
org.apache.cayenne.modeler.dialog.objentity.DbRelationshipTargetView.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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widgetFactory /Lorg/apache/cayenne/modeler/util/WidgetFactory; toManyCheckBox Ljavax/swing/JCheckBox;
saveButton Ljavax/swing/JButton; cancelButton
source1Button Ljavax/swing/JRadioButton;
source2Button targetCombo Ljavax/swing/JComboBox; Signature :Ljavax/swing/JComboBox; E(Lorg/apache/cayenne/map/DbEntity;Lorg/apache/cayenne/map/DbEntity;)V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this FLorg/apache/cayenne/modeler/dialog/objentity/DbRelationshipTargetView; source1 !Lorg/apache/cayenne/map/DbEntity; source2 bg Ljavax/swing/ButtonGroup; cc +Lcom/jgoodies/forms/layout/CellConstraints; builder )Lcom/jgoodies/forms/builder/PanelBuilder; buttons [Ljavax/swing/JButton;
StackMapTable ? ? getSource1Button ()Ljavax/swing/JRadioButton; getSource2Button
getSaveButton ()Ljavax/swing/JButton; getCancelButton getToManyCheckBox ()Ljavax/swing/JCheckBox;
SourceFile DbRelationshipTargetView.java ? ? ? M ? 4org/apache/cayenne/modeler/util/DefaultWidgetFactory M ? ? @ javax/swing/JButton Continue M ? C D ? ? Cancel E D ? ? ? I J ? ? ? javax/swing/JRadioButton F G H G ? ? ? ? ? javax/swing/ButtonGroup ? ? javax/swing/JCheckBox A B Create New DbRelationship ? ? java/awt/BorderLayout ? ? )com/jgoodies/forms/layout/CellConstraints 'com/jgoodies/forms/builder/PanelBuilder $com/jgoodies/forms/layout/FormLayout 3right:max(100dlu;pref), 3dlu, fill:min(150dlu;pref) .p, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, top:p:grow M ? M ? ? ? java/lang/StringBuilder Source: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Target: ? ? To Many: ? ? Center ? ? ? ? ? South Dorg/apache/cayenne/modeler/dialog/objentity/DbRelationshipTargetView javax/swing/JDialog org/apache/cayenne/map/DbEntity java/lang/String &org/apache/cayenne/modeler/Application getFrame 2()Lorg/apache/cayenne/modeler/CayenneModelerFrame; (Ljava/awt/Frame;)V ()V (Ljava/lang/String;)V
setEnabled (Z)V -org/apache/cayenne/modeler/util/WidgetFactory createComboBox ()Ljavax/swing/JComboBox; javax/swing/JComboBox
setVisible getRootPane ()Ljavax/swing/JRootPane; javax/swing/JRootPane setDefaultButton (Ljavax/swing/JButton;)V add (Ljavax/swing/AbstractButton;)V setTitle setLayout (Ljava/awt/LayoutManager;)V '(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V )(Lcom/jgoodies/forms/layout/FormLayout;)V setDefaultDialogBorder append -(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; getName ()Ljava/lang/String; toString xy /(II)Lcom/jgoodies/forms/layout/CellConstraints; addLabel S(Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/jgoodies/forms/layout/CellConstraints;)Ljavax/swing/JLabel; U(Ljava/awt/Component;Lcom/jgoodies/forms/layout/CellConstraints;)Ljava/awt/Component; xywh 1(IIII)Lcom/jgoodies/forms/layout/CellConstraints; getPanel ()Ljavax/swing/JPanel; )(Ljava/awt/Component;Ljava/lang/Object;)V ,org/apache/cayenne/modeler/util/PanelFactory createButtonPanel ,([Ljavax/swing/JButton;)Ljavax/swing/JPanel; ! = > ? @ A B C D E D F G H G I J K L M N O ?*? ? *? Y? ? *? Y? ? *? ?
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