org.apache.daffodil.util.DecimalUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.daffodil.util
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.BinaryNumberCheckPolicy
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.TextZonedSignStyle
import java.math.{ BigInteger => JBigInteger, BigDecimal => JBigDecimal }
object PackedSignCodes {
def apply(signCodes: String, policy: BinaryNumberCheckPolicy) = {
val str = signCodes.replaceAll("\\s", "")
val chars = str.toCharArray()
Assert.invariant(chars.length == 4)
//We can convert hex to an integer value simply by subtracting 55
val positive = policy match {
case BinaryNumberCheckPolicy.Strict => List(chars(0) - 55)
case BinaryNumberCheckPolicy.Lax => List(chars(0) - 55, 0xA, 0xC, 0xE, 0xF)
val negative = policy match {
case BinaryNumberCheckPolicy.Strict => List(chars(1) - 55)
case BinaryNumberCheckPolicy.Lax => List(chars(1) - 55, 0xB, 0xD)
val unsigned = policy match {
case BinaryNumberCheckPolicy.Strict => List(chars(2) - 55)
case BinaryNumberCheckPolicy.Lax => List(chars(2) - 55, 0xF)
val zero_sign = policy match {
case BinaryNumberCheckPolicy.Strict => List(chars(3) - 55)
case BinaryNumberCheckPolicy.Lax => List(chars(3) - 55, 0xA, 0xC, 0xE, 0xF, 0x0)
new PackedSignCodes(positive, negative, unsigned, zero_sign)
case class PackedSignCodes(
positive: List[Int],
negative: List[Int],
unsigned: List[Int],
zero_sign: List[Int]
) {}
object DecimalUtils {
def packedToBigInteger(num: Array[Byte], signCodes: PackedSignCodes): JBigInteger = {
val numDigits = num.size * 2 // 2 digits stored per byte
val outputData = new Array[Char](numDigits-1)
var outputPos = 0
var offset = 0
// Parse and validate the last (sign) bit
val signNibble = (num(offset + num.size - 1) & 0x0F)
val negative = signCodes.negative.contains(signNibble)
if (!negative && !signCodes.positive.contains(signNibble) &&
!signCodes.unsigned.contains(signNibble) && !signCodes.zero_sign.contains(signNibble)) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid sign nibble: " + signNibble)
while (outputPos < outputData.size - 1) {
// Parse high nibble
val highNibble = (num(offset) & 0xFF) >>> 4
if (highNibble > 0x09) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid high nibble: " + highNibble)
outputData(outputPos) = (highNibble | 0x0030).toChar
outputPos = outputPos + 1
// Parse low nibble
val lowNibble = (num(offset) & 0x0F)
if (lowNibble > 0x09) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid low nibble: " + lowNibble)
outputData(outputPos) = (lowNibble | 0x0030).toChar
outputPos = outputPos + 1
offset = offset + 1
// Parse last digit
val lastNibble = (num(offset) & 0xFF) >>> 4
if (lastNibble > 0x09) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid high nibble: " + lastNibble)
outputData(outputPos) = (lastNibble | 0x0030).toChar
val jbi = new JBigInteger(new String(outputData))
if (negative)
def packedToBigDecimal(num: Array[Byte], scale: Int, signCodes: PackedSignCodes): JBigDecimal = {
new JBigDecimal(packedToBigInteger(num, signCodes), scale)
def packedFromBigIntegerLength(absBigIntAsString: String, minLengthInBits: Int): (Int, Int) = {
Assert.invariant(absBigIntAsString(0) != '-')
val numDigits = absBigIntAsString.length
val requiredBitLen = if (numDigits % 2 == 0) ((numDigits + 2) * 4) else ((numDigits + 1) * 4)
val bitLen = scala.math.max(minLengthInBits, requiredBitLen)
val numBytes = bitLen / 8
val leadingZeros = if (numDigits % 2 == 0) (bitLen/4 - numDigits - 1) else (bitLen/4 - numDigits)
(numBytes, leadingZeros)
def packedFromBigInteger(bigInt: JBigInteger, minLengthInBits: Int, signCodes: PackedSignCodes): Array[Byte] = {
val negative = (bigInt.signum != 1)
val inChars = bigInt.abs.toString
val numDigits = inChars.length
val (numBytes, leadingZeros) = packedFromBigIntegerLength(inChars, minLengthInBits)
val outArray = new Array[Byte](numBytes)
var offset = 0
var inPos = 0
// Add leading double zeros if necessary
while ((offset * 2) < (leadingZeros - 1)) {
outArray(offset) = 0x00.asInstanceOf[Byte]
offset = offset + 1
// Need odd number of digits, pad with 0x0 if necessary
if (numDigits % 2 == 0) {
outArray(offset) = (((0x0 & 0x000F) << 4) + (inChars(inPos) & 0x000F)).asInstanceOf[Byte]
inPos = inPos + 1
offset = offset + 1
while (inPos < numDigits - 1) {
val firstNibble = (inChars(inPos) & 0x000F) << 4
inPos = inPos + 1
val secondNibble = inChars(inPos) & 0x000F
inPos = inPos + 1
outArray(offset) = (firstNibble + secondNibble).asInstanceOf[Byte]
offset = offset + 1
// Write out the last digit and sign code
val lastNibble = (inChars(inPos) & 0x000F) << 4
val signNibble = if (negative) (signCodes.negative(0) & 0x000F) else (signCodes.positive(0) & 0x000F)
outArray(offset) = (lastNibble + signNibble).asInstanceOf[Byte]
def bcdToBigInteger(bcdNum: Array[Byte]): JBigInteger = {
val numDigits = bcdNum.size * 2 // 2 digits stored per byte
val outputData = new Array[Char](numDigits)
var outputPos = 0
var offset = 0
while (offset < bcdNum.size) {
val highNibble = (bcdNum(offset) & 0xFF) >>> 4
if (highNibble > 0x09)
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid high nibble: " + highNibble)
outputData(outputPos) = (highNibble | 0x0030).toChar
outputPos = outputPos + 1
val lowNibble = (bcdNum(offset) & 0x0F)
if (lowNibble > 0x09) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid low nibble: " + lowNibble)
outputData(outputPos) = (lowNibble | 0x0030).toChar
outputPos = outputPos + 1
offset = offset + 1
new JBigInteger(new String(outputData))
def bcdToBigDecimal(bcdNum: Array[Byte], scale: Int): JBigDecimal = {
new JBigDecimal(bcdToBigInteger(bcdNum), scale)
def bcdFromBigIntegerLength(absBigIntAsString: String, minLengthInBits: Int): (Int, Int) = {
val numDigits = absBigIntAsString.length
// Need to have an even number of digits to fill out a complete byte
val requiredBitLen = if (numDigits % 2 == 0) (numDigits * 4) else ((numDigits + 1) * 4)
val bitLen = scala.math.max(minLengthInBits, requiredBitLen)
val numBytes = (bitLen / 8)
val leadingZeros = bitLen/4 - numDigits
(numBytes, leadingZeros)
def bcdFromBigInteger(bigInt: JBigInteger, minLengthInBits: Int): Array[Byte] = {
val inChars = bigInt.toString
val numDigits = inChars.length
val (numBytes, leadingZeros) = bcdFromBigIntegerLength(inChars, minLengthInBits)
val outArray = new Array[Byte](numBytes)
var offset = 0
var inPos = 0
// Add leading double zeros if necessary
while ((offset * 2) < (leadingZeros - 1)) {
outArray(offset) = 0x00.asInstanceOf[Byte]
offset = offset + 1
// Need even number of digits, pad with a single 0 if necessary
if (inChars.length % 2 != 0) {
outArray(offset) = (((0x0 & 0x000F) << 4) + (inChars(inPos) & 0x000F)).asInstanceOf[Byte]
offset = offset + 1
inPos = inPos + 1
while (inPos < inChars.length) {
val firstNibble = (inChars(inPos) & 0x000F) << 4
inPos = inPos + 1
val secondNibble = inChars(inPos) & 0x000F
inPos = inPos + 1
outArray(offset) = (firstNibble + secondNibble).asInstanceOf[Byte]
offset = offset + 1
def ibm4690ToBigInteger(num: Array[Byte]): JBigInteger = {
val numDigits = num.size * 2 // 2 digits stored per byte
val outputData = new Array[Char](numDigits)
var outputPos = 0
var offset = 0
var negative = false
// We've started parsing non-padding/sign nibbles
var inDigits = false
while (offset < num.size) {
// Parse high nibble
val highNibble = (num(offset) & 0xFF) >>> 4
if (highNibble > 0x09) {
outputData(outputPos) = '0'
if ((highNibble == 0xD) && !inDigits) {
negative = true
inDigits = true
} else if ((highNibble != 0xF) || inDigits) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid high nibble: " + highNibble)
outputPos = outputPos + 1
if (highNibble <= 0x09) {
inDigits = true
outputData(outputPos) = (highNibble | 0x0030).toChar
outputPos = outputPos + 1
// Parse low nibble
val lowNibble = (num(offset) & 0x0F)
if (lowNibble > 0x09) {
outputData(outputPos) = '0'
outputPos = outputPos + 1
if (lowNibble == 0xD && !inDigits) {
negative = true
inDigits = true
} else if ((lowNibble != 0xF) || inDigits) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid low nibble: " + lowNibble)
if (lowNibble <= 0x09) {
inDigits = true
outputData(outputPos) = (lowNibble | 0x0030).toChar
outputPos = outputPos + 1
offset = offset + 1
val jbi = new JBigInteger(new String(outputData))
if (negative)
def ibm4690ToBigDecimal(num: Array[Byte], scale: Int): JBigDecimal = {
new JBigDecimal(ibm4690ToBigInteger(num), scale)
def ibm4690FromBigIntegerLength(absBigIntAsString: String, minLengthInBits: Int, negative: Boolean): (Int, Int) = {
Assert.invariant(absBigIntAsString(0) != '-')
val numDigits = if (negative) absBigIntAsString.length + 1 else absBigIntAsString.length
val requiredBitLen = if (numDigits % 2 == 0) (numDigits * 4) else ((numDigits + 1) * 4)
val bitLen = scala.math.max(minLengthInBits, requiredBitLen)
val numBytes = bitLen / 8
val leadingZeros = if (numDigits % 2 == 0) (bitLen/4 - numDigits) else (bitLen/4 - (numDigits + 1))
(numBytes, leadingZeros)
def ibm4690FromBigInteger(bigInt: JBigInteger, minLengthInBits: Int): Array[Byte] = {
val negative = (bigInt.signum != 1)
val inChars = bigInt.abs.toString
val numDigits = if (negative) inChars.length + 1 else inChars.length
val (numBytes, leadingZeros) = ibm4690FromBigIntegerLength(inChars, minLengthInBits, negative)
val outArray = new Array[Byte](numBytes)
var wrote_negative = false
var offset = 0
var inPos = 0
// Add leading double zeros if necessary
while ((offset * 2) < (leadingZeros - 1)) {
outArray(offset) = 0xFF.asInstanceOf[Byte]
offset = offset + 1
// Need even number of digits, pad with 0xF if necessary
if (numDigits % 2 != 0) {
val padNibble = (0xF & 0x000F) << 4
val signNibble = if (negative) {
wrote_negative = true
0xD & 0x000F
} else {
inPos = inPos + 1
inChars(inPos-1) & 0x000F
outArray(offset) = (padNibble + signNibble).asInstanceOf[Byte]
offset = offset + 1
while (inPos < numDigits - 1) {
val firstNibble = if (negative && !wrote_negative) {
wrote_negative = true
(0xD & 0x000F) << 4
} else {
inPos = inPos + 1
(inChars(inPos-1) & 0x000F) << 4
val secondNibble = inChars(inPos) & 0x000F
inPos = inPos + 1
outArray(offset) = (firstNibble + secondNibble).asInstanceOf[Byte]
offset = offset + 1
def convertFromAsciiStandard(digit: Char): (Int, Boolean) = {
if ((digit >= '0') && (digit <= '9')) // positive 0-9
(digit - 48, false)
else if ((digit >= 'p') && (digit <= 'y')) // negative 0-9
(digit - 112, true)
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid zoned digit: " + digit)
def convertToAsciiStandard(digit: Char, positive: Boolean): Char = {
if (positive)
(digit + 64).asInstanceOf[Char]
def convertFromAsciiTranslatedEBCDIC(digit: Char): (Int, Boolean) = {
if (digit == '{')
(0, false)
else if (digit == '}')
(0, true)
else if ((digit >= 'A') && (digit <= 'I')) // positive 1-9
(digit - 64, false)
else if ((digit >= 'J') && (digit <= 'R')) // negative 1-9
(digit - 73, true)
else if ((digit >= '0') && (digit <= '9'))
(digit - 48, false) // non-overpunched digit
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid zoned digit: " + digit)
def convertToAsciiTranslatedEBCDIC(digit: Char, positive: Boolean): Char = {
if (positive) {
if (digit == '0')
(digit + 16).asInstanceOf[Char]
} else {
if (digit == '0')
(digit + 25).asInstanceOf[Char]
def convertFromAsciiCARealiaModified(digit: Char): (Int, Boolean) = {
if ((digit >= '0') && (digit <= '9')) // positive 0-9
(digit - 48, false)
else if ((digit >= ' ') && (digit <= ')')) // negative 0-9
(digit - 32, true)
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid zoned digit: " + digit)
def convertToAsciiCARealiaModified(digit: Char, positive: Boolean): Char = {
if (positive)
(digit - 16).asInstanceOf[Char]
def convertFromAsciiTandemModified(digit: Char): (Int, Boolean) = {
if ((digit >= '0') && (digit <= '9')) // positive 0-9
(digit - 48, false)
else if ((digit >= 128) && (digit <= 137)) // negative 0-9
(digit - 128, true)
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid zoned digit: " + digit)
def convertToAsciiTandemModified(digit: Char, positive: Boolean): Char = {
if (positive)
(digit + 80).asInstanceOf[Char]
object OverpunchLocation extends Enumeration {
type OverpunchLocation = Value
val Start, End, None = Value
def zonedToNumber(num: String, zonedStyle: TextZonedSignStyle, opl: OverpunchLocation.Value): String = {
val opindex = opl match {
case OverpunchLocation.Start => 0
case OverpunchLocation.End => num.length - 1
case _ => -1
val decodedValue = {
if (opl == OverpunchLocation.None) {
} else {
val (digit, opneg) = zonedStyle match {
case TextZonedSignStyle.AsciiStandard => convertFromAsciiStandard(num(opindex))
case TextZonedSignStyle.AsciiTranslatedEBCDIC => convertFromAsciiTranslatedEBCDIC(num(opindex))
case TextZonedSignStyle.AsciiCARealiaModified => convertFromAsciiCARealiaModified(num(opindex))
case TextZonedSignStyle.AsciiTandemModified => convertFromAsciiTandemModified(num(opindex))
val convertedNum = (opneg, opl) match {
case (true, OverpunchLocation.Start) => "-" + digit + num.substring(1)
case (false, OverpunchLocation.Start) => digit + num.substring(1)
case (true, OverpunchLocation.End) => "-" + num.substring(0, opindex) + digit
case (false, OverpunchLocation.End) => num.substring(0, opindex) + digit
case _ => Assert.impossible()
def zonedFromNumber(num: String, zonedStyle: TextZonedSignStyle, opl: OverpunchLocation.Value): String = {
val positive = (num.charAt(0) != '-')
val inStr = positive match {
case true => num
case false => num.substring(1)
val opindex = opl match {
case OverpunchLocation.Start => 0
case OverpunchLocation.End => inStr.length - 1
case _ => -1
val encodedValue = {
if (opl == OverpunchLocation.None) {
if (!positive) Assert.impossible()
} else {
val digit = zonedStyle match {
case TextZonedSignStyle.AsciiStandard => convertToAsciiStandard(inStr(opindex), positive)
case TextZonedSignStyle.AsciiTranslatedEBCDIC => convertToAsciiTranslatedEBCDIC(inStr(opindex), positive)
case TextZonedSignStyle.AsciiCARealiaModified => convertToAsciiCARealiaModified(inStr(opindex), positive)
case TextZonedSignStyle.AsciiTandemModified => convertToAsciiTandemModified(inStr(opindex), positive)
val convertedNum = opl match {
case OverpunchLocation.Start => digit + inStr.substring(1)
case OverpunchLocation.End => inStr.substring(0, opindex) + digit
case _ => Assert.impossible()
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