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org.apache.flink.table.planner.sources.TableSourceUtil.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.flink.table.planner.sources

import org.apache.flink.table.api.{DataTypes, TableSchema, ValidationException, WatermarkSpec}
import org.apache.flink.table.expressions.ApiExpressionUtils.{typeLiteral, valueLiteral}
import org.apache.flink.table.expressions.{CallExpression, Expression, ResolvedExpression, ResolvedFieldReference}
import org.apache.flink.table.functions.BuiltInFunctionDefinitions
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.FlinkTypeFactory
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.expressions.converter.ExpressionConverter
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.types.DataTypePrecisionFixer
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.types.LogicalTypeDataTypeConverter.fromDataTypeToLogicalType
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.types.TypeInfoLogicalTypeConverter.fromTypeInfoToLogicalType
import org.apache.flink.table.sources._
import org.apache.flink.table.sources.tsextractors.{TimestampExtractor, TimestampExtractorUtils}
import org.apache.flink.table.types.DataType
import org.apache.flink.table.types.logical.RowType.RowField
import org.apache.flink.table.types.logical._

import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptCluster
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode
import org.apache.calcite.rel.`type`.RelDataType
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalValues
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode

import{Function => JFunction}

import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConverters._

 * Note: We aim to gradually port the logic in this class to [[DynamicSinkUtils]].
object TableSourceUtil {

   * Fixes the precision of [[TableSource#getProducedDataType()]] with the given logical schema
   * type. The precision of producedDataType may lose, because the data type may comes from
   * legacy type (e.g. Types.BIG_DEC). However, the precision is important to convert output of
   * source to internal row.
   * @param tableSource the table source
   * @param logicalSchema the logical schema from DDL which carries the correct precisions
   * @return the produced data type with correct precisions.
  def fixPrecisionForProducedDataType(
      tableSource: TableSource[_],
      logicalSchema: RowType)
    : DataType = {

    // remove proctime field from logical schema, because proctime is not in produced data type
    val schemaWithoutProctime = getProctimeAttribute(tableSource) match {
      case Some(proctime) =>
        val fields = logicalSchema
          .filter(f => !f.getName.equals(proctime))
        new RowType(logicalSchema.isNullable, fields)

      case None => logicalSchema

    // get the corresponding logical type according to the layout of source data type
    val sourceLogicalType = fromDataTypeToLogicalType(tableSource.getProducedDataType)
    def mapping(physicalName: String): Option[String] = tableSource match {
      case ts: DefinedFieldMapping if ts.getFieldMapping != null =>
        // revert key and value, mapping from physical field to logical field
        val map =
      case _ =>

    val correspondingLogicalType = sourceLogicalType match {
      case outType: RowType =>
        val logicalNamesToTypes = schemaWithoutProctime
          .map(f => (f.getName, f.getType))
        val fields = => {
          val t = mapping(f.getName) match {
            case Some(n) if logicalNamesToTypes.contains(n) =>
              logicalNamesToTypes(n) // find corresponding logical type
            case _ =>
              f.getType // use physical type if logical type can't find
          new RowField(f.getName, t)
        new RowType(schemaWithoutProctime.isNullable, fields)

      case _ =>
        // atomic output type
        // get the first type of logical schema list, there must be only one type in the list

    // fixing the precision
      .accept(new DataTypePrecisionFixer(correspondingLogicalType))

    * Returns schema of the selected fields of the given [[TableSource]].

The watermark strategy specifications should either come from the [[TableSchema]] * or [[TableSource]]. * * @param typeFactory Type factory to create the type * @param tableSource Table source to derive watermark strategies * @param streaming Flag to determine whether the schema of a stream or batch table is created * @return The row type for the selected fields of the given [[TableSource]], this type would * also be patched with time attributes defined in the give [[WatermarkSpec]] */ def getSourceRowTypeFromSource( typeFactory: FlinkTypeFactory, tableSource: TableSource[_], streaming: Boolean): RelDataType = { val tableSchema = tableSource.getTableSchema val fieldNames = tableSchema.getFieldNames val fieldDataTypes = tableSchema.getFieldDataTypes var fieldTypes = if (streaming) { // adjust the type of time attributes for streaming tables val rowtimeAttributes = getRowtimeAttributes(tableSource) val proctimeAttributes = getProctimeAttribute(tableSource) // patch rowtime fields with time indicator type rowtimeAttributes.foreach { rowtimeField => val idx = fieldNames.indexOf(rowtimeField) val rowtimeType = new TimestampType( true, TimestampKind.ROWTIME, 3) fieldTypes = fieldTypes.patch(idx, Seq(rowtimeType), 1) } // patch proctime field with time indicator type proctimeAttributes.foreach { proctimeField => val idx = fieldNames.indexOf(proctimeField) val proctimeType = new LocalZonedTimestampType( true, TimestampKind.PROCTIME, 3) fieldTypes = fieldTypes.patch(idx, Seq(proctimeType), 1) } } typeFactory.buildRelNodeRowType(fieldNames, fieldTypes) } /** * Returns schema of the selected fields of the given [[TableSource]]. * *

The watermark strategy specifications should either come from the [[TableSchema]] * or [[TableSource]]. * * @param typeFactory Type factory to create the type * @param tableSchema Table schema to derive table field names and data types * @param tableSource Table source to derive watermark strategies * @param streaming Flag to determine whether the schema of a stream or batch table is created * @return The row type for the selected fields of the given [[TableSource]], this type would * also be patched with time attributes defined in the give [[WatermarkSpec]] */ def getSourceRowType( typeFactory: FlinkTypeFactory, tableSchema: TableSchema, tableSource: Option[TableSource[_]], streaming: Boolean): RelDataType = { val fieldNames = tableSchema.getFieldNames val fieldDataTypes = tableSchema.getFieldDataTypes if (tableSource.isDefined) { getSourceRowTypeFromSource(typeFactory, tableSource.get, streaming) } else { val fieldTypes = typeFactory.buildRelNodeRowType(fieldNames, fieldTypes) } } /** * Returns the [[RowtimeAttributeDescriptor]] of a [[TableSource]]. * * @param tableSource The [[TableSource]] for which the [[RowtimeAttributeDescriptor]] is * returned. * @param rowType The table source table row type * @return The [[RowtimeAttributeDescriptor]] of the [[TableSource]]. */ def getRowtimeAttributeDescriptor( tableSource: TableSource[_], rowType: RelDataType): Option[RowtimeAttributeDescriptor] = { tableSource match { case r: DefinedRowtimeAttributes => val descriptors = r.getRowtimeAttributeDescriptors if (descriptors.size() == 0) { None } else if (descriptors.size > 1) { throw new ValidationException("Table with has more than a single rowtime attribute..") } else { // exactly one rowtime attribute descriptor val descriptor = descriptors.get(0) if (rowType.getFieldNames.contains(descriptor.getAttributeName)) { Some(descriptor) } else { // If the row type fields does not contain the attribute name // (i.e. filtered out by the push down rules), returns None. None } } case _ => None } } /** * Retrieves an expression to compute a rowtime attribute. * * @param extractor Timestamp extractor to construct an expression for. * @param physicalInputType Physical input type that the timestamp extractor accesses. * @param relBuilder Builder needed to construct the resulting RexNode. * @param nameMapping Additional remapping of a logical to a physical field name. * TimestampExtractor works with logical names, but accesses physical * fields * @return The [[RexNode]] expression to extract the timestamp. */ def getRowtimeExtractionExpression( extractor: TimestampExtractor, physicalInputType: DataType, relBuilder: RelBuilder, nameMapping: JFunction[String, String]) : RexNode = { val accessedFields = TimestampExtractorUtils.getAccessedFields( extractor, physicalInputType, nameMapping) relBuilder.push(createSchemaRelNode(accessedFields, relBuilder.getCluster)) val expr = constructExpression( extractor, accessedFields ).accept(new ExpressionConverter(relBuilder)) relBuilder.clear() expr } private def createSchemaRelNode( fields: Array[ResolvedFieldReference], cluster: RelOptCluster) : RelNode = { val maxIdx = val idxMap: Map[Int, (String, LogicalType)] = Map( => f.fieldIndex() -> (, fromTypeInfoToLogicalType(f.resultType()))): _*) val (physicalFields, physicalTypes) = (0 to maxIdx) .map(i => idxMap.getOrElse(i, ("", new TinyIntType()))).unzip val physicalSchema: RelDataType = cluster.getTypeFactory.asInstanceOf[FlinkTypeFactory] .buildRelNodeRowType( physicalFields, physicalTypes) LogicalValues.createEmpty( cluster, physicalSchema) } private def constructExpression( timestampExtractor: TimestampExtractor, fieldAccesses: Array[ResolvedFieldReference]) : Expression = { val expression = timestampExtractor.getExpression(fieldAccesses) // add cast to requested type and convert expression to RexNode // If resultType is TimeIndicatorTypeInfo, its internal format is long, but cast // from Timestamp is java.sql.Timestamp. So we need cast to long first. val outputType = DataTypes.TIMESTAMP(3).bridgedTo(classOf[Timestamp]) new CallExpression( BuiltInFunctionDefinitions.REINTERPRET_CAST, Seq( expression.asInstanceOf[ResolvedExpression], typeLiteral(outputType), valueLiteral(false)), outputType) } /** Returns a list with all rowtime attribute names of the [[TableSource]]. */ private def getRowtimeAttributes(tableSource: TableSource[_]): Array[String] = { tableSource match { case r: DefinedRowtimeAttributes => case _ => Array() } } /** Returns the proctime attribute of the [[TableSource]] if it is defined. */ private def getProctimeAttribute(tableSource: TableSource[_]): Option[String] = { tableSource match { case p: DefinedProctimeAttribute if p.getProctimeAttribute != null => Some(p.getProctimeAttribute) case _ => None } } }

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