org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.FSDirRenameOp Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileAlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.InvalidPathException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Options;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.ParentNotDirectoryException;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsAction;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DistributedFileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.HdfsFileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.QuotaExceededException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.SnapshotException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.blockmanagement.BlockStoragePolicySuite;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.INode.BlocksMapUpdateInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.snapshot.Snapshot;
import org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.util.ReadOnlyList;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ChunkedArrayList;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Time;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.FSLimitException.MaxDirectoryItemsExceededException;
import static org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.FSLimitException.PathComponentTooLongException;
class FSDirRenameOp {
static RenameOldResult renameToInt(
FSDirectory fsd, final String srcArg, final String dstArg,
boolean logRetryCache)
throws IOException {
String src = srcArg;
String dst = dstArg;
if (NameNode.stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("DIR* NameSystem.renameTo: " + src +
" to " + dst);
if (!DFSUtil.isValidName(dst)) {
throw new IOException("Invalid name: " + dst);
FSPermissionChecker pc = fsd.getPermissionChecker();
byte[][] srcComponents = FSDirectory.getPathComponentsForReservedPath(src);
byte[][] dstComponents = FSDirectory.getPathComponentsForReservedPath(dst);
HdfsFileStatus resultingStat = null;
src = fsd.resolvePath(pc, src, srcComponents);
dst = fsd.resolvePath(pc, dst, dstComponents);
final boolean status = renameTo(fsd, pc, src, dst, logRetryCache);
if (status) {
INodesInPath dstIIP = fsd.getINodesInPath(dst, false);
resultingStat = fsd.getAuditFileInfo(dstIIP);
return new RenameOldResult(status, resultingStat);
* Verify quota for rename operation where srcInodes[srcInodes.length-1] moves
* dstInodes[dstInodes.length-1]
private static void verifyQuotaForRename(FSDirectory fsd, INodesInPath src,
INodesInPath dst) throws QuotaExceededException {
if (!fsd.getFSNamesystem().isImageLoaded() || fsd.shouldSkipQuotaChecks()) {
// Do not check quota if edits log is still being processed
int i = 0;
while(src.getINode(i) == dst.getINode(i)) { i++; }
// src[i - 1] is the last common ancestor.
BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps = fsd.getBlockStoragePolicySuite();
final QuotaCounts delta = src.getLastINode().computeQuotaUsage(bsps);
// Reduce the required quota by dst that is being removed
final INode dstINode = dst.getLastINode();
if (dstINode != null) {
FSDirectory.verifyQuota(dst, dst.length() - 1, delta, src.getINode(i - 1));
* Checks file system limits (max component length and max directory items)
* during a rename operation.
static void verifyFsLimitsForRename(FSDirectory fsd, INodesInPath srcIIP,
INodesInPath dstIIP)
throws PathComponentTooLongException, MaxDirectoryItemsExceededException {
byte[] dstChildName = dstIIP.getLastLocalName();
final String parentPath = dstIIP.getParentPath();
fsd.verifyMaxComponentLength(dstChildName, parentPath);
// Do not enforce max directory items if renaming within same directory.
if (srcIIP.getINode(-2) != dstIIP.getINode(-2)) {
fsd.verifyMaxDirItems(dstIIP.getINode(-2).asDirectory(), parentPath);
* Note: This is to be used by {@link FSEditLogLoader} only.
static boolean renameForEditLog(FSDirectory fsd, String src, String dst,
long timestamp) throws IOException {
if (fsd.isDir(dst)) {
dst += Path.SEPARATOR + new Path(src).getName();
final INodesInPath srcIIP = fsd.getINodesInPath4Write(src, false);
final INodesInPath dstIIP = fsd.getINodesInPath4Write(dst, false);
return unprotectedRenameTo(fsd, src, dst, srcIIP, dstIIP, timestamp);
* Change a path name
* @param fsd FSDirectory
* @param src source path
* @param dst destination path
* @return true if rename succeeds; false otherwise
* @deprecated See {@link #renameToInt(FSDirectory, String, String,
* boolean, Options.Rename...)}
static boolean unprotectedRenameTo(FSDirectory fsd, String src, String dst,
final INodesInPath srcIIP, final INodesInPath dstIIP, long timestamp)
throws IOException {
assert fsd.hasWriteLock();
final INode srcInode = srcIIP.getLastINode();
try {
} catch (SnapshotException e) {
throw e;
} catch (IOException ignored) {
return false;
// validate the destination
if (dst.equals(src)) {
return true;
try {
validateDestination(src, dst, srcInode);
} catch (IOException ignored) {
return false;
if (dstIIP.getLastINode() != null) {
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " +
"failed to rename " + src + " to " + dst + " because destination " +
return false;
INode dstParent = dstIIP.getINode(-2);
if (dstParent == null) {
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " +
"failed to rename " + src + " to " + dst + " because destination's " +
"parent does not exist");
return false;
fsd.ezManager.checkMoveValidity(srcIIP, dstIIP, src);
// Ensure dst has quota to accommodate rename
verifyFsLimitsForRename(fsd, srcIIP, dstIIP);
verifyQuotaForRename(fsd, srcIIP, dstIIP);
RenameOperation tx = new RenameOperation(fsd, src, dst, srcIIP, dstIIP);
boolean added = false;
try {
// remove src
if (!tx.removeSrc4OldRename()) {
return false;
added = tx.addSourceToDestination();
if (added) {
if (NameNode.stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("DIR* FSDirectory" +
".unprotectedRenameTo: " + src + " is renamed to " + dst);
return true;
} finally {
if (!added) {
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " +
"failed to rename " + src + " to " + dst);
return false;
* The new rename which has the POSIX semantic.
static Map.Entry renameToInt(
FSDirectory fsd, final String srcArg, final String dstArg,
boolean logRetryCache, Options.Rename... options)
throws IOException {
String src = srcArg;
String dst = dstArg;
if (NameNode.stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("DIR* NameSystem.renameTo: with options -" +
" " + src + " to " + dst);
if (!DFSUtil.isValidName(dst)) {
throw new InvalidPathException("Invalid name: " + dst);
final FSPermissionChecker pc = fsd.getPermissionChecker();
byte[][] srcComponents = FSDirectory.getPathComponentsForReservedPath(src);
byte[][] dstComponents = FSDirectory.getPathComponentsForReservedPath(dst);
BlocksMapUpdateInfo collectedBlocks = new BlocksMapUpdateInfo();
src = fsd.resolvePath(pc, src, srcComponents);
dst = fsd.resolvePath(pc, dst, dstComponents);
renameTo(fsd, pc, src, dst, collectedBlocks, logRetryCache, options);
INodesInPath dstIIP = fsd.getINodesInPath(dst, false);
HdfsFileStatus resultingStat = fsd.getAuditFileInfo(dstIIP);
return new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(
collectedBlocks, resultingStat);
* @see {@link #unprotectedRenameTo(FSDirectory, String, String, INodesInPath,
* INodesInPath, long, BlocksMapUpdateInfo, Options.Rename...)}
static void renameTo(FSDirectory fsd, FSPermissionChecker pc, String src,
String dst, BlocksMapUpdateInfo collectedBlocks, boolean logRetryCache,
Options.Rename... options) throws IOException {
final INodesInPath srcIIP = fsd.getINodesInPath4Write(src, false);
final INodesInPath dstIIP = fsd.getINodesInPath4Write(dst, false);
if (fsd.isPermissionEnabled()) {
// Rename does not operate on link targets
// Do not resolveLink when checking permissions of src and dst
// Check write access to parent of src
fsd.checkPermission(pc, srcIIP, false, null, FsAction.WRITE, null, null,
// Check write access to ancestor of dst
fsd.checkPermission(pc, dstIIP, false, FsAction.WRITE, null, null, null,
if (NameNode.stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("DIR* FSDirectory.renameTo: " + src + " to "
+ dst);
final long mtime =;
try {
if (unprotectedRenameTo(fsd, src, dst, srcIIP, dstIIP, mtime,
collectedBlocks, options)) {
} finally {
fsd.getEditLog().logRename(src, dst, mtime, logRetryCache, options);
* Rename src to dst.
* Note: This is to be used by {@link org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server
* .namenode.FSEditLogLoader} only.
* @param fsd FSDirectory
* @param src source path
* @param dst destination path
* @param timestamp modification time
* @param options Rename options
static boolean renameForEditLog(
FSDirectory fsd, String src, String dst, long timestamp,
Options.Rename... options)
throws IOException {
BlocksMapUpdateInfo collectedBlocks = new BlocksMapUpdateInfo();
final INodesInPath srcIIP = fsd.getINodesInPath4Write(src, false);
final INodesInPath dstIIP = fsd.getINodesInPath4Write(dst, false);
boolean ret = unprotectedRenameTo(fsd, src, dst, srcIIP, dstIIP, timestamp,
collectedBlocks, options);
if (!collectedBlocks.getToDeleteList().isEmpty()) {
return ret;
* Rename src to dst.
* See {@link DistributedFileSystem#rename(Path, Path, Options.Rename...)}
* for details related to rename semantics and exceptions.
* @param fsd FSDirectory
* @param src source path
* @param dst destination path
* @param timestamp modification time
* @param collectedBlocks blocks to be removed
* @param options Rename options
* @return whether a file/directory gets overwritten in the dst path
static boolean unprotectedRenameTo(FSDirectory fsd, String src, String dst,
final INodesInPath srcIIP, final INodesInPath dstIIP, long timestamp,
BlocksMapUpdateInfo collectedBlocks, Options.Rename... options)
throws IOException {
assert fsd.hasWriteLock();
boolean overwrite = options != null
&& Arrays.asList(options).contains(Options.Rename.OVERWRITE);
final String error;
final INode srcInode = srcIIP.getLastINode();
// validate the destination
if (dst.equals(src)) {
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("The source " + src +
" and destination " + dst + " are the same");
validateDestination(src, dst, srcInode);
if (dstIIP.length() == 1) {
error = "rename destination cannot be the root";
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " +
throw new IOException(error);
BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps = fsd.getBlockStoragePolicySuite();
fsd.ezManager.checkMoveValidity(srcIIP, dstIIP, src);
final INode dstInode = dstIIP.getLastINode();
List snapshottableDirs = new ArrayList<>();
if (dstInode != null) { // Destination exists
validateOverwrite(src, dst, overwrite, srcInode, dstInode);
FSDirSnapshotOp.checkSnapshot(dstInode, snapshottableDirs);
INode dstParent = dstIIP.getINode(-2);
if (dstParent == null) {
error = "rename destination parent " + dst + " not found.";
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " +
throw new FileNotFoundException(error);
if (!dstParent.isDirectory()) {
error = "rename destination parent " + dst + " is a file.";
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " +
throw new ParentNotDirectoryException(error);
// Ensure dst has quota to accommodate rename
verifyFsLimitsForRename(fsd, srcIIP, dstIIP);
verifyQuotaForRename(fsd, srcIIP, dstIIP);
RenameOperation tx = new RenameOperation(fsd, src, dst, srcIIP, dstIIP);
boolean undoRemoveSrc = true;
boolean undoRemoveDst = false;
long removedNum = 0;
try {
if (dstInode != null) { // dst exists, remove it
removedNum = tx.removeDst();
if (removedNum != -1) {
undoRemoveDst = true;
// add src as dst to complete rename
if (tx.addSourceToDestination()) {
undoRemoveSrc = false;
if (NameNode.stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: "
+ src + " is renamed to " + dst);
// Collect the blocks and remove the lease for previous dst
boolean filesDeleted = false;
if (undoRemoveDst) {
undoRemoveDst = false;
if (removedNum > 0) {
filesDeleted = tx.cleanDst(bsps, collectedBlocks);
if (snapshottableDirs.size() > 0) {
// There are snapshottable directories (without snapshots) to be
// deleted. Need to update the SnapshotManager.
return filesDeleted;
} finally {
if (undoRemoveSrc) {
if (undoRemoveDst) { // Rename failed - restore dst
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: " +
"failed to rename " + src + " to " + dst);
throw new IOException("rename from " + src + " to " + dst + " failed.");
* @deprecated Use {@link #renameToInt(FSDirectory, String, String,
* boolean, Options.Rename...)}
private static boolean renameTo(FSDirectory fsd, FSPermissionChecker pc,
String src, String dst, boolean logRetryCache) throws IOException {
// Rename does not operate on link targets
// Do not resolveLink when checking permissions of src and dst
// Check write access to parent of src
final INodesInPath srcIIP = fsd.getINodesInPath4Write(src, false);
// Note: We should not be doing this. This is move() not renameTo().
final String actualDst = fsd.isDir(dst) ?
dst + Path.SEPARATOR + new Path(src).getName() : dst;
final INodesInPath dstIIP = fsd.getINodesInPath4Write(actualDst, false);
if (fsd.isPermissionEnabled()) {
fsd.checkPermission(pc, srcIIP, false, null, FsAction.WRITE, null, null,
// Check write access to ancestor of dst
fsd.checkPermission(pc, dstIIP, false, FsAction.WRITE, null, null,
null, false);
if (NameNode.stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("DIR* FSDirectory.renameTo: " + src + " to "
+ dst);
final long mtime =;
boolean stat = false;
try {
stat = unprotectedRenameTo(fsd, src, actualDst, srcIIP, dstIIP, mtime);
} finally {
if (stat) {
fsd.getEditLog().logRename(src, actualDst, mtime, logRetryCache);
return true;
return false;
private static void validateDestination(
String src, String dst, INode srcInode)
throws IOException {
String error;
if (srcInode.isSymlink() &&
dst.equals(srcInode.asSymlink().getSymlinkString())) {
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException("Cannot rename symlink " + src
+ " to its target " + dst);
// dst cannot be a directory or a file under src
if (dst.startsWith(src)
&& dst.charAt(src.length()) == Path.SEPARATOR_CHAR) {
error = "Rename destination " + dst
+ " is a directory or file under source " + src;
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: "
+ error);
throw new IOException(error);
private static void validateOverwrite(
String src, String dst, boolean overwrite, INode srcInode, INode dstInode)
throws IOException {
String error;// It's OK to rename a file to a symlink and vice versa
if (dstInode.isDirectory() != srcInode.isDirectory()) {
error = "Source " + src + " and destination " + dst
+ " must both be directories";
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: "
+ error);
throw new IOException(error);
if (!overwrite) { // If destination exists, overwrite flag must be true
error = "rename destination " + dst + " already exists";
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: "
+ error);
throw new FileAlreadyExistsException(error);
if (dstInode.isDirectory()) {
final ReadOnlyList children = dstInode.asDirectory()
if (!children.isEmpty()) {
error = "rename destination directory is not empty: " + dst;
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: "
+ error);
throw new IOException(error);
private static void validateRenameSource(INodesInPath srcIIP)
throws IOException {
String error;
final INode srcInode = srcIIP.getLastINode();
// validate source
if (srcInode == null) {
error = "rename source " + srcIIP.getPath() + " is not found.";
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: "
+ error);
throw new FileNotFoundException(error);
if (srcIIP.length() == 1) {
error = "rename source cannot be the root";
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirectory.unprotectedRenameTo: "
+ error);
throw new IOException(error);
// srcInode and its subtree cannot contain snapshottable directories with
// snapshots
FSDirSnapshotOp.checkSnapshot(srcInode, null);
private static class RenameOperation {
private final FSDirectory fsd;
private INodesInPath srcIIP;
private final INodesInPath srcParentIIP;
private INodesInPath dstIIP;
private final INodesInPath dstParentIIP;
private final String src;
private final String dst;
private final INodeReference.WithCount withCount;
private final int srcRefDstSnapshot;
private final INodeDirectory srcParent;
private final byte[] srcChildName;
private final boolean isSrcInSnapshot;
private final boolean srcChildIsReference;
private final QuotaCounts oldSrcCounts;
private INode srcChild;
private INode oldDstChild;
RenameOperation(FSDirectory fsd, String src, String dst,
INodesInPath srcIIP, INodesInPath dstIIP)
throws QuotaExceededException {
this.fsd = fsd;
this.src = src;
this.dst = dst;
this.srcIIP = srcIIP;
this.dstIIP = dstIIP;
this.srcParentIIP = srcIIP.getParentINodesInPath();
this.dstParentIIP = dstIIP.getParentINodesInPath();
BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps = fsd.getBlockStoragePolicySuite();
srcChild = this.srcIIP.getLastINode();
srcChildName = srcChild.getLocalNameBytes();
final int srcLatestSnapshotId = srcIIP.getLatestSnapshotId();
isSrcInSnapshot = srcChild.isInLatestSnapshot(srcLatestSnapshotId);
srcChildIsReference = srcChild.isReference();
srcParent = this.srcIIP.getINode(-2).asDirectory();
// Record the snapshot on srcChild. After the rename, before any new
// snapshot is taken on the dst tree, changes will be recorded in the
// latest snapshot of the src tree.
if (isSrcInSnapshot) {
// check srcChild for reference
srcRefDstSnapshot = srcChildIsReference ?
srcChild.asReference().getDstSnapshotId() : Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID;
oldSrcCounts = new QuotaCounts.Builder().build();
if (isSrcInSnapshot) {
final INodeReference.WithName withName = srcParent
.replaceChild4ReferenceWithName(srcChild, srcLatestSnapshotId);
withCount = (INodeReference.WithCount) withName.getReferredINode();
srcChild = withName;
this.srcIIP = INodesInPath.replace(srcIIP, srcIIP.length() - 1,
// get the counts before rename
withCount.getReferredINode().computeQuotaUsage(bsps, oldSrcCounts, true);
} else if (srcChildIsReference) {
// srcChild is reference but srcChild is not in latest snapshot
withCount = (INodeReference.WithCount) srcChild.asReference()
} else {
withCount = null;
long removeSrc() throws IOException {
long removedNum = fsd.removeLastINode(srcIIP);
if (removedNum == -1) {
String error = "Failed to rename " + src + " to " + dst +
" because the source can not be removed";
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirRenameOp.unprotectedRenameTo:" +
throw new IOException(error);
} else {
// update the quota count if necessary
fsd.updateCountForDelete(srcChild, srcIIP);
srcIIP = INodesInPath.replace(srcIIP, srcIIP.length() - 1, null);
return removedNum;
boolean removeSrc4OldRename() {
final long removedSrc = fsd.removeLastINode(srcIIP);
if (removedSrc == -1) {
NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("DIR* FSDirRenameOp.unprotectedRenameTo: "
+ "failed to rename " + src + " to " + dst + " because the source" +
" can not be removed");
return false;
} else {
// update the quota count if necessary
fsd.updateCountForDelete(srcChild, srcIIP);
srcIIP = INodesInPath.replace(srcIIP, srcIIP.length() - 1, null);
return true;
long removeDst() {
long removedNum = fsd.removeLastINode(dstIIP);
if (removedNum != -1) {
oldDstChild = dstIIP.getLastINode();
// update the quota count if necessary
fsd.updateCountForDelete(oldDstChild, dstIIP);
dstIIP = INodesInPath.replace(dstIIP, dstIIP.length() - 1, null);
return removedNum;
boolean addSourceToDestination() {
final INode dstParent = dstParentIIP.getLastINode();
final byte[] dstChildName = dstIIP.getLastLocalName();
final INode toDst;
if (withCount == null) {
toDst = srcChild;
} else {
toDst = new INodeReference.DstReference(dstParent.asDirectory(),
withCount, dstIIP.getLatestSnapshotId());
return fsd.addLastINodeNoQuotaCheck(dstParentIIP, toDst) != null;
void updateMtimeAndLease(long timestamp) throws QuotaExceededException {
srcParent.updateModificationTime(timestamp, srcIIP.getLatestSnapshotId());
final INode dstParent = dstParentIIP.getLastINode();
dstParent.updateModificationTime(timestamp, dstIIP.getLatestSnapshotId());
// update moved lease with new filename
fsd.getFSNamesystem().unprotectedChangeLease(src, dst);
void restoreSource() throws QuotaExceededException {
// Rename failed - restore src
final INode oldSrcChild = srcChild;
// put it back
if (withCount == null) {
} else if (!srcChildIsReference) { // src must be in snapshot
// the withCount node will no longer be used thus no need to update
// its reference number here
srcChild = withCount.getReferredINode();
} else {
srcChild = new INodeReference.DstReference(srcParent, withCount,
if (isSrcInSnapshot) {
srcParent.undoRename4ScrParent(oldSrcChild.asReference(), srcChild);
} else {
// srcParent is not an INodeDirectoryWithSnapshot, we only need to add
// the srcChild back
fsd.addLastINodeNoQuotaCheck(srcParentIIP, srcChild);
void restoreDst(BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps) throws QuotaExceededException {
Preconditions.checkState(oldDstChild != null);
final INodeDirectory dstParent = dstParentIIP.getLastINode().asDirectory();
if (dstParent.isWithSnapshot()) {
dstParent.undoRename4DstParent(bsps, oldDstChild, dstIIP.getLatestSnapshotId());
} else {
fsd.addLastINodeNoQuotaCheck(dstParentIIP, oldDstChild);
if (oldDstChild != null && oldDstChild.isReference()) {
final INodeReference removedDstRef = oldDstChild.asReference();
final INodeReference.WithCount wc = (INodeReference.WithCount)
boolean cleanDst(BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps, BlocksMapUpdateInfo collectedBlocks)
throws QuotaExceededException {
Preconditions.checkState(oldDstChild != null);
List removedINodes = new ChunkedArrayList<>();
final boolean filesDeleted;
if (!oldDstChild.isInLatestSnapshot(dstIIP.getLatestSnapshotId())) {
oldDstChild.destroyAndCollectBlocks(bsps, collectedBlocks, removedINodes);
filesDeleted = true;
} else {
filesDeleted = oldDstChild.cleanSubtree(bsps, Snapshot.CURRENT_STATE_ID,
dstIIP.getLatestSnapshotId(), collectedBlocks, removedINodes)
.getNameSpace() >= 0;
fsd.getFSNamesystem().removeLeasesAndINodes(src, removedINodes, false);
return filesDeleted;
void updateQuotasInSourceTree(BlockStoragePolicySuite bsps) throws QuotaExceededException {
// update the quota usage in src tree
if (isSrcInSnapshot) {
// get the counts after rename
QuotaCounts newSrcCounts = srcChild.computeQuotaUsage(bsps,
new QuotaCounts.Builder().build(), false);
srcParent.addSpaceConsumed(newSrcCounts, false);
static class RenameOldResult {
final boolean success;
final HdfsFileStatus auditStat;
RenameOldResult(boolean success, HdfsFileStatus auditStat) {
this.success = success;
this.auditStat = auditStat;
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