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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.FlinkTypeFactory
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.functions.sql.SqlWindowTableFunction
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.logical.TimeAttributeWindowingStrategy
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.metadata.FlinkRelMetadataQuery
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.FlinkConventions
import{StreamPhysicalCalc, StreamPhysicalExpand, StreamPhysicalWindowAggregate, StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunction}
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.WindowUtil
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.WindowUtil.buildNewProgramWithoutWindowColumns

import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptRule.{any, operand}
import org.apache.calcite.plan.{RelOptRule, RelOptRuleCall}
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode
import org.apache.calcite.rex.{RexInputRef, RexLiteral, RexNode, RexProgram}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

 * This rule transposes [[StreamPhysicalExpand]] past [[StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunction]] to make
 * [[PullUpWindowTableFunctionIntoWindowAggregateRule]] can match the rel tree pattern and optimize
 * them into [[StreamPhysicalWindowAggregate]].
 * Example:
 * MyTable: a INT, c STRING, rowtime TIMESTAMP(3)
 * SQL:
 * {{{
 *    window_start,
 *    window_end,
 *    count(distinct a),
 *    count(distinct c)
 * GROUP BY window_start, window_end
 * }}}
 * We will get part of the initial physical plan like following:
 * {{{
 * WindowAggregate(groupBy=[$f4, $f5], window=[TUMBLE(win_start=[window_start],
 * win_end=[window_end], size=[15 min])], select=[$f4, $f5, COUNT(DISTINCT a) FILTER $g_1 AS $f2,
 * COUNT(DISTINCT c) FILTER $g_2 AS $f3, start('w$) AS window_start, end('w$) AS window_end])
 * +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[$f4, $f5]])
 *    +- Calc(select=[window_start, window_end, a, c, $f4, $f5, =($e, 1) AS $g_1, =($e, 2) AS $g_2])
 *       +- Expand(projects=[{window_start, window_end, a, c, $f4, null AS $f5, 1 AS $e},
 *       {window_start, window_end, a, c, null AS $f4, $f5, 2 AS $e}])
 *          +- Calc(select=[window_start, window_end, a, c,
 *          MOD(HASH_CODE(a), 1024) AS $f4, MOD(HASH_CODE(c), 1024) AS $f5])
 *             +- WindowTableFunction(window=[TUMBLE(time_col=[rowtime], size=[15 min])])
 * }}}
 * However, it can't match [[PullUpWindowTableFunctionIntoWindowAggregateRule]], because
 * [[StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunction]] is not near [[StreamPhysicalWindowAggregate]].
 * So we need to transpose [[StreamPhysicalExpand]] past [[StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunction]]
 * to make the part of rel tree like this which can be matched by
 * [[PullUpWindowTableFunctionIntoWindowAggregateRule]].
 * {{{
 * WindowAggregate(groupBy=[$f4, $f5], window=[TUMBLE(win_start=[window_start],
 * win_end=[window_end], size=[15 min])], select=[$f4, $f5, COUNT(DISTINCT a) FILTER $g_1 AS $f2,
 * COUNT(DISTINCT c) FILTER $g_2 AS $f3, start('w$) AS window_start, end('w$) AS window_end])
 * +- Exchange(distribution=[hash[$f4, $f5]])
 *   +- Calc(select=[window_start, window_end, a, c, $f4, $f5, ($e = 1) AS $g_1, ($e = 2) AS $g_2])
 *     +- WindowTableFunction(window=[TUMBLE(time_col=[rowtime], size=[15 min])])
 *       +- Expand(...)
 * }}}
*/ class ExpandWindowTableFunctionTransposeRule extends RelOptRule( operand(classOf[StreamPhysicalExpand], operand(classOf[StreamPhysicalCalc], operand(classOf[StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunction], any()))), "ExpandWindowTableFunctionTransposeRule") { override def matches(call: RelOptRuleCall): Boolean = { val expand: StreamPhysicalExpand = call.rel(0) val calc: StreamPhysicalCalc = call.rel(1) val fmq = FlinkRelMetadataQuery.reuseOrCreate(calc.getCluster.getMetadataQuery) // condition and projection of Calc shouldn't contain calls on window columns, // otherwise, we can't transpose WindowTVF and Calc if (WindowUtil.calcContainsCallsOnWindowColumns(calc, fmq)) { return false } // we only transpose WindowTVF when expand propagate window_start and window_end, // otherwise, it's meaningless to transpose val expandWindowProps = fmq.getRelWindowProperties(expand) expandWindowProps != null && !expandWindowProps.getWindowStartColumns.isEmpty && !expandWindowProps.getWindowEndColumns.isEmpty } override def onMatch(call: RelOptRuleCall): Unit = { val expand: StreamPhysicalExpand = call.rel(0) val calc: StreamPhysicalCalc = call.rel(1) val windowTVF: StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunction = call.rel(2) val cluster = expand.getCluster val fmq = FlinkRelMetadataQuery.reuseOrCreate(cluster.getMetadataQuery) val typeFactory = cluster.getTypeFactory.asInstanceOf[FlinkTypeFactory] val input = windowTVF.getInput val inputRowType = input.getRowType val requiredInputTraitSet = input.getTraitSet.replace(FlinkConventions.STREAM_PHYSICAL) val newInput: RelNode = RelOptRule.convert(input, requiredInputTraitSet) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1. transpose Calc and WindowTVF, build the new Calc node (the top node) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- val windowColumns = fmq.getRelWindowProperties(windowTVF).getWindowColumns val (newProgram, fieldShifting, newTimeField, timeFieldAdded) = buildNewProgramWithoutWindowColumns( cluster.getRexBuilder, calc.getProgram, inputRowType, windowTVF.windowing.getTimeAttributeIndex, windowColumns.toArray) val newCalc = new StreamPhysicalCalc( cluster, calc.getTraitSet, newInput, newProgram, newProgram.getOutputRowType) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 2. Adjust input ref index in Expand, append time attribute ref if needed // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- val newExpand = buildNewExpand(expand, newCalc, fieldShifting, newTimeField, timeFieldAdded) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 3. Apply WindowTVF on the new Expand node // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- val newOutputType = SqlWindowTableFunction.inferRowType( typeFactory, newExpand.getRowType, typeFactory.createFieldTypeFromLogicalType(windowTVF.windowing.getTimeAttributeType)) val timeAttributeOnExpand = if (timeFieldAdded) { // the time attribute ref is appended newExpand.getRowType.getFieldCount - 1 } else { newTimeField } val newWindowing = new TimeAttributeWindowingStrategy( windowTVF.windowing.getWindow, windowTVF.windowing.getTimeAttributeType, timeAttributeOnExpand) val newWindowTVF = new StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunction( cluster, windowTVF.getTraitSet, newExpand, newOutputType, newWindowing) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 4. Apply Calc on the new WindowTVF to adjust the fields mapping // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- val projectionMapping = getProjectionMapping(fmq, expand, newWindowTVF) val projectExprs =, newWindowTVF.getRowType)) val topRexProgram = RexProgram.create( newWindowTVF.getRowType, projectExprs.toList.asJava, null, // no filter expand.getRowType, cluster.getRexBuilder) val topCalc = new StreamPhysicalCalc( cluster, expand.getTraitSet, newWindowTVF, topRexProgram, topRexProgram.getOutputRowType) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 5. Finish // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- call.transformTo(topCalc) } private def buildNewExpand( expand: StreamPhysicalExpand, newCalc: StreamPhysicalCalc, inputFieldShifting: Array[Int], newTimeField: Int, timeFieldAdded: Boolean): StreamPhysicalExpand = { val newInputRowType = newCalc.getRowType val expandIdIndex = expand.expandIdIndex var newExpandIdIndex = -1 val newProjects = { exprs => val newExprs = ArrayBuffer[RexNode]() var baseOffset = 0 exprs.asScala.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (ref: RexInputRef, _) if inputFieldShifting(ref.getIndex) < 0 => // skip the window columns case (ref: RexInputRef, _) => val newInputIndex = inputFieldShifting(ref.getIndex) newExprs += RexInputRef.of(newInputIndex, newInputRowType) // we only use the type from input ref instead of literal baseOffset += 1 case (lit: RexLiteral, exprIndex) => newExprs += lit if (exprIndex == expandIdIndex) { // this is the expand id, we should remember the new index of expand id // and update type for this expr newExpandIdIndex = baseOffset } baseOffset += 1 case exp@_ => throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expand node should only contain RexInputRef and RexLiteral, but got " + exp) } if (timeFieldAdded) { // append time attribute reference if needed newExprs += RexInputRef.of(newTimeField, newInputRowType) } newExprs.asJava } new StreamPhysicalExpand( expand.getCluster, expand.getTraitSet, newCalc, newProjects.asJava, newExpandIdIndex ) } private def getProjectionMapping( fmq: FlinkRelMetadataQuery, oldExpand: StreamPhysicalExpand, newWindowTVF: StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunction): Array[Int] = { val windowProps = fmq.getRelWindowProperties(oldExpand) val startColumns = windowProps.getWindowStartColumns.toArray val endColumns = windowProps.getWindowEndColumns.toArray val timeColumns = windowProps.getWindowTimeColumns.toArray val newWindowTimePos = newWindowTVF.getRowType.getFieldCount - 1 val newWindowEndPos = newWindowTVF.getRowType.getFieldCount - 2 val newWindowStartPos = newWindowTVF.getRowType.getFieldCount - 3 var numWindowColumns = 0 val projectMapping = ArrayBuffer[Int]() (0 until oldExpand.getRowType.getFieldCount).foreach { index => if (startColumns.contains(index)) { projectMapping += newWindowStartPos numWindowColumns += 1 } else if (endColumns.contains(index)) { projectMapping += newWindowEndPos numWindowColumns += 1 } else if (timeColumns.contains(index)) { projectMapping += newWindowTimePos numWindowColumns += 1 } else { projectMapping += index - numWindowColumns } } projectMapping.toArray } } object ExpandWindowTableFunctionTransposeRule { val INSTANCE = new ExpandWindowTableFunctionTransposeRule }

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