org.apache.flink.table.api.StreamTableEnvironment.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.flink.table.api
import{Boolean => JBool}
import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptUtil
import org.apache.calcite.plan.hep.HepMatchOrder
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode
import org.apache.calcite.rel.`type`.{RelDataType, RelDataTypeField, RelDataTypeFieldImpl, RelRecordType}
import org.apache.calcite.sql2rel.RelDecorrelator
import{RuleSet, RuleSets}
import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.MapFunction
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.{SqlTimeTypeInfo, TypeInformation}
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeutils.CompositeType
import{Tuple2 => JTuple2}
import{RowTypeInfo, TupleTypeInfo}
import org.apache.flink.api.scala.typeutils.CaseClassTypeInfo
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.TimeCharacteristic
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment
import org.apache.flink.table.calcite.{FlinkTypeFactory, RelTimeIndicatorConverter}
import org.apache.flink.table.descriptors.{ConnectorDescriptor, StreamTableDescriptor}
import org.apache.flink.table.explain.PlanJsonParser
import org.apache.flink.table.expressions._
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.nodes.FlinkConventions
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.nodes.datastream.{DataStreamRel, UpdateAsRetractionTrait}
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.rules.FlinkRuleSets
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.schema._
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.util.UpdatingPlanChecker
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.conversion._
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.types.{CRow, CRowTypeInfo}
import org.apache.flink.table.runtime.{CRowMapRunner, OutputRowtimeProcessFunction}
import org.apache.flink.table.sinks._
import org.apache.flink.table.sources.{StreamTableSource, TableSource, TableSourceUtil}
import org.apache.flink.table.typeutils.{TimeIndicatorTypeInfo, TypeCheckUtils}
import _root_.scala.collection.JavaConverters._
* The base class for stream TableEnvironments.
* A TableEnvironment can be used to:
* - convert [[DataStream]] to a [[Table]]
* - register a [[DataStream]] as a table in the catalog
* - register a [[Table]] in the catalog
* - scan a registered table to obtain a [[Table]]
* - specify a SQL query on registered tables to obtain a [[Table]]
* - convert a [[Table]] into a [[DataStream]]
* @param execEnv The [[StreamExecutionEnvironment]] which is wrapped in this
* [[StreamTableEnvironment]].
* @param config The [[TableConfig]] of this [[StreamTableEnvironment]].
abstract class StreamTableEnvironment(
private[flink] val execEnv: StreamExecutionEnvironment,
config: TableConfig)
extends TableEnvironment(config) {
// a counter for unique table names
private val nameCntr: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(0)
// the naming pattern for internally registered tables.
private val internalNamePattern = "^_DataStreamTable_[0-9]+$".r
override def queryConfig: StreamQueryConfig = new StreamQueryConfig
* Checks if the chosen table name is valid.
* @param name The table name to check.
override protected def checkValidTableName(name: String): Unit = {
val m = internalNamePattern.findFirstIn(name)
m match {
case Some(_) =>
throw new TableException(s"Illegal Table name. " +
s"Please choose a name that does not contain the pattern $internalNamePattern")
case None =>
/** Returns a unique table name according to the internal naming pattern. */
override protected def createUniqueTableName(): String =
"_DataStreamTable_" + nameCntr.getAndIncrement()
* Registers an internal [[StreamTableSource]] in this [[TableEnvironment]]'s catalog without
* name checking. Registered tables can be referenced in SQL queries.
* @param name The name under which the [[TableSource]] is registered.
* @param tableSource The [[TableSource]] to register.
override protected def registerTableSourceInternal(
name: String,
tableSource: TableSource[_])
: Unit = {
tableSource match {
// check for proper stream table source
case streamTableSource: StreamTableSource[_] =>
// check that event-time is enabled if table source includes rowtime attributes
if (TableSourceUtil.hasRowtimeAttribute(streamTableSource) &&
execEnv.getStreamTimeCharacteristic != TimeCharacteristic.EventTime) {
throw new TableException(
s"A rowtime attribute requires an EventTime time characteristic in stream " +
s"environment. But is: ${execEnv.getStreamTimeCharacteristic}")
// register
getTable(name) match {
// check if a table (source or sink) is registered
case Some(table: TableSourceSinkTable[_, _]) => table.tableSourceTable match {
// wrapper contains source
case Some(_: TableSourceTable[_]) =>
throw new TableException(s"Table '$name' already exists. " +
s"Please choose a different name.")
// wrapper contains only sink (not source)
case _ =>
val enrichedTable = new TableSourceSinkTable(
Some(new StreamTableSourceTable(streamTableSource)),
replaceRegisteredTable(name, enrichedTable)
// no table is registered
case _ =>
val newTable = new TableSourceSinkTable(
Some(new StreamTableSourceTable(streamTableSource)),
registerTableInternal(name, newTable)
// not a stream table source
case _ =>
throw new TableException("Only StreamTableSource can be registered in " +
* Creates a table source and/or table sink from a descriptor.
* Descriptors allow for declaring the communication to external systems in an
* implementation-agnostic way. The classpath is scanned for suitable table factories that match
* the desired configuration.
* The following example shows how to read from a Kafka connector using a JSON format and
* registering a table source "MyTable" in append mode:
* {{{
* tableEnv
* .connect(
* new Kafka()
* .version("0.11")
* .topic("clicks")
* .property("zookeeper.connect", "localhost")
* .property("", "click-group")
* .startFromEarliest())
* .withFormat(
* new Json()
* .jsonSchema("{...}")
* .failOnMissingField(false))
* .withSchema(
* new Schema()
* .field("user-name", "VARCHAR").from("u_name")
* .field("count", "DECIMAL")
* .field("proc-time", "TIMESTAMP").proctime())
* .inAppendMode()
* .registerSource("MyTable")
* }}}
* @param connectorDescriptor connector descriptor describing the external system
def connect(connectorDescriptor: ConnectorDescriptor): StreamTableDescriptor = {
new StreamTableDescriptor(this, connectorDescriptor)
* Registers an external [[TableSink]] with given field names and types in this
* [[TableEnvironment]]'s catalog.
* Registered sink tables can be referenced in SQL DML statements.
* Example:
* {{{
* // create a table sink and its field names and types
* val fieldNames: Array[String] = Array("a", "b", "c")
* val fieldTypes: Array[TypeInformation[_]] = Array(Types.STRING, Types.INT, Types.LONG)
* val tableSink: StreamTableSink = new YourTableSinkImpl(...)
* // register the table sink in the catalog
* tableEnv.registerTableSink("output_table", fieldNames, fieldsTypes, tableSink)
* // use the registered sink
* tableEnv.sqlUpdate("INSERT INTO output_table SELECT a, b, c FROM sourceTable")
* }}}
* @param name The name under which the [[TableSink]] is registered.
* @param fieldNames The field names to register with the [[TableSink]].
* @param fieldTypes The field types to register with the [[TableSink]].
* @param tableSink The [[TableSink]] to register.
def registerTableSink(
name: String,
fieldNames: Array[String],
fieldTypes: Array[TypeInformation[_]],
tableSink: TableSink[_]): Unit = {
if (fieldNames == null) throw new TableException("fieldNames must not be null.")
if (fieldTypes == null) throw new TableException("fieldTypes must not be null.")
if (fieldNames.length == 0) throw new TableException("fieldNames must not be empty.")
if (fieldNames.length != fieldTypes.length) {
throw new TableException("Same number of field names and types required.")
val configuredSink = tableSink.configure(fieldNames, fieldTypes)
registerTableSinkInternal(name, configuredSink)
* Registers an external [[TableSink]] with already configured field names and field types in
* this [[TableEnvironment]]'s catalog.
* Registered sink tables can be referenced in SQL DML statements.
* @param name The name under which the [[TableSink]] is registered.
* @param configuredSink The configured [[TableSink]] to register.
def registerTableSink(name: String, configuredSink: TableSink[_]): Unit = {
registerTableSinkInternal(name, configuredSink)
private def registerTableSinkInternal(name: String, configuredSink: TableSink[_]): Unit = {
// validate
if (configuredSink.getFieldNames == null || configuredSink.getFieldTypes == null) {
throw new TableException("Table sink is not configured.")
if (configuredSink.getFieldNames.length == 0) {
throw new TableException("Field names must not be empty.")
if (configuredSink.getFieldNames.length != configuredSink.getFieldTypes.length) {
throw new TableException("Same number of field names and types required.")
// register
configuredSink match {
// check for proper batch table sink
case _: StreamTableSink[_] =>
// check if a table (source or sink) is registered
getTable(name) match {
// table source and/or sink is registered
case Some(table: TableSourceSinkTable[_, _]) => table.tableSinkTable match {
// wrapper contains sink
case Some(_: TableSinkTable[_]) =>
throw new TableException(s"Table '$name' already exists. " +
s"Please choose a different name.")
// wrapper contains only source (not sink)
case _ =>
val enrichedTable = new TableSourceSinkTable(
Some(new TableSinkTable(configuredSink)))
replaceRegisteredTable(name, enrichedTable)
// no table is registered
case _ =>
val newTable = new TableSourceSinkTable(
Some(new TableSinkTable(configuredSink)))
registerTableInternal(name, newTable)
// not a stream table sink
case _ =>
throw new TableException(
"Only AppendStreamTableSink, UpsertStreamTableSink, and RetractStreamTableSink can be " +
"registered in StreamTableEnvironment.")
* Writes a [[Table]] to a [[TableSink]].
* Internally, the [[Table]] is translated into a [[DataStream]] and handed over to the
* [[TableSink]] to write it.
* @param table The [[Table]] to write.
* @param sink The [[TableSink]] to write the [[Table]] to.
* @param queryConfig The configuration for the query to generate.
* @tparam T The expected type of the [[DataStream]] which represents the [[Table]].
override private[flink] def writeToSink[T](
table: Table,
sink: TableSink[T],
queryConfig: QueryConfig): Unit = {
// Check query configuration
val streamQueryConfig = queryConfig match {
case streamConfig: StreamQueryConfig => streamConfig
case _ =>
throw new TableException("StreamQueryConfig required to configure stream query.")
sink match {
case retractSink: RetractStreamTableSink[_] =>
// retraction sink can always be used
val outputType = sink.getOutputType
// translate the Table into a DataStream and provide the type that the TableSink expects.
val result: DataStream[T] =
updatesAsRetraction = true,
withChangeFlag = true)(outputType)
// Give the DataStream to the TableSink to emit it.
.emitDataStream(result.asInstanceOf[DataStream[JTuple2[JBool, Any]]])
case upsertSink: UpsertStreamTableSink[_] =>
// optimize plan
val optimizedPlan = optimize(table.getRelNode, updatesAsRetraction = false)
// check for append only table
val isAppendOnlyTable = UpdatingPlanChecker.isAppendOnly(optimizedPlan)
// extract unique key fields
val tableKeys: Option[Array[String]] = UpdatingPlanChecker.getUniqueKeyFields(optimizedPlan)
// check that we have keys if the table has changes (is not append-only)
tableKeys match {
case Some(keys) => upsertSink.setKeyFields(keys)
case None if isAppendOnlyTable => upsertSink.setKeyFields(null)
case None if !isAppendOnlyTable => throw new TableException(
"UpsertStreamTableSink requires that Table has full primary keys if it is updated.")
val outputType = sink.getOutputType
val resultType = getResultType(table.getRelNode, optimizedPlan)
// translate the Table into a DataStream and provide the type that the TableSink expects.
val result: DataStream[T] =
withChangeFlag = true)(outputType)
// Give the DataStream to the TableSink to emit it.
.emitDataStream(result.asInstanceOf[DataStream[JTuple2[JBool, Any]]])
case appendSink: AppendStreamTableSink[_] =>
// optimize plan
val optimizedPlan = optimize(table.getRelNode, updatesAsRetraction = false)
// verify table is an insert-only (append-only) table
if (!UpdatingPlanChecker.isAppendOnly(optimizedPlan)) {
throw new TableException(
"AppendStreamTableSink requires that Table has only insert changes.")
val outputType = sink.getOutputType
val resultType = getResultType(table.getRelNode, optimizedPlan)
// translate the Table into a DataStream and provide the type that the TableSink expects.
val result: DataStream[T] =
withChangeFlag = false)(outputType)
// Give the DataStream to the TableSink to emit it.
case _ =>
throw new TableException("Stream Tables can only be emitted by AppendStreamTableSink, " +
"RetractStreamTableSink, or UpsertStreamTableSink.")
* Creates a final converter that maps the internal row type to external type.
* @param inputTypeInfo the input of the sink
* @param schema the input schema with correct field names (esp. for POJO field mapping)
* @param requestedTypeInfo the output type of the sink
* @param functionName name of the map function. Must not be unique but has to be a
* valid Java class identifier.
protected def getConversionMapper[OUT](
inputTypeInfo: TypeInformation[CRow],
schema: RowSchema,
requestedTypeInfo: TypeInformation[OUT],
functionName: String)
: MapFunction[CRow, OUT] = {
val converterFunction = generateRowConverterFunction[OUT](
converterFunction match {
case Some(func) =>
new CRowMapRunner[OUT](, func.code, func.returnType)
case _ =>
new CRowToRowMapFunction().asInstanceOf[MapFunction[CRow, OUT]]
* Creates a converter that maps the internal CRow type to Scala or Java Tuple2 with change flag.
* @param physicalTypeInfo the input of the sink
* @param schema the input schema with correct field names (esp. for POJO field mapping)
* @param requestedTypeInfo the output type of the sink.
* @param functionName name of the map function. Must not be unique but has to be a
* valid Java class identifier.
private def getConversionMapperWithChanges[OUT](
physicalTypeInfo: TypeInformation[CRow],
schema: RowSchema,
requestedTypeInfo: TypeInformation[OUT],
functionName: String)
: MapFunction[CRow, OUT] = requestedTypeInfo match {
// Scala tuple
case t: CaseClassTypeInfo[_]
if t.getTypeClass == classOf[(_, _)] && t.getTypeAt(0) == Types.BOOLEAN =>
val reqType = t.getTypeAt[Any](1)
// convert Row into requested type and wrap result in Tuple2
val converterFunction = generateRowConverterFunction(
converterFunction match {
case Some(func) =>
new CRowToScalaTupleMapRunner(,
requestedTypeInfo.asInstanceOf[TypeInformation[(Boolean, Any)]]
).asInstanceOf[MapFunction[CRow, OUT]]
case _ =>
new CRowToScalaTupleMapFunction().asInstanceOf[MapFunction[CRow, OUT]]
// Java tuple
case t: TupleTypeInfo[_]
if t.getTypeClass == classOf[JTuple2[_, _]] && t.getTypeAt(0) == Types.BOOLEAN =>
val reqType = t.getTypeAt[Any](1)
// convert Row into requested type and wrap result in Tuple2
val converterFunction = generateRowConverterFunction(
converterFunction match {
case Some(func) =>
new CRowToJavaTupleMapRunner(,
requestedTypeInfo.asInstanceOf[TypeInformation[JTuple2[JBool, Any]]]
).asInstanceOf[MapFunction[CRow, OUT]]
case _ =>
new CRowToJavaTupleMapFunction().asInstanceOf[MapFunction[CRow, OUT]]
* Registers a [[DataStream]] as a table under a given name in the [[TableEnvironment]]'s
* catalog.
* @param name The name under which the table is registered in the catalog.
* @param dataStream The [[DataStream]] to register as table in the catalog.
* @tparam T the type of the [[DataStream]].
protected def registerDataStreamInternal[T](
name: String,
dataStream: DataStream[T]): Unit = {
val (fieldNames, fieldIndexes) = getFieldInfo[T](dataStream.getType)
val dataStreamTable = new DataStreamTable[T](
registerTableInternal(name, dataStreamTable)
* Registers a [[DataStream]] as a table under a given name with field names as specified by
* field expressions in the [[TableEnvironment]]'s catalog.
* @param name The name under which the table is registered in the catalog.
* @param dataStream The [[DataStream]] to register as table in the catalog.
* @param fields The field expressions to define the field names of the table.
* @tparam T The type of the [[DataStream]].
protected def registerDataStreamInternal[T](
name: String,
dataStream: DataStream[T],
fields: Array[Expression])
: Unit = {
val streamType = dataStream.getType
// get field names and types for all non-replaced fields
val (fieldNames, fieldIndexes) = getFieldInfo[T](streamType, fields)
// validate and extract time attributes
val (rowtime, proctime) = validateAndExtractTimeAttributes(streamType, fields)
// check if event-time is enabled
if (rowtime.isDefined && execEnv.getStreamTimeCharacteristic != TimeCharacteristic.EventTime) {
throw new TableException(
s"A rowtime attribute requires an EventTime time characteristic in stream environment. " +
s"But is: ${execEnv.getStreamTimeCharacteristic}")
// adjust field indexes and field names
val indexesWithIndicatorFields = adjustFieldIndexes(fieldIndexes, rowtime, proctime)
val namesWithIndicatorFields = adjustFieldNames(fieldNames, rowtime, proctime)
val dataStreamTable = new DataStreamTable[T](
registerTableInternal(name, dataStreamTable)
* Checks for at most one rowtime and proctime attribute.
* Returns the time attributes.
* @return rowtime attribute and proctime attribute
private def validateAndExtractTimeAttributes(
streamType: TypeInformation[_],
exprs: Array[Expression])
: (Option[(Int, String)], Option[(Int, String)]) = {
val (isRefByPos, fieldTypes) = streamType match {
case c: CompositeType[_] =>
// determine schema definition mode (by position or by name)
(isReferenceByPosition(c, exprs), (0 until c.getArity).map(i => c.getTypeAt(i)).toArray)
case t: TypeInformation[_] =>
(false, Array(t))
var fieldNames: List[String] = Nil
var rowtime: Option[(Int, String)] = None
var proctime: Option[(Int, String)] = None
def checkRowtimeType(t: TypeInformation[_]): Unit = {
if (!(TypeCheckUtils.isLong(t) || TypeCheckUtils.isTimePoint(t))) {
throw new TableException(
s"The rowtime attribute can only replace a field with a valid time type, " +
s"such as Timestamp or Long. But was: $t")
def extractRowtime(idx: Int, name: String, origName: Option[String]): Unit = {
if (rowtime.isDefined) {
throw new TableException(
"The rowtime attribute can only be defined once in a table schema.")
} else {
// if the fields are referenced by position,
// it is possible to replace an existing field or append the time attribute at the end
if (isRefByPos) {
// aliases are not permitted
if (origName.isDefined) {
throw new TableException(
s"Invalid alias '${origName.get}' because fields are referenced by position.")
// check type of field that is replaced
if (idx < fieldTypes.length) {
// check reference-by-name
else {
val aliasOrName = origName.getOrElse(name)
streamType match {
// both alias and reference must have a valid type if they replace a field
case ct: CompositeType[_] if ct.hasField(aliasOrName) =>
val t = ct.getTypeAt(ct.getFieldIndex(aliasOrName))
// alias could not be found
case _ if origName.isDefined =>
throw new TableException(s"Alias '${origName.get}' must reference an existing field.")
case _ => // ok
rowtime = Some(idx, name)
def extractProctime(idx: Int, name: String): Unit = {
if (proctime.isDefined) {
throw new TableException(
"The proctime attribute can only be defined once in a table schema.")
} else {
// if the fields are referenced by position,
// it is only possible to append the time attribute at the end
if (isRefByPos) {
// check that proctime is only appended
if (idx < fieldTypes.length) {
throw new TableException(
"The proctime attribute can only be appended to the table schema and not replace " +
s"an existing field. Please move '$name' to the end of the schema.")
// check reference-by-name
else {
streamType match {
// proctime attribute must not replace a field
case ct: CompositeType[_] if ct.hasField(name) =>
throw new TableException(
s"The proctime attribute '$name' must not replace an existing field.")
case _ => // ok
proctime = Some(idx, name)
exprs.zipWithIndex.foreach {
case (RowtimeAttribute(UnresolvedFieldReference(name)), idx) =>
extractRowtime(idx, name, None)
case (RowtimeAttribute(Alias(UnresolvedFieldReference(origName), name, _)), idx) =>
extractRowtime(idx, name, Some(origName))
case (ProctimeAttribute(UnresolvedFieldReference(name)), idx) =>
extractProctime(idx, name)
case (UnresolvedFieldReference(name), _) => fieldNames = name :: fieldNames
case (Alias(UnresolvedFieldReference(_), name, _), _) => fieldNames = name :: fieldNames
case (e, _) =>
throw new TableException(s"Time attributes can only be defined on field references or " +
s"aliases of valid field references. Rowtime attributes can replace existing fields, " +
s"proctime attributes can not. " +
s"But was: $e")
if (rowtime.isDefined && fieldNames.contains(rowtime.get._2)) {
throw new TableException(
"The rowtime attribute may not have the same name as an another field.")
if (proctime.isDefined && fieldNames.contains(proctime.get._2)) {
throw new TableException(
"The proctime attribute may not have the same name as an another field.")
(rowtime, proctime)
* Injects markers for time indicator fields into the field indexes.
* @param fieldIndexes The field indexes into which the time indicators markers are injected.
* @param rowtime An optional rowtime indicator
* @param proctime An optional proctime indicator
* @return An adjusted array of field indexes.
private def adjustFieldIndexes(
fieldIndexes: Array[Int],
rowtime: Option[(Int, String)],
proctime: Option[(Int, String)]): Array[Int] = {
// inject rowtime field
val withRowtime = rowtime match {
case Some(rt) =>
fieldIndexes.patch(rt._1, Seq(TimeIndicatorTypeInfo.ROWTIME_STREAM_MARKER), 0)
case _ =>
// inject proctime field
val withProctime = proctime match {
case Some(pt) =>
withRowtime.patch(pt._1, Seq(TimeIndicatorTypeInfo.PROCTIME_STREAM_MARKER), 0)
case _ =>
* Injects names of time indicator fields into the list of field names.
* @param fieldNames The array of field names into which the time indicator field names are
* injected.
* @param rowtime An optional rowtime indicator
* @param proctime An optional proctime indicator
* @return An adjusted array of field names.
private def adjustFieldNames(
fieldNames: Array[String],
rowtime: Option[(Int, String)],
proctime: Option[(Int, String)]): Array[String] = {
// inject rowtime field
val withRowtime = rowtime match {
case Some(rt) => fieldNames.patch(rt._1, Seq(rowtime.get._2), 0)
case _ => fieldNames
// inject proctime field
val withProctime = proctime match {
case Some(pt) => withRowtime.patch(pt._1, Seq(proctime.get._2), 0)
case _ => withRowtime
* Returns the decoration rule set for this environment
* including a custom RuleSet configuration.
protected def getDecoRuleSet: RuleSet = {
val calciteConfig = config.getCalciteConfig
calciteConfig.getDecoRuleSet match {
case None =>
case Some(ruleSet) =>
if (calciteConfig.replacesDecoRuleSet) {
} else {
RuleSets.ofList((getBuiltInDecoRuleSet.asScala ++ ruleSet.asScala).asJava)
* Returns the built-in normalization rules that are defined by the environment.
protected def getBuiltInNormRuleSet: RuleSet = FlinkRuleSets.DATASTREAM_NORM_RULES
* Returns the built-in optimization rules that are defined by the environment.
protected def getBuiltInPhysicalOptRuleSet: RuleSet = FlinkRuleSets.DATASTREAM_OPT_RULES
* Returns the built-in decoration rules that are defined by the environment.
protected def getBuiltInDecoRuleSet: RuleSet = FlinkRuleSets.DATASTREAM_DECO_RULES
* Generates the optimized [[RelNode]] tree from the original relational node tree.
* @param relNode The root node of the relational expression tree.
* @param updatesAsRetraction True if the sink requests updates as retraction messages.
* @return The optimized [[RelNode]] tree
private[flink] def optimize(relNode: RelNode, updatesAsRetraction: Boolean): RelNode = {
val convSubQueryPlan = optimizeConvertSubQueries(relNode)
val expandedPlan = optimizeExpandPlan(convSubQueryPlan)
val decorPlan = RelDecorrelator.decorrelateQuery(expandedPlan)
val planWithMaterializedTimeAttributes =
RelTimeIndicatorConverter.convert(decorPlan, getRelBuilder.getRexBuilder)
val normalizedPlan = optimizeNormalizeLogicalPlan(planWithMaterializedTimeAttributes)
val logicalPlan = optimizeLogicalPlan(normalizedPlan)
val physicalPlan = optimizePhysicalPlan(logicalPlan, FlinkConventions.DATASTREAM)
optimizeDecoratePlan(physicalPlan, updatesAsRetraction)
private[flink] def optimizeDecoratePlan(
relNode: RelNode,
updatesAsRetraction: Boolean): RelNode = {
val decoRuleSet = getDecoRuleSet
if (decoRuleSet.iterator().hasNext) {
val planToDecorate = if (updatesAsRetraction) {
relNode.copy( UpdateAsRetractionTrait(true)),
} else {
} else {
* Translates a [[Table]] into a [[DataStream]].
* The transformation involves optimizing the relational expression tree as defined by
* Table API calls and / or SQL queries and generating corresponding [[DataStream]] operators.
* @param table The root node of the relational expression tree.
* @param queryConfig The configuration for the query to generate.
* @param updatesAsRetraction Set to true to encode updates as retraction messages.
* @param withChangeFlag Set to true to emit records with change flags.
* @param tpe The [[TypeInformation]] of the resulting [[DataStream]].
* @tparam A The type of the resulting [[DataStream]].
* @return The [[DataStream]] that corresponds to the translated [[Table]].
protected def translate[A](
table: Table,
queryConfig: StreamQueryConfig,
updatesAsRetraction: Boolean,
withChangeFlag: Boolean)(implicit tpe: TypeInformation[A]): DataStream[A] = {
val relNode = table.getRelNode
val dataStreamPlan = optimize(relNode, updatesAsRetraction)
val rowType = getResultType(relNode, dataStreamPlan)
translate(dataStreamPlan, rowType, queryConfig, withChangeFlag)
* Translates a logical [[RelNode]] into a [[DataStream]].
* @param logicalPlan The root node of the relational expression tree.
* @param logicalType The row type of the result. Since the logicalPlan can lose the
* field naming during optimization we pass the row type separately.
* @param queryConfig The configuration for the query to generate.
* @param withChangeFlag Set to true to emit records with change flags.
* @param tpe The [[TypeInformation]] of the resulting [[DataStream]].
* @tparam A The type of the resulting [[DataStream]].
* @return The [[DataStream]] that corresponds to the translated [[Table]].
protected def translate[A](
logicalPlan: RelNode,
logicalType: RelDataType,
queryConfig: StreamQueryConfig,
withChangeFlag: Boolean)
(implicit tpe: TypeInformation[A]): DataStream[A] = {
// if no change flags are requested, verify table is an insert-only (append-only) table.
if (!withChangeFlag && !UpdatingPlanChecker.isAppendOnly(logicalPlan)) {
throw new TableException(
"Table is not an append-only table. " +
"Use the toRetractStream() in order to handle add and retract messages.")
// get CRow plan
val plan: DataStream[CRow] = translateToCRow(logicalPlan, queryConfig)
val rowtimeFields = logicalType
.filter(f => FlinkTypeFactory.isRowtimeIndicatorType(f.getType))
// convert the input type for the conversion mapper
// the input will be changed in the OutputRowtimeProcessFunction later
val convType = if (rowtimeFields.size > 1) {
throw new TableException(
s"Found more than one rowtime field: [${", ")}] in " +
s"the table that should be converted to a DataStream.\n" +
s"Please select the rowtime field that should be used as event-time timestamp for the " +
s"DataStream by casting all other fields to TIMESTAMP.")
} else if (rowtimeFields.size == 1) {
val origRowType = plan.getType.asInstanceOf[CRowTypeInfo].rowType
val convFieldTypes = { t =>
if (FlinkTypeFactory.isRowtimeIndicatorType(t)) {
} else {
CRowTypeInfo(new RowTypeInfo(convFieldTypes, origRowType.getFieldNames))
} else {
// convert CRow to output type
val conversion: MapFunction[CRow, A] = if (withChangeFlag) {
new RowSchema(logicalType),
} else {
new RowSchema(logicalType),
val rootParallelism = plan.getParallelism
val withRowtime = if (rowtimeFields.isEmpty) {
// no rowtime field to set
} else {
// set the only rowtime field as event-time timestamp for DataStream
// and convert it to SQL timestamp
plan.process(new OutputRowtimeProcessFunction[A](conversion, rowtimeFields.head.getIndex))
.name(s"to: ${tpe.getTypeClass.getSimpleName}")
* Translates a logical [[RelNode]] plan into a [[DataStream]] of type [[CRow]].
* @param logicalPlan The logical plan to translate.
* @param queryConfig The configuration for the query to generate.
* @return The [[DataStream]] of type [[CRow]].
protected def translateToCRow(
logicalPlan: RelNode,
queryConfig: StreamQueryConfig): DataStream[CRow] = {
logicalPlan match {
case node: DataStreamRel =>
node.translateToPlan(this, queryConfig)
case _ =>
throw new TableException("Cannot generate DataStream due to an invalid logical plan. " +
"This is a bug and should not happen. Please file an issue.")
* Returns the record type of the optimized plan with field names of the logical plan.
private def getResultType(originRelNode: RelNode, optimizedPlan: RelNode): RelRecordType = {
// zip original field names with optimized field types
val fieldTypes = originRelNode.getRowType.getFieldList.asScala
// get name of original plan and type of optimized plan
.map(x => (x._1.getName, x._2.getType))
// add field indexes
// build new field types
.map(x => new RelDataTypeFieldImpl(x._1._1, x._2, x._1._2))
// build a record type from list of field types
new RelRecordType(
* Returns the AST of the specified Table API and SQL queries and the execution plan to compute
* the result of the given [[Table]].
* @param table The table for which the AST and execution plan will be returned.
def explain(table: Table): String = {
val ast = table.getRelNode
val optimizedPlan = optimize(ast, updatesAsRetraction = false)
val dataStream = translateToCRow(optimizedPlan, queryConfig)
val env = dataStream.getExecutionEnvironment
val jsonSqlPlan = env.getExecutionPlan
val sqlPlan = PlanJsonParser.getSqlExecutionPlan(jsonSqlPlan, false)
s"== Abstract Syntax Tree ==" +
System.lineSeparator +
s"${RelOptUtil.toString(ast)}" +
System.lineSeparator +
s"== Optimized Logical Plan ==" +
System.lineSeparator +
s"${RelOptUtil.toString(optimizedPlan)}" +
System.lineSeparator +
s"== Physical Execution Plan ==" +
System.lineSeparator +
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