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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.gemstone.gemfire.pdx;
import java.util.Date;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.CacheFactory;
* A PdxWriter will be passed to {@link PdxSerializable#toData(PdxWriter) toData} or
* {@link PdxSerializer#toData(Object, PdxWriter) PdxSerializer toData} by GemFire when it is serializing the
* domain class. The domain class needs to serialize instance
* fields using this interface. This interface is implemented
* by GemFire.
The order in which the fields are written must match the order in which they are
* read by {@link PdxReader}.
Field names are case sensitive.
All methods on this interface return itself to allow method calls to be
* chained together.
* @author darrel
* @since 6.6
public interface PdxWriter {
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is char.
Java char is mapped to .NET System.Char.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeChar(String fieldName, char value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is boolean.
Java boolean is mapped to .NET System.Boolean.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeBoolean(String fieldName, boolean value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is byte.
Java byte is mapped to .NET System.SByte.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeByte(String fieldName, byte value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is short.
Java short is mapped to .NET System.Int16.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeShort(String fieldName, short value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is int.
Java int is mapped to .NET System.Int32.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeInt(String fieldName, int value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is long.
Java long is mapped to .NET System.Int64.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeLong(String fieldName, long value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is float.
Java float is mapped to .NET System.Float.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeFloat(String fieldName, float value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is double.
Java double is mapped to .NET System.Double.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeDouble(String fieldName, double value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is Date.
Java Date is mapped to .NET System.DateTime.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeDate(String fieldName, Date value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is String.
Java String is mapped to .NET System.String.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeString(String fieldName, String value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is Object.
* It is best to use one of the other writeXXX methods if your field type
* will always be XXX. This method allows the field value to be anything
* that is an instance of Object. This gives you more flexibility but more
* space is used to store the serialized field.
* Note that some Java objects serialized with this method may not be compatible with non-java languages.
* To ensure that only portable objects are serialized use {@link #writeObject(String, Object, boolean)}.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeObject(String fieldName, Object value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is Object.
* It is best to use one of the other writeXXX methods if your field type
* will always be XXX. This method allows the field value to be anything
* that is an instance of Object. This gives you more flexibility but more
* space is used to store the serialized field.
* Note that some Java objects serialized with this method may not be compatible with non-java languages.
* To ensure that only portable objects are serialized set the checkPortability parameter to true.
* The following is a list of the Java classes that are portable and the .NET class they are mapped to:
instances of {@link PdxSerializable}: .NET class of same name
instances of {@link PdxInstance}: .NET class of same name
instances serialized by a {@link PdxSerializer}: .NET class of same name
java.lang.Byte: System.SByte
java.lang.Boolean: System.Boolean
java.lang.Character: System.Char
java.lang.Short: System.Int16
java.lang.Integer: System.Int32
java.lang.Long: System.Int64
java.lang.Float: System.Float
java.lang.Double: System.Double
java.lang.String: System.String
java.util.Date: System.DateTime
byte[]: System.Byte[]
boolean[]: System.Boolean[]
char[]: System.Char[]
short[]: System.Int16[]
int[]: System.Int32[]
long[]: System.Int64[]
float[]: System.Float[]
double[]: System.Double[]
String[]: System.String[]
byte[][]: System.Byte[][]
Object[]: System.Collections.Generic.List
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @param checkPortability if true then an exception is thrown if a non-portable object is serialized
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws NonPortableClassException if checkPortability is true and a non-portable object is serialized
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
* @since 6.6.2
public PdxWriter writeObject(String fieldName, Object value, boolean checkPortability);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is boolean[].
Java boolean[] is mapped to .NET System.Boolean[].
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeBooleanArray(String fieldName, boolean[] value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is char[].
Java char[] is mapped to .NET System.Char[].
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeCharArray(String fieldName, char[] value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is byte[].
Java byte[] is mapped to .NET System.Byte[].
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeByteArray(String fieldName, byte[] value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is short[].
Java short[] is mapped to .NET System.Int16[].
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeShortArray(String fieldName, short[] value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is int[].
Java int[] is mapped to .NET System.Int32[].
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeIntArray(String fieldName, int[] value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is long[].
Java long[] is mapped to .NET System.Int64[].
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeLongArray(String fieldName, long[] value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is float[].
Java float[] is mapped to .NET System.Float[].
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeFloatArray(String fieldName, float[] value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is double[].
Java double[] is mapped to .NET System.Double[].
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeDoubleArray(String fieldName, double[] value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is String[].
Java String[] is mapped to .NET System.String[].
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeStringArray(String fieldName, String[] value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is Object[].
Java Object[] is mapped to .NET System.Collections.Generic.List.
* For how each element of the array is a mapped to .NET see {@link #writeObject(String, Object, boolean) writeObject}.
* Note that this call may serialize elements that are not compatible with non-java languages.
* To ensure that only portable objects are serialized use {@link #writeObjectArray(String, Object[], boolean)}.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeObjectArray(String fieldName, Object[] value);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is Object[].
Java Object[] is mapped to .NET System.Collections.Generic.List.
* For how each element of the array is a mapped to .NET see {@link #writeObject(String, Object, boolean) writeObject}.
* Note that this call may serialize elements that are not compatible with non-java languages.
* To ensure that only portable objects are serialized use {@link #writeObjectArray(String, Object[], boolean)}.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @param checkPortability if true then an exception is thrown if a non-portable object is serialized
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws NonPortableClassException if checkPortability is true and a non-portable element is serialized
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
* @since 6.6.2
public PdxWriter writeObjectArray(String fieldName, Object[] value, boolean checkPortability);
* Writes the named field with the given value to the serialized form.
* The fields type is byte[][].
Java byte[][] is mapped to .NET System.Byte[][].
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param value the value of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeArrayOfByteArrays(String fieldName, byte[][] value);
* Writes the named field with the given value and type to the serialized form.
* This method uses the fieldType to determine which writeXXX method it should call.
* If it can not find a specific match to a writeXXX method it will call {@link #writeObject(String, Object) writeObject}.
* This method may serialize objects that are not portable to non-java languages.
* To ensure that only objects that are portable to non-java languages are serialized use {@link #writeField(String, Object, Class, boolean)} instead.
The fieldTypes that map to a specific method are:
boolean.class: {@link #writeBoolean}
byte.class: {@link #writeByte}
char.class: {@link #writeChar}
short.class: {@link #writeShort}
int.class: {@link #writeInt}
long.class: {@link #writeLong}
float.class: {@link #writeFloat}
double.class: {@link #writeDouble}
String.class: {@link #writeString}
Date.class: {@link #writeDate}
boolean[].class: {@link #writeBooleanArray}
byte[].class: {@link #writeByteArray}
char[].class: {@link #writeCharArray}
short[].class: {@link #writeShortArray}
int[].class: {@link #writeIntArray}
long[].class: {@link #writeLongArray}
float[].class: {@link #writeFloatArray}
double[].class: {@link #writeDoubleArray}
String[].class: {@link #writeStringArray}
byte[][].class: {@link #writeArrayOfByteArrays}
any other array class: {@link #writeObjectArray}
* Note that the object form of primitives, for example Integer.class and Long.class, map to {@link #writeObject(String, Object) writeObject}.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param fieldValue the value of the field to write; this parameter's class must extend the fieldType
* @param fieldType the type of the field to write
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
public PdxWriter writeField(String fieldName, VT fieldValue, Class fieldType);
* Writes the named field with the given value and type to the serialized form.
* This method uses the fieldType to determine which writeXXX method it should call.
* If it can not find a specific match to a writeXXX method it will call {@link #writeObject(String, Object, boolean) writeObject}.
* To ensure that only objects that are portable to non-java languages are serialized set the checkPortability parameter to true.
The fieldTypes that map to a specific method are:
boolean.class: {@link #writeBoolean}
byte.class: {@link #writeByte}
char.class: {@link #writeChar}
short.class: {@link #writeShort}
int.class: {@link #writeInt}
long.class: {@link #writeLong}
float.class: {@link #writeFloat}
double.class: {@link #writeDouble}
String.class: {@link #writeString}
Date.class: {@link #writeDate}
boolean[].class: {@link #writeBooleanArray}
byte[].class: {@link #writeByteArray}
char[].class: {@link #writeCharArray}
short[].class: {@link #writeShortArray}
int[].class: {@link #writeIntArray}
long[].class: {@link #writeLongArray}
float[].class: {@link #writeFloatArray}
double[].class: {@link #writeDoubleArray}
String[].class: {@link #writeStringArray}
byte[][].class: {@link #writeArrayOfByteArrays}
any other array class: {@link #writeObjectArray(String, Object[], boolean)}
* Note that the object form of primitives, for example Integer.class and Long.class, map to {@link #writeObject(String, Object, boolean) writeObject}.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to write
* @param fieldValue the value of the field to write; this parameter's class must extend the fieldType
* @param fieldType the type of the field to write
* @param checkPortability if true then an exception is thrown if a non-portable object is serialized
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if the named field has already been written
* @throws NonPortableClassException if checkPortability is true and a non-portable object is serialized
* @throws PdxSerializationException if serialization of the field fails.
* @since 6.6.2
public PdxWriter writeField(String fieldName, VT fieldValue, Class fieldType, boolean checkPortability);
* Writes the given unread fields to the serialized form.
* The unread fields are obtained by calling {@link PdxReader#readUnreadFields() readUnreadFields}.
This method must be called first before any of the writeXXX methods is called.
* @param unread the object that was returned from {@link PdxReader#readUnreadFields() readUnreadFields}.
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldAlreadyExistsException if one of the writeXXX methods has already been called.
public PdxWriter writeUnreadFields(PdxUnreadFields unread);
* Indicate that the named field should be included in hashCode and equals checks
* of this object on a server that is accessing {@link PdxInstance}
* or when a client executes a query on a server.
* The fields that are marked as identity fields are used to generate the hashCode and
* equals methods of {@link PdxInstance}. Because of this, the identity fields should themselves
* either be primitives, or implement hashCode and equals.
* If no fields are set as identity fields, then all fields will be used in hashCode and equals
* checks.
* The identity fields should be marked after they are written using a write* method.
* @param fieldName the name of the field to mark as an identity field.
* @return this PdxWriter
* @throws PdxFieldDoesNotExistException if the named field has not already been written.
public PdxWriter markIdentityField(String fieldName);