org.apache.comet.fuzz.QueryGen.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.comet.fuzz
import{BufferedWriter, FileWriter}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Random
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
object QueryGen {
def generateRandomQueries(
r: Random,
spark: SparkSession,
numFiles: Int,
numQueries: Int): Unit = {
for (i <- 0 until numFiles) {"test$i.parquet").createTempView(s"test$i")
val w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("queries.sql"))
val uniqueQueries = mutable.HashSet[String]()
for (_ <- 0 until numQueries) {
val sql = r.nextInt().abs % 8 match {
case 0 => generateJoin(r, spark, numFiles)
case 1 => generateAggregate(r, spark, numFiles)
case 2 => generateScalar(r, spark, numFiles)
case 3 => generateCast(r, spark, numFiles)
case 4 => generateUnaryArithmetic(r, spark, numFiles)
case 5 => generateBinaryArithmetic(r, spark, numFiles)
case 6 => generateBinaryComparison(r, spark, numFiles)
case _ => generateConditional(r, spark, numFiles)
if (!uniqueQueries.contains(sql)) {
uniqueQueries += sql
w.write(sql + "\n")
private def generateAggregate(r: Random, spark: SparkSession, numFiles: Int): String = {
val tableName = s"test${r.nextInt(numFiles)}"
val table = spark.table(tableName)
val func = Utils.randomChoice(Meta.aggFunc, r)
val args = Range(0, func.num_args)
.map(_ => Utils.randomChoice(table.columns, r))
val groupingCols = Range(0, 2).map(_ => Utils.randomChoice(table.columns, r))
if (groupingCols.isEmpty) {
s"SELECT ${args.mkString(", ")}, ${}(${args.mkString(", ")}) AS x " +
s"FROM $tableName " +
s"ORDER BY ${args.mkString(", ")};"
} else {
s"SELECT ${groupingCols.mkString(", ")}, ${}(${args.mkString(", ")}) " +
s"FROM $tableName " +
s"GROUP BY ${groupingCols.mkString(",")} " +
s"ORDER BY ${groupingCols.mkString(", ")};"
private def generateScalar(r: Random, spark: SparkSession, numFiles: Int): String = {
val tableName = s"test${r.nextInt(numFiles)}"
val table = spark.table(tableName)
val func = Utils.randomChoice(Meta.scalarFunc, r)
val args = Range(0, func.num_args)
.map(_ => Utils.randomChoice(table.columns, r))
// Example SELECT c0, log(c0) as x FROM test0
s"SELECT ${args.mkString(", ")}, ${}(${args.mkString(", ")}) AS x " +
s"FROM $tableName " +
s"ORDER BY ${args.mkString(", ")};"
private def generateUnaryArithmetic(r: Random, spark: SparkSession, numFiles: Int): String = {
val tableName = s"test${r.nextInt(numFiles)}"
val table = spark.table(tableName)
val op = Utils.randomChoice(Meta.unaryArithmeticOps, r)
val a = Utils.randomChoice(table.columns, r)
// Example SELECT a, -a FROM test0
s"SELECT $a, $op$a " +
s"FROM $tableName " +
s"ORDER BY $a;"
private def generateBinaryArithmetic(r: Random, spark: SparkSession, numFiles: Int): String = {
val tableName = s"test${r.nextInt(numFiles)}"
val table = spark.table(tableName)
val op = Utils.randomChoice(Meta.binaryArithmeticOps, r)
val a = Utils.randomChoice(table.columns, r)
val b = Utils.randomChoice(table.columns, r)
// Example SELECT a, b, a+b FROM test0
s"SELECT $a, $b, $a $op $b " +
s"FROM $tableName " +
s"ORDER BY $a, $b;"
private def generateBinaryComparison(r: Random, spark: SparkSession, numFiles: Int): String = {
val tableName = s"test${r.nextInt(numFiles)}"
val table = spark.table(tableName)
val op = Utils.randomChoice(Meta.comparisonOps, r)
val a = Utils.randomChoice(table.columns, r)
val b = Utils.randomChoice(table.columns, r)
// Example SELECT a, b, a <=> b FROM test0
s"SELECT $a, $b, $a $op $b " +
s"FROM $tableName " +
s"ORDER BY $a, $b;"
private def generateConditional(r: Random, spark: SparkSession, numFiles: Int): String = {
val tableName = s"test${r.nextInt(numFiles)}"
val table = spark.table(tableName)
val op = Utils.randomChoice(Meta.comparisonOps, r)
val a = Utils.randomChoice(table.columns, r)
val b = Utils.randomChoice(table.columns, r)
// Example SELECT a, b, IF(a <=> b, 1, 2), CASE WHEN a <=> b THEN 1 ELSE 2 END FROM test0
s"SELECT $a, $b, $a $op $b, IF($a $op $b, 1, 2), CASE WHEN $a $op $b THEN 1 ELSE 2 END " +
s"FROM $tableName " +
s"ORDER BY $a, $b;"
private def generateCast(r: Random, spark: SparkSession, numFiles: Int): String = {
val tableName = s"test${r.nextInt(numFiles)}"
val table = spark.table(tableName)
val toType = Utils.randomWeightedChoice(Meta.dataTypes, r).sql
val arg = Utils.randomChoice(table.columns, r)
// We test both `cast` and `try_cast` to cover LEGACY and TRY eval modes. It is not
// recommended to run Comet Fuzz with ANSI enabled currently.
// Example SELECT c0, cast(c0 as float), try_cast(c0 as float) FROM test0
s"SELECT $arg, cast($arg as $toType), try_cast($arg as $toType) " +
s"FROM $tableName " +
s"ORDER BY $arg;"
private def generateJoin(r: Random, spark: SparkSession, numFiles: Int): String = {
val leftTableName = s"test${r.nextInt(numFiles)}"
val rightTableName = s"test${r.nextInt(numFiles)}"
val leftTable = spark.table(leftTableName)
val rightTable = spark.table(rightTableName)
val leftCol = Utils.randomChoice(leftTable.columns, r)
val rightCol = Utils.randomChoice(rightTable.columns, r)
val joinTypes = Seq(("INNER", 0.4), ("LEFT", 0.3), ("RIGHT", 0.3))
val joinType = Utils.randomWeightedChoice(joinTypes, r)
val leftColProjection = => s"l.$c").mkString(", ")
val rightColProjection = => s"r.$c").mkString(", ")
s"$leftColProjection, " +
s"$rightColProjection " +
s"FROM $leftTableName l " +
s"$joinType JOIN $rightTableName r " +
s"ON l.$leftCol = r.$rightCol " +
s"$leftColProjection, " +
case class Function(name: String, num_args: Int)