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org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets.BaseCommand Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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Apache Geode provides a database-like consistency model, reliable transaction processing and a shared-nothing architecture to maintain very low latency performance with high concurrency processing

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license
 * agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding
 * copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
 * copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.sockets;

import org.apache.geode.*;
import org.apache.geode.cache.*;
import org.apache.geode.cache.persistence.PartitionOfflineException;
import org.apache.geode.cache.query.types.CollectionType;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.DistributedSystemDisconnectedException;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionConfig;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionStats;
import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember;
import org.apache.geode.internal.Assert;
import org.apache.geode.internal.Version;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.*;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion.NonTXEntry;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.CachedRegionHelper;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.Command;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.InterestType;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.tier.MessageType;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.versions.VersionStamp;
import org.apache.geode.internal.cache.versions.VersionTag;
import org.apache.geode.internal.i18n.LocalizedStrings;
import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.LogService;
import org.apache.geode.internal.logging.log4j.LocalizedMessage;
import org.apache.geode.internal.offheap.OffHeapHelper;
import org.apache.geode.internal.sequencelog.EntryLogger;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public abstract class BaseCommand implements Command {
  protected static final Logger logger = LogService.getLogger();

   * Whether zipped values are being passed to/from the client. Can be modified using the system
   * property Message.ZIP_VALUES ? This does not appear to happen anywhere
  protected static final boolean zipValues = false;

  protected static final boolean APPLY_RETRIES =
      Boolean.getBoolean(DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "gateway.ApplyRetries");

  public static final byte[] OK_BYTES = new byte[] {0};

  public static final int maximumChunkSize =
      Integer.getInteger("BridgeServer.MAXIMUM_CHUNK_SIZE", 100).intValue();

  /** Maximum number of entries in each chunked response chunk */

  /** Whether to suppress logging of IOExceptions */
  private static boolean suppressIOExceptionLogging =
      Boolean.getBoolean(DistributionConfig.GEMFIRE_PREFIX + "bridge.suppressIOExceptionLogging");

   * Maximum number of concurrent incoming client message bytes that a bridge server will allow.
   * Once a server is working on this number additional incoming client messages will wait until one
   * of them completes or fails. The bytes are computed based in the size sent in the incoming msg
   * header.
  private static final int MAX_INCOMING_DATA =
      Integer.getInteger("BridgeServer.MAX_INCOMING_DATA", -1).intValue();

   * Maximum number of concurrent incoming client messages that a bridge server will allow. Once a
   * server is working on this number additional incoming client messages will wait until one of
   * them completes or fails.
  private static final int MAX_INCOMING_MSGS =
      Integer.getInteger("BridgeServer.MAX_INCOMING_MSGS", -1).intValue();

  private static final Semaphore incomingDataLimiter;

  private static final Semaphore incomingMsgLimiter;
  static {
    Semaphore tmp;
    if (MAX_INCOMING_DATA > 0) {
      // backport requires that this is fair since we inc by values > 1
      tmp = new Semaphore(MAX_INCOMING_DATA, true);
    } else {
      tmp = null;
    incomingDataLimiter = tmp;
    if (MAX_INCOMING_MSGS > 0) {
      tmp = new Semaphore(MAX_INCOMING_MSGS, false); // unfair for best
      // performance
    } else {
      tmp = null;
    incomingMsgLimiter = tmp;


  protected SecurityService securityService = IntegratedSecurityService.getSecurityService();

  final public void execute(Message msg, ServerConnection servConn) {
    // Read the request and update the statistics
    long start = DistributionStats.getStatTime();
    // servConn.resetTransientData();
    if (EntryLogger.isEnabled() && servConn != null) {
      EntryLogger.setSource(servConn.getMembershipID(), "c2s");
    boolean shouldMasquerade = shouldMasqueradeForTx(msg, servConn);
    try {
      if (shouldMasquerade) {
        GemFireCacheImpl cache = (GemFireCacheImpl) servConn.getCache();
        InternalDistributedMember member =
            (InternalDistributedMember) servConn.getProxyID().getDistributedMember();
        TXManagerImpl txMgr = cache.getTxManager();
        TXStateProxy tx = null;
        try {
          tx = txMgr.masqueradeAs(msg, member, false);
          cmdExecute(msg, servConn, start);
        } finally {
      } else {
        cmdExecute(msg, servConn, start);

    } catch (TransactionException | CopyException | SerializationException | CacheWriterException
        | CacheLoaderException | GemFireSecurityException | PartitionOfflineException
        | MessageTooLargeException e) {
      handleExceptionNoDisconnect(msg, servConn, e);
    } catch (EOFException eof) {
      BaseCommand.handleEOFException(msg, servConn, eof);
    } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { // Solaris only
      BaseCommand.handleInterruptedIOException(msg, servConn, e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      BaseCommand.handleIOException(msg, servConn, e);
    } catch (DistributedSystemDisconnectedException e) {
      BaseCommand.handleShutdownException(msg, servConn, e);
    } catch (VirtualMachineError err) {
      // If this ever returns, rethrow the error. We're poisoned
      // now, so don't let this thread continue.
      throw err;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      BaseCommand.handleThrowable(msg, servConn, e);
    } finally {

   * checks to see if this thread needs to masquerade as a transactional thread. clients after
   * GFE_66 should be able to start a transaction.
   * @param msg
   * @param servConn
   * @return true if thread should masquerade as a transactional thread.
  protected boolean shouldMasqueradeForTx(Message msg, ServerConnection servConn) {
    if (servConn.getClientVersion().compareTo(Version.GFE_66) >= 0
        && msg.getTransactionId() > TXManagerImpl.NOTX) {
      return true;
    return false;

   * If an operation is retried then some server may have seen it already. We cannot apply this
   * operation to the cache without knowing whether a version tag has already been created for it.
   * Otherwise caches that have seen the event already will reject it but others will not, but will
   * have no version tag with which to perform concurrency checks.

* The client event should have the event identifier from the client and the region affected by * the operation. * * @param clientEvent */ public boolean recoverVersionTagForRetriedOperation(EntryEventImpl clientEvent) { LocalRegion r = clientEvent.getRegion(); VersionTag tag = null; if ((clientEvent.getVersionTag() != null) && (clientEvent.getVersionTag().isGatewayTag())) { tag = r.findVersionTagForGatewayEvent(clientEvent.getEventId()); } else { tag = r.findVersionTagForClientEvent(clientEvent.getEventId()); } if (tag == null) { if (r instanceof DistributedRegion || r instanceof PartitionedRegion) { // TODO this could be optimized for partitioned regions by sending the key // so that the PR could look at an individual bucket for the event tag = FindVersionTagOperation.findVersionTag(r, clientEvent.getEventId(), false); } } if (tag != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("recovered version tag {} for replayed operation {}", tag, clientEvent.getEventId()); } clientEvent.setVersionTag(tag); } return (tag != null); } /** * If an operation is retried then some server may have seen it already. We cannot apply this * operation to the cache without knowing whether a version tag has already been created for it. * Otherwise caches that have seen the event already will reject it but others will not, but will * have no version tag with which to perform concurrency checks. *

* The client event should have the event identifier from the client and the region affected by * the operation. */ protected VersionTag findVersionTagsForRetriedBulkOp(LocalRegion r, EventID eventID) { VersionTag tag = r.findVersionTagForClientBulkOp(eventID); if (tag != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("recovered version tag {} for replayed bulk operation {}", tag, eventID); } return tag; } if (r instanceof DistributedRegion || r instanceof PartitionedRegion) { // TODO this could be optimized for partitioned regions by sending the key // so that the PR could look at an individual bucket for the event tag = FindVersionTagOperation.findVersionTag(r, eventID, true); } if (tag != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("recovered version tag {} for replayed bulk operation {}", tag, eventID); } } return tag; } abstract public void cmdExecute(Message msg, ServerConnection servConn, long start) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InterruptedException; protected void writeReply(Message origMsg, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { Message replyMsg = servConn.getReplyMessage(); servConn.getCache().getCancelCriterion().checkCancelInProgress(null); replyMsg.setMessageType(MessageType.REPLY); replyMsg.setNumberOfParts(1); replyMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); replyMsg.addBytesPart(OK_BYTES); replyMsg.send(servConn); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("{}: rpl tx: {}", servConn.getName(), origMsg.getTransactionId()); } } protected void writeReplyWithRefreshMetadata(Message origMsg, ServerConnection servConn, PartitionedRegion pr, byte nwHop) throws IOException { Message replyMsg = servConn.getReplyMessage(); servConn.getCache().getCancelCriterion().checkCancelInProgress(null); replyMsg.setMessageType(MessageType.REPLY); replyMsg.setNumberOfParts(1); replyMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); replyMsg.addBytesPart(new byte[] {pr.getMetadataVersion(), nwHop}); replyMsg.send(servConn); pr.getPrStats().incPRMetaDataSentCount(); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("{}: rpl with REFRESH_METADAT tx: {}", servConn.getName(), origMsg.getTransactionId()); } } private static void handleEOFException(Message msg, ServerConnection servConn, Exception eof) { CachedRegionHelper crHelper = servConn.getCachedRegionHelper(); CacheServerStats stats = servConn.getCacheServerStats(); boolean potentialModification = servConn.getPotentialModification(); if (!crHelper.isShutdown()) { if (potentialModification) { stats.incAbandonedWriteRequests(); } else { stats.incAbandonedReadRequests(); } if (!suppressIOExceptionLogging) { if (potentialModification) { int transId = (msg != null) ? msg.getTransactionId() : Integer.MIN_VALUE; logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_0_EOFEXCEPTION_DURING_A_WRITE_OPERATION_ON_REGION__1_KEY_2_MESSAGEID_3, new Object[] {servConn.getName(), servConn.getModRegion(), servConn.getModKey(), Integer.valueOf(transId)})); } else { logger.debug("EOF exception", eof); LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_0_CONNECTION_DISCONNECT_DETECTED_BY_EOF, servConn.getName())); } } } servConn.setFlagProcessMessagesAsFalse(); servConn.setClientDisconnectedException(eof); } private static void handleInterruptedIOException(Message msg, ServerConnection servConn, Exception e) { CachedRegionHelper crHelper = servConn.getCachedRegionHelper(); if (!crHelper.isShutdown() && servConn.isOpen()) { if (!suppressIOExceptionLogging) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("Aborted message due to interrupt: {}", e.getMessage(), e); } } servConn.setFlagProcessMessagesAsFalse(); servConn.setClientDisconnectedException(e); } private static void handleIOException(Message msg, ServerConnection servConn, Exception e) { CachedRegionHelper crHelper = servConn.getCachedRegionHelper(); boolean potentialModification = servConn.getPotentialModification(); if (!crHelper.isShutdown() && servConn.isOpen()) { if (!suppressIOExceptionLogging) { if (potentialModification) { int transId = (msg != null) ? msg.getTransactionId() : Integer.MIN_VALUE; logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_0_UNEXPECTED_IOEXCEPTION_DURING_OPERATION_FOR_REGION_1_KEY_2_MESSID_3, new Object[] {servConn.getName(), servConn.getModRegion(), servConn.getModKey(), Integer.valueOf(transId)}), e); } else { logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_0_UNEXPECTED_IOEXCEPTION, servConn.getName()), e); } } } servConn.setFlagProcessMessagesAsFalse(); servConn.setClientDisconnectedException(e); } private static void handleShutdownException(Message msg, ServerConnection servConn, Exception e) { CachedRegionHelper crHelper = servConn.getCachedRegionHelper(); boolean potentialModification = servConn.getPotentialModification(); if (!crHelper.isShutdown()) { if (potentialModification) { int transId = (msg != null) ? msg.getTransactionId() : Integer.MIN_VALUE; logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_0_UNEXPECTED_SHUTDOWNEXCEPTION_DURING_OPERATION_ON_REGION_1_KEY_2_MESSAGEID_3, new Object[] {servConn.getName(), servConn.getModRegion(), servConn.getModKey(), Integer.valueOf(transId)}), e); } else { logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_0_UNEXPECTED_SHUTDOWNEXCEPTION, servConn.getName()), e); } } servConn.setFlagProcessMessagesAsFalse(); servConn.setClientDisconnectedException(e); } // Handle GemfireSecurityExceptions separately since the connection should not // be terminated (by setting processMessages to false) unlike in // handleThrowable. Fixes bugs #38384 and #39392. // private static void handleGemfireSecurityException(Message msg, // ServerConnection servConn, GemFireSecurityException e) { // // boolean requiresResponse = servConn.getTransientFlag(REQUIRES_RESPONSE); // boolean responded = servConn.getTransientFlag(RESPONDED); // boolean requiresChunkedResponse = servConn // .getTransientFlag(REQUIRES_CHUNKED_RESPONSE); // boolean potentialModification = servConn.getPotentialModification(); // // try { // try { // if (requiresResponse && !responded) { // if (requiresChunkedResponse) { // writeChunkedException(msg, e, false, servConn); // } // else { // writeException(msg, e, false, servConn); // } // servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); // } // } // finally { // inner try-finally to ensure proper ordering of logging // if (potentialModification) { // int transId = (msg != null) ? msg.getTransactionId() // : Integer.MIN_VALUE; // } // } // } // catch (IOException ioe) { // if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { // logger.fine(servConn.getName() // + ": Unexpected IOException writing security exception: ", ioe); // } // } // } private static void handleExceptionNoDisconnect(Message msg, ServerConnection servConn, Exception e) { boolean requiresResponse = servConn.getTransientFlag(REQUIRES_RESPONSE); boolean responded = servConn.getTransientFlag(RESPONDED); boolean requiresChunkedResponse = servConn.getTransientFlag(REQUIRES_CHUNKED_RESPONSE); boolean potentialModification = servConn.getPotentialModification(); boolean wroteExceptionResponse = false; try { try { if (requiresResponse && !responded) { if (requiresChunkedResponse) { writeChunkedException(msg, e, false, servConn); } else { writeException(msg, e, false, servConn); } wroteExceptionResponse = true; servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); } } finally { // inner try-finally to ensure proper ordering of logging if (potentialModification) { int transId = (msg != null) ? msg.getTransactionId() : Integer.MIN_VALUE; if (!wroteExceptionResponse) { logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_0_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION_DURING_OPERATION_ON_REGION_1_KEY_2_MESSAGEID_3, new Object[] {servConn.getName(), servConn.getModRegion(), servConn.getModKey(), Integer.valueOf(transId)}), e); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Exception during operation on region: {} key: {} messageId: {}", servConn.getName(), servConn.getModRegion(), servConn.getModKey(), transId, e); } } } else { if (!wroteExceptionResponse) { logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_0_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, servConn.getName()), e); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Exception: {}", servConn.getName(), e.getMessage(), e); } } } } } catch (IOException ioe) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Unexpected IOException writing exception: {}", servConn.getName(), ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } } } private static void handleThrowable(Message msg, ServerConnection servConn, Throwable th) { boolean requiresResponse = servConn.getTransientFlag(REQUIRES_RESPONSE); boolean responded = servConn.getTransientFlag(RESPONDED); boolean requiresChunkedResponse = servConn.getTransientFlag(REQUIRES_CHUNKED_RESPONSE); boolean potentialModification = servConn.getPotentialModification(); try { try { if (th instanceof Error) { logger.fatal(LocalizedMessage.create( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_0_UNEXPECTED_ERROR_ON_SERVER, servConn.getName()), th); } if (requiresResponse && !responded) { if (requiresChunkedResponse) { writeChunkedException(msg, th, false, servConn); } else { writeException(msg, th, false, servConn); } servConn.setAsTrue(RESPONDED); } } finally { // inner try-finally to ensure proper ordering of logging if (th instanceof Error) { // log nothing } else if (th instanceof CancelException) { // log nothing } else { if (potentialModification) { int transId = (msg != null) ? msg.getTransactionId() : Integer.MIN_VALUE; logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_0_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION_DURING_OPERATION_ON_REGION_1_KEY_2_MESSAGEID_3, new Object[] {servConn.getName(), servConn.getModRegion(), servConn.getModKey(), Integer.valueOf(transId)}), th); } else { logger.warn(LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_0_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION, servConn.getName()), th); } } } } catch (IOException ioe) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Unexpected IOException writing exception: {}", servConn.getName(), ioe.getMessage(), ioe); } } finally { servConn.setFlagProcessMessagesAsFalse(); servConn.setClientDisconnectedException(th); } } protected static void writeChunkedException(Message origMsg, Throwable e, boolean isSevere, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { writeChunkedException(origMsg, e, isSevere, servConn, servConn.getChunkedResponseMessage()); } protected static void writeChunkedException(Message origMsg, Throwable e, boolean isSevere, ServerConnection servConn, ChunkedMessage originalReponse) throws IOException { writeChunkedException(origMsg, e, isSevere, servConn, originalReponse, 2); } protected static void writeChunkedException(Message origMsg, Throwable exception, boolean isSevere, ServerConnection servConn, ChunkedMessage originalReponse, int numOfParts) throws IOException { Throwable e = getClientException(servConn, exception); ChunkedMessage chunkedResponseMsg = servConn.getChunkedResponseMessage(); chunkedResponseMsg.setServerConnection(servConn); if (originalReponse.headerHasBeenSent()) { // chunkedResponseMsg = originalReponse; // fix for bug 35442 chunkedResponseMsg.setNumberOfParts(numOfParts); chunkedResponseMsg.setLastChunkAndNumParts(true, numOfParts); chunkedResponseMsg.addObjPart(e); if (numOfParts == 2) { chunkedResponseMsg.addStringPart(getExceptionTrace(e)); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Sending exception chunk while reply in progress: {}", servConn.getName(), e.getMessage(), e); } } else { chunkedResponseMsg.setMessageType(MessageType.EXCEPTION); chunkedResponseMsg.setNumberOfParts(numOfParts); chunkedResponseMsg.setLastChunkAndNumParts(true, numOfParts); chunkedResponseMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); chunkedResponseMsg.sendHeader(); chunkedResponseMsg.addObjPart(e); if (numOfParts == 2) { chunkedResponseMsg.addStringPart(getExceptionTrace(e)); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Sending exception chunk: {}", servConn.getName(), e.getMessage(), e); } } chunkedResponseMsg.sendChunk(servConn); } // Get the exception stacktrace for native clients public static String getExceptionTrace(Throwable ex) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); ex.printStackTrace(pw); pw.close(); return sw.toString(); } protected static void writeException(Message origMsg, Throwable e, boolean isSevere, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { writeException(origMsg, MessageType.EXCEPTION, e, isSevere, servConn); } private static Throwable getClientException(ServerConnection servConn, Throwable e) { Cache cache = servConn.getCache(); if (cache instanceof InternalCache) { InternalCache icache = (InternalCache) servConn.getCache(); OldClientSupportService svc = icache.getService(OldClientSupportService.class); if (svc != null) { return svc.getThrowable(e, servConn.getClientVersion()); } } return e; } protected static void writeException(Message origMsg, int msgType, Throwable e, boolean isSevere, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { Throwable theException = getClientException(servConn, e); Message errorMsg = servConn.getErrorResponseMessage(); errorMsg.setMessageType(msgType); errorMsg.setNumberOfParts(2); errorMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); if (isSevere) { String msg = theException.getMessage(); if (msg == null) { msg = theException.toString(); } logger.fatal( LocalizedMessage.create(LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_SEVERE_CACHE_EXCEPTION_0, msg)); } errorMsg.addObjPart(theException); errorMsg.addStringPart(getExceptionTrace(theException)); errorMsg.send(servConn); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Wrote exception: {}", servConn.getName(), e.getMessage(), e); } if (e instanceof MessageTooLargeException) { throw (IOException) e; } } protected static void writeErrorResponse(Message origMsg, int messageType, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { Message errorMsg = servConn.getErrorResponseMessage(); errorMsg.setMessageType(messageType); errorMsg.setNumberOfParts(1); errorMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); errorMsg.addStringPart( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_INVALID_DATA_RECEIVED_PLEASE_SEE_THE_CACHE_SERVER_LOG_FILE_FOR_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS .toLocalizedString()); errorMsg.send(servConn); } protected static void writeErrorResponse(Message origMsg, int messageType, String msg, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { Message errorMsg = servConn.getErrorResponseMessage(); errorMsg.setMessageType(messageType); errorMsg.setNumberOfParts(1); errorMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); errorMsg.addStringPart(msg); errorMsg.send(servConn); } protected static void writeRegionDestroyedEx(Message msg, String regionName, String title, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { String reason = servConn.getName() + ": Region named " + regionName + title; RegionDestroyedException ex = new RegionDestroyedException(reason, regionName); if (servConn.getTransientFlag(REQUIRES_CHUNKED_RESPONSE)) { writeChunkedException(msg, ex, false, servConn); } else { writeException(msg, ex, false, servConn); } } protected static void writeResponse(Object data, Object callbackArg, Message origMsg, boolean isObject, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { Message responseMsg = servConn.getResponseMessage(); responseMsg.setMessageType(MessageType.RESPONSE); responseMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); if (callbackArg == null) { responseMsg.setNumberOfParts(1); } else { responseMsg.setNumberOfParts(2); } if (data instanceof byte[]) { responseMsg.addRawPart((byte[]) data, isObject); } else { Assert.assertTrue(isObject, "isObject should be true when value is not a byte[]"); responseMsg.addObjPart(data, zipValues); } if (callbackArg != null) { responseMsg.addObjPart(callbackArg); } servConn.getCache().getCancelCriterion().checkCancelInProgress(null); responseMsg.send(servConn); origMsg.clearParts(); } protected static void writeResponseWithRefreshMetadata(Object data, Object callbackArg, Message origMsg, boolean isObject, ServerConnection servConn, PartitionedRegion pr, byte nwHop) throws IOException { Message responseMsg = servConn.getResponseMessage(); responseMsg.setMessageType(MessageType.RESPONSE); responseMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); if (callbackArg == null) { responseMsg.setNumberOfParts(2); } else { responseMsg.setNumberOfParts(3); } if (data instanceof byte[]) { responseMsg.addRawPart((byte[]) data, isObject); } else { Assert.assertTrue(isObject, "isObject should be true when value is not a byte[]"); responseMsg.addObjPart(data, zipValues); } if (callbackArg != null) { responseMsg.addObjPart(callbackArg); } responseMsg.addBytesPart(new byte[] {pr.getMetadataVersion(), nwHop}); servConn.getCache().getCancelCriterion().checkCancelInProgress(null); responseMsg.send(servConn); origMsg.clearParts(); } protected static void writeResponseWithFunctionAttribute(byte[] data, Message origMsg, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { Message responseMsg = servConn.getResponseMessage(); responseMsg.setMessageType(MessageType.RESPONSE); responseMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); responseMsg.setNumberOfParts(1); responseMsg.addBytesPart(data); servConn.getCache().getCancelCriterion().checkCancelInProgress(null); responseMsg.send(servConn); origMsg.clearParts(); } static protected void checkForInterrupt(ServerConnection servConn, Exception e) throws InterruptedException, InterruptedIOException { servConn.getCachedRegionHelper().checkCancelInProgress(e); if (e instanceof InterruptedException) { throw (InterruptedException) e; } if (e instanceof InterruptedIOException) { throw (InterruptedIOException) e; } } protected static void writeQueryResponseChunk(Object queryResponseChunk, CollectionType collectionType, boolean lastChunk, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { ChunkedMessage queryResponseMsg = servConn.getQueryResponseMessage(); queryResponseMsg.setNumberOfParts(2); queryResponseMsg.setLastChunk(lastChunk); queryResponseMsg.addObjPart(collectionType, zipValues); queryResponseMsg.addObjPart(queryResponseChunk, zipValues); queryResponseMsg.sendChunk(servConn); } protected static void writeQueryResponseException(Message origMsg, Throwable exception, boolean isSevere, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { Throwable e = getClientException(servConn, exception); ChunkedMessage queryResponseMsg = servConn.getQueryResponseMessage(); ChunkedMessage chunkedResponseMsg = servConn.getChunkedResponseMessage(); if (queryResponseMsg.headerHasBeenSent()) { // fix for bug 35442 // This client is expecting 2 parts in this message so send 2 parts queryResponseMsg.setServerConnection(servConn); queryResponseMsg.setNumberOfParts(2); queryResponseMsg.setLastChunkAndNumParts(true, 2); queryResponseMsg.addObjPart(e); queryResponseMsg.addStringPart(getExceptionTrace(e)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Sending exception chunk while reply in progress: {}", servConn.getName(), e.getMessage(), e); } queryResponseMsg.sendChunk(servConn); } else { chunkedResponseMsg.setServerConnection(servConn); chunkedResponseMsg.setMessageType(MessageType.EXCEPTION); chunkedResponseMsg.setNumberOfParts(2); chunkedResponseMsg.setLastChunkAndNumParts(true, 2); chunkedResponseMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); chunkedResponseMsg.sendHeader(); chunkedResponseMsg.addObjPart(e); chunkedResponseMsg.addStringPart(getExceptionTrace(e)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Sending exception chunk: {}", servConn.getName(), e.getMessage(), e); } chunkedResponseMsg.sendChunk(servConn); } } protected static void writeChunkedErrorResponse(Message origMsg, int messageType, String message, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { // Send chunked response header identifying error message ChunkedMessage chunkedResponseMsg = servConn.getChunkedResponseMessage(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(servConn.getName() + ": Sending error message header type: " + messageType + " transaction: " + origMsg.getTransactionId()); } chunkedResponseMsg.setMessageType(messageType); chunkedResponseMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); chunkedResponseMsg.sendHeader(); // Send actual error if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Sending error message chunk: {}", servConn.getName(), message); } chunkedResponseMsg.setNumberOfParts(1); chunkedResponseMsg.setLastChunk(true); chunkedResponseMsg.addStringPart(message); chunkedResponseMsg.sendChunk(servConn); } protected static void writeFunctionResponseException(Message origMsg, int messageType, String message, ServerConnection servConn, Throwable exception) throws IOException { Throwable e = getClientException(servConn, exception); ChunkedMessage functionResponseMsg = servConn.getFunctionResponseMessage(); ChunkedMessage chunkedResponseMsg = servConn.getChunkedResponseMessage(); if (functionResponseMsg.headerHasBeenSent()) { functionResponseMsg.setServerConnection(servConn); functionResponseMsg.setNumberOfParts(2); functionResponseMsg.setLastChunkAndNumParts(true, 2); functionResponseMsg.addObjPart(e); functionResponseMsg.addStringPart(getExceptionTrace(e)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Sending exception chunk while reply in progress: {}", servConn.getName(), e.getMessage(), e); } functionResponseMsg.sendChunk(servConn); } else { chunkedResponseMsg.setServerConnection(servConn); chunkedResponseMsg.setMessageType(messageType); chunkedResponseMsg.setNumberOfParts(2); chunkedResponseMsg.setLastChunkAndNumParts(true, 2); chunkedResponseMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); chunkedResponseMsg.sendHeader(); chunkedResponseMsg.addObjPart(e); chunkedResponseMsg.addStringPart(getExceptionTrace(e)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Sending exception chunk: {}", servConn.getName(), e.getMessage(), e); } chunkedResponseMsg.sendChunk(servConn); } } protected static void writeFunctionResponseError(Message origMsg, int messageType, String message, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { ChunkedMessage functionResponseMsg = servConn.getFunctionResponseMessage(); ChunkedMessage chunkedResponseMsg = servConn.getChunkedResponseMessage(); if (functionResponseMsg.headerHasBeenSent()) { functionResponseMsg.setNumberOfParts(1); functionResponseMsg.setLastChunk(true); functionResponseMsg.addStringPart(message); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Sending Error chunk while reply in progress: {}", servConn.getName(), message); } functionResponseMsg.sendChunk(servConn); } else { chunkedResponseMsg.setMessageType(messageType); chunkedResponseMsg.setNumberOfParts(1); chunkedResponseMsg.setLastChunk(true); chunkedResponseMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); chunkedResponseMsg.sendHeader(); chunkedResponseMsg.addStringPart(message); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Sending Error chunk: {}", servConn.getName(), message); } chunkedResponseMsg.sendChunk(servConn); } } protected static void writeKeySetErrorResponse(Message origMsg, int messageType, String message, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { // Send chunked response header identifying error message ChunkedMessage chunkedResponseMsg = servConn.getKeySetResponseMessage(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Sending error message header type: {} transaction: {}", servConn.getName(), messageType, origMsg.getTransactionId()); } chunkedResponseMsg.setMessageType(messageType); chunkedResponseMsg.setTransactionId(origMsg.getTransactionId()); chunkedResponseMsg.sendHeader(); // Send actual error if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: Sending error message chunk: {}", servConn.getName(), message); } chunkedResponseMsg.setNumberOfParts(1); chunkedResponseMsg.setLastChunk(true); chunkedResponseMsg.addStringPart(message); chunkedResponseMsg.sendChunk(servConn); } static Message readRequest(ServerConnection servConn) { Message requestMsg = null; try { requestMsg = servConn.getRequestMessage(); requestMsg.recv(servConn, MAX_INCOMING_DATA, incomingDataLimiter, incomingMsgLimiter); return requestMsg; } catch (EOFException eof) { handleEOFException(null, servConn, eof); // TODO:Asif: Check if there is any need for explicitly returning } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { // Solaris only handleInterruptedIOException(null, servConn, e); } catch (IOException e) { handleIOException(null, servConn, e); } catch (DistributedSystemDisconnectedException e) { handleShutdownException(null, servConn, e); } catch (VirtualMachineError err) { SystemFailure.initiateFailure(err); // If this ever returns, rethrow the error. We're poisoned // now, so don't let this thread continue. throw err; } catch (Throwable e) { SystemFailure.checkFailure(); handleThrowable(null, servConn, e); } return requestMsg; } protected static void fillAndSendRegisterInterestResponseChunks(LocalRegion region, Object riKey, int interestType, InterestResultPolicy policy, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { fillAndSendRegisterInterestResponseChunks(region, riKey, interestType, false, policy, servConn); } /* * serializeValues is unused for clients < GFE_80 */ protected static void fillAndSendRegisterInterestResponseChunks(LocalRegion region, Object riKey, int interestType, boolean serializeValues, InterestResultPolicy policy, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { // Client is not interested. if (policy.isNone()) { sendRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, riKey, new ArrayList(), true, servConn); return; } if (policy.isKeysValues() && servConn.getClientVersion().compareTo(Version.GFE_80) >= 0) { handleKeysValuesPolicy(region, riKey, interestType, serializeValues, servConn); return; } if (riKey instanceof List) { handleList(region, (List) riKey, policy, servConn); return; } if (!(riKey instanceof String)) { handleSingleton(region, riKey, policy, servConn); return; } switch (interestType) { case InterestType.OQL_QUERY: // Not supported yet throw new InternalGemFireError( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED.toLocalizedString()); case InterestType.FILTER_CLASS: throw new InternalGemFireError( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED.toLocalizedString()); // handleFilter(region, (String)riKey, policy); // break; case InterestType.REGULAR_EXPRESSION: { String regEx = (String) riKey; if (regEx.equals(".*")) { handleAllKeys(region, policy, servConn); } else { handleRegEx(region, regEx, policy, servConn); } } break; case InterestType.KEY: if (riKey.equals("ALL_KEYS")) { handleAllKeys(region, policy, servConn); } else { handleSingleton(region, riKey, policy, servConn); } break; default: throw new InternalGemFireError( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_UNKNOWN_INTEREST_TYPE.toLocalizedString()); } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static void handleKeysValuesPolicy(LocalRegion region, Object riKey, int interestType, boolean serializeValues, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { if (riKey instanceof List) { handleKVList(region, (List) riKey, serializeValues, servConn); return; } if (!(riKey instanceof String)) { handleKVSingleton(region, riKey, serializeValues, servConn); return; } switch (interestType) { case InterestType.OQL_QUERY: throw new InternalGemFireError( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED.toLocalizedString()); case InterestType.FILTER_CLASS: throw new InternalGemFireError( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_NOT_YET_SUPPORTED.toLocalizedString()); case InterestType.REGULAR_EXPRESSION: String regEx = (String) riKey; if (regEx.equals(".*")) { handleKVAllKeys(region, null, serializeValues, servConn); } else { handleKVAllKeys(region, regEx, serializeValues, servConn); } break; case InterestType.KEY: if (riKey.equals("ALL_KEYS")) { handleKVAllKeys(region, null, serializeValues, servConn); } else { handleKVSingleton(region, riKey, serializeValues, servConn); } break; default: throw new InternalGemFireError( LocalizedStrings.BaseCommand_UNKNOWN_INTEREST_TYPE.toLocalizedString()); } } /** * @param list is a List of entry keys */ protected static void sendRegisterInterestResponseChunk(Region region, Object riKey, ArrayList list, boolean lastChunk, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { ChunkedMessage chunkedResponseMsg = servConn.getRegisterInterestResponseMessage(); chunkedResponseMsg.setNumberOfParts(1); chunkedResponseMsg.setLastChunk(lastChunk); chunkedResponseMsg.addObjPart(list, zipValues); String regionName = (region == null) ? " null " : region.getFullPath(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { String str = servConn.getName() + ": Sending" + (lastChunk ? " last " : " ") + "register interest response chunk for region: " + regionName + " for keys: " + riKey + " chunk=<" + chunkedResponseMsg + ">"; logger.debug(str); } chunkedResponseMsg.sendChunk(servConn); } /** * Determines whether keys for destroyed entries (tombstones) should be sent to clients in * register-interest results. * * @param servConn * @param policy * @return true if tombstones should be sent to the client */ private static boolean sendTombstonesInRIResults(ServerConnection servConn, InterestResultPolicy policy) { return (policy == InterestResultPolicy.KEYS_VALUES) && (servConn.getClientVersion().compareTo(Version.GFE_80) >= 0); } /** * Process an interest request involving a list of keys * * @param region the region * @param keyList the list of keys * @param policy the policy * @throws IOException */ private static void handleList(LocalRegion region, List keyList, InterestResultPolicy policy, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { if (region instanceof PartitionedRegion) { // too bad java doesn't provide another way to do this... handleListPR((PartitionedRegion) region, keyList, policy, servConn); return; } ArrayList newKeyList = new ArrayList(maximumChunkSize); // Handle list of keys if (region != null) { for (Iterator it = keyList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object entryKey =; if (region.containsKey(entryKey) || (sendTombstonesInRIResults(servConn, policy) && region.containsTombstone(entryKey))) { appendInterestResponseKey(region, keyList, entryKey, newKeyList, "list", servConn); } } } // Send the last chunk (the only chunk for individual and list keys) // always send it back, even if the list is of zero size. sendRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, keyList, newKeyList, true, servConn); } /** * Handles both RR and PR cases */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings(value = "NP_NULL_PARAM_DEREF", justification = "Null value handled in sendNewRegisterInterestResponseChunk()") private static void handleKVSingleton(LocalRegion region, Object entryKey, boolean serializeValues, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { VersionedObjectList values = new VersionedObjectList(maximumChunkSize, true, region == null ? true : region.getAttributes().getConcurrencyChecksEnabled(), serializeValues); if (region != null) { if (region.containsKey(entryKey) || region.containsTombstone(entryKey)) { VersionTagHolder versionHolder = new VersionTagHolder(); ClientProxyMembershipID id = servConn == null ? null : servConn.getProxyID(); // From Get70.getValueAndIsObject() Object data = region.get(entryKey, null, true, true, true, id, versionHolder, true); VersionTag vt = versionHolder.getVersionTag(); updateValues(values, entryKey, data, vt); } } // Send the last chunk (the only chunk for individual and list keys) // always send it back, even if the list is of zero size. sendNewRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, entryKey, values, true, servConn); } /** * Process an interest request consisting of a single key * * @param region the region * @param entryKey the key * @param policy the policy * @throws IOException */ private static void handleSingleton(LocalRegion region, Object entryKey, InterestResultPolicy policy, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { ArrayList keyList = new ArrayList(1); if (region != null) { if (region.containsKey(entryKey) || (sendTombstonesInRIResults(servConn, policy) && region.containsTombstone(entryKey))) { appendInterestResponseKey(region, entryKey, entryKey, keyList, "individual", servConn); } } // Send the last chunk (the only chunk for individual and list keys) // always send it back, even if the list is of zero size. sendRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, entryKey, keyList, true, servConn); } /** * Process an interest request of type ALL_KEYS * * @param region the region * @param policy the policy * @throws IOException */ private static void handleAllKeys(LocalRegion region, InterestResultPolicy policy, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { ArrayList keyList = new ArrayList(maximumChunkSize); if (region != null) { for (Iterator it = region.keySet(sendTombstonesInRIResults(servConn, policy)).iterator(); it .hasNext();) { appendInterestResponseKey(region, "ALL_KEYS",, keyList, "ALL_KEYS", servConn); } } // Send the last chunk (the only chunk for individual and list keys) // always send it back, even if the list is of zero size. sendRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, "ALL_KEYS", keyList, true, servConn); } /** * @param region * @param regex * @param serializeValues * @param servConn * @throws IOException */ private static void handleKVAllKeys(LocalRegion region, String regex, boolean serializeValues, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { if (region != null && region instanceof PartitionedRegion) { handleKVKeysPR((PartitionedRegion) region, regex, serializeValues, servConn); return; } VersionedObjectList values = new VersionedObjectList(maximumChunkSize, true, region == null ? true : region.getAttributes().getConcurrencyChecksEnabled(), serializeValues); if (region != null) { VersionTag versionTag = null; Object data = null; Pattern keyPattern = null; if (regex != null) { keyPattern = Pattern.compile(regex); } for (Object key : region.keySet(true)) { VersionTagHolder versionHolder = new VersionTagHolder(); if (keyPattern != null) { if (!(key instanceof String)) { // key is not a String, cannot apply regex to this entry continue; } if (!keyPattern.matcher((String) key).matches()) { // key does not match the regex, this entry should not be // returned. continue; } } ClientProxyMembershipID id = servConn == null ? null : servConn.getProxyID(); data = region.get(key, null, true, true, true, id, versionHolder, true); versionTag = versionHolder.getVersionTag(); updateValues(values, key, data, versionTag); if (values.size() == maximumChunkSize) { sendNewRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, regex != null ? regex : "ALL_KEYS", values, false, servConn); values.clear(); } } // for } // if // Send the last chunk (the only chunk for individual and list keys) // always send it back, even if the list is of zero size. sendNewRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, regex != null ? regex : "ALL_KEYS", values, true, servConn); } private static void handleKVKeysPR(PartitionedRegion region, Object keyInfo, boolean serializeValues, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { int id = 0; HashMap bucketKeys = null; VersionedObjectList values = new VersionedObjectList(maximumChunkSize, true, region.getConcurrencyChecksEnabled(), serializeValues); if (keyInfo != null && keyInfo instanceof List) { bucketKeys = new HashMap(); for (Object key : (List) keyInfo) { id = PartitionedRegionHelper.getHashKey(region, null, key, null, null); if (bucketKeys.containsKey(id)) { bucketKeys.get(id).add(key); } else { HashSet keys = new HashSet(); keys.add(key); bucketKeys.put(id, keys); } } region.fetchEntries(bucketKeys, values, servConn); } else { // keyInfo is a String region.fetchEntries((String) keyInfo, values, servConn); } // Send the last chunk (the only chunk for individual and list keys) // always send it back, even if the list is of zero size. sendNewRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, keyInfo != null ? keyInfo : "ALL_KEYS", values, true, servConn); } /** * Copied from Get70.getValueAndIsObject(), except a minor change. (Make the method static instead * of copying it here?) * * @param value */ private static void updateValues(VersionedObjectList values, Object key, Object value, VersionTag versionTag) { boolean isObject = true; // If the value in the VM is a CachedDeserializable, // get its value. If it is Token.REMOVED, Token.DESTROYED, // Token.INVALID, or Token.LOCAL_INVALID // set it to null. If it is NOT_AVAILABLE, get the value from // disk. If it is already a byte[], set isObject to false. boolean wasInvalid = false; if (value instanceof CachedDeserializable) { value = ((CachedDeserializable) value).getValue(); } else if (value == Token.REMOVED_PHASE1 || value == Token.REMOVED_PHASE2 || value == Token.DESTROYED || value == Token.TOMBSTONE) { value = null; } else if (value == Token.INVALID || value == Token.LOCAL_INVALID) { value = null; // fix for bug 35884 wasInvalid = true; } else if (value instanceof byte[]) { isObject = false; } boolean keyNotPresent = !wasInvalid && (value == null || value == Token.TOMBSTONE); if (keyNotPresent) { values.addObjectPartForAbsentKey(key, value, versionTag); } else { values.addObjectPart(key, value, isObject, versionTag); } } public static void appendNewRegisterInterestResponseChunkFromLocal(LocalRegion region, VersionedObjectList values, Object riKeys, Set keySet, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { Object key = null; VersionTagHolder versionHolder = null; ClientProxyMembershipID requestingClient = servConn == null ? null : servConn.getProxyID(); for (Iterator it = keySet.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { key =; versionHolder = new VersionTagHolder(); Object value = region.get(key, null, true, true, true, requestingClient, versionHolder, true); updateValues(values, key, value, versionHolder.getVersionTag()); if (values.size() == maximumChunkSize) { // Send the chunk and clear the list // values.setKeys(null); // Now we need to send keys too. sendNewRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, riKeys != null ? riKeys : "ALL_KEYS", values, false, servConn); values.clear(); } } // for } /** * * @param region * @param values {@link VersionedObjectList} * @param riKeys * @param set set of entries * @param servConn * @throws IOException */ public static void appendNewRegisterInterestResponseChunk(LocalRegion region, VersionedObjectList values, Object riKeys, Set set, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { for (Iterator it = set.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry =; // Region.Entry or Map.Entry if (entry instanceof Region.Entry) { // local entries VersionTag vt = null; Object key = null; Object value = null; if (entry instanceof EntrySnapshot) { vt = ((EntrySnapshot) entry).getVersionTag(); key = ((EntrySnapshot) entry).getRegionEntry().getKey(); value = ((EntrySnapshot) entry).getRegionEntry().getValue(null); updateValues(values, key, value, vt); } else { VersionStamp vs = ((NonTXEntry) entry).getRegionEntry().getVersionStamp(); vt = vs == null ? null : vs.asVersionTag(); key = entry.getKey(); value = ((NonTXEntry) entry).getRegionEntry()._getValueRetain(region, true); try { updateValues(values, key, value, vt); } finally { OffHeapHelper.release(value); } } } else { // Map.Entry (remote entries) ArrayList list = (ArrayList) entry.getValue(); Object value = list.get(0); VersionTag tag = (VersionTag) list.get(1); updateValues(values, entry.getKey(), value, tag); } if (values.size() == maximumChunkSize) { // Send the chunk and clear the list // values.setKeys(null); // Now we need to send keys too. sendNewRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, riKeys != null ? riKeys : "ALL_KEYS", values, false, servConn); values.clear(); } } // for } public static void sendNewRegisterInterestResponseChunk(LocalRegion region, Object riKey, VersionedObjectList list, boolean lastChunk, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { ChunkedMessage chunkedResponseMsg = servConn.getRegisterInterestResponseMessage(); chunkedResponseMsg.setNumberOfParts(1); chunkedResponseMsg.setLastChunk(lastChunk); chunkedResponseMsg.addObjPart(list, zipValues); String regionName = (region == null) ? " null " : region.getFullPath(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { String str = servConn.getName() + ": Sending" + (lastChunk ? " last " : " ") + "register interest response chunk for region: " + regionName + " for keys: " + riKey + " chunk=<" + chunkedResponseMsg + ">"; logger.debug(str); } chunkedResponseMsg.sendChunk(servConn); } /** * Process an interest request of type {@link InterestType#REGULAR_EXPRESSION} * * @param region the region * @param regex the regex * @param policy the policy * @throws IOException */ private static void handleRegEx(LocalRegion region, String regex, InterestResultPolicy policy, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { if (region instanceof PartitionedRegion) { // too bad java doesn't provide another way to do this... handleRegExPR((PartitionedRegion) region, regex, policy, servConn); return; } ArrayList keyList = new ArrayList(maximumChunkSize); // Handle the regex pattern Pattern keyPattern = Pattern.compile(regex); if (region != null) { for (Iterator it = region.keySet(sendTombstonesInRIResults(servConn, policy)).iterator(); it .hasNext();) { Object entryKey =; if (!(entryKey instanceof String)) { // key is not a String, cannot apply regex to this entry continue; } if (!keyPattern.matcher((String) entryKey).matches()) { // key does not match the regex, this entry should not be returned. continue; } appendInterestResponseKey(region, regex, entryKey, keyList, "regex", servConn); } } // Send the last chunk (the only chunk for individual and list keys) // always send it back, even if the list is of zero size. sendRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, regex, keyList, true, servConn); } /** * Process an interest request of type {@link InterestType#REGULAR_EXPRESSION} * * @param region the region * @param regex the regex * @param policy the policy * @throws IOException */ private static void handleRegExPR(final PartitionedRegion region, final String regex, final InterestResultPolicy policy, final ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { final ArrayList keyList = new ArrayList(maximumChunkSize); region.getKeysWithRegEx(regex, sendTombstonesInRIResults(servConn, policy), new PartitionedRegion.SetCollector() { public void receiveSet(Set theSet) throws IOException { appendInterestResponseKeys(region, regex, theSet, keyList, "regex", servConn); } }); // Send the last chunk (the only chunk for individual and list keys) // always send it back, even if the list is of zero size. sendRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, regex, keyList, true, servConn); } /** * Process an interest request involving a list of keys * * @param region the region * @param keyList the list of keys * @param policy the policy * @throws IOException */ private static void handleListPR(final PartitionedRegion region, final List keyList, final InterestResultPolicy policy, final ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { final ArrayList newKeyList = new ArrayList(maximumChunkSize); region.getKeysWithList(keyList, sendTombstonesInRIResults(servConn, policy), new PartitionedRegion.SetCollector() { public void receiveSet(Set theSet) throws IOException { appendInterestResponseKeys(region, keyList, theSet, newKeyList, "list", servConn); } }); // Send the last chunk (the only chunk for individual and list keys) // always send it back, even if the list is of zero size. sendRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, keyList, newKeyList, true, servConn); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static void handleKVList(final LocalRegion region, final List keyList, boolean serializeValues, final ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { if (region != null && region instanceof PartitionedRegion) { handleKVKeysPR((PartitionedRegion) region, keyList, serializeValues, servConn); return; } VersionedObjectList values = new VersionedObjectList(maximumChunkSize, true, region == null ? true : region.getAttributes().getConcurrencyChecksEnabled(), serializeValues); // Handle list of keys if (region != null) { VersionTag versionTag = null; Object data = null; for (Iterator it = keyList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Object key =; if (region.containsKey(key) || region.containsTombstone(key)) { VersionTagHolder versionHolder = new VersionTagHolder(); ClientProxyMembershipID id = servConn == null ? null : servConn.getProxyID(); data = region.get(key, null, true, true, true, id, versionHolder, true); versionTag = versionHolder.getVersionTag(); updateValues(values, key, data, versionTag); if (values.size() == maximumChunkSize) { // Send the chunk and clear the list // values.setKeys(null); // Now we need to send keys too. sendNewRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, keyList, values, false, servConn); values.clear(); } } } } // Send the last chunk (the only chunk for individual and list keys) // always send it back, even if the list is of zero size. sendNewRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, keyList, values, true, servConn); } /** * Append an interest response * * @param region the region (for debugging) * @param riKey the registerInterest "key" (what the client is interested in) * @param entryKey key we're responding to * @param list list to append to * @param kind for debugging */ private static void appendInterestResponseKey(LocalRegion region, Object riKey, Object entryKey, ArrayList list, String kind, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { list.add(entryKey); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("{}: appendInterestResponseKey <{}>; list size was {}; region: {}", servConn.getName(), entryKey, list.size(), region.getFullPath()); } if (list.size() == maximumChunkSize) { // Send the chunk and clear the list sendRegisterInterestResponseChunk(region, riKey, list, false, servConn); list.clear(); } } protected static void appendInterestResponseKeys(LocalRegion region, Object riKey, Collection entryKeys, ArrayList collector, String riDescr, ServerConnection servConn) throws IOException { for (Iterator it = entryKeys.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { appendInterestResponseKey(region, riKey,, collector, riDescr, servConn); } } }