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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import org.apache.flink.api.dag.Transformation
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.transformations.OneInputTransformation
import org.apache.flink.table.api.{Table, TableException}
import org.apache.flink.table.dataformat.BaseRow
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.calcite.FlinkTypeFactory
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.codegen.SinkCodeGenerator.generateRowConverterOperator
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.codegen.{CodeGenUtils, CodeGeneratorContext}
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation.StreamPlanner
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.`trait`.{AccMode, AccModeTraitDef}
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.calcite.Sink
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.exec.{ExecNode, StreamExecNode}
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.UpdatingPlanChecker
import org.apache.flink.table.planner.sinks.DataStreamTableSink
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.types.TypeInfoDataTypeConverter
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.typeutils.{BaseRowTypeInfo, TypeCheckUtils}
import org.apache.flink.table.sinks._
import org.apache.flink.table.types.logical.TimestampType

import org.apache.calcite.plan.{RelOptCluster, RelTraitSet}
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode

import java.util

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

  * Stream physical RelNode to to write data into an external sink defined by a [[TableSink]].
class StreamExecSink[T](
    cluster: RelOptCluster,
    traitSet: RelTraitSet,
    inputRel: RelNode,
    sink: TableSink[T],
    sinkName: String)
  extends Sink(cluster, traitSet, inputRel, sink, sinkName)
  with StreamPhysicalRel
  with StreamExecNode[Any] {

  override def producesUpdates: Boolean = false

  override def needsUpdatesAsRetraction(input: RelNode): Boolean =

  override def consumesRetractions: Boolean = false

  override def producesRetractions: Boolean = false

  override def requireWatermark: Boolean = false

  override def copy(traitSet: RelTraitSet, inputs: util.List[RelNode]): RelNode = {
    new StreamExecSink(cluster, traitSet, inputs.get(0), sink, sinkName)

  //~ ExecNode methods -----------------------------------------------------------

  override def getInputNodes: util.List[ExecNode[StreamPlanner, _]] = {
    List(getInput.asInstanceOf[ExecNode[StreamPlanner, _]])

  override def replaceInputNode(
      ordinalInParent: Int,
      newInputNode: ExecNode[StreamPlanner, _]): Unit = {
    replaceInput(ordinalInParent, newInputNode.asInstanceOf[RelNode])

  override protected def translateToPlanInternal(
      planner: StreamPlanner): Transformation[Any] = {
    val resultTransformation = sink match {
      case streamTableSink: StreamTableSink[T] =>
        val transformation = streamTableSink match {
          case _: RetractStreamTableSink[T] =>
            translateToTransformation(withChangeFlag = true, planner)

          case upsertSink: UpsertStreamTableSink[T] =>
            // check for append only table
            val isAppendOnlyTable = UpdatingPlanChecker.isAppendOnly(this)

            // extract unique key fields
            // Now we pick shortest one to sink
            // TODO UpsertStreamTableSink setKeyFields interface should be Array[Array[String]]
            val tableKeys = {
              UpdatingPlanChecker.getUniqueKeyFields(getInput, planner) match {
                case Some(keys) => keys.sortBy(_.length).headOption
                case None => None

            // check that we have keys if the table has changes (is not append-only)
            tableKeys match {
              case Some(keys) => upsertSink.setKeyFields(keys)
              case None if isAppendOnlyTable => upsertSink.setKeyFields(null)
              case None if !isAppendOnlyTable => throw new TableException(
                "UpsertStreamTableSink requires that Table has" +
                    " a full primary keys if it is updated.")

            translateToTransformation(withChangeFlag = true, planner)

          case _: AppendStreamTableSink[T] =>
            // verify table is an insert-only (append-only) table
            if (!UpdatingPlanChecker.isAppendOnly(this)) {
              throw new TableException(
                "AppendStreamTableSink requires that Table has only insert changes.")

            val accMode = this.getTraitSet.getTrait(AccModeTraitDef.INSTANCE).getAccMode
            if (accMode == AccMode.AccRetract) {
              throw new TableException(
                "AppendStreamTableSink can not be used to output retraction messages.")
            translateToTransformation(withChangeFlag = false, planner)

          case _ =>
            throw new TableException(
              "Stream Tables can only be emitted by AppendStreamTableSink, " +
                "RetractStreamTableSink, or UpsertStreamTableSink.")
        val dataStream = new DataStream(planner.getExecEnv, transformation)
        val dsSink = streamTableSink.consumeDataStream(dataStream)
        if (dsSink == null) {
          throw new TableException("The StreamTableSink#consumeDataStream(DataStream) must be " +
            "implemented and return the sink transformation DataStreamSink. " +
            s"However, ${sink.getClass.getCanonicalName} doesn't implement this method.")

      case dsTableSink: DataStreamTableSink[_] =>
        // In case of table to stream through BatchTableEnvironment#translateToDataStream,
        // we insert a DataStreamTableSink then wrap it as a LogicalSink, there is no real batch
        // table sink, so we do not need to invoke TableSink#emitBoundedStream and set resource,
        // just a translation to Transformation is ok.
        translateToTransformation(dsTableSink.withChangeFlag, planner)

      case _ =>
        throw new TableException(s"Only Support StreamTableSink! " +
          s"However ${sink.getClass.getCanonicalName} is not a StreamTableSink.")

    * Translates a logical [[RelNode]] into a [[Transformation]].
    * @param withChangeFlag Set to true to emit records with change flags.
    * @return The [[Transformation]] that corresponds to the translated [[Table]].
  private def translateToTransformation(
      withChangeFlag: Boolean,
      planner: StreamPlanner): Transformation[T] = {
    val config = planner.getTableConfig
    val inputNode = getInput
    // if no change flags are requested, verify table is an insert-only (append-only) table.
    if (!withChangeFlag && !UpdatingPlanChecker.isAppendOnly(inputNode)) {
      throw new TableException(
        "Table is not an append-only table. " +
          "Use the toRetractStream() in order to handle add and retract messages.")

    // get BaseRow plan
    val parTransformation = inputNode match {
      // Sink's input must be StreamExecNode[BaseRow] now.
      case node: StreamExecNode[BaseRow] =>
      case _ =>
        throw new TableException("Cannot generate DataStream due to an invalid logical plan. " +
                                   "This is a bug and should not happen. Please file an issue.")
    val logicalType = inputNode.getRowType
    val rowtimeFields = logicalType.getFieldList
                        .filter(f => FlinkTypeFactory.isRowtimeIndicatorType(f.getType))

    val convType = if (rowtimeFields.size > 1) {
      throw new TableException(
        s"Found more than one rowtime field: [${", ")}] in " +
          s"the table that should be converted to a DataStream.\n" +
          s"Please select the rowtime field that should be used as event-time timestamp for the " +
          s"DataStream by casting all other fields to TIMESTAMP.")
    } else if (rowtimeFields.size == 1) {
      val origRowType = parTransformation.getOutputType.asInstanceOf[BaseRowTypeInfo]
      val convFieldTypes = { t =>
        if (TypeCheckUtils.isRowTime(t)) {
          new TimestampType(3)
        } else {
      new BaseRowTypeInfo(convFieldTypes, origRowType.getFieldNames)
    } else {
    val resultDataType = sink.getConsumedDataType
    val resultType = TypeInfoDataTypeConverter.fromDataTypeToTypeInfo(resultDataType)
    if (CodeGenUtils.isInternalClass(resultDataType)) {
    } else {
      val (converterOperator, outputTypeInfo) = generateRowConverterOperator[T](
      new OneInputTransformation(



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