation("AllMemtablesOnHeapDataSize", "AllMemtablesHeapSize", new Gauge()
            public Long getValue()
                return getMemoryUsageWithIndexes(cfs).ownsOnHeap;
        }, new GlobalTableGauge("AllMemtablesOnHeapDataSize"));

        // AllMemtablesOffHeapSize naming deprecated in 4.0
        allMemtablesOffHeapDataSize = createTableGaugeWithDeprecation("AllMemtablesOffHeapDataSize", "AllMemtablesOffHeapSize", new Gauge()
            public Long getValue()
                return getMemoryUsageWithIndexes(cfs).ownsOffHeap;
        }, new GlobalTableGauge("AllMemtablesOffHeapDataSize"));
        allMemtablesLiveDataSize = createTableGauge("AllMemtablesLiveDataSize", new Gauge()
            public Long getValue()
                long size = 0;
                for (ColumnFamilyStore cfs2 : cfs.concatWithIndexes())
                    size += cfs2.getTracker().getView().getCurrentMemtable().getLiveDataSize();
                return size;
        memtableSwitchCount = createTableCounter("MemtableSwitchCount");
        estimatedPartitionSizeHistogram = createTableGauge("EstimatedPartitionSizeHistogram", "EstimatedRowSizeHistogram",
                                                           () -> combineHistograms(cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL),
                                                                                   SSTableReader::getEstimatedPartitionSize), null);
        estimatedPartitionCount = createTableGauge("EstimatedPartitionCount", "EstimatedRowCount", new Gauge()
            public Long getValue()
                long memtablePartitions = 0;
                for (Memtable memtable : cfs.getTracker().getView().getAllMemtables())
                   memtablePartitions += memtable.partitionCount();
                try(ColumnFamilyStore.RefViewFragment refViewFragment = cfs.selectAndReference(View.selectFunction(SSTableSet.CANONICAL)))
                    return SSTableReader.getApproximateKeyCount(refViewFragment.sstables) + memtablePartitions;
        }, null);
        estimatedColumnCountHistogram = createTableGauge("EstimatedColumnCountHistogram", "EstimatedColumnCountHistogram",
                                                         () -> combineHistograms(cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL), 
                                                                                 SSTableReader::getEstimatedCellPerPartitionCount), null);
        sstablesPerReadHistogram = createTableHistogram("SSTablesPerReadHistogram", cfs.keyspace.metric.sstablesPerReadHistogram, true);
        sstablesPerRangeReadHistogram = createTableHistogram("SSTablesPerRangeReadHistogram", cfs.keyspace.metric.sstablesPerRangeReadHistogram, true);
        compressionRatio = createTableGauge("CompressionRatio", new Gauge()
            public Double getValue()
                return computeCompressionRatio(cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL));
        }, new Gauge() // global gauge
            public Double getValue()
                List sstables = new ArrayList<>();
                Keyspace.all().forEach(ks -> sstables.addAll(ks.getAllSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL)));
                return computeCompressionRatio(sstables);
        percentRepaired = createTableGauge("PercentRepaired", new Gauge()
            public Double getValue()
                double repaired = 0;
                double total = 0;
                for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL))
                    if (sstable.isRepaired())
                        repaired += sstable.uncompressedLength();
                    total += sstable.uncompressedLength();
                return total > 0 ? (repaired / total) * 100 : 100.0;

        bytesRepaired = createTableGauge("BytesRepaired", new Gauge()
            public Long getValue()
                long size = 0;
                for (SSTableReader sstable: Iterables.filter(cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL), SSTableReader::isRepaired))
                    size += sstable.uncompressedLength();
                return size;

        bytesUnrepaired = createTableGauge("BytesUnrepaired", new Gauge()
            public Long getValue()
                long size = 0;
                for (SSTableReader sstable: Iterables.filter(cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL), s -> !s.isRepaired() && !s.isPendingRepair()))
                    size += sstable.uncompressedLength();
                return size;

        bytesPendingRepair = createTableGauge("BytesPendingRepair", new Gauge()
            public Long getValue()
                long size = 0;
                for (SSTableReader sstable: Iterables.filter(cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL), SSTableReader::isPendingRepair))
                    size += sstable.uncompressedLength();
                return size;

        readLatency = createLatencyMetrics("Read", cfs.keyspace.metric.readLatency, GLOBAL_READ_LATENCY);
        writeLatency = createLatencyMetrics("Write", cfs.keyspace.metric.writeLatency, GLOBAL_WRITE_LATENCY);
        rangeLatency = createLatencyMetrics("Range", cfs.keyspace.metric.rangeLatency, GLOBAL_RANGE_LATENCY);
        pendingFlushes = createTableCounter("PendingFlushes");
        bytesFlushed = createTableCounter("BytesFlushed");
        flushSizeOnDisk = ExpMovingAverage.decayBy1000();

        compactionBytesWritten = createTableCounter("CompactionBytesWritten");
        pendingCompactions = createTableGauge("PendingCompactions", () -> cfs.getCompactionStrategyManager().getEstimatedRemainingTasks());
        liveSSTableCount = createTableGauge("LiveSSTableCount", () -> cfs.getTracker().getView().liveSSTables().size());
        oldVersionSSTableCount = createTableGauge("OldVersionSSTableCount", new Gauge()
            public Integer getValue()
                int count = 0;
                for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getLiveSSTables())
                    if (!sstable.descriptor.version.isLatestVersion())
                return count;
        maxSSTableDuration = createTableGauge("MaxSSTableDuration", new Gauge()
            public Long getValue()
                return cfs.getTracker()
                          .filter(sstable -> sstable.getMinTimestamp() != Long.MAX_VALUE && sstable.getMaxTimestamp() != Long.MAX_VALUE)
                          .map(ssTableReader -> ssTableReader.getMaxTimestamp() - ssTableReader.getMinTimestamp())
                          .orElse(0L) / 1000;
        maxSSTableSize = createTableGauge("MaxSSTableSize", new Gauge()
            public Long getValue()
                return cfs.getTracker()
        liveDiskSpaceUsed = createTableCounter("LiveDiskSpaceUsed");
        uncompressedLiveDiskSpaceUsed = createTableCounter("UncompressedLiveDiskSpaceUsed");
        totalDiskSpaceUsed = createTableCounter("TotalDiskSpaceUsed");
        minPartitionSize = createTableGauge("MinPartitionSize", "MinRowSize", new Gauge()
            public Long getValue()
                long min = 0;
                for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL))
                    if (min == 0 || sstable.getEstimatedPartitionSize().min() < min)
                        min = sstable.getEstimatedPartitionSize().min();
                return min;
        }, new Gauge() // global gauge
            public Long getValue()
                long min = Long.MAX_VALUE;
                for (Metric cfGauge : ALL_TABLE_METRICS.get("MinPartitionSize"))
                    min = Math.min(min, ((Gauge) cfGauge).getValue().longValue());
                return min;
        maxPartitionSize = createTableGauge("MaxPartitionSize", "MaxRowSize", new Gauge()
            public Long getValue()
                long max = 0;
                for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL))
                    if (sstable.getEstimatedPartitionSize().max() > max)
                        max = sstable.getEstimatedPartitionSize().max();
                return max;
        }, new Gauge() // global gauge
            public Long getValue()
                long max = 0;
                for (Metric cfGauge : ALL_TABLE_METRICS.get("MaxPartitionSize"))
                    max = Math.max(max, ((Gauge) cfGauge).getValue().longValue());
                return max;
        meanPartitionSize = createTableGauge("MeanPartitionSize", "MeanRowSize", new Gauge()
            public Long getValue()
                long sum = 0;
                long count = 0;
                for (SSTableReader sstable : cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL))
                    long n = sstable.getEstimatedPartitionSize().count();
                    sum += sstable.getEstimatedPartitionSize().mean() * n;
                    count += n;
                return count > 0 ? sum / count : 0;
        }, new Gauge() // global gauge
            public Long getValue()
                long sum = 0;
                long count = 0;
                for (Keyspace keyspace : Keyspace.all())
                    for (SSTableReader sstable : keyspace.getAllSSTables(SSTableSet.CANONICAL))
                        long n = sstable.getEstimatedPartitionSize().count();
                        sum += sstable.getEstimatedPartitionSize().mean() * n;
                        count += n;
                return count > 0 ? sum / count : 0;
        compressionMetadataOffHeapMemoryUsed = createTableGauge("CompressionMetadataOffHeapMemoryUsed", new Gauge()
            public Long getValue()
                long total = 0;
                for (SSTableReader sst : cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.LIVE))
                    total += sst.getCompressionMetadataOffHeapSize();
                return total;
        speculativeRetries = createTableCounter("SpeculativeRetries");
        speculativeFailedRetries = createTableCounter("SpeculativeFailedRetries");
        speculativeInsufficientReplicas = createTableCounter("SpeculativeInsufficientReplicas");
        speculativeSampleLatencyNanos = createTableGauge("SpeculativeSampleLatencyNanos", () -> MICROSECONDS.toNanos(cfs.sampleReadLatencyMicros));

        additionalWrites = createTableCounter("AdditionalWrites");
        additionalWriteLatencyNanos = createTableGauge("AdditionalWriteLatencyNanos", () -> MICROSECONDS.toNanos(cfs.additionalWriteLatencyMicros));

        tombstoneScannedHistogram = createTableHistogram("TombstoneScannedHistogram", cfs.keyspace.metric.tombstoneScannedHistogram, false);
        liveScannedHistogram = createTableHistogram("LiveScannedHistogram", cfs.keyspace.metric.liveScannedHistogram, false);
        colUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram = createTableHistogram("ColUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram", cfs.keyspace.metric.colUpdateTimeDeltaHistogram, false);
        coordinatorReadLatency = createTableTimer("CoordinatorReadLatency");
        coordinatorScanLatency = createTableTimer("CoordinatorScanLatency");
        coordinatorWriteLatency = createTableTimer("CoordinatorWriteLatency");

        // We do not want to capture view mutation specific metrics for a view
        // They only makes sense to capture on the base table
        if (cfs.metadata().isView())
            viewLockAcquireTime = null;
            viewReadTime = null;
            viewLockAcquireTime = createTableTimer("ViewLockAcquireTime", cfs.keyspace.metric.viewLockAcquireTime);
            viewReadTime = createTableTimer("ViewReadTime", cfs.keyspace.metric.viewReadTime);

        trueSnapshotsSize = createTableGauge("SnapshotsSize", cfs::trueSnapshotsSize);
        rowCacheHitOutOfRange = createTableCounter("RowCacheHitOutOfRange");
        rowCacheHit = createTableCounter("RowCacheHit");
        rowCacheMiss = createTableCounter("RowCacheMiss");

        tombstoneFailures = createTableCounter("TombstoneFailures");
        tombstoneWarnings = createTableCounter("TombstoneWarnings");

        casPrepare = createLatencyMetrics("CasPrepare", cfs.keyspace.metric.casPrepare);
        casPropose = createLatencyMetrics("CasPropose", cfs.keyspace.metric.casPropose);
        casCommit = createLatencyMetrics("CasCommit", cfs.keyspace.metric.casCommit);

        repairsStarted = createTableCounter("RepairJobsStarted");
        repairsCompleted = createTableCounter("RepairJobsCompleted");

        anticompactionTime = createTableTimer("AnticompactionTime", cfs.keyspace.metric.anticompactionTime);
        validationTime = createTableTimer("ValidationTime", cfs.keyspace.metric.validationTime);
        repairSyncTime = createTableTimer("RepairSyncTime", cfs.keyspace.metric.repairSyncTime);

        bytesValidated = createTableHistogram("BytesValidated", cfs.keyspace.metric.bytesValidated, false);
        partitionsValidated = createTableHistogram("PartitionsValidated", cfs.keyspace.metric.partitionsValidated, false);
        bytesAnticompacted = createTableCounter("BytesAnticompacted");
        bytesMutatedAnticompaction = createTableCounter("BytesMutatedAnticompaction");
        mutatedAnticompactionGauge = createTableGauge("MutatedAnticompactionGauge", () ->
            double bytesMutated = bytesMutatedAnticompaction.getCount();
            double bytesAnticomp = bytesAnticompacted.getCount();
            if (bytesAnticomp + bytesMutated > 0)
                return bytesMutated / (bytesAnticomp + bytesMutated);
            return 0.0;

        readRepairRequests = createTableMeter("ReadRepairRequests");
        shortReadProtectionRequests = createTableMeter("ShortReadProtectionRequests");
        replicaFilteringProtectionRequests = createTableMeter("ReplicaFilteringProtectionRequests");
        rfpRowsCachedPerQuery = createHistogram("ReplicaFilteringProtectionRowsCachedPerQuery", true);

        confirmedRepairedInconsistencies = createTableMeter("RepairedDataInconsistenciesConfirmed", cfs.keyspace.metric.confirmedRepairedInconsistencies);
        unconfirmedRepairedInconsistencies = createTableMeter("RepairedDataInconsistenciesUnconfirmed", cfs.keyspace.metric.unconfirmedRepairedInconsistencies);

        repairedDataTrackingOverreadRows = createTableHistogram("RepairedDataTrackingOverreadRows", cfs.keyspace.metric.repairedDataTrackingOverreadRows, false);
        repairedDataTrackingOverreadTime = createTableTimer("RepairedDataTrackingOverreadTime", cfs.keyspace.metric.repairedDataTrackingOverreadTime);

        unleveledSSTables = createTableGauge("UnleveledSSTables", cfs::getUnleveledSSTables, () -> {
            // global gauge
            int cnt = 0;
            for (Metric cfGauge : ALL_TABLE_METRICS.get("UnleveledSSTables"))
                cnt += ((Gauge) cfGauge).getValue().intValue();
            return cnt;

        clientTombstoneWarnings = createTableMeter("ClientTombstoneWarnings", cfs.keyspace.metric.clientTombstoneWarnings);
        clientTombstoneAborts = createTableMeter("ClientTombstoneAborts", cfs.keyspace.metric.clientTombstoneAborts);

        coordinatorReadSizeWarnings = createTableMeter("CoordinatorReadSizeWarnings", cfs.keyspace.metric.coordinatorReadSizeWarnings);
        coordinatorReadSizeAborts = createTableMeter("CoordinatorReadSizeAborts", cfs.keyspace.metric.coordinatorReadSizeAborts);
        coordinatorReadSize = createTableHistogram("CoordinatorReadSize", cfs.keyspace.metric.coordinatorReadSize, false);

        localReadSizeWarnings = createTableMeter("LocalReadSizeWarnings", cfs.keyspace.metric.localReadSizeWarnings);
        localReadSizeAborts = createTableMeter("LocalReadSizeAborts", cfs.keyspace.metric.localReadSizeAborts);
        localReadSize = createTableHistogram("LocalReadSize", cfs.keyspace.metric.localReadSize, false);

        rowIndexSizeWarnings = createTableMeter("RowIndexSizeWarnings", cfs.keyspace.metric.rowIndexSizeWarnings);
        rowIndexSizeAborts = createTableMeter("RowIndexSizeAborts", cfs.keyspace.metric.rowIndexSizeAborts);
        rowIndexSize = createTableHistogram("RowIndexSize", cfs.keyspace.metric.rowIndexSize, false);

        formatSpecificGauges = createFormatSpecificGauges(cfs);

    private Memtable.MemoryUsage getMemoryUsageWithIndexes(ColumnFamilyStore cfs)
        Memtable.MemoryUsage usage = Memtable.newMemoryUsage();
        for (ColumnFamilyStore indexCfs : cfs.indexManager.getAllIndexColumnFamilyStores())
        return usage;

    public void updateSSTableIterated(int count)

    public void updateSSTableIteratedInRangeRead(int count)

     * Release all associated metrics.
    public void release()
        for (ReleasableMetric entry : all)

    private ImmutableMap, ImmutableMap>> createFormatSpecificGauges(ColumnFamilyStore cfs)
        ImmutableMap.Builder, ImmutableMap>> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
        for (SSTableFormat format : DatabaseDescriptor.getSSTableFormats().values())
            ImmutableMap.Builder> gauges = ImmutableMap.builder();
            for (GaugeProvider gaugeProvider : format.getFormatSpecificMetricsProviders().getGaugeProviders())
                Gauge gauge = createTableGauge(, gaugeProvider.getTableGauge(cfs), gaugeProvider.getGlobalGauge());
                gauges.put(, gauge);

     * Create a gauge that will be part of a merged version of all column families.  The global gauge
     * will merge each CF gauge by adding their values
    protected  Gauge createTableGauge(final String name, Gauge gauge)
        return createTableGauge(name, gauge, new GlobalTableGauge(name));

     * Create a gauge that will be part of a merged version of all column families.  The global gauge
     * is defined as the globalGauge parameter
    protected  Gauge createTableGauge(String name, Gauge gauge, Gauge globalGauge)
        return createTableGauge(name, name, gauge, globalGauge);

    protected  Gauge createTableGauge(String name, String alias, Gauge gauge, Gauge globalGauge)
        Gauge cfGauge = Metrics.register(factory.createMetricName(name), aliasFactory.createMetricName(alias), gauge);
        if (register(name, alias, cfGauge) && globalGauge != null)
            Metrics.register(GLOBAL_FACTORY.createMetricName(name), GLOBAL_ALIAS_FACTORY.createMetricName(alias), globalGauge);
        return cfGauge;

     * Same as {@link #createTableGauge(String, Gauge, Gauge)} but accepts a deprecated
     * name for a table {@code Gauge}. Prefer that method when deprecation is not necessary.
     * @param name the name of the metric registered with the "Table" type
     * @param deprecated the deprecated name for the metric registered with the "Table" type
    protected  Gauge createTableGaugeWithDeprecation(String name, String deprecated, Gauge gauge, Gauge globalGauge)
        assert deprecated != null : "no deprecated metric name provided";
        assert globalGauge != null : "no global Gauge metric provided";
        Gauge cfGauge = Metrics.register(factory.createMetricName(name), 
        if (register(name, name, deprecated, cfGauge))
        return cfGauge;

     * Creates a counter that will also have a global counter thats the sum of all counters across
     * different column families
    protected Counter createTableCounter(final String name)
        return createTableCounter(name, name);

    protected Counter createTableCounter(final String name, final String alias)
        Counter cfCounter = Metrics.counter(factory.createMetricName(name), aliasFactory.createMetricName(alias));
        if (register(name, alias, cfCounter))
                             new Gauge()
                public Long getValue()
                    long total = 0;
                    for (Metric cfGauge : ALL_TABLE_METRICS.get(name))
                        total += ((Counter) cfGauge).getCount();
                    return total;
        return cfCounter;

    private Meter createTableMeter(final String name)
        return createTableMeter(name, name);

    private Meter createTableMeter(final String name, final String alias)
        Meter tableMeter = Metrics.meter(factory.createMetricName(name), aliasFactory.createMetricName(alias));
        register(name, alias, tableMeter);
        return tableMeter;
    private Histogram createHistogram(String name, boolean considerZeroes)
        Histogram histogram = Metrics.histogram(factory.createMetricName(name), aliasFactory.createMetricName(name), considerZeroes);
        register(name, name, histogram);
        return histogram;

     * Computes the compression ratio for the specified SSTables
     * @param sstables the SSTables
     * @return the compression ratio for the specified SSTables
    private static Double computeCompressionRatio(Iterable sstables)
        double compressedLengthSum = 0;
        double dataLengthSum = 0;
        for (SSTableReader sstable : sstables)
            if (sstable.compression)
                // We should not have any sstable which are in an open early mode as the sstable were selected
                // using SSTableSet.CANONICAL.
                assert sstable.openReason != SSTableReader.OpenReason.EARLY;

                CompressionMetadata compressionMetadata = sstable.getCompressionMetadata();
                compressedLengthSum += compressionMetadata.compressedFileLength;
                dataLengthSum += compressionMetadata.dataLength;
        return dataLengthSum != 0 ? compressedLengthSum / dataLengthSum : MetadataCollector.NO_COMPRESSION_RATIO;

     * Create a histogram-like interface that will register both a CF, keyspace and global level
     * histogram and forward any updates to both
    protected TableHistogram createTableHistogram(String name, Histogram keyspaceHistogram, boolean considerZeroes)
        return createTableHistogram(name, name, keyspaceHistogram, considerZeroes);

    protected TableHistogram createTableHistogram(String name, String alias, Histogram keyspaceHistogram, boolean considerZeroes)
        Histogram cfHistogram = Metrics.histogram(factory.createMetricName(name), aliasFactory.createMetricName(alias), considerZeroes);
        register(name, alias, cfHistogram);
        return new TableHistogram(cfHistogram,

    protected Histogram createTableHistogram(String name, boolean considerZeroes)
        return createTableHistogram(name, name, considerZeroes);

    protected Histogram createTableHistogram(String name, String alias, boolean considerZeroes)
        Histogram tableHistogram = Metrics.histogram(factory.createMetricName(name), aliasFactory.createMetricName(alias), considerZeroes);
        register(name, alias, tableHistogram);
        return tableHistogram;

    protected TableTimer createTableTimer(String name, Timer keyspaceTimer)
        Timer cfTimer = Metrics.timer(factory.createMetricName(name), aliasFactory.createMetricName(name));
        register(name, name, keyspaceTimer);
        Timer global = Metrics.timer(GLOBAL_FACTORY.createMetricName(name), GLOBAL_ALIAS_FACTORY.createMetricName(name));

        return new TableTimer(cfTimer, keyspaceTimer, global);

    protected SnapshottingTimer createTableTimer(String name)
        SnapshottingTimer tableTimer = Metrics.timer(factory.createMetricName(name), aliasFactory.createMetricName(name));
        register(name, name, tableTimer);
        return tableTimer;

    protected TableMeter createTableMeter(String name, Meter keyspaceMeter)
        return createTableMeter(name, name, keyspaceMeter);

    protected TableMeter createTableMeter(String name, String alias, Meter keyspaceMeter)
        Meter meter = Metrics.meter(factory.createMetricName(name), aliasFactory.createMetricName(alias));
        register(name, alias, meter);
        return new TableMeter(meter,

    private LatencyMetrics createLatencyMetrics(String namePrefix, LatencyMetrics ... parents)
        LatencyMetrics metric = new LatencyMetrics(factory, namePrefix, parents);
        return metric;

     * Registers a metric to be removed when unloading CF.
     * @return true if first time metric with that name has been registered
    private boolean register(String name, String alias, Metric metric)
        return register(name, alias, null, metric);

     * Registers a metric to be removed when unloading CF.
     * @param name the name of the metric registered with the "Table" type
     * @param alias the name of the metric registered with the legacy "ColumnFamily" type
     * @param deprecated an optionally null deprecated name for the metric registered with the "Table"
     * @return true if first time metric with that name has been registered
    private boolean register(String name, String alias, String deprecated, Metric metric)
        boolean ret = ALL_TABLE_METRICS.putIfAbsent(name, ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet()) == null;
        all.add(() -> releaseMetric(name, alias, deprecated));
        return ret;

    private void releaseMetric(String tableMetricName, String cfMetricName, String tableMetricAlias)
        CassandraMetricsRegistry.MetricName name = factory.createMetricName(tableMetricName);

        final Metric metric = Metrics.getMetrics().get(name.getMetricName());
        if (metric != null)
            // Metric will be null if we are releasing a view metric.  Views have null for ViewLockAcquireTime and ViewLockReadTime
            CassandraMetricsRegistry.MetricName cfAlias = aliasFactory.createMetricName(cfMetricName);
            if (tableMetricAlias != null)
                Metrics.remove(name, cfAlias, factory.createMetricName(tableMetricAlias), aliasFactory.createMetricName(tableMetricAlias));
                Metrics.remove(name, cfAlias);

    public static class TableMeter
        public final Meter[] all;
        public final Meter table;
        public final Meter global;

        private TableMeter(Meter table, Meter keyspace, Meter global)
            this.table = table;
   = global;
            this.all = new Meter[]{table, keyspace, global};

        public void mark()
            for (Meter meter : all)

    public static class TableHistogram
        public final Histogram[] all;
        public final Histogram cf;
        public final Histogram global;

        private TableHistogram(Histogram cf, Histogram keyspace, Histogram global)
   = cf;
   = global;
            this.all = new Histogram[]{cf, keyspace, global};

        public void update(long i)
            for(Histogram histo : all)

    public static class TableTimer
        public final Timer[] all;
        public final Timer cf;
        public final Timer global;

        private TableTimer(Timer cf, Timer keyspace, Timer global)
   = cf;
   = global;
            this.all = new Timer[]{cf, keyspace, global};

        public void update(long i, TimeUnit unit)
            for(Timer timer : all)
                timer.update(i, unit);

        public Context time()
            return new Context(all);

        public static class Context implements AutoCloseable
            private final long start;
            private final Timer [] all;

            private Context(Timer [] all)
                this.all = all;
                start = nanoTime();

            public void close()
                long duration = nanoTime() - start;
                for (Timer t : all)
                    t.update(duration, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);

    static class TableMetricNameFactory implements MetricNameFactory
        private final String keyspaceName;
        private final String tableName;
        private final boolean isIndex;
        private final String type;

        TableMetricNameFactory(ColumnFamilyStore cfs, String type)
            this.keyspaceName = cfs.getKeyspaceName();
            this.tableName =;
            this.isIndex = cfs.isIndex();
            this.type = type;

        public CassandraMetricsRegistry.MetricName createMetricName(String metricName)
            String groupName = TableMetrics.class.getPackage().getName();
            String type = isIndex ? "Index" + this.type : this.type;

            StringBuilder mbeanName = new StringBuilder();

            return new CassandraMetricsRegistry.MetricName(groupName, type, metricName, keyspaceName + "." + tableName, mbeanName.toString());

    static class AllTableMetricNameFactory implements MetricNameFactory
        private final String type;
        public AllTableMetricNameFactory(String type)
            this.type = type;

        public CassandraMetricsRegistry.MetricName createMetricName(String metricName)
            String groupName = TableMetrics.class.getPackage().getName();
            StringBuilder mbeanName = new StringBuilder();
            return new CassandraMetricsRegistry.MetricName(groupName, type, metricName, "all", mbeanName.toString());

    public interface ReleasableMetric
        void release();

    private static class GlobalTableGauge implements Gauge
        private final String name;

        public GlobalTableGauge(String name)
   = name;

        public Long getValue()
            long total = 0;
            for (Metric cfGauge : ALL_TABLE_METRICS.get(name))
                total = total + ((Gauge) cfGauge).getValue().longValue();
            return total;

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