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org.apache.cassandra.schema.ColumnMetadata Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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The Apache Cassandra Project develops a highly scalable second-generation distributed database, bringing together Dynamo's fully distributed design and Bigtable's ColumnFamily-based data model.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.schema;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.masking.ColumnMask;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.selection.Selectable;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.selection.Selector;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.selection.SimpleSelector;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException;
import org.github.jamm.Unmetered;
public final class ColumnMetadata extends ColumnSpecification implements Selectable, Comparable
public static final Comparator asymmetricColumnDataComparator =
(a, b) -> ((ColumnData) a).column().compareTo((ColumnMetadata) b);
public static final int NO_POSITION = -1;
public enum ClusteringOrder
* The type of CQL3 column this definition represents.
* There is 4 main type of CQL3 columns: those parts of the partition key,
* those parts of the clustering columns and amongst the others, regular and
* static ones.
* IMPORTANT: this enum is serialized as toString() and deserialized by calling
* Kind.valueOf(), so do not override toString() or rename existing values.
public enum Kind
// NOTE: if adding a new type, must modify comparisonOrder
public boolean isPrimaryKeyKind()
return this == PARTITION_KEY || this == CLUSTERING;
public final Kind kind;
* If the column is a partition key or clustering column, its position relative to
* other columns of the same kind. Otherwise, NO_POSITION (-1).
* Note that partition key and clustering columns are numbered separately so
* the first clustering column is 0.
private final int position;
private final Comparator cellPathComparator;
private final Comparator asymmetricCellPathComparator;
private final Comparator super Cell>> cellComparator;
private int hash;
* These objects are compared frequently, so we encode several of their comparison components
* into a single long value so that this can be done efficiently
private final long comparisonOrder;
* Masking function used to dynamically mask the contents of this column.
private final ColumnMask mask;
private static long comparisonOrder(Kind kind, boolean isComplex, long position, ColumnIdentifier name)
assert position >= 0 && position < 1 << 12;
return (((long) kind.ordinal()) << 61)
| (isComplex ? 1L << 60 : 0)
| (position << 48)
| (name.prefixComparison >>> 16);
public static ColumnMetadata partitionKeyColumn(TableMetadata table, ByteBuffer name, AbstractType> type, int position)
return new ColumnMetadata(table, name, type, position, Kind.PARTITION_KEY, null);
public static ColumnMetadata partitionKeyColumn(String keyspace, String table, String name, AbstractType> type, int position)
return new ColumnMetadata(keyspace, table, ColumnIdentifier.getInterned(name, true), type, position, Kind.PARTITION_KEY, null);
public static ColumnMetadata clusteringColumn(TableMetadata table, ByteBuffer name, AbstractType> type, int position)
return new ColumnMetadata(table, name, type, position, Kind.CLUSTERING, null);
public static ColumnMetadata clusteringColumn(String keyspace, String table, String name, AbstractType> type, int position)
return new ColumnMetadata(keyspace, table, ColumnIdentifier.getInterned(name, true), type, position, Kind.CLUSTERING, null);
public static ColumnMetadata regularColumn(TableMetadata table, ByteBuffer name, AbstractType> type)
return new ColumnMetadata(table, name, type, NO_POSITION, Kind.REGULAR, null);
public static ColumnMetadata regularColumn(String keyspace, String table, String name, AbstractType> type)
return new ColumnMetadata(keyspace, table, ColumnIdentifier.getInterned(name, true), type, NO_POSITION, Kind.REGULAR, null);
public static ColumnMetadata staticColumn(TableMetadata table, ByteBuffer name, AbstractType> type)
return new ColumnMetadata(table, name, type, NO_POSITION, Kind.STATIC, null);
public static ColumnMetadata staticColumn(String keyspace, String table, String name, AbstractType> type)
return new ColumnMetadata(keyspace, table, ColumnIdentifier.getInterned(name, true), type, NO_POSITION, Kind.STATIC, null);
public ColumnMetadata(TableMetadata table,
ByteBuffer name,
AbstractType> type,
int position,
Kind kind,
@Nullable ColumnMask mask)
ColumnIdentifier.getInterned(name, UTF8Type.instance),
public ColumnMetadata(String ksName,
String cfName,
ColumnIdentifier name,
AbstractType> type,
int position,
Kind kind,
@Nullable ColumnMask mask)
super(ksName, cfName, name, type);
assert name != null && type != null && kind != null;
assert (position == NO_POSITION) == !kind.isPrimaryKeyKind(); // The position really only make sense for partition and clustering columns (and those must have one),
// so make sure we don't sneak it for something else since it'd breaks equals()
// The propagation of system distributed keyspaces at startup can be problematic for old nodes without DDM,
// since those won't know what to do with the mask mutations. Thus, we don't support DDM on those keyspaces.
if (mask != null && SchemaConstants.isReplicatedSystemKeyspace(ksName))
throw new AssertionError("DDM is not supported on system distributed keyspaces");
this.kind = kind;
this.position = position;
this.cellPathComparator = makeCellPathComparator(kind, type);
this.cellComparator = cellPathComparator == null ? ColumnData.comparator : (a, b) ->, b.path());
this.asymmetricCellPathComparator = cellPathComparator == null ? null : (a, b) ->>)a).path(), (CellPath) b);
this.comparisonOrder = comparisonOrder(kind, isComplex(), Math.max(0, position), name);
this.mask = mask;
private static Comparator makeCellPathComparator(Kind kind, AbstractType> type)
if (kind.isPrimaryKeyKind() || !type.isMultiCell())
return null;
AbstractType> nameComparator = type.isCollection()
? ((CollectionType) type).nameComparator()
: ((UserType) type).nameComparator();
return (path1, path2) ->
if (path1.size() == 0 || path2.size() == 0)
if (path1 == CellPath.BOTTOM)
return path2 == CellPath.BOTTOM ? 0 : -1;
if (path1 == CellPath.TOP)
return path2 == CellPath.TOP ? 0 : 1;
return path2 == CellPath.BOTTOM ? 1 : -1;
// This will get more complicated once we have non-frozen UDT and nested collections
assert path1.size() == 1 && path2.size() == 1;
return, path2.get(0));
public ColumnMetadata copy()
return new ColumnMetadata(ksName, cfName, name, type, position, kind, mask);
public ColumnMetadata withNewName(ColumnIdentifier newName)
return new ColumnMetadata(ksName, cfName, newName, type, position, kind, mask);
public ColumnMetadata withNewType(AbstractType> newType)
return new ColumnMetadata(ksName, cfName, name, newType, position, kind, mask);
public ColumnMetadata withNewMask(@Nullable ColumnMask newMask)
return new ColumnMetadata(ksName, cfName, name, type, position, kind, newMask);
public boolean isPartitionKey()
return kind == Kind.PARTITION_KEY;
public boolean isClusteringColumn()
return kind == Kind.CLUSTERING;
public boolean isStatic()
return kind == Kind.STATIC;
public boolean isMasked()
return mask != null;
public boolean isRegular()
return kind == Kind.REGULAR;
public ClusteringOrder clusteringOrder()
if (!isClusteringColumn())
return ClusteringOrder.NONE;
return type.isReversed() ? ClusteringOrder.DESC : ClusteringOrder.ASC;
public int position()
return position;
public ColumnMask getMask()
return mask;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof ColumnMetadata))
return false;
ColumnMetadata cd = (ColumnMetadata) o;
return equalsWithoutType(cd) && type.equals(cd.type);
private boolean equalsWithoutType(ColumnMetadata other)
return name.equals(
&& kind == other.kind
&& position == other.position
&& ksName.equals(other.ksName)
&& cfName.equals(other.cfName)
&& Objects.equals(mask, other.mask);
Optional compare(ColumnMetadata other)
if (!equalsWithoutType(other))
return Optional.of(Difference.SHALLOW);
if (type.equals(other.type))
return Optional.empty();
return type.asCQL3Type().toString().equals(other.type.asCQL3Type().toString())
? Optional.of(Difference.DEEP)
: Optional.of(Difference.SHALLOW);
public int hashCode()
// This achieves the same as Objects.hashcode, but avoids the object array allocation
// which features significantly in the allocation profile and caches the result.
int result = hash;
if (result == 0)
result = 31 + (ksName == null ? 0 : ksName.hashCode());
result = 31 * result + (cfName == null ? 0 : cfName.hashCode());
result = 31 * result + (name == null ? 0 : name.hashCode());
result = 31 * result + (type == null ? 0 : type.hashCode());
result = 31 * result + (kind == null ? 0 : kind.hashCode());
result = 31 * result + position;
result = 31 * result + (mask == null ? 0 : mask.hashCode());
hash = result;
return result;
public String toString()
return name.toString();
public String debugString()
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("name", name)
.add("type", type)
.add("kind", kind)
.add("position", position)
public boolean isPrimaryKeyColumn()
return kind.isPrimaryKeyKind();
public boolean selectColumns(Predicate predicate)
return predicate.test(this);
public boolean processesSelection()
return isMasked();
* Converts the specified column definitions into column identifiers.
* @param definitions the column definitions to convert.
* @return the column identifiers corresponding to the specified definitions
public static Collection toIdentifiers(Collection definitions)
return Collections2.transform(definitions, columnDef ->;
public int compareTo(ColumnMetadata other)
if (this == other)
return 0;
if (comparisonOrder != other.comparisonOrder)
return, other.comparisonOrder);
public Comparator cellPathComparator()
return cellPathComparator;
public Comparator asymmetricCellPathComparator()
return asymmetricCellPathComparator;
public Comparator super Cell>> cellComparator()
return cellComparator;
public boolean isComplex()
return cellPathComparator != null;
public boolean isSimple()
return !isComplex();
public CellPath.Serializer cellPathSerializer()
// Collections are our only complex so far, so keep it simple
return CollectionType.cellPathSerializer;
public void validateCell(Cell cell)
if (cell.isTombstone())
if (cell.valueSize() > 0)
throw new MarshalException("A tombstone should not have a value");
if (cell.path() != null)
else if(type.isUDT())
// To validate a non-frozen UDT field, both the path and the value
// are needed, the path being an index into an array of value types.
type.validateCellValue(cell.value(), cell.accessor());
if (cell.path() != null)
private void validateCellPath(CellPath path)
if (!isComplex())
throw new MarshalException("Only complex cells should have a cell path");
assert type.isMultiCell();
if (type.isCollection())
public void appendCqlTo(CqlBuilder builder)
.append(' ')
if (isStatic())
builder.append(" static");
if (isMasked())
public static String toCQLString(Iterable defs)
return toCQLString(defs.iterator());
public static String toCQLString(Iterator defs)
if (!defs.hasNext())
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (defs.hasNext())
sb.append(", ").append(;
return sb.toString();
public void appendNameAndOrderTo(CqlBuilder builder)
.append(' ')
* The type of the cell values for cell belonging to this column.
* This is the same than the column type, except for non-frozen collections where it's the 'valueComparator'
* of the collection.
* This method should not be used to get value type of non-frozon UDT.
public AbstractType> cellValueType()
assert !(type instanceof UserType && type.isMultiCell());
return type instanceof CollectionType && type.isMultiCell()
? ((CollectionType)type).valueComparator()
: type;
* Check if column is counter type.
public boolean isCounterColumn()
if (type instanceof CollectionType) // Possible with, for example, supercolumns
return ((CollectionType) type).valueComparator().isCounter();
return type.isCounter();
public Selector.Factory newSelectorFactory(TableMetadata table, AbstractType> expectedType, List defs, VariableSpecifications boundNames) throws InvalidRequestException
return SimpleSelector.newFactory(this, addAndGetIndex(this, defs), false);
public AbstractType> getExactTypeIfKnown(String keyspace)
return type;