org.apache.flink.graph.GraphCsvReader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.flink.graph;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.MapFunction;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.DataSet;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.io.CsvReader;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple2;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple3;
import org.apache.flink.core.fs.Path;
import org.apache.flink.types.NullValue;
import org.apache.flink.api.java.ExecutionEnvironment;
import org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions;
* A class to build a Graph using path(s) provided to CSV file(s) with optional vertex and edge data.
* The class also configures the CSV readers used to read edge and vertex data such as the field types,
* the delimiters (row and field), the fields that should be included or skipped, and other flags,
* such as whether to skip the initial line as the header.
* The configuration is done using the functions provided in the {@link org.apache.flink.api.java.io.CsvReader} class.
public class GraphCsvReader {
private final Path vertexPath, edgePath;
private final ExecutionEnvironment executionContext;
protected CsvReader edgeReader;
protected CsvReader vertexReader;
protected MapFunction, ?> mapper;
protected Class> vertexKey;
protected Class> vertexValue;
protected Class> edgeValue;
public GraphCsvReader(Path vertexPath, Path edgePath, ExecutionEnvironment context) {
this.vertexPath = vertexPath;
this.edgePath = edgePath;
this.vertexReader = new CsvReader(vertexPath, context);
this.edgeReader = new CsvReader(edgePath, context);
this.mapper = null;
this.executionContext = context;
public GraphCsvReader(Path edgePath, ExecutionEnvironment context) {
this.vertexPath = null;
this.edgePath = edgePath;
this.edgeReader = new CsvReader(edgePath, context);
this.vertexReader = null;
this.mapper = null;
this.executionContext = context;
public GraphCsvReader(Path edgePath, final MapFunction mapper, ExecutionEnvironment context) {
this.vertexPath = null;
this.edgePath = edgePath;
this.edgeReader = new CsvReader(edgePath, context);
this.vertexReader = null;
this.mapper = mapper;
this.executionContext = context;
public GraphCsvReader (String edgePath, ExecutionEnvironment context) {
this(new Path(Preconditions.checkNotNull(edgePath, "The file path may not be null.")), context);
public GraphCsvReader(String vertexPath, String edgePath, ExecutionEnvironment context) {
this(new Path(Preconditions.checkNotNull(vertexPath, "The file path may not be null.")),
new Path(Preconditions.checkNotNull(edgePath, "The file path may not be null.")), context);
public GraphCsvReader(String edgePath, final MapFunction mapper, ExecutionEnvironment context) {
this(new Path(Preconditions.checkNotNull(edgePath, "The file path may not be null.")), mapper, context);
* Creates a Graph from CSV input with vertex values and edge values.
* The vertex values are specified through a vertices input file or a user-defined map function.
* @param vertexKey the type of the vertex IDs
* @param vertexValue the type of the vertex values
* @param edgeValue the type of the edge values
* @return a Graph with vertex and edge values.
public Graph types(Class vertexKey, Class vertexValue,
Class edgeValue) {
DataSet> vertices = null;
if (edgeReader == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("The edges input file cannot be null!");
DataSet> edges = edgeReader.types(vertexKey, vertexKey, edgeValue);
// the vertex value can be provided by an input file or a user-defined mapper
if (vertexReader != null) {
vertices = vertexReader.types(vertexKey, vertexValue);
return Graph.fromTupleDataSet(vertices, edges, executionContext);
else if (mapper != null) {
return Graph.fromTupleDataSet(edges, (MapFunction) mapper, executionContext);
else {
throw new RuntimeException("Vertex values have to be specified through a vertices input file"
+ "or a user-defined map function.");
* Creates a Graph from CSV input with edge values, but without vertex values.
* @param vertexKey the type of the vertex IDs
* @param edgeValue the type of the edge values
* @return a Graph where the edges are read from an edges CSV file (with values).
public Graph edgeTypes(Class vertexKey, Class edgeValue) {
if (edgeReader == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("The edges input file cannot be null!");
DataSet> edges = edgeReader.types(vertexKey, vertexKey, edgeValue);
return Graph.fromTupleDataSet(edges, executionContext);
* Creates a Graph from CSV input without vertex values or edge values.
* @param vertexKey the type of the vertex IDs
* @return a Graph where the vertex IDs are read from the edges input file.
public Graph keyType(Class vertexKey) {
if (edgeReader == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("The edges input file cannot be null!");
DataSet> edges = edgeReader.types(vertexKey, vertexKey)
.map(new MapFunction, Tuple3>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -2981792951286476970L;
public Tuple3 map(Tuple2 edge) {
return new Tuple3(edge.f0, edge.f1, NullValue.getInstance());
return Graph.fromTupleDataSet(edges, executionContext);
* Creates a Graph from CSV input without edge values.
* The vertex values are specified through a vertices input file or a user-defined map function.
* If no vertices input file is provided, the vertex IDs are automatically created from the edges
* input file.
* @param vertexKey the type of the vertex IDs
* @param vertexValue the type of the vertex values
* @return a Graph where the vertex IDs and vertex values.
@SuppressWarnings({ "serial", "unchecked" })
public Graph vertexTypes(Class vertexKey, Class vertexValue) {
DataSet> vertices = null;
if (edgeReader == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("The edges input file cannot be null!");
DataSet> edges = edgeReader.types(vertexKey, vertexKey)
.map(new MapFunction, Tuple3>() {
public Tuple3 map(Tuple2 input) {
return new Tuple3(input.f0, input.f1, NullValue.getInstance());
// the vertex value can be provided by an input file or a user-defined mapper
if (vertexReader != null) {
vertices = vertexReader.types(vertexKey, vertexValue);
return Graph.fromTupleDataSet(vertices, edges, executionContext);
else if (mapper != null) {
return Graph.fromTupleDataSet(edges, (MapFunction) mapper, executionContext);
else {
throw new RuntimeException("Vertex values have to be specified through a vertices input file"
+ "or a user-defined map function.");
*Configures the Delimiter that separates rows for the CSV reader used to read the edges
* ({@code '\n'}) is used by default.
*@param delimiter The delimiter that separates the rows.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader lineDelimiterEdges(String delimiter) {
return this;
*Configures the Delimiter that separates rows for the CSV reader used to read the vertices
* ({@code '\n'}) is used by default.
*@param delimiter The delimiter that separates the rows.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader lineDelimiterVertices(String delimiter) {
if(this.vertexReader != null) {
return this;
*Configures the Delimiter that separates fields in a row for the CSV reader used to read the vertices
* ({@code ','}) is used by default.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates the fields in a row.
* @return The GraphCsv reader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader fieldDelimiterVertices(String delimiter) {
if(this.vertexReader != null) {
return this;
*Configures the Delimiter that separates fields in a row for the CSV reader used to read the edges
* ({@code ','}) is used by default.
* @param delimiter The delimiter that separates the fields in a row.
* @return The GraphCsv reader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader fieldDelimiterEdges(String delimiter) {
return this;
* Enables quoted String parsing for Edge Csv Reader. Field delimiters in quoted Strings are ignored.
* A String is parsed as quoted if it starts and ends with a quoting character and as unquoted otherwise.
* Leading or tailing whitespaces are not allowed.
* @param quoteCharacter The character which is used as quoting character.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader parseQuotedStringsEdges(char quoteCharacter) {
return this;
* Enables quoted String parsing for Vertex Csv Reader. Field delimiters in quoted Strings are ignored.
* A String is parsed as quoted if it starts and ends with a quoting character and as unquoted otherwise.
* Leading or tailing whitespaces are not allowed.
* @param quoteCharacter The character which is used as quoting character.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader parseQuotedStringsVertices(char quoteCharacter) {
if(this.vertexReader != null) {
return this;
* Configures the string that starts comments for the Vertex Csv Reader.
* By default comments will be treated as invalid lines.
* This function only recognizes comments which start at the beginning of the line!
* @param commentPrefix The string that starts the comments.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader ignoreCommentsVertices(String commentPrefix) {
if(this.vertexReader != null) {
return this;
* Configures the string that starts comments for the Edge Csv Reader.
* By default comments will be treated as invalid lines.
* This function only recognizes comments which start at the beginning of the line!
* @param commentPrefix The string that starts the comments.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader ignoreCommentsEdges(String commentPrefix) {
return this;
* Configures which fields of the CSV file containing vertices data should be included and which should be skipped. The
* parser will look at the first {@code n} fields, where {@code n} is the length of the boolean
* array. The parser will skip over all fields where the boolean value at the corresponding position
* in the array is {@code false}. The result contains the fields where the corresponding position in
* the boolean array is {@code true}.
* The number of fields in the result is consequently equal to the number of times that {@code true}
* occurs in the fields array.
* @param vertexFields The array of flags that describes which fields are to be included from the CSV file for vertices.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader includeFieldsVertices(boolean ... vertexFields) {
if(this.vertexReader != null) {
return this;
* Configures which fields of the CSV file containing edges data should be included and which should be skipped. The
* parser will look at the first {@code n} fields, where {@code n} is the length of the boolean
* array. The parser will skip over all fields where the boolean value at the corresponding position
* in the array is {@code false}. The result contains the fields where the corresponding position in
* the boolean array is {@code true}.
* The number of fields in the result is consequently equal to the number of times that {@code true}
* occurs in the fields array.
* @param edgeFields The array of flags that describes which fields are to be included from the CSV file for edges.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader includeFieldsEdges(boolean ... edgeFields) {
return this;
* Configures which fields of the CSV file containing vertices data should be included and which should be skipped. The
* positions in the string (read from position 0 to its length) define whether the field at
* the corresponding position in the CSV schema should be included.
* parser will look at the first {@code n} fields, where {@code n} is the length of the mask string
* The parser will skip over all fields where the character at the corresponding position
* in the string is {@code '0'}, {@code 'F'}, or {@code 'f'} (representing the value
* {@code false}). The result contains the fields where the corresponding position in
* the boolean array is {@code '1'}, {@code 'T'}, or {@code 't'} (representing the value {@code true}).
* @param mask The string mask defining which fields to include and which to skip.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader includeFieldsVertices(String mask) {
if(this.vertexReader != null) {
return this;
* Configures which fields of the CSV file containing edges data should be included and which should be skipped. The
* positions in the string (read from position 0 to its length) define whether the field at
* the corresponding position in the CSV schema should be included.
* parser will look at the first {@code n} fields, where {@code n} is the length of the mask string
* The parser will skip over all fields where the character at the corresponding position
* in the string is {@code '0'}, {@code 'F'}, or {@code 'f'} (representing the value
* {@code false}). The result contains the fields where the corresponding position in
* the boolean array is {@code '1'}, {@code 'T'}, or {@code 't'} (representing the value {@code true}).
* @param mask The string mask defining which fields to include and which to skip.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader includeFieldsEdges(String mask) {
return this;
* Configures which fields of the CSV file containing vertices data should be included and which should be skipped. The
* bits in the value (read from least significant to most significant) define whether the field at
* the corresponding position in the CSV schema should be included.
* parser will look at the first {@code n} fields, where {@code n} is the position of the most significant
* non-zero bit.
* The parser will skip over all fields where the character at the corresponding bit is zero, and
* include the fields where the corresponding bit is one.
* Examples:
* - A mask of {@code 0x7} would include the first three fields.
* - A mask of {@code 0x26} (binary {@code 100110} would skip the first fields, include fields
* two and three, skip fields four and five, and include field six.
* @param mask The bit mask defining which fields to include and which to skip.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader includeFieldsVertices(long mask) {
if(this.vertexReader != null) {
return this;
* Configures which fields of the CSV file containing edges data should be included and which should be skipped. The
* bits in the value (read from least significant to most significant) define whether the field at
* the corresponding position in the CSV schema should be included.
* parser will look at the first {@code n} fields, where {@code n} is the position of the most significant
* non-zero bit.
* The parser will skip over all fields where the character at the corresponding bit is zero, and
* include the fields where the corresponding bit is one.
* Examples:
* - A mask of {@code 0x7} would include the first three fields.
* - A mask of {@code 0x26} (binary {@code 100110} would skip the first fields, include fields
* two and three, skip fields four and five, and include field six.
* @param mask The bit mask defining which fields to include and which to skip.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader includeFieldsEdges(long mask) {
return this;
* Sets the CSV reader for the Edges file to ignore the first line. This is useful for files that contain a header line.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader ignoreFirstLineEdges() {
return this;
* Sets the CSV reader for the Vertices file to ignore the first line. This is useful for files that contain a header line.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader ignoreFirstLineVertices() {
if(this.vertexReader != null) {
return this;
* Sets the CSV reader for the Edges file to ignore any invalid lines.
* This is useful for files that contain an empty line at the end, multiple header lines or comments. This would throw an exception otherwise.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader ignoreInvalidLinesEdges() {
return this;
* Sets the CSV reader Vertices file to ignore any invalid lines.
* This is useful for files that contain an empty line at the end, multiple header lines or comments. This would throw an exception otherwise.
* @return The GraphCSVReader instance itself, to allow for fluent function chaining.
public GraphCsvReader ignoreInvalidLinesVertices() {
if(this.vertexReader != null) {
return this;
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