flex.messaging.config.MessagingConfiguration Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package flex.messaging.config;
import flex.management.ManageableComponent;
import flex.management.runtime.messaging.endpoints.EndpointControl;
import flex.messaging.Destination;
import flex.messaging.FlexComponent;
import flex.messaging.FlexContext;
import flex.messaging.MessageBroker;
import flex.messaging.Server;
import flex.messaging.client.FlexClientManager;
import flex.messaging.cluster.ClusterManager;
import flex.messaging.endpoints.AbstractEndpoint;
import flex.messaging.endpoints.Endpoint;
import flex.messaging.endpoints.Endpoint2;
import flex.messaging.log.Log;
import flex.messaging.log.Target;
import flex.messaging.security.LoginCommand;
import flex.messaging.security.LoginManager;
import flex.messaging.services.AuthenticationService;
import flex.messaging.services.Service;
import flex.messaging.services.ServiceAdapter;
import flex.messaging.util.ClassUtil;
import flex.messaging.util.RedeployManager;
import flex.messaging.util.StringUtils;
import flex.messaging.util.ToStringPrettyPrinter;
import flex.messaging.util.UUIDGenerator;
import flex.messaging.validators.DeserializationValidator;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* This object encapsulates settings for a MessageBroker instance.
* The MessageBroker itself has no knowledge of configuration specifics;
* instead, this object sets the relevant values on the broker using
* information which a ConfigurationParser has provided for it.
* @author Peter Farland
* @author neville
* @exclude
public class MessagingConfiguration implements ServicesConfiguration
private final String asyncMessageBrokerType = "flex.messaging.AsyncMessageBroker";
private final String asyncFlexClientManagerType = "flex.messaging.client.AsyncFlexClientManager";
private final Map channelSettings;
private final List defaultChannels;
private final SecuritySettings securitySettings;
private final List serviceSettings;
private final List sharedServerSettings;
private LoggingSettings loggingSettings;
private SystemSettings systemSettings;
private FlexClientSettings flexClientSettings;
private final Map clusterSettings;
private final Map factorySettings;
private final List messageFilterSettings;
private final Map validatorSettings;
* Constructor.
* Construct a MessagingConfiguration object
public MessagingConfiguration()
channelSettings = new HashMap();
defaultChannels = new ArrayList(4);
clusterSettings = new HashMap();
factorySettings = new HashMap();
serviceSettings = new ArrayList();
sharedServerSettings = new ArrayList();
securitySettings = new SecuritySettings();
messageFilterSettings = new ArrayList();
validatorSettings = new HashMap();
* Configure the MessageBroker.
* @param broker current MessageBroker object
public void configureBroker(MessageBroker broker)
boolean async = (broker.getClass().getName().equals(asyncMessageBrokerType));
// validators need to come first so that the other code can use them
if (async)
// Default channels have to be set after endpoints are created.
if (async)
* Create a MessageBroker object with the Id.
* @param id String the MessageBroker Id
* @param loader the ClassLoader used to load the MessageBroker class
* @return the created MessageBroker object
public MessageBroker createBroker(String id, ClassLoader loader)
// Construct MessageBroker with manageable constructor to avoid loading
// any JMX classes in case manageable is set to false.
MessageBroker broker;
try // Use the AsyncMessageBroker, if possible.
Class extends MessageBroker> messageBrokerClass = ClassUtil.createClass(asyncMessageBrokerType, loader);
Constructor constructor = messageBrokerClass.getConstructor(boolean.class);
broker = (MessageBroker)constructor.newInstance(systemSettings.isManageable());
catch (Throwable t) // Otherwise, use the default MessageBroker.
broker = new MessageBroker(systemSettings.isManageable());
// Initialize MessageBroker.
return broker;
private void createFactories(MessageBroker broker)
for (Iterator> iter=factorySettings.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = iter.next();
String id = entry.getKey();
FactorySettings factorySetting = entry.getValue();
broker.addFactory(id, factorySetting.createFactory(broker.getClassLoader()));
private void createFlexClientManager(MessageBroker broker)
FlexClientManager flexClientManager = null;
try // Use the async version, if possible.
Class extends FlexClientManager> flexClientManagerClass = ClassUtil.createClass(asyncFlexClientManagerType, broker.getClassLoader());
Constructor ctor = flexClientManagerClass.getConstructor(broker.getClass());
flexClientManager = (FlexClientManager)ctor.newInstance(broker);
catch (Throwable t) // Otherwise, use the default FlexClientManager.
flexClientManager = new FlexClientManager(broker.isManaged(), broker);
private void createRedeployManager(MessageBroker broker)
RedeployManager redeployManager = new RedeployManager();
private void createAuthorizationManager(MessageBroker broker)
LoginManager loginManager = new LoginManager();
// Create a Login Command for the LoginManager.
LoginCommand loginCommand = null;
Map loginCommands = securitySettings.getLoginCommands();
// If default Login Command is enabled, use it.
LoginCommandSettings loginCommandSettings = (LoginCommandSettings)loginCommands.get(LoginCommandSettings.SERVER_MATCH_OVERRIDE);
if (loginCommandSettings != null)
loginCommand = initLoginCommand(loginCommandSettings);
// Otherwise, try a server specific Login Command.
String serverInfo = securitySettings.getServerInfo();
loginCommandSettings = (LoginCommandSettings)loginCommands.get(serverInfo);
if (loginCommandSettings != null)
loginCommand = initLoginCommand(loginCommandSettings);
// Try a partial match of serverInfo
serverInfo = serverInfo.toLowerCase();
for (Iterator iterator = loginCommands.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
String serverMatch = (String)iterator.next();
loginCommandSettings = (LoginCommandSettings)loginCommands.get(serverMatch);
if (serverInfo.indexOf(serverMatch.toLowerCase()) != -1)
// add this match for easier lookup next time around
loginCommands.put(serverInfo, loginCommandSettings);
loginCommand = initLoginCommand(loginCommandSettings);
if (loginCommand == null)
if (Log.isWarn())
("No login command was found for '" + securitySettings.getServerInfo()
+ "'. Please ensure that the login-command tag has the correct server attribute value"
+ ", or use 'all' to use the login command regardless of the server.");
if (loginCommandSettings != null)
private LoginCommand initLoginCommand(LoginCommandSettings loginCommandSettings)
String loginClass = loginCommandSettings.getClassName();
Class c = ClassUtil.createClass(loginClass,
FlexContext.getMessageBroker() == null ? null :
LoginCommand loginCommand = (LoginCommand)ClassUtil.createDefaultInstance(c, LoginCommand.class);
return loginCommand;
private void createSharedServers(MessageBroker broker)
for (SharedServerSettings settings : sharedServerSettings)
String id = settings.getId();
String className = settings.getClassName();
Class serverClass = ClassUtil.createClass(className, broker.getClassLoader());
FlexComponent server = (FlexComponent)ClassUtil.createDefaultInstance(serverClass, serverClass);
server.initialize(id, settings.getProperties());
if (broker.isManaged() && (server instanceof ManageableComponent))
ManageableComponent manageableServer = (ManageableComponent)server;
// TODO: move this to only AsyncMessageBroker.
if (Log.isInfo())
("Server '" + id + "' of type '" + className + "' created.");
private void createEndpoints(MessageBroker broker)
for (Iterator iter = channelSettings.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
String id = iter.next();
ChannelSettings chanSettings = channelSettings.get(id);
String url = chanSettings.getUri();
String endpointClassName = chanSettings.getEndpointType();
// Create the Endpoint
Endpoint endpoint = broker.createEndpoint(id, url, endpointClassName);
// Cast to AbstractEndpoint - these are newer properties that post-date the locked Endpoint interface.
if (endpoint instanceof AbstractEndpoint)
AbstractEndpoint abstractEndpoint = (AbstractEndpoint)endpoint;
// Assign referenced server
String referencedServerId = chanSettings.getServerId();
if ((referencedServerId != null) && (endpoint instanceof Endpoint2))
Server server = broker.getServer(referencedServerId);
if (server == null)
ConfigurationException ce = new ConfigurationException();
ce.setMessage(11128, new Object[] {chanSettings.getId(), referencedServerId});
throw ce;
// Initialize with endpoint properties
endpoint.initialize(id, chanSettings.getProperties());
if (Log.isInfo())
String endpointURL = endpoint.getUrl();
String endpointSecurity = EndpointControl.getSecurityConstraintOf(endpoint);
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(endpointSecurity))
endpointSecurity = "None";
("Endpoint '" + id + "' created with security: " +
endpointSecurity + StringUtils.NEWLINE +
"at URL: " + endpointURL);
private void createServices(MessageBroker broker)
//the broker needs its AuthenticationService always
AuthenticationService authService = new AuthenticationService();
for (Iterator iter = serviceSettings.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
ServiceSettings svcSettings = iter.next();
String svcId = svcSettings.getId();
String svcClassName = svcSettings.getClassName();
// Create the Service
Service service = broker.createService(svcId, svcClassName);
// Service Class Name - not needed in AbstractService
// Initialize with service properties
service.initialize(svcId, svcSettings.getProperties());
// Default Channels
for (Iterator chanIter = svcSettings.getDefaultChannels().iterator(); chanIter.hasNext();)
ChannelSettings chanSettings = (ChannelSettings)chanIter.next();
// Adapter Definitions
Map svcAdapterSettings = svcSettings.getAllAdapterSettings();
for (Iterator asIter = svcAdapterSettings.values().iterator(); asIter.hasNext();)
AdapterSettings as = (AdapterSettings) asIter.next();
service.registerAdapter(as.getId(), as.getClassName());
if (as.isDefault())
// Destinations
Map destinationSettings = svcSettings.getDestinationSettings();
for (Iterator destSettingsIter = destinationSettings.keySet().iterator(); destSettingsIter.hasNext();)
String destName = (String)destSettingsIter.next();
DestinationSettings destSettings = (DestinationSettings)destinationSettings.get(destName);
createDestination(destSettings, service, svcSettings);
private void createDestination(DestinationSettings destSettings, Service service, ServiceSettings svcSettings)
String destId = destSettings.getId();
Destination destination = service.createDestination(destId);
// Channels
List chanSettings = destSettings.getChannelSettings();
if (chanSettings.size() > 0)
List channelIds = new ArrayList(2);
for (Iterator iter = chanSettings.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
ChannelSettings cs = (ChannelSettings) iter.next();
// Security
SecurityConstraint constraint = destSettings.getConstraint();
// Initialize with service, adapter and destination properties
destination.initialize(destId, svcSettings.getProperties());
destination.initialize(destId, destSettings.getAdapterSettings().getProperties());
destination.initialize(destId, destSettings.getProperties());
// Service Adapter
createAdapter(destination, destSettings, svcSettings);
private void createAdapter(Destination destination, DestinationSettings destSettings, ServiceSettings svcSettings)
AdapterSettings adapterSettings = destSettings.getAdapterSettings();
String adapterId = adapterSettings.getId();
ServiceAdapter adapter = destination.createAdapter(adapterId);
// Initialize with service, adapter and then destination properties
adapter.initialize(adapterId, svcSettings.getProperties());
adapter.initialize(adapterId, adapterSettings.getProperties());
adapter.initialize(adapterId, destSettings.getProperties());
* @exclude
* Used by the MessageBrokerServlet to set up the singleton Log instance
* and add any targets defined in the logging configuration.
* This needs to be invoked ahead of creating and bootstrapping a MessageBroker
* instance so we're sure to have the logging system running in case the bootstrap
* process needs to log anything out.
public void createLogAndTargets()
if (loggingSettings == null)
ConfigMap properties = loggingSettings.getProperties();
// Override default pretty printer for FDS to traverse deep Object graphs
if (properties.getPropertyAsString("pretty-printer", null) == null)
Log.initialize(null, properties);
// Targets
List targets = loggingSettings.getTargets();
Iterator it = targets.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
TargetSettings targetSettings = (TargetSettings)it.next();
String className = targetSettings.getClassName();
Class c = ClassUtil.createClass(className,
FlexContext.getMessageBroker() == null ? null :
Target target = (Target)c.newInstance();
target.initialize(null, targetSettings.getProperties());
catch (Throwable t)
// Unwrap to get to the interesting exception
if (t instanceof InvocationTargetException)
t = ((InvocationTargetException ) t).getCause();
System.err.println("*** Error setting up logging system");
ConfigurationException cx = new ConfigurationException();
cx.setMessage(10126, new Object[] { className });
throw cx;
private void createMessageFilters(MessageBroker broker)
Class asyncFilterClass = ClassUtil.createClass("flex.messaging.filters.BaseAsyncMessageFilter");
Class syncFilterClass = ClassUtil.createClass("flex.messaging.filters.BaseSyncMessageFilter");
for (MessageFilterSettings settings : messageFilterSettings)
String id = settings.getId();
String className = settings.getClassName();
Class filterClass = ClassUtil.createClass(className, broker.getClassLoader());
FlexComponent filter = (FlexComponent)ClassUtil.createDefaultInstance(filterClass, null);
MessageFilterSettings.FilterType filterType = settings.getFilterType();
boolean filterIsAsync = filterType == MessageFilterSettings.FilterType.ASYNC;
// Validate filter is assignable to proper base class.
if ((filterIsAsync && !asyncFilterClass.isAssignableFrom(filterClass)) ||
(!filterIsAsync && !syncFilterClass.isAssignableFrom(filterClass)))
// Filter class is not a valid subclass of either supported base filter type.
ConfigurationException cx = new ConfigurationException();
int errorCode = filterIsAsync ? 11144 : 11145;
cx.setMessage(errorCode, new Object[] {settings.getId()});
throw cx;
filter.initialize(id, settings.getProperties());
if (broker.isManaged() && (filter instanceof ManageableComponent))
ManageableComponent manageableFilter = (ManageableComponent)filter;
String methodName = filterIsAsync ? "getAsyncMessageFilterChain" : "getSyncMessageFilterChain";
Method getMessageFilterChain = broker.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName);
Object filterChain = getMessageFilterChain.invoke(broker, (Object[])null);
Class arg = filterIsAsync ? asyncFilterClass : syncFilterClass;
Method addFilter = filterChain.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("add", arg);
addFilter.invoke(filterChain, new Object[] {filter});
catch (Exception e)
// Hit an unexpected problem adding the filter instance to the broker's async or sync chain.
ConfigurationException cx = new ConfigurationException();
int errorCode = filterType == MessageFilterSettings.FilterType.ASYNC ? 11138 : 11143;
cx.setMessage(errorCode, new Object[] {settings.getId()});
throw cx;
if (Log.isInfo())
("MessageFilter '" + id + "' of type '" + className + "' created.");
private void createValidators(MessageBroker broker)
for (Iterator iter = validatorSettings.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
ValidatorSettings settings = iter.next();
String className = settings.getClassName();
String type = settings.getType();
Class> validatorClass = ClassUtil.createClass(className, broker.getClassLoader());
Class> expectedClass = ClassUtil.createClass(type, broker.getClassLoader());
Object validator = ClassUtil.createDefaultInstance(validatorClass, expectedClass);
// Only set the DeserializationValidator types for now.
if (validator instanceof DeserializationValidator)
// there can only be one deserialization validator, throw an error if there is more than one.
DeserializationValidator existingValidator = broker.getDeserializationValidator();
if (existingValidator != null)
ConfigurationException cx = new ConfigurationException();
cx.setMessage(11400, new Object[]{existingValidator.getClass().getCanonicalName(), className});
throw cx;
DeserializationValidator deserializationValidator = (DeserializationValidator)validator;
deserializationValidator.initialize(null, settings.getProperties());
if (Log.isInfo())
("DeserializationValidator of type '" + className + "' created.");
private void createUUIDGenerator(MessageBroker broker)
String className = systemSettings.getUUIDGeneratorClassName();
if (className == null || className.length() == 0)
Class uuidGeneratorClass = ClassUtil.createClass(className, broker.getClassLoader());
if (!UUIDGenerator.class.isAssignableFrom(uuidGeneratorClass))
// UUID Generator class is not a valid subclass of ''{0}''
ConfigurationException cx = new ConfigurationException();
cx.setMessage(11148, new Object[] {UUIDGenerator.class.getName()});
throw cx;
Object uuidGenerator = ClassUtil.createDefaultInstance(uuidGeneratorClass, UUIDGenerator.class);
private void prepareClusters(MessageBroker broker)
ClusterManager clusterManager = broker.getClusterManager();
for (Iterator iter=clusterSettings.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
String clusterId = iter.next();
ClusterSettings cs = clusterSettings.get(clusterId);
* Add Shared Server configurations.
* @param settings the SharedServerSettings object
public void addSharedServerSettings(SharedServerSettings settings)
* Add the Channel configurations.
* @param id the ChannelSetting Id
* @param settings the ChannelSettings
public void addChannelSettings(String id, ChannelSettings settings)
channelSettings.put(id, settings);
* Get the ChannelSettings by Id.
* @param id the ChannelSettings Id
* @return ChannelSettings the Channel settings
public ChannelSettings getChannelSettings(String id)
return channelSettings.get(id);
* Get all the ChannelSettings.
* @return Map the Map of all the ChannelSettings, maped by Id
public Map getAllChannelSettings()
return channelSettings;
* Add the default Channel by Id.
* @param id the Channel Id
public void addDefaultChannel(String id)
* Get the default Channel List.
* @return List, the list of default Channels
public List getDefaultChannels()
return defaultChannels;
* Get the Security Configurations.
* @return SecuritySettings current SecuritySettings
public SecuritySettings getSecuritySettings()
return securitySettings;
* Add Service Configurations.
* @param settings the ServiceSettings object
public void addServiceSettings(ServiceSettings settings)
* Get ServiceSettings by Id.
* @param id the ServiceSettings Id
* @return ServiceSettings the ServiceSettings object
public ServiceSettings getServiceSettings(String id)
for (Iterator iter = serviceSettings.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
ServiceSettings serviceSettings = iter.next();
if (serviceSettings.getId().equals(id))
return serviceSettings;
return null;
* Get all ServiceSettings.
* @return List all the service settings
public List getAllServiceSettings()
return serviceSettings;
* Get LoggingSettings.
* @return LoggingSettings the LoggingSettings object
public LoggingSettings getLoggingSettings()
return loggingSettings;
* Set LoggingSettings.
* @param loggingSettings the LoggingSettings object
public void setLoggingSettings(LoggingSettings loggingSettings)
this.loggingSettings = loggingSettings;
* Set SystemSettings.
* @param ss the SystemSettings object
public void setSystemSettings(SystemSettings ss)
systemSettings = ss;
* Get SystemSettings.
* @return SystemSettings the LoggingSettings object
public SystemSettings getSystemSettings()
return systemSettings;
* Set FlexClientSettings.
* @param value the FlexClientSettings object
public void setFlexClientSettings(FlexClientSettings value)
flexClientSettings = value;
* Get FlexClientSettings.
* @return FlexClientSettings the FlexClientSettings object
public FlexClientSettings getFlexClientSettings()
return flexClientSettings;
* Add the ClusterSettings.
* @param settings the ClusterSettings object
public void addClusterSettings(ClusterSettings settings)
if (settings.isDefault())
for (Iterator it = clusterSettings.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
ClusterSettings cs = it.next();
if (cs.isDefault())
ConfigurationException cx = new ConfigurationException();
cx.setMessage(10214, new Object[] { settings.getClusterName(), cs.getClusterName() });
throw cx;
if (clusterSettings.containsKey(settings.getClusterName()))
ConfigurationException cx = new ConfigurationException();
cx.setMessage(10206, new Object[] { settings.getClusterName() });
throw cx;
clusterSettings.put(settings.getClusterName(), settings);
* Get the ClusterSettings object by Id.
* @param clusterId the ClusterSettings Id
* @return ClusterSettings the ClusterSettings object
public ClusterSettings getClusterSettings(String clusterId)
for (Iterator it = clusterSettings.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
ClusterSettings cs = it.next();
if (cs.getClusterName() == clusterId)
return cs; // handle null case
if (cs.getClusterName() != null && cs.getClusterName().equals(clusterId))
return cs;
return null;
* Get the default ClusterSettings.
* @return ClusterSettings the default ClusterSetting object
public ClusterSettings getDefaultCluster()
for (Iterator it = clusterSettings.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
ClusterSettings cs = it.next();
if (cs.isDefault())
return cs;
return null;
* Add FactorySettings by Id.
* @param id the FactorySettings Id
* @param settings the FactorySettings object
public void addFactorySettings(String id, FactorySettings settings)
factorySettings.put(id, settings);
* Add MessageFilterSettings.
* @param settings the MessageFilterSettings object
public void addMessageFilterSettings(MessageFilterSettings settings)
* Add ValidatorSettings.
* @param settings the ValidatorSettings object
public void addValidatorSettings(ValidatorSettings settings)
String type = settings.getType();
if (validatorSettings.containsKey(type))
// Cannot add multiple validators with the same type ''{0}''
ConfigurationException ce = new ConfigurationException();
ce.setMessage(11136, new Object[] {type});
throw ce;
validatorSettings.put(type, settings);
* Report unused properties.
public void reportUnusedProperties()
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