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org.apache.flink.runtime.source.coordinator.SourceCoordinatorContext Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.apache.flink.runtime.source.coordinator;

import org.apache.flink.annotation.Internal;
import org.apache.flink.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.apache.flink.api.connector.source.ReaderInfo;
import org.apache.flink.api.connector.source.SourceEvent;
import org.apache.flink.api.connector.source.SourceSplit;
import org.apache.flink.api.connector.source.SplitEnumerator;
import org.apache.flink.api.connector.source.SplitEnumeratorContext;
import org.apache.flink.api.connector.source.SplitsAssignment;
import org.apache.flink.api.connector.source.SupportsIntermediateNoMoreSplits;
import org.apache.flink.metrics.groups.SplitEnumeratorMetricGroup;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.coordination.OperatorCoordinator;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.coordination.OperatorEvent;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.source.event.AddSplitEvent;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.source.event.NoMoreSplitsEvent;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.source.event.SourceEventWrapper;
import org.apache.flink.util.ExceptionUtils;
import org.apache.flink.util.FlinkRuntimeException;
import org.apache.flink.util.ThrowableCatchingRunnable;
import org.apache.flink.util.concurrent.ExecutorThreadFactory;


import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;

import static org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.coordination.ComponentClosingUtils.shutdownExecutorForcefully;
import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkState;

 * A context class for the {@link OperatorCoordinator}. Compared with {@link SplitEnumeratorContext}
 * this class allows interaction with state and sending {@link OperatorEvent} to the SourceOperator
 * while {@link SplitEnumeratorContext} only allows sending {@link SourceEvent}.

The context serves a few purposes: * *

  • Information provider - The context provides necessary information to the enumerator for it * to know what is the status of the source readers and their split assignments. These * information allows the split enumerator to do the coordination. *
  • Action taker - The context also provides a few actions that the enumerator can take to * carry out the coordination. So far there are two actions: 1) assign splits to the source * readers. and 2) sens a custom {@link SourceEvent SourceEvents} to the source readers. *
  • Thread model enforcement - The context ensures that all the manipulations to the * coordinator state are handled by the same thread. *
* * @param the type of the splits. */ @Internal public class SourceCoordinatorContext implements SplitEnumeratorContext, SupportsIntermediateNoMoreSplits, AutoCloseable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SourceCoordinatorContext.class); private final ScheduledExecutorService workerExecutor; private final ScheduledExecutorService coordinatorExecutor; private final ExecutorNotifier notifier; private final OperatorCoordinator.Context operatorCoordinatorContext; private final SimpleVersionedSerializer splitSerializer; private final ConcurrentMap> registeredReaders; private final SplitAssignmentTracker assignmentTracker; private final SourceCoordinatorProvider.CoordinatorExecutorThreadFactory coordinatorThreadFactory; private final SubtaskGateways subtaskGateways; private final String coordinatorThreadName; private final boolean supportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts; private final boolean[] subtaskHasNoMoreSplits; private volatile boolean closed; public SourceCoordinatorContext( SourceCoordinatorProvider.CoordinatorExecutorThreadFactory coordinatorThreadFactory, int numWorkerThreads, OperatorCoordinator.Context operatorCoordinatorContext, SimpleVersionedSerializer splitSerializer, boolean supportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts) { this( Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, coordinatorThreadFactory), Executors.newScheduledThreadPool( numWorkerThreads, new ExecutorThreadFactory( coordinatorThreadFactory.getCoordinatorThreadName() + "-worker")), coordinatorThreadFactory, operatorCoordinatorContext, splitSerializer, new SplitAssignmentTracker<>(), supportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts); } // Package private method for unit test. @VisibleForTesting SourceCoordinatorContext( ScheduledExecutorService coordinatorExecutor, ScheduledExecutorService workerExecutor, SourceCoordinatorProvider.CoordinatorExecutorThreadFactory coordinatorThreadFactory, OperatorCoordinator.Context operatorCoordinatorContext, SimpleVersionedSerializer splitSerializer, SplitAssignmentTracker splitAssignmentTracker, boolean supportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts) { this.workerExecutor = workerExecutor; this.coordinatorExecutor = coordinatorExecutor; this.coordinatorThreadFactory = coordinatorThreadFactory; this.operatorCoordinatorContext = operatorCoordinatorContext; this.splitSerializer = splitSerializer; this.registeredReaders = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.assignmentTracker = splitAssignmentTracker; this.coordinatorThreadName = coordinatorThreadFactory.getCoordinatorThreadName(); this.supportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts = supportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts; final int parallelism = operatorCoordinatorContext.currentParallelism(); this.subtaskGateways = new SubtaskGateways(parallelism); this.subtaskHasNoMoreSplits = new boolean[parallelism]; Arrays.fill(subtaskHasNoMoreSplits, false); final Executor errorHandlingCoordinatorExecutor = (runnable) -> coordinatorExecutor.execute( new ThrowableCatchingRunnable( this::handleUncaughtExceptionFromAsyncCall, runnable)); this.notifier = new ExecutorNotifier(workerExecutor, errorHandlingCoordinatorExecutor); } boolean isConcurrentExecutionAttemptsSupported() { return supportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts; } @Override public SplitEnumeratorMetricGroup metricGroup() { return null; } @Override public void sendEventToSourceReader(int subtaskId, SourceEvent event) { checkState( !supportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts, "The split enumerator must invoke SplitEnumeratorContext" + "#sendEventToSourceReader(int, int, SourceEvent) instead of " + "SplitEnumeratorContext#sendEventToSourceReader(int, SourceEvent) " + "to send custom source events in concurrent execution attempts scenario " + "(e.g. if speculative execution is enabled)."); checkSubtaskIndex(subtaskId); callInCoordinatorThread( () -> { final OperatorCoordinator.SubtaskGateway gateway = subtaskGateways.getOnlyGatewayAndCheckReady(subtaskId); gateway.sendEvent(new SourceEventWrapper(event)); return null; }, String.format("Failed to send event %s to subtask %d", event, subtaskId)); } @Override public void sendEventToSourceReader(int subtaskId, int attemptNumber, SourceEvent event) { checkSubtaskIndex(subtaskId); callInCoordinatorThread( () -> { final OperatorCoordinator.SubtaskGateway gateway = subtaskGateways.getGatewayAndCheckReady(subtaskId, attemptNumber); gateway.sendEvent(new SourceEventWrapper(event)); return null; }, String.format( "Failed to send event %s to subtask %d (#%d)", event, subtaskId, attemptNumber)); } void sendEventToSourceOperator(int subtaskId, OperatorEvent event) { checkSubtaskIndex(subtaskId); callInCoordinatorThread( () -> { final OperatorCoordinator.SubtaskGateway gateway = subtaskGateways.getOnlyGatewayAndCheckReady(subtaskId); gateway.sendEvent(event); return null; }, String.format("Failed to send event %s to subtask %d", event, subtaskId)); } void sendEventToSourceOperatorIfTaskReady(int subtaskId, OperatorEvent event) { checkSubtaskIndex(subtaskId); callInCoordinatorThread( () -> { final OperatorCoordinator.SubtaskGateway gateway = subtaskGateways.getOnlyGatewayAndNotCheckReady(subtaskId); if (gateway != null) { gateway.sendEvent(event); } return null; }, String.format("Failed to send event %s to subtask %d", event, subtaskId)); } @Override public int currentParallelism() { return operatorCoordinatorContext.currentParallelism(); } @Override public Map registeredReaders() { final Map readers = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry> entry : registeredReaders.entrySet()) { final int subtaskIndex = entry.getKey(); final Map attemptReaders = entry.getValue(); int earliestAttempt = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int attemptNumber : attemptReaders.keySet()) { if (attemptNumber < earliestAttempt) { earliestAttempt = attemptNumber; } } readers.put(subtaskIndex, attemptReaders.get(earliestAttempt)); } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(readers); } @Override public Map> registeredReadersOfAttempts() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(registeredReaders); } @Override public void assignSplits(SplitsAssignment assignment) { // Ensure the split assignment is done by the coordinator executor. callInCoordinatorThread( () -> { // Ensure all the subtasks in the assignment have registered. assignment .assignment() .forEach( (id, splits) -> { if (!registeredReaders.containsKey(id)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Cannot assign splits %s to subtask %d because the subtask is not registered.", splits, id)); } }); assignmentTracker.recordSplitAssignment(assignment); assignSplitsToAttempts(assignment); return null; }, String.format("Failed to assign splits %s due to ", assignment)); } @Override public void signalNoMoreSplits(int subtask) { checkSubtaskIndex(subtask); // Ensure the split assignment is done by the coordinator executor. callInCoordinatorThread( () -> { subtaskHasNoMoreSplits[subtask] = true; signalNoMoreSplitsToAttempts(subtask); return null; // void return value }, "Failed to send 'NoMoreSplits' to reader " + subtask); } @Override public void signalIntermediateNoMoreSplits(int subtask) { checkSubtaskIndex(subtask); // It's an intermediate noMoreSplit event, notify subtask to deal with this event. callInCoordinatorThread( () -> { signalNoMoreSplitsToAttempts(subtask); return null; }, "Failed to send 'IntermediateNoMoreSplits' to reader " + subtask); } @Override public void callAsync( Callable callable, BiConsumer handler, long initialDelay, long period) { notifier.notifyReadyAsync(callable, handler, initialDelay, period); } @Override public void callAsync(Callable callable, BiConsumer handler) { notifier.notifyReadyAsync(callable, handler); } /** {@inheritDoc} If the runnable throws an Exception, the corresponding job is failed. */ @Override public void runInCoordinatorThread(Runnable runnable) { // when using a ScheduledThreadPool, uncaught exception handler catches only // exceptions thrown by the threadPool, so manually call it when the exception is // thrown by the runnable coordinatorExecutor.execute( new ThrowableCatchingRunnable( throwable -> coordinatorThreadFactory.uncaughtException( Thread.currentThread(), throwable), runnable)); } @Override public void close() throws InterruptedException { closed = true; // Close quietly so the closing sequence will be executed completely. shutdownExecutorForcefully(workerExecutor, Duration.ofNanos(Long.MAX_VALUE)); shutdownExecutorForcefully(coordinatorExecutor, Duration.ofNanos(Long.MAX_VALUE)); } @VisibleForTesting boolean isClosed() { return closed; } // --------- Package private additional methods for the SourceCoordinator ------------ void attemptReady(OperatorCoordinator.SubtaskGateway gateway) { checkState(coordinatorThreadFactory.isCurrentThreadCoordinatorThread()); subtaskGateways.registerSubtaskGateway(gateway); } void attemptFailed(int subtaskIndex, int attemptNumber) { checkState(coordinatorThreadFactory.isCurrentThreadCoordinatorThread()); subtaskGateways.unregisterSubtaskGateway(subtaskIndex, attemptNumber); } void subtaskReset(int subtaskIndex) { checkState(coordinatorThreadFactory.isCurrentThreadCoordinatorThread()); subtaskGateways.reset(subtaskIndex); registeredReaders.remove(subtaskIndex); subtaskHasNoMoreSplits[subtaskIndex] = false; } boolean hasNoMoreSplits(int subtaskIndex) { return subtaskHasNoMoreSplits[subtaskIndex]; } /** * Fail the job with the given cause. * * @param cause the cause of the job failure. */ void failJob(Throwable cause) { operatorCoordinatorContext.failJob(cause); } void handleUncaughtExceptionFromAsyncCall(Throwable t) { if (closed) { return; } ExceptionUtils.rethrowIfFatalErrorOrOOM(t); LOG.error( "Exception while handling result from async call in {}. Triggering job failover.", coordinatorThreadName, t); failJob(t); } /** * Behavior of SourceCoordinatorContext on checkpoint. * * @param checkpointId The id of the ongoing checkpoint. */ void onCheckpoint(long checkpointId) throws Exception { assignmentTracker.onCheckpoint(checkpointId); } /** * Register a source reader. * * @param subtaskId the subtask id of the source reader. * @param attemptNumber the attempt number of the source reader. * @param location the location of the source reader. */ void registerSourceReader(int subtaskId, int attemptNumber, String location) { final Map attemptReaders = registeredReaders.computeIfAbsent(subtaskId, k -> new ConcurrentHashMap<>()); checkState( !attemptReaders.containsKey(attemptNumber), "ReaderInfo of subtask %s (#%s) already exists.", subtaskId, attemptNumber); attemptReaders.put(attemptNumber, new ReaderInfo(subtaskId, location)); sendCachedSplitsToNewlyRegisteredReader(subtaskId, attemptNumber); } /** * Unregister a source reader. * * @param subtaskId the subtask id of the source reader. * @param attemptNumber the attempt number of the source reader. */ void unregisterSourceReader(int subtaskId, int attemptNumber) { final Map attemptReaders = registeredReaders.get(subtaskId); if (attemptReaders != null) { attemptReaders.remove(attemptNumber); if (attemptReaders.isEmpty()) { registeredReaders.remove(subtaskId); } } } /** * Get the split to put back. This only happens when a source reader subtask has failed. * * @param subtaskId the failed subtask id. * @param restoredCheckpointId the checkpoint that the task is recovered to. * @return A list of splits that needs to be added back to the {@link SplitEnumerator}. */ List getAndRemoveUncheckpointedAssignment(int subtaskId, long restoredCheckpointId) { return assignmentTracker.getAndRemoveUncheckpointedAssignment( subtaskId, restoredCheckpointId); } /** * Invoked when a successful checkpoint has been taken. * * @param checkpointId the id of the successful checkpoint. */ void onCheckpointComplete(long checkpointId) { assignmentTracker.onCheckpointComplete(checkpointId); } OperatorCoordinator.Context getCoordinatorContext() { return operatorCoordinatorContext; } // ---------------- Executor methods to avoid use coordinatorExecutor directly ----------------- Future submitTask(Runnable task) { return coordinatorExecutor.submit(task); } /** To avoid period task lost, we should handle the potential exception throw by task. */ ScheduledFuture schedulePeriodTask( Runnable command, long initDelay, long period, TimeUnit unit) { return coordinatorExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate( () -> { try {; } catch (Throwable t) { handleUncaughtExceptionFromAsyncCall(t); } }, initDelay, period, unit); } // ---------------- private helper methods ----------------- private void checkSubtaskIndex(int subtaskIndex) { if (subtaskIndex < 0 || subtaskIndex >= getCoordinatorContext().currentParallelism()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format( "Subtask index %d is out of bounds [0, %s)", subtaskIndex, getCoordinatorContext().currentParallelism())); } } /** * A helper method that delegates the callable to the coordinator thread if the current thread * is not the coordinator thread, otherwise call the callable right away. * * @param callable the callable to delegate. */ private V callInCoordinatorThread(Callable callable, String errorMessage) { // Ensure the split assignment is done by the coordinator executor. if (!coordinatorThreadFactory.isCurrentThreadCoordinatorThread()) { try { final Callable guardedCallable = () -> { try { return; } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Uncaught Exception in Source Coordinator Executor", t); ExceptionUtils.rethrowException(t); return null; } }; return coordinatorExecutor.submit(guardedCallable).get(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { throw new FlinkRuntimeException(errorMessage, e); } } try { return; } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Uncaught Exception in Source Coordinator Executor", t); throw new FlinkRuntimeException(errorMessage, t); } } private void assignSplitsToAttempts(SplitsAssignment assignment) { assignment.assignment().forEach((index, splits) -> assignSplitsToAttempts(index, splits)); } private void assignSplitsToAttempts(int subtaskIndex, List splits) { getRegisteredAttempts(subtaskIndex) .forEach(attempt -> assignSplitsToAttempt(subtaskIndex, attempt, splits)); } private void assignSplitsToAttempt(int subtaskIndex, int attemptNumber, List splits) { if (splits.isEmpty()) { return; } checkAttemptReaderReady(subtaskIndex, attemptNumber); final AddSplitEvent addSplitEvent; try { addSplitEvent = new AddSplitEvent<>(splits, splitSerializer); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FlinkRuntimeException("Failed to serialize splits.", e); } final OperatorCoordinator.SubtaskGateway gateway = subtaskGateways.getGatewayAndCheckReady(subtaskIndex, attemptNumber); gateway.sendEvent(addSplitEvent); } private void signalNoMoreSplitsToAttempts(int subtaskIndex) { getRegisteredAttempts(subtaskIndex) .forEach(attemptNumber -> signalNoMoreSplitsToAttempt(subtaskIndex, attemptNumber)); } private void signalNoMoreSplitsToAttempt(int subtaskIndex, int attemptNumber) { checkAttemptReaderReady(subtaskIndex, attemptNumber); final OperatorCoordinator.SubtaskGateway gateway = subtaskGateways.getGatewayAndCheckReady(subtaskIndex, attemptNumber); gateway.sendEvent(new NoMoreSplitsEvent()); } private void checkAttemptReaderReady(int subtaskIndex, int attemptNumber) { checkState(registeredReaders.containsKey(subtaskIndex)); checkState(getRegisteredAttempts(subtaskIndex).contains(attemptNumber)); } private Set getRegisteredAttempts(int subtaskIndex) { return registeredReaders.get(subtaskIndex).keySet(); } private void sendCachedSplitsToNewlyRegisteredReader(int subtaskIndex, int attemptNumber) { // For batch jobs, checkpoints will never happen so that the un-checkpointed assignments in // assignmentTracker can be seen as cached splits. For streaming jobs, // #supportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts should be false and un-checkpointed assignments // should be empty when a new reader is registered (cleared when the last reader failed). final LinkedHashSet cachedSplits = assignmentTracker.uncheckpointedAssignments().get(subtaskIndex); if (cachedSplits != null) { if (supportsConcurrentExecutionAttempts) { assignSplitsToAttempt(subtaskIndex, attemptNumber, new ArrayList<>(cachedSplits)); if (hasNoMoreSplits(subtaskIndex)) { signalNoMoreSplitsToAttempt(subtaskIndex, attemptNumber); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("No cached split is expected."); } } } /** Maintains the subtask gateways for different execution attempts of different subtasks. */ private static class SubtaskGateways { private final Map[] gateways; private SubtaskGateways(int parallelism) { gateways = new Map[parallelism]; for (int i = 0; i < parallelism; i++) { gateways[i] = new HashMap<>(); } } private void registerSubtaskGateway(OperatorCoordinator.SubtaskGateway gateway) { final int subtaskIndex = gateway.getSubtask(); final int attemptNumber = gateway.getExecution().getAttemptNumber(); checkState( !gateways[subtaskIndex].containsKey(attemptNumber), "Already have a subtask gateway for %s (#%s).", subtaskIndex, attemptNumber); gateways[subtaskIndex].put(attemptNumber, gateway); } private void unregisterSubtaskGateway(int subtaskIndex, int attemptNumber) { gateways[subtaskIndex].remove(attemptNumber); } private OperatorCoordinator.SubtaskGateway getOnlyGatewayAndCheckReady(int subtaskIndex) { checkState( gateways[subtaskIndex].size() > 0, "Subtask %s is not ready yet to receive events.", subtaskIndex); return Iterables.getOnlyElement(gateways[subtaskIndex].values()); } private OperatorCoordinator.SubtaskGateway getOnlyGatewayAndNotCheckReady( int subtaskIndex) { if (gateways[subtaskIndex].size() > 0) { return Iterables.getOnlyElement(gateways[subtaskIndex].values()); } else { return null; } } private OperatorCoordinator.SubtaskGateway getGatewayAndCheckReady( int subtaskIndex, int attemptNumber) { final OperatorCoordinator.SubtaskGateway gateway = gateways[subtaskIndex].get(attemptNumber); if (gateway != null) { return gateway; } throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "Subtask %d (#%d) is not ready yet to receive events.", subtaskIndex, attemptNumber)); } private void reset(int subtaskIndex) { gateways[subtaskIndex].clear(); } } }

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