flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package flex.messaging.messages;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInput;
import java.io.ObjectOutput;
import flex.messaging.log.LogCategories;
import flex.messaging.util.UUIDUtils;
* A message that represents an infrastructure command passed between
* client and server. Subscribe/unsubscribe operations result in
* CommandMessage transmissions, as do polling operations.
* @author neville
public class CommandMessage extends AsyncMessage
/** Log category for CommandMessage
public static final String LOG_CATEGORY = LogCategories.MESSAGE_COMMAND;
* This operation is used to subscribe to a remote destination.
public static final int SUBSCRIBE_OPERATION = 0;
* This operation is used to unsubscribe from a remote destination.
public static final int UNSUBSCRIBE_OPERATION = 1;
* This operation is used to poll a remote destination for pending,
* undelivered messages.
public static final int POLL_OPERATION = 2;
* This operation is used by a remote destination to sync missed or cached messages
* back to a client as a result of a client issued poll command.
public static final int CLIENT_SYNC_OPERATION = 4;
* This operation is used to test connectivity over the current channel to
* the remote endpoint.
public static final int CLIENT_PING_OPERATION = 5;
* This operation is used to request a list of failover endpoint URIs
* for the remote destination based on cluster membership.
public static final int CLUSTER_REQUEST_OPERATION = 7;
* This operation is used to send credentials to the endpoint so that
* the user can be logged in over the current channel.
* The credentials need to be Base64 encoded and stored in the body
* of the message.
public static final int LOGIN_OPERATION = 8;
* This operation is used to log the user out of the current channel, and
* will invalidate the server session if the channel is HTTP based.
public static final int LOGOUT_OPERATION = 9;
* This operation is used to indicate that the client's subscription to a
* remote destination has been invalidated.
public static final int SUBSCRIPTION_INVALIDATE_OPERATION = 10;
* This operation is used by the MultiTopicConsumer to subscribe/unsubscribe
* from multiple subtopics/selectors in the same message.
public static final int MULTI_SUBSCRIBE_OPERATION = 11;
* This operation is used to indicate that a channel has disconnected.
public static final int DISCONNECT_OPERATION = 12;
* This operation is used to trigger a client connect attempt.
public static final int TRIGGER_CONNECT_OPERATION = 13;
* This is the default operation for new CommandMessage instances.
public static final int UNKNOWN_OPERATION = 10000;
* Endpoints can imply what features they support by reporting the
* latest version of messaging they are capable of during the handshake of
* the initial ping CommandMessage.
public static final String MESSAGING_VERSION = "DSMessagingVersion";
* The name for the selector header in subscribe messages.
public static final String SELECTOR_HEADER = "DSSelector";
* The name for the header used internaly on the server to indicate that an unsubscribe
* message is due to a client subscription being invalidated.
public static final String SUBSCRIPTION_INVALIDATED_HEADER = "DSSubscriptionInvalidated";
* Durable JMS subscriptions are preserved when an unsubscribe message
* has this parameter set to true in its header.
public static final String PRESERVE_DURABLE_HEADER= "DSPreserveDurable";
* Header to indicate that the Channel needs the configuration from the
* server.
public static final String NEEDS_CONFIG_HEADER = "DSNeedsConfig";
* Header used in a MULTI_SUBSCRIBE message to specify an Array of subtopic/selector
* pairs to add to the existing set of subscriptions.
public static final String ADD_SUBSCRIPTIONS = "DSAddSub";
* Like the above, but specifies the subtopic/selector array of to remove.
public static final String REMOVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS = "DSRemSub";
* The separator used in the add and remove subscription headers for
* multi subscribe messages.
public static final String SUBTOPIC_SEPARATOR = "_;_";
* Header to drive an idle wait time before the next client poll request.
public static final String POLL_WAIT_HEADER = "DSPollWait";
* Header to suppress poll response processing. If a client has a long-poll
* parked on the server and issues another poll, the response to this subsequent poll
* should be tagged with this header in which case the response is treated as a
* no-op and the next poll will not be scheduled. Without this, a subsequent poll
* will put the channel and endpoint into a busy polling cycle.
public static final String NO_OP_POLL_HEADER = "DSNoOpPoll";
* @exclude
* Internal header used to tag poll messages when a poll-wait must be suppressed.
public static final String SUPPRESS_POLL_WAIT_HEADER = "DSSuppressPollWait";
* Header to specify which character set encoding was used while encoding
* login credentials.
public static final String CREDENTIALS_CHARSET_HEADER = "DSCredentialsCharset";
* Header to indicate the maximum number of messages a Consumer wants to
* receive per second.
public static final String MAX_FREQUENCY_HEADER = "DSMaxFrequency";
* Header that indicates the message is a heartbeat.
public static final String HEARTBEAT_HEADER = "DS<3";
* Header that indicates the client application has successfully registered for push notifications.
public static final String PUSH_NOTIFICATION_REGISTERED_HEADER = "DSApplicationRegisteredForPush";
* Header that provides additional meta-information when the client has registered for push notifications.
public static final String PUSH_REGISTRATION_INFORMATION = "DSPushRegisteredInformation";
* @exclude
* The position of the operation flag within all flags.
* Constant used during serialization.
private static byte OPERATION_FLAG = 1;
* This number was generated using the 'serialver' command line tool.
* This number should remain consistent with the version used by
* ColdFusion to communicate with the message broker over RMI.
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4026438615587526303L;
* The operation names that map to each of the operation constants above.
* The constants in this list should remain parallel to the above constants
static final String [] operationNames = {
"subscribe", "unsubscribe", "poll", "unused3", "client_sync", "client_ping",
"unused6", "cluster_request", "login", "logout", "subscription_invalidate",
"multi_subscribe", "disconnect", "trigger_connect", "state_change"
* The operation to execute for messages of this type.
private int operation = UNKNOWN_OPERATION;
* Constructs a CommandMessage
* The message id is set to a universally unique value, and the
* timestamp for the message is set to the current system timestamp.
* The operation is set to a default value of UNKNOWN_OPERATION
public CommandMessage()
this.messageId = UUIDUtils.createUUID();
this.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Constructs a CommandMessage
* The message id is set to a universally unique value, and the
* timestamp for the message is set to the current system timestamp.
* @param operation The operation for the CommandMessage
; one of the operation constants.
public CommandMessage(int operation)
this.operation = operation;
* Returns the operation for this CommandMessage
* @return The operation for this CommandMessage
public int getOperation()
return operation;
* Sets the operation for this CommandMessage
* @param operation The operation for this CommandMessage
public void setOperation(int operation)
this.operation = operation;
* @exclude
public Message getSmallMessage()
// We shouldn't use small messages for PING or LOGIN operations as the
// messaging version handshake would not yet be complete... for now just
// optimize POLL operations.
if (operation == POLL_OPERATION)
return new CommandMessageExt(this);
return null;
* @exclude
* Debugging function which returns the name of the operation for
* a given operation code.
public static String operationToString(int operation)
if (operation < 0 || operation >= operationNames.length)
return "invalid." + operation;
return operationNames[operation];
* @exclude
public void readExternal(ObjectInput input)throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
short[] flagsArray = readFlags(input);
for (int i = 0; i < flagsArray.length; i++)
short flags = flagsArray[i];
short reservedPosition = 0;
if (i == 0)
if ((flags & OPERATION_FLAG) != 0)
operation = ((Number)input.readObject()).intValue();
reservedPosition = 1;
// For forwards compatibility, read in any other flagged objects
// to preserve the integrity of the input stream...
if ((flags >> reservedPosition) != 0)
for (short j = reservedPosition; j < 6; j++)
if (((flags >> j) & 1) != 0)
* @exclude
* Utility method to pretty print a CommandMessage
* @param indentLevel This method may be invoked recursively so this argument
* allows nested messages to print relative to the current print stack.
protected String toStringFields(int indentLevel)
String sep = getFieldSeparator(indentLevel);
String s = sep + "operation = " + operationToString(operation);
if (operation == SUBSCRIBE_OPERATION)
s += sep + "selector = " + getHeader(SELECTOR_HEADER);
if (operation != LOGIN_OPERATION)
s += super.toStringFields(indentLevel);
s += sep + "clientId = " + clientId;
s += sep + "destination = " + destination;
s += sep + "messageId = " + messageId;
s += sep + "timestamp = " + timestamp;
s += sep + "timeToLive = " + timeToLive;
s += sep + "***not printing credentials***";
return s;
* @exclude
public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput output) throws IOException
short flags = 0;
if (operation != 0)
if (operation != 0)
output.writeObject(new Integer(operation));
* @exclude
* Utility method to build the log category to use for logging CommandMessage
public String logCategory()
return LOG_CATEGORY + "." + operationToString(operation);
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