org.apache.datasketches.cpc.PairTable Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.datasketches.cpc;
import static org.apache.datasketches.cpc.RuntimeAsserts.rtAssert;
import static org.apache.datasketches.cpc.RuntimeAsserts.rtAssertEquals;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.datasketches.SketchesArgumentException;
import org.apache.datasketches.SketchesStateException;
* Note: Definition of
* Snow Plow Effect.
* @author Lee Rhodes
* @author Kevin Lang
final class PairTable {
private static final String LS = System.getProperty("line.separator");
private static final int upsizeNumer = 3;
private static final int upsizeDenom = 4;
private static final int downsizeNumer = 1;
private static final int downsizeDenom = 4;
private int lgSizeInts;
private final int validBits;
private int numPairs;
private int[] slotsArr;
PairTable(final int lgSizeInts, final int numValidBits) {
this.lgSizeInts = lgSizeInts;
final int numSlots = 1 << lgSizeInts;
validBits = numValidBits;
numPairs = 0;
slotsArr = new int[numSlots];
for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; i++) { slotsArr[i] = -1; }
static PairTable newInstanceFromPairsArray(final int[] pairs, final int numPairs, final int lgK) {
int lgNumSlots = 2;
while ((upsizeDenom * numPairs) > (upsizeNumer * (1 << lgNumSlots))) {
final PairTable table = new PairTable(lgNumSlots, 6 + lgK);
/* Note: there is a possible
* Snow Plow Effect here because
* the caller is passing in a sorted pairs array. However, we are starting out with the correct
* final table size, so the problem is not likely to occur.
for (int i = 0; i < numPairs; i++) {
mustInsert(table, pairs[i]);
table.numPairs = numPairs;
return table;
PairTable clear() {
Arrays.fill(slotsArr, -1);
numPairs = 0;
return this;
PairTable copy() {
final PairTable copy = new PairTable(lgSizeInts, validBits);
copy.numPairs = numPairs;
copy.slotsArr = slotsArr.clone(); //slotsArr can never be null
return copy;
int getLgSizeInts() {
return lgSizeInts;
int getNumPairs() {
return numPairs;
int[] getSlotsArr() {
return slotsArr;
int getValidBits() {
return validBits;
* Rebuilds to a larger size. NumItems and validBits remain unchanged.
* @param newLgSizeInts the new size
* @return a larger PairTable
PairTable rebuild(final int newLgSizeInts) {
final int newSize = 1 << newLgSizeInts;
final int oldSize = 1 << lgSizeInts;
rtAssert(newSize > numPairs);
final int[] oldSlotsArr = slotsArr;
slotsArr = new int[newSize];
Arrays.fill(slotsArr, -1);
lgSizeInts = newLgSizeInts;
for (int i = 0; i < oldSize; i++) {
final int item = oldSlotsArr[i];
if (item != -1) { mustInsert(this, item); }
return this;
public String toString() {
return toString(false);
private static void mustInsert(final PairTable table, final int item) {
//SHARED CODE (implemented as a macro in C and expanded here)
final int lgSizeInts = table.lgSizeInts;
final int sizeInts = 1 << lgSizeInts;
final int mask = sizeInts - 1;
final int shift = table.validBits - lgSizeInts;
rtAssert(shift > 0);
int probe = item >>> shift; //extract high tablesize bits
rtAssert((probe >= 0) && (probe <= mask));
final int[] arr = table.slotsArr;
int fetched = arr[probe];
while ((fetched != item) && (fetched != -1)) {
probe = (probe + 1) & mask;
fetched = arr[probe];
if (fetched == item) { throw new SketchesStateException("PairTable mustInsert() failed"); }
else {
assert (fetched == -1);
arr[probe] = item;
// counts and resizing must be handled by the caller.
static boolean maybeInsert(final PairTable table, final int item) {
//SHARED CODE (implemented as a macro in C and expanded here)
final int lgSizeInts = table.lgSizeInts;
final int sizeInts = 1 << lgSizeInts;
final int mask = sizeInts - 1;
final int shift = table.validBits - lgSizeInts;
rtAssert(shift > 0);
int probe = item >>> shift;
rtAssert((probe >= 0) && (probe <= mask));
final int[] arr = table.slotsArr;
int fetched = arr[probe];
while ((fetched != item) && (fetched != -1)) {
probe = (probe + 1) & mask;
fetched = arr[probe];
if (fetched == item) { return false; }
else {
assert (fetched == -1);
arr[probe] = item;
table.numPairs += 1;
while ((upsizeDenom * table.numPairs) > (upsizeNumer * (1 << table.lgSizeInts))) {
table.rebuild(table.lgSizeInts + 1);
return true;
static boolean maybeDelete(final PairTable table, final int item) {
//SHARED CODE (implemented as a macro in C and expanded here)
final int lgSizeInts = table.lgSizeInts;
final int sizeInts = 1 << lgSizeInts;
final int mask = sizeInts - 1;
final int shift = table.validBits - lgSizeInts;
rtAssert(shift > 0);
int probe = item >>> shift;
rtAssert((probe >= 0) && (probe <= mask));
final int[] arr = table.slotsArr;
int fetched = arr[probe];
while ((fetched != item) && (fetched != -1)) {
probe = (probe + 1) & mask;
fetched = arr[probe];
if (fetched == -1) { return false; }
else {
assert (fetched == item);
// delete the item
arr[probe] = -1;
table.numPairs -= 1; assert (table.numPairs >= 0);
// re-insert all items between the freed slot and the next empty slot
probe = (probe + 1) & mask; fetched = arr[probe];
while (fetched != -1) {
arr[probe] = -1;
mustInsert(table, fetched);
probe = (probe + 1) & mask; fetched = arr[probe];
// shrink if necessary
while (((downsizeDenom * table.numPairs)
< (downsizeNumer * (1 << table.lgSizeInts))) && (table.lgSizeInts > 2)) {
table.rebuild(table.lgSizeInts - 1);
return true;
* While extracting the items from a linear probing hashtable,
* this will usually undo the wrap-around provided that the table
* isn't too full. Experiments suggest that for sufficiently large tables
* the load factor would have to be over 90 percent before this would fail frequently,
* and even then the subsequent sort would fix things up.
* @param table the given table to unwrap
* @param numPairs the number of valid pairs in the table
* @return the unwrapped table
static int[] unwrappingGetItems(final PairTable table, final int numPairs) {
if (numPairs < 1) { return null; }
final int[] slotsArr = table.slotsArr;
final int tableSize = 1 << table.lgSizeInts;
final int[] result = new int[numPairs];
int i = 0;
int l = 0;
int r = numPairs - 1;
// Special rules for the region before the first empty slot.
final int hiBit = 1 << (table.validBits - 1);
while ((i < tableSize) && (slotsArr[i] != -1)) {
final int item = slotsArr[i++];
if ((item & hiBit) != 0) { result[r--] = item; } // This item was probably wrapped, so move to end.
else { result[l++] = item; }
// The rest of the table is processed normally.
while (i < tableSize) {
final int look = slotsArr[i++];
if (look != -1) { result[l++] = look; }
assert l == (r + 1);
return result;
* In applications where the input array is already nearly sorted,
* insertion sort runs in linear time with a very small constant.
* This introspective version of insertion sort protects against
* the quadratic cost of sorting bad input arrays.
* It keeps track of how much work has been done, and if that exceeds a
* constant times the array length, it switches to a different sorting algorithm.
* @param a the array to sort
* @param l points AT the leftmost element, i.e., inclusive.
* @param r points AT the rightmost element, i.e., inclusive.
static void introspectiveInsertionSort(final int[] a, final int l, final int r) {
final int length = (r - l) + 1;
long cost = 0;
final long costLimit = 8L * length;
for (int i = l + 1; i <= r; i++) {
int j = i;
final long v = a[i] & 0XFFFF_FFFFL; //v must be long
while ((j >= (l + 1)) && (v < ((a[j - 1]) & 0XFFFF_FFFFL))) {
a[j] = a[j - 1];
j -= 1;
a[j] = (int) v;
cost += (i - j); // distance moved is a measure of work
if (cost > costLimit) {
//we need an unsigned sort, but it is linear time and very rarely occurs
final long[] b = new long[a.length];
for (int m = 0; m < a.length; m++) { b[m] = a[m] & 0XFFFF_FFFFL; }
Arrays.sort(b, l, r + 1);
for (int m = 0; m < a.length; m++) { a[m] = (int) b[m]; }
// The following sanity check can be used during development
//int bad = 0;
//for (int m = l; m < (r - 1); m++) {
// final long b1 = a[m] & 0XFFFF_FFFFL;
// final long b2 = a[m + 1] & 0XFFFF_FFFFL;
// if (b1 > b2) { bad++; }
//assert (bad == 0);
// The following sanity check can be used during development
// int bad = 0;
// for (int m = l; m < (r - 1); m++) {
// final long b1 = a[m] & 0XFFFF_FFFFL;
// final long b2 = a[m + 1] & 0XFFFF_FFFFL;
// if (b1 > b2) { bad++; }
// }
// assert (bad == 0);
static void merge(
final int[] arrA, final int startA, final int lengthA, //input
final int[] arrB, final int startB, final int lengthB, //input
final int[] arrC, final int startC) { //output
final int lengthC = lengthA + lengthB;
final int limA = startA + lengthA;
final int limB = startB + lengthB;
final int limC = startC + lengthC;
int a = startA;
int b = startB;
int c = startC;
for ( ; c < limC ; c++) {
if (b >= limB) { arrC[c] = arrA[a++]; }
else if (a >= limA) { arrC[c] = arrB[b++]; }
else {
final long aa = arrA[a] & 0XFFFF_FFFFL;
final long bb = arrB[b] & 0XFFFF_FFFFL;
if (aa < bb) { arrC[c] = arrA[a++]; }
else { arrC[c] = arrB[b++]; }
assert (a == limA);
assert (b == limB);
static boolean equals(final PairTable a, final PairTable b) {
if ((a == null) && (b == null)) { return true; }
if ((a == null) || (b == null)) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("PairTable " + ((a == null) ? "a" : "b") + " is null");
//Note: lgSize array sizes may not be equal, but contents still can be equal
rtAssertEquals(a.validBits, b.validBits);
final int numPairsA = a.numPairs;
final int numPairsB = b.numPairs;
rtAssertEquals(numPairsA, numPairsB);
final int[] pairsA = PairTable.unwrappingGetItems(a, numPairsA);
final int[] pairsB = PairTable.unwrappingGetItems(b, numPairsB);
PairTable.introspectiveInsertionSort(pairsA, 0, numPairsA - 1);
PairTable.introspectiveInsertionSort(pairsB, 0, numPairsB - 1);
rtAssertEquals(pairsA, pairsB);
return true;
String toString(final boolean detail) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
final int sizeInts = 1 << lgSizeInts;
sb.append(" Lg Size Ints : ").append(lgSizeInts).append(LS);
sb.append(" Size Ints : ").append(sizeInts).append(LS);
sb.append(" Valid Bits : ").append(validBits).append(LS);
sb.append(" Num Pairs : ").append(numPairs).append(LS);
if (detail) {
sb.append(" DATA (hex) : ").append(LS);
final String hdr = String.format("%9s %9s %9s %4s", "Index","Word","Row","Col");
for (int i = 0; i < sizeInts; i++) {
final int word = slotsArr[i];
if (word == -1) { //empty
final String h = String.format("%9d %9s", i, "--");
} else { //data
final int row = word >>> 6;
final int col = word & 0X3F;
final String wordStr = Long.toHexString(word & 0XFFFF_FFFFL);
final String data = String.format("%9d %9s %9d %4d", i, wordStr, row, col);
return sb.toString();
private static void checkLgSizeInts(final int lgSizeInts) {
if ((lgSizeInts < 2) || (lgSizeInts > 26)) {
throw new SketchesArgumentException("Illegal LgSizeInts: " + lgSizeInts);
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