org.apache.geronimo.system.configuration.BaseMarkupSerializer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This code has been borrowed from the Apache Xerces project. We're copying the code to
* keep from adding a dependency on Xerces in the Geronimo kernel.
package org.apache.geronimo.system.configuration;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentFragment;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* Base class for a serializer supporting both DOM and SAX pretty
* serializing of XML/HTML/XHTML documents. Derives classes perform
* the method-specific serializing, this class provides the common
* serializing mechanisms.
* The serializer must be initialized with the proper writer and
* output format before it can be used by calling {@link #init}.
* The serializer can be reused any number of times, but cannot
* be used concurrently by two threads.
* If an output stream is used, the encoding is taken from the
* output format (defaults to UTF-8). If a writer is
* used, make sure the writer uses the same encoding (if applies)
* as specified in the output format.
* The serializer supports both DOM and SAX. DOM serializing is done
* by calling {@link #serialize} and SAX serializing is done by firing
* SAX events and using the serializer as a document handler.
* This also applies to derived class.
* If an I/O exception occurs while serializing, the serializer
* will not throw an exception directly, but only throw it
* at the end of serializing (either DOM or SAX's {@link
* org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler#endDocument}.
* For elements that are not specified as whitespace preserving,
* the serializer will potentially break long text lines at space
* boundaries, indent lines, and serialize elements on separate
* lines. Line terminators will be regarded as spaces, and
* spaces at beginning of line will be stripped.
* When indenting, the serializer is capable of detecting seemingly
* element content, and serializing these elements indented on separate
* lines. An element is serialized indented when it is the first or
* last child of an element, or immediate following or preceding
* another element.
* @version $Revision: 550523 $ $Date: 2007-06-25 11:02:09 -0400 (Mon, 25 Jun 2007) $
* @author Assaf Arkin
* @see Serializer
* @see DOMSerializer
public abstract class BaseMarkupSerializer
private EncodingInfo encodingInfo;
* Holds array of all element states that have been entered.
* The array is automatically resized. When leaving an element,
* it's state is not removed but reused when later returning
* to the same nesting level.
private ElementState[] elementStates;
* The index of the next state to place in the array,
* or one plus the index of the current state. When zero,
* we are in no state.
private int elementStateCount;
* Vector holding comments and PIs that come before the root
* element (even after it), see {@link #serializePreRoot}.
private Vector preRoot;
* If the document has been started (header serialized), this
* flag is set to true so it's not started twice.
protected boolean started;
* True if the serializer has been prepared. This flag is set
* to false when the serializer is reset prior to using it,
* and to true after it has been prepared for usage.
private boolean prepared;
* Association between namespace URIs (keys) and prefixes (values).
* Accumulated here prior to starting an element and placing this
* list in the element state.
protected Hashtable prefixes;
* The system identifier of the document type, if known.
protected String docTypePublicId;
* The system identifier of the document type, if known.
protected String docTypeSystemId;
* The output format associated with this serializer. This will never
* be a null reference. If no format was passed to the constructor,
* the default one for this document type will be used. The format
* object is never changed by the serializer.
protected OutputFormat format;
* The printer used for printing text parts.
protected Printer printer;
* True if indenting printer.
protected boolean indenting;
* The underlying writer.
private Writer writer;
* The output stream.
private OutputStream output;
// Constructor and initialization //
* Protected constructor can only be used by derived class.
* Must initialize the serializer before serializing any document,
* see {@link #init}.
protected BaseMarkupSerializer( OutputFormat format )
int i;
elementStates = new ElementState[ 10 ];
for ( i = 0 ; i < elementStates.length ; ++i )
elementStates[ i ] = new ElementState();
this.format = format;
public void setOutputByteStream( OutputStream output )
if ( output == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "SER001 Argument 'output' is null." );
this.output = output;
writer = null;
public void setOutputCharStream( Writer writer )
if ( writer == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "SER001 Argument 'writer' is null." );
this.writer = writer;
output = null;
public void setOutputFormat( OutputFormat format )
if ( format == null )
throw new NullPointerException( "SER001 Argument 'format' is null." );
this.format = format;
public boolean reset()
if ( elementStateCount > 1 )
throw new IllegalStateException( "Serializer reset in the middle of serialization" );
prepared = false;
return true;
protected void prepare()
throws IOException
if ( prepared )
if ( writer == null && output == null )
throw new IOException( "SER002 No writer supplied for serializer" );
// If the output stream has been set, use it to construct
// the writer. It is possible that the serializer has been
// reused with the same output stream and different encoding.
encodingInfo = format.getEncodingInfo();
if ( output != null ) {
writer = encodingInfo.getWriter(output);
if ( format.getIndenting() ) {
indenting = true;
printer = new IndentPrinter( writer, format );
} else {
indenting = false;
printer = new Printer( writer, format );
ElementState state;
elementStateCount = 0;
state = elementStates[ 0 ];
state.namespaceURI = null;
state.localName = null;
state.rawName = null;
state.preserveSpace = format.getPreserveSpace();
state.empty = true;
state.afterElement = false;
state.afterComment = false;
state.doCData = state.inCData = false;
state.prefixes = null;
docTypePublicId = format.getDoctypePublic();
docTypeSystemId = format.getDoctypeSystem();
started = false;
prepared = true;
// DOM document serializing methods //
* Serializes the DOM element using the previously specified
* writer and output format. Throws an exception only if
* an I/O exception occured while serializing.
* @param elem The element to serialize
* @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while
* serializing
public void serialize( Element elem )
throws IOException
serializeNode( elem );
if ( printer.getException() != null )
throw printer.getException();
* Serializes the DOM document fragmnt using the previously specified
* writer and output format. Throws an exception only if
* an I/O exception occured while serializing.
* @param elem The element to serialize
* @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while
* serializing
public void serialize( DocumentFragment frag )
throws IOException
serializeNode( frag );
if ( printer.getException() != null )
throw printer.getException();
* Serializes the DOM document using the previously specified
* writer and output format. Throws an exception only if
* an I/O exception occured while serializing.
* @param doc The document to serialize
* @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while
* serializing
public void serialize( Document doc )
throws IOException
serializeNode( doc );
if ( printer.getException() != null )
throw printer.getException();
// SAX document handler serializing methods //
public void startDocument()
throws SAXException
try {
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw (SAXException)new SAXException( except.toString() ).initCause(except);
// Nothing to do here. All the magic happens in startDocument(String)
public void characters( char[] chars, int start, int length )
throws SAXException
ElementState state;
try {
state = content();
// Check if text should be print as CDATA section or unescaped
// based on elements listed in the output format (the element
// state) or whether we are inside a CDATA section or entity.
if ( state.inCData || state.doCData ) {
int saveIndent;
// Print a CDATA section. The text is not escaped, but ']]>'
// appearing in the code must be identified and dealt with.
// The contents of a text node is considered space preserving.
if ( ! state.inCData ) {
printer.printText( "' ) {
printText( chars, start, index + 2, true, true );
printer.printText( "]]> 0 )
printText( chars, start, length, true, true );
printer.setNextIndent( saveIndent );
} else {
int saveIndent;
if ( state.preserveSpace ) {
// If preserving space then hold of indentation so no
// excessive spaces are printed at line breaks, escape
// the text content without replacing spaces and print
// the text breaking only at line breaks.
saveIndent = printer.getNextIndent();
printer.setNextIndent( 0 );
printText( chars, start, length, true, state.unescaped );
printer.setNextIndent( saveIndent );
} else {
printText( chars, start, length, false, state.unescaped );
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw new SAXException( except );
public void ignorableWhitespace( char[] chars, int start, int length )
throws SAXException
int i;
try {
// Print ignorable whitespaces only when indenting, after
// all they are indentation. Cancel the indentation to
// not indent twice.
if ( indenting ) {
printer.setThisIndent( 0 );
for ( i = start ; length-- > 0 ; ++i )
printer.printText( chars[ i ] );
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw new SAXException( except );
public final void processingInstruction( String target, String code )
throws SAXException
try {
processingInstructionIO( target, code );
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw new SAXException( except );
public void processingInstructionIO( String target, String code )
throws IOException
int index;
StringBuffer buffer;
ElementState state;
state = content();
buffer = new StringBuffer( 40 );
// Create the processing instruction textual representation.
// Make sure we don't have '?>' inside either target or code.
index = target.indexOf( "?>" );
if ( index >= 0 )
buffer.append( "" ).append( target.substring( 0, index ) );
buffer.append( "" ).append( target );
if ( code != null ) {
buffer.append( ' ' );
index = code.indexOf( "?>" );
if ( index >= 0 )
buffer.append( code.substring( 0, index ) );
buffer.append( code );
buffer.append( "?>" );
// If before the root element (or after it), do not print
// the PI directly but place it in the pre-root vector.
if ( isDocumentState() ) {
if ( preRoot == null )
preRoot = new Vector();
preRoot.addElement( buffer.toString() );
} else {
printText( buffer.toString(), true, true );
if ( indenting )
state.afterElement = true;
public void comment( char[] chars, int start, int length )
throws SAXException
try {
comment( new String( chars, start, length ) );
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw new SAXException( except );
public void comment( String text )
throws IOException
StringBuffer buffer;
int index;
ElementState state;
if ( format.getOmitComments() )
state = content();
buffer = new StringBuffer( 40 );
// Create the processing comment textual representation.
// Make sure we don't have '-->' inside the comment.
index = text.indexOf( "-->" );
if ( index >= 0 )
buffer.append( "" );
buffer.append( "" );
// If before the root element (or after it), do not print
// the comment directly but place it in the pre-root vector.
if ( isDocumentState() ) {
if ( preRoot == null )
preRoot = new Vector();
preRoot.addElement( buffer.toString() );
} else {
// Indent this element on a new line if the first
// content of the parent element or immediately
// following an element.
if ( indenting && ! state.preserveSpace)
printText( buffer.toString(), true, true );
if ( indenting )
state.afterElement = true;
state.afterComment = true;
state.afterElement = false;
public void startCDATA()
ElementState state;
state = getElementState();
state.doCData = true;
public void endCDATA()
ElementState state;
state = getElementState();
state.doCData = false;
public void startNonEscaping()
ElementState state;
state = getElementState();
state.unescaped = true;
public void endNonEscaping()
ElementState state;
state = getElementState();
state.unescaped = false;
public void startPreserving()
ElementState state;
state = getElementState();
state.preserveSpace = true;
public void endPreserving()
ElementState state;
state = getElementState();
state.preserveSpace = false;
* Called at the end of the document to wrap it up.
* Will flush the output stream and throw an exception
* if any I/O error occured while serializing.
* @throws SAXException An I/O exception occured during
* serializing
public void endDocument()
throws SAXException
try {
// Print all the elements accumulated outside of
// the root element.
// Flush the output, this is necessary for buffered output.
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw new SAXException( except );
public void startEntity( String name )
// ???
public void endEntity( String name )
// ???
public void setDocumentLocator( Locator locator )
// Nothing to do
// SAX content handler serializing methods //
public void skippedEntity ( String name )
throws SAXException
try {
printer.printText( '&' );
printer.printText( name );
printer.printText( ';' );
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw new SAXException( except );
public void startPrefixMapping( String prefix, String uri )
throws SAXException
if ( prefixes == null )
prefixes = new Hashtable();
prefixes.put( uri, prefix == null ? "" : prefix );
public void endPrefixMapping( String prefix )
throws SAXException
// SAX DTD/Decl handler serializing methods //
public final void startDTD( String name, String publicId, String systemId )
throws SAXException
try {
docTypePublicId = publicId;
docTypeSystemId = systemId;
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw new SAXException( except );
public void endDTD()
// Nothing to do here, all the magic occurs in startDocument(String).
public void elementDecl( String name, String model )
throws SAXException
try {
printer.printText( "' );
if ( indenting )
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw new SAXException( except );
public void attributeDecl( String eName, String aName, String type,
String valueDefault, String value )
throws SAXException
try {
printer.printText( "' );
if ( indenting )
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw new SAXException( except );
public void internalEntityDecl( String name, String value )
throws SAXException
try {
printer.printText( "" );
if ( indenting )
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw new SAXException( except );
public void externalEntityDecl( String name, String publicId, String systemId )
throws SAXException
try {
unparsedEntityDecl( name, publicId, systemId, null );
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw new SAXException( except );
public void unparsedEntityDecl( String name, String publicId,
String systemId, String notationName )
throws SAXException
try {
if ( publicId == null ) {
printer.printText( "' );
if ( indenting )
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw new SAXException( except );
public void notationDecl( String name, String publicId, String systemId )
throws SAXException
try {
if ( publicId != null ) {
printer.printText( "' );
if ( indenting )
} catch ( IOException except ) {
throw new SAXException( except );
// Generic node serializing methods methods //
* Serialize the DOM node. This method is shared across XML, HTML and XHTML
* serializers and the differences are masked out in a separate {@link
* #serializeElement}.
* @param node The node to serialize
* @see #serializeElement
* @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while
* serializing
protected void serializeNode( Node node )
throws IOException
// Based on the node type call the suitable SAX handler.
// Only comments entities and documents which are not
// handled by SAX are serialized directly.
switch ( node.getNodeType() ) {
case Node.TEXT_NODE : {
String text;
text = node.getNodeValue();
if ( text != null )
if ( !indenting || getElementState().preserveSpace
|| (text.replace('\n',' ').trim().length() != 0))
characters( text );
String text;
text = node.getNodeValue();
if ( text != null ) {
characters( text );
case Node.COMMENT_NODE : {
String text;
if ( ! format.getOmitComments() ) {
text = node.getNodeValue();
if ( text != null )
comment( text );
Node child;
child = node.getFirstChild();
while ( child != null ) {
serializeNode( child );
child = child.getNextSibling();
processingInstructionIO( node.getNodeName(), node.getNodeValue() );
case Node.ELEMENT_NODE :
serializeElement( (Element) node );
case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE : {
DocumentType docType;
// If there is a document type, use the SAX events to
// serialize it.
docType = ( (Document) node ).getDoctype();
if (docType != null) {
// DOM Level 2 (or higher)
// TODO: result of the following call was assigned to a local variable that was never
// read. Can the call be deleted?
( (Document) node ).getImplementation();
try {
String internal;
docTypePublicId = docType.getPublicId();
docTypeSystemId = docType.getSystemId();
internal = docType.getInternalSubset();
if ( internal != null && internal.length() > 0 )
printer.printText( internal );
// DOM Level 1 -- does implementation have methods?
catch (NoSuchMethodError nsme) {
Class docTypeClass = docType.getClass();
String docTypePublicId = null;
String docTypeSystemId = null;
try {
java.lang.reflect.Method getPublicId = docTypeClass.getMethod("getPublicId", null);
if (getPublicId.getReturnType().equals(String.class)) {
docTypePublicId = (String)getPublicId.invoke(docType, null);
catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
try {
java.lang.reflect.Method getSystemId = docTypeClass.getMethod("getSystemId", null);
if (getSystemId.getReturnType().equals(String.class)) {
docTypeSystemId = (String)getSystemId.invoke(docType, null);
catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
this.docTypePublicId = docTypePublicId;
this.docTypeSystemId = docTypeSystemId;
// !! Fall through
Node child;
// By definition this will happen if the node is a document,
// document fragment, etc. Just serialize its contents. It will
// work well for other nodes that we do not know how to serialize.
child = node.getFirstChild();
while ( child != null ) {
serializeNode( child );
child = child.getNextSibling();
* Must be called by a method about to print any type of content.
* If the element was just opened, the opening tag is closed and
* will be matched to a closing tag. Returns the current element
* state with empty and afterElement set to false.
* @return The current element state
* @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while
* serializing
protected ElementState content()
throws IOException
ElementState state;
state = getElementState();
if ( ! isDocumentState() ) {
// Need to close CData section first
if ( state.inCData && ! state.doCData ) {
printer.printText( "]]>" );
state.inCData = false;
// If this is the first content in the element,
// change the state to not-empty and close the
// opening element tag.
if ( state.empty ) {
printer.printText( '>' );
state.empty = false;
// Except for one content type, all of them
// are not last element. That one content
// type will take care of itself.
state.afterElement = false;
// Except for one content type, all of them
// are not last comment. That one content
// type will take care of itself.
state.afterComment = false;
return state;
* Called to print the text contents in the prevailing element format.
* Since this method is capable of printing text as CDATA, it is used
* for that purpose as well. White space handling is determined by the
* current element state. In addition, the output format can dictate
* whether the text is printed as CDATA or unescaped.
* @param text The text to print
* @param unescaped True is should print unescaped
* @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while
* serializing
protected void characters( String text )
throws IOException
ElementState state;
state = content();
// Check if text should be print as CDATA section or unescaped
// based on elements listed in the output format (the element
// state) or whether we are inside a CDATA section or entity.
if ( state.inCData || state.doCData ) {
StringBuffer buffer;
int index;
int saveIndent;
// Print a CDATA section. The text is not escaped, but ']]>'
// appearing in the code must be identified and dealt with.
// The contents of a text node is considered space preserving.
buffer = new StringBuffer( text.length() );
if ( ! state.inCData ) {
buffer.append( "" );
while ( index >= 0 ) {
buffer.append( text.substring( 0, index + 2 ) ).append( "]]>" );
buffer.append( text );
saveIndent = printer.getNextIndent();
printer.setNextIndent( 0 );
printText( buffer.toString(), true, true );
printer.setNextIndent( saveIndent );
} else {
int saveIndent;
if ( state.preserveSpace ) {
// If preserving space then hold of indentation so no
// excessive spaces are printed at line breaks, escape
// the text content without replacing spaces and print
// the text breaking only at line breaks.
saveIndent = printer.getNextIndent();
printer.setNextIndent( 0 );
printText( text, true, state.unescaped );
printer.setNextIndent( saveIndent );
} else {
printText( text, false, state.unescaped );
* Returns the suitable entity reference for this character value,
* or null if no such entity exists. Calling this method with '&'
* will return "&".
* @param ch Character value
* @return Character entity name, or null
protected abstract String getEntityRef( int ch );
* Called to serializee the DOM element. The element is serialized based on
* the serializer's method (XML, HTML, XHTML).
* @param elem The element to serialize
* @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while
* serializing
protected abstract void serializeElement( Element elem )
throws IOException;
* Comments and PIs cannot be serialized before the root element,
* because the root element serializes the document type, which
* generally comes first. Instead such PIs and comments are
* accumulated inside a vector and serialized by calling this
* method. Will be called when the root element is serialized
* and when the document finished serializing.
* @throws IOException An I/O exception occured while
* serializing
protected void serializePreRoot()
throws IOException
int i;
if ( preRoot != null ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < preRoot.size() ; ++i ) {
printText( (String) preRoot.elementAt( i ), true, true );
if ( indenting )
// Text pretty printing and formatting methods //
* Called to print additional text with whitespace handling.
* If spaces are preserved, the text is printed as if by calling
* {@link #printText(String)} with a call to {@link #breakLine}
* for each new line. If spaces are not preserved, the text is
* broken at space boundaries if longer than the line width;
* Multiple spaces are printed as such, but spaces at beginning
* of line are removed.
* @param text The text to print
* @param preserveSpace Space preserving flag
* @param unescaped Print unescaped
protected final void printText( char[] chars, int start, int length,
boolean preserveSpace, boolean unescaped )
throws IOException
char ch;
if ( preserveSpace ) {
// Preserving spaces: the text must print exactly as it is,
// without breaking when spaces appear in the text and without
// consolidating spaces. If a line terminator is used, a line
// break will occur.
while ( length-- > 0 ) {
ch = chars[ start ];
if ( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || unescaped )
printer.printText( ch );
printEscaped( ch );
} else {
// Not preserving spaces: print one part at a time, and
// use spaces between parts to break them into different
// lines. Spaces at beginning of line will be stripped
// by printing mechanism. Line terminator is treated
// no different than other text part.
while ( length-- > 0 ) {
ch = chars[ start ];
if ( ch == ' ' || ch == '\f' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' )
else if ( unescaped )
printer.printText( ch );
printEscaped( ch );
protected final void printText( String text, boolean preserveSpace, boolean unescaped )
throws IOException
int index;
char ch;
if ( preserveSpace ) {
// Preserving spaces: the text must print exactly as it is,
// without breaking when spaces appear in the text and without
// consolidating spaces. If a line terminator is used, a line
// break will occur.
for ( index = 0 ; index < text.length() ; ++index ) {
ch = text.charAt( index );
if ( ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || unescaped )
printer.printText( ch );
printEscaped( ch );
} else {
// Not preserving spaces: print one part at a time, and
// use spaces between parts to break them into different
// lines. Spaces at beginning of line will be stripped
// by printing mechanism. Line terminator is treated
// no different than other text part.
for ( index = 0 ; index < text.length() ; ++index ) {
ch = text.charAt( index );
if ( ch == ' ' || ch == '\f' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' )
else if ( unescaped )
printer.printText( ch );
printEscaped( ch );
* Print a document type public or system identifier URL.
* Encapsulates the URL in double quotes, escapes non-printing
* characters and print it equivalent to {@link #printText}.
* @param url The document type url to print
protected void printDoctypeURL( String url )
throws IOException
int i;
printer.printText( '"' );
for( i = 0 ; i < url.length() ; ++i ) {
if ( url.charAt( i ) == '"' || url.charAt( i ) < 0x20 || url.charAt( i ) > 0x7F ) {
printer.printText( '%' );
printer.printText( Integer.toHexString( url.charAt( i ) ) );
} else
printer.printText( url.charAt( i ) );
printer.printText( '"' );
protected void printEscaped( int ch )
throws IOException
String charRef;
// If there is a suitable entity reference for this
// character, print it. The list of available entity
// references is almost but not identical between
// XML and HTML.
charRef = getEntityRef( ch );
if ( charRef != null ) {
printer.printText( '&' );
printer.printText( charRef );
printer.printText( ';' );
} else if ( ( ch >= ' ' && encodingInfo.isPrintable(ch) && ch != 0xF7 ) ||
ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t' ) {
// If the character is not printable, print as character reference.
// Non printables are below ASCII space but not tab or line
// terminator, ASCII delete, or above a certain Unicode threshold.
if (ch < 0x10000) {
printer.printText((char)ch );
} else {
} else {
printer.printText( "" );
printer.printText( ';' );
* Escapes a string so it may be printed as text content or attribute
* value. Non printable characters are escaped using character references.
* Where the format specifies a deault entity reference, that reference
* is used (e.g. <).
* @param source The string to escape
protected void printEscaped( String source )
throws IOException
for ( int i = 0 ; i < source.length() ; ++i ) {
int ch = source.charAt(i);
if ((ch & 0xfc00) == 0xd800 && i+1 < source.length()) {
int lowch = source.charAt(i+1);
if ((lowch & 0xfc00) == 0xdc00) {
ch = 0x10000 + ((ch-0xd800)<<10) + lowch-0xdc00;
// Element state handling methods //
* Return the state of the current element.
* @return Current element state
protected ElementState getElementState()
return elementStates[ elementStateCount ];
* Enter a new element state for the specified element.
* Tag name and space preserving is specified, element
* state is initially empty.
* @return Current element state, or null
protected ElementState enterElementState( String namespaceURI, String localName,
String rawName, boolean preserveSpace )
ElementState state;
if ( elementStateCount + 1 == elementStates.length ) {
ElementState[] newStates;
// Need to create a larger array of states. This does not happen
// often, unless the document is really deep.
newStates = new ElementState[ elementStates.length + 10 ];
for ( int i = 0 ; i < elementStates.length ; ++i )
newStates[ i ] = elementStates[ i ];
for ( int i = elementStates.length ; i < newStates.length ; ++i )
newStates[ i ] = new ElementState();
elementStates = newStates;
state = elementStates[ elementStateCount ];
state.namespaceURI = namespaceURI;
state.localName = localName;
state.rawName = rawName;
state.preserveSpace = preserveSpace;
state.empty = true;
state.afterElement = false;
state.afterComment = false;
state.doCData = state.inCData = false;
state.unescaped = false;
state.prefixes = prefixes;
prefixes = null;
return state;
* Leave the current element state and return to the
* state of the parent element. If this was the root
* element, return to the state of the document.
* @return Previous element state
protected ElementState leaveElementState()
if ( elementStateCount > 0 ) {
/*Corrected by David Blondeau ([email protected])*/
prefixes = null;
//_prefixes = _elementStates[ _elementStateCount ].prefixes;
-- elementStateCount;
return elementStates[ elementStateCount ];
} else
throw new IllegalStateException( "Internal error: element state is zero" );
* Returns true if in the state of the document.
* Returns true before entering any element and after
* leaving the root element.
* @return True if in the state of the document
protected boolean isDocumentState()
return elementStateCount == 0;
* Returns the namespace prefix for the specified URI.
* If the URI has been mapped to a prefix, returns the
* prefix, otherwise returns null.
* @param namespaceURI The namespace URI
* @return The namespace prefix if known, or null
protected String getPrefix( String namespaceURI )
String prefix;
if ( prefixes != null ) {
prefix = (String) prefixes.get( namespaceURI );
if ( prefix != null )
return prefix;
if ( elementStateCount == 0 )
return null;
else {
for ( int i = elementStateCount ; i > 0 ; --i ) {
if ( elementStates[ i ].prefixes != null ) {
prefix = (String) elementStates[ i ].prefixes.get( namespaceURI );
if ( prefix != null )
return prefix;
return null;