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org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.FlinkPlannerImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite

import org.apache.flink.sql.parser.ExtendedSqlNode
import org.apache.flink.sql.parser.dml.{SqlBeginStatementSet, SqlEndStatementSet}
import org.apache.flink.sql.parser.dql._
import org.apache.flink.table.api.{TableException, ValidationException}
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.FlinkCalciteCatalogReader

import org.apache.calcite.config.NullCollation
import org.apache.calcite.plan._
import org.apache.calcite.prepare.CalciteCatalogReader
import org.apache.calcite.rel.`type`.RelDataType
import org.apache.calcite.rel.hint.RelHint
import org.apache.calcite.rel.{RelFieldCollation, RelRoot}
import org.apache.calcite.rex.{RexInputRef, RexNode}
import org.apache.calcite.sql.advise.{SqlAdvisor, SqlAdvisorValidator}
import org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidator
import org.apache.calcite.sql.{SqlExplain, SqlKind, SqlNode, SqlOperatorTable}
import org.apache.calcite.sql2rel.{SqlRexConvertletTable, SqlToRelConverter}
import{FrameworkConfig, RelConversionException}
import org.apache.flink.sql.parser.ddl.SqlUseModules
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.parse.CalciteParser

import java.lang.{Boolean => JBoolean}
import java.util
import java.util.function.{Function => JFunction}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

  * NOTE: this is heavily inspired by Calcite's PlannerImpl.
  * We need it in order to share the planner between the Table API relational plans
  * and the SQL relation plans that are created by the Calcite parser.
  * The main difference is that we do not create a new RelOptPlanner in the ready() method.
class FlinkPlannerImpl(
    val config: FrameworkConfig,
    catalogReaderSupplier: JFunction[JBoolean, CalciteCatalogReader],
    typeFactory: FlinkTypeFactory,
    cluster: RelOptCluster) {

  val operatorTable: SqlOperatorTable = config.getOperatorTable
  val parser: CalciteParser = new CalciteParser(config.getParserConfig)
  val convertletTable: SqlRexConvertletTable = config.getConvertletTable
  val sqlToRelConverterConfig: SqlToRelConverter.Config = config.getSqlToRelConverterConfig

  var validator: FlinkCalciteSqlValidator = _

  def getSqlAdvisorValidator(): SqlAdvisorValidator = {
      new SqlAdvisorValidator(
      catalogReaderSupplier.apply(true), // ignore cases for lenient completion

    * Get the [[FlinkCalciteSqlValidator]] instance from this planner, create a new instance
    * if current validator has not been initialized, or returns the validator
    * instance directly.

The validator instance creation is not thread safe. * * @return a new validator instance or current existed one */ def getOrCreateSqlValidator(): FlinkCalciteSqlValidator = { if (validator == null) { val catalogReader = catalogReaderSupplier.apply(false) validator = createSqlValidator(catalogReader) } validator } private def createSqlValidator(catalogReader: CalciteCatalogReader) = { val validator = new FlinkCalciteSqlValidator( operatorTable, catalogReader, typeFactory, SqlValidator.Config.DEFAULT .withIdentifierExpansion(true) .withDefaultNullCollation(FlinkPlannerImpl.defaultNullCollation) .withTypeCoercionEnabled(false)) // Disable implicit type coercion for now. validator } def validate(sqlNode: SqlNode): SqlNode = { val validator = getOrCreateSqlValidator() validate(sqlNode, validator) } private def validate(sqlNode: SqlNode, validator: FlinkCalciteSqlValidator): SqlNode = { try { sqlNode.accept(new PreValidateReWriter( validator, typeFactory)) // do extended validation. sqlNode match { case node: ExtendedSqlNode => node.validate() case _ => } // no need to validate row type for DDL and insert nodes. if (sqlNode.getKind.belongsTo(SqlKind.DDL) || sqlNode.getKind == SqlKind.INSERT || sqlNode.getKind == SqlKind.CREATE_FUNCTION || sqlNode.getKind == SqlKind.DROP_FUNCTION || sqlNode.getKind == SqlKind.OTHER_DDL || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlLoadModule] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlShowCatalogs] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlShowCurrentCatalog] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlShowDatabases] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlShowCurrentDatabase] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlShowTables] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlShowFunctions] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlShowModules] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlShowViews] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlShowPartitions] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlRichDescribeTable] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlUnloadModule] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlUseModules] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlBeginStatementSet] || sqlNode.isInstanceOf[SqlEndStatementSet]) { return sqlNode } sqlNode match { case richExplain: SqlRichExplain => val validated = validator.validate(richExplain.getStatement) richExplain.setOperand(0, validated) richExplain case _ => validator.validate(sqlNode) } } catch { case e: RuntimeException => throw new ValidationException(s"SQL validation failed. ${e.getMessage}", e) } } def rel(validatedSqlNode: SqlNode): RelRoot = { rel(validatedSqlNode, getOrCreateSqlValidator()) } private def rel(validatedSqlNode: SqlNode, sqlValidator: FlinkCalciteSqlValidator) = { try { assert(validatedSqlNode != null) val sqlToRelConverter: SqlToRelConverter = createSqlToRelConverter(sqlValidator) sqlToRelConverter.convertQuery(validatedSqlNode, false, true) // we disable automatic flattening in order to let composite types pass without modification // we might enable it again once Calcite has better support for structured types // root = root.withRel(sqlToRelConverter.flattenTypes(root.rel, true)) // TableEnvironment.optimize will execute the following // root = root.withRel(RelDecorrelator.decorrelateQuery(root.rel)) // convert time indicators // root = root.withRel(RelTimeIndicatorConverter.convert(root.rel, rexBuilder)) } catch { case e: RelConversionException => throw new TableException(e.getMessage) } } def validateExpression(sqlNode: SqlNode, inputRowType: RelDataType): SqlNode = { validateExpression(sqlNode, getOrCreateSqlValidator(), inputRowType) } private def validateExpression( sqlNode: SqlNode, sqlValidator: FlinkCalciteSqlValidator, inputRowType: RelDataType): SqlNode = { val nameToTypeMap = inputRowType .getFieldList .asScala .map { field => (field.getName, field.getType) } .toMap[String, RelDataType] .asJava sqlValidator.validateParameterizedExpression(sqlNode, nameToTypeMap) } def rex(sqlNode: SqlNode, inputRowType: RelDataType): RexNode = { rex(sqlNode, getOrCreateSqlValidator(), inputRowType) } private def rex( sqlNode: SqlNode, sqlValidator: FlinkCalciteSqlValidator, inputRowType: RelDataType) = { try { val validatedSqlNode = validateExpression(sqlNode, sqlValidator, inputRowType) val sqlToRelConverter = createSqlToRelConverter(sqlValidator) val nameToNodeMap = inputRowType .getFieldList .asScala .map { field => (field.getName, RexInputRef.of(field.getIndex, inputRowType)) } .toMap[String, RexNode] .asJava sqlToRelConverter.convertExpression(validatedSqlNode, nameToNodeMap) } catch { case e: RelConversionException => throw new TableException(e.getMessage) } } private def createSqlToRelConverter(sqlValidator: SqlValidator): SqlToRelConverter = { new SqlToRelConverter( createToRelContext(), sqlValidator, sqlValidator.getCatalogReader.unwrap(classOf[CalciteCatalogReader]), cluster, convertletTable, sqlToRelConverterConfig) } /** * Creates a new instance of [[RelOptTable.ToRelContext]] for [[RelOptTable]]. */ def createToRelContext(): RelOptTable.ToRelContext = new ToRelContextImpl /** * Implements [[RelOptTable.ToRelContext]] interface for [[RelOptTable]] and * [[]]. */ class ToRelContextImpl extends RelOptTable.ToRelContext { override def expandView( rowType: RelDataType, queryString: String, schemaPath: util.List[String], viewPath: util.List[String]) : RelRoot = { val parsed = parser.parse(queryString) val originalReader = catalogReaderSupplier.apply(false) val readerWithPathAdjusted = new FlinkCalciteCatalogReader( originalReader.getRootSchema, List(schemaPath, schemaPath.subList(0, 1)).asJava, originalReader.getTypeFactory, originalReader.getConfig ) val validator = createSqlValidator(readerWithPathAdjusted) val validated = validate(parsed, validator) rel(validated, validator) } override def getCluster: RelOptCluster = cluster override def getTableHints: util.List[RelHint] = ImmutableList.of() } } object FlinkPlannerImpl { /** * the null default direction if not specified. Consistent with HIVE/SPARK/MYSQL/FLINK-RUNTIME. * So the default value only is set [[NullCollation.LOW]] for keeping consistent with * FLINK-RUNTIME. * [[NullCollation.LOW]] means null values appear first when the order is ASC (ascending), and * ordered last when the order is DESC (descending). */ val defaultNullCollation: NullCollation = NullCollation.LOW /** * the default field collation if not specified, Consistent with CALCITE. */ val defaultCollationDirection: RelFieldCollation.Direction = RelFieldCollation.Direction.ASCENDING }

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