org.apache.flink.api.scala.codegen.TreeGen.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.flink.api.scala.codegen
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
private[flink] trait TreeGen[C <: Context] { this: MacroContextHolder[C] with TypeDescriptors[C] =>
import c.universe._
def mkDefault(tpe: Type): Tree = {
tpe match {
case definitions.BooleanTpe => Literal(Constant(false))
case definitions.ByteTpe => Literal(Constant(0: Byte))
case definitions.CharTpe => Literal(Constant(0: Char))
case definitions.DoubleTpe => Literal(Constant(0: Double))
case definitions.FloatTpe => Literal(Constant(0: Float))
case definitions.IntTpe => Literal(Constant(0: Int))
case definitions.LongTpe => Literal(Constant(0: Long))
case definitions.ShortTpe => Literal(Constant(0: Short))
case definitions.UnitTpe => Literal(Constant(()))
case _ => Literal(Constant(null: Any))
def mkUnit = reify( () ).tree
def mkNull = reify( null ).tree
def mkZero = reify( 0 ).tree
def mkOne = reify( 1 ).tree
def mkAsInstanceOf[T: c.WeakTypeTag](source: Tree): Tree =
def maybeMkAsInstanceOf[S: c.WeakTypeTag, T: c.WeakTypeTag](source: Tree): Tree = {
if (weakTypeOf[S] <:< weakTypeOf[T]) {
} else {
// def mkIdent(target: Symbol): Tree = Ident(target) setType target.tpe
def mkSelect(rootModule: String, path: String*): Tree =
mkSelect(Ident(newTermName(rootModule)), path: _*)
def mkSelect(source: Tree, path: String*): Tree =
path.foldLeft(source) { (ret, item) => Select(ret, newTermName(item)) }
def mkSelectSyms(source: Tree, path: Symbol*): Tree =
path.foldLeft(source) { (ret, item) => Select(ret, item) }
def mkCall(root: Tree, path: String*)(args: List[Tree]) = Apply(mkSelect(root, path: _*), args)
def mkSeq(items: List[Tree]): Tree =
Apply(mkSelect("_root_", "scala", "collection", "Seq", "apply"), items)
def mkList(items: List[Tree]): Tree =
Apply(mkSelect("_root_", "scala", "collection", "immutable", "List", "apply"), items)
def mkMap(items: List[Tree]): Tree =
Apply(mkSelect("_root_", "scala", "collection", "immutable", "Map", "apply"), items)
def mkVal(name: String, flags: FlagSet, transient: Boolean, valTpe: Type, value: Tree): Tree = {
ValDef(Modifiers(flags), newTermName(name), TypeTree(valTpe), value)
def mkVar(name: String, flags: FlagSet, transient: Boolean, valTpe: Type, value: Tree): Tree = {
mkVal(name, flags | Flag.MUTABLE, transient, valTpe, value)
def mkValAndGetter(name: String, flags: FlagSet, valTpe: Type, value: Tree): List[Tree] = {
val fieldName = name + " "
val valDef = mkVal(fieldName, Flag.PRIVATE, false, valTpe, value)
val defDef = mkMethod(name, flags, Nil, valTpe, Ident(newTermName(fieldName)))
List(valDef, defDef)
def mkVarAndLazyGetter(
name: String,
flags: FlagSet,
valTpe: Type,
value: Tree): (Tree, Tree) = {
val fieldName = name + " "
val field = mkVar(fieldName, NoFlags, false, valTpe, mkNull)
val fieldSel = Ident(newTermName(fieldName))
val getter = mkMethod(name, flags, Nil, valTpe, {
val eqeq = Select(fieldSel, newTermName("$eq$eq"))
val chk = Apply(eqeq, List(mkNull))
val init = Assign(fieldSel, value)
Block(List(If(chk, init, EmptyTree)), fieldSel)
(field, getter)
def mkIf(cond: Tree, bodyT: Tree): Tree = mkIf(cond, bodyT, EmptyTree)
def mkIf(cond: Tree, bodyT: Tree, bodyF: Tree): Tree = cond match {
case EmptyTree => bodyT
case _ => If(cond, bodyT, bodyF)
def mkSingle(stats: Seq[Tree]): Tree = stats match {
case Seq() => EmptyTree
case Seq(stat) => stat
case _ => Block(stats.init.toList, stats.last)
def mkAnd(cond1: Tree, cond2: Tree): Tree = cond1 match {
case EmptyTree => cond2
case _ => cond2 match {
case EmptyTree => cond1
case _ => reify(c.Expr[Boolean](cond1).splice && c.Expr[Boolean](cond2).splice).tree
def mkMethod(
name: String,
flags: FlagSet,
args: List[(String, Type)],
ret: Type,
impl: Tree): Tree = {
val valParams = args map { case (`name`, tpe) =>
ValDef(Modifiers(Flag.PARAM), newTermName(name), TypeTree(tpe), EmptyTree)
DefDef(Modifiers(flags), newTermName(name), Nil, List(valParams), TypeTree(ret), impl)
def mkClass(
name: TypeName,
flags: FlagSet,
parents: List[Type],
members: List[Tree]): ClassDef = {
val parentTypeTrees = parents map { TypeTree(_) }
val selfType = ValDef(Modifiers(), nme.WILDCARD, TypeTree(NoType), EmptyTree)
ClassDef(Modifiers(flags), name, Nil, Template(parentTypeTrees, selfType, members))
def mkThrow(tpe: Type, msg: Tree): Tree =
Throw(Apply(Select(New(TypeTree(tpe)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List(msg)))
// def mkThrow(tpe: Type, msg: Tree): Tree = Throw(New(TypeTree(tpe)), List(List(msg))))
def mkThrow(tpe: Type, msg: String): Tree = mkThrow(tpe, c.literal(msg).tree)
def mkThrow(msg: String): Tree = mkThrow(typeOf[java.lang.RuntimeException], msg)
implicit def tree2Ops[T <: Tree](tree: T) = new {
// copy of Tree.copyAttrs, since that method is private
// def copyAttrs(from: Tree): T = {
// tree.pos = from.pos
// tree.tpe = from.tpe
// if (tree.hasSymbol) tree.symbol = from.symbol
// tree
// }
def getSimpleClassName: String = {
val name = tree.getClass.getName
val idx = math.max(name.lastIndexOf('$'), name.lastIndexOf('.')) + 1
def mkIteratorOf(tpe: Type) = {
def makeIt[T: c.WeakTypeTag] = weakTypeOf[Iterator[T]]
def mkSeqOf(tpe: Type) = {
def makeIt[T: c.WeakTypeTag] = weakTypeOf[Seq[T]]
def mkListOf(tpe: Type) = {
def makeIt[T: c.WeakTypeTag] = weakTypeOf[List[T]]
def mkBuilderOf(elemTpe: Type, listTpe: Type) = {
def makeIt[ElemTpe: c.WeakTypeTag, ListTpe: c.WeakTypeTag] =
weakTypeOf[scala.collection.mutable.Builder[ElemTpe, ListTpe]]
makeIt(c.WeakTypeTag(elemTpe), c.WeakTypeTag(listTpe))
def mkCanBuildFromOf(fromTpe: Type, elemTpe: Type, toTpe: Type) = {
def makeIt[From: c.WeakTypeTag, Elem: c.WeakTypeTag, To: c.WeakTypeTag] =
weakTypeOf[scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[From, Elem, To]]
makeIt(c.WeakTypeTag(fromTpe), c.WeakTypeTag(elemTpe), c.WeakTypeTag(toTpe))
def mkCtorCall(tpe: Type, args: List[Tree]) =
Apply(Select(New(TypeTree(tpe)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args)
def mkSuperCall(args: List[Tree] = List()) =
Apply(Select(Super(This(tpnme.EMPTY), tpnme.EMPTY), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args)
def mkWhile(cond: Tree)(body: Tree): Tree = {
val lblName = c.fresh[TermName]("while")
val jump = Apply(Ident(lblName), Nil)
val block = body match {
case Block(stats, expr) => Block(stats :+ expr, jump)
case _ => Block(List(body), jump)
LabelDef(lblName, Nil, If(cond, block, EmptyTree))
def typeCheck(classDef: ClassDef): (ClassDef, Type) = {
val block = Block(List(classDef), EmptyTree)
val checkedBlock = c.typeCheck(block)
// extract the class def from the block again
val checkedDef = checkedBlock match {
case Block((cls: ClassDef) :: Nil, _) => cls
val tpe = checkedDef.symbol.asClass.toType
(checkedDef, tpe)
def extractOneInputUdf(fun: Tree) = {
val (paramName, udfBody) = fun match {
case Function(List(param), body) => (param.name.toString, body)
case _ =>
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Could not extract user defined function, got: " + show(fun))
val uncheckedUdfBody = c.resetLocalAttrs(udfBody)
(paramName, uncheckedUdfBody)
def extractTwoInputUdf(fun: Tree) = {
val (param1Name, param2Name, udfBody) = fun match {
case Function(List(param1, param2), body) =>
(param1.name.toString, param2.name.toString, body)
case _ =>
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Could not extract user defined function, got: " + show(fun))
val uncheckedUdfBody = c.resetLocalAttrs(udfBody)
(param1Name, param2Name, uncheckedUdfBody)
def extractClass(block: Tree) = block match {
case Block((cls: ClassDef) :: Nil, _) => cls
case e => throw new RuntimeException("No class def at first position in block.")
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