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package org.codehaus.groovy.runtime;
import groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException;
import groovy.lang.GroovySystem;
import groovy.lang.MetaClassRegistry;
import groovy.lang.Range;
import groovy.lang.Writable;
import groovy.transform.NamedParam;
import groovy.transform.NamedParams;
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.ResolveVisitor;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.DefaultTypeTransformation;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
* Formatting methods
public class FormatHelper {
private static final String SQ = "'";
private static final String DQ = "\"";
private FormatHelper() {}
private static final Object[] EMPTY_ARGS = {};
// heuristic size to pre-allocate stringbuffers for collections of items
private static final int ITEM_ALLOCATE_SIZE = 5;
public static final MetaClassRegistry metaRegistry = GroovySystem.getMetaClassRegistry();
private static final String XMLUTIL_CLASS_FULL_NAME = "groovy.xml.XmlUtil";
private static final String SERIALIZE_METHOD_NAME = "serialize";
static final Set DEFAULT_IMPORT_PKGS = new HashSet<>();
static final Set DEFAULT_IMPORT_CLASSES = new HashSet<>();
static {
for (String pkgName : ResolveVisitor.DEFAULT_IMPORTS) {
FormatHelper.DEFAULT_IMPORT_PKGS.add(pkgName.substring(0, pkgName.length() - 1));
public static String toString(Object arguments) {
return format(arguments, false, -1, false);
public static String inspect(Object self) {
return format(self, true);
public static String format(Object arguments, boolean verbose) {
return format(arguments, verbose, -1);
public static String format(Object arguments, boolean inspect, boolean escapeBackslashes) {
return format(arguments, inspect, -1);
public static String format(Object arguments, boolean verbose, int maxSize) {
return format(arguments, verbose, maxSize, false);
public static String format(Object arguments, boolean inspect, boolean escapeBackslashes, int maxSize) {
return format(arguments, inspect, escapeBackslashes, maxSize, false);
* Output the {@code toString} for the argument(s) with various options to configure.
* Configuration options:
provides protection if the {@code toString} throws an exception, in which case the exception is swallowed and a dumber default {@code toString} is used
will attempt to truncate the output to fit approx the maxSize number of characters, -1 means don't truncate
if false, render a value by its {@code toString}, otherwise use its {@code inspect} value
whether characters like tab, newline, etc. are converted to their escaped rendering ('\t', '\n', etc.)
shorthand to turn on both {@code inspect} and {@code escapeBackslashes}
* @param options a map of configuration options
* @param arguments the argument(s) to calculate the {@code toString} for
* @return the string rendering of the argument(s)
* @see DefaultGroovyMethods#inspect(Object)
public static String toString(@NamedParams({
@NamedParam(value = "safe", type = Boolean.class),
@NamedParam(value = "maxSize", type = Integer.class),
@NamedParam(value = "verbose", type = Boolean.class),
@NamedParam(value = "escapeBackslashes", type = Boolean.class),
@NamedParam(value = "inspect", type = Boolean.class)
}) Map options, Object arguments) {
Object safe = options.get("safe");
if (!(safe instanceof Boolean)) safe = false;
Object maxSize = options.get("maxSize");
if (!(maxSize instanceof Integer)) maxSize = -1;
Object verbose = options.get("verbose");
Object inspect = options.get("inspect");
Object escapeBackslashes = options.get("escapeBackslashes");
if (!(inspect instanceof Boolean)) inspect = false;
if (!(escapeBackslashes instanceof Boolean)) escapeBackslashes = false;
if (!(verbose instanceof Boolean)) verbose = false;
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(verbose)) {
inspect = true;
escapeBackslashes = true;
return format(arguments, (boolean) inspect, (boolean) escapeBackslashes, (int) maxSize, (boolean) safe);
public static String format(Object arguments, boolean verbose, int maxSize, boolean safe) {
return format(arguments, verbose, verbose, maxSize, safe);
public static String format(Object arguments, boolean inspect, boolean escapeBackslashes, int maxSize, boolean safe) {
if (arguments == null) {
final NullObject nullObject = NullObject.getNullObject();
return (String) nullObject.getMetaClass().invokeMethod(nullObject, "toString", EMPTY_ARGS);
if (arguments.getClass().isArray()) {
if (arguments instanceof Object[]) {
return toArrayString((Object[]) arguments, inspect, escapeBackslashes, maxSize, safe);
if (arguments instanceof char[]) {
return new String((char[]) arguments);
// other primitives
return formatCollection(DefaultTypeTransformation.arrayAsCollection(arguments), inspect, escapeBackslashes, maxSize, safe);
if (arguments instanceof Range) {
Range range = (Range) arguments;
try {
if (inspect) {
return range.inspect();
} else {
return range.toString();
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
if (!safe) throw ex;
return handleFormattingException(arguments, ex);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!safe) throw new GroovyRuntimeException(ex);
return handleFormattingException(arguments, ex);
if (arguments instanceof Collection) {
return formatCollection((Collection) arguments, inspect, escapeBackslashes, maxSize, safe);
if (arguments instanceof Map) {
return formatMap((Map) arguments, inspect, escapeBackslashes, maxSize, safe);
if (arguments instanceof Element) {
try {
Method serialize = Class.forName(XMLUTIL_CLASS_FULL_NAME).getMethod(SERIALIZE_METHOD_NAME, Element.class);
return (String) serialize.invoke(null, arguments);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (arguments instanceof CharSequence) {
String arg = escapeBackslashes ? escapeBackslashes(arguments.toString()) : arguments.toString();
if (arguments instanceof String) {
if (!inspect) return arg;
return !escapeBackslashes && multiline(arg) ? "'''" + arg + "'''" : SQ + arg.replace(SQ, "\\'") + SQ;
if (!inspect) return arg;
return !escapeBackslashes && multiline(arg) ? "\"\"\"" + arg + "\"\"\"" : DQ + arg.replace(DQ, "\\\"") + DQ;
try {
// TODO: For GROOVY-2599 do we need something like below but it breaks other things
// return (String) invokeMethod(arguments, "toString", EMPTY_ARGS);
return arguments.toString();
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
if (!safe) throw ex;
return handleFormattingException(arguments, ex);
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (!safe) throw new GroovyRuntimeException(ex);
return handleFormattingException(arguments, ex);
private static boolean multiline(String s) {
return s.contains("\n") || s.contains("\r");
public static String escapeBackslashes(String orig) {
// must replace backslashes first, as the other replacements add backslashes not to be escaped
return orig
.replace("\\", "\\\\") // backslash
.replace("\n", "\\n") // line feed
.replace("\r", "\\r") // carriage return
.replace("\t", "\\t") // tab
.replace("\f", "\\f"); // form feed
private static String handleFormattingException(Object item, Exception ex) {
String hash;
try {
hash = Integer.toHexString(item.hashCode());
} catch (Exception ignored) {
hash = "????";
return "<" + typeName(item) + "@" + hash + ">";
private static String formatMap(Map map, boolean inspect, boolean escapeBackslashes, int maxSize, boolean safe) {
if (map.isEmpty()) {
return "[:]";
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(ITEM_ALLOCATE_SIZE * map.size() * 2);
boolean first = true;
for (Object o : map.entrySet()) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
buffer.append(", ");
if (maxSize != -1 && buffer.length() > maxSize) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) o;
if (entry.getKey() == map) {
buffer.append("(this Map)");
} else {
buffer.append(format(entry.getKey(), inspect, escapeBackslashes, sizeLeft(maxSize, buffer), safe));
if (entry.getValue() == map) {
buffer.append("(this Map)");
} else {
buffer.append(format(entry.getValue(), inspect, escapeBackslashes, sizeLeft(maxSize, buffer), safe));
return buffer.toString();
private static int sizeLeft(int maxSize, StringBuilder buffer) {
return maxSize == -1 ? maxSize : max(0, maxSize - buffer.length());
private static String formatCollection(Collection collection, boolean inspect, boolean escapeBackslashes, int maxSize, boolean safe) {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(ITEM_ALLOCATE_SIZE * collection.size());
boolean first = true;
for (Object item : collection) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
buffer.append(", ");
if (maxSize != -1 && buffer.length() > maxSize) {
if (item == collection) {
buffer.append("(this Collection)");
} else {
buffer.append(format(item, inspect, escapeBackslashes, sizeLeft(maxSize, buffer), safe));
return buffer.toString();
* A helper method to format the arguments types as a comma-separated list.
* @param arguments the type to process
* @return the string representation of the type
public static String toTypeString(Object[] arguments) {
return toTypeString(arguments, -1);
* A helper method to format the arguments types as a comma-separated list.
* @param arguments the type to process
* @param maxSize stop after approximately this many characters and append '...', -1 means don't stop
* @return the string representation of the type
public static String toTypeString(Object[] arguments, int maxSize) {
if (arguments == null) {
return "null";
StringBuilder argBuf = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (maxSize != -1 && argBuf.length() > maxSize) {
} else {
if (i > 0) {
argBuf.append(", ");
argBuf.append(arguments[i] != null ? typeName(arguments[i]) : "null");
return argBuf.toString();
* Gets the type name
* @param argument the object to find the type for
* @return the type name (slightly pretty format taking into account default imports)
static String typeName(Object argument) {
Class> aClass = argument.getClass();
String pkgName = aClass.getPackage() == null ? "" : aClass.getPackage().getName();
boolean useShort = DEFAULT_IMPORT_PKGS.contains(pkgName) || DEFAULT_IMPORT_CLASSES.contains(aClass.getName());
return useShort ? aClass.getSimpleName() : aClass.getName();
* A helper method to return the string representation of a map with bracket boundaries "[" and "]".
* @param arg the map to process
* @return the string representation of the map
public static String toMapString(Map arg) {
return toMapString(arg, -1);
* A helper method to return the string representation of a map with bracket boundaries "[" and "]".
* @param arg the map to process
* @param maxSize stop after approximately this many characters and append '...', -1 means don't stop
* @return the string representation of the map
public static String toMapString(Map arg, int maxSize) {
return formatMap(arg, false, false, maxSize, false);
* A helper method to return the string representation of a list with bracket boundaries "[" and "]".
* @param arg the collection to process
* @return the string representation of the collection
public static String toListString(Collection arg) {
return toListString(arg, -1);
* A helper method to return the string representation of a list with bracket boundaries "[" and "]".
* @param arg the collection to process
* @param maxSize stop after approximately this many characters and append '...'
* @return the string representation of the collection
public static String toListString(Collection arg, int maxSize) {
return toListString(arg, maxSize, false);
* A helper method to return the string representation of a list with bracket boundaries "[" and "]".
* @param arg the collection to process
* @param maxSize stop after approximately this many characters and append '...', -1 means don't stop
* @param safe whether to use a default object representation for any item in the collection if an exception occurs when generating its toString
* @return the string representation of the collection
public static String toListString(Collection arg, int maxSize, boolean safe) {
return formatCollection(arg, false, false, maxSize, safe);
* A helper method to return the string representation of an array of objects
* with brace boundaries "[" and "]".
* @param arguments the array to process
* @return the string representation of the array
public static String toArrayString(Object[] arguments) {
return toArrayString(arguments, false, false, -1, false);
private static String toArrayString(Object[] array, boolean inspect, boolean escapeBackslashes, int maxSize, boolean safe) {
if (array == null) {
return "null";
boolean first = true;
StringBuilder argBuf = new StringBuilder(array.length);
for (Object item : array) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
argBuf.append(", ");
if (maxSize != -1 && argBuf.length() > maxSize) {
if (item == array) {
argBuf.append("(this array)");
} else {
argBuf.append(format(item, inspect, escapeBackslashes, sizeLeft(maxSize, argBuf), safe));
return argBuf.toString();
* A helper method to return the string representation of an array of objects
* with brace boundaries "[" and "]".
* @param arguments the array to process
* @param maxSize stop after approximately this many characters and append '...'
* @param safe whether to use a default object representation for any item in the array if an exception occurs when generating its toString
* @return the string representation of the array
public static String toArrayString(Object[] arguments, int maxSize, boolean safe) {
return toArrayString(arguments, false, false, maxSize, safe);
* Writes an object to a Writer using Groovy's default representation for the object.
public static void write(Writer out, Object object) throws IOException {
if (object instanceof String) {
out.write((String) object);
} else if (object instanceof Object[]) {
out.write(toArrayString((Object[]) object));
} else if (object instanceof Map) {
out.write(toMapString((Map) object));
} else if (object instanceof Collection) {
out.write(toListString((Collection) object));
} else if (object instanceof Writable) {
Writable writable = (Writable) object;
} else if (object instanceof InputStream || object instanceof Reader) {
// Copy stream to stream
Reader reader;
if (object instanceof InputStream) {
reader = new InputStreamReader((InputStream) object);
} else {
reader = (Reader) object;
try (Reader r = reader) {
char[] chars = new char[8192];
for (int i; (i = != -1; ) {
out.write(chars, 0, i);
} else {
* Appends an object to an Appendable using Groovy's default representation for the object.
public static void append(Appendable out, Object object) throws IOException {
if (object instanceof String) {
out.append((String) object);
} else if (object instanceof Object[]) {
out.append(toArrayString((Object[]) object));
} else if (object instanceof Map) {
out.append(toMapString((Map) object));
} else if (object instanceof Collection) {
out.append(toListString((Collection) object));
} else if (object instanceof Writable) {
Writable writable = (Writable) object;
Writer stringWriter = new StringBuilderWriter();
} else if (object instanceof InputStream || object instanceof Reader) {
// Copy stream to stream
try (Reader reader =
object instanceof InputStream
? new InputStreamReader((InputStream) object)
: (Reader) object) {
char[] chars = new char[8192];
for (int i; (i = != -1; ) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
} else {