T coalesce(T preferred, T alternative)
return (preferred!=null ? preferred : alternative);
* converts an object to an integer. If conversion is not possible, an error is thrown
* @param v the value to convert
* @return the integer value
public static int toInteger(Object v)
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(v))
return 0;
if (v instanceof Number)
return ((Number)v).intValue();
// Try to convert
String str = v.toString();
return Integer.parseInt(str);
* Converts an object value to an integer.
* If the object value supplied is null or if conversion is not possible then the default value is returned.
* @param v the obect to convert
* @param defValue the default value if o is null or conversion is not possible
* @return the Integer value of o or a default value
public static int getInteger(Object v, int defValue)
// Check empty
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(v))
return defValue;
// Try to convert
{ // Try to convert
return toInteger(v);
} catch (Exception e)
log.warn(String.format("Cannot convert value [%s] to int!", v));
return defValue;
* Converts an object value to an integer.
* If the object value supplied is null or if conversion is not possible then 0 is returned.
* @param v the object value to convert
* @return the Integer value of o or 0
public static int getInteger(Object v)
return getInteger(v, 0);
* converts an object to a long. If conversion is not possible, an error is thrown
* @param v the value to convert
* @return the long value
public static long toLong(Object v)
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(v))
return 0;
if (v instanceof Number)
return ((Number)v).longValue();
// Try to convert
String str = v.toString();
return Long.parseLong(str);
* Converts an object value to a long.
* If the object value supplied is null or if conversion is not possible then the default value is returned.
* @param v the obect to convert
* @param defValue the default value if o is null or conversion is not possible
* @return the Integer value of o or a default value
public static long getLong(Object v, long defValue)
// Check empty
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(v))
return defValue;
// Try to convert
{ // Try to convert
return toLong(v);
} catch (Exception e)
log.warn(String.format("Cannot convert value [%s] to long!", v));
return defValue;
* Converts an object value to a long.
* If the object value supplied is null or if conversion is not possible then 0 is returned.
* @param v the object value to convert
* @return the Long value of o or 0
public static long getLong(Object v)
return getLong(v, 0);
* converts an object to a double. If conversion is not possible, an error is thrown
* @param v the value to convert
* @return the double value
public static double toDouble(Object v)
// Get Double value
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(v))
return 0.0;
if (v instanceof Number)
return ((Number)v).doubleValue();
// parse String for Integer value
String val = v.toString();
return Double.parseDouble(val);
* Converts an object value to a double.
* If the object value supplied is null or if conversion is not possible then defValue is returned.
* @param v the object value to convert
* @param defValue the default value
* @return the Long value of o or defValue
public static double getDouble(Object v, double defValue)
// Check empty
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(v))
return defValue;
{ // Try to convert
return toDouble(v);
} catch (Exception e)
log.warn(String.format("Cannot convert value [%s] to double!", v));
return defValue;
* Converts an object value to a double.
* If the object value supplied is null or if conversion is not possible then 0.0 is returned.
* @param v the object value to convert
* @return the Long value of o or 0
public static double getDouble(Object v)
return getDouble(v, 0.0);
* converts an object to a decimal. If conversion is not possible, an error is thrown
* @param v the value to convert
* @return the decimal value
public static BigDecimal toDecimal(Object v)
// Get Double value
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(v))
return null;
if (v instanceof BigDecimal)
return ((BigDecimal)v);
// Find a suitable converter
if (v instanceof Number)
{ // check other number types
if (v instanceof BigInteger)
return new BigDecimal((BigInteger)v);
if (v instanceof Integer)
return BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number)v).intValue());
if (v instanceof Long)
return BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number)v).longValue());
// Default: convert via double
return BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number)v).doubleValue());
// parse String for Integer value
// Last-Chance > Try a string conversion
return new BigDecimal(v.toString());
* Converts an object value to a BigDecimal.
* If the object value supplied is null or if conversion is not possible then defValue is returned.
* @param v the object value to convert
* @param defValue the default value
* @return the BigDecimal value of v or defValue
public static BigDecimal getDecimal(Object v, BigDecimal defValue)
// Check empty
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(v))
return defValue;
{ // Try to convert
return toDecimal(v);
} catch (Exception e)
{ // Error
log.warn(String.format("Cannot convert value [%s] to BigDecimal!", v));
return defValue;
* Converts an object value to a BigDecimal.
* If the object value supplied is null or if conversion is not possible then 0.0 is returned.
* @param v the object value to convert
* @return the Long value of o or 0
public static BigDecimal getDecimal(Object v)
return getDecimal(v, BigDecimal.ZERO);
* Converts an object value to a boolean.
* If the object value supplied is null or if conversion is not possible then false is returned.
* @param v the object to convert
* @return the boolean value of o (true or false)
public static boolean getBoolean(Object v)
// Get Boolean value
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(v))
return false;
if (v instanceof Boolean)
return ((Boolean)v).booleanValue();
if (v instanceof Number)
return (((Number)v).intValue()!=0);
// parse String for boolean value
String val = v.toString();
return (val.equalsIgnoreCase("Y") || val.equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
* Converts an object value to a Date.
* If the object value supplied is null or if conversion is not possible then null is returned.
* @param v the object to convert
* @param locale the locale used for conversion
* @return the Date value of o or null
public static Date getDate(Object v, Locale locale)
// Get DateTime value
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(v))
return null;
if (v instanceof Date)
return ((Date)v);
// Get Calendar
if (v instanceof Number)
{ // Get Date from a number
long l = ((Number)v).longValue();
if (l==0)
return DateUtils.getDateNow();
// Year or full date/time?
if (l<10000)
{ // Year only
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(getSafeLocale(locale));
calendar.set((int)l, 1, 1);
return calendar.getTime();
// Date from long
return new Date(l);
// Try to parse
return DateUtils.parseDate(v.toString(), locale);
* Converts an object value to a Date.
* @param v the object to convert
* @return the Date value of o or null
public static Date getDate(Object v)
// Get DateTime value
if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(v))
return null;
if (v instanceof java.util.Date)
return ((java.util.Date)v);
// Convert from String
{ String str = v.toString();
if (str.length() > 10)
return new SimpleDateFormat(DATETIME_FORMAT).parse(str);
return new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).parse(str);
} catch (Exception e)
log.error("Cannot convert value to date!", e);
return null;
* Formats a given date object to a standard date string.
* The date string is locale independent and has the follwowing format:
* "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"
* @param date the date to be formated
* @param withTime indicates whether the date string should include the time or not
* @return the date string
public static String formatDate(Date date, boolean withTime)
if (withTime)
return new SimpleDateFormat(DATETIME_FORMAT).format(date);
return new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT).format(date);
* Generic conversion function that will convert a object to another value type.
* @param the type to convert to
* @param c the class type to convert to
* @param v the object to convert
* @return the Date value of o or null
* @throws ClassCastException if the object is not null and is not assignable to the type T.
public static T convert(Class c, Object v)
throws ClassCastException
if (v==null || c.isInstance(v))
return (T)v;
// Get Class form Primitive Type
if (c.isPrimitive())
{ // Get's the Java Class representing the primitive type
c = MethodUtils.getPrimitiveWrapper(c);
// Convert
if (c.isAssignableFrom(Boolean.class))
return c.cast(getBoolean(v));
if (c.isAssignableFrom(Integer.class))
return c.cast(getInteger(v));
if (c.isAssignableFrom(Long.class))
return c.cast(getLong(v));
return c.cast(getDouble(v));
if (c.isAssignableFrom(String.class))
return c.cast(v.toString());
// other
return c.cast(v);
public static boolean isAssignmentCompatible(Class> target, Class> source)
// try plain assignment
if (target.isAssignableFrom(source))
return true;
// Get Class form Primitive Type
if (source.isPrimitive())
{ // Get's the Java Class representing the primitive type
source = MethodUtils.getPrimitiveWrapper(source);
if (source == null)
return false;
if (target.isAssignableFrom(source))
return true;
// Get Class form Primitive Type
if (target.isPrimitive())
{ // Get's the Java Class representing the primitive type
target = MethodUtils.getPrimitiveWrapper(target);
if (target == null)
return false;
if (target.isAssignableFrom(source))
return true;
// Assume all numeric types can be converted to target class
Class numberClass = Number.class;
if (numberClass.isAssignableFrom(target) &&
{ // Both are numeric
return true;
// Special case: Allow character to string assignment
if (source==Character.class && target==String.class)
return true;
// Not compatible
return false;
* Generic conversion function that will convert a list to another list type.
* @param the type of elements
* @param t the type class
* @param source the source collection
* @return the new list type
public static List convert(Class t, Collection extends T> source)
List target = new ArrayList();
return target;
* Converts an Object array to a String array.
* @param objArray the object array to convert
* @param defValue default value which will be set for all null objects
* @return the String array
public static String[] toStringArray(Object[] objArray, String defValue)
if (objArray==null)
return null;
String[] strArray = new String[objArray.length];
for (int i=0; i the ype of the objects in the array
* @param array the array to search
* @param item the item to search for
* @return true if the array contains the item or false otherwise
public static boolean contains(T[] array, T item)
if (array==null)
return false;
for (int i=0; i