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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;


import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;

import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.Os;

 * The IzPack installer command.
 * @author Apache Directory Project
 * @version $Rev: 921363 $
public class RpmInstallerCommand extends MojoCommand
    private final Properties filterProperties = new Properties( System.getProperties() );
    private final RpmTarget target;
    private final File rpmConfigurationFile;
    private final Log log;

    private File rpmBuilder;

    public RpmInstallerCommand(ServiceInstallersMojo mymojo, RpmTarget target)
        super( mymojo ); = target;
        this.log = mymojo.getLog();
        File imagesDir = target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory().getParentFile();
        rpmConfigurationFile = new File( imagesDir, target.getId() + ".spec" );

    public Properties getFilterProperties()
        return filterProperties;
     * Performs the following:
  1. Bail if target is not for linux or current machine is not linux (no rpm builder)
  2. *
  3. Filter and copy project supplied spec file into place if it has been specified and exists
  4. *
  5. If no spec file exists filter and deposite into place bundled spec template
  6. *
  7. Bail if we cannot find the rpm builder executable
  8. *
  9. Execute rpm build on the filtered spec file
  10. *
*/ public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 1 & 4: do some error checking first for builder and OS // ------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( !target.getOsFamily().equals( "unix" ) || !target.getOsName().equalsIgnoreCase( "Linux" ) ) { log.warn( "RPM target " + target.getId() + " cannot be built for an non-linux based machine!" ); log.warn( "The target will not be built." ); log.warn( "The rest of the build will not fail because of this acceptable situation." ); return; } if ( !Os.isName( "linux" ) ) { log.warn( "os name = " + System.getProperty( "" ) ); log.warn( "RPM target " + target.getId() + " cannot be built on a non-linux based machine!" ); log.warn( "The target will not be built." ); log.warn( "The rest of the build will not fail because of this acceptable situation." ); return; } if ( target.getRpmTopDir() == null ) { target.setRpmTopDir( new File( "target/rpmbuild" ) ); } if ( !target.getRpmTopDir().exists() ) { try { target.getRpmTopDir().mkdirs(); String baseDir = target.getRpmTopDir().getAbsolutePath(); new File( baseDir + "/BUILD" ).mkdirs(); new File( baseDir + "/RPMS" ).mkdirs(); new File( baseDir + "/SOURCES" ).mkdirs(); new File( baseDir + "/SPECS" ).mkdirs(); new File( baseDir + "/SRPMS" ).mkdirs(); } catch ( Exception e ) { log.warn( "Please set the rpmTopDir in the pom.xml to a directory where the build" ); log.warn( "user has proper permissions to create dirs and files." ); return; } } // @todo this should really be a parameter taken from the user's settings // because the compiler may be installed in different places and is specific if ( !target.getRpmBuilder().exists() ) { log.warn( "Cannot find rpmbuild utility at this location: " + target.getRpmBuilder() ); log.warn( "The build will continue, but please check the location of your rpmbuild " ); log.warn( "utility." ); return; } else { this.rpmBuilder = target.getRpmBuilder(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Step 2 & 3: copy rpm spec file and filter // ------------------------------------------------------------------- String version = target.getApplication().getVersion().replace( '-', '_' ); if ( target.getScriptFile() != null && target.getScriptFile().exists() ) { try { MojoHelperUtils.copyAsciiFile( mymojo, filterProperties, target.getScriptFile(), target.getLayout().getInitScript(), true ); } catch ( IOException e ) { mymojo.getLog().error( "Failed to copy project supplied init script " + target.getScriptFile() + " into position " + target.getLayout().getInitScript(), e ); } if ( mymojo.getLog().isInfoEnabled() ) { mymojo.getLog().info( "Using project supplied init script file: " + target.getScriptFile() ); } } else { try { MojoHelperUtils.copyAsciiFile( mymojo, filterProperties, getClass().getResourceAsStream( "server.init" ), target.getLayout().getInitScript(), true ); } catch ( IOException e ) { mymojo.getLog().error( "Failed to copy init script " + getClass().getResource( "server.init" ) + " into position " + target.getLayout().getInitScript(), e ); } } // check first to see if the default spec file is present in src/main/installers File projectRpmFile = new File( mymojo.getSourceDirectory(), "spec.template" ); if ( target.getRpmSpecificationFile() != null && target.getRpmSpecificationFile().exists() ) { try { MojoHelperUtils.copyAsciiFile( mymojo, filterProperties, target.getRpmSpecificationFile(), rpmConfigurationFile, true ); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new MojoFailureException( "Failed to filter and copy project provided " + target.getRpmSpecificationFile() + " to " + rpmConfigurationFile ); } } else if ( projectRpmFile.exists() ) { try { MojoHelperUtils.copyAsciiFile( mymojo, filterProperties, projectRpmFile, rpmConfigurationFile, true ); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new MojoFailureException( "Failed to filter and copy project provided " + projectRpmFile + " to " + rpmConfigurationFile ); } } else { InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream( "spec.template" ); URL resource = getClass().getResource( "spec.template" ); try { MojoHelperUtils.copyAsciiFile( mymojo, filterProperties, in, rpmConfigurationFile, true ); } catch ( IOException e ) { throw new MojoFailureException( "Failed to filter and copy bundled " + resource + " to " + rpmConfigurationFile ); } } processPackagedFiles( target, target.getPackagedFiles() ); buildSourceTarball(); String[] cmd = new String[] { rpmBuilder.getAbsolutePath(), "-ba", "--define", "_topdir " + target.getRpmTopDir().getAbsolutePath(), rpmConfigurationFile.getAbsolutePath() }; MojoHelperUtils.exec( cmd, target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory().getParentFile(), target.isDoSudo() ); String rpmName = target.getApplication().getName() + "-" + version + "-0." + target.getOsArch() + ".rpm"; File srcFile = new File( target.getRpmTopDir(), "RPMS/" + target.getOsArch() + "/" + rpmName ); File dstFile = null; if ( target.getFinalName() == null ) { dstFile = new File( mymojo.getOutputDirectory(), rpmName ); } else { String finalName = target.getFinalName(); if ( !finalName.endsWith( ".rpm" ) ) { finalName = finalName + ".rpm"; } dstFile = new File( mymojo.getOutputDirectory(), finalName ); } try { FileUtils.copyFile( srcFile, dstFile ); srcFile.delete(); } catch ( IOException e ) { // if this happens we don't stop since RPM could be somewhere else e.printStackTrace(); } } private void initializeFiltering() { filterProperties.putAll( mymojo.getProject().getProperties() ); filterProperties.put( "app", target.getApplication().getName() ); filterProperties.put( "app.caps", target.getApplication().getName().toUpperCase() ); filterProperties.put( "app.server.class", mymojo.getApplicationClass() ); filterProperties.put( "", "java"); char firstChar = target.getApplication().getName().charAt( 0 ); firstChar = Character.toUpperCase( firstChar ); filterProperties.put( "", firstChar + target.getApplication().getName().substring( 1 ) ); filterProperties.put( "app.release", "0" ); filterProperties.put( "app.license.type", target.getApplication().getLicenseType() ); String version = target.getApplication().getVersion().replace( '-', '_' ); if ( target.getApplication().getVersion() != null ) { filterProperties.put( "app.version", version ); } else { filterProperties.put( "app.version", "1.0" ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // WARNING: hard code values just to for testing // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // @todo use the list of committers and add multiple authors to inno if ( target.getApplication().getAuthors().isEmpty() ) { filterProperties.put( "", "Apache Software Foundation" ); } else { filterProperties.put( "", target.getApplication().getAuthors().get( 0 ) ); } if ( target.getFinalName() != null ) { filterProperties.put( "", target.getFinalName() ); } else { String finalName = target.getApplication().getName() + "-" + target.getApplication().getVersion() + "-linux-" + target.getOsArch() + ".rpm"; filterProperties.put( "", finalName ); } filterProperties.put( "", target.getApplication().getEmail() ); filterProperties.put( "app.url", target.getApplication().getUrl() ); filterProperties.put( "", target.getApplication().getMinimumJavaVersion() ); filterProperties.put( "app.license", target.getLayout().getLicenseFile().getPath() ); filterProperties.put( "", target.getLayout().getLicenseFile().getName() ); filterProperties.put( "", target.getCompanyName() ); filterProperties.put( "app.description", target.getApplication().getDescription() ); filterProperties.put( "app.copyright.year", target.getCopyrightYear() ); if ( !target.getLayout().getReadmeFile().exists() ) { touchFile( target.getLayout().getReadmeFile() ); } filterProperties.put( "app.readme", target.getLayout().getReadmeFile().getPath() ); filterProperties.put( "", target.getLayout().getReadmeFile().getName() ); filterProperties.put( "app.icon", target.getLayout().getLogoIconFile().getName() ); filterProperties.put( "", target.getLayout().getLogoIconFile().getName() ); filterProperties.put( "image.basedir", target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory().getPath() ); filterProperties.put( "install.append.libs", getInstallLibraryJars() ); filterProperties.put( "verify.append.libs", getVerifyLibraryJars() ); filterProperties.put( "", target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory().getParent() ); filterProperties.put( "server.init", target.getLayout().getInitScript().getName() ); filterProperties.put( "app.install.base", "/opt/" + target.getApplication().getName() + "-" + version ); if ( target.getDocsDirectory() != null ) { File docRoot = new File( target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory(), target.getDocsTargetPath() ); List docList = new ArrayList( 200 ); listFiles( docList, docRoot ); filterProperties.put( "", getMkDocsDirs( docList, target ) ); filterProperties.put( "", getInstallDocs( docList, target ) ); filterProperties.put( "", getVerifyDocs( docList, target ) ); } else { filterProperties.put( "", "" ); filterProperties.put( "", "" ); filterProperties.put( "", "" ); } if ( target.getSourcesDirectory() != null ) { File srcRoot = new File( target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory(), target.getSourcesTargetPath() ); List srcList = new ArrayList( 200 ); listFiles( srcList, srcRoot ); filterProperties.put( "mk.sources.dirs", getMkSourcesDirs( srcList, target ) ); filterProperties.put( "install.sources", getInstallSources( srcList, target ) ); filterProperties.put( "verify.sources", getVerifySources( srcList, target ) ); } else { filterProperties.put( "mk.sources.dirs", "" ); filterProperties.put( "install.sources", "" ); filterProperties.put( "verify.sources", "" ); } File noticeFile = new File( target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory(), "NOTICE.txt" ); if ( noticeFile.exists() ) { filterProperties.put( "install.notice.file", "install -m 644 " + target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory() + "/NOTICE.txt $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/" + target.getApplication().getName() + "-%{version}" ); filterProperties.put( "verify.notice.file", "/opt/" + target.getApplication().getName() + "-%{version}/NOTICE.txt" ); } else { filterProperties.put( "install.notice.file", "" ); filterProperties.put( "verify.notice.file", "" ); } } static String getMkSourcesDirs( List srcList, Target target ) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); File srcBase = target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory(); srcBase = new File( srcBase, target.getSourcesTargetPath() ); // +1 for '/' char int basePathSize = target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory().getAbsolutePath().length() + 1; for ( int ii = 0; ii < srcList.size(); ii++ ) { File file = ( File ) srcList.get( ii ); if ( file.isFile() ) { continue; } String path = file.getAbsolutePath().substring( basePathSize ); buf.append( "mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/" ); buf.append( target.getApplication().getName() ); buf.append( "-%{version}/" ); buf.append( path ); buf.append( "\n" ); } return buf.toString(); } static String getMkDocsDirs( List docList, Target target ) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); File docsBase = target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory(); docsBase = new File( docsBase, target.getDocsTargetPath() ); // +1 for '/' char int basePathSize = target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory().getAbsolutePath().length() + 1; for ( int ii = 0; ii < docList.size(); ii++ ) { File file = ( File ) docList.get( ii ); if ( file.isFile() ) { continue; } String path = file.getAbsolutePath().substring( basePathSize ); buf.append( "mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/" ); buf.append( target.getApplication().getName() ); buf.append( "-%{version}/" ); buf.append( path ); buf.append( "\n" ); } return buf.toString(); } static void listFiles( List fileList, File dir ) { if ( dir.isFile() ) { return; } fileList.add( dir ); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); for ( File file:files ) { if ( file.isFile() ) { fileList.add( file ); } listFiles( fileList, file ); } } static String getInstallDocs( List docList, Target target ) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); File docsBase = target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory(); docsBase = new File( docsBase, target.getDocsTargetPath() ); // +1 for '/' char int basePathSize = target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory().getAbsolutePath().length() + 1; for ( int ii = 0; ii < docList.size(); ii++ ) { File file = ( File ) docList.get( ii ); if ( file.isDirectory() ) { continue; } String path = file.getAbsolutePath().substring( basePathSize ); buf.append( "install -m 644 " ); buf.append( target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory() ).append( "/" ); buf.append( path ); buf.append( " $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/" ); buf.append( target.getApplication().getName() ); buf.append( "-%{version}/" ); buf.append( path ); buf.append( "\n" ); } return buf.toString(); } static String getVerifyDocs( List docList, Target target ) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); File docBase = target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory(); docBase = new File( docBase, target.getDocsTargetPath() ); // +1 for '/' char int basePathSize = target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory().getAbsolutePath().length() + 1; for ( int ii = 0; ii < docList.size(); ii++ ) { File file = ( File ) docList.get( ii ); String path = file.getAbsolutePath().substring( basePathSize ); buf.append( target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory() ); buf.append( target.getApplication().getName() ); buf.append( "-%{version}/" ); buf.append( path ); buf.append( "\n" ); } return buf.toString(); } static String getInstallSources( List sourceList, Target target ) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); File srcBase = target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory(); srcBase = new File( srcBase, target.getSourcesTargetPath() ); // +1 for '/' char int basePathSize = target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory().getAbsolutePath().length() + 1; for ( int ii = 0; ii < sourceList.size(); ii++ ) { File file = ( File ) sourceList.get( ii ); if ( file.isDirectory() ) { continue; } String path = file.getAbsolutePath().substring( basePathSize ); buf.append( "install -m 644 " ); buf.append( target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory() ).append( "/" ); buf.append( path ); buf.append( " $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/" ); buf.append( target.getApplication().getName() ); buf.append( "-%{version}/" ); buf.append( path ); buf.append( "\n" ); } return buf.toString(); } static String getVerifySources( List sourceList, Target target ) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); File srcBase = target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory(); srcBase = new File( srcBase, target.getSourcesTargetPath() ); // +1 for '/' char int basePathSize = target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory().getAbsolutePath().length() + 1; for ( int ii = 0; ii < sourceList.size(); ii++ ) { File file = ( File ) sourceList.get( ii ); String path = file.getAbsolutePath().substring( basePathSize ); buf.append( "/opt/" ); buf.append( target.getApplication().getName() ); buf.append( "-%{version}/" ); buf.append( path ); buf.append( "\n" ); } return buf.toString(); } private Object getVerifyLibraryJars() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); List artifacts = target.getLibArtifacts(); for ( int ii = 0; ii < artifacts.size(); ii++ ) { File artifact = ( ( Artifact ) artifacts.get( ii ) ).getFile(); buf.append( "/opt/" ); buf.append( target.getApplication().getName() ); buf.append( "-%{version}/lib/" ); buf.append( artifact.getName() ); buf.append( "\n" ); } return buf.toString(); } private String getInstallLibraryJars() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); List artifacts = target.getLibArtifacts(); for ( int ii = 0; ii < artifacts.size(); ii++ ) { buf.append( "install -m 644 " ); File artifact = ( ( Artifact ) artifacts.get( ii ) ).getFile(); buf.append( artifact.getAbsoluteFile() ); buf.append( " $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/" ); buf.append( target.getApplication().getName() ); buf.append( "-%{version}/lib/" ); buf.append( artifact.getName() ); buf.append( "\n" ); } return buf.toString(); } static void touchFile( File file ) { Touch touch = new Touch(); touch.setProject( new Project() ); touch.setFile( file ); touch.execute(); } private void buildSourceTarball() throws MojoFailureException { String version = target.getApplication().getVersion().replace( '-', '_' ); String dirname = target.getApplication().getName() + "-" + version; File sourcesDir = new File( target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory().getParentFile(), dirname ); try { FileUtils.copyDirectoryStructure( target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory(), sourcesDir ); } catch ( IOException e1 ) { throw new MojoFailureException( "failed to copy directory structure at " + target.getLayout() + " to " + sourcesDir ); } String[] cmd = new String[] { "tar", "-zcvf", target.getRpmTopDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/SOURCES/" + target.getApplication().getName() + "-" + version + ".tar.gz", sourcesDir.getAbsolutePath() }; MojoHelperUtils.exec( cmd, target.getLayout().getBaseDirectory().getParentFile(), target.isDoSudo() ); } }

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