org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalDirAllocator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.hadoop.fs;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.logging.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.DiskChecker.DiskErrorException;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
/** An implementation of a round-robin scheme for disk allocation for creating
* files. The way it works is that it is kept track what disk was last
* allocated for a file write. For the current request, the next disk from
* the set of disks would be allocated if the free space on the disk is
* sufficient enough to accommodate the file that is being considered for
* creation. If the space requirements cannot be met, the next disk in order
* would be tried and so on till a disk is found with sufficient capacity.
* Once a disk with sufficient space is identified, a check is done to make
* sure that the disk is writable. Also, there is an API provided that doesn't
* take the space requirements into consideration but just checks whether the
* disk under consideration is writable (this should be used for cases where
* the file size is not known apriori). An API is provided to read a path that
* was created earlier. That API works by doing a scan of all the disks for the
* input pathname.
* This implementation also provides the functionality of having multiple
* allocators per JVM (one for each unique functionality or context, like
* mapred, dfs-client, etc.). It ensures that there is only one instance of
* an allocator per context per JVM.
* Note:
* 1. The contexts referred above are actually the configuration items defined
* in the Configuration class like "mapred.local.dir" (for which we want to
* control the dir allocations). The context-strings are exactly those
* configuration items.
* 2. This implementation does not take into consideration cases where
* a disk becomes read-only or goes out of space while a file is being written
* to (disks are shared between multiple processes, and so the latter situation
* is probable).
* 3. In the class implementation, "Disk" is referred to as "Dir", which
* actually points to the configured directory on the Disk which will be the
* parent for all file write/read allocations.
@InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({"HDFS", "MapReduce"})
public class LocalDirAllocator {
//A Map from the config item names like "mapred.local.dir"
//to the instance of the AllocatorPerContext. This
//is a static object to make sure there exists exactly one instance per JVM
private static Map contexts =
new TreeMap();
private String contextCfgItemName;
/** Used when size of file to be allocated is unknown. */
public static final int SIZE_UNKNOWN = -1;
/**Create an allocator object
* @param contextCfgItemName
public LocalDirAllocator(String contextCfgItemName) {
this.contextCfgItemName = contextCfgItemName;
/** This method must be used to obtain the dir allocation context for a
* particular value of the context name. The context name must be an item
* defined in the Configuration object for which we want to control the
* dir allocations (e.g., mapred.local.dir
). The method will
* create a context for that name if it doesn't already exist.
private AllocatorPerContext obtainContext(String contextCfgItemName) {
synchronized (contexts) {
AllocatorPerContext l = contexts.get(contextCfgItemName);
if (l == null) {
(l = new AllocatorPerContext(contextCfgItemName)));
return l;
/** Get a path from the local FS. This method should be used if the size of
* the file is not known apriori. We go round-robin over the set of disks
* (via the configured dirs) and return the first complete path where
* we could create the parent directory of the passed path.
* @param pathStr the requested path (this will be created on the first
* available disk)
* @param conf the Configuration object
* @return the complete path to the file on a local disk
* @throws IOException
public Path getLocalPathForWrite(String pathStr,
Configuration conf) throws IOException {
return getLocalPathForWrite(pathStr, SIZE_UNKNOWN, conf);
/** Get a path from the local FS. Pass size as
* SIZE_UNKNOWN if not known apriori. We
* round-robin over the set of disks (via the configured dirs) and return
* the first complete path which has enough space
* @param pathStr the requested path (this will be created on the first
* available disk)
* @param size the size of the file that is going to be written
* @param conf the Configuration object
* @return the complete path to the file on a local disk
* @throws IOException
public Path getLocalPathForWrite(String pathStr, long size,
Configuration conf) throws IOException {
return getLocalPathForWrite(pathStr, size, conf, true);
/** Get a path from the local FS. Pass size as
* SIZE_UNKNOWN if not known apriori. We
* round-robin over the set of disks (via the configured dirs) and return
* the first complete path which has enough space
* @param pathStr the requested path (this will be created on the first
* available disk)
* @param size the size of the file that is going to be written
* @param conf the Configuration object
* @param checkWrite ensure that the path is writable
* @return the complete path to the file on a local disk
* @throws IOException
public Path getLocalPathForWrite(String pathStr, long size,
Configuration conf,
boolean checkWrite) throws IOException {
AllocatorPerContext context = obtainContext(contextCfgItemName);
return context.getLocalPathForWrite(pathStr, size, conf, checkWrite);
/** Get a path from the local FS for reading. We search through all the
* configured dirs for the file's existence and return the complete
* path to the file when we find one
* @param pathStr the requested file (this will be searched)
* @param conf the Configuration object
* @return the complete path to the file on a local disk
* @throws IOException
public Path getLocalPathToRead(String pathStr,
Configuration conf) throws IOException {
AllocatorPerContext context = obtainContext(contextCfgItemName);
return context.getLocalPathToRead(pathStr, conf);
* Get all of the paths that currently exist in the working directories.
* @param pathStr the path underneath the roots
* @param conf the configuration to look up the roots in
* @return all of the paths that exist under any of the roots
* @throws IOException
public Iterable getAllLocalPathsToRead(String pathStr,
Configuration conf
) throws IOException {
AllocatorPerContext context;
synchronized (this) {
context = obtainContext(contextCfgItemName);
return context.getAllLocalPathsToRead(pathStr, conf);
/** Creates a temporary file in the local FS. Pass size as -1 if not known
* apriori. We round-robin over the set of disks (via the configured dirs)
* and select the first complete path which has enough space. A file is
* created on this directory. The file is guaranteed to go away when the
* JVM exits.
* @param pathStr prefix for the temporary file
* @param size the size of the file that is going to be written
* @param conf the Configuration object
* @return a unique temporary file
* @throws IOException
public File createTmpFileForWrite(String pathStr, long size,
Configuration conf) throws IOException {
AllocatorPerContext context = obtainContext(contextCfgItemName);
return context.createTmpFileForWrite(pathStr, size, conf);
/** Method to check whether a context is valid
* @param contextCfgItemName
* @return true/false
public static boolean isContextValid(String contextCfgItemName) {
synchronized (contexts) {
return contexts.containsKey(contextCfgItemName);
* Removes the context from the context config items
* @param contextCfgItemName
public static void removeContext(String contextCfgItemName) {
synchronized (contexts) {
/** We search through all the configured dirs for the file's existence
* and return true when we find
* @param pathStr the requested file (this will be searched)
* @param conf the Configuration object
* @return true if files exist. false otherwise
* @throws IOException
public boolean ifExists(String pathStr,Configuration conf) {
AllocatorPerContext context = obtainContext(contextCfgItemName);
return context.ifExists(pathStr, conf);
* Get the current directory index for the given configuration item.
* @return the current directory index for the given configuration item.
int getCurrentDirectoryIndex() {
AllocatorPerContext context = obtainContext(contextCfgItemName);
return context.getCurrentDirectoryIndex();
private static class AllocatorPerContext {
private final Log LOG =
private int dirNumLastAccessed;
private Random dirIndexRandomizer = new Random();
private FileSystem localFS;
private DF[] dirDF;
private String contextCfgItemName;
private String[] localDirs;
private String savedLocalDirs = "";
public AllocatorPerContext(String contextCfgItemName) {
this.contextCfgItemName = contextCfgItemName;
/** This method gets called everytime before any read/write to make sure
* that any change to localDirs is reflected immediately.
private synchronized void confChanged(Configuration conf)
throws IOException {
String newLocalDirs = conf.get(contextCfgItemName);
if (!newLocalDirs.equals(savedLocalDirs)) {
localDirs = StringUtils.getTrimmedStrings(newLocalDirs);
localFS = FileSystem.getLocal(conf);
int numDirs = localDirs.length;
ArrayList dirs = new ArrayList(numDirs);
ArrayList dfList = new ArrayList(numDirs);
for (int i = 0; i < numDirs; i++) {
try {
// filter problematic directories
Path tmpDir = new Path(localDirs[i]);
if(localFS.mkdirs(tmpDir)|| localFS.exists(tmpDir)) {
try {
File tmpFile = tmpDir.isAbsolute()
? new File(localFS.makeQualified(tmpDir).toUri())
: new File(localDirs[i]);
dfList.add(new DF(tmpFile, 30000));
} catch (DiskErrorException de) {
LOG.warn( localDirs[i] + " is not writable\n", de);
} else {
LOG.warn( "Failed to create " + localDirs[i]);
} catch (IOException ie) {
LOG.warn( "Failed to create " + localDirs[i] + ": " +
ie.getMessage() + "\n", ie);
} //ignore
localDirs = dirs.toArray(new String[dirs.size()]);
dirDF = dfList.toArray(new DF[dirs.size()]);
savedLocalDirs = newLocalDirs;
// randomize the first disk picked in the round-robin selection
dirNumLastAccessed = dirIndexRandomizer.nextInt(dirs.size());
private Path createPath(String path,
boolean checkWrite) throws IOException {
Path file = new Path(new Path(localDirs[dirNumLastAccessed]),
if (checkWrite) {
//check whether we are able to create a directory here. If the disk
//happens to be RDONLY we will fail
try {
DiskChecker.checkDir(new File(file.getParent().toUri().getPath()));
return file;
} catch (DiskErrorException d) {
LOG.warn("Disk Error Exception: ", d);
return null;
return file;
* Get the current directory index.
* @return the current directory index.
int getCurrentDirectoryIndex() {
return dirNumLastAccessed;
/** Get a path from the local FS. If size is known, we go
* round-robin over the set of disks (via the configured dirs) and return
* the first complete path which has enough space.
* If size is not known, use roulette selection -- pick directories
* with probability proportional to their available space.
public synchronized Path getLocalPathForWrite(String pathStr, long size,
Configuration conf, boolean checkWrite) throws IOException {
int numDirs = localDirs.length;
int numDirsSearched = 0;
//remove the leading slash from the path (to make sure that the uri
//resolution results in a valid path on the dir being checked)
if (pathStr.startsWith("/")) {
pathStr = pathStr.substring(1);
Path returnPath = null;
if(size == SIZE_UNKNOWN) { //do roulette selection: pick dir with probability
//proportional to available size
long[] availableOnDisk = new long[dirDF.length];
long totalAvailable = 0;
//build the "roulette wheel"
for(int i =0; i < dirDF.length; ++i) {
availableOnDisk[i] = dirDF[i].getAvailable();
totalAvailable += availableOnDisk[i];
if (totalAvailable == 0){
throw new DiskErrorException("No space available in any of the local directories.");
// Keep rolling the wheel till we get a valid path
Random r = new java.util.Random();
while (numDirsSearched < numDirs && returnPath == null) {
long randomPosition = (r.nextLong() >>> 1) % totalAvailable;
int dir = 0;
while (randomPosition > availableOnDisk[dir]) {
randomPosition -= availableOnDisk[dir];
dirNumLastAccessed = dir;
returnPath = createPath(pathStr, checkWrite);
if (returnPath == null) {
totalAvailable -= availableOnDisk[dir];
availableOnDisk[dir] = 0; // skip this disk
} else {
while (numDirsSearched < numDirs && returnPath == null) {
long capacity = dirDF[dirNumLastAccessed].getAvailable();
if (capacity > size) {
returnPath = createPath(pathStr, checkWrite);
dirNumLastAccessed = dirNumLastAccessed % numDirs;
if (returnPath != null) {
return returnPath;
//no path found
throw new DiskErrorException("Could not find any valid local " +
"directory for " + pathStr);
/** Creates a file on the local FS. Pass size as
* {@link LocalDirAllocator.SIZE_UNKNOWN} if not known apriori. We
* round-robin over the set of disks (via the configured dirs) and return
* a file on the first path which has enough space. The file is guaranteed
* to go away when the JVM exits.
public File createTmpFileForWrite(String pathStr, long size,
Configuration conf) throws IOException {
// find an appropriate directory
Path path = getLocalPathForWrite(pathStr, size, conf, true);
File dir = new File(path.getParent().toUri().getPath());
String prefix = path.getName();
// create a temp file on this directory
File result = File.createTempFile(prefix, null, dir);
return result;
/** Get a path from the local FS for reading. We search through all the
* configured dirs for the file's existence and return the complete
* path to the file when we find one
public synchronized Path getLocalPathToRead(String pathStr,
Configuration conf) throws IOException {
int numDirs = localDirs.length;
int numDirsSearched = 0;
//remove the leading slash from the path (to make sure that the uri
//resolution results in a valid path on the dir being checked)
if (pathStr.startsWith("/")) {
pathStr = pathStr.substring(1);
while (numDirsSearched < numDirs) {
Path file = new Path(localDirs[numDirsSearched], pathStr);
if (localFS.exists(file)) {
return file;
//no path found
throw new DiskErrorException ("Could not find " + pathStr +" in any of" +
" the configured local directories");
private static class PathIterator implements Iterator, Iterable {
private final FileSystem fs;
private final String pathStr;
private int i = 0;
private final String[] rootDirs;
private Path next = null;
private PathIterator(FileSystem fs, String pathStr, String[] rootDirs)
throws IOException {
this.fs = fs;
this.pathStr = pathStr;
this.rootDirs = rootDirs;
public boolean hasNext() {
return next != null;
private void advance() throws IOException {
while (i < rootDirs.length) {
next = new Path(rootDirs[i++], pathStr);
if (fs.exists(next)) {
next = null;
public Path next() {
final Path result = next;
try {
} catch (IOException ie) {
throw new RuntimeException("Can't check existance of " + next, ie);
if (result == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
return result;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("read only iterator");
public Iterator iterator() {
return this;
* Get all of the paths that currently exist in the working directories.
* @param pathStr the path underneath the roots
* @param conf the configuration to look up the roots in
* @return all of the paths that exist under any of the roots
* @throws IOException
synchronized Iterable getAllLocalPathsToRead(String pathStr,
Configuration conf) throws IOException {
if (pathStr.startsWith("/")) {
pathStr = pathStr.substring(1);
return new PathIterator(localFS, pathStr, localDirs);
/** We search through all the configured dirs for the file's existence
* and return true when we find one
public synchronized boolean ifExists(String pathStr,Configuration conf) {
try {
int numDirs = localDirs.length;
int numDirsSearched = 0;
//remove the leading slash from the path (to make sure that the uri
//resolution results in a valid path on the dir being checked)
if (pathStr.startsWith("/")) {
pathStr = pathStr.substring(1);
while (numDirsSearched < numDirs) {
Path file = new Path(localDirs[numDirsSearched], pathStr);
if (localFS.exists(file)) {
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
// IGNORE and try again
return false;
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