org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.KeyedStream Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream;
import org.apache.flink.annotation.Internal;
import org.apache.flink.annotation.Public;
import org.apache.flink.annotation.PublicEvolving;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.InvalidProgramException;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.FlatMapFunction;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.ReduceFunction;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.ReducingStateDescriptor;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.state.ValueStateDescriptor;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.BasicArrayTypeInfo;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.TimeCharacteristic;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.KeyedProcessFunction;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.ProcessFunction;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.aggregation.AggregationFunction;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.aggregation.ComparableAggregator;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.aggregation.SumAggregator;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.query.QueryableAppendingStateOperator;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.query.QueryableValueStateOperator;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.SinkFunction;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.graph.StreamGraphGenerator;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.KeyedProcessOperator;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.LegacyKeyedProcessOperator;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.StreamOperatorFactory;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.transformations.OneInputTransformation;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.transformations.PartitionTransformation;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.transformations.ReduceTransformation;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.GlobalWindows;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.SlidingEventTimeWindows;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.SlidingProcessingTimeWindows;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.TumblingEventTimeWindows;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.TumblingProcessingTimeWindows;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.WindowAssigner;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.evictors.CountEvictor;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.time.Time;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.triggers.CountTrigger;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.triggers.PurgingTrigger;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.partitioner.KeyGroupStreamPartitioner;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.partitioner.StreamPartitioner;
import org.apache.flink.util.OutputTag;
import org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.UUID;
import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
* A {@link KeyedStream} represents a {@link DataStream} on which operator state is partitioned by
* key using a provided {@link KeySelector}. Typical operations supported by a {@code DataStream}
* are also possible on a {@code KeyedStream}, with the exception of partitioning methods such as
* shuffle, forward and keyBy.
* Reduce-style operations, such as {@link #reduce}, and {@link #sum} work on elements that have
* the same key.
* @param The type of the elements in the Keyed Stream.
* @param The type of the key in the Keyed Stream.
public class KeyedStream extends DataStream {
* The key selector that can get the key by which the stream if partitioned from the elements.
private final KeySelector keySelector;
/** The type of the key by which the stream is partitioned. */
private final TypeInformation keyType;
* Creates a new {@link KeyedStream} using the given {@link KeySelector} to partition operator
* state by key.
* @param dataStream Base stream of data
* @param keySelector Function for determining state partitions
public KeyedStream(DataStream dataStream, KeySelector keySelector) {
TypeExtractor.getKeySelectorTypes(keySelector, dataStream.getType()));
* Creates a new {@link KeyedStream} using the given {@link KeySelector} to partition operator
* state by key.
* @param dataStream Base stream of data
* @param keySelector Function for determining state partitions
public KeyedStream(
DataStream dataStream,
KeySelector keySelector,
TypeInformation keyType) {
new PartitionTransformation<>(
new KeyGroupStreamPartitioner<>(
* Creates a new {@link KeyedStream} using the given {@link KeySelector} and {@link
* TypeInformation} to partition operator state by key, where the partitioning is defined by a
* {@link PartitionTransformation}.
* @param stream Base stream of data
* @param partitionTransformation Function that determines how the keys are distributed to
* downstream operator(s)
* @param keySelector Function to extract keys from the base stream
* @param keyType Defines the type of the extracted keys
DataStream stream,
PartitionTransformation partitionTransformation,
KeySelector keySelector,
TypeInformation keyType) {
super(stream.getExecutionEnvironment(), partitionTransformation);
this.keySelector = clean(keySelector);
this.keyType = validateKeyType(keyType);
* Validates that a given type of element (as encoded by the provided {@link TypeInformation})
* can be used as a key in the {@code DataStream.keyBy()} operation. This is done by searching
* depth-first the key type and checking if each of the composite types satisfies the required
* conditions (see {@link #validateKeyTypeIsHashable(TypeInformation)}).
* @param keyType The {@link TypeInformation} of the key.
private TypeInformation validateKeyType(TypeInformation keyType) {
Stack> stack = new Stack<>();
List> unsupportedTypes = new ArrayList<>();
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
TypeInformation> typeInfo = stack.pop();
if (!validateKeyTypeIsHashable(typeInfo)) {
if (typeInfo instanceof TupleTypeInfoBase) {
for (int i = 0; i < typeInfo.getArity(); i++) {
stack.push(((TupleTypeInfoBase) typeInfo).getTypeAt(i));
if (!unsupportedTypes.isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidProgramException(
"Type "
+ keyType
+ " cannot be used as key. Contained "
+ "UNSUPPORTED key types: "
+ StringUtils.join(unsupportedTypes, ", ")
+ ". Look "
+ "at the keyBy() documentation for the conditions a type has to satisfy in order to be "
+ "eligible for a key.");
return keyType;
* Validates that a given type of element (as encoded by the provided {@link TypeInformation})
* can be used as a key in the {@code DataStream.keyBy()} operation.
* @param type The {@link TypeInformation} of the type to check.
* @return {@code false} if:
* - it is a POJO type but does not override the {@link #hashCode()} method and relies
* on the {@link Object#hashCode()} implementation.
- it is an array of any type (see {@link PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo}, {@link
* BasicArrayTypeInfo}, {@link ObjectArrayTypeInfo}).
- it is enum type
* , {@code true} otherwise.
private boolean validateKeyTypeIsHashable(TypeInformation> type) {
try {
return (type instanceof PojoTypeInfo)
? !type.getTypeClass()
: !(isArrayType(type) || isEnumType(type));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored) {
// this should never happen as we are just searching for the hashCode() method.
return false;
private static boolean isArrayType(TypeInformation> type) {
return type instanceof PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo
|| type instanceof BasicArrayTypeInfo
|| type instanceof ObjectArrayTypeInfo;
private static boolean isEnumType(TypeInformation> type) {
return type instanceof EnumTypeInfo;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// properties
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Gets the key selector that can get the key by which the stream if partitioned from the
* elements.
* @return The key selector for the key.
public KeySelector getKeySelector() {
return this.keySelector;
* Gets the type of the key by which the stream is partitioned.
* @return The type of the key by which the stream is partitioned.
public TypeInformation getKeyType() {
return keyType;
protected DataStream setConnectionType(StreamPartitioner partitioner) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot override partitioning for KeyedStream.");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// basic transformations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected SingleOutputStreamOperator doTransform(
final String operatorName,
final TypeInformation outTypeInfo,
final StreamOperatorFactory operatorFactory) {
SingleOutputStreamOperator returnStream =
super.doTransform(operatorName, outTypeInfo, operatorFactory);
// inject the key selector and key type
OneInputTransformation transform =
(OneInputTransformation) returnStream.getTransformation();
return returnStream;
public DataStreamSink addSink(SinkFunction sinkFunction) {
DataStreamSink result = super.addSink(sinkFunction);
return result;
* Applies the given {@link ProcessFunction} on the input stream, thereby creating a transformed
* output stream.
* The function will be called for every element in the input streams and can produce zero or
* more output elements. Contrary to the {@link DataStream#flatMap(FlatMapFunction)} function,
* this function can also query the time and set timers. When reacting to the firing of set
* timers the function can directly emit elements and/or register yet more timers.
* @param processFunction The {@link ProcessFunction} that is called for each element in the
* stream.
* @param The type of elements emitted by the {@code ProcessFunction}.
* @return The transformed {@link DataStream}.
* @deprecated Use {@link KeyedStream#process(KeyedProcessFunction)}
public SingleOutputStreamOperator process(ProcessFunction processFunction) {
TypeInformation outType =
return process(processFunction, outType);
* Applies the given {@link ProcessFunction} on the input stream, thereby creating a transformed
* output stream.
* The function will be called for every element in the input streams and can produce zero or
* more output elements. Contrary to the {@link DataStream#flatMap(FlatMapFunction)} function,
* this function can also query the time and set timers. When reacting to the firing of set
* timers the function can directly emit elements and/or register yet more timers.
* @param processFunction The {@link ProcessFunction} that is called for each element in the
* stream.
* @param outputType {@link TypeInformation} for the result type of the function.
* @param The type of elements emitted by the {@code ProcessFunction}.
* @return The transformed {@link DataStream}.
* @deprecated Use {@link KeyedStream#process(KeyedProcessFunction, TypeInformation)}
public SingleOutputStreamOperator process(
ProcessFunction processFunction, TypeInformation outputType) {
LegacyKeyedProcessOperator operator =
new LegacyKeyedProcessOperator<>(clean(processFunction));
return transform("Process", outputType, operator);
* Applies the given {@link KeyedProcessFunction} on the input stream, thereby creating a
* transformed output stream.
* The function will be called for every element in the input streams and can produce zero or
* more output elements. Contrary to the {@link DataStream#flatMap(FlatMapFunction)} function,
* this function can also query the time and set timers. When reacting to the firing of set
* timers the function can directly emit elements and/or register yet more timers.
* @param keyedProcessFunction The {@link KeyedProcessFunction} that is called for each element
* in the stream.
* @param The type of elements emitted by the {@code KeyedProcessFunction}.
* @return The transformed {@link DataStream}.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator process(
KeyedProcessFunction keyedProcessFunction) {
TypeInformation outType =
return process(keyedProcessFunction, outType);
* Applies the given {@link KeyedProcessFunction} on the input stream, thereby creating a
* transformed output stream.
* The function will be called for every element in the input streams and can produce zero or
* more output elements. Contrary to the {@link DataStream#flatMap(FlatMapFunction)} function,
* this function can also query the time and set timers. When reacting to the firing of set
* timers the function can directly emit elements and/or register yet more timers.
* @param keyedProcessFunction The {@link KeyedProcessFunction} that is called for each element
* in the stream.
* @param outputType {@link TypeInformation} for the result type of the function.
* @param The type of elements emitted by the {@code KeyedProcessFunction}.
* @return The transformed {@link DataStream}.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator process(
KeyedProcessFunction keyedProcessFunction, TypeInformation outputType) {
KeyedProcessOperator operator =
new KeyedProcessOperator<>(clean(keyedProcessFunction));
return transform("KeyedProcess", outputType, operator);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Joining
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Join elements of this {@link KeyedStream} with elements of another {@link KeyedStream} over a
* time interval that can be specified with {@link IntervalJoin#between(Duration, Duration)}.
* @param otherStream The other keyed stream to join this keyed stream with
* @param Type parameter of elements in the other stream
* @return An instance of {@link IntervalJoin} with this keyed stream and the other keyed stream
public IntervalJoin intervalJoin(KeyedStream otherStream) {
return new IntervalJoin<>(this, otherStream);
* Perform a join over a time interval.
* @param The type parameter of the elements in the first streams
* @param The type parameter of the elements in the second stream
public static class IntervalJoin {
private final KeyedStream streamOne;
private final KeyedStream streamTwo;
* The time behaviour enum defines how the system determines time for time-dependent order
* and operations that depend on time.
enum TimeBehaviour {
* The time behaviour to specify processing time or event time. Default time behaviour is
* {@link TimeBehaviour#EventTime}.
private TimeBehaviour timeBehaviour = TimeBehaviour.EventTime;
IntervalJoin(KeyedStream streamOne, KeyedStream streamTwo) {
this.streamOne = checkNotNull(streamOne);
this.streamTwo = checkNotNull(streamTwo);
/** Sets the time characteristic to event time. */
public IntervalJoin inEventTime() {
timeBehaviour = TimeBehaviour.EventTime;
return this;
/** Sets the time characteristic to processing time. */
public IntervalJoin inProcessingTime() {
timeBehaviour = TimeBehaviour.ProcessingTime;
return this;
* Specifies the time boundaries over which the join operation works, so that
* leftElement.timestamp + lowerBound <= rightElement.timestamp <= leftElement.timestamp + upperBound
* By default both the lower and the upper bound are inclusive. This can be configured
* with {@link IntervalJoined#lowerBoundExclusive()} and {@link
* IntervalJoined#upperBoundExclusive()}
* @param lowerBound The lower bound. Needs to be smaller than or equal to the upperBound
* @param upperBound The upper bound. Needs to be bigger than or equal to the lowerBound
* @deprecated Use {@link #between(Duration, Duration)}
public IntervalJoined between(Time lowerBound, Time upperBound) {
return between(lowerBound.toDuration(), upperBound.toDuration());
* Specifies the time boundaries over which the join operation works, so that
* leftElement.timestamp + lowerBound <= rightElement.timestamp <= leftElement.timestamp + upperBound
* By default both the lower and the upper bound are inclusive. This can be configured
* with {@link IntervalJoined#lowerBoundExclusive()} and {@link
* IntervalJoined#upperBoundExclusive()}
* @param lowerBound The lower bound. Needs to be smaller than or equal to the upperBound
* @param upperBound The upper bound. Needs to be bigger than or equal to the lowerBound
public IntervalJoined between(Duration lowerBound, Duration upperBound) {
if (timeBehaviour != TimeBehaviour.EventTime) {
throw new UnsupportedTimeCharacteristicException(
"Time-bounded stream joins are only supported in event time");
checkNotNull(lowerBound, "A lower bound needs to be provided for a time-bounded join");
checkNotNull(upperBound, "An upper bound needs to be provided for a time-bounded join");
return new IntervalJoined<>(
streamOne, streamTwo, lowerBound.toMillis(), upperBound.toMillis(), true, true);
* IntervalJoined is a container for two streams that have keys for both sides as well as the
* time boundaries over which elements should be joined.
* @param Input type of elements from the first stream
* @param Input type of elements from the second stream
* @param The type of the key
public static class IntervalJoined {
private final KeyedStream left;
private final KeyedStream right;
private final long lowerBound;
private final long upperBound;
private final KeySelector keySelector1;
private final KeySelector keySelector2;
private boolean lowerBoundInclusive;
private boolean upperBoundInclusive;
private OutputTag leftLateDataOutputTag;
private OutputTag rightLateDataOutputTag;
public IntervalJoined(
KeyedStream left,
KeyedStream right,
long lowerBound,
long upperBound,
boolean lowerBoundInclusive,
boolean upperBoundInclusive) {
this.left = checkNotNull(left);
this.right = checkNotNull(right);
this.lowerBound = lowerBound;
this.upperBound = upperBound;
this.lowerBoundInclusive = lowerBoundInclusive;
this.upperBoundInclusive = upperBoundInclusive;
this.keySelector1 = left.getKeySelector();
this.keySelector2 = right.getKeySelector();
/** Set the upper bound to be exclusive. */
public IntervalJoined upperBoundExclusive() {
this.upperBoundInclusive = false;
return this;
/** Set the lower bound to be exclusive. */
public IntervalJoined lowerBoundExclusive() {
this.lowerBoundInclusive = false;
return this;
* Send late arriving left-side data to the side output identified by the given {@link
* OutputTag}. Data is considered late after the watermark
public IntervalJoined sideOutputLeftLateData(OutputTag outputTag) {
outputTag = left.getExecutionEnvironment().clean(outputTag);
this.leftLateDataOutputTag = outputTag;
return this;
* Send late arriving right-side data to the side output identified by the given {@link
* OutputTag}. Data is considered late after the watermark
public IntervalJoined sideOutputRightLateData(OutputTag outputTag) {
outputTag = right.getExecutionEnvironment().clean(outputTag);
this.rightLateDataOutputTag = outputTag;
return this;
* Completes the join operation with the given user function that is executed for each
* joined pair of elements.
* @param processJoinFunction The user-defined process join function.
* @param The output type.
* @return The transformed {@link DataStream}.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator process(
ProcessJoinFunction processJoinFunction) {
final TypeInformation outputType =
return process(processJoinFunction, outputType);
* Completes the join operation with the given user function that is executed for each
* joined pair of elements. This methods allows for passing explicit type information for
* the output type.
* @param processJoinFunction The user-defined process join function.
* @param outputType The type information for the output type.
* @param The output type.
* @return The transformed {@link DataStream}.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator process(
ProcessJoinFunction processJoinFunction,
TypeInformation outputType) {
final ProcessJoinFunction cleanedUdf =
final IntervalJoinOperator operator =
new IntervalJoinOperator<>(
return left.connect(right)
.keyBy(keySelector1, keySelector2)
.transform("Interval Join", outputType, operator);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Windowing
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Windows this {@code KeyedStream} into tumbling time windows.
* This is a shortcut for either {@code .window(TumblingEventTimeWindows.of(size))} or {@code
* .window(TumblingProcessingTimeWindows.of(size))} depending on the time characteristic set
* using {@link
* org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment#setStreamTimeCharacteristic(org.apache.flink.streaming.api.TimeCharacteristic)}
* @param size The size of the window.
* @deprecated Please use {@link #window(WindowAssigner)} with either {@link
* TumblingEventTimeWindows} or {@link TumblingProcessingTimeWindows}. For more information,
* see the deprecation notice on {@link TimeCharacteristic}
public WindowedStream timeWindow(Time size) {
if (environment.getStreamTimeCharacteristic() == TimeCharacteristic.ProcessingTime) {
return window(TumblingProcessingTimeWindows.of(size));
} else {
return window(TumblingEventTimeWindows.of(size));
* Windows this {@code KeyedStream} into sliding time windows.
* This is a shortcut for either {@code .window(SlidingEventTimeWindows.of(size, slide))} or
* {@code .window(SlidingProcessingTimeWindows.of(size, slide))} depending on the time
* characteristic set using {@link
* org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment#setStreamTimeCharacteristic(org.apache.flink.streaming.api.TimeCharacteristic)}
* @param size The size of the window.
* @deprecated Please use {@link #window(WindowAssigner)} with either {@link
* SlidingEventTimeWindows} or {@link SlidingProcessingTimeWindows}. For more information,
* see the deprecation notice on {@link TimeCharacteristic}
public WindowedStream timeWindow(Time size, Time slide) {
if (environment.getStreamTimeCharacteristic() == TimeCharacteristic.ProcessingTime) {
return window(SlidingProcessingTimeWindows.of(size, slide));
} else {
return window(SlidingEventTimeWindows.of(size, slide));
* Windows this {@code KeyedStream} into tumbling count windows.
* @param size The size of the windows in number of elements.
public WindowedStream countWindow(long size) {
return window(GlobalWindows.create()).trigger(PurgingTrigger.of(CountTrigger.of(size)));
* Windows this {@code KeyedStream} into sliding count windows.
* @param size The size of the windows in number of elements.
* @param slide The slide interval in number of elements.
public WindowedStream countWindow(long size, long slide) {
return window(GlobalWindows.create())
* Windows this data stream to a {@code WindowedStream}, which evaluates windows over a key
* grouped stream. Elements are put into windows by a {@link WindowAssigner}. The grouping of
* elements is done both by key and by window.
* A {@link org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.triggers.Trigger} can be defined to
* specify when windows are evaluated. However, {@code WindowAssigners} have a default {@code
* Trigger} that is used if a {@code Trigger} is not specified.
* @param assigner The {@code WindowAssigner} that assigns elements to windows.
* @return The trigger windows data stream.
public WindowedStream window(
WindowAssigner super T, W> assigner) {
return new WindowedStream<>(this, assigner);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Non-Windowed aggregation operations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Applies a reduce transformation on the grouped data stream grouped on by the given key
* position. The {@link ReduceFunction} will receive input values based on the key value. Only
* input values with the same key will go to the same reducer.
* @param reducer The {@link ReduceFunction} that will be called for every element of the input
* values with the same key.
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator reduce(ReduceFunction reducer) {
ReduceTransformation reduce =
new ReduceTransformation<>(
"Keyed Reduce",
return new SingleOutputStreamOperator<>(getExecutionEnvironment(), reduce);
* Applies an aggregation that gives a rolling sum of the data stream at the given position
* grouped by the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key.
* @param positionToSum The field position in the data points to sum. This is applicable to
* Tuple types, basic and primitive array types, Scala case classes, and primitive types
* (which is considered as having one field).
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator sum(int positionToSum) {
return aggregate(new SumAggregator<>(positionToSum, getType(), getExecutionConfig()));
* Applies an aggregation that gives the current sum of the data stream at the given field by
* the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key.
* @param field In case of a POJO, Scala case class, or Tuple type, the name of the (public)
* field on which to perform the aggregation. Additionally, a dot can be used to drill down
* into nested objects, as in {@code "field1.fieldxy" }. Furthermore "*" can be specified in
* case of a basic type (which is considered as having only one field).
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator sum(String field) {
return aggregate(new SumAggregator<>(field, getType(), getExecutionConfig()));
* Applies an aggregation that gives the current minimum of the data stream at the given
* position by the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key.
* @param positionToMin The field position in the data points to minimize. This is applicable to
* Tuple types, Scala case classes, and primitive types (which is considered as having one
* field).
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator min(int positionToMin) {
return aggregate(
new ComparableAggregator<>(
* Applies an aggregation that gives the current minimum of the data stream at the given field
* expression by the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key. A field expression is
* either the name of a public field or a getter method with parentheses of the {@link
* DataStream}'s underlying type. A dot can be used to drill down into objects, as in {@code
* "field1.fieldxy" }.
* @param field In case of a POJO, Scala case class, or Tuple type, the name of the (public)
* field on which to perform the aggregation. Additionally, a dot can be used to drill down
* into nested objects, as in {@code "field1.fieldxy" }. Furthermore "*" can be specified in
* case of a basic type (which is considered as having only one field).
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator min(String field) {
return aggregate(
new ComparableAggregator<>(
* Applies an aggregation that gives the current maximum of the data stream at the given
* position by the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key.
* @param positionToMax The field position in the data points to maximize. This is applicable to
* Tuple types, Scala case classes, and primitive types (which is considered as having one
* field).
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator max(int positionToMax) {
return aggregate(
new ComparableAggregator<>(
* Applies an aggregation that gives the current maximum of the data stream at the given field
* expression by the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key. A field expression is
* either the name of a public field or a getter method with parentheses of the {@link
* DataStream}'s underlying type. A dot can be used to drill down into objects, as in {@code
* "field1.fieldxy" }.
* @param field In case of a POJO, Scala case class, or Tuple type, the name of the (public)
* field on which to perform the aggregation. Additionally, a dot can be used to drill down
* into nested objects, as in {@code "field1.fieldxy" }. Furthermore "*" can be specified in
* case of a basic type (which is considered as having only one field).
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator max(String field) {
return aggregate(
new ComparableAggregator<>(
* Applies an aggregation that gives the current minimum element of the data stream by the given
* field expression by the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key. A field
* expression is either the name of a public field or a getter method with parentheses of the
* {@link DataStream}'s underlying type. A dot can be used to drill down into objects, as in
* {@code "field1.fieldxy" }.
* @param field In case of a POJO, Scala case class, or Tuple type, the name of the (public)
* field on which to perform the aggregation. Additionally, a dot can be used to drill down
* into nested objects, as in {@code "field1.fieldxy" }. Furthermore "*" can be specified in
* case of a basic type (which is considered as having only one field).
* @param first If True then in case of field equality the first object will be returned
* @return The transformed DataStream.
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public SingleOutputStreamOperator minBy(String field, boolean first) {
return aggregate(
new ComparableAggregator(
* Applies an aggregation that gives the current maximum element of the data stream by the given
* field expression by the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key. A field
* expression is either the name of a public field or a getter method with parentheses of the
* {@link DataStream}'s underlying type. A dot can be used to drill down into objects, as in
* {@code "field1.fieldxy" }.
* @param field In case of a POJO, Scala case class, or Tuple type, the name of the (public)
* field on which to perform the aggregation. Additionally, a dot can be used to drill down
* into nested objects, as in {@code "field1.fieldxy" }. Furthermore "*" can be specified in
* case of a basic type (which is considered as having only one field).
* @param first If True then in case of field equality the first object will be returned
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator maxBy(String field, boolean first) {
return aggregate(
new ComparableAggregator<>(
* Applies an aggregation that gives the current element with the minimum value at the given
* position by the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key. If more elements have
* the minimum value at the given position, the operator returns the first one by default.
* @param positionToMinBy The field position in the data points to minimize. This is applicable
* to Tuple types, Scala case classes, and primitive types (which is considered as having
* one field).
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator minBy(int positionToMinBy) {
return this.minBy(positionToMinBy, true);
* Applies an aggregation that gives the current element with the minimum value at the given
* position by the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key. If more elements have
* the minimum value at the given position, the operator returns the first one by default.
* @param positionToMinBy In case of a POJO, Scala case class, or Tuple type, the name of the
* (public) field on which to perform the aggregation. Additionally, a dot can be used to
* drill down into nested objects, as in {@code "field1.fieldxy" }. Furthermore "*" can be
* specified in case of a basic type (which is considered as having only one field).
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator minBy(String positionToMinBy) {
return this.minBy(positionToMinBy, true);
* Applies an aggregation that gives the current element with the minimum value at the given
* position by the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key. If more elements have
* the minimum value at the given position, the operator returns either the first or last one,
* depending on the parameter set.
* @param positionToMinBy The field position in the data points to minimize. This is applicable
* to Tuple types, Scala case classes, and primitive types (which is considered as having
* one field).
* @param first If true, then the operator return the first element with the minimal value,
* otherwise returns the last
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator minBy(int positionToMinBy, boolean first) {
return aggregate(
new ComparableAggregator<>(
* Applies an aggregation that gives the current element with the maximum value at the given
* position by the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key. If more elements have
* the maximum value at the given position, the operator returns the first one by default.
* @param positionToMaxBy The field position in the data points to minimize. This is applicable
* to Tuple types, Scala case classes, and primitive types (which is considered as having
* one field).
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator maxBy(int positionToMaxBy) {
return this.maxBy(positionToMaxBy, true);
* Applies an aggregation that gives the current element with the maximum value at the given
* position by the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key. If more elements have
* the maximum value at the given position, the operator returns the first one by default.
* @param positionToMaxBy In case of a POJO, Scala case class, or Tuple type, the name of the
* (public) field on which to perform the aggregation. Additionally, a dot can be used to
* drill down into nested objects, as in {@code "field1.fieldxy" }. Furthermore "*" can be
* specified in case of a basic type (which is considered as having only one field).
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator maxBy(String positionToMaxBy) {
return this.maxBy(positionToMaxBy, true);
* Applies an aggregation that gives the current element with the maximum value at the given
* position by the given key. An independent aggregate is kept per key. If more elements have
* the maximum value at the given position, the operator returns either the first or last one,
* depending on the parameter set.
* @param positionToMaxBy The field position in the data points to minimize. This is applicable
* to Tuple types, Scala case classes, and primitive types (which is considered as having
* one field).
* @param first If true, then the operator return the first element with the maximum value,
* otherwise returns the last
* @return The transformed DataStream.
public SingleOutputStreamOperator maxBy(int positionToMaxBy, boolean first) {
return aggregate(
new ComparableAggregator<>(
protected SingleOutputStreamOperator aggregate(AggregationFunction aggregate) {
return reduce(aggregate).name("Keyed Aggregation");
* Collect records from each partition into a separate full window. The window emission will be
* triggered at the end of inputs. For this keyed data stream(each record has a key), a
* partition only contains all records with the same key.
* @return The full windowed data stream on partition.
public PartitionWindowedStream fullWindowPartition() {
return new KeyedPartitionWindowedStream<>(environment, this);
* Publishes the keyed stream as queryable ValueState instance.
* @param queryableStateName Name under which to the publish the queryable state instance
* @return Queryable state instance
* @deprecated The Queryable State feature is deprecated since Flink 1.18, and will be removed
* in a future Flink major version.
public QueryableStateStream asQueryableState(String queryableStateName) {
ValueStateDescriptor valueStateDescriptor =
new ValueStateDescriptor<>(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), getType());
return asQueryableState(queryableStateName, valueStateDescriptor);
* Publishes the keyed stream as a queryable ValueState instance.
* @param queryableStateName Name under which to the publish the queryable state instance
* @param stateDescriptor State descriptor to create state instance from
* @return Queryable state instance
* @deprecated The Queryable State feature is deprecated since Flink 1.18, and will be removed
* in a future Flink major version.
public QueryableStateStream asQueryableState(
String queryableStateName, ValueStateDescriptor stateDescriptor) {
"Queryable state: " + queryableStateName,
new QueryableValueStateOperator<>(queryableStateName, stateDescriptor));
return new QueryableStateStream<>(
* Publishes the keyed stream as a queryable ReducingState instance.
* @param queryableStateName Name under which to the publish the queryable state instance
* @param stateDescriptor State descriptor to create state instance from
* @return Queryable state instance
* @deprecated The Queryable State feature is deprecated since Flink 1.18, and will be removed
* in a future Flink major version.
public QueryableStateStream asQueryableState(
String queryableStateName, ReducingStateDescriptor stateDescriptor) {
"Queryable state: " + queryableStateName,
new QueryableAppendingStateOperator<>(queryableStateName, stateDescriptor));
return new QueryableStateStream<>(