org.apache.flink.table.expressions.fieldExpression.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.apache.flink.table.expressions
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode
import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation
import org.apache.flink.table.api._
import org.apache.flink.table.calcite.FlinkRelBuilder.NamedWindowProperty
import org.apache.flink.table.calcite.FlinkTypeFactory._
import org.apache.flink.table.functions.sql.StreamRecordTimestampSqlFunction
import org.apache.flink.table.typeutils.TimeIndicatorTypeInfo
import org.apache.flink.table.validate.{ValidationFailure, ValidationResult, ValidationSuccess}
trait NamedExpression extends Expression {
private[flink] def name: String
private[flink] def toAttribute: Attribute
abstract class Attribute extends LeafExpression with NamedExpression {
override private[flink] def toAttribute: Attribute = this
private[flink] def withName(newName: String): Attribute
case class UnresolvedFieldReference(name: String) extends Attribute {
override def toString = s"'$name"
override private[flink] def withName(newName: String): Attribute =
override private[flink] def resultType: TypeInformation[_] =
throw UnresolvedException(s"Calling resultType on ${this.getClass}.")
override private[flink] def validateInput(): ValidationResult =
ValidationFailure(s"Unresolved reference $name.")
case class ResolvedFieldReference(
name: String,
resultType: TypeInformation[_]) extends Attribute {
override def toString = s"'$name"
override private[flink] def toRexNode(implicit relBuilder: RelBuilder): RexNode = {
override private[flink] def withName(newName: String): Attribute = {
if (newName == name) {
} else {
ResolvedFieldReference(newName, resultType)
case class Alias(child: Expression, name: String, extraNames: Seq[String] = Seq())
extends UnaryExpression with NamedExpression {
override def toString = s"$child as '$name"
override private[flink] def toRexNode(implicit relBuilder: RelBuilder): RexNode = {
relBuilder.alias(child.toRexNode, name)
override private[flink] def resultType: TypeInformation[_] = child.resultType
override private[flink] def makeCopy(anyRefs: Array[AnyRef]): this.type = {
val child: Expression = anyRefs.head.asInstanceOf[Expression]
copy(child, name, extraNames).asInstanceOf[this.type]
override private[flink] def toAttribute: Attribute = {
if (valid) {
ResolvedFieldReference(name, child.resultType)
} else {
override private[flink] def validateInput(): ValidationResult = {
if (name == "*") {
ValidationFailure("Alias can not accept '*' as name.")
} else if (extraNames.nonEmpty) {
ValidationFailure("Invalid call to Alias with multiple names.")
} else {
case class UnresolvedAlias(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with NamedExpression {
override private[flink] def name: String =
throw UnresolvedException("Invalid call to name on UnresolvedAlias")
override private[flink] def toAttribute: Attribute =
throw UnresolvedException("Invalid call to toAttribute on UnresolvedAlias")
override private[flink] def resultType: TypeInformation[_] =
throw UnresolvedException("Invalid call to resultType on UnresolvedAlias")
override private[flink] lazy val valid = false
case class WindowReference(name: String, tpe: Option[TypeInformation[_]] = None) extends Attribute {
override private[flink] def toRexNode(implicit relBuilder: RelBuilder): RexNode =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("A window reference can not be used solely.")
override private[flink] def resultType: TypeInformation[_] =
tpe.getOrElse(throw UnresolvedException("Could not resolve type of referenced window."))
override private[flink] def withName(newName: String): Attribute = {
if (newName == name) {
} else {
throw new ValidationException("Cannot rename window reference.")
override def toString: String = s"'$name"
case class TableReference(name: String, table: Table) extends LeafExpression with NamedExpression {
override private[flink] def toRexNode(implicit relBuilder: RelBuilder): RexNode =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Table reference '$name' can not be used solely.")
override private[flink] def resultType: TypeInformation[_] =
throw UnresolvedException(s"Table reference '$name' has no result type.")
override private[flink] def toAttribute =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"A table reference '$name' can not be an attribute.")
override def toString: String = s"$name"
abstract class TimeAttribute(val expression: Expression)
extends UnaryExpression
with WindowProperty {
override private[flink] def child: Expression = expression
case class RowtimeAttribute(expr: Expression) extends TimeAttribute(expr) {
override private[flink] def validateInput(): ValidationResult = {
child match {
case WindowReference(_, Some(tpe: TypeInformation[_])) if isProctimeIndicatorType(tpe) =>
ValidationFailure("A proctime window cannot provide a rowtime attribute.")
case WindowReference(_, Some(tpe: TypeInformation[_])) if isRowtimeIndicatorType(tpe) =>
// rowtime window
case WindowReference(_, Some(tpe)) if tpe == Types.LONG || tpe == Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP =>
// batch time window
case WindowReference(_, _) =>
ValidationFailure("Reference to a rowtime or proctime window required.")
case any =>
s"The '.rowtime' expression can only be used for table definitions and windows, " +
s"while [$any] was found.")
override def resultType: TypeInformation[_] = {
child match {
case WindowReference(_, Some(tpe: TypeInformation[_])) if isRowtimeIndicatorType(tpe) =>
// rowtime window
case WindowReference(_, Some(tpe)) if tpe == Types.LONG || tpe == Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP =>
// batch time window
case _ =>
throw new TableException("RowtimeAttribute has invalid type. Please report this bug.")
override def toNamedWindowProperty(name: String): NamedWindowProperty =
NamedWindowProperty(name, this)
override def toString: String = s"rowtime($child)"
case class ProctimeAttribute(expr: Expression) extends TimeAttribute(expr) {
override private[flink] def validateInput(): ValidationResult = {
child match {
case WindowReference(_, Some(tpe: TypeInformation[_])) if isTimeIndicatorType(tpe) =>
case WindowReference(_, _) =>
ValidationFailure("Reference to a rowtime or proctime window required.")
case any =>
"The '.proctime' expression can only be used for table definitions and windows, " +
s"while [$any] was found.")
override def resultType: TypeInformation[_] =
override def toNamedWindowProperty(name: String): NamedWindowProperty =
NamedWindowProperty(name, this)
override def toString: String = s"proctime($child)"
/** Expression to access the timestamp of a StreamRecord. */
case class StreamRecordTimestamp() extends LeafExpression {
override private[flink] def resultType = Types.LONG
override private[flink] def toRexNode(implicit relBuilder: RelBuilder): RexNode = {
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