org.apache.cassandra.net.OutboundMessageQueue Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.cassandra.net;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongFieldUpdater;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.MonotonicClock;
import static java.lang.Long.MAX_VALUE;
import static java.lang.Math.min;
import static java.util.Collections.newSetFromMap;
import static org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.CountDownLatch.newCountDownLatch;
* A composite queue holding messages to be delivered by an {@link OutboundConnection}.
* Contains two queues:
* 1. An external MPSC {@link ManyToOneConcurrentLinkedQueue} for producers to enqueue messages onto
* 2. An internal intermediate {@link PrunableArrayQueue} into which the external queue is
* drained with exclusive access and from which actual deliveries happen
* The second, intermediate queue exists to enable efficient in-place pruning of expired messages.
* Said pruning will be attempted in several scenarios:
* 1. By callers invoking {@link #add(Message)} - if metadata indicates presence of expired messages
* in the queue, and if exclusive access can be immediately obtained (non-blockingly)
* 2. By {@link OutboundConnection}, periodically, while disconnected
* 3. As an optimisation, in an attempt to free up endpoint capacity on {@link OutboundConnection#enqueue(Message)}
* if current endpoint reserve was insufficient
class OutboundMessageQueue
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OutboundMessageQueue.class);
interface MessageConsumer
boolean accept(Message> message) throws Produces;
private final MonotonicClock clock;
private final MessageConsumer onExpired;
private final ManyToOneConcurrentLinkedQueue> externalQueue = new ManyToOneConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
private final PrunableArrayQueue> internalQueue = new PrunableArrayQueue<>(256);
private volatile long earliestExpiresAt = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private volatile long nextExpirationDeadline = Long.MAX_VALUE;
private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater earliestExpiresAtUpdater =
AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(OutboundMessageQueue.class, "earliestExpiresAt");
private static final AtomicLongFieldUpdater nextExpirationDeadlineUpdater =
AtomicLongFieldUpdater.newUpdater(OutboundMessageQueue.class, "nextExpirationDeadline");
OutboundMessageQueue(MonotonicClock clock, MessageConsumer onExpired)
this.clock = clock;
this.onExpired = onExpired;
* Add the provided message to the queue. Always succeeds.
void add(Message> m)
// Known race here. See CASSANDRAi-15958
maybeUpdateEarliestExpiresAt(clock.now(), m.expiresAtNanos()),
* Try to obtain the lock; if this fails, a callback will be registered to be invoked when
* the lock is relinquished.
* This callback will run WITHOUT ownership of the lock, so must re-obtain the lock.
* @return null if failed to obtain the lock
WithLock lockOrCallback(long nowNanos, Runnable callbackIfDeferred)
if (!lockOrCallback(callbackIfDeferred))
return null;
return new WithLock(nowNanos);
* Try to obtain the lock. If successful, invoke the provided consumer immediately, otherwise
* register it to be invoked when the lock is relinquished.
void runEventually(Consumer runEventually)
try (WithLock withLock = lockOrCallback(clock.now(), () -> runEventually(runEventually)))
if (withLock != null)
* If succeeds to obtain the lock, polls the queue, otherwise registers the provided callback
* to be invoked when the lock is relinquished.
* May return null when the queue is non-empty - if the lock could not be acquired.
Message> tryPoll(long nowNanos, Runnable elseIfDeferred)
try (WithLock withLock = lockOrCallback(nowNanos, elseIfDeferred))
if (withLock == null)
return null;
return withLock.poll();
class WithLock implements AutoCloseable
private final long nowNanos;
private WithLock(long nowNanos)
this.nowNanos = nowNanos;
Message> poll()
Message> m;
while (null != (m = internalQueue.poll()))
if (shouldSend(m, clock, nowNanos))
return m;
void removeHead(Message> expectHead)
assert expectHead == internalQueue.peek();
Message> peek()
Message> m;
while (null != (m = internalQueue.peek()))
if (shouldSend(m, clock, nowNanos))
return m;
void consume(Consumer> consumer)
Message> m;
while (null != (m = poll()))
public void close()
if (clock.isAfter(nowNanos, nextExpirationDeadline))
* Call periodically if cannot expect to promptly invoke consume()
boolean maybePruneExpired()
return maybePruneExpired(clock.now());
private boolean maybePruneExpired(long nowNanos)
if (clock.isAfter(nowNanos, nextExpirationDeadline))
return tryRun(() -> pruneWithLock(nowNanos));
return false;
* Update {@code earliestExpiresAt} with the given {@code candidateTime} if less than the current value OR
* if the current value is past the current {@code nowNanos} time: this last condition is needed to make sure we keep
* tracking the earliest expiry time even while we prune previous values, so that at the end of the pruning task,
* we can reconcile between the earliest expiry time recorded at pruning and the one recorded at insert time.
private long maybeUpdateEarliestExpiresAt(long nowNanos, long candidateTime)
return earliestExpiresAtUpdater.accumulateAndGet(this, candidateTime, (oldTime, newTime) -> {
if (clock.isAfter(nowNanos, oldTime))
return newTime;
return min(oldTime, newTime);
* Update {@code nextExpirationDeadline} with the given {@code candidateDeadline} if less than the current
* deadline, unless the current deadline is passed in relation to {@code nowNanos}: this is needed
* to resolve a race where both {@link #add(org.apache.cassandra.net.Message) } and {@link #pruneInternalQueueWithLock(long) }
* try to update the expiration deadline.
private long maybeUpdateNextExpirationDeadline(long nowNanos, long candidateDeadline)
return nextExpirationDeadlineUpdater.accumulateAndGet(this, candidateDeadline, (oldDeadline, newDeadline) -> {
if (clock.isAfter(nowNanos, oldDeadline))
return newDeadline;
return min(oldDeadline, newDeadline);
* Drain external queue into the internal one and prune the latter in-place.
private void pruneWithLock(long nowNanos)
* Prune the internal queue in-place.
private void pruneInternalQueueWithLock(long nowNanos)
class Pruner implements PrunableArrayQueue.Pruner>
private long earliestExpiresAt = Long.MAX_VALUE;
public boolean shouldPrune(Message> message)
return !shouldSend(message, clock, nowNanos);
public void onPruned(Message> message)
public void onKept(Message> message)
earliestExpiresAt = min(message.expiresAtNanos(), earliestExpiresAt);
Pruner pruner = new Pruner();
maybeUpdateNextExpirationDeadline(nowNanos, maybeUpdateEarliestExpiresAt(nowNanos, pruner.earliestExpiresAt));
long nextExpirationIn(long nowNanos, TimeUnit unit)
return unit.convert(nextExpirationDeadline - nowNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
private static class Locked implements Runnable
final Runnable run;
final Locked next;
private Locked(Runnable run, Locked next)
this.run = run;
this.next = next;
Locked andThen(Runnable next)
return new Locked(next, this);
public void run()
Locked cur = this;
while (cur != null)
catch (Throwable t)
logger.error("Unexpected error when executing deferred lock-intending functions", t);
cur = cur.next;
private static final Locked LOCKED = new Locked(() -> {}, null);
private volatile Locked locked = null;
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater lockedUpdater =
AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(OutboundMessageQueue.class, Locked.class, "locked");
* Run runOnceLocked either immediately in the calling thread if we can obtain the lock, or ask the lock's current
* owner attempt to run it when the lock is released. This may be passed between a sequence of owners, as the present
* owner releases the lock before trying to acquire it again and execute the task.
private void runEventually(Runnable runEventually)
if (!lockOrCallback(() -> runEventually(runEventually)))
* If we can immediately obtain the lock, execute runIfLocked and return true;
* otherwise do nothing and return false.
private boolean tryRun(Runnable runIfAvailable)
if (!tryLock())
return false;
return true;
* @return true iff the caller now owns the lock
private boolean tryLock()
return locked == null && lockedUpdater.compareAndSet(this, null, LOCKED);
* Try to obtain the lock; if this fails, a callback will be registered to be invoked when the lock is relinquished.
* This callback will run WITHOUT ownership of the lock, so must re-obtain the lock.
* @return true iff the caller now owns the lock
private boolean lockOrCallback(Runnable callbackWhenAvailable)
if (callbackWhenAvailable == null)
return tryLock();
while (true)
Locked current = locked;
if (current == null && lockedUpdater.compareAndSet(this, null, LOCKED))
return true;
else if (current != null && lockedUpdater.compareAndSet(this, current, current.andThen(callbackWhenAvailable)))
return false;
private void unlock()
Locked locked = lockedUpdater.getAndSet(this, null);
* While removal happens extremely infrequently, it seems possible for many to still interleave with a connection
* being closed, as experimentally we have encountered enough pending removes to overflow the Locked call stack
* (prior to making its evaluation iterative).
* While the stack can no longer be exhausted, this suggests a high potential cost for evaluating all removals,
* so to ensure system stability we aggregate all pending removes into a single shared object that evaluate
* together with only a single lock acquisition.
private volatile RemoveRunner removeRunner = null;
private static final AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater removeRunnerUpdater =
AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(OutboundMessageQueue.class, RemoveRunner.class, "removeRunner");
static class Remove
final Message> message;
final Remove next;
Remove(Message> message, Remove next)
this.message = message;
this.next = next;
private class RemoveRunner extends AtomicReference implements Runnable
final CountDownLatch done = newCountDownLatch(1);
final Set> removed = newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());
RemoveRunner() { super(new Remove(null, null)); }
boolean undo(Message> message)
return null != updateAndGet(prev -> prev == null ? null : new Remove(message, prev));
public void run()
Set> remove = newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<>());
removeRunner = null;
Remove undo = getAndSet(null);
while (undo.message != null)
undo = undo.next;
class Remover implements PrunableArrayQueue.Pruner>
private long earliestExpiresAt = MAX_VALUE;
public boolean shouldPrune(Message> message)
return remove.contains(message);
public void onPruned(Message> message)
public void onKept(Message> message)
earliestExpiresAt = min(message.expiresAtNanos(), earliestExpiresAt);
Remover remover = new Remover();
long nowNanos = clock.now();
maybeUpdateNextExpirationDeadline(nowNanos, maybeUpdateEarliestExpiresAt(nowNanos, remover.earliestExpiresAt));
* Remove the provided Message from the queue, if present.
* WARNING: This is a blocking call.
boolean remove(Message> remove)
if (remove == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
RemoveRunner runner;
while (true)
runner = removeRunner;
if (runner != null && runner.undo(remove))
if (runner == null && removeRunnerUpdater.compareAndSet(this, null, runner = new RemoveRunner()))
return runner.removed.contains(remove);
private static boolean shouldSend(Message> m, MonotonicClock clock, long nowNanos)
return !clock.isAfter(nowNanos, m.expiresAtNanos());
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