io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlValueConverters Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright Debezium Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache Software License version 2.0, available at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package io.debezium.connector.mysql;
import com.github.shyiko.mysql.binlog.event.deserialization.json.JsonBinary;
import io.debezium.DebeziumException;
import io.debezium.annotation.Immutable;
import io.debezium.config.CommonConnectorConfig.BinaryHandlingMode;
import io.debezium.connector.mysql.antlr.MySqlAntlrDdlParser;
import io.debezium.data.Json;
import io.debezium.jdbc.JdbcValueConverters;
import io.debezium.jdbc.TemporalPrecisionMode;
import io.debezium.relational.Column;
import io.debezium.relational.Table;
import io.debezium.relational.ValueConverter;
import io.debezium.time.Year;
import io.debezium.util.Strings;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.data.Decimal;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.data.Field;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.data.Schema;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.data.SchemaBuilder;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException;
import org.apache.kafka.connect.source.SourceRecord;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.IllegalCharsetNameException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.time.temporal.Temporal;
import java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjuster;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Copied from Debezium project(1.9.8.Final) to fix FLOAT converted to FLOAT64 type issue. See
* DBZ-3865, DBZ-5843. Remove it when debezium version is upgraded above 2.0.0.Final.
* Line 240 & 246: add FLOAT type adjustment.
Line 485 & 499: add method to convert FLOAT value.
public class MySqlValueConverters extends JdbcValueConverters {
public static interface ParsingErrorHandler {
void error(String message, Exception exception);
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MySqlValueConverters.class);
/** Used to parse values of TIME columns. Format: 000:00:00.000000. */
private static final Pattern TIME_FIELD_PATTERN =
/** Used to parse values of DATE columns. Format: 000-00-00. */
private static final Pattern DATE_FIELD_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)");
/** Used to parse values of TIMESTAMP columns. Format: 000-00-00 00:00:00.000. */
private static final Pattern TIMESTAMP_FIELD_PATTERN =
Pattern.compile("([0-9]*)-([0-9]*)-([0-9]*) .*");
* A utility method that adjusts ambiguous 2-digit
* year values of DATETIME, DATE, and TIMESTAMP types using these MySQL-specific rules:
* - Year values in the range 00-69 are converted to 2000-2069.
- Year values in the range 70-99 are converted to 1970-1999.
* @param temporal the temporal instance to adjust; may not be null
* @return the possibly adjusted temporal instance; never null
public static Temporal adjustTemporal(Temporal temporal) {
if (temporal.isSupported(ChronoField.YEAR)) {
int year = temporal.get(ChronoField.YEAR);
if (0 <= year && year <= 69) {
temporal = temporal.plus(2000, ChronoUnit.YEARS);
} else if (70 <= year && year <= 99) {
temporal = temporal.plus(1900, ChronoUnit.YEARS);
return temporal;
private final ParsingErrorHandler parsingErrorHandler;
* Create a new instance that always uses UTC for the default time zone when_needed converting
* values without timezone information to values that require timezones.
* @param decimalMode how {@code DECIMAL} and {@code NUMERIC} values should be treated; may be
* null if {@link io.debezium.jdbc.JdbcValueConverters.DecimalMode#PRECISE} is to be used
* @param temporalPrecisionMode temporal precision mode based on {@link
* io.debezium.jdbc.TemporalPrecisionMode}
* @param bigIntUnsignedMode how {@code BIGINT UNSIGNED} values should be treated; may be null
* if {@link io.debezium.jdbc.JdbcValueConverters.BigIntUnsignedMode#PRECISE} is to be used
* @param binaryMode how binary columns should be represented
public MySqlValueConverters(
DecimalMode decimalMode,
TemporalPrecisionMode temporalPrecisionMode,
BigIntUnsignedMode bigIntUnsignedMode,
BinaryHandlingMode binaryMode) {
x -> x,
* Create a new instance that always uses UTC for the default time zone when converting values
* without timezone information to values that require timezones.
* @param decimalMode how {@code DECIMAL} and {@code NUMERIC} values should be treated; may be
* null if {@link io.debezium.jdbc.JdbcValueConverters.DecimalMode#PRECISE} is to be used
* @param temporalPrecisionMode temporal precision mode based on {@link
* io.debezium.jdbc.TemporalPrecisionMode}
* @param bigIntUnsignedMode how {@code BIGINT UNSIGNED} values should be treated; may be null
* if {@link io.debezium.jdbc.JdbcValueConverters.BigIntUnsignedMode#PRECISE} is to be used
* @param binaryMode how binary columns should be represented
* @param adjuster a temporal adjuster to make a database specific time modification before
* conversion
* @param handler for errors during postponed binlog parsing
public MySqlValueConverters(
DecimalMode decimalMode,
TemporalPrecisionMode temporalPrecisionMode,
BigIntUnsignedMode bigIntUnsignedMode,
BinaryHandlingMode binaryMode,
TemporalAdjuster adjuster,
ParsingErrorHandler parsingErrorHandler) {
this.parsingErrorHandler = parsingErrorHandler;
protected ByteOrder byteOrderOfBitType() {
return ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;
public SchemaBuilder schemaBuilder(Column column) {
// Handle a few MySQL-specific types based upon how they are handled by the MySQL binlog
// client ...
String typeName = column.typeName().toUpperCase();
if (matches(typeName, "JSON")) {
return Json.builder();
if (matches(typeName, "POINT")) {
return io.debezium.data.geometry.Point.builder();
if (matches(typeName, "GEOMETRY")
|| matches(typeName, "LINESTRING")
|| matches(typeName, "POLYGON")
|| matches(typeName, "MULTIPOINT")
|| matches(typeName, "MULTILINESTRING")
|| matches(typeName, "MULTIPOLYGON")
|| isGeometryCollection(typeName)) {
return io.debezium.data.geometry.Geometry.builder();
if (matches(typeName, "YEAR")) {
return Year.builder();
if (matches(typeName, "ENUM")) {
String commaSeparatedOptions = extractEnumAndSetOptionsAsString(column);
return io.debezium.data.Enum.builder(commaSeparatedOptions);
if (matches(typeName, "SET")) {
String commaSeparatedOptions = extractEnumAndSetOptionsAsString(column);
return io.debezium.data.EnumSet.builder(commaSeparatedOptions);
if (matches(typeName, "SMALLINT UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "SMALLINT UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")
|| matches(typeName, "INT2 UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "INT2 UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")) {
// In order to capture unsigned SMALLINT 16-bit data source, INT32 will be required to
// safely capture all valid values
// Source:
// https://kafka.apache.org/0102/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/connect/data/Schema.Type.html
return SchemaBuilder.int32();
if (matches(typeName, "INT UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "INT UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")
|| matches(typeName, "INT4 UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "INT4 UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")) {
// In order to capture unsigned INT 32-bit data source, INT64 will be required to safely
// capture all valid values
// Source:
// https://kafka.apache.org/0102/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/connect/data/Schema.Type.html
return SchemaBuilder.int64();
if (matches(typeName, "BIGINT UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "BIGINT UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")
|| matches(typeName, "INT8 UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "INT8 UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")) {
switch (super.bigIntUnsignedMode) {
case LONG:
return SchemaBuilder.int64();
// In order to capture unsigned INT 64-bit data source,
// org.apache.kafka.connect.data.Decimal:Byte will be required to safely capture
// all valid values with scale of 0
// Source:
// https://kafka.apache.org/0102/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/connect/data/Schema.Type.html
return Decimal.builder(0);
if ((matches(typeName, "FLOAT")
|| matches(typeName, "FLOAT UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "FLOAT UNSIGNED ZEROFILL"))
&& !column.scale().isPresent()
&& column.length() <= 24) {
return SchemaBuilder.float32();
// Otherwise, let the base class handle it ...
return super.schemaBuilder(column);
public ValueConverter converter(Column column, Field fieldDefn) {
// Handle a few MySQL-specific types based upon how they are handled by the MySQL binlog
// client ...
String typeName = column.typeName().toUpperCase();
if (matches(typeName, "JSON")) {
return (data) -> convertJson(column, fieldDefn, data);
if (matches(typeName, "GEOMETRY")
|| matches(typeName, "LINESTRING")
|| matches(typeName, "POLYGON")
|| matches(typeName, "MULTIPOINT")
|| matches(typeName, "MULTILINESTRING")
|| matches(typeName, "MULTIPOLYGON")
|| isGeometryCollection(typeName)) {
return (data -> convertGeometry(column, fieldDefn, data));
if (matches(typeName, "POINT")) {
// backwards compatibility
return (data -> convertPoint(column, fieldDefn, data));
if (matches(typeName, "YEAR")) {
return (data) -> convertYearToInt(column, fieldDefn, data);
if (matches(typeName, "ENUM")) {
// Build up the character array based upon the column's type ...
List options = extractEnumAndSetOptions(column);
return (data) -> convertEnumToString(options, column, fieldDefn, data);
if (matches(typeName, "SET")) {
// Build up the character array based upon the column's type ...
List options = extractEnumAndSetOptions(column);
return (data) -> convertSetToString(options, column, fieldDefn, data);
if (matches(typeName, "TINYINT UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "TINYINT UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")
|| matches(typeName, "INT1 UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "INT1 UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")) {
// Convert TINYINT UNSIGNED internally from SIGNED to UNSIGNED based on the boundary
// settings
return (data) -> convertUnsignedTinyint(column, fieldDefn, data);
if (matches(typeName, "SMALLINT UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "SMALLINT UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")
|| matches(typeName, "INT2 UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "INT2 UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")) {
// Convert SMALLINT UNSIGNED internally from SIGNED to UNSIGNED based on the boundary
// settings
return (data) -> convertUnsignedSmallint(column, fieldDefn, data);
if (matches(typeName, "MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "INT3 UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "INT3 UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")
|| matches(typeName, "MIDDLEINT UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "MIDDLEINT UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")) {
// Convert MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED internally from SIGNED to UNSIGNED based on the boundary
// settings
return (data) -> convertUnsignedMediumint(column, fieldDefn, data);
if (matches(typeName, "INT UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "INT UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")
|| matches(typeName, "INT4 UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "INT4 UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")) {
// Convert INT UNSIGNED internally from SIGNED to UNSIGNED based on the boundary
// settings
return (data) -> convertUnsignedInt(column, fieldDefn, data);
if (matches(typeName, "BIGINT UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "BIGINT UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")
|| matches(typeName, "INT8 UNSIGNED")
|| matches(typeName, "INT8 UNSIGNED ZEROFILL")) {
switch (super.bigIntUnsignedMode) {
case LONG:
return (data) -> convertBigInt(column, fieldDefn, data);
// Convert BIGINT UNSIGNED internally from SIGNED to UNSIGNED based on the
// boundary settings
return (data) -> convertUnsignedBigint(column, fieldDefn, data);
// We have to convert bytes encoded in the column's character set ...
switch (column.jdbcType()) {
case Types.CHAR: // variable-length
case Types.VARCHAR: // variable-length
case Types.LONGVARCHAR: // variable-length
case Types.CLOB: // variable-length
case Types.NCHAR: // fixed-length
case Types.NVARCHAR: // fixed-length
case Types.LONGNVARCHAR: // fixed-length
case Types.NCLOB: // fixed-length
case Types.DATALINK:
case Types.SQLXML:
Charset charset = charsetFor(column);
if (charset != null) {
logger.debug("Using {} charset by default for column: {}", charset, column);
return (data) -> convertString(column, fieldDefn, charset, data);
"Using UTF-8 charset by default for column without charset: {}", column);
return (data) -> convertString(column, fieldDefn, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, data);
case Types.TIME:
if (adaptiveTimeMicrosecondsPrecisionMode) {
return data -> convertDurationToMicroseconds(column, fieldDefn, data);
case Types.TIMESTAMP:
return ((ValueConverter)
(data -> convertTimestampToLocalDateTime(column, fieldDefn, data)))
.and(super.converter(column, fieldDefn));
// Otherwise, let the base class handle it ...
return super.converter(column, fieldDefn);
* Return the {@link Charset} instance with the MySQL-specific character set name used by the
* given column.
* @param column the column in which the character set is used; never null
* @return the Java {@link Charset}, or null if there is no mapping
protected Charset charsetFor(Column column) {
String mySqlCharsetName = column.charsetName();
if (mySqlCharsetName == null) {
logger.warn("Column is missing a character set: {}", column);
return null;
String encoding = MySqlConnection.getJavaEncodingForMysqlCharSet(mySqlCharsetName);
if (encoding == null) {
"Column uses MySQL character set '{}', which has no mapping to a Java character set, will try it in lowercase",
encoding =
if (encoding == null) {
"Column uses MySQL character set '{}', which has no mapping to a Java character set",
} else {
try {
return Charset.forName(encoding);
} catch (IllegalCharsetNameException e) {
"Unable to load Java charset '{}' for column with MySQL character set '{}'",
return null;
* Convert the {@link String} {@code byte[]} value to a string value used in a {@link
* SourceRecord}.
* @param column the column in which the value appears
* @param fieldDefn the field definition for the {@link SourceRecord}'s {@link Schema}; never
* null
* @param data the data; may be null
* @return the converted value, or null if the conversion could not be made and the column
* allows nulls
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value could not be converted but the column does not
* allow nulls
protected Object convertJson(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
return convertValue(
(r) -> {
if (data instanceof byte[]) {
// The BinlogReader sees these JSON values as binary encoded, so we use the
// binlog client library's utility
// to parse MySQL's internal binary representation into a JSON string, using
// the standard formatter.
if (((byte[]) data).length == 0) {
r.deliver(column.isOptional() ? null : "{}");
} else {
try {
r.deliver(JsonBinary.parseAsString((byte[]) data));
} catch (IOException e) {
"Failed to parse and read a JSON value on '"
+ column
+ "' value "
+ Arrays.toString((byte[]) data),
r.deliver(column.isOptional() ? null : "{}");
} else if (data instanceof String) {
// The SnapshotReader sees JSON values as UTF-8 encoded strings.
protected Object convertSmallInt(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
// MySQL allows decimal default values for smallint columns
if (data instanceof String) {
data = Math.round(Double.parseDouble((String) data));
return super.convertSmallInt(column, fieldDefn, data);
protected Object convertInteger(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
// MySQL allows decimal default values for integer columns
if (data instanceof String) {
data = Math.round(Double.parseDouble((String) data));
return super.convertInteger(column, fieldDefn, data);
protected Object convertBigInt(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
// MySQL allows decimal default values for bigint columns
if (data instanceof String) {
data = Math.round(Double.parseDouble((String) data));
return super.convertBigInt(column, fieldDefn, data);
* MySql reports FLOAT(p) values as FLOAT and DOUBLE. A precision from 0 to 23 results in a
* 4-byte single-precision FLOAT column. A precision from 24 to 53 results in an 8-byte
* double-precision DOUBLE column. As of MySQL 8.0.17, the nonstandard FLOAT(M,D) and
* DOUBLE(M,D) syntax is deprecated, and should expect support for it be removed in a future
* version of MySQL. Based on this future, we didn't handle the case.
protected Object convertFloat(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
if (!column.scale().isPresent() && column.length() <= 24) {
return super.convertReal(column, fieldDefn, data);
} else {
return super.convertFloat(column, fieldDefn, data);
* Convert the {@link String} or {@code byte[]} value to a string value used in a {@link
* SourceRecord}.
* @param column the column in which the value appears
* @param fieldDefn the field definition for the {@link SourceRecord}'s {@link Schema}; never
* null
* @param columnCharset the Java character set in which column byte[] values are encoded; may
* not be null
* @param data the data; may be null
* @return the converted value, or null if the conversion could not be made and the column
* allows nulls
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value could not be converted but the column does not
* allow nulls
protected Object convertString(
Column column, Field fieldDefn, Charset columnCharset, Object data) {
return convertValue(
(r) -> {
if (data instanceof byte[]) {
// Decode the binary representation using the given character encoding ...
r.deliver(new String((byte[]) data, columnCharset));
} else if (data instanceof String) {
* Converts a value object for a MySQL {@code YEAR}, which appear in the binlog as an integer
* though returns from the MySQL JDBC driver as either a short or a {@link java.sql.Date}.
* @param column the column definition describing the {@code data} value; never null
* @param fieldDefn the field definition; never null
* @param data the data object to be converted into a year literal integer value; never null
* @return the converted value, or null if the conversion could not be made and the column
* allows nulls
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value could not be converted but the column does not
* allow nulls
protected Object convertYearToInt(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
return convertValue(
(r) -> {
Object mutData = data;
if (data instanceof java.time.Year) {
// The MySQL binlog always returns a Year object ...
((java.time.Year) data).getValue()))
} else if (data instanceof java.sql.Date) {
// MySQL JDBC driver sometimes returns a Java SQL Date object ...
// year from java.sql.Date is defined as number of years since 1900
r.deliver(((java.sql.Date) data).getYear() + 1900);
} else if (data instanceof String) {
mutData = Integer.valueOf((String) data);
if (mutData instanceof Number) {
// MySQL JDBC driver sometimes returns a short ...
adjustTemporal(java.time.Year.of(((Number) mutData).intValue()))
* Converts a value object for a MySQL {@code ENUM}, which is represented in the binlog events
* as an integer value containing the index of the enum option. The MySQL JDBC driver returns a
* string containing the option, so this method calculates the same.
* @param options the characters that appear in the same order as defined in the column; may not
* be null
* @param column the column definition describing the {@code data} value; never null
* @param fieldDefn the field definition; never null
* @param data the data object to be converted into an {@code ENUM} literal String value
* @return the converted value, or null if the conversion could not be made and the column
* allows nulls
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value could not be converted but the column does not
* allow nulls
protected Object convertEnumToString(
List options, Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
return convertValue(
(r) -> {
if (data instanceof String) {
// JDBC should return strings ...
} else if (data instanceof Integer) {
if (options != null) {
// The binlog will contain an int with the 1-based index of the option
// in the enum value ...
int value = ((Integer) data).intValue();
if (value == 0) {
// an invalid value was specified, which corresponds to the empty
// string '' and an index of 0
int index = value - 1; // 'options' is 0-based
if (index < options.size() && index >= 0) {
} else {
* Converts a value object for a MySQL {@code SET}, which is represented in the binlog events
* contain a long number in which every bit corresponds to a different option. The MySQL JDBC
* driver returns a string containing the comma-separated options, so this method calculates the
* same.
* @param options the characters that appear in the same order as defined in the column; may not
* be null
* @param column the column definition describing the {@code data} value; never null
* @param fieldDefn the field definition; never null
* @param data the data object to be converted into an {@code SET} literal String value; never
* null
* @return the converted value, or null if the conversion could not be made and the column
* allows nulls
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value could not be converted but the column does not
* allow nulls
protected Object convertSetToString(
List options, Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
return convertValue(
(r) -> {
if (data instanceof String) {
// JDBC should return strings ...
} else if (data instanceof Long) {
// The binlog will contain a long with the indexes of the options in the set
// value ...
long indexes = ((Long) data).longValue();
r.deliver(convertSetValue(column, indexes, options));
* Determine if the uppercase form of a column's type exactly matches or begins with the
* specified prefix. Note that this logic works when the column's {@link Column#typeName() type}
* contains the type name followed by parentheses.
* @param upperCaseTypeName the upper case form of the column's {@link Column#typeName() type
* name}
* @param upperCaseMatch the upper case form of the expected type or prefix of the type; may not
* be null
* @return {@code true} if the type matches the specified type, or {@code false} otherwise
protected boolean matches(String upperCaseTypeName, String upperCaseMatch) {
if (upperCaseTypeName == null) {
return false;
return upperCaseMatch.equals(upperCaseTypeName)
|| upperCaseTypeName.startsWith(upperCaseMatch + "(");
* Determine if the uppercase form of a column's type is geometry collection independent of JDBC
* driver or server version.
* @param upperCaseTypeName the upper case form of the column's {@link Column#typeName() type
* name}
* @return {@code true} if the type is geometry collection
protected boolean isGeometryCollection(String upperCaseTypeName) {
if (upperCaseTypeName == null) {
return false;
return upperCaseTypeName.equals("GEOMETRYCOLLECTION")
|| upperCaseTypeName.equals("GEOMCOLLECTION")
|| upperCaseTypeName.endsWith(".GEOMCOLLECTION");
protected List extractEnumAndSetOptions(Column column) {
return MySqlAntlrDdlParser.extractEnumAndSetOptions(column.enumValues());
protected String extractEnumAndSetOptionsAsString(Column column) {
return Strings.join(",", extractEnumAndSetOptions(column));
protected String convertSetValue(Column column, long indexes, List options) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int index = 0;
boolean first = true;
int optionLen = options.size();
while (indexes != 0L) {
if (indexes % 2L != 0) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
if (index < optionLen) {
} else {
logger.warn("Found unexpected index '{}' on column {}", index, column);
indexes = indexes >>> 1;
return sb.toString();
* Convert the a value representing a POINT {@code byte[]} value to a Point value used in a
* {@link SourceRecord}.
* @param column the column in which the value appears
* @param fieldDefn the field definition for the {@link SourceRecord}'s {@link Schema}; never
* null
* @param data the data; may be null
* @return the converted value, or null if the conversion could not be made and the column
* allows nulls
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value could not be converted but the column does not
* allow nulls
protected Object convertPoint(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
final MySqlGeometry empty = MySqlGeometry.createEmpty();
return convertValue(
fieldDefn.schema(), empty.getWkb(), empty.getSrid()),
(r) -> {
if (data instanceof byte[]) {
// The binlog utility sends a byte array for any Geometry type, we will use
// our own binaryParse to parse the byte to WKB, hence
// to the suitable class
MySqlGeometry mySqlGeometry = MySqlGeometry.fromBytes((byte[]) data);
if (mySqlGeometry.isPoint()) {
} else {
throw new ConnectException(
"Failed to parse and read a value of type POINT on " + column);
* Convert the a value representing a GEOMETRY {@code byte[]} value to a Geometry value used in
* a {@link SourceRecord}.
* @param column the column in which the value appears
* @param fieldDefn the field definition for the {@link SourceRecord}'s {@link Schema}; never
* null
* @param data the data; may be null
* @return the converted value, or null if the conversion could not be made and the column
* allows nulls
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value could not be converted but the column does not
* allow nulls
protected Object convertGeometry(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
final MySqlGeometry empty = MySqlGeometry.createEmpty();
return convertValue(
fieldDefn.schema(), empty.getWkb(), empty.getSrid()),
(r) -> {
if (data instanceof byte[]) {
// The binlog utility sends a byte array for any Geometry type, we will use
// our own binaryParse to parse the byte to WKB, hence
// to the suitable class
if (data instanceof byte[]) {
// The binlog utility sends a byte array for any Geometry type, we will
// use our own binaryParse to parse the byte to WKB, hence
// to the suitable class
MySqlGeometry mySqlGeometry = MySqlGeometry.fromBytes((byte[]) data);
protected byte[] normalizeBinaryData(Column column, byte[] data) {
// DBZ-254 right-pad fixed-length binary column values with 0x00 (zero byte)
if (column.jdbcType() == Types.BINARY && data.length < column.length()) {
data = Arrays.copyOf(data, column.length());
return super.normalizeBinaryData(column, data);
* Convert the a value representing a Unsigned TINYINT value to the correct Unsigned TINYINT
* representation.
* @param column the column in which the value appears
* @param fieldDefn the field definition for the {@link SourceRecord}'s {@link Schema}; never
* null
* @param data the data; may be null
* @return the converted value, or null if the conversion could not be made and the column
* allows nulls
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value could not be converted but the column does not
* allow nulls
protected Object convertUnsignedTinyint(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
return convertValue(
(short) 0,
(r) -> {
if (data instanceof Short) {
MySqlUnsignedIntegerConverter.convertUnsignedTinyint((short) data));
} else if (data instanceof Number) {
((Number) data).shortValue()));
} else {
// We continue with the original converting method (smallint) since we have
// an unsigned Tinyint
r.deliver(convertSmallInt(column, fieldDefn, data));
* Convert the a value representing a Unsigned SMALLINT value to the correct Unsigned SMALLINT
* representation.
* @param column the column in which the value appears
* @param fieldDefn the field definition for the {@link SourceRecord}'s {@link Schema}; never
* null
* @param data the data; may be null
* @return the converted value, or null if the conversion could not be made and the column
* allows nulls
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value could not be converted but the column does not
* allow nulls
protected Object convertUnsignedSmallint(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
return convertValue(
(r) -> {
if (data instanceof Integer) {
MySqlUnsignedIntegerConverter.convertUnsignedSmallint((int) data));
} else if (data instanceof Number) {
((Number) data).intValue()));
} else {
// We continue with the original converting method (integer) since we have
// an unsigned Smallint
r.deliver(convertInteger(column, fieldDefn, data));
* Convert the a value representing a Unsigned MEDIUMINT value to the correct Unsigned SMALLINT
* representation.
* @param column the column in which the value appears
* @param fieldDefn the field definition for the {@link SourceRecord}'s {@link Schema}; never
* null
* @param data the data; may be null
* @return the converted value, or null if the conversion could not be made and the column
* allows nulls
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value could not be converted but the column does not
* allow nulls
protected Object convertUnsignedMediumint(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
return convertValue(
(r) -> {
if (data instanceof Integer) {
MySqlUnsignedIntegerConverter.convertUnsignedMediumint((int) data));
} else if (data instanceof Number) {
((Number) data).intValue()));
} else {
// We continue with the original converting method (integer) since we have
// an unsigned Medium
r.deliver(convertInteger(column, fieldDefn, data));
* Convert the a value representing a Unsigned INT value to the correct Unsigned INT
* representation.
* @param column the column in which the value appears
* @param fieldDefn the field definition for the {@link SourceRecord}'s {@link Schema}; never
* null
* @param data the data; may be null
* @return the converted value, or null if the conversion could not be made and the column
* allows nulls
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value could not be converted but the column does not
* allow nulls
protected Object convertUnsignedInt(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
return convertValue(
(r) -> {
if (data instanceof Long) {
MySqlUnsignedIntegerConverter.convertUnsignedInteger((long) data));
} else if (data instanceof Number) {
((Number) data).longValue()));
} else {
// We continue with the original converting method (bigint) since we have an
// unsigned Integer
r.deliver(convertBigInt(column, fieldDefn, data));
* Convert the a value representing a Unsigned BIGINT value to the correct Unsigned INT
* representation.
* @param column the column in which the value appears
* @param fieldDefn the field definition for the {@link SourceRecord}'s {@link Schema}; never
* null
* @param data the data; may be null
* @return the converted value, or null if the conversion could not be made and the column
* allows nulls
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value could not be converted but the column does not
* allow nulls
protected Object convertUnsignedBigint(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
return convertValue(
(r) -> {
if (data instanceof BigDecimal) {
(BigDecimal) data));
} else if (data instanceof Number) {
new BigDecimal(((Number) data).toString())));
} else if (data instanceof String) {
new BigDecimal((String) data)));
} else {
r.deliver(convertNumeric(column, fieldDefn, data));
* Converts a value object for an expected type of {@link java.time.Duration} to {@link Long}
* values that represents the time in microseconds.
* Per the JDBC specification, databases should return {@link java.sql.Time} instances, but
* that's not working because it can only handle Daytime 00:00:00-23:59:59. We use {@link
* java.time.Duration} instead that can handle the range of -838:59:59.000000 to
* 838:59:59.000000 of a MySQL TIME type and transfer data as signed INT64 which reflects the DB
* value converted to microseconds.
* @param column the column definition describing the {@code data} value; never null
* @param fieldDefn the field definition; never null
* @param data the data object to be converted into a {@link java.time.Duration} type; never
* null
* @return the converted value, or null if the conversion could not be made and the column
* allows nulls
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value could not be converted but the column does not
* allow nulls
protected Object convertDurationToMicroseconds(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
return convertValue(
(r) -> {
try {
if (data instanceof Duration) {
r.deliver(((Duration) data).toNanos() / 1_000);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
protected Object convertTimestampToLocalDateTime(Column column, Field fieldDefn, Object data) {
if (data == null && !fieldDefn.schema().isOptional()) {
return null;
if (!(data instanceof Timestamp)) {
return data;
return ((Timestamp) data).toLocalDateTime();
public static Duration stringToDuration(String timeString) {
Matcher matcher = TIME_FIELD_PATTERN.matcher(timeString);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected format for TIME column: " + timeString);
long hours = Long.parseLong(matcher.group(1));
long minutes = Long.parseLong(matcher.group(2));
long seconds = Long.parseLong(matcher.group(3));
long nanoSeconds = 0;
String microSecondsString = matcher.group(5);
if (microSecondsString != null) {
nanoSeconds = Long.parseLong(Strings.justifyLeft(microSecondsString, 9, '0'));
if (hours >= 0) {
return Duration.ofHours(hours)
} else {
return Duration.ofHours(hours)
public static LocalDate stringToLocalDate(String dateString, Column column, Table table) {
final Matcher matcher = DATE_FIELD_PATTERN.matcher(dateString);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected format for DATE column: " + dateString);
final int year = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1));
final int month = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(2));
final int day = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(3));
if (year == 0 || month == 0 || day == 0) {
"Invalid value '{}' stored in column '{}' of table '{}' converted to empty value",
return null;
return LocalDate.of(year, month, day);
public static boolean containsZeroValuesInDatePart(
String timestampString, Column column, Table table) {
final Matcher matcher = TIMESTAMP_FIELD_PATTERN.matcher(timestampString);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected format for DATE column: " + timestampString);
final int year = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(1));
final int month = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(2));
final int day = Integer.parseInt(matcher.group(3));
if (year == 0 || month == 0 || day == 0) {
"Invalid value '{}' stored in column '{}' of table '{}' converted to empty value",
return true;
return false;
public static void defaultParsingErrorHandler(String message, Exception exception) {
throw new DebeziumException(message, exception);