org.apache.cassandra.utils.bytecomparable.ByteSource Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.cassandra.utils.bytecomparable;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ValueAccessor;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.bytecomparable.ByteComparable.Version;
import org.apache.cassandra.utils.memory.MemoryUtil;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
* A stream of bytes, used for byte-order-comparable representations of data, and utilities to convert various values
* to their byte-ordered translation.
* See ByteComparable.md for details about the encoding scheme.
public interface ByteSource
/** Consume the next byte, unsigned. Must be between 0 and 255, or END_OF_STREAM if there are no more bytes. */
int next();
/** Value returned if at the end of the stream. */
int END_OF_STREAM = -1;
ByteSource EMPTY = () -> END_OF_STREAM;
* Escape value. Used, among other things, to mark the end of subcomponents (so that shorter compares before anything longer).
* Actual zeros in input need to be escaped if this is in use (see {@link AbstractEscaper}).
int ESCAPE = 0x00;
// Zeros are encoded as a sequence of ESCAPE, 0 or more of ESCAPED_0_CONT, ESCAPED_0_DONE so zeroed spaces only grow by 1 byte
int ESCAPED_0_CONT = 0xFE;
int ESCAPED_0_DONE = 0xFF;
// All separators must be within these bounds
int MIN_SEPARATOR = 0x10;
// Next component marker.
int NEXT_COMPONENT = 0x40;
// Marker used to present null values represented by empty buffers (e.g. by Int32Type)
// Marker for null components in tuples, maps, sets and clustering keys.
// Section for next component markers which is not allowed for use
// Default terminator byte in sequences. Smaller than NEXT_COMPONENT_NULL, but larger than LT_NEXT_COMPONENT to
// ensure lexicographic compares go in the correct direction
int TERMINATOR = 0x38;
// These are special endings, for exclusive/inclusive bounds (i.e. smaller than anything with more components,
// bigger than anything with more components)
// Unsupported, for artificial bounds
// Special value for components that should be excluded from the normal min/max span. (static rows)
int EXCLUDED = 0x18;
* Encodes byte-accessible data as a byte-comparable source that has 0s escaped and finishes in an escaped
* state.
* This provides a weakly-prefix-free byte-comparable version of the content to use in sequences.
* (See {@link AbstractEscaper} for a detailed explanation.)
static ByteSource of(ValueAccessor accessor, V data, Version version)
return new AccessorEscaper<>(accessor, data, version);
* Encodes a byte buffer as a byte-comparable source that has 0s escaped and finishes in an escape.
* This provides a weakly-prefix-free byte-comparable version of the content to use in sequences.
* (See ByteSource.BufferEscaper/Multi for explanation.)
static ByteSource of(ByteBuffer buf, Version version)
return new BufferEscaper(buf, version);
* Encodes a byte array as a byte-comparable source that has 0s escaped and finishes in an escape.
* This provides a prefix-free byte-comparable version of the content to use in sequences.
* (See ByteSource.BufferEscaper/Multi for explanation.)
static ByteSource of(byte[] buf, Version version)
return new ArrayEscaper(buf, version);
* Encodes a memory range as a byte-comparable source that has 0s escaped and finishes in an escape.
* This provides a weakly-prefix-free byte-comparable version of the content to use in sequences.
* (See ByteSource.BufferEscaper/Multi for explanation.)
static ByteSource ofMemory(long address, int length, ByteComparable.Version version)
return new MemoryEscaper(address, length, version);
* Combines a chain of sources, turning their weak-prefix-free byte-comparable representation into the combination's
* prefix-free byte-comparable representation, with the included terminator character.
* For correctness, the terminator must be within MIN-MAX_SEPARATOR and outside the range reserved for
* Typically TERMINATOR, or LT/GT_NEXT_COMPONENT if used for partially specified bounds.
static ByteSource withTerminator(int terminator, ByteSource... srcs)
assert terminator >= MIN_SEPARATOR && terminator <= MAX_SEPARATOR;
assert terminator < MIN_NEXT_COMPONENT || terminator > MAX_NEXT_COMPONENT;
return new Multi(srcs, terminator);
* As above, but permits any separator. The legacy format wasn't using weak prefix freedom and has some
* non-reversible transformations.
static ByteSource withTerminatorLegacy(int terminator, ByteSource... srcs)
return new Multi(srcs, terminator);
static ByteSource withTerminatorMaybeLegacy(Version version, int legacyTerminator, ByteSource... srcs)
return version == Version.LEGACY ? withTerminatorLegacy(legacyTerminator, srcs)
: withTerminator(TERMINATOR, srcs);
static ByteSource of(String s, Version version)
return new ArrayEscaper(s.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), version);
static ByteSource of(long value)
return new Number(value ^ (1L<<63), 8);
static ByteSource of(int value)
return new Number(value ^ (1L<<31), 4);
* Produce a source for a signed fixed-length number, also translating empty to null.
* The first byte has its sign bit inverted, and the rest are passed unchanged.
* Presumes that the length of the buffer is always either 0 or constant for the type, which permits decoding and
* ensures the representation is prefix-free.
static ByteSource optionalSignedFixedLengthNumber(ValueAccessor accessor, V data)
return !accessor.isEmpty(data) ? signedFixedLengthNumber(accessor, data) : null;
* Produce a source for a signed fixed-length number.
* The first byte has its sign bit inverted, and the rest are passed unchanged.
* Presumes that the length of the buffer is always constant for the type.
static ByteSource signedFixedLengthNumber(ValueAccessor accessor, V data)
return new SignedFixedLengthNumber<>(accessor, data);
* Produce a source for a signed fixed-length floating-point number, also translating empty to null.
* If sign bit is on, returns negated bytes. If not, add the sign bit value.
* (Sign of IEEE floats is the highest bit, the rest can be compared in magnitude by byte comparison.)
* Presumes that the length of the buffer is always either 0 or constant for the type, which permits decoding and
* ensures the representation is prefix-free.
static ByteSource optionalSignedFixedLengthFloat(ValueAccessor accessor, V data)
return !accessor.isEmpty(data) ? signedFixedLengthFloat(accessor, data) : null;
* Produce a source for a signed fixed-length floating-point number.
* If sign bit is on, returns negated bytes. If not, add the sign bit value.
* (Sign of IEEE floats is the highest bit, the rest can be compared in magnitude by byte comparison.)
* Presumes that the length of the buffer is always constant for the type.
static ByteSource signedFixedLengthFloat(ValueAccessor accessor, V data)
return new SignedFixedLengthFloat<>(accessor, data);
* Produce a source for a signed integer, stored using variable length encoding.
* The representation uses between 1 and 9 bytes, is prefix-free and compares
* correctly.
static ByteSource variableLengthInteger(long value)
return new VariableLengthInteger(value);
* Returns a separator for two byte sources, i.e. something that is definitely > prevMax, and <= currMin, assuming
* prevMax < currMin.
* This returns the shortest prefix of currMin that is greater than prevMax.
public static ByteSource separatorPrefix(ByteSource prevMax, ByteSource currMin)
return new Separator(prevMax, currMin, true);
* Returns a separator for two byte sources, i.e. something that is definitely > prevMax, and <= currMin, assuming
* prevMax < currMin.
* This is a source of length 1 longer than the common prefix of the two sources, with last byte one higher than the
* prevMax source.
public static ByteSource separatorGt(ByteSource prevMax, ByteSource currMin)
return new Separator(prevMax, currMin, false);
public static ByteSource oneByte(int i)
assert i >= 0 && i <= 0xFF : "Argument must be a valid unsigned byte.";
return new ByteSource()
boolean consumed = false;
public int next()
if (consumed)
consumed = true;
return i;
public static ByteSource cut(ByteSource src, int cutoff)
return new ByteSource()
int pos = 0;
public int next()
return pos++ < cutoff ? src.next() : END_OF_STREAM;
* Wrap a ByteSource in a length-fixing facade.
* If the length of {@code src} is less than {@code cutoff}, then pad it on the right with {@code padding} until
* the overall length equals {@code cutoff}. If the length of {@code src} is greater than {@code cutoff}, then
* truncate {@code src} to that size. Effectively a noop if {@code src} happens to have length {@code cutoff}.
* @param src the input source to wrap
* @param cutoff the size of the source returned
* @param padding a padding byte (an int subject to a 0xFF mask)
public static ByteSource cutOrRightPad(ByteSource src, int cutoff, int padding)
return new ByteSource()
int pos = 0;
public int next()
if (pos++ >= cutoff)
int next = src.next();
return next == END_OF_STREAM ? padding : next;
* Variable-length encoding. Escapes 0s as ESCAPE + zero or more ESCAPED_0_CONT + ESCAPED_0_DONE.
* If the source ends in 0, we use ESCAPED_0_CONT to make sure that the encoding remains smaller than that source
* with a further 0 at the end.
* Finishes in an escaped state (either with ESCAPE or ESCAPED_0_CONT), which in {@link Multi} is followed by
* a component separator between 0x10 and 0xFE.
* E.g. "A\0\0B" translates to 4100FEFF4200
* "A\0B\0" 4100FF4200FE (+00 for {@link Version#LEGACY})
* "A\0" 4100FE (+00 for {@link Version#LEGACY})
* "AB" 414200
* If in a single byte source, the bytes could be simply passed unchanged, but this would not allow us to
* combine components. This translation preserves order, and since the encoding for 0 is higher than the separator
* also makes sure shorter components are treated as smaller.
* The encoding is not prefix-free, since e.g. the encoding of "A" (4100) is a prefix of the encoding of "A\0"
* (4100FE), but the byte following the prefix is guaranteed to be FE or FF, which makes the encoding weakly
* prefix-free. Additionally, any such prefix sequence will compare smaller than the value to which it is a prefix,
* because any permitted separator byte will be smaller than the byte following the prefix.
abstract static class AbstractEscaper implements ByteSource
private final Version version;
private int bufpos;
private boolean escaped;
AbstractEscaper(int position, Version version)
this.bufpos = position;
this.version = version;
public final int next()
if (bufpos >= limit())
if (bufpos > limit())
if (escaped)
escaped = false;
if (version == Version.LEGACY)
--bufpos; // place an ESCAPE at the end of sequence ending in ESCAPE
return ESCAPED_0_CONT;
return ESCAPE;
int index = bufpos++;
int b = get(index) & 0xFF;
if (!escaped)
if (b == ESCAPE)
escaped = true;
return b;
if (b == ESCAPE)
return ESCAPED_0_CONT;
escaped = false;
return ESCAPED_0_DONE;
protected abstract byte get(int index);
protected abstract int limit();
static class AccessorEscaper extends AbstractEscaper
private final V data;
private final ValueAccessor accessor;
private AccessorEscaper(ValueAccessor accessor, V data, Version version)
super(0, version);
this.accessor = accessor;
this.data = data;
protected int limit()
return accessor.size(data);
protected byte get(int index)
return accessor.getByte(data, index);
static class BufferEscaper extends AbstractEscaper
private final ByteBuffer buf;
private BufferEscaper(ByteBuffer buf, Version version)
super(buf.position(), version);
this.buf = buf;
protected int limit()
return buf.limit();
protected byte get(int index)
return buf.get(index);
static class ArrayEscaper extends AbstractEscaper
private final byte[] buf;
private ArrayEscaper(byte[] buf, Version version)
super(0, version);
this.buf = buf;
protected byte get(int index)
return buf[index];
protected int limit()
return buf.length;
static class MemoryEscaper extends AbstractEscaper
private final long address;
private final int length;
MemoryEscaper(long address, int length, ByteComparable.Version version)
super(0, version);
this.address = address;
this.length = length;
protected byte get(int index)
return MemoryUtil.getByte(address + index);
protected int limit()
return length;
* Fixed length signed number encoding. Inverts first bit (so that neg < pos), then just posts all bytes from the
* buffer. Assumes buffer is of correct length.
static class SignedFixedLengthNumber implements ByteSource
private final ValueAccessor accessor;
private final V data;
private int bufpos;
public SignedFixedLengthNumber(ValueAccessor accessor, V data)
this.accessor = accessor;
this.data = data;
this.bufpos = 0;
public int next()
if (bufpos >= accessor.size(data))
int v = accessor.getByte(data, bufpos) & 0xFF;
if (bufpos == 0)
v ^= 0x80;
return v;
* Variable-length encoding for unsigned integers.
* The encoding is similar to UTF-8 encoding.
* Numbers between 0 and 127 are encoded in one byte, using 0 in the most significant bit.
* Larger values have 1s in as many of the most significant bits as the number of additional bytes
* in the representation, followed by a 0. This ensures that longer numbers compare larger than shorter
* ones. Since we never use a longer representation than necessary, this implies numbers compare correctly.
* As the number of bytes is specified in the bits of the first, no value is a prefix of another.
static class VariableLengthUnsignedInteger implements ByteSource
private final long value;
private int pos = -1;
public VariableLengthUnsignedInteger(long value)
this.value = value;
public int next()
if (pos == -1)
int bitsMinusOne = 63 - (Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(value | 1)); // 0 to 63 (the | 1 is to make sure 0 maps to 0 (1 bit))
int bytesMinusOne = bitsMinusOne / 7;
int mask = -256 >> bytesMinusOne; // sequence of bytesMinusOne 1s in the most-significant bits
pos = bytesMinusOne * 8;
return (int) ((value >>> pos) | mask) & 0xFF;
pos -= 8;
if (pos < 0)
return (int) (value >>> pos) & 0xFF;
* Variable-length encoding for signed integers.
* The encoding is based on the unsigned encoding above, where the first bit stored is the inverted sign,
* followed by as many matching bits as there are additional bytes in the encoding, followed by the two's
* complement of the number.
* Because of the inverted sign bit, negative numbers compare smaller than positives, and because the length
* bits match the sign, longer positive numbers compare greater and longer negative ones compare smaller.
* Examples:
* 0 encodes as 80
* 1 encodes as 81
* -1 encodes as 7F
* 63 encodes as BF
* 64 encodes as C040
* -64 encodes as 40
* -65 encodes as 3FBF
* 2^20-1 encodes as EFFFFF
* 2^20 encodes as F0100000
* -2^20 encodes as 100000
* 2^64-1 encodes as FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
* -2^64 encodes as 000000000000000000
* As the number of bytes is specified in bits 2-9, no value is a prefix of another.
static class VariableLengthInteger implements ByteSource
private final long value;
private int pos;
public VariableLengthInteger(long value)
long negativeMask = value >> 63; // -1 for negative, 0 for positive
value ^= negativeMask;
int bits = 64 - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(value | 1); // 1 to 63 (can't be 64 because we flip negative numbers)
int bytes = bits / 7 + 1; // 0-6 bits 1 byte 7-13 2 bytes etc to 56-63 9 bytes
if (bytes >= 9)
value |= 0x8000000000000000L; // 8th bit, which doesn't fit the first byte
pos = negativeMask < 0 ? 256 : -1; // out of 0-64 range integer such that & 0xFF is 0x00 for negative and 0xFF for positive
long mask = (-0x100 >> bytes) & 0xFF; // one in sign bit and as many more as there are extra bytes
pos = bytes * 8;
value = value | (mask << (pos - 8));
value ^= negativeMask;
this.value = value;
public int next()
if (pos <= 0 || pos > 64)
if (pos == 0)
// 8-byte value, returning first byte
int result = pos & 0xFF; // 0x00 for negative numbers, 0xFF for positive
pos = 64;
return result;
pos -= 8;
return (int) (value >>> pos) & 0xFF;
static class Number implements ByteSource
private final long value;
private int pos;
public Number(long value, int length)
this.value = value;
this.pos = length;
public int next()
if (pos == 0)
return (int) ((value >> (--pos * 8)) & 0xFF);
* Fixed length signed floating point number encoding. First bit is sign. If positive, add sign bit value to make
* greater than all negatives. If not, invert all content to make negatives with bigger magnitude smaller.
static class SignedFixedLengthFloat implements ByteSource
private final ValueAccessor accessor;
private final V data;
private int bufpos;
private boolean invert;
public SignedFixedLengthFloat(ValueAccessor accessor, V data)
this.accessor = accessor;
this.data = data;
this.bufpos = 0;
public int next()
if (bufpos >= accessor.size(data))
int v = accessor.getByte(data, bufpos) & 0xFF;
if (bufpos == 0)
invert = v >= 0x80;
v |= 0x80;
if (invert)
v = v ^ 0xFF;
return v;
* Combination of multiple byte sources. Adds {@link NEXT_COMPONENT} before sources, or {@link NEXT_COMPONENT_NULL} if next is null.
static class Multi implements ByteSource
private final ByteSource[] srcs;
private int srcnum = -1;
private final int sequenceTerminator;
Multi(ByteSource[] srcs, int sequenceTerminator)
this.srcs = srcs;
this.sequenceTerminator = sequenceTerminator;
public int next()
if (srcnum == srcs.length)
int b = END_OF_STREAM;
if (srcnum >= 0 && srcs[srcnum] != null)
b = srcs[srcnum].next();
if (b > END_OF_STREAM)
return b;
if (srcnum == srcs.length)
return sequenceTerminator;
if (srcs[srcnum] == null)
* Construct the shortest common prefix of prevMax and currMin that separates those two byte streams.
* If {@code useCurr == true} the last byte of the returned stream comes from {@code currMin} and is the first
* byte which is greater than byte on the corresponding position of {@code prevMax}.
* Otherwise, the last byte of the returned stream comes from {@code prevMax} and is incremented by one, still
* guaranteeing that it is <= than the byte on the corresponding position of {@code currMin}.
static class Separator implements ByteSource
private final ByteSource prev;
private final ByteSource curr;
private boolean done = false;
private final boolean useCurr;
Separator(ByteSource prevMax, ByteSource currMin, boolean useCurr)
this.prev = prevMax;
this.curr = currMin;
this.useCurr = useCurr;
public int next()
if (done)
int p = prev.next();
int c = curr.next();
assert p <= c : prev + " not less than " + curr;
if (p == c)
return c;
done = true;
return useCurr ? c : p + 1;
static ByteSource optionalFixedLength(ValueAccessor accessor, V data)
return !accessor.isEmpty(data) ? fixedLength(accessor, data) : null;
* A byte source of the given bytes without any encoding.
* The resulting source is only guaranteed to give correct comparison results and be prefix-free if the
* underlying type has a fixed length.
* In tests, this method is also used to generate non-escaped test cases.
public static ByteSource fixedLength(ValueAccessor accessor, V data)
return new ByteSource()
int pos = -1;
public int next()
return ++pos < accessor.size(data) ? accessor.getByte(data, pos) & 0xFF : END_OF_STREAM;
* A byte source of the given bytes without any encoding.
* The resulting source is only guaranteed to give correct comparison results and be prefix-free if the
* underlying type has a fixed length.
* In tests, this method is also used to generate non-escaped test cases.
public static ByteSource fixedLength(ByteBuffer b)
return new ByteSource()
int pos = b.position() - 1;
public int next()
return ++pos < b.limit() ? b.get(pos) & 0xFF : END_OF_STREAM;
* A byte source of the given bytes without any encoding.
* If used in a sequence, the resulting source is only guaranteed to give correct comparison results if the
* underlying type has a fixed length.
* In tests, this method is also used to generate non-escaped test cases.
public static ByteSource fixedLength(byte[] b)
return fixedLength(b, 0, b.length);
public static ByteSource fixedLength(byte[] b, int offset, int length)
checkArgument(offset >= 0 && offset <= b.length);
checkArgument(length >= 0 && offset + length <= b.length);
return new ByteSource()
int pos = offset - 1;
public int next()
return ++pos < offset + length ? b[pos] & 0xFF : END_OF_STREAM;
public class Peekable implements ByteSource
private static final int NONE = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
private final ByteSource wrapped;
private int peeked = NONE;
public Peekable(ByteSource wrapped)
this.wrapped = wrapped;
public int next()
if (peeked != NONE)
int val = peeked;
peeked = NONE;
return val;
return wrapped.next();
public int peek()
if (peeked == NONE)
peeked = wrapped.next();
return peeked;
public static Peekable peekable(ByteSource p)
// When given a null source, we're better off not wrapping it and just returning null. This way existing
// code that doesn't know about ByteSource.Peekable, but handles correctly null ByteSources won't be thrown
// off by a non-null instance that semantically should have been null.
if (p == null)
return null;
return (p instanceof Peekable)
? (Peekable) p
: new Peekable(p);
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