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org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.rules.logical.DecomposeGroupingSetsRule.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.rules.logical

import org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.{FlinkRelBuilder, FlinkRelFactories}
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.{AggregateUtil, ExpandUtil}

import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptRule._
import org.apache.calcite.plan.{RelOptRule, RelOptRuleCall}
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.AggregateCall
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalAggregate
import org.apache.calcite.rex.{RexBuilder, RexNode}
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind
import org.apache.calcite.util.ImmutableBitSet

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

  * This rule rewrites an aggregation query with grouping sets into
  * an regular aggregation query with expand.
  * This rule duplicates the input data by two or more times (# number of groupSets +
  * an optional non-distinct group). This will put quite a bit of memory pressure of the used
  * aggregate and exchange operators.
  * This rule will be used for the plan with grouping sets or the plan with distinct aggregations
  * after [[FlinkAggregateExpandDistinctAggregatesRule]] applied.
  * `FlinkAggregateExpandDistinctAggregatesRule` rewrites an aggregate query with
  * distinct aggregations into an expanded double aggregation. The first aggregate has
  * grouping sets in which the regular aggregation expressions and every distinct clause
  * are aggregated in a separate group. The results are then combined in a second aggregate.
  * Examples:
  * MyTable: a: INT, b: BIGINT, c: VARCHAR(32), d: VARCHAR(32)
  * Original records:
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+
  * |  a  |  b  |  c  |  d  |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+
  * |  1  |  1  |  c1 |  d1 |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+
  * |  1  |  2  |  c1 |  d2 |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+
  * |  2  |  1  |  c1 |  d1 |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+
  * Example1 (expand for DISTINCT aggregates):
  * SQL:
  * SELECT a, SUM(DISTINCT b) as t1, COUNT(DISTINCT c) as t2, COUNT(d) as t3 FROM MyTable GROUP BY a
  * Logical plan:
  * {{{
  * LogicalAggregate(group=[{0}], t1=[SUM(DISTINCT $1)], t2=[COUNT(DISTINCT $2)], t3=[COUNT($3)])
  *  LogicalTableScan(table=[[builtin, default, MyTable]])
  * }}}
  * Logical plan after `FlinkAggregateExpandDistinctAggregatesRule` applied:
  * {{{
  * LogicalProject(a=[$0], t1=[$1], t2=[$2], t3=[CAST($3):BIGINT NOT NULL])
  *  LogicalProject(a=[$0], t1=[$1], t2=[$2], $f3=[CASE(IS NOT NULL($3), $3, 0)])
  *   LogicalAggregate(group=[{0}], t1=[SUM($1) FILTER $4], t2=[COUNT($2) FILTER $5],
  *     t3=[MIN($3) FILTER $6])
  *    LogicalProject(a=[$0], b=[$1], c=[$2], t3=[$3], $g_1=[=($4, 1)], $g_2=[=($4, 2)],
  *      $g_3=[=($4, 3)])
  *     LogicalAggregate(group=[{0, 1, 2}], groups=[[{0, 1}, {0, 2}, {0}]], t3=[COUNT($3)],
  *       $g=[GROUPING($0, $1, $2)])
  *      LogicalTableScan(table=[[builtin, default, MyTable]])
  * }}}
  * Logical plan after this rule applied:
  * {{{
  * LogicalCalc(expr#0..3=[{inputs}], expr#4=[IS NOT NULL($t3)], ...)
  *  LogicalAggregate(group=[{0}], t1=[SUM($1) FILTER $4], t2=[COUNT($2) FILTER $5],
  *    t3=[MIN($3) FILTER $6])
  *   LogicalCalc(expr#0..4=[{inputs}], ... expr#10=[CASE($t6, $t5, $t8, $t7, $t9)],
  *      expr#11=[1], expr#12=[=($t10, $t11)], ... $g_1=[$t12], ...)
  *    LogicalAggregate(group=[{0, 1, 2, 4}], groups=[[]], t3=[COUNT($3)])
  *     LogicalExpand(projects=[{a=[$0], b=[$1], c=[null], d=[$3], $e=[1]},
  *       {a=[$0], b=[null], c=[$2], d=[$3], $e=[2]}, {a=[$0], b=[null], c=[null], d=[$3], $e=[3]}])
  *      LogicalTableSourceScan(table=[[builtin, default, MyTable]], fields=[a, b, c, d])
  * }}}
  * '$e = 1' is equivalent to 'group by a, b'
  * '$e = 2' is equivalent to 'group by a, c'
  * '$e = 3' is equivalent to 'group by a'
  * Expanded records:
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+
  * |  a  |  b  |  c  |  d  | $e  |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+        ---+---
  * |  1  |  1  | null|  d1 |  1  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
  * |  1  | null|  c1 |  d1 |  2  | records expanded by record1
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
  * |  1  | null| null|  d1 |  3  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+        ---+---
  * |  1  |  2  | null|  d2 |  1  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
  * |  1  | null|  c1 |  d2 |  2  |  records expanded by record2
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
  * |  1  | null| null|  d2 |  3  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+        ---+---
  * |  2  |  1  | null|  d1 |  1  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
  * |  2  | null|  c1 |  d1 |  2  |  records expanded by record3
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
  * |  2  | null| null|  d1 |  3  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+        ---+---
  * Example2 (Some fields are both in DISTINCT aggregates and non-DISTINCT aggregates):
  * SQL:
  * SELECT MAX(a) as t1, COUNT(DISTINCT a) as t2, count(DISTINCT d) as t3 FROM MyTable
  * Field `a` is both in DISTINCT aggregate and `MAX` aggregate,
  * so, `a` should be outputted as two individual fields, one is for `MAX` aggregate,
  * another is for DISTINCT aggregate.
  * Expanded records:
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+
  * |  a  |  d  | $e  | a_0 |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+        ---+---
  * |  1  | null|  1  |  1  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
  * | null|  d1 |  2  |  1  |  records expanded by record1
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
  * | null| null|  3  |  1  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+        ---+---
  * |  1  | null|  1  |  1  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
  * | null|  d2 |  2  |  1  |  records expanded by record2
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
  * | null| null|  3  |  1  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+        ---+---
  * |  2  | null|  1  |  2  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
  * | null|  d1 |  2  |  2  |  records expanded by record3
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+           |
  * | null| null|  3  |  2  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+        ---+---
  * Example3 (expand for CUBE/ROLLUP/GROUPING SETS):
  * SQL:
  * SELECT a, c, SUM(b) as b FROM MyTable GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (a, c)
  * Logical plan:
  * {{{
  * LogicalAggregate(group=[{0, 1}], groups=[[{0}, {1}]], b=[SUM($2)])
  *  LogicalProject(a=[$0], c=[$2], b=[$1])
  *   LogicalTableScan(table=[[builtin, default, MyTable]])
  * }}}
  * Logical plan after this rule applied:
  * {{{
  * LogicalCalc(expr#0..3=[{inputs}], proj#0..1=[{exprs}], b=[$t3])
  *  LogicalAggregate(group=[{0, 2, 3}], groups=[[]], b=[SUM($1)])
  *   LogicalExpand(projects=[{a=[$0], b=[$1], c=[null], $e=[1]},
  *     {a=[null], b=[$1], c=[$2], $e=[2]}])
  *    LogicalNativeTableScan(table=[[builtin, default, MyTable]])
  * }}}
  * '$e = 1' is equivalent to 'group by a'
  * '$e = 2' is equivalent to 'group by c'
  * Expanded records:
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+
  * |  a  |  b  |  c  | $e  |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+        ---+---
  * |  1  |  1  | null|  1  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+  records expanded by record1
  * | null|  1  |  c1 |  2  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+        ---+---
  * |  1  |  2  | null|  1  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+  records expanded by record2
  * | null|  2  |  c1 |  2  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+        ---+---
  * |  2  |  1  | null|  1  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+  records expanded by record3
  * | null|  1  |  c1 |  2  |           |
  * +-----+-----+-----+-----+        ---+---
class DecomposeGroupingSetsRule extends RelOptRule(
  operand(classOf[LogicalAggregate], any),
  "DecomposeGroupingSetsRule") {

  override def matches(call: RelOptRuleCall): Boolean = {
    val agg: LogicalAggregate = call.rel(0)
    val groupIdExprs = AggregateUtil.getGroupIdExprIndexes(agg.getAggCallList)
    agg.getGroupSets.size() > 1 || groupIdExprs.nonEmpty

  override def onMatch(call: RelOptRuleCall): Unit = {
    val agg: LogicalAggregate = call.rel(0)
    // Long data type is used to store groupValue in FlinkAggregateExpandDistinctAggregatesRule,
    // and the result of grouping function is a positive value,
    // so the max groupCount must be less than 64.
    if (agg.getGroupCount >= 64) {
      throw new TableException("group count must be less than 64.")

    val aggInput = agg.getInput
    val groupIdExprs = AggregateUtil.getGroupIdExprIndexes(agg.getAggCallList)
    val aggCallsWithIndexes = agg.getAggCallList.zipWithIndex

    val cluster = agg.getCluster
    val rexBuilder = cluster.getRexBuilder
    val needExpand = agg.getGroupSets.size() > 1

    val relBuilder = call.builder().asInstanceOf[FlinkRelBuilder]

    val (newGroupSet, duplicateFieldMap) = if (needExpand) {
      val (duplicateFieldMap, expandIdIdxInExpand) = ExpandUtil.buildExpandNode(
        relBuilder, agg.getAggCallList, agg.getGroupSet, agg.getGroupSets)

      // new groupSet contains original groupSet and expand_id('$e') field
      val newGroupSet = agg.getGroupSet.union(ImmutableBitSet.of(expandIdIdxInExpand))

      (newGroupSet, duplicateFieldMap)
    } else {
      // no need add expand node, only need care about group functions
      (agg.getGroupSet, Map.empty[Integer, Integer])

    val newGroupCount = newGroupSet.cardinality()
    val newAggCalls = aggCallsWithIndexes.collect {
      case (aggCall, idx) if !groupIdExprs.contains(idx) =>
        val newArgList = => duplicateFieldMap.getOrElse(a, a)).toList
        val newFilterArg = duplicateFieldMap.getOrDefault(aggCall.filterArg, aggCall.filterArg)
          relBuilder.peek(), newArgList, newFilterArg, agg.getGroupCount, newGroupCount)

    // create simple aggregate
      relBuilder.groupKey(newGroupSet, ImmutableList.of[ImmutableBitSet](newGroupSet)),
    val newAgg = relBuilder.peek()

    // create a project to mapping original aggregate's output
    // get names of original grouping fields
    val groupingFieldsName = Seq.range(0, agg.getGroupCount)
      .map(x => agg.getRowType.getFieldNames.get(x))

    // create field access for all original grouping fields
    val groupingFields = {
      case (_, idx) => rexBuilder.makeInputRef(newAgg, idx)

    val groupSetsWithIndexes = agg.getGroupSets.zipWithIndex
    // output aggregate calls including `normal` agg call and grouping agg call
    var aggCnt = 0
    val aggFields = {
      case (aggCall, idx) if groupIdExprs.contains(idx) =>
        if (needExpand) {
          // reference to expand_id('$e') field in new aggregate
          val expandIdIdxInNewAgg = newGroupCount - 1
          val expandIdField = rexBuilder.makeInputRef(newAgg, expandIdIdxInNewAgg)
          // create case when for group expression
          val whenThenElse = groupSetsWithIndexes.flatMap {
            case (subGroupSet, i) =>
              val groupExpr = lowerGroupExpr(rexBuilder, aggCall, groupSetsWithIndexes, i)
              if (i < agg.getGroupSets.size() - 1) {
                //  WHEN/THEN
                val expandIdVal = ExpandUtil.genExpandId(agg.getGroupSet, subGroupSet)
                val expandIdType = newAgg.getRowType.getFieldList.get(expandIdIdxInNewAgg).getType
                val expandIdLit = rexBuilder.makeLiteral(expandIdVal, expandIdType, false)
                  // when $e = $e_value
                  rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.EQUALS, expandIdField, expandIdLit),
                  // then return group expression literal value
              } else {
                // ELSE
                  // else return group expression literal value
          rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.CASE, whenThenElse)
        } else {
          // create literal for group expression
          lowerGroupExpr(rexBuilder, aggCall, groupSetsWithIndexes, 0)
      case _ =>
        // create access to aggregation result
        val aggResult = rexBuilder.makeInputRef(newAgg, newGroupCount + aggCnt)
        aggCnt += 1

    // add a projection to establish the result schema and set the values of the group expressions.
      groupingFields.toSeq ++ aggFields,
      groupingFieldsName ++
    relBuilder.convert(agg.getRowType, true)


  /** Returns a literal for a given group expression. */
  private def lowerGroupExpr(
      builder: RexBuilder,
      call: AggregateCall,
      groupSetsWithIndexes: Seq[(ImmutableBitSet, Int)],
      indexInGroupSets: Int): RexNode = {

    val groupSet = groupSetsWithIndexes(indexInGroupSets)._1
    val groups = groupSet.asSet()
    call.getAggregation.getKind match {
      case SqlKind.GROUP_ID =>
        // GROUP_ID is not in the SQL standard. It is implemented only by Oracle.
        // GROUP_ID is useful only if you have duplicate grouping sets,
        // If grouping sets are distinct, GROUP_ID() will always return zero;
        // Else return the index in the duplicate grouping sets.
        // e.g. SELECT deptno, GROUP_ID() AS g FROM Emp GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (deptno, (), ())
        // As you can see, the grouping set () occurs twice.
        // So there is one row in the result for each occurrence:
        // the first occurrence has g = 0; the second has g = 1.
        val duplicateGroupSetsIndices = groupSetsWithIndexes.filter {
          case (gs, _) => gs.compareTo(groupSet) == 0
        val id: Long = duplicateGroupSetsIndices.indexOf(indexInGroupSets)
        builder.makeLiteral(id, call.getType, false)
      case SqlKind.GROUPING | SqlKind.GROUPING_ID =>
        // GROUPING function is defined in the SQL standard,
        // but the definition of GROUPING is different from in Oracle and in SQL standard:
        // GROUPING_ID function is not defined in the SQL standard, and has the same
        // functionality with GROUPING function in Calcite.
        // our implementation is consistent with Oracle about GROUPING_ID function.
        // NOTES:
        // In Calcite, the java-document of SqlGroupingFunction is not consistent with
        val res: Long = call.getArgList.foldLeft(0L)((res, arg) =>
          (res << 1L) + (if (groups.contains(arg)) 0L else 1L)
        builder.makeLiteral(res, call.getType, false)
      case _ => builder.constantNull()

object DecomposeGroupingSetsRule {
  val INSTANCE: RelOptRule = new DecomposeGroupingSetsRule

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