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org.apache.flink.table.planner.expressions.time.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.flink.table.planner.expressions

import org.apache.calcite.rex._
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.BasicTypeInfo._
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.{LocalTimeTypeInfo, SqlTimeTypeInfo, TypeInformation}
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.FlinkRelBuilder
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.functions.sql.FlinkSqlOperatorTable
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.typeutils.TypeInfoCheckUtils
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.typeutils.TypeInfoCheckUtils.isTimeInterval
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.validate.{ValidationFailure, ValidationResult, ValidationSuccess}
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.typeutils.LegacyLocalDateTimeTypeInfo
import org.apache.flink.table.typeutils.TimeIntervalTypeInfo

case class Extract(timeIntervalUnit: PlannerExpression, temporal: PlannerExpression)
  extends PlannerExpression {

  override private[flink] def children: Seq[PlannerExpression] = timeIntervalUnit :: temporal :: Nil

  override private[flink] def resultType: TypeInformation[_] = LONG_TYPE_INFO

  override private[flink] def validateInput(): ValidationResult = {
    if (!TypeInfoCheckUtils.isTemporal(temporal.resultType)) {
      return ValidationFailure(s"Extract operator requires Temporal input, " +
        s"but $temporal is of type ${temporal.resultType}")

    timeIntervalUnit match {
      case SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimeIntervalUnit.YEAR)
           | SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimeIntervalUnit.QUARTER)
           | SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimeIntervalUnit.MONTH)
           | SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimeIntervalUnit.WEEK)
           | SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimeIntervalUnit.DAY)
        if temporal.resultType == SqlTimeTypeInfo.DATE
          || temporal.resultType == SqlTimeTypeInfo.TIMESTAMP
          || temporal.resultType == LocalTimeTypeInfo.LOCAL_DATE
          || temporal.resultType == LocalTimeTypeInfo.LOCAL_DATE_TIME
          || temporal.resultType.isInstanceOf[LegacyLocalDateTimeTypeInfo]
          || temporal.resultType == TimeIntervalTypeInfo.INTERVAL_MILLIS
          || temporal.resultType == TimeIntervalTypeInfo.INTERVAL_MONTHS =>

      case SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimeIntervalUnit.HOUR)
           | SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimeIntervalUnit.MINUTE)
           | SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimeIntervalUnit.SECOND)
        if temporal.resultType == SqlTimeTypeInfo.TIME
          || temporal.resultType == SqlTimeTypeInfo.TIMESTAMP
          || temporal.resultType == LocalTimeTypeInfo.LOCAL_TIME
          || temporal.resultType == LocalTimeTypeInfo.LOCAL_DATE_TIME
          || temporal.resultType.isInstanceOf[LegacyLocalDateTimeTypeInfo]
          || temporal.resultType == TimeIntervalTypeInfo.INTERVAL_MILLIS =>

      case _ =>
        ValidationFailure(s"Extract operator does not support unit '$timeIntervalUnit' for input" +
          s" of type '${temporal.resultType}'.")

  override def toString: String = s"($temporal).extract($timeIntervalUnit)"

abstract class CurrentTimePoint(
    targetType: TypeInformation[_],
    local: Boolean)
  extends LeafExpression {

  override private[flink] def resultType: TypeInformation[_] = targetType

  override private[flink] def validateInput(): ValidationResult = {
    if (!TypeInfoCheckUtils.isTimePoint(targetType)) {
      ValidationFailure(s"CurrentTimePoint operator requires Time Point target type, " +
        s"but get $targetType.")
    } else if (local && targetType == SqlTimeTypeInfo.DATE) {
      ValidationFailure(s"Localized CurrentTimePoint operator requires Time or Timestamp target " +
        s"type, but get $targetType.")
    } else {

  override def toString: String = if (local) {
  } else {

case class CurrentDate() extends CurrentTimePoint(SqlTimeTypeInfo.DATE, local = false)

case class CurrentTime() extends CurrentTimePoint(SqlTimeTypeInfo.TIME, local = false)

case class CurrentTimestamp() extends CurrentTimePoint(SqlTimeTypeInfo.TIMESTAMP, local = false)

case class LocalTime() extends CurrentTimePoint(SqlTimeTypeInfo.TIME, local = true)

case class LocalTimestamp() extends CurrentTimePoint(SqlTimeTypeInfo.TIMESTAMP, local = true)

  * Determines whether two anchored time intervals overlap.
case class TemporalOverlaps(
    leftTimePoint: PlannerExpression,
    leftTemporal: PlannerExpression,
    rightTimePoint: PlannerExpression,
    rightTemporal: PlannerExpression)
  extends PlannerExpression {

  override private[flink] def children: Seq[PlannerExpression] =
    Seq(leftTimePoint, leftTemporal, rightTimePoint, rightTemporal)

  override private[flink] def resultType: TypeInformation[_] = BOOLEAN_TYPE_INFO

  override private[flink] def validateInput(): ValidationResult = {
    if (!TypeInfoCheckUtils.isTimePoint(leftTimePoint.resultType)) {
      return ValidationFailure(s"TemporalOverlaps operator requires leftTimePoint to be of type " +
        s"Time Point, but get ${leftTimePoint.resultType}.")
    if (!TypeInfoCheckUtils.isTimePoint(rightTimePoint.resultType)) {
      return ValidationFailure(s"TemporalOverlaps operator requires rightTimePoint to be of " +
        s"type Time Point, but get ${rightTimePoint.resultType}.")
    if (leftTimePoint.resultType != rightTimePoint.resultType) {
      return ValidationFailure(s"TemporalOverlaps operator requires leftTimePoint and " +
        s"rightTimePoint to be of same type.")

    // leftTemporal is point, then it must be comparable with leftTimePoint
    if (TypeInfoCheckUtils.isTimePoint(leftTemporal.resultType)) {
      if (leftTemporal.resultType != leftTimePoint.resultType) {
        return ValidationFailure(s"TemporalOverlaps operator requires leftTemporal and " +
          s"leftTimePoint to be of same type if leftTemporal is of type Time Point.")
    } else if (!isTimeInterval(leftTemporal.resultType)) {
      return ValidationFailure(s"TemporalOverlaps operator requires leftTemporal to be of " +
        s"type Time Point or Time Interval.")

    // rightTemporal is point, then it must be comparable with rightTimePoint
    if (TypeInfoCheckUtils.isTimePoint(rightTemporal.resultType)) {
      if (rightTemporal.resultType != rightTimePoint.resultType) {
        return ValidationFailure(s"TemporalOverlaps operator requires rightTemporal and " +
          s"rightTimePoint to be of same type if rightTemporal is of type Time Point.")
    } else if (!isTimeInterval(rightTemporal.resultType)) {
      return ValidationFailure(s"TemporalOverlaps operator requires rightTemporal to be of " +
        s"type Time Point or Time Interval.")

  override def toString: String = s"temporalOverlaps(${children.mkString(", ")})"

    * Standard conversion of the OVERLAPS operator.
    * Source: [[org.apache.calcite.sql2rel.StandardConvertletTable#convertOverlaps()]]
  private def convertOverlaps(
      leftP: RexNode,
      leftT: RexNode,
      rightP: RexNode,
      rightT: RexNode,
      relBuilder: FlinkRelBuilder)
    : RexNode = {
    val convLeftT = convertOverlapsEnd(relBuilder, leftP, leftT, leftTemporal.resultType)
    val convRightT = convertOverlapsEnd(relBuilder, rightP, rightT, rightTemporal.resultType)

    // sort end points into start and end, such that (s0 <= e0) and (s1 <= e1).
    val (s0, e0) = buildSwap(relBuilder, leftP, convLeftT)
    val (s1, e1) = buildSwap(relBuilder, rightP, convRightT)

    // (e0 >= s1) AND (e1 >= s0)
    val leftPred =, e0, s1)
    val rightPred =, e1, s0), leftPred, rightPred)

  private def convertOverlapsEnd(
      relBuilder: FlinkRelBuilder,
      start: RexNode, end: RexNode,
      endType: TypeInformation[_]) = {
    if (isTimeInterval(endType)) {, start, end)
    } else {

  private def buildSwap(relBuilder: FlinkRelBuilder, start: RexNode, end: RexNode) = {
    val le =, start, end)
    val l =, le, start, end)
    val r =, le, end, start)
    (l, r)

case class DateFormat(timestamp: PlannerExpression, format: PlannerExpression)
  extends PlannerExpression {
  override private[flink] def children = timestamp :: format :: Nil

  override def toString: String = s"$timestamp.dateFormat($format)"

  override private[flink] def resultType = STRING_TYPE_INFO

case class TimestampDiff(
    timePointUnit: PlannerExpression,
    timePoint1: PlannerExpression,
    timePoint2: PlannerExpression)
  extends PlannerExpression {

  override private[flink] def children: Seq[PlannerExpression] =
    timePointUnit :: timePoint1 :: timePoint2 :: Nil

  override private[flink] def validateInput(): ValidationResult = {
    if (!TypeInfoCheckUtils.isTimePoint(timePoint1.resultType)) {
      return ValidationFailure(
        s"$this requires an input time point type, " +
        s"but timePoint1 is of type '${timePoint1.resultType}'.")

    if (!TypeInfoCheckUtils.isTimePoint(timePoint2.resultType)) {
      return ValidationFailure(
        s"$this requires an input time point type, " +
        s"but timePoint2 is of type '${timePoint2.resultType}'.")

    timePointUnit match {
      case SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimePointUnit.YEAR)
           | SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimePointUnit.QUARTER)
           | SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimePointUnit.MONTH)
           | SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimePointUnit.WEEK)
           | SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimePointUnit.DAY)
           | SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimePointUnit.HOUR)
           | SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimePointUnit.MINUTE)
           | SymbolPlannerExpression(PlannerTimePointUnit.SECOND)
        if timePoint1.resultType == SqlTimeTypeInfo.DATE
          || timePoint1.resultType == SqlTimeTypeInfo.TIMESTAMP
          || timePoint2.resultType == SqlTimeTypeInfo.DATE
          || timePoint2.resultType == SqlTimeTypeInfo.TIMESTAMP
          || timePoint1.resultType == LocalTimeTypeInfo.LOCAL_DATE
          || timePoint1.resultType == LocalTimeTypeInfo.LOCAL_DATE_TIME
          || timePoint2.resultType == LocalTimeTypeInfo.LOCAL_DATE
          || timePoint2.resultType == LocalTimeTypeInfo.LOCAL_DATE_TIME =>

      case _ =>
        ValidationFailure(s"$this operator does not support unit '$timePointUnit'" +
            s" for input of type ('${timePoint1.resultType}', '${timePoint2.resultType}').")

  override def toString: String = s"timestampDiff(${children.mkString(", ")})"

  override private[flink] def resultType = INT_TYPE_INFO

case class ToTimestampLtz(
    numericEpochTime: PlannerExpression,
    precision: PlannerExpression)
  extends PlannerExpression {

  override private[flink] def children: Seq[PlannerExpression] =
    numericEpochTime :: precision :: Nil

  override private[flink] def validateInput(): ValidationResult = {
    if (TypeInfoCheckUtils.assertNumericExpr(
      numericEpochTime.resultType, "toTimestampLtz").isFailure) {
      return ValidationFailure(
        s"$this requires numeric type for the first input, " +
          s"but the actual type '${numericEpochTime.resultType}'.")
    if (TypeInfoCheckUtils
      .assertNumericExpr(precision.resultType, "toTimestampLtz").isFailure) {
      return ValidationFailure(
        s"$this requires numeric type for the second input, " +
          s"but the actual type '${precision.resultType}'.")

  override def toString: String = s"toTimestampLtz(${children.mkString(", ")})"

  override private[flink] def resultType = SqlTimeTypeInfo.TIMESTAMP

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