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org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.rules.logical.RewriteMultiJoinConditionRule.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.rules.logical

import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptRule._
import org.apache.calcite.plan.{RelOptRule, RelOptRuleCall, RelOptUtil}
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.JoinRelType
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.MultiJoin
import org.apache.calcite.rex.{RexCall, RexNode}
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable

  * Planner rule to apply transitive closure on [[MultiJoin]] for equi-join predicates.

e.g. * MJ(A, B, C) ON A.a1=B.b1 AND B.b1=C.c1 → * MJ(A, B, C) ON A.a1=B.b1 AND B.b1=C.c1 AND A.a1=C.c1 * * The advantage of applying this rule is that it increases the choice of join reorder; * at the same time, the disadvantage is that it will use more CPU for additional join predicates. */ class RewriteMultiJoinConditionRule extends RelOptRule( operand(classOf[MultiJoin], any), "RewriteMultiJoinConditionRule") { override def matches(call: RelOptRuleCall): Boolean = { val multiJoin: MultiJoin = call.rel(0) // currently only supports all join types are INNER join val isAllInnerJoin = multiJoin.getJoinTypes.forall(_ eq JoinRelType.INNER) val (equiJoinFilters, _) = partitionJoinFilters(multiJoin) !multiJoin.isFullOuterJoin && isAllInnerJoin && equiJoinFilters.size > 1 } override def onMatch(call: RelOptRuleCall): Unit = { val multiJoin: MultiJoin = call.rel(0) val (equiJoinFilters, nonEquiJoinFilters) = partitionJoinFilters(multiJoin) // there is no `equals` method in RexCall, so the key of this map should be String val equiJoinFilterMap = mutable.HashMap[RexNode, mutable.ListBuffer[RexNode]]() equiJoinFilters.foreach { case c: RexCall => require(c.isA(SqlKind.EQUALS)) val left = c.operands.head val right = c.operands(1) equiJoinFilterMap.getOrElseUpdate(left, mutable.ListBuffer[RexNode]()) += right equiJoinFilterMap.getOrElseUpdate(right, mutable.ListBuffer[RexNode]()) += left } val candidateJoinFilters = equiJoinFilterMap.values.filter(_.size > 1) if (candidateJoinFilters.isEmpty) { // no transitive closure predicates return } val newEquiJoinFilters = mutable.ListBuffer[RexNode](equiJoinFilters: _*) def containEquiJoinFilter(joinFilter: RexNode): Boolean = { newEquiJoinFilters.exists { f => f.equals(joinFilter) } } val rexBuilder = multiJoin.getCluster.getRexBuilder candidateJoinFilters.foreach { candidate => candidate.indices.foreach { startIndex => val op1 = candidate(startIndex) candidate.subList(startIndex + 1, candidate.size).foreach { op2 => val newFilter = rexBuilder.makeCall(EQUALS, op1, op2) if (!containEquiJoinFilter(newFilter)) { newEquiJoinFilters += newFilter } } } } if (newEquiJoinFilters.size == equiJoinFilters.size) { // no new join filters added return } val newJoinFilter = call.builder().and(newEquiJoinFilters.toList ::: nonEquiJoinFilters.toList) val newMultiJoin = new MultiJoin( multiJoin.getCluster, multiJoin.getInputs, newJoinFilter, multiJoin.getRowType, multiJoin.isFullOuterJoin, multiJoin.getOuterJoinConditions, multiJoin.getJoinTypes, multiJoin.getProjFields, multiJoin.getJoinFieldRefCountsMap, multiJoin.getPostJoinFilter) call.transformTo(newMultiJoin) } /** * Partitions MultiJoin condition in equi join filters and non-equi join filters. */ private def partitionJoinFilters(multiJoin: MultiJoin): (Seq[RexNode], Seq[RexNode]) = { val joinFilters = RelOptUtil.conjunctions(multiJoin.getJoinFilter) joinFilters.partition(f => f.isA(SqlKind.EQUALS)) } } object RewriteMultiJoinConditionRule { val INSTANCE = new RewriteMultiJoinConditionRule }

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