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org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.sort.MultiInputSortingDataInput Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.sort;

import org.apache.flink.api.common.ExecutionConfig;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeComparator;
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.configuration.AlgorithmOptions;
import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.flink.core.memory.DataOutputSerializer;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.jobgraph.tasks.TaskInvokable;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.memory.MemoryAllocationException;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.memory.MemoryManager;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.sort.ExternalSorter;
import org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.sort.PushSorter;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.BoundedMultiInput;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.InputSelectable;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.InputSelection;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.watermark.Watermark;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.streamrecord.LatencyMarker;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.streamrecord.StreamRecord;
import org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.watermarkstatus.WatermarkStatus;
import org.apache.flink.util.ExceptionUtils;
import org.apache.flink.util.MutableObjectIterator;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

 * An input that wraps an underlying input and sorts the incoming records. It starts emitting
 * records downstream only when all the other inputs coupled with this {@link
 * MultiInputSortingDataInput} have finished sorting as well.

Moreover it will report it is {@link #isAvailable() available} or {@link * #isApproximatelyAvailable() approximately available} if it has some records pending only if the * head of the {@link CommonContext#getQueueOfHeads()} belongs to the input. That way there is only * ever one input that reports it is available. * *

The sorter uses binary comparison of keys, which are extracted and serialized when received * from the chained input. Moreover the timestamps of incoming records are used for secondary * ordering. For the comparison it uses either {@link FixedLengthByteKeyComparator} if the length of * the serialized key is constant, or {@link VariableLengthByteKeyComparator} otherwise. * *

Watermarks, watermark statuses, nor latency markers are propagated downstream as they do not * make sense with buffered records. The input emits the largest watermark seen after all records. */ public final class MultiInputSortingDataInput implements StreamTaskInput { private final int idx; private final StreamTaskInput wrappedInput; private final PushSorter>> sorter; private final CommonContext commonContext; private final SortingPhaseDataOutput sortingPhaseDataOutput = new SortingPhaseDataOutput(); private final KeySelector keySelector; private final TypeSerializer keySerializer; private final DataOutputSerializer dataOutputSerializer; private MutableObjectIterator>> sortedInput; private long seenWatermark = Long.MIN_VALUE; private MultiInputSortingDataInput( CommonContext commonContext, StreamTaskInput wrappedInput, int inputIdx, PushSorter>> sorter, KeySelector keySelector, TypeSerializer keySerializer, DataOutputSerializer dataOutputSerializer) { this.wrappedInput = wrappedInput; this.idx = inputIdx; this.commonContext = commonContext; this.sorter = sorter; this.keySelector = keySelector; this.keySerializer = keySerializer; this.dataOutputSerializer = dataOutputSerializer; } /** * A wrapper that combines sorting {@link StreamTaskInput inputs} with a {@link InputSelectable} * that should be used to choose which input to consume next from. */ public static class SelectableSortingInputs { private final InputSelectable inputSelectable; private final StreamTaskInput[] sortedInputs; private final StreamTaskInput[] passThroughInputs; public SelectableSortingInputs( StreamTaskInput[] sortedInputs, StreamTaskInput[] passThroughInputs, InputSelectable inputSelectable) { this.sortedInputs = sortedInputs; this.passThroughInputs = passThroughInputs; this.inputSelectable = inputSelectable; } public InputSelectable getInputSelectable() { return inputSelectable; } public StreamTaskInput[] getSortedInputs() { return sortedInputs; } public StreamTaskInput[] getPassThroughInputs() { return passThroughInputs; } } public static SelectableSortingInputs wrapInputs( TaskInvokable containingTask, StreamTaskInput[] sortingInputs, KeySelector[] keySelectors, TypeSerializer[] inputSerializers, TypeSerializer keySerializer, StreamTaskInput[] passThroughInputs, MemoryManager memoryManager, IOManager ioManager, boolean objectReuse, double managedMemoryFraction, Configuration jobConfiguration, ExecutionConfig executionConfig) { int keyLength = keySerializer.getLength(); final TypeComparator>> comparator; DataOutputSerializer dataOutputSerializer; if (keyLength > 0) { dataOutputSerializer = new DataOutputSerializer(keyLength); comparator = new FixedLengthByteKeyComparator<>(keyLength); } else { dataOutputSerializer = new DataOutputSerializer(64); comparator = new VariableLengthByteKeyComparator<>(); } List passThroughInputIndices = .map(StreamTaskInput::getInputIndex) .collect(Collectors.toList()); int numberOfInputs = sortingInputs.length + passThroughInputs.length; CommonContext commonContext = new CommonContext(sortingInputs); InputSelector inputSelector = new InputSelector(commonContext, numberOfInputs, passThroughInputIndices); StreamTaskInput[] wrappedSortingInputs = IntStream.range(0, sortingInputs.length) .mapToObj( idx -> { try { KeyAndValueSerializer keyAndValueSerializer = new KeyAndValueSerializer<>( inputSerializers[idx], keyLength); return new MultiInputSortingDataInput<>( commonContext, sortingInputs[idx], sortingInputs[idx].getInputIndex(), ExternalSorter.newBuilder( memoryManager, containingTask, keyAndValueSerializer, comparator, executionConfig) .memoryFraction( managedMemoryFraction / numberOfInputs) .enableSpilling( ioManager, jobConfiguration.get( AlgorithmOptions .SORT_SPILLING_THRESHOLD)) .maxNumFileHandles( jobConfiguration.get( AlgorithmOptions .SPILLING_MAX_FAN) / numberOfInputs) .objectReuse(objectReuse) .largeRecords(true) .build(), keySelectors[idx], keySerializer, dataOutputSerializer); } catch (MemoryAllocationException e) { throw new RuntimeException(); } }) .toArray(StreamTaskInput[]::new); StreamTaskInput[] wrappedPassThroughInputs = .map(input -> new ObservableStreamTaskInput<>(input, inputSelector)) .toArray(StreamTaskInput[]::new); return new SelectableSortingInputs( wrappedSortingInputs, wrappedPassThroughInputs, inputSelector); } @Override public int getInputIndex() { return idx; } @Override public CompletableFuture prepareSnapshot( ChannelStateWriter channelStateWriter, long checkpointId) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Checkpoints are not supported with sorted inputs" + " in the BATCH runtime."); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { IOException ex = null; try { wrappedInput.close(); } catch (IOException e) { ex = ExceptionUtils.firstOrSuppressed(e, ex); } try { sorter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { ex = ExceptionUtils.firstOrSuppressed(e, ex); } if (ex != null) { throw ex; } } @Override public DataInputStatus emitNext(DataOutput output) throws Exception { if (sortedInput != null) { if (commonContext.isFinishedEmitting(idx)) { return wrappedInput.emitNext(sortingPhaseDataOutput); } return emitNextAfterSorting(output); } DataInputStatus inputStatus = wrappedInput.emitNext(sortingPhaseDataOutput); if (inputStatus == DataInputStatus.END_OF_DATA) { endSorting(); return addNextToQueue(new HeadElement(idx), output); } return inputStatus; } @Nonnull @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private DataInputStatus emitNextAfterSorting(DataOutput output) throws Exception { if (commonContext.allSorted()) { HeadElement head = commonContext.getQueueOfHeads().peek(); if (head != null && head.inputIndex == idx) { HeadElement headElement = commonContext.getQueueOfHeads().poll(); output.emitRecord((StreamRecord) headElement.streamElement.f1); return addNextToQueue(headElement, output); } else { return DataInputStatus.NOTHING_AVAILABLE; } } else { return DataInputStatus.NOTHING_AVAILABLE; } } private void endSorting() throws Exception { sorter.finishReading(); commonContext.setFinishedSorting(idx); sortedInput = sorter.getIterator(); if (commonContext.allSorted()) { commonContext.getAllFinished().getUnavailableToResetAvailable().complete(null); } } @Nonnull private DataInputStatus addNextToQueue(HeadElement reuse, DataOutput output) throws Exception { Tuple2> next =; if (next != null) { reuse.streamElement = getAsObject(next); commonContext.getQueueOfHeads().add(reuse); } else { commonContext.setFinishedEmitting(idx); if (seenWatermark > Long.MIN_VALUE) { output.emitWatermark(new Watermark(seenWatermark)); } return DataInputStatus.END_OF_DATA; } if (commonContext.allSorted()) { HeadElement headElement = commonContext.getQueueOfHeads().peek(); if (headElement != null) { if (headElement.inputIndex == idx) { return DataInputStatus.MORE_AVAILABLE; } } } return DataInputStatus.NOTHING_AVAILABLE; } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) private Tuple2> getAsObject( Tuple2> next) { return (Tuple2>) (Tuple2) next; } @Override public CompletableFuture getAvailableFuture() { if (sortedInput != null) { return commonContext.getAllFinished().getAvailableFuture(); } else { return wrappedInput.getAvailableFuture(); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility classes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * An {@link InputSelectable} that indicates which input contain the current smallest element of * all sorting inputs. Should be used by the {@link StreamInputProcessor} to choose the next * input to consume from. */ private static class InputSelector implements InputSelectable, BoundedMultiInput { private final CommonContext commonContext; private final int numInputs; private final Queue passThroughInputsIndices; private InputSelector( CommonContext commonContext, int numInputs, List passThroughInputIndices) { this.commonContext = commonContext; this.numInputs = numInputs; this.passThroughInputsIndices = new LinkedList<>(passThroughInputIndices); } @Override public void endInput(int inputId) throws Exception { passThroughInputsIndices.remove(inputId); } @Override public InputSelection nextSelection() { Integer currentPassThroughInputIndex = passThroughInputsIndices.peek(); if (currentPassThroughInputIndex != null) { // yes, 0-based to 1-based mapping ... 🙏 return new InputSelection.Builder() .select(currentPassThroughInputIndex + 1) .build(numInputs); } if (commonContext.allEndOfPartition()) { return InputSelection.ALL; } if (commonContext.allSorted()) { HeadElement headElement = commonContext.getQueueOfHeads().peek(); if (headElement != null) { int headIdx = headElement.inputIndex; return new InputSelection.Builder().select(headIdx + 1).build(numInputs); } } return InputSelection.ALL; } } /** * A {@link PushingAsyncDataInput.DataOutput} used in the sorting phase when we have not seen * all the records from the underlying input yet. It forwards the records to a corresponding * sorter. */ private class SortingPhaseDataOutput implements PushingAsyncDataInput.DataOutput { @Override public void emitRecord(StreamRecord streamRecord) throws Exception { K key = keySelector.getKey(streamRecord.getValue()); keySerializer.serialize(key, dataOutputSerializer); byte[] serializedKey = dataOutputSerializer.getCopyOfBuffer(); dataOutputSerializer.clear(); sorter.writeRecord(Tuple2.of(serializedKey, streamRecord)); } @Override public void emitWatermark(Watermark watermark) { seenWatermark = Math.max(seenWatermark, watermark.getTimestamp()); } @Override public void emitWatermarkStatus(WatermarkStatus watermarkStatus) {} @Override public void emitLatencyMarker(LatencyMarker latencyMarker) {} } /** * A thin wrapper that represents a head of a sorted input. Additionally it keeps the id of the * input it belongs to. * *

The class is mutable and we only ever have a single instance per input. */ private static final class HeadElement implements Comparable { final int inputIndex; Tuple2> streamElement; private HeadElement(int inputIndex) { this.inputIndex = inputIndex; } @Override public int compareTo(HeadElement o) { int keyCmp = compare(streamElement.f0, o.streamElement.f0); if (keyCmp != 0) { return keyCmp; } return streamElement.f1.asRecord().getTimestamp(), o.streamElement.f1.asRecord().getTimestamp()); } private int compare(byte[] first, byte[] second) { int firstLength = first.length; int secondLength = second.length; int minLength = Math.min(firstLength, secondLength); for (int i = 0; i < minLength; i++) { int cmp =[i], second[i]); if (cmp != 0) { return cmp; } } return, secondLength); } } private static final class CommonContext { private final PriorityQueue queueOfHeads = new PriorityQueue<>(); private final AvailabilityProvider.AvailabilityHelper allFinished = new AvailabilityProvider.AvailabilityHelper(); private long notFinishedSortingMask = 0; private long notFinishedEmitting = 0; public CommonContext(StreamTaskInput[] sortingInputs) { for (StreamTaskInput sortingInput : sortingInputs) { notFinishedSortingMask = setBitMask(notFinishedSortingMask, sortingInput.getInputIndex()); notFinishedEmitting = setBitMask(notFinishedEmitting, sortingInput.getInputIndex()); } } public boolean allSorted() { return notFinishedSortingMask == 0; } public boolean allEndOfPartition() { return notFinishedEmitting == 0; } public void setFinishedSorting(int inputIndex) { this.notFinishedSortingMask = unsetBitMask(this.notFinishedSortingMask, inputIndex); } public void setFinishedEmitting(int inputIndex) { this.notFinishedEmitting = unsetBitMask(this.notFinishedEmitting, inputIndex); } public boolean isFinishedEmitting(int inputIndex) { return !checkBitMask(this.notFinishedEmitting, inputIndex); } public PriorityQueue getQueueOfHeads() { return queueOfHeads; } public AvailabilityHelper getAllFinished() { return allFinished; } private static long setBitMask(long mask, int inputIndex) { return mask | 1L << inputIndex; } private static long unsetBitMask(long mask, int inputIndex) { return mask & ~(1L << inputIndex); } private static boolean checkBitMask(long mask, int inputIndex) { return (mask & (1L << inputIndex)) != 0; } } }