flex.management.jmx.MBeanServerGateway Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package flex.management.jmx;
import flex.management.BaseControl;
import flex.management.MBeanServerLocatorFactory;
import flex.management.ManagementException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.management.AttributeList;
import javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException;
import javax.management.InstanceAlreadyExistsException;
import javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException;
import javax.management.IntrospectionException;
import javax.management.InvalidAttributeValueException;
import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
import javax.management.MBeanException;
import javax.management.MBeanRegistrationException;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.NotCompliantMBeanException;
import javax.management.ReflectionException;
import javax.management.RuntimeOperationsException;
* Remoting gateway to the MBean server that hosts Flex MBeans.
* Some base javax.management.MBeanServer methods are unimplemented due to the
* fact that we're interacting with the MBean server from remote Flash clients.
* Some methods have been modified to better suite remote Flash clients. Other
* methods are additive, serving as a convenience for Flex applications.
* Unimplemented methods from the base MBeanServer API:
* - getDomains() - JMX 1.2
* - addNotificationListener()/removeNotificationListener() - Flash objects
* cannot listen directly for MBean notifications.
* - instantiate() - returns a reference to a Java object that is not useful
* to a remote Flash client.
* - deserialize() - deprecated.
* - getClassLoaderFor() - meaningless to a Flash client.
* - getClassLoader() - meaningless to a Flash client.
* - getClassLoaderRepository() - meaningless to a Flash client.
* Modifications to the base MBeanServer API:
* - * All ObjectName arguments are typed as String because serialization in either
* direction doesn't support ObjectNames that are patterns. This does not effect
* ObjectNames that are not patterns that are returned to the client.
* - queryMBeans() - returns an Array of ObjectInstances rather than a java.util.Set
* and does not currently support the QueryExp argument.
* - queryNames() returns an Array of ObjectNames rather than a java.util.Set
* and does not currently support the QueryExp argument.
* - getAttributes() returns an Array of Attributes rather than an AttributeList.
* - setAttributes() accepts and returns Arrays of Attributes rather than AttributeLists.
* Additonal Flex-specific methods:
* - getFlexMBeanCount()
* - getFlexDomains()
* - getFlexMBeanObjectNames()
* @author shodgson
public class MBeanServerGateway
// Error string constants.
private static final int MALFORMED_OBJECTNAME = 10400;
private static final int GETINFO_INTROSPECTION_ERR = 10406;
private static final int MBEAN_NOTFOUND = 10407;
private static final int GETINFO_REFLECT_ERR = 10408;
private static final int ATTRIB_NOTFOUND = 10409;
private static final int GETATTRIB_EXCEPTION = 10410;
private static final int GETATTRIB_REFLECT_ERR = 10411;
private static final int GETATTRIB_NULL_ARGUMENT = 10412;
private static final int GETATTRIBS_REFLECT_ERR = 10413;
private static final int GETATTRIBS_NULL_ARGUMENT = 10414;
private static final int INVOKE_REFLECT_ERR = 10415;
private static final int INVOKE_ERR = 10416;
private static final int CREATE_ERR = 10417;
private static final int INSTANCE_EXISTS = 10418;
private static final int NOT_COMPLIANT = 10419;
private static final int MBEAN_PREREG_ERR = 10420;
private static final int MBEAN_PREDEREG_ERR = 10421;
private static final int SETATTRIB_REFLECT_ERR = 10422;
private static final int SETATTRIB_EXCEPTION = 10423;
private static final int INVALID_ATTRIB_VALUE = 10424;
private static final int SETATTRIBS_REFLECT_ERR = 10425;
private MBeanServer server;
* Constructs a new MBeanServerGateway. The gateway exposes the MBean server
* that Flex MBean are registered with in a remoting-friendly fashion.
public MBeanServerGateway()
server = MBeanServerLocatorFactory.getMBeanServerLocator().getMBeanServer();
// Core MBeanServer API
* Instantiates and registers an MBean with the MBean server.
* @param className The class name for the MBean to instantiate.
* @param objectName The object name of the MBean.
* @return An ObjectInstance containing the ObjectName and Java class name of the new MBean.
public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, String objectName)
javax.management.ObjectName name = null;
if (objectName != null)
name = validateObjectName(objectName);
return new ObjectInstance(server.createMBean(className, name));
catch (ReflectionException re)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(CREATE_ERR, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (InstanceAlreadyExistsException iaee)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(INSTANCE_EXISTS, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (MBeanException mbe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(CREATE_ERR, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (NotCompliantMBeanException ncmbe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(NOT_COMPLIANT, new Object[] {className});
throw me;
* Instantiates and registers an MBean with the MBean server. The class loader
* to use to load the MBean class is identified by its ObjectName.
* @param className The class name for the MBean to instantiate.
* @param objectName The object name of the MBean.
* @param loaderName The object name of the desired class loader.
* @return An ObjectInstance containing the ObjectName and Java class name of the new MBean.
public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, String objectName, String loaderName)
javax.management.ObjectName name = null;
javax.management.ObjectName loader = null;
if (objectName != null)
name = validateObjectName(objectName);
if (loaderName != null)
loader = validateObjectName(loaderName);
return new ObjectInstance(server.createMBean(className, name, loader));
catch (ReflectionException re)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(CREATE_ERR, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (InstanceAlreadyExistsException iaee)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(INSTANCE_EXISTS, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (MBeanException mbe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(CREATE_ERR, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (NotCompliantMBeanException ncmbe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(NOT_COMPLIANT, new Object[] {className});
throw me;
catch (InstanceNotFoundException infe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MBEAN_NOTFOUND, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
* Instantiates and registers an MBean with the MBean server.
* @param className The class name for the MBean to instantiate.
* @param objectName The object name of the MBean.
* @param params An array of parameters to pass to the MBean constructor.
* @param signature An array containing the type signature for the constructor to invoke.
* @return An ObjectInstance containing the ObjectName and Java class name of the new MBean.
public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, String objectName, Object[] params, String[] signature)
javax.management.ObjectName name = null;
if (objectName != null)
name = validateObjectName(objectName);
return new ObjectInstance(server.createMBean(className, name, params, signature));
catch (ReflectionException re)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(CREATE_ERR, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (InstanceAlreadyExistsException iaee)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(INSTANCE_EXISTS, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (MBeanException mbe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(CREATE_ERR, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (NotCompliantMBeanException ncmbe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(NOT_COMPLIANT, new Object[] {className});
throw me;
* Instantiates and registers an MBean with the MBean server. The class loader
* to use to load the MBean class is identified by its ObjectName.
* @param className The class name for the MBean to instantiate.
* @param objectName The object name of the MBean.
* @param loaderName The object name of the desired class loader.
* @param params An array of parameters to pass to the MBean constructor.
* @param signature An array containing the type signature for the constructor to invoke.
* @return An ObjectInstance containing the ObjectName and Java class name of the new MBean.
public ObjectInstance createMBean(String className, String objectName, String loaderName, Object[] params, String[] signature)
javax.management.ObjectName name = null;
javax.management.ObjectName loader = null;
if (objectName != null)
name = validateObjectName(objectName);
if (loaderName != null)
loader = validateObjectName(loaderName);
return new ObjectInstance(server.createMBean(className, name, loader, params, signature));
catch (ReflectionException re)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(CREATE_ERR, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (InstanceAlreadyExistsException iaee)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(INSTANCE_EXISTS, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (MBeanException mbe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(CREATE_ERR, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (NotCompliantMBeanException ncmbe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(NOT_COMPLIANT, new Object[] {className});
throw me;
catch (InstanceNotFoundException infe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MBEAN_NOTFOUND, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
* Registers a pre-existing object as an MBean with the MBean server.
* @param object The object to register as an MBean.
* @param objectName The object name for the MBean.
* @return An ObjectInstance containing the ObjectName and Java class name of the new MBean.
public ObjectInstance registerMBean(Object object, String objectName)
javax.management.ObjectName name = null;
if (objectName != null)
name = validateObjectName(objectName);
return new ObjectInstance(server.registerMBean(object, name));
catch (InstanceAlreadyExistsException iaee)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(INSTANCE_EXISTS, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (NotCompliantMBeanException ncmbe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(NOT_COMPLIANT, new Object[] {object.getClass().getName()});
throw me;
catch (MBeanRegistrationException mbre)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MBEAN_PREREG_ERR, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
* Unregisters an MBean from the MBean server.
* @param objectName The object name of the MBean to unregister.
public void unregisterMBean(String objectName)
javax.management.ObjectName name = validateObjectName(objectName);
catch (InstanceNotFoundException infe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MBEAN_NOTFOUND, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (MBeanRegistrationException mbre)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MBEAN_PREDEREG_ERR, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
* Gets the ObjectInstance for the specified MBean registered with the
* MBean server.
* @param objectName The object name of the MBean.
* @return An ObjectInstance containing the ObjectName and Java class name of the MBean.
public ObjectInstance getObjectInstance(String objectName)
javax.management.ObjectName name = validateObjectName(objectName);
return new ObjectInstance(server.getObjectInstance(name));
catch (InstanceNotFoundException infe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MBEAN_NOTFOUND, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
* Gets MBeans controlled by the MBean server. This method allows the following to be obtained:
* All MBeans, or a set of MBeans specified by pattern matching on the ObjectName, or a specific
* MBean.
* This method does not support a QueryExp argument for additional filtering of the queried set.
* @param objectName The object name pattern identifying the MBeans to retrieve.
* @return A set of ObjectInstances for the selected MBeans.
public ObjectInstance[] queryMBeans(String objectName)
javax.management.ObjectName name = validateObjectName(objectName);
Set result = server.queryMBeans(name, null);
int n = result.size();
if (n > 0)
ObjectInstance[] toReturn = new ObjectInstance[n];
int i = 0;
for (Iterator iter = result.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
toReturn[i++] = new ObjectInstance((javax.management.ObjectInstance)iter.next());
return toReturn;
return new ObjectInstance[0];
* Gets the names of MBeans controlled by the MBean server. This method allows the following to be
* obtained: The names of all MBeans, the names of the set of MBeans matching the ObjectName pattern,
* a specific MBean name.
* This method does not support a QueryExp argument for additional filtering of the queried set.
* @param objectName The object name pattern identifying the MBean names to retrieve.
* @return A set of ObjectNames for the selected MBeans.
public ObjectName[] queryNames(String objectName)
javax.management.ObjectName name = validateObjectName(objectName);
Set result = server.queryNames(name, null);
int n = result.size();
if (n > 0)
ObjectName[] toReturn = new ObjectName[n];
int i = 0;
for (Iterator iter = result.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
toReturn[i++] = new ObjectName((javax.management.ObjectName)iter.next());
return toReturn;
return new ObjectName[0];
* Checks whether an MBean, identified by its object name, is already registered with the MBean server.
* @param objectName The object name of the MBean to be checked.
* @return True if the MBean is already registered in the MBean server, false otherwise.
public boolean isRegistered(String objectName)
javax.management.ObjectName name = validateObjectName(objectName);
return server.isRegistered(name);
* Returns the total number of beans registered in the MBean server.
* @return The number of registered MBeans.
public Integer getMBeanCount()
return server.getMBeanCount();
* Gets the value of a specific attribute of a named MBean. The MBean is identified by its object name.
* @param objectName The object name of the MBean from which the attribute is to be retrieved.
* @param attribute The name of the attribute to be retrieved.
* @return The value of the retrieved attribute.
public Object getAttribute(String objectName, String attribute)
javax.management.ObjectName name = validateObjectName(objectName);
return server.getAttribute(name, attribute);
catch (AttributeNotFoundException anfe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(ATTRIB_NOTFOUND, new Object[] {attribute, name});
throw me;
catch (MBeanException mbe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(GETATTRIB_EXCEPTION, new Object[] {attribute, name});
throw me;
catch (ReflectionException re)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(GETATTRIB_REFLECT_ERR, new Object[] {attribute, name});
throw me;
catch (InstanceNotFoundException infe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MBEAN_NOTFOUND, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (RuntimeOperationsException roe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
throw me;
* Gets the values of several attributes of a named MBean.
* @param objectName The object name of the MBean to get attribute values from.
* @param attributes The names of the attributes to get values for.
* @return The attributes, each containing their name and value.
public Attribute[] getAttributes(String objectName, String[] attributes)
javax.management.ObjectName name = validateObjectName(objectName);
AttributeList result = server.getAttributes(name, attributes);
Attribute[] values = new Attribute[result.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)
values[i] = new Attribute((javax.management.Attribute)result.get(i));
return values;
catch (ReflectionException re)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(GETATTRIBS_REFLECT_ERR, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (InstanceNotFoundException infe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MBEAN_NOTFOUND, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (RuntimeOperationsException roe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
throw me;
* Sets the value of the attribute for the specified MBean.
* @param objectName The name of the MBean.
* @param attribute The attribute to set.
public void setAttribute(String objectName, Attribute attribute)
javax.management.ObjectName name = validateObjectName(objectName);
javax.management.Attribute attrib = validateAttribute(attribute);
server.setAttribute(name, attrib);
catch (ReflectionException re)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(SETATTRIB_REFLECT_ERR, new Object[] {attrib.getName(), name});
throw me;
catch (InstanceNotFoundException infe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MBEAN_NOTFOUND, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (AttributeNotFoundException anfe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(ATTRIB_NOTFOUND, new Object[] {attrib.getName(), name});
throw me;
catch (MBeanException mbe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(SETATTRIB_EXCEPTION, new Object[] {attrib.getName(), name});
throw me;
catch (InvalidAttributeValueException iave)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(INVALID_ATTRIB_VALUE, new Object[] {attrib.getValue(), attrib.getName(), name});
throw me;
* Sets the values for several attributes of the specified MBean.
* @param objectName The object name for the MBean.
* @param attributes The attributes to set.
* @return The attributes that were set with their new values.
public Attribute[] setAttributes(String objectName, Attribute[] attributes)
javax.management.ObjectName name = validateObjectName(objectName);
AttributeList attribList = new AttributeList();
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++)
AttributeList result = server.setAttributes(name, attribList);
Attribute[] values = new Attribute[result.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++)
values[i] = new Attribute((javax.management.Attribute)result.get(i));
return values;
catch (InstanceNotFoundException infe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MBEAN_NOTFOUND, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
catch (ReflectionException re)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(SETATTRIBS_REFLECT_ERR, new Object[] {name});
throw me;
* Invokes an operation on an MBean.
* @param objectName The object name of the MBean to invoke the operation on.
* @param operationName The operation to invoke.
* @param params The parameters for the operation invocation.
* @param signature The parameter signature for the operation.
* @return The object returned by the operation invocation.
public Object invoke(String objectName, String operationName, Object[] params, String[] signature)
javax.management.ObjectName name = validateObjectName(objectName);
return server.invoke(name, operationName, params, signature);
catch (ReflectionException re)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(INVOKE_REFLECT_ERR, new Object[] {operationName, objectName});
throw me;
catch (InstanceNotFoundException infe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MBEAN_NOTFOUND, new Object[] {objectName});
throw me;
catch (MBeanException mbe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(INVOKE_ERR, new Object[] {operationName, objectName});
throw me;
* Returns the default domain used for naming MBeans.
* @return The default domain.
public String getDefaultDomain()
return server.getDefaultDomain();
* This method discovers the attributes and operations that an MBean exposes for management
* by a Flash client.
* @param objectName The name of the MBean to get metadata for.
* @return An MBeanInfo instance that describes the MBean.
public flex.management.jmx.MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo(String objectName)
javax.management.ObjectName name = validateObjectName(objectName);
return new MBeanInfo(server.getMBeanInfo(name));
catch (IntrospectionException ie)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(GETINFO_INTROSPECTION_ERR, new Object[] {objectName});
throw me;
catch (InstanceNotFoundException infe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MBEAN_NOTFOUND, new Object[] {objectName});
throw me;
catch (ReflectionException re)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(GETINFO_REFLECT_ERR, new Object[] {objectName});
throw me;
* Returns true if the specified MBean is an instance of the specified class; otherwise false.
* @param objectName The object name of the MBean.
* @param className The name of the class.
* @return true if the specified MBean is an instance of the specified class; otherwise false.
public boolean isInstanceOf(String objectName, String className)
javax.management.ObjectName name = validateObjectName(objectName);
return server.isInstanceOf(name, className);
catch (InstanceNotFoundException infe)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MBEAN_NOTFOUND, new Object[] {objectName});
throw me;
// Additive Flex-specific API
* Returns all the object names for Flex related MBeans.
* @return The object names for all Flex related MBeans.
public ObjectName[] getFlexMBeanObjectNames()
javax.management.ObjectName pattern = validateObjectName(BaseControl.DOMAIN_PREFIX + "*:*");
Set result = server.queryNames(pattern, null);
ObjectName[] names = new ObjectName[result.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Iterator iter = result.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
names[i++] = new ObjectName((javax.management.ObjectName)iter.next());
return names;
* Returns the number of narrowed Flex MBeans registered in the MBean server.
* @return The number of narrowed Flex MBeans registered in the MBean server.
public Integer getFlexMBeanCount()
return new Integer(getFlexMBeanObjectNames().length);
* Returns the narrowed list of Flex domains in which any MBean is currently registered.
* The domains are returned in naturally sorted order.
* @return The narrowed list of Flex domains in which any MBean is currently registered.
public String[] getFlexDomains()
ObjectName[] names = getFlexMBeanObjectNames();
Set domains = new TreeSet();
String name;
String domain;
if (names.length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
name = names[i].canonicalName;
domain = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(':'));
if (!domains.contains(domain))
return (String[])domains.toArray(new String[domains.size()]);
// Internal helper methods
* Helper method to validate that we have a well-formed ObjectName string.
* @param objectName The object name to validate.
* @return The valid ObjectName.
private javax.management.ObjectName validateObjectName(String objectName)
return new javax.management.ObjectName(objectName);
catch (MalformedObjectNameException mone)
ManagementException me = new ManagementException();
me.setMessage(MALFORMED_OBJECTNAME, new Object[] {objectName});
throw me;
* Helper method to validate that we have a well-formed Attribute.
* @param attribute The attribute to validate.
* @return The valid Attribute.
private javax.management.Attribute validateAttribute(Attribute attribute)
return attribute.toAttribute();
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