org.apache.cassandra.schema.Schema Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.cassandra.schema;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.MapDifference;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.cassandra.config.CassandraRelevantProperties;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.Function;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.FunctionName;
import org.apache.cassandra.cql3.functions.UserFunction;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.Keyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.KeyspaceNotDefinedException;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.SystemKeyspace;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.virtual.VirtualKeyspaceRegistry;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.gms.Gossiper;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.sstable.Descriptor;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.InetAddressAndPort;
import org.apache.cassandra.locator.LocalStrategy;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.KeyspaceMetadata.KeyspaceDiff;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.Keyspaces.KeyspacesDiff;
import org.apache.cassandra.schema.SchemaTransformation.SchemaTransformationResult;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.PendingRangeCalculatorService;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.FBUtilities;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.Awaitable;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.concurrent.LoadingMap;
import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.size;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor.isDaemonInitialized;
import static org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor.isToolInitialized;
* Manages shared schema, keyspace instances and table metadata refs. Provides methods to initialize, modify and query
* both the shared and local schema, as well as to register listeners.
* This class should be the only entity used to query and manage schema. Internal details should not be access in
* production code (would be great if they were not accessed in the test code as well).
* TL;DR: All modifications are made using the implementation of {@link SchemaUpdateHandler} obtained from the provided
* factory. After each modification, the internally managed table metadata refs and keyspaces instances are updated and
* notifications are sent to the registered listeners.
* When the schema change is applied by the update handler (regardless it is initiated locally or received from outside),
* the registered callback is executed which performs the remaining updates for tables metadata refs and keyspace
* instances (see {@link #mergeAndUpdateVersion(SchemaTransformationResult, boolean)}).
public class Schema implements SchemaProvider
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Schema.class);
public static final Schema instance = new Schema();
private volatile Keyspaces distributedKeyspaces = Keyspaces.none();
private volatile Keyspaces distributedAndLocalKeyspaces;
private final Keyspaces localKeyspaces;
private volatile TableMetadataRefCache tableMetadataRefCache = TableMetadataRefCache.EMPTY;
// Keyspace objects, one per keyspace. Only one instance should ever exist for any given keyspace.
// We operate on loading map because we need to achieve atomic initialization with at-most-once semantics for
// loadFunction. Although it seems that this is a valid case for using ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent,
// we should not use it because we have no knowledge about the loadFunction and in fact that load function may
// do some nested calls to maybeAddKeyspaceInstance, also using different threads, and in a blocking manner.
// This may lead to a deadlock. The documentation of ConcurrentHashMap says that manipulating other keys inside
// the lambda passed to the computeIfAbsent method is prohibited.
private final LoadingMap keyspaceInstances = new LoadingMap<>();
private volatile UUID version = SchemaConstants.emptyVersion;
private final SchemaChangeNotifier schemaChangeNotifier = new SchemaChangeNotifier();
public final SchemaUpdateHandler updateHandler;
private final boolean online;
* Initialize empty schema object and load the hardcoded system tables
private Schema()
this.online = isDaemonInitialized();
this.localKeyspaces = (CassandraRelevantProperties.FORCE_LOAD_LOCAL_KEYSPACES.getBoolean() || isDaemonInitialized() || isToolInitialized())
? Keyspaces.of(SchemaKeyspace.metadata(), SystemKeyspace.metadata())
: Keyspaces.none();
this.distributedAndLocalKeyspaces = this.localKeyspaces;
this.updateHandler = SchemaUpdateHandlerFactoryProvider.instance.get().getSchemaUpdateHandler(online, this::mergeAndUpdateVersion);
public Schema(boolean online, Keyspaces localKeyspaces, SchemaUpdateHandler updateHandler)
this.online = online;
this.localKeyspaces = localKeyspaces;
this.distributedAndLocalKeyspaces = this.localKeyspaces;
this.updateHandler = updateHandler;
public void startSync()
logger.debug("Starting update handler");
public boolean waitUntilReady(Duration timeout)
logger.debug("Waiting for update handler to be ready...");
return updateHandler.waitUntilReady(timeout);
* Load keyspaces definitions from local storage, see {@link SchemaUpdateHandler#reset(boolean)}.
public void loadFromDisk()
* Update (or insert) new keyspace definition
* @param ksm The metadata about keyspace
private synchronized void load(KeyspaceMetadata ksm)
KeyspaceMetadata previous = distributedKeyspaces.getNullable(ksm.name);
if (previous == null)
reload(previous, ksm);
distributedKeyspaces = distributedKeyspaces.withAddedOrUpdated(ksm);
distributedAndLocalKeyspaces = distributedAndLocalKeyspaces.withAddedOrUpdated(ksm);
private synchronized void loadNew(KeyspaceMetadata ksm)
this.tableMetadataRefCache = tableMetadataRefCache.withNewRefs(ksm);
SchemaDiagnostics.metadataInitialized(this, ksm);
private synchronized void reload(KeyspaceMetadata previous, KeyspaceMetadata updated)
Keyspace keyspace = getKeyspaceInstance(updated.name);
if (null != keyspace)
Tables.TablesDiff tablesDiff = Tables.diff(previous.tables, updated.tables);
Views.ViewsDiff viewsDiff = Views.diff(previous.views, updated.views);
MapDifference indexesDiff = previous.tables.indexesDiff(updated.tables);
this.tableMetadataRefCache = tableMetadataRefCache.withUpdatedRefs(previous, updated);
SchemaDiagnostics.metadataReloaded(this, previous, updated, tablesDiff, viewsDiff, indexesDiff);
public void registerListener(SchemaChangeListener listener)
public void unregisterListener(SchemaChangeListener listener)
* Get keyspace instance by name
* @param keyspaceName The name of the keyspace
* @return Keyspace object or null if keyspace was not found
public Keyspace getKeyspaceInstance(String keyspaceName)
return keyspaceInstances.getIfReady(keyspaceName);
* Returns {@link ColumnFamilyStore} by the table identifier. Note that though, if called for {@link TableMetadata#id},
* when metadata points to a secondary index table, the {@link TableMetadata#id} denotes the identifier of the main
* table, not the index table. Thus, this method will return CFS of the main table rather than, probably expected,
* CFS for the index backing table.
public ColumnFamilyStore getColumnFamilyStoreInstance(TableId id)
TableMetadata metadata = getTableMetadata(id);
if (metadata == null)
return null;
Keyspace instance = getKeyspaceInstance(metadata.keyspace);
if (instance == null)
return null;
return instance.hasColumnFamilyStore(metadata.id)
? instance.getColumnFamilyStore(metadata.id)
: null;
public Keyspace maybeAddKeyspaceInstance(String keyspaceName, Supplier loadFunction)
return keyspaceInstances.blockingLoadIfAbsent(keyspaceName, loadFunction);
private Keyspace maybeRemoveKeyspaceInstance(String keyspaceName, Consumer unloadFunction)
return keyspaceInstances.blockingUnloadIfPresent(keyspaceName, unloadFunction);
catch (LoadingMap.UnloadExecutionException e)
throw new AssertionError("Failed to unload the keyspace " + keyspaceName, e);
public Keyspaces distributedAndLocalKeyspaces()
return distributedAndLocalKeyspaces;
public Keyspaces distributedKeyspaces()
return distributedKeyspaces;
* Compute the largest gc grace seconds amongst all the tables
* @return the largest gcgs.
public int largestGcgs()
return distributedAndLocalKeyspaces().stream()
.flatMap(ksm -> ksm.tables.stream())
.mapToInt(tm -> tm.params.gcGraceSeconds)
* Remove keyspace definition from system
* @param ksm The keyspace definition to remove
private synchronized void unload(KeyspaceMetadata ksm)
distributedKeyspaces = distributedKeyspaces.without(ksm.name);
distributedAndLocalKeyspaces = distributedAndLocalKeyspaces.without(ksm.name);
this.tableMetadataRefCache = tableMetadataRefCache.withRemovedRefs(ksm);
SchemaDiagnostics.metadataRemoved(this, ksm);
public int getNumberOfTables()
return distributedAndLocalKeyspaces().stream().mapToInt(k -> size(k.tablesAndViews())).sum();
public ViewMetadata getView(String keyspaceName, String viewName)
assert keyspaceName != null;
KeyspaceMetadata ksm = distributedAndLocalKeyspaces().getNullable(keyspaceName);
return (ksm == null) ? null : ksm.views.getNullable(viewName);
* Get metadata about keyspace by its name
* @param keyspaceName The name of the keyspace
* @return The keyspace metadata or null if it wasn't found
public KeyspaceMetadata getKeyspaceMetadata(String keyspaceName)
assert keyspaceName != null;
KeyspaceMetadata keyspace = distributedAndLocalKeyspaces().getNullable(keyspaceName);
return null != keyspace ? keyspace : VirtualKeyspaceRegistry.instance.getKeyspaceMetadataNullable(keyspaceName);
* Returns all non-local keyspaces, that is, all but {@link SchemaConstants#LOCAL_SYSTEM_KEYSPACE_NAMES}
* or virtual keyspaces.
* @deprecated use {@link #distributedKeyspaces()}
public Keyspaces getNonSystemKeyspaces()
return distributedKeyspaces;
* Returns all non-local keyspaces whose replication strategy is not {@link LocalStrategy}.
public Keyspaces getNonLocalStrategyKeyspaces()
return distributedKeyspaces.filter(keyspace -> keyspace.params.replication.klass != LocalStrategy.class);
* Returns user keyspaces, that is all but {@link SchemaConstants#LOCAL_SYSTEM_KEYSPACE_NAMES},
* {@link SchemaConstants#REPLICATED_SYSTEM_KEYSPACE_NAMES} or virtual keyspaces.
public Keyspaces getUserKeyspaces()
return distributedKeyspaces.without(SchemaConstants.REPLICATED_SYSTEM_KEYSPACE_NAMES);
* Get metadata about keyspace inner ColumnFamilies
* @param keyspaceName The name of the keyspace
* @return metadata about ColumnFamilies the belong to the given keyspace
public Iterable getTablesAndViews(String keyspaceName)
KeyspaceMetadata ksm = ObjectUtils.getFirstNonNull(() -> distributedKeyspaces.getNullable(keyspaceName),
() -> localKeyspaces.getNullable(keyspaceName));
Preconditions.checkNotNull(ksm, "Keyspace %s not found", keyspaceName);
return ksm.tablesAndViews();
* @return collection of the all keyspace names registered in the system (system and non-system)
public ImmutableSet getKeyspaces()
return distributedAndLocalKeyspaces().names();
public Keyspaces getLocalKeyspaces()
return localKeyspaces;
/* TableMetadata/Ref query/control methods */
* Given a keyspace name and table/view name, get the table metadata
* reference. If the keyspace name or table/view name is not present
* this method returns null.
* @return TableMetadataRef object or null if it wasn't found
public TableMetadataRef getTableMetadataRef(String keyspace, String table)
return tableMetadataRefCache.getTableMetadataRef(keyspace, table);
public TableMetadataRef getIndexTableMetadataRef(String keyspace, String index)
return tableMetadataRefCache.getIndexTableMetadataRef(keyspace, index);
* Get Table metadata by its identifier
* @param id table or view identifier
* @return metadata about Table or View
public TableMetadataRef getTableMetadataRef(TableId id)
return tableMetadataRefCache.getTableMetadataRef(id);
public TableMetadataRef getTableMetadataRef(Descriptor descriptor)
return getTableMetadataRef(descriptor.ksname, descriptor.cfname);
* Given a keyspace name and table name, get the table
* meta data. If the keyspace name or table name is not valid
* this function returns null.
* @param keyspace The keyspace name
* @param table The table name
* @return TableMetadata object or null if it wasn't found
public TableMetadata getTableMetadata(String keyspace, String table)
assert keyspace != null;
assert table != null;
KeyspaceMetadata ksm = getKeyspaceMetadata(keyspace);
return ksm == null
? null
: ksm.getTableOrViewNullable(table);
public TableMetadata getTableMetadata(TableId id)
return ObjectUtils.getFirstNonNull(() -> distributedKeyspaces.getTableOrViewNullable(id),
() -> localKeyspaces.getTableOrViewNullable(id),
() -> VirtualKeyspaceRegistry.instance.getTableMetadataNullable(id));
public TableMetadata validateTable(String keyspaceName, String tableName)
if (tableName.isEmpty())
throw new InvalidRequestException("non-empty table is required");
KeyspaceMetadata keyspace = getKeyspaceMetadata(keyspaceName);
if (keyspace == null)
throw new KeyspaceNotDefinedException(format("keyspace %s does not exist", keyspaceName));
TableMetadata metadata = keyspace.getTableOrViewNullable(tableName);
if (metadata == null)
throw new InvalidRequestException(format("table %s does not exist", tableName));
return metadata;
public TableMetadata getTableMetadata(Descriptor descriptor)
return getTableMetadata(descriptor.ksname, descriptor.cfname);
/* Function helpers */
* Get all user-defined function overloads with the specified name.
* @param name fully qualified function name
* @return an empty list if the keyspace or the function name are not found;
* a non-empty collection of {@link UserFunction} otherwise
public Collection getUserFunctions(FunctionName name)
if (!name.hasKeyspace())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Function name must be fully qualified: got %s", name));
KeyspaceMetadata ksm = getKeyspaceMetadata(name.keyspace);
return ksm == null
? Collections.emptyList()
: ksm.userFunctions.get(name);
* Find the function with the specified name and arguments.
* @param name fully qualified function name
* @param argTypes function argument types
* @return an empty {@link Optional} if the keyspace or the function name are not found;
* a non-empty optional of {@link Function} otherwise
public Optional findUserFunction(FunctionName name, List> argTypes)
if (!name.hasKeyspace())
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Function name must be fully quallified: got %s", name));
return Optional.ofNullable(getKeyspaceMetadata(name.keyspace))
.flatMap(ksm -> ksm.userFunctions.find(name, argTypes));
/* Version control */
* @return current schema version
public UUID getVersion()
return version;
* Checks whether the given schema version is the same as the current local schema.
public boolean isSameVersion(UUID schemaVersion)
return schemaVersion != null && schemaVersion.equals(version);
* Checks whether the current schema is empty.
public boolean isEmpty()
return SchemaConstants.emptyVersion.equals(version);
* Read schema from system keyspace and calculate MD5 digest of every row, resulting digest
* will be converted into UUID which would act as content-based version of the schema.
* See CASSANDRA-16856/16996. Make sure schema pulls are synchronized to prevent concurrent schema pull/writes
private synchronized void updateVersion(UUID version)
this.version = version;
* When we receive {@link SchemaTransformationResult} in a callback invocation, the transformation result includes
* pre-transformation and post-transformation schema metadata and versions, and a diff between them. Basically
* we expect that the local image of the schema metadata ({@link #distributedKeyspaces}) and version ({@link #version})
* are the same as pre-transformation. However, it might not always be true because some changes might not be
* applied completely due to some errors. This methods is to emit warning in such case and recalculate diff so that
* it contains the changes between the local schema image ({@link #distributedKeyspaces} and the post-transformation
* schema. That recalculation allows the following updates in the callback to recover the schema.
* @param result the incoming transformation result
* @return recalculated transformation result if needed, otherwise the provided incoming result
private synchronized SchemaTransformationResult localDiff(SchemaTransformationResult result)
Keyspaces localBefore = distributedKeyspaces;
UUID localVersion = version;
boolean needNewDiff = false;
if (!Objects.equals(localBefore, result.before.getKeyspaces()))
logger.info("Schema was different to what we expected: {}", Keyspaces.diff(result.before.getKeyspaces(), localBefore));
needNewDiff = true;
if (!Objects.equals(localVersion, result.before.getVersion()))
logger.info("Schema version was different to what we expected: {} != {}", result.before.getVersion(), localVersion);
needNewDiff = true;
if (needNewDiff)
return new SchemaTransformationResult(new DistributedSchema(localBefore, localVersion),
Keyspaces.diff(localBefore, result.after.getKeyspaces()));
return result;
* Reload schema from local disk. Useful if a user made changes to schema tables by hand, or has suspicion that
* in-memory representation got out of sync somehow with what's on disk.
public void reloadSchemaAndAnnounceVersion()
* Merge remote schema in form of mutations with local and mutate ks/cf metadata objects
* (which also involves fs operations on add/drop ks/cf)
* @throws ConfigurationException If one of metadata attributes has invalid value
public synchronized void mergeAndUpdateVersion(SchemaTransformationResult result, boolean dropData)
result = localDiff(result);
merge(result.diff, dropData);
if (online)
public SchemaTransformationResult transform(SchemaTransformation transformation)
return transform(transformation, false);
public SchemaTransformationResult transform(SchemaTransformation transformation, boolean local)
return updateHandler.apply(transformation, local);
* Clear all locally stored schema information and fetch schema from another node.
* Called by user (via JMX) who wants to get rid of schema disagreement.
public void resetLocalSchema()
logger.debug("Clearing local schema...");
if (Gossiper.instance.getLiveMembers().stream().allMatch(ep -> FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddressAndPort().equals(ep)))
throw new InvalidRequestException("Cannot reset local schema when there are no other live nodes");
Awaitable clearCompletion = updateHandler.clear();
if (!clearCompletion.await(StorageService.SCHEMA_DELAY_MILLIS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
throw new RuntimeException("Schema reset failed - no schema received from other nodes");
catch (InterruptedException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to reset schema - the thread has been interrupted");
logger.info("Local schema reset completed");
private void merge(KeyspacesDiff diff, boolean removeData)
diff.dropped.forEach(keyspace -> dropKeyspace(keyspace, removeData));
diff.altered.forEach(delta -> alterKeyspace(delta, removeData));
private void alterKeyspace(KeyspaceDiff delta, boolean dropData)
SchemaDiagnostics.keyspaceAltering(this, delta);
boolean initialized = Keyspace.isInitialized();
Keyspace keyspace = initialized ? getKeyspaceInstance(delta.before.name) : null;
if (initialized)
assert keyspace != null;
assert delta.before.name.equals(delta.after.name);
// drop tables and views
delta.views.dropped.forEach(v -> dropView(keyspace, v, dropData));
delta.tables.dropped.forEach(t -> dropTable(keyspace, t, dropData));
if (initialized)
// add tables and views
delta.tables.created.forEach(t -> createTable(keyspace, t));
delta.views.created.forEach(v -> createView(keyspace, v));
// update tables and views
delta.tables.altered.forEach(diff -> alterTable(keyspace, diff.after));
delta.views.altered.forEach(diff -> alterView(keyspace, diff.after));
// deal with all added, and altered views
Keyspace.open(delta.after.name, this, true).viewManager.reload(true);
schemaChangeNotifier.notifyKeyspaceAltered(delta, dropData);
SchemaDiagnostics.keyspaceAltered(this, delta);
private void createKeyspace(KeyspaceMetadata keyspace)
SchemaDiagnostics.keyspaceCreating(this, keyspace);
if (Keyspace.isInitialized())
Keyspace.open(keyspace.name, this, true);
SchemaDiagnostics.keyspaceCreated(this, keyspace);
// If keyspace has been added, we need to recalculate pending ranges to make sure
// we send mutations to the correct set of bootstrapping nodes. Refer CASSANDRA-15433.
if (keyspace.params.replication.klass != LocalStrategy.class && Keyspace.isInitialized())
PendingRangeCalculatorService.calculatePendingRanges(Keyspace.open(keyspace.name, this, true).getReplicationStrategy(), keyspace.name);
private void dropKeyspace(KeyspaceMetadata keyspaceMetadata, boolean dropData)
SchemaDiagnostics.keyspaceDropping(this, keyspaceMetadata);
boolean initialized = Keyspace.isInitialized();
Keyspace keyspace = initialized ? Keyspace.open(keyspaceMetadata.name, this, false) : null;
if (initialized)
if (keyspace == null)
keyspaceMetadata.views.forEach(v -> dropView(keyspace, v, dropData));
keyspaceMetadata.tables.forEach(t -> dropTable(keyspace, t, dropData));
// remove the keyspace from the static instances
Keyspace unloadedKeyspace = maybeRemoveKeyspaceInstance(keyspaceMetadata.name, ks -> {
assert unloadedKeyspace == keyspace;
schemaChangeNotifier.notifyKeyspaceDropped(keyspaceMetadata, dropData);
SchemaDiagnostics.keyspaceDropped(this, keyspaceMetadata);
private void dropView(Keyspace keyspace, ViewMetadata metadata, boolean dropData)
dropTable(keyspace, metadata.metadata, dropData);
private void dropTable(Keyspace keyspace, TableMetadata metadata, boolean dropData)
SchemaDiagnostics.tableDropping(this, metadata);
keyspace.dropCf(metadata.id, dropData);
SchemaDiagnostics.tableDropped(this, metadata);
private void createTable(Keyspace keyspace, TableMetadata table)
SchemaDiagnostics.tableCreating(this, table);
keyspace.initCf(tableMetadataRefCache.getTableMetadataRef(table.id), true);
SchemaDiagnostics.tableCreated(this, table);
private void createView(Keyspace keyspace, ViewMetadata view)
SchemaDiagnostics.tableCreating(this, view.metadata);
keyspace.initCf(tableMetadataRefCache.getTableMetadataRef(view.metadata.id), true);
SchemaDiagnostics.tableCreated(this, view.metadata);
private void alterTable(Keyspace keyspace, TableMetadata updated)
SchemaDiagnostics.tableAltering(this, updated);
SchemaDiagnostics.tableAltered(this, updated);
private void alterView(Keyspace keyspace, ViewMetadata updated)
SchemaDiagnostics.tableAltering(this, updated.metadata);
SchemaDiagnostics.tableAltered(this, updated.metadata);
public Map> getOutstandingSchemaVersions()
return updateHandler instanceof DefaultSchemaUpdateHandler
? ((DefaultSchemaUpdateHandler) updateHandler).getOutstandingSchemaVersions()
: Collections.emptyMap();