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org.apache.flink.table.planner.sinks.TableSinkUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.flink.table.planner.sinks

import{Tuple2 => JTuple2}
import{GenericTypeInfo, PojoTypeInfo, TupleTypeInfo}
import org.apache.flink.api.scala.typeutils.CaseClassTypeInfo
import org.apache.flink.table.api._
import org.apache.flink.table.catalog.{CatalogTable, ObjectIdentifier}
import org.apache.flink.table.operations.CatalogSinkModifyOperation
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.connectors.DynamicSinkUtils
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.types.TypeInfoDataTypeConverter.fromDataTypeToTypeInfo
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.typeutils.InternalTypeInfo
import org.apache.flink.table.sinks._
import org.apache.flink.table.types.DataType
import org.apache.flink.table.types.inference.TypeTransformations.toNullable
import org.apache.flink.table.types.logical.utils.LogicalTypeChecks
import org.apache.flink.table.types.logical.{LegacyTypeInformationType, RowType}
import org.apache.flink.table.types.utils.DataTypeUtils
import org.apache.flink.table.types.utils.TypeConversions.{fromLegacyInfoToDataType, fromLogicalToDataType}
import org.apache.flink.table.utils.{TableSchemaUtils, TypeMappingUtils}
import org.apache.flink.types.Row

import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConversions._

 * Note: We aim to gradually port the logic in this class to [[DynamicSinkUtils]].
object TableSinkUtils {

    * It checks whether the [[TableSink]] is compatible to the INSERT INTO clause, e.g.
    * whether the sink is a [[PartitionableTableSink]] and the partitions are valid.
    * @param sinkOperation The sink operation with the query that is supposed to be written.
    * @param sinkIdentifier Tha path of the sink. It is needed just for logging. It does not
    *                      participate in the validation.
    * @param sink     The sink that we want to write to.
    * @param partitionKeys The partition keys of this table.
  def validateTableSink(
      sinkOperation: CatalogSinkModifyOperation,
      sinkIdentifier: ObjectIdentifier,
      sink: TableSink[_],
      partitionKeys: Seq[String]): Unit = {

    // check partitions are valid
    if (partitionKeys.nonEmpty) {
      sink match {
        case _: PartitionableTableSink =>
        case _ => throw new ValidationException("We need PartitionableTableSink to write data to" +
            s" partitioned table: $sinkIdentifier")

    val staticPartitions = sinkOperation.getStaticPartitions
    if (staticPartitions != null && !staticPartitions.isEmpty) { foreach { p =>
        if (!partitionKeys.contains(p)) {
          throw new ValidationException(s"Static partition column $p should be in the partition" +
              s" fields list $partitionKeys for Table($sinkIdentifier).")

    sink match {
      case overwritableTableSink: OverwritableTableSink =>
      case _ =>
        assert(!sinkOperation.isOverwrite, "INSERT OVERWRITE requires " +
          s"${classOf[OverwritableTableSink].getSimpleName} but actually got " +

    * Inferences the physical schema of [[TableSink]], the physical schema ignores change flag
    * field and normalizes physical types (can be generic type or POJO type) into [[TableSchema]].
    * @param queryLogicalType the logical type of query, will be used to full-fill sink physical
    *                         schema if the sink physical type is not specified.
    * @param sink the instance of [[TableSink]]
  def inferSinkPhysicalSchema(
      queryLogicalType: RowType,
      sink: TableSink[_]): TableSchema = {
    val withChangeFlag = sink match {
      case _: RetractStreamTableSink[_] | _: UpsertStreamTableSink[_] => true
      case _: StreamTableSink[_] => false
      case dsts: DataStreamTableSink[_] => dsts.withChangeFlag
    inferSinkPhysicalSchema(sink.getConsumedDataType, queryLogicalType, withChangeFlag)

    * Inferences the physical schema of [[TableSink]], the physical schema ignores change flag
    * field and normalizes physical types (can be generic type or POJO type) into [[TableSchema]].
    * @param consumedDataType the consumed data type of sink
    * @param queryLogicalType the logical type of query, will be used to full-fill sink physical
    *                         schema if the sink physical type is not specified.
    * @param withChangeFlag true if the emitted records contains change flags.
  def inferSinkPhysicalSchema(
      consumedDataType: DataType,
      queryLogicalType: RowType,
      withChangeFlag: Boolean): TableSchema = {
    // the requested output physical type which ignores the flag field
    val requestedOutputType = inferSinkPhysicalDataType(
    if (LogicalTypeChecks.isCompositeType(requestedOutputType.getLogicalType)) {
      // if the requested output type is POJO, then we should ignore the POJO fields order,
      // and infer the sink schema via field names, see expandPojoTypeToSchema().
      fromDataTypeToTypeInfo(requestedOutputType) match {
        case pj: PojoTypeInfo[_] => expandPojoTypeToSchema(pj, queryLogicalType)
        case _ =>
    } else {
      // atomic type
      TableSchema.builder().field("f0", requestedOutputType).build()

   * Expands a [[PojoTypeInfo]] to a corresponding [[TableSchema]].
   * This is a special handling for [[PojoTypeInfo]], because fields of [[PojoTypeInfo]] is not
   * in the defined order but the alphabet order. In order to match the query schema, we should
   * reorder the Pojo schema.
  private def expandPojoTypeToSchema(
      pojo: PojoTypeInfo[_],
      queryLogicalType: RowType): TableSchema = {
    val fieldNames = queryLogicalType.getFieldNames
    // reorder pojo fields according to the query schema
    val reorderedFields = => {
      val index = pojo.getFieldIndex(name)
      if (index < 0) {
        throw new TableException(s"$name is not found in ${pojo.toString}")
      val fieldTypeInfo = pojo.getPojoFieldAt(index).getTypeInformation
      val fieldDataType = fieldTypeInfo match {
        case nestedPojo: PojoTypeInfo[_] =>
          val nestedLogicalType = queryLogicalType.getFields()(index).getType.asInstanceOf[RowType]
          expandPojoTypeToSchema(nestedPojo, nestedLogicalType).toRowDataType
        case _ =>
      DataTypes.FIELD(name, fieldDataType)
      DataTypeUtils.expandCompositeTypeToSchema(DataTypes.ROW(reorderedFields: _*)))

    * Inferences the physical data type of [[TableSink]], the physical data type ignores
    * the change flag field.
    * @param consumedDataType the consumed data type of sink
    * @param queryLogicalType the logical type of query, will be used to full-fill sink physical
    *                         schema if the sink physical type is not specified.
    * @param withChangeFlag true if the emitted records contains change flags.
  def inferSinkPhysicalDataType(
      consumedDataType: DataType,
      queryLogicalType: RowType,
      withChangeFlag: Boolean): DataType = {
    val consumedTypeInfo = consumedDataType.getLogicalType match {
      case lt: LegacyTypeInformationType[_] => Some(lt.getTypeInformation)
      case _ => None
    if (consumedTypeInfo.isEmpty) {
      return consumedDataType

    val requestedTypeInfo = if (withChangeFlag) {
      consumedTypeInfo.get match {
        // Scala tuple
        case t: CaseClassTypeInfo[_]
          if t.getTypeClass == classOf[(_, _)] && t.getTypeAt(0) == Types.BOOLEAN =>
        // Java tuple
        case t: TupleTypeInfo[_]
          if t.getTypeClass == classOf[JTuple2[_, _]] && t.getTypeAt(0) == Types.BOOLEAN =>
        case _ => throw new TableException(
          "Don't support " + consumedDataType + " conversion for the retract sink")
    } else {
    // The tpe may been inferred by invoking [[TypeExtractor.createTypeInfo]] based the
    // class of the resulting type. For example, converts the given [[Table]] into
    // an append [[DataStream]]. If the class is Row, then the return type only is
    // [[GenericTypeInfo[Row]]. So it should convert to the [[RowTypeInfo]] in order
    // to better serialize performance.
    requestedTypeInfo match {
      case gt: GenericTypeInfo[Row] if gt.getTypeClass == classOf[Row] =>
      case gt: GenericTypeInfo[RowData] if gt.getTypeClass == classOf[RowData] =>
      case bt: InternalTypeInfo[RowData] =>
        val fields = { case (n, t) =>
          DataTypes.FIELD(n, fromLogicalToDataType(t))
        DataTypes.ROW(fields: _*).bridgedTo(classOf[RowData])
      case _ =>

    * Checks whether the logical schema (from DDL) and physical schema
    * (from TableSink.getConsumedDataType()) of sink are compatible.
    * @param catalogTable the catalog table of sink
    * @param sink the instance of [[TableSink]]
    * @param queryLogicalType the logical type of query
  def validateLogicalPhysicalTypesCompatible(
      catalogTable: CatalogTable,
      sink: TableSink[_],
      queryLogicalType: RowType): Unit = {
    // there may be generated columns in DDL, only get the physical part of DDL
    val logicalSchema = TableSchemaUtils.getPhysicalSchema(catalogTable.getSchema)
    // infer the physical schema from TableSink#getConsumedDataType
    val physicalSchema = TableSinkUtils.inferSinkPhysicalSchema(
    // check for valid type info
    if (logicalSchema.getFieldCount != physicalSchema.getFieldCount) {
      throw new ValidationException("The field count of logical schema of the table does" +
        " not match with the field count of physical schema\n. " +
        s"The logical schema: [${logicalSchema.getFieldDataTypes.mkString(",")}]\n" +
        s"The physical schema: [${physicalSchema.getFieldDataTypes.mkString(",")}].")

    for (i <- 0 until logicalSchema.getFieldCount) {
      val logicalFieldType = DataTypeUtils.transform(
        logicalSchema.getFieldDataTypes()(i), toNullable) // ignore nullabilities
      val logicalFieldName = logicalSchema.getFieldNames()(i)
      val physicalFieldType = DataTypeUtils.transform(
        physicalSchema.getFieldDataTypes()(i), toNullable) // ignore nullabilities
      val physicalFieldName = physicalSchema.getFieldNames()(i)

   * Gets the NOT NULL physical field indices on the [[CatalogTable]].
  def getNotNullFieldIndices(tableSchema: TableSchema): Array[Int] = {
    val rowType = tableSchema.toPhysicalRowDataType.getLogicalType.asInstanceOf[RowType]
    val fieldTypes =
    fieldTypes.indices.filter { index =>

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