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org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.rules.logical.JoinConditionEqualityTransferRule.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.rules.logical

import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.FlinkRexUtil

import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptRule.{any, operand}
import org.apache.calcite.plan.{RelOptRule, RelOptRuleCall, RelOptUtil}
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.{Join, JoinRelType}
import org.apache.calcite.rex.{RexBuilder, RexCall, RexInputRef, RexNode}
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable

  * Planner rule that converts Join's conditions to the left or right table's own
  * independent filter as much as possible, so that the rules of filter-push-down can push down
  * the filter to below.

e.g. join condition: l_a = r_b and l_a = r_c. * The l_a is a field from left input, both r_b and r_c are fields from the right input. * After rewrite, condition will be: l_a = r_b and r_b = r_c. * r_b = r_c can be pushed down to the right input. */ class JoinConditionEqualityTransferRule extends RelOptRule( operand(classOf[Join], any), "JoinConditionEqualityTransferRule") { override def matches(call: RelOptRuleCall): Boolean = { val join: Join = call.rel(0) val joinType = join.getJoinType if (joinType != JoinRelType.INNER && joinType != JoinRelType.SEMI) { return false } val (optimizableFilters, _) = partitionJoinFilters(join) val groups = getEquiFilterRelationshipGroup(optimizableFilters) groups.exists(_.size > 2) } override def onMatch(call: RelOptRuleCall): Unit = { val join: Join = call.rel(0) val (optimizableFilters, remainFilters) = partitionJoinFilters(join) val (equiFiltersToOpt, equiFiltersNotOpt) = getEquiFilterRelationshipGroup(optimizableFilters).partition(_.size > 2) val builder = call.builder() val rexBuilder = builder.getRexBuilder val newEquiJoinFilters = mutable.ListBuffer[RexNode]() // add equiFiltersNotOpt. equiFiltersNotOpt.foreach { refs => require(refs.size == 2) newEquiJoinFilters += rexBuilder.makeCall(EQUALS, refs.head, refs.last) } // new opt filters. equiFiltersToOpt.foreach { refs => // partition to InputRef to left and right. val (leftRefs, rightRefs) = refs.partition(fromJoinLeft(join, _)) val rexCalls = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[RexNode]() // equals for each other. rexCalls ++= makeCalls(rexBuilder, leftRefs) rexCalls ++= makeCalls(rexBuilder, rightRefs) // equals for left and right. if (leftRefs.nonEmpty && rightRefs.nonEmpty) { rexCalls += rexBuilder.makeCall(EQUALS, leftRefs.head, rightRefs.head) } // add to newEquiJoinFilters with deduplication. rexCalls.foreach(call => newEquiJoinFilters += call) } val newJoinFilter = builder.and(remainFilters :+ FlinkRexUtil.simplify(rexBuilder, builder.and(newEquiJoinFilters))) val newJoin = join.copy( join.getTraitSet, newJoinFilter, join.getLeft, join.getRight, join.getJoinType, join.isSemiJoinDone) call.transformTo(newJoin) } /** * Returns true if the given input ref is from join left, else false. */ private def fromJoinLeft(join: Join, ref: RexInputRef): Boolean = { require(join.getSystemFieldList.size() == 0) ref.getIndex < join.getLeft.getRowType.getFieldCount } /** * Partition join condition to leftRef-rightRef equals and others. */ def partitionJoinFilters(join: Join): (Seq[RexNode], Seq[RexNode]) = { val conjunctions = RelOptUtil.conjunctions(join.getCondition) conjunctions.partition { case call: RexCall if call.isA(SqlKind.EQUALS) => (call.operands.head, call.operands.last) match { case (ref1: RexInputRef, ref2: RexInputRef) => val isLeft1 = fromJoinLeft(join, ref1) val isLeft2 = fromJoinLeft(join, ref2) isLeft1 != isLeft2 case _ => false } case _ => false } } /** * Put fields to a group that have equivalence relationships. */ def getEquiFilterRelationshipGroup(equiJoinFilters: Seq[RexNode]): Seq[Seq[RexInputRef]] = { val filterSets = mutable.ArrayBuffer[mutable.HashSet[RexInputRef]]() equiJoinFilters.foreach { case call: RexCall => require(call.isA(SqlKind.EQUALS)) val left = call.operands.head.asInstanceOf[RexInputRef] val right = call.operands.last.asInstanceOf[RexInputRef] val set = filterSets.find(set => set.contains(left) || set.contains(right)) match { case Some(s) => s case None => val s = new mutable.HashSet[RexInputRef]() filterSets += s s } set += left set += right } } /** * Make calls to a number of inputRefs, make sure that they both have a relationship. */ def makeCalls(rexBuilder: RexBuilder, nodes: Seq[RexInputRef]): Seq[RexNode] = { val calls = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[RexNode]() if (nodes.length > 1) { val rex = nodes.head nodes.drop(1).foreach(calls += rexBuilder.makeCall(EQUALS, rex, _)) } calls } } object JoinConditionEqualityTransferRule { val INSTANCE = new JoinConditionEqualityTransferRule }

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