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org.apache.cayenne.modeler.DbRelationshipDialogView.class Maven / Gradle / Ivy
???? 74
&org/apache/cayenne/modeler/Application getFrame 2()Lorg/apache/cayenne/modeler/CayenneModelerFrame; Create dbRelationship
-org/apache/cayenne/modeler/util/CayenneDialog F(Lorg/apache/cayenne/modeler/CayenneModelerFrame;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
3org/apache/cayenne/modeler/DbRelationshipDialogView initView ()V
centerWindow javax/swing/JTextField
(I)V ! " # name Ljavax/swing/JTextField; % javax/swing/JComboBox
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) * + targetEntities Ljavax/swing/JComboBox; - javax/swing/JCheckBox
, ' 0 1 2 toDepPk Ljavax/swing/JCheckBox; 4 5 2 toMany 7 8 # comment : javax/swing/JLabel
9 ' = > ?
sourceName Ljavax/swing/JLabel; A B # reverseName D javax/swing/JButton F Add
I (Ljava/lang/String;)V K L M addButton Ljavax/swing/JButton; O Remove Q R M removeButton T Done V W M
saveButton Y Cancel [ \ M cancelButton ^ Borg/apache/cayenne/modeler/DbRelationshipDialogView$AttributeTable
] `
a 8(Lorg/apache/cayenne/modeler/DbRelationshipDialogView;)V c d e table .Lorg/apache/cayenne/modeler/util/CayenneTable;
g h i j k ,org/apache/cayenne/modeler/util/CayenneTable getSelectionModel "()Ljavax/swing/ListSelectionModel; m javax/swing/ListSelectionModel l o p setSelectionMode r 6org/apache/cayenne/modeler/pref/TableColumnPreferences
t u v w x java/lang/Object getClass ()Ljava/lang/Class; z dbentity/dbjoinTable
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} &(Ljava/lang/Class;Ljava/lang/String;)V ? ? tablePreferences 8Lorg/apache/cayenne/modeler/pref/TableColumnPreferences;
? ? ? getRootPane ()Ljavax/swing/JRootPane;
? ? ? ? ? javax/swing/JRootPane setDefaultButton (Ljavax/swing/JButton;)V
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? ' ? 'com/jgoodies/forms/builder/PanelBuilder ? $com/jgoodies/forms/layout/FormLayout ? Nright:max(50dlu;pref), 3dlu, fill:min(150dlu;pref), 3dlu, fill:min(50dlu;pref) ? up, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, p, 3dlu, p, 9dlu, p, 3dlu, top:14dlu, 3dlu, top:p:grow
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? ? ? ? xywh 1(IIII)Lcom/jgoodies/forms/layout/CellConstraints;
? ? ? ? addSeparator W(Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/jgoodies/forms/layout/CellConstraints;)Ljavax/swing/JComponent; ? Relationship Name:
? ? ? ? xy /(II)Lcom/jgoodies/forms/layout/CellConstraints;
? ? ? ? addLabel S(Ljava/lang/String;Lcom/jgoodies/forms/layout/CellConstraints;)Ljavax/swing/JLabel;
? ? ? ? add U(Ljava/awt/Component;Lcom/jgoodies/forms/layout/CellConstraints;)Ljava/awt/Component; ? Source Entity: ? Target Entity: ?
To Dep PK: ? To Many: ? Comment: ? DbRelationship Information ? Reverse Relationship Name: ? Joins ? javax/swing/JScrollPane
? ?
? (Ljava/awt/Component;)V ?
fill, fill
? ? ? ? C(IIIILjava/lang/String;)Lcom/jgoodies/forms/layout/CellConstraints; ? javax/swing/JPanel ? java/awt/FlowLayout
? ?
? ? ? ? *(Ljava/awt/Component;)Ljava/awt/Component;
? ? ? ? getPanel ()Ljavax/swing/JPanel; ? Center
? ? ? ? )(Ljava/awt/Component;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
? ? ? ? ? ,org/apache/cayenne/modeler/util/PanelFactory createButtonPanel ,([Ljavax/swing/JButton;)Ljavax/swing/JPanel; ? South
C ? ? ?
setEnabled (Z)V
? ? ?
cancelPressed Z
setVisible Signature +Ljavax/swing/JComboBox; Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this 5Lorg/apache/cayenne/modeler/DbRelationshipDialogView; cc +Lcom/jgoodies/forms/layout/CellConstraints; builder )Lcom/jgoodies/forms/builder/PanelBuilder; joinButtons Ljavax/swing/JPanel; buttons [Ljavax/swing/JButton;
enableOptions enable b
StackMapTable getNameField ()Ljavax/swing/JTextField; getTargetEntities ()Ljavax/swing/JComboBox; -()Ljavax/swing/JComboBox;
getToDepPk ()Ljavax/swing/JCheckBox; getToMany
getSourceName ()Ljavax/swing/JLabel; getReverseName getTable 0()Lorg/apache/cayenne/modeler/util/CayenneTable; getTablePreferences :()Lorg/apache/cayenne/modeler/pref/TableColumnPreferences; getAddButton ()Ljavax/swing/JButton; getRemoveButton
getSaveButton getCancelButton isCancelPressed ()Z setCancelPressed
SourceFile NestMembers InnerClasses AttributeTable !
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