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org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.FlinkResourceManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework;

import akka.dispatch.OnComplete;
import akka.pattern.Patterns;
import akka.util.Timeout;

import org.apache.flink.configuration.ConfigConstants;
import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.akka.AkkaUtils;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.akka.FlinkUntypedActor;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.CheckAndAllocateContainers;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.FatalErrorOccurred;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.InfoMessage;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.RegisterInfoMessageListenerSuccessful;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.NotifyResourceStarted;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.RegisterResourceManagerSuccessful;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.NewLeaderAvailable;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.RegisterInfoMessageListener;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.RegisterResourceManager;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.RemoveResource;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.ResourceRemoved;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.SetWorkerPoolSize;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.StopCluster;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.TriggerRegistrationAtJobManager;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.messages.UnRegisterInfoMessageListener;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.types.ResourceID;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.clusterframework.types.ResourceIDRetrievable;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.leaderretrieval.LeaderRetrievalListener;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.leaderretrieval.LeaderRetrievalService;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.messages.Acknowledge;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.messages.JobManagerMessages.LeaderSessionMessage;

import org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions;

import scala.concurrent.Future;
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration;
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;


Worker allocation steps

* *
  1. The resource manager decides to request more workers. This can happen in order * to fill the initial pool, or as a result of the JobManager requesting more workers.
  2. * *
  3. The resource master calls {@link #requestNewWorkers(int)}, which triggers requests * for more containers. After that, the {@link #getNumWorkerRequestsPending()} * should reflect the pending requests.
  4. * *
  5. The concrete framework may acquire containers and then trigger to start TaskManagers * in those containers. That should be reflected in {@link #getNumWorkersPendingRegistration()}.
  6. * *
  7. At some point, the TaskManager processes will have started and send a registration * message to the JobManager. The JobManager will perform * a lookup with the ResourceManager to check if it really started this TaskManager. * The method {@link #workerStarted(ResourceID)} will be called * to inform about a registered worker.
  8. *
* */ public abstract class FlinkResourceManager extends FlinkUntypedActor { /** The exit code with which the process is stopped in case of a fatal error */ protected static final int EXIT_CODE_FATAL_ERROR = -13; /** The default name of the resource manager actor */ public static final String RESOURCE_MANAGER_NAME = "resourcemanager"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** The Flink configuration object */ protected final Configuration config; /** The timeout for actor messages sent to the JobManager / TaskManagers */ private final FiniteDuration messageTimeout; /** The service to find the right leader JobManager (to support high availability) */ private final LeaderRetrievalService leaderRetriever; /** Map which contains the workers from which we know that they have been successfully started * in a container. This notification is sent by the JM when a TM tries to register at it. */ private final Map startedWorkers; /** List of listeners for info messages */ private final Set infoMessageListeners; /** The JobManager that the framework master manages resources for */ private ActorRef jobManager; /** Our JobManager's leader session */ private UUID leaderSessionID; /** The size of the worker pool that the resource master strives to maintain */ private int designatedPoolSize; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Creates a AbstractFrameworkMaster actor. * * @param flinkConfig The Flink configuration object. */ protected FlinkResourceManager( int numInitialTaskManagers, Configuration flinkConfig, LeaderRetrievalService leaderRetriever) { this.config = requireNonNull(flinkConfig); this.leaderRetriever = requireNonNull(leaderRetriever); this.startedWorkers = new HashMap<>(); FiniteDuration lt; try { lt = AkkaUtils.getLookupTimeout(config); } catch (Exception e) { lt = new FiniteDuration( Duration.apply(ConfigConstants.DEFAULT_AKKA_LOOKUP_TIMEOUT).toMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } this.messageTimeout = lt; this.designatedPoolSize = numInitialTaskManagers; this.infoMessageListeners = new HashSet<>(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Actor Behavior // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ @Override public void preStart() { try { // we start our leader retrieval service to make sure we get informed // about JobManager leader changes leaderRetriever.start(new LeaderRetrievalListener() { @Override public void notifyLeaderAddress(String leaderAddress, UUID leaderSessionID) { self().tell( new NewLeaderAvailable(leaderAddress, leaderSessionID), ActorRef.noSender()); } @Override public void handleError(Exception e) { self().tell( new FatalErrorOccurred("Leader retrieval service failed", e), ActorRef.noSender()); } }); // framework specific initialization initialize(); } catch (Throwable t) { self().tell( new FatalErrorOccurred("Error during startup of ResourceManager actor", t), ActorRef.noSender()); } } @Override public void postStop() { try { leaderRetriever.stop(); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Could not cleanly shut down leader retrieval service", t); } } /** * * This method receives the actor messages after they have been filtered for * a match with the leader session. * * @param message The incoming actor message. */ @Override protected void handleMessage(Object message) { try { // --- messages about worker allocation and pool sizes if (message instanceof CheckAndAllocateContainers) { checkWorkersPool(); } else if (message instanceof SetWorkerPoolSize) { SetWorkerPoolSize msg = (SetWorkerPoolSize) message; adjustDesignatedNumberOfWorkers(msg.numberOfWorkers()); } else if (message instanceof RemoveResource) { RemoveResource msg = (RemoveResource) message; removeRegisteredResource(msg.resourceId()); } // --- lookup of registered resources else if (message instanceof NotifyResourceStarted) { NotifyResourceStarted msg = (NotifyResourceStarted) message; handleResourceStarted(sender(), msg.getResourceID()); } // --- messages about JobManager leader status and registration else if (message instanceof NewLeaderAvailable) { NewLeaderAvailable msg = (NewLeaderAvailable) message; newJobManagerLeaderAvailable(msg.leaderAddress(), msg.leaderSessionId()); } else if (message instanceof TriggerRegistrationAtJobManager) { TriggerRegistrationAtJobManager msg = (TriggerRegistrationAtJobManager) message; triggerConnectingToJobManager(msg.jobManagerAddress()); } else if (message instanceof RegisterResourceManagerSuccessful) { RegisterResourceManagerSuccessful msg = (RegisterResourceManagerSuccessful) message; jobManagerLeaderConnected(msg.jobManager(), msg.currentlyRegisteredTaskManagers()); } // --- end of application else if (message instanceof StopCluster) { StopCluster msg = (StopCluster) message; shutdownCluster(msg.finalStatus(), msg.message()); } // --- miscellaneous messages else if (message instanceof RegisterInfoMessageListener) { if (jobManager != null) { infoMessageListeners.add(sender()); sender().tell(decorateMessage( RegisterInfoMessageListenerSuccessful.get()), // answer as the JobManager jobManager); } } else if (message instanceof UnRegisterInfoMessageListener) { infoMessageListeners.remove(sender()); } else if (message instanceof FatalErrorOccurred) { FatalErrorOccurred fatalErrorOccurred = (FatalErrorOccurred) message; fatalError(fatalErrorOccurred.message(), fatalErrorOccurred.error()); } // --- unknown messages else { LOG.error("Discarding unknown message: {}", message); } } catch (Throwable t) { // fatal error, needs master recovery fatalError("Error processing actor message", t); } } @Override protected final UUID getLeaderSessionID() { return leaderSessionID; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Status // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Gets the current designated worker pool size, meaning the number of workers * that the resource master strives to maintain. The actual number of workers * may be lower (if worker requests are still pending) or higher (if workers have * not yet been released). * * @return The designated worker pool size. */ public int getDesignatedWorkerPoolSize() { return designatedPoolSize; } /** * Gets the number of currently started TaskManagers. * * @return The number of currently started TaskManagers. */ public int getNumberOfStartedTaskManagers() { return startedWorkers.size(); } /** * Gets the currently registered resources. * @return */ public Collection getStartedTaskManagers() { return startedWorkers.values(); } /** * Gets the started worker for a given resource ID, if one is available. * * @param resourceId The resource ID for the worker. * @return True if already registered, otherwise false */ public boolean isStarted(ResourceID resourceId) { return startedWorkers.containsKey(resourceId); } /** * Gets an iterable for all currently started TaskManagers. * * @return All currently started TaskManagers. */ public Collection allStartedWorkers() { return startedWorkers.values(); } /** * Tells the ResourceManager that a TaskManager had been started in a container with the given * resource id. * * @param jobManager The sender (JobManager) of the message * @param resourceID The resource id of the started TaskManager */ private void handleResourceStarted(ActorRef jobManager, ResourceID resourceID) { if (resourceID != null) { // check if resourceID is already registered (TaskManager may send duplicate register messages) WorkerType oldWorker = startedWorkers.get(resourceID); if (oldWorker != null) { LOG.debug("Notification that TaskManager {} had been started was sent before.", resourceID); } else { WorkerType newWorker = workerStarted(resourceID); if (newWorker != null) { startedWorkers.put(resourceID, newWorker);"TaskManager {} has started.", resourceID); } else {"TaskManager {} has not been started by this resource manager.", resourceID); } } } // Acknowledge the resource registration jobManager.tell(decorateMessage(Acknowledge.get()), self()); } /** * Releases the given resource. Note that this does not automatically shrink * the designated worker pool size. * * @param resourceId The TaskManager's resource id. */ private void removeRegisteredResource(ResourceID resourceId) { WorkerType worker = startedWorkers.remove(resourceId); if (worker != null) { releaseStartedWorker(worker); } else { LOG.warn("Resource {} could not be released", resourceId); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Registration and consolidation with JobManager Leader // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Called as soon as we discover (via leader election) that a JobManager lost leadership * or a different one gained leadership. * * @param leaderAddress The address (Akka URL) of the new leader. Null if there is currently no leader. * @param leaderSessionID The unique session ID marking the leadership session. */ private void newJobManagerLeaderAvailable(String leaderAddress, UUID leaderSessionID) { LOG.debug("Received new leading JobManager {}. Connecting.", leaderAddress); // disconnect from the current leader (no-op if no leader yet) jobManagerLostLeadership(); // a null leader address means that only a leader disconnect // happened, without a new leader yet if (leaderAddress != null) { // the leaderSessionID implicitly filters out success and failure messages // that come after leadership changed again this.leaderSessionID = leaderSessionID; triggerConnectingToJobManager(leaderAddress); } } /** * Causes the resource manager to announce itself at the new leader JobManager and * obtains its connection information and currently known TaskManagers. * * @param leaderAddress The akka actor URL of the new leader JobManager. */ protected void triggerConnectingToJobManager(String leaderAddress) {"Trying to associate with JobManager leader " + leaderAddress); final Object registerMessage = decorateMessage(new RegisterResourceManager(self())); final Object retryMessage = decorateMessage(new TriggerRegistrationAtJobManager(leaderAddress)); // send the registration message to the JobManager ActorSelection jobManagerSel = context().actorSelection(leaderAddress); Future future = Patterns.ask(jobManagerSel, registerMessage, new Timeout(messageTimeout)); future.onComplete(new OnComplete() { @Override public void onComplete(Throwable failure, Object msg) { // only process if we haven't been connected in the meantime if (jobManager == null) { if (msg != null) { if (msg instanceof LeaderSessionMessage && ((LeaderSessionMessage) msg).message() instanceof RegisterResourceManagerSuccessful) { self().tell(msg, ActorRef.noSender()); } else { LOG.error("Invalid response type to registration at JobManager: {}", msg); self().tell(retryMessage, ActorRef.noSender()); } } else { // no success LOG.error("Resource manager could not register at JobManager", failure); self().tell(retryMessage, ActorRef.noSender()); } } } }, context().dispatcher()); } /** * This method disassociates from the current leader JobManager. */ private void jobManagerLostLeadership() { if (jobManager != null) {"Associated JobManager {} lost leader status", jobManager); jobManager = null; leaderSessionID = null; infoMessageListeners.clear(); } } /** * Callback when we're informed about a new leading JobManager. * @param newJobManagerLeader The ActorRef of the new jobManager * @param workers The existing workers the JobManager has registered. */ private void jobManagerLeaderConnected( ActorRef newJobManagerLeader, Collection workers) { if (jobManager == null) {"Resource Manager associating with leading JobManager {} - leader session {}", newJobManagerLeader, leaderSessionID); jobManager = newJobManagerLeader; if (workers.size() > 0) {"Received TaskManagers that were registered at the leader JobManager. " + "Trying to consolidate."); // keep track of which TaskManagers are not handled Set toHandle = new HashSet<>(workers.size()); toHandle.addAll(workers); try { // ask the framework to tell us which ones we should keep for now Collection consolidated = reacceptRegisteredWorkers(workers);"Consolidated {} TaskManagers", consolidated.size()); // put the consolidated TaskManagers into our bookkeeping for (WorkerType worker : consolidated) { ResourceID resourceID = worker.getResourceID(); startedWorkers.put(resourceID, worker); toHandle.remove(resourceID); } } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error("Error during consolidation of known TaskManagers", t); // the framework should release the remaining unclear resources for (ResourceID id : toHandle) { releasePendingWorker(id); } } } // trigger initial check for requesting new workers checkWorkersPool(); } else { String msg = "Attempting to associate with new JobManager leader " + newJobManagerLeader + " without previously disassociating from current leader " + jobManager; fatalError(msg, new Exception(msg)); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ClusterClient Shutdown // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private void shutdownCluster(ApplicationStatus status, String diagnostics) {"Shutting down cluster with status {} : {}", status, diagnostics); shutdownApplication(status, diagnostics); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Worker pool size management // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * This method causes the resource framework master to synchronouslyre-examine * the set of available and pending workers containers, and allocate containers * if needed. * * This method does not automatically release workers, because it is not visible to * this resource master which workers can be released. Instead, the JobManager must * explicitly release individual workers. */ private void checkWorkersPool() { int numWorkersPending = getNumWorkerRequestsPending(); int numWorkersPendingRegistration = getNumWorkersPendingRegistration(); // sanity checks Preconditions.checkState(numWorkersPending >= 0, "Number of pending workers should never be below 0."); Preconditions.checkState(numWorkersPendingRegistration >= 0, "Number of pending workers pending registration should never be below 0."); // see how many workers we want, and whether we have enough int allAvailableAndPending = startedWorkers.size() + numWorkersPending + numWorkersPendingRegistration; int missing = designatedPoolSize - allAvailableAndPending; if (missing > 0) { requestNewWorkers(missing); } } /** * Sets the designated worker pool size. If this size is larger than the current pool * size, then the resource manager will try to acquire more TaskManagers. * * @param num The number of workers in the pool. */ private void adjustDesignatedNumberOfWorkers(int num) { if (num >= 0) {"Adjusting designated worker pool size to {}", num); designatedPoolSize = num; checkWorkersPool(); } else { LOG.warn("Ignoring invalid designated worker pool size: " + num); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Callbacks // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * This method causes the resource framework master to asynchronouslyre-examine * the set of available and pending workers containers, and release or allocate * containers if needed. The method sends an actor message which will trigger the * re-examination. */ public void triggerCheckWorkers() { self().tell( decorateMessage( CheckAndAllocateContainers.get()), ActorRef.noSender()); } /** * This method should be called by the framework once it detects that a currently registered * worker has failed. * * @param resourceID Id of the worker that has failed. * @param message An informational message that explains why the worker failed. */ public void notifyWorkerFailed(ResourceID resourceID, String message) { WorkerType worker = startedWorkers.remove(resourceID); if (worker != null) { jobManager.tell( decorateMessage( new ResourceRemoved(resourceID, message)), self()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Framework specific behavior // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Initializes the framework specific components. * * @throws Exception Exceptions during initialization cause the resource manager to fail. * If the framework is able to recover this resource manager, it will be * restarted. */ protected abstract void initialize() throws Exception; /** * The framework specific code for shutting down the application. This should report the * application's final status and shut down the resource manager cleanly. * * This method also needs to make sure all pending containers that are not registered * yet are returned. * * @param finalStatus The application status to report. * @param optionalDiagnostics An optional diagnostics message. */ protected abstract void shutdownApplication(ApplicationStatus finalStatus, String optionalDiagnostics); /** * Notifies the resource master of a fatal error. * *

IMPORTANT: This should not cleanly shut down this master, but exit it in * such a way that a high-availability setting would restart this or fail over * to another master. */ protected abstract void fatalError(String message, Throwable error); /** * Requests to allocate a certain number of new workers. * * @param numWorkers The number of workers to allocate. */ protected abstract void requestNewWorkers(int numWorkers); /** * Trigger a release of a pending worker. * @param resourceID The worker resource id */ protected abstract void releasePendingWorker(ResourceID resourceID); /** * Trigger a release of a started worker. * @param resourceID The worker resource id */ protected abstract void releaseStartedWorker(WorkerType resourceID); /** * Callback when a worker was started. * @param resourceID The worker resource id */ protected abstract WorkerType workerStarted(ResourceID resourceID); /** * This method is called when the resource manager starts after a failure and reconnects to * the leader JobManager, who still has some workers registered. The method is used to consolidate * the view between resource manager and JobManager. The resource manager gets the list of TaskManagers * that the JobManager considers available and should return a list or nodes that the * resource manager considers available. * * After that, the JobManager is informed of loss of all TaskManagers that are not part of the * returned list. * * It is possible that the resource manager initially confirms some TaskManagers to be alive, even * through they are in an uncertain status, if it later sends necessary failure notifications * via calling {@link #notifyWorkerFailed(ResourceID, String)}. * * @param registered The list of TaskManagers that the JobManager knows. * @return The subset of TaskManagers that the resource manager can confirm to be alive. */ protected abstract Collection reacceptRegisteredWorkers(Collection registered); /** * Gets the number of requested workers that have not yet been granted. * * @return The number pending worker requests. Must never be smaller than 0. */ protected abstract int getNumWorkerRequestsPending(); /** * Gets the number of containers that have been started, but where the TaskManager * has not yet registered at the job manager. * * @return The number of started containers pending TaskManager registration. * Must never be smaller than 0. */ protected abstract int getNumWorkersPendingRegistration(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Info messaging // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ protected void sendInfoMessage(String message) { for (ActorRef listener : infoMessageListeners) { listener.tell(decorateMessage(new InfoMessage(message)), self()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Startup // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Starts the resource manager actors. * @param configuration The configuration for the resource manager * @param actorSystem The actor system to start the resource manager in * @param leaderRetriever The leader retriever service to intialize the resource manager * @param resourceManagerClass The class of the ResourceManager to be started * @return ActorRef of the resource manager */ public static ActorRef startResourceManagerActors( Configuration configuration, ActorSystem actorSystem, LeaderRetrievalService leaderRetriever, Class> resourceManagerClass) { return startResourceManagerActors( configuration, actorSystem, leaderRetriever, resourceManagerClass, RESOURCE_MANAGER_NAME + "-" + UUID.randomUUID()); } /** * Starts the resource manager actors. * @param configuration The configuration for the resource manager * @param actorSystem The actor system to start the resource manager in * @param leaderRetriever The leader retriever service to intialize the resource manager * @param resourceManagerClass The class of the ResourceManager to be started * @param resourceManagerActorName The name of the resource manager actor. * @return ActorRef of the resource manager */ public static ActorRef startResourceManagerActors( Configuration configuration, ActorSystem actorSystem, LeaderRetrievalService leaderRetriever, Class> resourceManagerClass, String resourceManagerActorName) { Props resourceMasterProps = Props.create(resourceManagerClass, configuration, leaderRetriever); return actorSystem.actorOf(resourceMasterProps, resourceManagerActorName); } }