org.apache.flink.runtime.messages.JobManagerMessages.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.runtime.messages
import java.util.UUID
import org.apache.flink.api.common.JobID
import org.apache.flink.runtime.akka.ListeningBehaviour
import org.apache.flink.runtime.blob.BlobKey
import org.apache.flink.runtime.client.{JobStatusMessage, SerializedJobExecutionResult}
import org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.{AccessExecutionGraph, ExecutionAttemptID, ExecutionGraph}
import org.apache.flink.runtime.instance.{Instance, InstanceID}
import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.{IntermediateDataSetID, JobGraph, JobStatus, JobVertexID}
import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmanager.SubmittedJobGraph
import org.apache.flink.runtime.messages.checkpoint.AbstractCheckpointMessage
import org.apache.flink.runtime.util.SerializedThrowable
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* The job manager specific actor messages
object JobManagerMessages {
/** Wrapper class for leader session messages. Leader session messages implement the
* [[RequiresLeaderSessionID]] interface and have to be wrapped in a [[LeaderSessionMessage]],
* which also contains the current leader session ID.
* @param leaderSessionID Current leader session ID
* @param message [[RequiresLeaderSessionID]] message to be wrapped in a [[LeaderSessionMessage]]
case class LeaderSessionMessage(leaderSessionID: UUID, message: Any)
* Submits a job to the job manager. Depending on the [[listeningBehaviour]],
* the sender registers for different messages. If [[ListeningBehaviour.DETACHED]], then
* it will only be informed whether the submission was successful or not. If
* [[ListeningBehaviour.EXECUTION_RESULT]], then it will additionally receive the execution
* result. If [[ListeningBehaviour.EXECUTION_RESULT_AND_STATE_CHANGES]], then it will additionally
* receive the job status change notifications.
* The submission result will be sent back to the sender as a success message.
* @param jobGraph The job to be submitted to the JobManager
* @param listeningBehaviour Specifies to what the sender wants to listen (detached, execution
* result, execution result and state changes)
case class SubmitJob(
jobGraph: JobGraph,
listeningBehaviour: ListeningBehaviour)
extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
* Registers the sender of the message as the client for the provided job identifier.
* This message is acknowledged by the JobManager with [[RegisterJobClientSuccess]]
* or [[JobNotFound]] if the job was not running.
* @param jobID The job id of the job
* @param listeningBehaviour The types of updates which will be sent to the sender
* after registration
case class RegisterJobClient(
jobID: JobID,
listeningBehaviour: ListeningBehaviour)
extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
* Triggers the recovery of the job with the given ID.
* @param jobId ID of the job to recover
case class RecoverJob(jobId: JobID) extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
* Triggers the submission of the recovered job
* @param submittedJobGraph Contains the submitted JobGraph and the associated JobInfo
case class RecoverSubmittedJob(submittedJobGraph: SubmittedJobGraph)
extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
* Triggers recovery of all available jobs.
case object RecoverAllJobs extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
* Cancels a job with the given [[jobID]] at the JobManager. The result of the cancellation is
* sent back to the sender as a [[CancellationResponse]] message.
* @param jobID
case class CancelJob(jobID: JobID) extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
* Cancels the job with the given [[jobID]] at the JobManager. Before cancellation a savepoint
* is triggered without any other checkpoints in between. The result of the cancellation is
* the path of the triggered savepoint on success or an exception.
* @param jobID ID of the job to cancel
* @param savepointDirectory Optional target directory for the savepoint.
* If no target directory is specified here, the
* cluster default is used.
case class CancelJobWithSavepoint(
jobID: JobID,
savepointDirectory: String = null)
extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
* Stops a (streaming) job with the given [[jobID]] at the JobManager. The result of
* stopping is sent back to the sender as a [[StoppingResponse]] message.
* @param jobID
case class StopJob(jobID: JobID) extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
* Requesting next input split for the
* [[org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionJobVertex]]
* of the job specified by [[jobID]]. The next input split is sent back to the sender as a
* [[NextInputSplit]] message.
* @param jobID
* @param vertexID
case class RequestNextInputSplit(
jobID: JobID,
vertexID: JobVertexID,
executionAttempt: ExecutionAttemptID)
extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
* Contains the next input split for a task. This message is a response to
* [[org.apache.flink.runtime.messages.JobManagerMessages.RequestNextInputSplit]].
* @param splitData
case class NextInputSplit(splitData: Array[Byte])
* Requests the execution state of the execution producing a result partition.
* @param jobId ID of the job the partition belongs to.
* @param intermediateDataSetId ID of the parent intermediate data set.
* @param resultPartitionId ID of the result partition to check. This
* identifies the producing execution and
* partition.
case class RequestPartitionProducerState(
jobId: JobID,
intermediateDataSetId: IntermediateDataSetID,
resultPartitionId: ResultPartitionID)
extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
* Notifies the [[org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmanager.JobManager]] about available data for a
* produced partition.
* There is a call to this method for each
* [[org.apache.flink.runtime.executiongraph.ExecutionVertex]] instance once per produced
* [[]] instance,
* either when first producing data (for pipelined executions) or when all data has been produced
* (for staged executions).
* The [[org.apache.flink.runtime.jobmanager.JobManager]] then can decide when to schedule the
* partition consumers of the given session.
* @see [[]]
case class ScheduleOrUpdateConsumers(jobId: JobID, partitionId: ResultPartitionID)
extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
* Requests the current [[JobStatus]] of the job identified by [[jobID]]. This message triggers
* as response a [[JobStatusResponse]] message.
* @param jobID
case class RequestJobStatus(jobID: JobID)
sealed trait JobStatusResponse {
def jobID: JobID
* Denotes the current [[JobStatus]] of the job with [[jobID]].
* @param jobID
* @param status
case class CurrentJobStatus(jobID: JobID, status: JobStatus) extends JobStatusResponse
* Requests the number of currently registered task manager at the job manager. The result is
* sent back to the sender as an [[Int]].
case object RequestNumberRegisteredTaskManager
* Requests the maximum number of slots available to the job manager. The result is sent back
* to the sender as an [[Int]].
case object RequestTotalNumberOfSlots
* Requests all entities necessary for reconstructing a job class loader
* May respond with [[ClassloadingProps]] or [[JobNotFound]]
* @param jobId The job id of the registered job
case class RequestClassloadingProps(jobId: JobID)
* Response to [[RequestClassloadingProps]]
* @param blobManagerPort The port of the blobManager
* @param requiredJarFiles The blob keys of the required jar files
* @param requiredClasspaths The urls of the required classpaths
case class ClassloadingProps(blobManagerPort: Integer,
requiredJarFiles: java.util.Collection[BlobKey],
requiredClasspaths: java.util.Collection[URL])
* Requests the port of the blob manager from the job manager. The result is sent back to the
* sender as an [[Int]].
case object RequestBlobManagerPort
/** Requests the current leader session ID of the job manager. The result is sent back to the
* sender as an [[ResponseLeaderSessionID]]
case object RequestLeaderSessionID
/** Response to the [[RequestLeaderSessionID]] message.
* @param leaderSessionID
case class ResponseLeaderSessionID(leaderSessionID: UUID)
* Denotes a successful job submission.
* @param jobId Ths job's ID.
case class JobSubmitSuccess(jobId: JobID)
* Denotes a successful registration of a JobClientActor for a running job
* @param jobId The job id of the registered job
case class RegisterJobClientSuccess(jobId: JobID)
* Denotes messages which contain the result of a completed job execution
sealed trait JobResultMessage
* Denotes a successful job execution.
* @param result The result of the job execution, in serialized form.
case class JobResultSuccess(result: SerializedJobExecutionResult) extends JobResultMessage
* Denotes an unsuccessful job execution.
* @param cause The exception that caused the job to fail, in serialized form.
case class JobResultFailure(cause: SerializedThrowable) extends JobResultMessage
sealed trait CancellationResponse{
def jobID: JobID
* Denotes a successful job cancellation
* @param jobID
case class CancellationSuccess(
jobID: JobID,
savepointPath: String = null) extends CancellationResponse
* Denotes a failed job cancellation
* @param jobID
* @param cause
case class CancellationFailure(jobID: JobID, cause: Throwable) extends CancellationResponse
sealed trait StoppingResponse {
def jobID: JobID
* Denotes a successful (streaming) job stopping
* @param jobID
case class StoppingSuccess(jobID: JobID) extends StoppingResponse
* Denotes a failed (streaming) job stopping
* @param jobID
* @param cause
case class StoppingFailure(jobID: JobID, cause: Throwable) extends StoppingResponse
* Requests all currently running jobs from the job manager. This message triggers a
* [[RunningJobs]] response.
case object RequestRunningJobs
* This message is the response to the [[RequestRunningJobs]] message. It contains all
* execution graphs of the currently running jobs.
case class RunningJobs(runningJobs: Iterable[ExecutionGraph]) {
def this() = this(Seq())
def asJavaIterable: java.lang.Iterable[ExecutionGraph] = {
* Requests the status of all currently running jobs from the job manager.
* This message triggers a [[RunningJobsStatus]] response.
case object RequestRunningJobsStatus
case class RunningJobsStatus(runningJobs: Iterable[JobStatusMessage]) {
def this() = this(Seq())
def getStatusMessages(): java.util.List[JobStatusMessage] = {
new java.util.ArrayList[JobStatusMessage](runningJobs.asJavaCollection)
* Requests the execution graph of a specific job identified by [[jobID]].
* The result is sent back to the sender as a [[JobResponse]].
case class RequestJob(jobID: JobID)
sealed trait JobResponse{
def jobID: JobID
* Contains the [[executionGraph]] of a job with [[jobID]]. This is the response to
* [[RequestJob]] if the job runs or is archived.
* @param jobID
* @param executionGraph
case class JobFound(jobID: JobID, executionGraph: AccessExecutionGraph) extends JobResponse
* Denotes that there is no job with [[jobID]] retrievable. This message can be the response of
* [[RequestJob]], [[RequestJobStatus]] or [[RegisterJobClient]].
* @param jobID
case class JobNotFound(jobID: JobID) extends JobResponse with JobStatusResponse
/** Triggers the removal of the job with the given job ID
* @param jobID
* @param removeJobFromStateBackend true if the job has properly finished
case class RemoveJob(jobID: JobID, removeJobFromStateBackend: Boolean = true)
extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
* Removes the job belonging to the job identifier from the job manager and archives it.
* @param jobID The job identifier
case class RemoveCachedJob(jobID: JobID)
* Requests the instances of all registered task managers.
case object RequestRegisteredTaskManagers
* Contains the [[Instance]] objects of all registered task managers. It is the response to the
* message [[RequestRegisteredTaskManagers]].
* @param taskManagers
case class RegisteredTaskManagers(taskManagers: Iterable[Instance]){
def asJavaIterable: java.lang.Iterable[Instance] = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
def asJavaCollection: java.util.Collection[Instance] = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* Requests the [[Instance]] object of the task manager with the given instance ID
* @param instanceID Instance ID of the task manager
case class RequestTaskManagerInstance(instanceID: InstanceID)
* Returns the [[Instance]] object of the requested task manager. This is in response to
* [[RequestTaskManagerInstance]]
case class TaskManagerInstance(instance: Option[Instance])
* Requests stack trace messages of the task manager
* @param instanceID Instance ID of the task manager
case class RequestStackTrace(instanceID: InstanceID)
* Requests the current state of the job manager
case object RequestJobManagerStatus
* Response to RequestJobManagerStatus
sealed trait JobManagerStatus
case object JobManagerStatusAlive extends JobManagerStatus
/** Grants leadership to the receiver. The message contains the new leader session id.
* @param leaderSessionID
case class GrantLeadership(leaderSessionID: Option[UUID])
/** Revokes leadership of the receiver.
case object RevokeLeadership
/** Requests the ActorRef of the archiver */
case object RequestArchive
/** Response containing the ActorRef of the archiver */
case class ResponseArchive(actor: ActorRef)
/** Request for the [[org.apache.flink.runtime.webmonitor.WebMonitor]] port. */
case object RequestWebMonitorPort
* Response containing the [[org.apache.flink.runtime.webmonitor.WebMonitor]] port.
* -1 indicates that there is no web monitor running.
case class ResponseWebMonitorPort(port: Integer)
* Triggers a savepoint for the specified job.
* This is not a subtype of [[AbstractCheckpointMessage]], because it is a
* control-flow message, which is *not* part of the checkpointing mechanism
* of triggering and acknowledging checkpoints.
* @param jobId The JobID of the job to trigger the savepoint for.
* @param savepointDirectory Optional target directory
case class TriggerSavepoint(
jobId: JobID,
savepointDirectory : Option[String] = Option.empty) extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
* Response after a successful savepoint trigger containing the savepoint path.
* @param jobId The job ID for which the savepoint was triggered.
* @param savepointPath The path of the savepoint.
case class TriggerSavepointSuccess(
jobId: JobID,
checkpointId: Long,
savepointPath: String,
triggerTime: Long
* Response after a failed savepoint trigger containing the failure cause.
* @param jobId The job ID for which the savepoint was triggered.
* @param cause The cause of the failure.
case class TriggerSavepointFailure(jobId: JobID, cause: Throwable)
* Disposes a savepoint.
* @param savepointPath The path of the savepoint to dispose.
case class DisposeSavepoint(
savepointPath: String)
extends RequiresLeaderSessionID
/** Response after a successful savepoint dispose. */
case object DisposeSavepointSuccess
* Response after a failed savepoint dispose containing the failure cause.
* @param cause The cause of the failure.
case class DisposeSavepointFailure(cause: Throwable)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility methods to allow simpler case object access from Java
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def getRequestJobStatus(jobId : JobID) : AnyRef = {
def getRequestNumberRegisteredTaskManager : AnyRef = {
def getRequestTotalNumberOfSlots : AnyRef = {
def getRequestBlobManagerPort : AnyRef = {
def getRequestRunningJobs : AnyRef = {
def getRequestRunningJobsStatus : AnyRef = {
def getRequestRegisteredTaskManagers : AnyRef = {
def getRequestJobManagerStatus : AnyRef = {
def getJobManagerStatusAlive : AnyRef = {
def getRequestLeaderSessionID: AnyRef = {
def getRequestArchive: AnyRef = {
def getRecoverAllJobs: AnyRef = {
def getRequestWebMonitorPort: AnyRef = {
def getDisposeSavepointSuccess: AnyRef = {