org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.CalcitePlanner Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeVisitor;
import org.antlr.runtime.tree.TreeVisitorAction;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptCluster;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptPlanner;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptQuery;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptRule;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptSchema;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptUtil;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelTraitSet;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.hep.HepMatchOrder;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.hep.HepPlanner;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.hep.HepProgram;
import org.apache.calcite.plan.hep.HepProgramBuilder;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.InvalidRelException;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelCollation;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelCollationImpl;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelFieldCollation;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Aggregate;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.AggregateCall;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Filter;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Join;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.JoinRelType;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.RelFactories;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.SemiJoin;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata.CachingRelMetadataProvider;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata.ChainedRelMetadataProvider;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata.RelMetadataProvider;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.FilterAggregateTransposeRule;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.FilterMergeRule;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.FilterProjectTransposeRule;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.JoinPushTransitivePredicatesRule;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.JoinToMultiJoinRule;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.LoptOptimizeJoinRule;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.ProjectRemoveRule;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.ReduceExpressionsRule;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.SemiJoinFilterTransposeRule;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.SemiJoinJoinTransposeRule;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.SemiJoinProjectTransposeRule;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.UnionMergeRule;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeFactory;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeField;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexBuilder;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexExecutorImpl;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexFieldCollation;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexInputRef;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexUtil;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexWindowBound;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.SchemaPlus;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.Schemas;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlAggFunction;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlExplainLevel;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlLiteral;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlWindow;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParserPos;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.type.SqlTypeName;
import org.apache.calcite.sql2rel.RelFieldTrimmer;
import org.apache.calcite.util.CompositeList;
import org.apache.calcite.util.ImmutableBitSet;
import org.apache.calcite.util.ImmutableIntList;
import org.apache.calcite.util.Pair;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf.ConfVars;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.ErrorMsg;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.QueryProperties;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.ColumnInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.FunctionInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.FunctionRegistry;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Operator;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lib.Node;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.VirtualColumn;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.CalciteSemanticException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.HiveCalciteUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.HiveDefaultRelMetadataProvider;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.HiveTypeSystemImpl;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.RelOptHiveTable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.TraitsUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.cost.HiveVolcanoPlanner;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.reloperators.HiveAggregate;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.reloperators.HiveFilter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.reloperators.HiveGroupingID;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.reloperators.HiveJoin;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.reloperators.HiveProject;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.reloperators.HiveRelNode;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.reloperators.HiveSort;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.reloperators.HiveTableScan;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.reloperators.HiveUnion;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.rules.HiveFilterJoinRule;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.rules.HiveFilterProjectTransposeRule;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.rules.HiveFilterSetOpTransposeRule;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.rules.HivePartitionPruneRule;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.translator.ASTConverter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.translator.JoinCondTypeCheckProcFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.translator.JoinTypeCheckCtx;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.translator.RexNodeConverter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.translator.SqlFunctionConverter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.calcite.translator.TypeConverter;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.PTFInvocationSpec.OrderExpression;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.PTFInvocationSpec.OrderSpec;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.PTFInvocationSpec.PartitionExpression;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.PTFInvocationSpec.PartitionSpec;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.QBSubQuery.SubQueryType;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.WindowingSpec.BoundarySpec;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.WindowingSpec.RangeBoundarySpec;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.WindowingSpec.WindowExpressionSpec;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.WindowingSpec.WindowFunctionSpec;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.WindowingSpec.WindowSpec;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeColumnDesc;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeConstantDesc;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeDesc;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeDescUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.GroupByDesc;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDAFEvaluator;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDAFEvaluator.Mode;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.serdeConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspector;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.StructField;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.StructObjectInspector;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.ListTypeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfoFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfoUtils;
public class CalcitePlanner extends SemanticAnalyzer {
private final AtomicInteger noColsMissingStats = new AtomicInteger(0);
private List topLevelFieldSchema;
private SemanticException semanticException;
private boolean runCBO = true;
public CalcitePlanner(HiveConf conf) throws SemanticException {
if (!HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_CBO_ENABLED)) {
runCBO = false;
public void analyzeInternal(ASTNode ast) throws SemanticException {
if (runCBO) {
PreCboCtx cboCtx = new PreCboCtx();
super.analyzeInternal(ast, cboCtx);
} else {
Operator genOPTree(ASTNode ast, PlannerContext plannerCtx) throws SemanticException {
Operator sinkOp = null;
boolean skipCalcitePlan = false;
if (!runCBO) {
skipCalcitePlan = true;
} else {
PreCboCtx cboCtx = (PreCboCtx) plannerCtx;
// Note: for now, we don't actually pass the queryForCbo to CBO, because
// it accepts qb, not AST, and can also access all the private stuff in
// SA. We rely on the fact that CBO ignores the unknown tokens (create
// table, destination), so if the query is otherwise ok, it is as if we
// did remove those and gave CBO the proper AST. That is kinda hacky.
ASTNode queryForCbo = ast;
if (cboCtx.type == PreCboCtx.Type.CTAS) {
queryForCbo = cboCtx.nodeOfInterest; // nodeOfInterest is the query
runCBO = canHandleAstForCbo(queryForCbo, getQB(), cboCtx);
if (runCBO) {
disableJoinMerge = true;
boolean reAnalyzeAST = false;
try {
// 1. Gen Optimized AST
ASTNode newAST = getOptimizedAST();
// 1.1. Fix up the query for insert/ctas
newAST = fixUpCtasAndInsertAfterCbo(ast, newAST, cboCtx);
// 2. Regen OP plan from optimized AST
if (cboCtx.type == PreCboCtx.Type.CTAS) {
// Redo create-table analysis, because it's not part of doPhase1.
newAST = reAnalyzeCtasAfterCbo(newAST);
Phase1Ctx ctx_1 = initPhase1Ctx();
if (!doPhase1(newAST, getQB(), ctx_1, null)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't do phase1 on CBO optimized query plan");
// unfortunately making prunedPartitions immutable is not possible
// here with SemiJoins not all tables are costed in CBO, so their
// PartitionList is not evaluated until the run phase.
disableJoinMerge = false;
sinkOp = genPlan(getQB());"CBO Succeeded; optimized logical plan.");
} catch (Exception e) {
boolean isMissingStats = noColsMissingStats.get() > 0;
if (isMissingStats) {
LOG.error("CBO failed due to missing column stats (see previous errors), skipping CBO");
} else {
LOG.error("CBO failed, skipping CBO. ", e);
if (!conf.getBoolVar(ConfVars.HIVE_IN_TEST) || isMissingStats
|| e instanceof CalciteSemanticException) {
reAnalyzeAST = true;
} else if (e instanceof SemanticException) {
throw (SemanticException) e;
} else if (e instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) e;
} else {
throw new SemanticException(e);
} finally {
runCBO = false;
disableJoinMerge = false;
if (reAnalyzeAST) {
// Assumption: At this point Parse Tree gen & resolution will always
// be true (since we started out that way).
super.genResolvedParseTree(ast, new PlannerContext());
skipCalcitePlan = true;
} else {
skipCalcitePlan = true;
if (skipCalcitePlan) {
sinkOp = super.genOPTree(ast, plannerCtx);
return sinkOp;
* Can CBO handle the given AST?
* @param ast
* Top level AST
* @param qb
* top level QB corresponding to the AST
* @param cboCtx
* @param semAnalyzer
* @return boolean
* Assumption:
* If top level QB is query then everything below it must also be
* Query.
boolean canHandleAstForCbo(ASTNode ast, QB qb, PreCboCtx cboCtx) {
int root = ast.getToken().getType();
boolean needToLogMessage = STATIC_LOG.isInfoEnabled();
boolean isSupportedRoot = root == HiveParser.TOK_QUERY || root == HiveParser.TOK_EXPLAIN
|| qb.isCTAS();
boolean isSupportedType = qb.getIsQuery() || qb.isCTAS()
|| cboCtx.type == PreCboCtx.Type.INSERT;
boolean noBadTokens = HiveCalciteUtil.validateASTForUnsupportedTokens(ast);
boolean result = isSupportedRoot && isSupportedType && getCreateViewDesc() == null
&& noBadTokens;
if (!result) {
if (needToLogMessage) {
String msg = "";
if (!isSupportedRoot) {
msg += "doesn't have QUERY or EXPLAIN as root and not a CTAS; ";
if (!isSupportedType) {
msg += "is not a query, CTAS, or insert; ";
if (getCreateViewDesc() != null) {
msg += "has create view; ";
if (!noBadTokens) {
msg += "has unsupported tokens; ";
if (msg.isEmpty()) {
msg += "has some unspecified limitations; ";
}"Not invoking CBO because the statement "
+ msg.substring(0, msg.length() - 2));
return false;
// Now check QB in more detail. canHandleQbForCbo returns null if query can
// be handled.
String msg = CalcitePlanner.canHandleQbForCbo(queryProperties, conf, true, needToLogMessage);
if (msg == null) {
return true;
if (needToLogMessage) {"Not invoking CBO because the statement "
+ msg.substring(0, msg.length() - 2));
return false;
* Checks whether Calcite can handle the query.
* @param queryProperties
* @param conf
* @param topLevelQB
* Does QB corresponds to top most query block?
* @param verbose
* Whether return value should be verbose in case of failure.
* @return null if the query can be handled; non-null reason string if it
* cannot be.
* Assumption:
* 1. If top level QB is query then everything below it must also be
* Query
* 2. Nested Subquery will return false for qbToChk.getIsQuery()
static String canHandleQbForCbo(QueryProperties queryProperties, HiveConf conf,
boolean topLevelQB, boolean verbose) {
boolean isInTest = conf.getBoolVar(ConfVars.HIVE_IN_TEST);
boolean isStrictTest = isInTest
&& !conf.getVar(ConfVars.HIVEMAPREDMODE).equalsIgnoreCase("nonstrict");
boolean hasEnoughJoins = !topLevelQB || (queryProperties.getJoinCount() > 1) || isInTest;
if (!isStrictTest && hasEnoughJoins && !queryProperties.hasClusterBy()
&& !queryProperties.hasDistributeBy() && !queryProperties.hasSortBy()
&& !queryProperties.hasPTF() && !queryProperties.usesScript()
&& !queryProperties.hasMultiDestQuery() && !queryProperties.hasLateralViews()) {
// Ok to run CBO.
return null;
// Not ok to run CBO, build error message.
String msg = "";
if (verbose) {
if (isStrictTest)
msg += "is in test running in mode other than nonstrict; ";
if (!hasEnoughJoins)
msg += "has too few joins; ";
if (queryProperties.hasClusterBy())
msg += "has cluster by; ";
if (queryProperties.hasDistributeBy())
msg += "has distribute by; ";
if (queryProperties.hasSortBy())
msg += "has sort by; ";
if (queryProperties.hasPTF())
msg += "has PTF; ";
if (queryProperties.usesScript())
msg += "uses scripts; ";
if (queryProperties.hasMultiDestQuery())
msg += "is a multi-destination query; ";
if (queryProperties.hasLateralViews())
msg += "has lateral views; ";
if (msg.isEmpty())
msg += "has some unspecified limitations; ";
return msg;
boolean continueJoinMerge() {
return !runCBO;
String fixCtasColumnName(String colName) {
if (runCBO) {
int lastDot = colName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastDot < 0)
return colName; // alias is not fully qualified
String nqColumnName = colName.substring(lastDot + 1);
STATIC_LOG.debug("Replacing " + colName + " (produced by CBO) by " + nqColumnName);
return nqColumnName;
return super.fixCtasColumnName(colName);
* The context that doPhase1 uses to populate information pertaining to CBO
* (currently, this is used for CTAS and insert-as-select).
static class PreCboCtx extends PlannerContext {
enum Type {
private ASTNode nodeOfInterest;
private Type type = Type.NONE;
private void set(Type type, ASTNode ast) {
if (this.type != Type.NONE) {
STATIC_LOG.warn("Setting " + type + " when already " + this.type + "; node " + ast.dump()
+ " vs old node " + nodeOfInterest.dump());
this.type = Type.UNEXPECTED;
this.type = type;
this.nodeOfInterest = ast;
void setCTASToken(ASTNode child) {
set(PreCboCtx.Type.CTAS, child);
void setInsertToken(ASTNode ast, boolean isTmpFileDest) {
if (!isTmpFileDest) {
set(PreCboCtx.Type.INSERT, ast);
ASTNode fixUpCtasAndInsertAfterCbo(ASTNode originalAst, ASTNode newAst, PreCboCtx cboCtx)
throws SemanticException {
switch (cboCtx.type) {
case NONE:
// nothing to do
return newAst;
case CTAS: {
// Patch the optimized query back into original CTAS AST, replacing the
// original query.
replaceASTChild(cboCtx.nodeOfInterest, newAst);
return originalAst;
case INSERT: {
// We need to patch the dest back to original into new query.
// This makes assumptions about the structure of the AST.
ASTNode newDest = new ASTSearcher().simpleBreadthFirstSearch(newAst, HiveParser.TOK_QUERY,
if (newDest == null) {
LOG.error("Cannot find destination after CBO; new ast is " + newAst.dump());
throw new SemanticException("Cannot find destination after CBO");
replaceASTChild(newDest, cboCtx.nodeOfInterest);
return newAst;
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected type " + cboCtx.type);
ASTNode reAnalyzeCtasAfterCbo(ASTNode newAst) throws SemanticException {
// analyzeCreateTable uses this.ast, but doPhase1 doesn't, so only reset it
// here.
newAst = analyzeCreateTable(newAst, getQB(), null);
if (newAst == null) {
LOG.error("analyzeCreateTable failed to initialize CTAS after CBO;" + " new ast is "
+ getAST().dump());
throw new SemanticException("analyzeCreateTable failed to initialize CTAS after CBO");
return newAst;
* Performs breadth-first search of the AST for a nested set of tokens. Tokens
* don't have to be each others' direct children, they can be separated by
* layers of other tokens. For each token in the list, the first one found is
* matched and there's no backtracking; thus, if AST has multiple instances of
* some token, of which only one matches, it is not guaranteed to be found. We
* use this for simple things. Not thread-safe - reuses searchQueue.
static class ASTSearcher {
private final LinkedList searchQueue = new LinkedList();
public ASTNode simpleBreadthFirstSearch(ASTNode ast, int... tokens) {
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) {
boolean found = false;
int token = tokens[i];
while (!searchQueue.isEmpty() && !found) {
ASTNode next = searchQueue.poll();
found = next.getType() == token;
if (found) {
if (i == tokens.length - 1)
return next;
for (int j = 0; j < next.getChildCount(); ++j) {
searchQueue.add((ASTNode) next.getChild(j));
if (!found)
return null;
return null;
private static void replaceASTChild(ASTNode child, ASTNode newChild) {
ASTNode parent = (ASTNode) child.parent;
int childIndex = child.childIndex;
parent.insertChild(childIndex, newChild);
* Get Optimized AST for the given QB tree in the semAnalyzer.
* @return Optimized operator tree translated in to Hive AST
* @throws SemanticException
ASTNode getOptimizedAST() throws SemanticException {
ASTNode optiqOptimizedAST = null;
RelNode optimizedOptiqPlan = null;
CalcitePlannerAction calcitePlannerAction = new CalcitePlannerAction(prunedPartitions);
try {
optimizedOptiqPlan = Frameworks.withPlanner(calcitePlannerAction, Frameworks
.newConfigBuilder().typeSystem(new HiveTypeSystemImpl()).build());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AssertionError("rethrowCalciteException didn't throw for " + e.getMessage());
optiqOptimizedAST = ASTConverter.convert(optimizedOptiqPlan, topLevelFieldSchema);
return optiqOptimizedAST;
* Unwraps Calcite Invocation exceptions coming meta data provider chain and
* obtains the real cause.
* @param Exception
private void rethrowCalciteException(Exception e) throws SemanticException {
Throwable first = (semanticException != null) ? semanticException : e, current = first, cause = current
while (cause != null) {
Throwable causeOfCause = cause.getCause();
if (current == first && causeOfCause == null && isUselessCause(first)) {
// "cause" is a root cause, and "e"/"first" is a useless
// exception it's wrapped in.
first = cause;
} else if (causeOfCause != null && isUselessCause(cause)
&& ExceptionHelper.resetCause(current, causeOfCause)) {
// "cause" was a useless intermediate cause and was replace it
// with its own cause.
cause = causeOfCause;
continue; // do loop once again with the new cause of "current"
current = cause;
cause = current.getCause();
if (first instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) first;
} else if (first instanceof SemanticException) {
throw (SemanticException) first;
throw new RuntimeException(first);
private static class ExceptionHelper {
private static final Field CAUSE_FIELD = getField(Throwable.class, "cause"),
TARGET_FIELD = getField(InvocationTargetException.class, "target"),
MESSAGE_FIELD = getField(Throwable.class, "detailMessage");
private static Field getField(Class> clazz, String name) {
try {
Field f = clazz.getDeclaredField(name);
return f;
} catch (Throwable t) {
return null;
public static boolean resetCause(Throwable target, Throwable newCause) {
try {
if (MESSAGE_FIELD == null)
return false;
Field field = (target instanceof InvocationTargetException) ? TARGET_FIELD : CAUSE_FIELD;
if (field == null)
return false;
Throwable oldCause = target.getCause();
String oldMsg = target.getMessage();
field.set(target, newCause);
if (oldMsg != null && oldMsg.equals(oldCause.toString())) {
MESSAGE_FIELD.set(target, newCause == null ? null : newCause.toString());
} catch (Throwable se) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean isUselessCause(Throwable t) {
return t instanceof RuntimeException || t instanceof InvocationTargetException
|| t instanceof UndeclaredThrowableException;
* Code responsible for Calcite plan generation and optimization.
private class CalcitePlannerAction implements Frameworks.PlannerAction {
private RelOptCluster cluster;
private RelOptSchema relOptSchema;
private final Map partitionCache;
// TODO: Do we need to keep track of RR, ColNameToPosMap for every op or
// just last one.
LinkedHashMap relToHiveRR = new LinkedHashMap();
LinkedHashMap> relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap = new LinkedHashMap>();
CalcitePlannerAction(Map partitionCache) {
this.partitionCache = partitionCache;
public RelNode apply(RelOptCluster cluster, RelOptSchema relOptSchema, SchemaPlus rootSchema) {
RelNode calciteGenPlan = null;
RelNode calcitePreCboPlan = null;
RelNode calciteOptimizedPlan = null;
* recreate cluster, so that it picks up the additional traitDef
RelOptPlanner planner = HiveVolcanoPlanner.createPlanner();
final RelOptQuery query = new RelOptQuery(planner);
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = cluster.getRexBuilder();
cluster = query.createCluster(rexBuilder.getTypeFactory(), rexBuilder);
this.cluster = cluster;
this.relOptSchema = relOptSchema;
// 1. Gen Calcite Plan
try {
calciteGenPlan = genLogicalPlan(getQB(), true);
topLevelFieldSchema = SemanticAnalyzer.convertRowSchemaToResultSetSchema(
HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_RESULTSET_USE_UNIQUE_COLUMN_NAMES));
} catch (SemanticException e) {
semanticException = e;
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// 2. Apply Pre Join Order optimizations
calcitePreCboPlan = applyPreJoinOrderingTransforms(calciteGenPlan,
// 3. Appy Join Order Optimizations using Hep Planner (MST Algorithm)
List list = Lists.newArrayList();
RelTraitSet desiredTraits = cluster
.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION, RelCollationImpl.EMPTY);
HepProgram hepPgm = null;
HepProgramBuilder hepPgmBldr = new HepProgramBuilder().addMatchOrder(HepMatchOrder.BOTTOM_UP)
.addRuleInstance(new JoinToMultiJoinRule(HiveJoin.class));
hepPgmBldr.addRuleInstance(new LoptOptimizeJoinRule(HiveJoin.HIVE_JOIN_FACTORY,
hepPgm =;
HepPlanner hepPlanner = new HepPlanner(hepPgm);
RelMetadataProvider chainedProvider = ChainedRelMetadataProvider.of(list);
cluster.setMetadataProvider(new CachingRelMetadataProvider(chainedProvider, hepPlanner));
RelNode rootRel = calcitePreCboPlan;
if (!calcitePreCboPlan.getTraitSet().equals(desiredTraits)) {
rootRel = hepPlanner.changeTraits(calcitePreCboPlan, desiredTraits);
calciteOptimizedPlan = hepPlanner.findBestExp();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() && !conf.getBoolVar(ConfVars.HIVE_IN_TEST)) {
LOG.debug("CBO Planning details:\n");
LOG.debug("Original Plan:\n" + RelOptUtil.toString(calciteGenPlan));
LOG.debug("Plan After PPD, PartPruning, ColumnPruning:\n"
+ RelOptUtil.toString(calcitePreCboPlan));
LOG.debug("Plan After Join Reordering:\n"
+ RelOptUtil.toString(calciteOptimizedPlan, SqlExplainLevel.ALL_ATTRIBUTES));
return calciteOptimizedPlan;
* Perform all optimizations before Join Ordering.
* @param basePlan
* original plan
* @param mdProvider
* meta data provider
* @return
private RelNode applyPreJoinOrderingTransforms(RelNode basePlan, RelMetadataProvider mdProvider) {
// TODO: Decorelation of subquery should be done before attempting
// Partition Pruning; otherwise Expression evaluation may try to execute
// corelated sub query.
// 1. Push Down Semi Joins
basePlan = hepPlan(basePlan, true, mdProvider, SemiJoinJoinTransposeRule.INSTANCE,
SemiJoinFilterTransposeRule.INSTANCE, SemiJoinProjectTransposeRule.INSTANCE);
// 2. PPD
basePlan = hepPlan(basePlan, true, mdProvider,
new HiveFilterProjectTransposeRule(
Filter.class, HiveFilter.DEFAULT_FILTER_FACTORY, HiveProject.class,
HiveProject.DEFAULT_PROJECT_FACTORY), new HiveFilterSetOpTransposeRule(
new FilterMergeRule(HiveFilter.DEFAULT_FILTER_FACTORY), HiveFilterJoinRule.JOIN,
HiveFilterJoinRule.FILTER_ON_JOIN, new FilterAggregateTransposeRule(Filter.class,
HiveFilter.DEFAULT_FILTER_FACTORY, Aggregate.class));
// 3. Transitive inference & Partition Pruning
basePlan = hepPlan(basePlan, false, mdProvider, new JoinPushTransitivePredicatesRule(
Join.class, HiveFilter.DEFAULT_FILTER_FACTORY),
// TODO: Enable it after CALCITE-407 is fixed
// RemoveTrivialProjectRule.INSTANCE,
new HivePartitionPruneRule(conf));
// 4. Projection Pruning
RelFieldTrimmer fieldTrimmer = new RelFieldTrimmer(null, HiveProject.DEFAULT_PROJECT_FACTORY,
basePlan = fieldTrimmer.trim(basePlan);
// 5. Rerun PPD through Project as column pruning would have introduced DT
// above scans
basePlan = hepPlan(basePlan, true, mdProvider,
new FilterProjectTransposeRule(Filter.class, HiveFilter.DEFAULT_FILTER_FACTORY,
HiveProject.class, HiveProject.DEFAULT_PROJECT_FACTORY));
return basePlan;
* Run the HEP Planner with the given rule set.
* @param basePlan
* @param followPlanChanges
* @param mdProvider
* @param rules
* @return optimized RelNode
private RelNode hepPlan(RelNode basePlan, boolean followPlanChanges,
RelMetadataProvider mdProvider, RelOptRule... rules) {
RelNode optimizedRelNode = basePlan;
HepProgramBuilder programBuilder = new HepProgramBuilder();
if (followPlanChanges) {
programBuilder = programBuilder.addRuleCollection(ImmutableList.copyOf(rules));
} else {
// TODO: Should this be also TOP_DOWN?
for (RelOptRule r : rules)
HepPlanner planner = new HepPlanner(;
List list = Lists.newArrayList();
RelMetadataProvider chainedProvider = ChainedRelMetadataProvider.of(list);
new CachingRelMetadataProvider(chainedProvider, planner));
// Executor is required for constant-reduction rules; see [CALCITE-566]
final RexExecutorImpl executor =
new RexExecutorImpl(Schemas.createDataContext(null));
optimizedRelNode = planner.findBestExp();
return optimizedRelNode;
private RelNode genUnionLogicalPlan(String unionalias, String leftalias, RelNode leftRel,
String rightalias, RelNode rightRel) throws SemanticException {
HiveUnion unionRel = null;
// 1. Get Row Resolvers, Column map for original left and right input of
// Union Rel
RowResolver leftRR = this.relToHiveRR.get(leftRel);
RowResolver rightRR = this.relToHiveRR.get(rightRel);
HashMap leftmap = leftRR.getFieldMap(leftalias);
HashMap rightmap = rightRR.getFieldMap(rightalias);
// 2. Validate that Union is feasible according to Hive (by using type
// info from RR)
if (leftmap.size() != rightmap.size()) {
throw new SemanticException("Schema of both sides of union should match.");
ASTNode tabref = getQB().getAliases().isEmpty() ? null : getQB().getParseInfo()
for (Map.Entry lEntry : leftmap.entrySet()) {
String field = lEntry.getKey();
ColumnInfo lInfo = lEntry.getValue();
ColumnInfo rInfo = rightmap.get(field);
if (rInfo == null) {
throw new SemanticException(SemanticAnalyzer.generateErrorMessage(tabref,
"Schema of both sides of union should match. " + rightalias
+ " does not have the field " + field));
if (lInfo == null) {
throw new SemanticException(SemanticAnalyzer.generateErrorMessage(tabref,
"Schema of both sides of union should match. " + leftalias
+ " does not have the field " + field));
if (!lInfo.getInternalName().equals(rInfo.getInternalName())) {
throw new CalciteSemanticException(SemanticAnalyzer.generateErrorMessage(
"Schema of both sides of union should match: field " + field + ":"
+ " appears on the left side of the UNION at column position: "
+ SemanticAnalyzer.getPositionFromInternalName(lInfo.getInternalName())
+ ", and on the right side of the UNION at column position: "
+ SemanticAnalyzer.getPositionFromInternalName(rInfo.getInternalName())
+ ". Column positions should match for a UNION"));
// try widening coversion, otherwise fail union
TypeInfo commonTypeInfo = FunctionRegistry.getCommonClassForUnionAll(lInfo.getType(),
if (commonTypeInfo == null) {
throw new CalciteSemanticException(SemanticAnalyzer.generateErrorMessage(tabref,
"Schema of both sides of union should match: Column " + field + " is of type "
+ lInfo.getType().getTypeName() + " on first table and type "
+ rInfo.getType().getTypeName() + " on second table"));
// 3. construct Union Output RR using original left & right Input
RowResolver unionoutRR = new RowResolver();
for (Map.Entry lEntry : leftmap.entrySet()) {
String field = lEntry.getKey();
ColumnInfo lInfo = lEntry.getValue();
ColumnInfo rInfo = rightmap.get(field);
ColumnInfo unionColInfo = new ColumnInfo(lInfo);
unionoutRR.put(unionalias, field, unionColInfo);
// 4. Determine which columns requires cast on left/right input (Calcite
// requires exact types on both sides of union)
boolean leftNeedsTypeCast = false;
boolean rightNeedsTypeCast = false;
List leftProjs = new ArrayList();
List rightProjs = new ArrayList();
List leftRowDT = leftRel.getRowType().getFieldList();
List rightRowDT = rightRel.getRowType().getFieldList();
RelDataType leftFieldDT;
RelDataType rightFieldDT;
RelDataType unionFieldDT;
for (int i = 0; i < leftRowDT.size(); i++) {
leftFieldDT = leftRowDT.get(i).getType();
rightFieldDT = rightRowDT.get(i).getType();
if (!leftFieldDT.equals(rightFieldDT)) {
unionFieldDT = TypeConverter.convert(unionoutRR.getColumnInfos().get(i).getType(),
if (!unionFieldDT.equals(leftFieldDT)) {
leftNeedsTypeCast = true;
cluster.getRexBuilder().makeInputRef(leftFieldDT, i), true));
if (!unionFieldDT.equals(rightFieldDT)) {
rightNeedsTypeCast = true;
cluster.getRexBuilder().makeInputRef(rightFieldDT, i), true));
} else {
cluster.getRexBuilder().makeInputRef(leftFieldDT, i), true));
cluster.getRexBuilder().makeInputRef(rightFieldDT, i), true));
// 5. Introduce Project Rel above original left/right inputs if cast is
// needed for type parity
RelNode unionLeftInput = leftRel;
RelNode unionRightInput = rightRel;
if (leftNeedsTypeCast) {
unionLeftInput = HiveProject.create(leftRel, leftProjs, leftRel.getRowType()
if (rightNeedsTypeCast) {
unionRightInput = HiveProject.create(rightRel, rightProjs, rightRel.getRowType()
// 6. Construct Union Rel
Builder bldr = new ImmutableList.Builder();
unionRel = new HiveUnion(cluster, TraitsUtil.getDefaultTraitSet(cluster),;
relToHiveRR.put(unionRel, unionoutRR);
this.buildHiveToCalciteColumnMap(unionoutRR, unionRel));
return unionRel;
private RelNode genJoinRelNode(RelNode leftRel, RelNode rightRel, JoinType hiveJoinType,
ASTNode joinCond) throws SemanticException {
RelNode joinRel = null;
// 1. construct the RowResolver for the new Join Node by combining row
// resolvers from left, right
RowResolver leftRR = this.relToHiveRR.get(leftRel);
RowResolver rightRR = this.relToHiveRR.get(rightRel);
RowResolver joinRR = null;
if (hiveJoinType != JoinType.LEFTSEMI) {
joinRR = RowResolver.getCombinedRR(leftRR, rightRR);
} else {
joinRR = new RowResolver();
if (!RowResolver.add(joinRR, leftRR)) {
LOG.warn("Duplicates detected when adding columns to RR: see previous message");
// 2. Construct ExpressionNodeDesc representing Join Condition
RexNode calciteJoinCond = null;
if (joinCond != null) {
JoinTypeCheckCtx jCtx = new JoinTypeCheckCtx(leftRR, rightRR, hiveJoinType);
Map exprNodes = JoinCondTypeCheckProcFactory.genExprNode(joinCond,
if (jCtx.getError() != null)
throw new SemanticException(SemanticAnalyzer.generateErrorMessage(jCtx.getErrorSrcNode(),
ExprNodeDesc joinCondnExprNode = exprNodes.get(joinCond);
List inputRels = new ArrayList();
calciteJoinCond = RexNodeConverter.convert(cluster, joinCondnExprNode, inputRels,
relToHiveRR, relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap, false);
} else {
calciteJoinCond = cluster.getRexBuilder().makeLiteral(true);
// 3. Validate that join condition is legal (i.e no function refering to
// both sides of join, only equi join)
// TODO: Join filter handling (only supported for OJ by runtime or is it
// supported for IJ as well)
// 4. Construct Join Rel Node
boolean leftSemiJoin = false;
JoinRelType calciteJoinType;
switch (hiveJoinType) {
calciteJoinType = JoinRelType.LEFT;
calciteJoinType = JoinRelType.RIGHT;
calciteJoinType = JoinRelType.FULL;
calciteJoinType = JoinRelType.INNER;
leftSemiJoin = true;
case INNER:
calciteJoinType = JoinRelType.INNER;
if (leftSemiJoin) {
List sysFieldList = new ArrayList();
List leftJoinKeys = new ArrayList();
List rightJoinKeys = new ArrayList();
RexNode nonEquiConds = RelOptUtil.splitJoinCondition(sysFieldList, leftRel, rightRel,
calciteJoinCond, leftJoinKeys, rightJoinKeys, null, null);
if (!nonEquiConds.isAlwaysTrue()) {
throw new SemanticException("Non equality condition not supported in Semi-Join"
+ nonEquiConds);
RelNode[] inputRels = new RelNode[] { leftRel, rightRel };
final List leftKeys = new ArrayList();
final List rightKeys = new ArrayList();
calciteJoinCond = HiveCalciteUtil.projectNonColumnEquiConditions(
HiveProject.DEFAULT_PROJECT_FACTORY, inputRels, leftJoinKeys, rightJoinKeys, 0,
leftKeys, rightKeys);
joinRel = new SemiJoin(cluster, cluster.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION), inputRels[0],
inputRels[1], calciteJoinCond, ImmutableIntList.copyOf(leftKeys),
} else {
joinRel = HiveJoin.getJoin(cluster, leftRel, rightRel, calciteJoinCond, calciteJoinType,
// 5. Add new JoinRel & its RR to the maps
relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.put(joinRel, this.buildHiveToCalciteColumnMap(joinRR, joinRel));
relToHiveRR.put(joinRel, joinRR);
return joinRel;
* Generate Join Logical Plan Relnode by walking through the join AST.
* @param qb
* @param aliasToRel
* Alias(Table/Relation alias) to RelNode; only read and not
* written in to by this method
* @return
* @throws SemanticException
private RelNode genJoinLogicalPlan(ASTNode joinParseTree, Map aliasToRel)
throws SemanticException {
RelNode leftRel = null;
RelNode rightRel = null;
JoinType hiveJoinType = null;
if (joinParseTree.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_UNIQUEJOIN) {
String msg = String.format("UNIQUE JOIN is currently not supported in CBO,"
+ " turn off cbo to use UNIQUE JOIN.");
throw new CalciteSemanticException(msg);
// 1. Determine Join Type
switch (joinParseTree.getToken().getType()) {
hiveJoinType = JoinType.LEFTOUTER;
hiveJoinType = JoinType.RIGHTOUTER;
hiveJoinType = JoinType.FULLOUTER;
hiveJoinType = JoinType.LEFTSEMI;
hiveJoinType = JoinType.INNER;
// 2. Get Left Table Alias
ASTNode left = (ASTNode) joinParseTree.getChild(0);
if ((left.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_TABREF)
|| (left.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_SUBQUERY)
|| (left.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_PTBLFUNCTION)) {
String tableName = SemanticAnalyzer.getUnescapedUnqualifiedTableName(
(ASTNode) left.getChild(0)).toLowerCase();
String leftTableAlias = left.getChildCount() == 1 ? tableName : SemanticAnalyzer
.unescapeIdentifier(left.getChild(left.getChildCount() - 1).getText().toLowerCase());
// ptf node form is: ^(TOK_PTBLFUNCTION $name $alias?
// partitionTableFunctionSource partitioningSpec? expression*)
// guranteed to have an lias here: check done in processJoin
leftTableAlias = (left.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_PTBLFUNCTION) ? SemanticAnalyzer
.unescapeIdentifier(left.getChild(1).getText().toLowerCase()) : leftTableAlias;
leftRel = aliasToRel.get(leftTableAlias);
} else if (SemanticAnalyzer.isJoinToken(left)) {
leftRel = genJoinLogicalPlan(left, aliasToRel);
} else {
assert (false);
// 3. Get Right Table Alias
ASTNode right = (ASTNode) joinParseTree.getChild(1);
if ((right.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_TABREF)
|| (right.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_SUBQUERY)
|| (right.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_PTBLFUNCTION)) {
String tableName = SemanticAnalyzer.getUnescapedUnqualifiedTableName(
(ASTNode) right.getChild(0)).toLowerCase();
String rightTableAlias = right.getChildCount() == 1 ? tableName : SemanticAnalyzer
.unescapeIdentifier(right.getChild(right.getChildCount() - 1).getText().toLowerCase());
// ptf node form is: ^(TOK_PTBLFUNCTION $name $alias?
// partitionTableFunctionSource partitioningSpec? expression*)
// guranteed to have an lias here: check done in processJoin
rightTableAlias = (right.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_PTBLFUNCTION) ? SemanticAnalyzer
.unescapeIdentifier(right.getChild(1).getText().toLowerCase()) : rightTableAlias;
rightRel = aliasToRel.get(rightTableAlias);
} else {
assert (false);
// 4. Get Join Condn
ASTNode joinCond = (ASTNode) joinParseTree.getChild(2);
// 5. Create Join rel
return genJoinRelNode(leftRel, rightRel, hiveJoinType, joinCond);
private RelNode genTableLogicalPlan(String tableAlias, QB qb) throws SemanticException {
RowResolver rr = new RowResolver();
HiveTableScan tableRel = null;
try {
// 1. If the table has a Sample specified, bail from Calcite path.
if (qb.getParseInfo().getTabSample(tableAlias) != null
|| getNameToSplitSampleMap().containsKey(tableAlias)) {
String msg = String.format("Table Sample specified for %s."
+ " Currently we don't support Table Sample clauses in CBO,"
+ " turn off cbo for queries on tableSamples.", tableAlias);
throw new CalciteSemanticException(msg);
// 2. Get Table Metadata
Table tab = qb.getMetaData().getSrcForAlias(tableAlias);
// 3. Get Table Logical Schema (Row Type)
// NOTE: Table logical schema = Non Partition Cols + Partition Cols +
// Virtual Cols
// 3.1 Add Column info for non partion cols (Object Inspector fields)
StructObjectInspector rowObjectInspector = (StructObjectInspector) tab.getDeserializer()
List extends StructField> fields = rowObjectInspector.getAllStructFieldRefs();
ColumnInfo colInfo;
String colName;
ArrayList cInfoLst = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
colName = fields.get(i).getFieldName();
colInfo = new ColumnInfo(
tableAlias, false);
colInfo.setSkewedCol((SemanticAnalyzer.isSkewedCol(tableAlias, qb, colName)) ? true
: false);
rr.put(tableAlias, colName, colInfo);
// TODO: Fix this
ArrayList nonPartitionColumns = new ArrayList(cInfoLst);
ArrayList partitionColumns = new ArrayList();
// 3.2 Add column info corresponding to partition columns
for (FieldSchema part_col : tab.getPartCols()) {
colName = part_col.getName();
colInfo = new ColumnInfo(colName,
TypeInfoFactory.getPrimitiveTypeInfo(part_col.getType()), tableAlias, true);
rr.put(tableAlias, colName, colInfo);
// 3.3 Add column info corresponding to virtual columns
Iterator vcs = VirtualColumn.getRegistry(conf).iterator();
while (vcs.hasNext()) {
VirtualColumn vc =;
colInfo = new ColumnInfo(vc.getName(), vc.getTypeInfo(), tableAlias, true,
rr.put(tableAlias, vc.getName(), colInfo);
// 3.4 Build row type from field
RelDataType rowType = TypeConverter.getType(cluster, rr, null);
// 4. Build RelOptAbstractTable
String fullyQualifiedTabName = tab.getDbName();
if (fullyQualifiedTabName != null && !fullyQualifiedTabName.isEmpty())
fullyQualifiedTabName = fullyQualifiedTabName + "." + tab.getTableName();
fullyQualifiedTabName = tab.getTableName();
RelOptHiveTable optTable = new RelOptHiveTable(relOptSchema, fullyQualifiedTabName,
tableAlias, rowType, tab, nonPartitionColumns, partitionColumns, conf, partitionCache,
// 5. Build Hive Table Scan Rel
tableRel = new HiveTableScan(cluster, cluster.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION), optTable,
// 6. Add Schema(RR) to RelNode-Schema map
ImmutableMap hiveToCalciteColMap = buildHiveToCalciteColumnMap(rr,
relToHiveRR.put(tableRel, rr);
relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.put(tableRel, hiveToCalciteColMap);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof SemanticException) {
throw (SemanticException) e;
} else {
throw (new RuntimeException(e));
return tableRel;
private RelNode genFilterRelNode(ASTNode filterExpr, RelNode srcRel) throws SemanticException {
ExprNodeDesc filterCondn = genExprNodeDesc(filterExpr, relToHiveRR.get(srcRel));
if (filterCondn instanceof ExprNodeConstantDesc
&& !filterCondn.getTypeString().equals(serdeConstants.BOOLEAN_TYPE_NAME)) {
// queries like select * from t1 where 'foo';
// Calcite's rule PushFilterThroughProject chokes on it. Arguably, we
// can insert a cast to
// boolean in such cases, but since Postgres, Oracle and MS SQL server
// fail on compile time
// for such queries, its an arcane corner case, not worth of adding that
// complexity.
throw new CalciteSemanticException("Filter expression with non-boolean return type.");
ImmutableMap hiveColNameCalcitePosMap = this.relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap
RexNode convertedFilterExpr = new RexNodeConverter(cluster, srcRel.getRowType(),
hiveColNameCalcitePosMap, 0, true).convert(filterCondn);
RexNode factoredFilterExpr = RexUtil
.pullFactors(cluster.getRexBuilder(), convertedFilterExpr);
RelNode filterRel = new HiveFilter(cluster, cluster.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION),
srcRel, factoredFilterExpr);
this.relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.put(filterRel, hiveColNameCalcitePosMap);
relToHiveRR.put(filterRel, relToHiveRR.get(srcRel));
relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.put(filterRel, hiveColNameCalcitePosMap);
return filterRel;
private RelNode genFilterRelNode(QB qb, ASTNode searchCond, RelNode srcRel,
Map aliasToRel, boolean forHavingClause) throws SemanticException {
* Handle Subquery predicates.
* Notes (8/22/14 hb): Why is this a copy of the code from {@link
* #genFilterPlan} - for now we will support the same behavior as non CBO
* route. - but plan to allow nested SubQueries(Restriction.9.m) and
* multiple SubQuery expressions(Restriction.8.m). This requires use to
* utilize Calcite's Decorrelation mechanics, and for Calcite to fix/flush
* out Null semantics(CALCITE-373) - besides only the driving code has
* been copied. Most of the code which is SubQueryUtils and QBSubQuery is
* reused.
int numSrcColumns = srcRel.getRowType().getFieldCount();
List subQueriesInOriginalTree = SubQueryUtils.findSubQueries(searchCond);
if (subQueriesInOriginalTree.size() > 0) {
* Restriction.9.m :: disallow nested SubQuery expressions.
if (qb.getSubQueryPredicateDef() != null) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.UNSUPPORTED_SUBQUERY_EXPRESSION.getMsg(
subQueriesInOriginalTree.get(0), "Nested SubQuery expressions are not supported."));
* Restriction.8.m :: We allow only 1 SubQuery expression per Query.
if (subQueriesInOriginalTree.size() > 1) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.UNSUPPORTED_SUBQUERY_EXPRESSION.getMsg(
subQueriesInOriginalTree.get(1), "Only 1 SubQuery expression is supported."));
* Clone the Search AST; apply all rewrites on the clone.
ASTNode clonedSearchCond = (ASTNode) SubQueryUtils.adaptor.dupTree(searchCond);
List subQueries = SubQueryUtils.findSubQueries(clonedSearchCond);
RowResolver inputRR = relToHiveRR.get(srcRel);
RowResolver outerQBRR = inputRR;
ImmutableMap outerQBPosMap = relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.get(srcRel);
for (int i = 0; i < subQueries.size(); i++) {
ASTNode subQueryAST = subQueries.get(i);
ASTNode originalSubQueryAST = subQueriesInOriginalTree.get(i);
int sqIdx = qb.incrNumSubQueryPredicates();
clonedSearchCond = SubQueryUtils.rewriteParentQueryWhere(clonedSearchCond, subQueryAST);
QBSubQuery subQuery = SubQueryUtils.buildSubQuery(qb.getId(), sqIdx, subQueryAST,
originalSubQueryAST, ctx);
if (!forHavingClause) {
} else {
String havingInputAlias = null;
if (forHavingClause) {
havingInputAlias = "gby_sq" + sqIdx;
aliasToRel.put(havingInputAlias, srcRel);
subQuery.validateAndRewriteAST(inputRR, forHavingClause, havingInputAlias,
QB qbSQ = new QB(subQuery.getOuterQueryId(), subQuery.getAlias(), true);
Phase1Ctx ctx_1 = initPhase1Ctx();
doPhase1(subQuery.getSubQueryAST(), qbSQ, ctx_1, null);
RelNode subQueryRelNode = genLogicalPlan(qbSQ, false);
aliasToRel.put(subQuery.getAlias(), subQueryRelNode);
RowResolver sqRR = relToHiveRR.get(subQueryRelNode);
* Check.5.h :: For In and Not In the SubQuery must implicitly or
* explicitly only contain one select item.
if (subQuery.getOperator().getType() != SubQueryType.EXISTS
&& subQuery.getOperator().getType() != SubQueryType.NOT_EXISTS
&& sqRR.getColumnInfos().size() - subQuery.getNumOfCorrelationExprsAddedToSQSelect() > 1) {
throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_SUBQUERY_EXPRESSION.getMsg(subQueryAST,
"SubQuery can contain only 1 item in Select List."));
* If this is a Not In SubQuery Predicate then Join in the Null Check
* SubQuery. See QBSubQuery.NotInCheck for details on why and how this
* is constructed.
if (subQuery.getNotInCheck() != null) {
QBSubQuery.NotInCheck notInCheck = subQuery.getNotInCheck();
QB qbSQ_nic = new QB(subQuery.getOuterQueryId(), notInCheck.getAlias(), true);
ctx_1 = initPhase1Ctx();
doPhase1(notInCheck.getSubQueryAST(), qbSQ_nic, ctx_1, null);
RelNode subQueryNICRelNode = genLogicalPlan(qbSQ_nic, false);
aliasToRel.put(notInCheck.getAlias(), subQueryNICRelNode);
srcRel = genJoinRelNode(srcRel, subQueryNICRelNode,
// set explicitly to inner until we figure out SemiJoin use
// notInCheck.getJoinType(),
JoinType.INNER, notInCheck.getJoinConditionAST());
inputRR = relToHiveRR.get(srcRel);
if (forHavingClause) {
aliasToRel.put(havingInputAlias, srcRel);
* Gen Join between outer Operator and SQ op
subQuery.buildJoinCondition(inputRR, sqRR, forHavingClause, havingInputAlias);
srcRel = genJoinRelNode(srcRel, subQueryRelNode, subQuery.getJoinType(),
searchCond = subQuery.updateOuterQueryFilter(clonedSearchCond);
srcRel = genFilterRelNode(searchCond, srcRel);
* For Not Exists and Not In, add a projection on top of the Left
* Outer Join.
if (subQuery.getOperator().getType() != SubQueryType.NOT_EXISTS
|| subQuery.getOperator().getType() != SubQueryType.NOT_IN) {
srcRel = projectLeftOuterSide(srcRel, numSrcColumns);
relToHiveRR.put(srcRel, outerQBRR);
relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.put(srcRel, outerQBPosMap);
return srcRel;
return genFilterRelNode(searchCond, srcRel);
private RelNode projectLeftOuterSide(RelNode srcRel, int numColumns) throws SemanticException {
RowResolver iRR = relToHiveRR.get(srcRel);
RowResolver oRR = new RowResolver();
RowResolver.add(oRR, iRR, numColumns);
List calciteColLst = new ArrayList();
List oFieldNames = new ArrayList();
RelDataType iType = srcRel.getRowType();
for (int i = 0; i < iType.getFieldCount(); i++) {
RelDataTypeField fType = iType.getFieldList().get(i);
String fName = iType.getFieldNames().get(i);
calciteColLst.add(cluster.getRexBuilder().makeInputRef(fType.getType(), i));
HiveRelNode selRel = HiveProject.create(srcRel, calciteColLst, oFieldNames);
this.relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.put(selRel, buildHiveToCalciteColumnMap(oRR, selRel));
this.relToHiveRR.put(selRel, oRR);
return selRel;
private RelNode genFilterLogicalPlan(QB qb, RelNode srcRel, Map aliasToRel,
boolean forHavingClause) throws SemanticException {
RelNode filterRel = null;
Iterator whereClauseIterator = getQBParseInfo(qb).getDestToWhereExpr().values()
if (whereClauseIterator.hasNext()) {
filterRel = genFilterRelNode(qb, (ASTNode), srcRel,
aliasToRel, forHavingClause);
return filterRel;
* Class to store GenericUDAF related information.
private class AggInfo {
private final List m_aggParams;
private final TypeInfo m_returnType;
private final String m_udfName;
private final boolean m_distinct;
private AggInfo(List aggParams, TypeInfo returnType, String udfName,
boolean isDistinct) {
m_aggParams = aggParams;
m_returnType = returnType;
m_udfName = udfName;
m_distinct = isDistinct;
private AggregateCall convertGBAgg(AggInfo agg, RelNode input, List gbChildProjLst,
RexNodeConverter converter, HashMap rexNodeToPosMap,
Integer childProjLstIndx) throws SemanticException {
// 1. Get agg fn ret type in Calcite
RelDataType aggFnRetType = TypeConverter.convert(agg.m_returnType,
// 2. Convert Agg Fn args and type of args to Calcite
// TODO: Does HQL allows expressions as aggregate args or can it only be
// projections from child?
Integer inputIndx;
List argList = new ArrayList();
RexNode rexNd = null;
RelDataTypeFactory dtFactory = this.cluster.getTypeFactory();
ImmutableList.Builder aggArgRelDTBldr = new ImmutableList.Builder();
for (ExprNodeDesc expr : agg.m_aggParams) {
rexNd = converter.convert(expr);
inputIndx = rexNodeToPosMap.get(rexNd.toString());
if (inputIndx == null) {
rexNodeToPosMap.put(rexNd.toString(), childProjLstIndx);
inputIndx = childProjLstIndx;
// TODO: does arg need type cast?
aggArgRelDTBldr.add(TypeConverter.convert(expr.getTypeInfo(), dtFactory));
// 3. Get Aggregation FN from Calcite given name, ret type and input arg
// type
final SqlAggFunction aggregation = SqlFunctionConverter.getCalciteAggFn(agg.m_udfName,, aggFnRetType);
return new AggregateCall(aggregation, agg.m_distinct, argList, aggFnRetType, null);
private RelNode genGBRelNode(List gbExprs, List aggInfoLst,
List groupSets, RelNode srcRel) throws SemanticException {
ImmutableMap posMap = this.relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.get(srcRel);
RexNodeConverter converter = new RexNodeConverter(this.cluster, srcRel.getRowType(), posMap,
0, false);
final List gbChildProjLst = Lists.newArrayList();
final HashMap rexNodeToPosMap = new HashMap();
final List groupSetPositions = Lists.newArrayList();
Integer gbIndx = 0;
RexNode rnd;
for (ExprNodeDesc key : gbExprs) {
rnd = converter.convert(key);
rexNodeToPosMap.put(rnd.toString(), gbIndx);
final ImmutableBitSet groupSet = ImmutableBitSet.of(groupSetPositions);
List aggregateCalls = Lists.newArrayList();
for (AggInfo agg : aggInfoLst) {
aggregateCalls.add(convertGBAgg(agg, srcRel, gbChildProjLst, converter, rexNodeToPosMap,
if (gbChildProjLst.isEmpty()) {
// This will happen for count(*), in such cases we arbitarily pick
// first element from srcRel
gbChildProjLst.add(this.cluster.getRexBuilder().makeInputRef(srcRel, 0));
RelNode gbInputRel = HiveProject.create(srcRel, gbChildProjLst, null);
// Grouping sets: we need to transform them into ImmutableBitSet
// objects for Calcite
List transformedGroupSets = null;
if(groupSets != null && !groupSets.isEmpty()) {
Set setTransformedGroupSets =
new HashSet(groupSets.size());
for(int val: groupSets) {
// Calcite expects the grouping sets sorted and without duplicates
transformedGroupSets = new ArrayList(setTransformedGroupSets);
Collections.sort(transformedGroupSets, ImmutableBitSet.COMPARATOR);
HiveRelNode aggregateRel = null;
try {
aggregateRel = new HiveAggregate(cluster, cluster.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION),
gbInputRel, (transformedGroupSets!=null ? true:false), groupSet,
transformedGroupSets, aggregateCalls);
} catch (InvalidRelException e) {
throw new SemanticException(e);
return aggregateRel;
private ImmutableBitSet convert(int value) {
BitSet bits = new BitSet();
int index = 0;
while (value != 0L) {
if (value % 2 != 0) {
value = value >>> 1;
return ImmutableBitSet.FROM_BIT_SET.apply(bits);
private void addAlternateGByKeyMappings(ASTNode gByExpr, ColumnInfo colInfo,
RowResolver gByInputRR, RowResolver gByRR) {
if (gByExpr.getType() == HiveParser.DOT
&& gByExpr.getChild(0).getType() == HiveParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL) {
String tab_alias = BaseSemanticAnalyzer.unescapeIdentifier(gByExpr.getChild(0).getChild(0)
String col_alias = BaseSemanticAnalyzer.unescapeIdentifier(gByExpr.getChild(1).getText());
gByRR.put(tab_alias, col_alias, colInfo);
} else if (gByExpr.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL) {
String col_alias = BaseSemanticAnalyzer.unescapeIdentifier(gByExpr.getChild(0).getText());
String tab_alias = null;
* If the input to the GBy has a tab alias for the column, then add an
* entry based on that tab_alias. For e.g. this query: select b.x,
* count(*) from t1 b group by x needs (tab_alias=b, col_alias=x) in the
* GBy RR. tab_alias=b comes from looking at the RowResolver that is the
* ancestor before any GBy/ReduceSinks added for the GBY operation.
try {
ColumnInfo pColInfo = gByInputRR.get(tab_alias, col_alias);
tab_alias = pColInfo == null ? null : pColInfo.getTabAlias();
} catch (SemanticException se) {
gByRR.put(tab_alias, col_alias, colInfo);
private void addToGBExpr(RowResolver groupByOutputRowResolver,
RowResolver groupByInputRowResolver, ASTNode grpbyExpr, ExprNodeDesc grpbyExprNDesc,
List gbExprNDescLst, List outputColumnNames) {
// TODO: Should we use grpbyExprNDesc.getTypeInfo()? what if expr is
// UDF
int i = gbExprNDescLst.size();
String field = SemanticAnalyzer.getColumnInternalName(i);
ColumnInfo oColInfo = new ColumnInfo(field, grpbyExprNDesc.getTypeInfo(), null, false);
groupByOutputRowResolver.putExpression(grpbyExpr, oColInfo);
addAlternateGByKeyMappings(grpbyExpr, oColInfo, groupByInputRowResolver,
private AggInfo getHiveAggInfo(ASTNode aggAst, int aggFnLstArgIndx, RowResolver inputRR)
throws SemanticException {
AggInfo aInfo = null;
// 1 Convert UDAF Params to ExprNodeDesc
ArrayList aggParameters = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 1; i <= aggFnLstArgIndx; i++) {
ASTNode paraExpr = (ASTNode) aggAst.getChild(i);
ExprNodeDesc paraExprNode = genExprNodeDesc(paraExpr, inputRR);
// 2. Is this distinct UDAF
boolean isDistinct = aggAst.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_FUNCTIONDI;
// 3. Determine type of UDAF
TypeInfo udafRetType = null;
// 3.1 Obtain UDAF name
String aggName = SemanticAnalyzer.unescapeIdentifier(aggAst.getChild(0).getText());
// 3.2 Rank functions type is 'int'/'double'
if (FunctionRegistry.isRankingFunction(aggName)) {
if (aggName.equalsIgnoreCase("percent_rank"))
udafRetType = TypeInfoFactory.doubleTypeInfo;
udafRetType = TypeInfoFactory.intTypeInfo;
} else {
// 3.3 Try obtaining UDAF evaluators to determine the ret type
try {
boolean isAllColumns = aggAst.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_FUNCTIONSTAR;
// 3.3.1 Get UDAF Evaluator
Mode amode = SemanticAnalyzer.groupByDescModeToUDAFMode(GroupByDesc.Mode.COMPLETE,
GenericUDAFEvaluator genericUDAFEvaluator = null;
if (aggName.toLowerCase().equals(FunctionRegistry.LEAD_FUNC_NAME)
|| aggName.toLowerCase().equals(FunctionRegistry.LAG_FUNC_NAME)) {
ArrayList originalParameterTypeInfos = SemanticAnalyzer
genericUDAFEvaluator = FunctionRegistry.getGenericWindowingEvaluator(aggName,
originalParameterTypeInfos, isDistinct, isAllColumns);
GenericUDAFInfo udaf = SemanticAnalyzer.getGenericUDAFInfo(genericUDAFEvaluator, amode,
udafRetType = ((ListTypeInfo) udaf.returnType).getListElementTypeInfo();
} else {
genericUDAFEvaluator = SemanticAnalyzer.getGenericUDAFEvaluator(aggName, aggParameters,
aggAst, isDistinct, isAllColumns);
assert (genericUDAFEvaluator != null);
// 3.3.2 Get UDAF Info using UDAF Evaluator
GenericUDAFInfo udaf = SemanticAnalyzer.getGenericUDAFInfo(genericUDAFEvaluator, amode,
udafRetType = udaf.returnType;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.debug("CBO: Couldn't Obtain UDAF evaluators for " + aggName
+ ", trying to translate to GenericUDF");
// 3.4 Try GenericUDF translation
if (udafRetType == null) {
TypeCheckCtx tcCtx = new TypeCheckCtx(inputRR);
// We allow stateful functions in the SELECT list (but nowhere else)
ExprNodeDesc exp = genExprNodeDesc((ASTNode) aggAst.getChild(0), inputRR, tcCtx);
udafRetType = exp.getTypeInfo();
// 4. Construct AggInfo
aInfo = new AggInfo(aggParameters, udafRetType, aggName, isDistinct);
return aInfo;
* Generate GB plan.
* @param qb
* @param srcRel
* @return TODO: 1. Grouping Sets (roll up..)
* @throws SemanticException
private RelNode genGBLogicalPlan(QB qb, RelNode srcRel) throws SemanticException {
RelNode gbRel = null;
QBParseInfo qbp = getQBParseInfo(qb);
// 1. Gather GB Expressions (AST) (GB + Aggregations)
// NOTE: Multi Insert is not supported
String detsClauseName = qbp.getClauseNames().iterator().next();
// Check and transform group by *. This will only happen for select distinct *.
// Here the "genSelectPlan" is being leveraged.
// The main benefits are (1) remove virtual columns that should
// not be included in the group by; (2) add the fully qualified column names to unParseTranslator
// so that view is supported. The drawback is that an additional SEL op is added. If it is
// not necessary, it will be removed by NonBlockingOpDeDupProc Optimizer because it will match
// SEL%SEL% rule.
ASTNode selExprList = qb.getParseInfo().getSelForClause(detsClauseName);
if (selExprList.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_SELECTDI
&& selExprList.getChildCount() == 1 && selExprList.getChild(0).getChildCount() == 1) {
ASTNode node = (ASTNode) selExprList.getChild(0).getChild(0);
if (node.getToken().getType() == HiveParser.TOK_ALLCOLREF) {
srcRel = genSelectLogicalPlan(qb, srcRel, srcRel);
RowResolver rr = this.relToHiveRR.get(srcRel);
qbp.setSelExprForClause(detsClauseName, SemanticAnalyzer.genSelectDIAST(rr));
List grpByAstExprs = SemanticAnalyzer.getGroupByForClause(qbp, detsClauseName);
HashMap aggregationTrees = qbp.getAggregationExprsForClause(detsClauseName);
boolean hasGrpByAstExprs = (grpByAstExprs != null && !grpByAstExprs.isEmpty()) ? true : false;
boolean hasAggregationTrees = (aggregationTrees != null && !aggregationTrees.isEmpty()) ? true
: false;
if (hasGrpByAstExprs || hasAggregationTrees) {
ArrayList gbExprNDescLst = new ArrayList();
ArrayList outputColumnNames = new ArrayList();
// 2. Input, Output Row Resolvers
RowResolver groupByInputRowResolver = this.relToHiveRR.get(srcRel);
RowResolver groupByOutputRowResolver = new RowResolver();
if (hasGrpByAstExprs) {
// 3. Construct GB Keys (ExprNode)
for (int i = 0; i < grpByAstExprs.size(); ++i) {
ASTNode grpbyExpr = grpByAstExprs.get(i);
Map astToExprNDescMap = TypeCheckProcFactory.genExprNode(
grpbyExpr, new TypeCheckCtx(groupByInputRowResolver));
ExprNodeDesc grpbyExprNDesc = astToExprNDescMap.get(grpbyExpr);
if (grpbyExprNDesc == null)
throw new CalciteSemanticException("Invalid Column Reference: " + grpbyExpr.dump());
addToGBExpr(groupByOutputRowResolver, groupByInputRowResolver, grpbyExpr,
grpbyExprNDesc, gbExprNDescLst, outputColumnNames);
// 4. GroupingSets, Cube, Rollup
int groupingColsSize = gbExprNDescLst.size();
List groupingSets = null;
if (!qbp.getDestRollups().isEmpty()
|| !qbp.getDestGroupingSets().isEmpty()
|| !qbp.getDestCubes().isEmpty()) {
if (qbp.getDestRollups().contains(detsClauseName)) {
groupingSets = getGroupingSetsForRollup(grpByAstExprs.size());
} else if (qbp.getDestCubes().contains(detsClauseName)) {
groupingSets = getGroupingSetsForCube(grpByAstExprs.size());
} else if (qbp.getDestGroupingSets().contains(detsClauseName)) {
groupingSets = getGroupingSets(grpByAstExprs, qbp, detsClauseName);
groupingColsSize = groupingColsSize * 2;
// 5. Construct aggregation function Info
ArrayList aggregations = new ArrayList();
if (hasAggregationTrees) {
assert (aggregationTrees != null);
for (ASTNode value : aggregationTrees.values()) {
// 5.1 Determine type of UDAF
// This is the GenericUDAF name
String aggName = SemanticAnalyzer.unescapeIdentifier(value.getChild(0).getText());
boolean isDistinct = value.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_FUNCTIONDI;
boolean isAllColumns = value.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_FUNCTIONSTAR;
// 5.2 Convert UDAF Params to ExprNodeDesc
ArrayList aggParameters = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 1; i < value.getChildCount(); i++) {
ASTNode paraExpr = (ASTNode) value.getChild(i);
ExprNodeDesc paraExprNode = genExprNodeDesc(paraExpr, groupByInputRowResolver);
Mode amode = SemanticAnalyzer.groupByDescModeToUDAFMode(GroupByDesc.Mode.COMPLETE,
GenericUDAFEvaluator genericUDAFEvaluator = SemanticAnalyzer.getGenericUDAFEvaluator(
aggName, aggParameters, value, isDistinct, isAllColumns);
assert (genericUDAFEvaluator != null);
GenericUDAFInfo udaf = SemanticAnalyzer.getGenericUDAFInfo(genericUDAFEvaluator, amode,
AggInfo aInfo = new AggInfo(aggParameters, udaf.returnType, aggName, isDistinct);
String field = getColumnInternalName(groupingColsSize + aggregations.size() - 1);
groupByOutputRowResolver.putExpression(value, new ColumnInfo(field, aInfo.m_returnType,
"", false));
gbRel = genGBRelNode(gbExprNDescLst, aggregations, groupingSets, srcRel);
buildHiveToCalciteColumnMap(groupByOutputRowResolver, gbRel));
this.relToHiveRR.put(gbRel, groupByOutputRowResolver);
// 6. If GroupingSets, Cube, Rollup were used, we account grouping__id.
// Further, we insert a project operator on top to remove the grouping
// boolean associated to each column in Calcite; this will avoid
// recalculating all column positions when we go back from Calcite to Hive
if(groupingSets != null && !groupingSets.isEmpty()) {
RowResolver selectOutputRowResolver = new RowResolver();
RowResolver.add(selectOutputRowResolver, groupByOutputRowResolver);
outputColumnNames = new ArrayList(outputColumnNames);
// 6.1 List of columns to keep from groupBy operator
List gbOutput = gbRel.getRowType().getFieldList();
List calciteColLst = new ArrayList();
for(RelDataTypeField gbOut: gbOutput) {
if(gbOut.getIndex() < gbExprNDescLst.size() ||
gbOut.getIndex() >= gbExprNDescLst.size() * 2) {
calciteColLst.add(new RexInputRef(gbOut.getIndex(), gbOut.getType()));
// 6.2 Add column for grouping_id function
String field = getColumnInternalName(groupingColsSize + aggregations.size());
selectOutputRowResolver.put(null, VirtualColumn.GROUPINGID.getName(),
new ColumnInfo(
// 6.3 Compute column for grouping_id function in Calcite
List identifierCols = new ArrayList();
for(int i = gbExprNDescLst.size(); i < gbExprNDescLst.size() * 2; i++) {
identifierCols.add(new RexInputRef(
i, gbOutput.get(i).getType()));
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = cluster.getRexBuilder();
RexNode groupingID = rexBuilder.makeCall(HiveGroupingID.GROUPING__ID,
// Create select
gbRel = this.genSelectRelNode(calciteColLst, selectOutputRowResolver, gbRel);
return gbRel;
* Generate OB RelNode and input Select RelNode that should be used to
* introduce top constraining Project. If Input select RelNode is not
* present then don't introduce top constraining select.
* @param qb
* @param srcRel
* @param outermostOB
* @return Pair Key- OB RelNode, Value - Input Select for
* top constraining Select
* @throws SemanticException
private Pair genOBLogicalPlan(QB qb, RelNode srcRel, boolean outermostOB)
throws SemanticException {
RelNode sortRel = null;
RelNode originalOBChild = null;
QBParseInfo qbp = getQBParseInfo(qb);
String dest = qbp.getClauseNames().iterator().next();
ASTNode obAST = qbp.getOrderByForClause(dest);
if (obAST != null) {
// 1. OB Expr sanity test
// in strict mode, in the presence of order by, limit must be specified
Integer limit = qb.getParseInfo().getDestLimit(dest);
if (conf.getVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEMAPREDMODE).equalsIgnoreCase("strict")
&& limit == null) {
throw new SemanticException(SemanticAnalyzer.generateErrorMessage(obAST,
// 2. Walk through OB exprs and extract field collations and additional
// virtual columns needed
final List newVCLst = new ArrayList();
final List fieldCollations = Lists.newArrayList();
int fieldIndex = 0;
List obASTExprLst = obAST.getChildren();
ASTNode obASTExpr;
List> vcASTTypePairs = new ArrayList>();
RowResolver inputRR = relToHiveRR.get(srcRel);
RowResolver outputRR = new RowResolver();
RexNode rnd;
RexNodeConverter converter = new RexNodeConverter(cluster, srcRel.getRowType(),
relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.get(srcRel), 0, false);
int srcRelRecordSz = srcRel.getRowType().getFieldCount();
for (int i = 0; i < obASTExprLst.size(); i++) {
// 2.1 Convert AST Expr to ExprNode
obASTExpr = (ASTNode) obASTExprLst.get(i);
Map astToExprNDescMap = TypeCheckProcFactory.genExprNode(
obASTExpr, new TypeCheckCtx(inputRR));
ExprNodeDesc obExprNDesc = astToExprNDescMap.get(obASTExpr.getChild(0));
if (obExprNDesc == null)
throw new SemanticException("Invalid order by expression: " + obASTExpr.toString());
// 2.2 Convert ExprNode to RexNode
rnd = converter.convert(obExprNDesc);
// 2.3 Determine the index of ob expr in child schema
// NOTE: Calcite can not take compound exprs in OB without it being
// present in the child (& hence we add a child Project Rel)
if (rnd instanceof RexInputRef) {
fieldIndex = ((RexInputRef) rnd).getIndex();
} else {
fieldIndex = srcRelRecordSz + newVCLst.size();
vcASTTypePairs.add(new Pair((ASTNode) obASTExpr.getChild(0),
// 2.4 Determine the Direction of order by
org.apache.calcite.rel.RelFieldCollation.Direction order = RelFieldCollation.Direction.DESCENDING;
if (obASTExpr.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEASC) {
order = RelFieldCollation.Direction.ASCENDING;
// 2.5 Add to field collations
fieldCollations.add(new RelFieldCollation(fieldIndex, order));
// 3. Add Child Project Rel if needed, Generate Output RR, input Sel Rel
// for top constraining Sel
RelNode obInputRel = srcRel;
if (!newVCLst.isEmpty()) {
List originalInputRefs = Lists.transform(srcRel.getRowType().getFieldList(),
new Function() {
public RexNode apply(RelDataTypeField input) {
return new RexInputRef(input.getIndex(), input.getType());
RowResolver obSyntheticProjectRR = new RowResolver();
if (!RowResolver.add(obSyntheticProjectRR, inputRR)) {
throw new CalciteSemanticException(
"Duplicates detected when adding columns to RR: see previous message");
int vcolPos = inputRR.getRowSchema().getSignature().size();
for (Pair astTypePair : vcASTTypePairs) {
obSyntheticProjectRR.putExpression(astTypePair.getKey(), new ColumnInfo(
SemanticAnalyzer.getColumnInternalName(vcolPos), astTypePair.getValue(), null,
obInputRel = genSelectRelNode(CompositeList.of(originalInputRefs, newVCLst),
obSyntheticProjectRR, srcRel);
if (outermostOB) {
if (!RowResolver.add(outputRR, inputRR)) {
throw new CalciteSemanticException(
"Duplicates detected when adding columns to RR: see previous message");
} else {
if (!RowResolver.add(outputRR, obSyntheticProjectRR)) {
throw new CalciteSemanticException(
"Duplicates detected when adding columns to RR: see previous message");
originalOBChild = srcRel;
} else {
if (!RowResolver.add(outputRR, inputRR)) {
throw new CalciteSemanticException(
"Duplicates detected when adding columns to RR: see previous message");
// 4. Construct SortRel
RelTraitSet traitSet = cluster.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION);
RelCollation canonizedCollation = traitSet.canonize(RelCollationImpl.of(fieldCollations));
sortRel = new HiveSort(cluster, traitSet, obInputRel, canonizedCollation, null, null);
// 5. Update the maps
// NOTE: Output RR for SortRel is considered same as its input; we may
// end up not using VC that is present in sort rel. Also note that
// rowtype of sortrel is the type of it child; if child happens to be
// synthetic project that we introduced then that projectrel would
// contain the vc.
ImmutableMap hiveColNameCalcitePosMap = buildHiveToCalciteColumnMap(
outputRR, sortRel);
relToHiveRR.put(sortRel, outputRR);
relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.put(sortRel, hiveColNameCalcitePosMap);
return (new Pair(sortRel, originalOBChild));
private RelNode genLimitLogicalPlan(QB qb, RelNode srcRel) throws SemanticException {
HiveRelNode sortRel = null;
QBParseInfo qbp = getQBParseInfo(qb);
Integer limit = qbp.getDestToLimit().get(qbp.getClauseNames().iterator().next());
if (limit != null) {
RexNode fetch = cluster.getRexBuilder().makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.valueOf(limit));
RelTraitSet traitSet = cluster.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION);
RelCollation canonizedCollation = traitSet.canonize(RelCollationImpl.EMPTY);
sortRel = new HiveSort(cluster, traitSet, srcRel, canonizedCollation, null, fetch);
RowResolver outputRR = new RowResolver();
if (!RowResolver.add(outputRR, relToHiveRR.get(srcRel))) {
throw new CalciteSemanticException(
"Duplicates detected when adding columns to RR: see previous message");
ImmutableMap hiveColNameCalcitePosMap = buildHiveToCalciteColumnMap(
outputRR, sortRel);
relToHiveRR.put(sortRel, outputRR);
relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.put(sortRel, hiveColNameCalcitePosMap);
return sortRel;
private List getPartitionKeys(PartitionSpec ps, RexNodeConverter converter,
RowResolver inputRR) throws SemanticException {
List pKeys = new ArrayList();
if (ps != null) {
List pExprs = ps.getExpressions();
for (PartitionExpression pExpr : pExprs) {
TypeCheckCtx tcCtx = new TypeCheckCtx(inputRR);
ExprNodeDesc exp = genExprNodeDesc(pExpr.getExpression(), inputRR, tcCtx);
return pKeys;
private List getOrderKeys(OrderSpec os, RexNodeConverter converter,
RowResolver inputRR) throws SemanticException {
List oKeys = new ArrayList();
if (os != null) {
List oExprs = os.getExpressions();
for (OrderExpression oExpr : oExprs) {
TypeCheckCtx tcCtx = new TypeCheckCtx(inputRR);
ExprNodeDesc exp = genExprNodeDesc(oExpr.getExpression(), inputRR, tcCtx);
RexNode ordExp = converter.convert(exp);
Set flags = new HashSet();
if (oExpr.getOrder() == org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.PTFInvocationSpec.Order.DESC)
oKeys.add(new RexFieldCollation(ordExp, flags));
return oKeys;
private RexWindowBound getBound(BoundarySpec bs, RexNodeConverter converter) {
RexWindowBound rwb = null;
if (bs != null) {
SqlParserPos pos = new SqlParserPos(1, 1);
SqlNode amt = bs.getAmt() == 0 ? null : SqlLiteral.createExactNumeric(
String.valueOf(bs.getAmt()), new SqlParserPos(2, 2));
RexNode amtLiteral = null;
SqlCall sc = null;
if (amt != null)
amtLiteral = cluster.getRexBuilder().makeLiteral(new Integer(bs.getAmt()),
cluster.getTypeFactory().createSqlType(SqlTypeName.INTEGER), true);
switch (bs.getDirection()) {
if (amt == null) {
rwb = RexWindowBound.create(SqlWindow.createUnboundedPreceding(pos), null);
} else {
sc = (SqlCall) SqlWindow.createPreceding(amt, pos);
rwb = RexWindowBound.create(sc,
cluster.getRexBuilder().makeCall(sc.getOperator(), amtLiteral));
rwb = RexWindowBound.create(SqlWindow.createCurrentRow(new SqlParserPos(1, 1)), null);
if (amt == null) {
rwb = RexWindowBound.create(SqlWindow.createUnboundedFollowing(new SqlParserPos(1, 1)),
} else {
sc = (SqlCall) SqlWindow.createFollowing(amt, pos);
rwb = RexWindowBound.create(sc,
cluster.getRexBuilder().makeCall(sc.getOperator(), amtLiteral));
return rwb;
private int getWindowSpecIndx(ASTNode wndAST) {
int wi = wndAST.getChildCount() - 1;
if (wi <= 0 || (wndAST.getChild(wi).getType() != HiveParser.TOK_WINDOWSPEC)) {
wi = -1;
return wi;
private Pair genWindowingProj(QB qb, WindowExpressionSpec wExpSpec,
RelNode srcRel) throws SemanticException {
RexNode w = null;
TypeInfo wHiveRetType = null;
if (wExpSpec instanceof WindowFunctionSpec) {
WindowFunctionSpec wFnSpec = (WindowFunctionSpec) wExpSpec;
ASTNode windowProjAst = wFnSpec.getExpression();
// TODO: do we need to get to child?
int wndSpecASTIndx = getWindowSpecIndx(windowProjAst);
// 2. Get Hive Aggregate Info
AggInfo hiveAggInfo = getHiveAggInfo(windowProjAst, wndSpecASTIndx - 1,
// 3. Get Calcite Return type for Agg Fn
wHiveRetType = hiveAggInfo.m_returnType;
RelDataType calciteAggFnRetType = TypeConverter.convert(hiveAggInfo.m_returnType,
// 4. Convert Agg Fn args to Calcite
ImmutableMap posMap = this.relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.get(srcRel);
RexNodeConverter converter = new RexNodeConverter(this.cluster, srcRel.getRowType(),
posMap, 0, false);
Builder calciteAggFnArgsBldr = ImmutableList. builder();
Builder calciteAggFnArgsTypeBldr = ImmutableList. builder();
for (int i = 0; i < hiveAggInfo.m_aggParams.size(); i++) {
.getTypeInfo(), this.cluster.getTypeFactory()));
ImmutableList calciteAggFnArgs =;
ImmutableList calciteAggFnArgsType =;
// 5. Get Calcite Agg Fn
final SqlAggFunction calciteAggFn = SqlFunctionConverter.getCalciteAggFn(
hiveAggInfo.m_udfName, calciteAggFnArgsType, calciteAggFnRetType);
// 6. Translate Window spec
RowResolver inputRR = relToHiveRR.get(srcRel);
WindowSpec wndSpec = ((WindowFunctionSpec) wExpSpec).getWindowSpec();
List partitionKeys = getPartitionKeys(wndSpec.getPartition(), converter, inputRR);
List orderKeys = getOrderKeys(wndSpec.getOrder(), converter, inputRR);
RexWindowBound upperBound = getBound(wndSpec.windowFrame.start, converter);
RexWindowBound lowerBound = getBound(wndSpec.windowFrame.end, converter);
boolean isRows = ((wndSpec.windowFrame.start instanceof RangeBoundarySpec) || (wndSpec.windowFrame.end instanceof RangeBoundarySpec)) ? true
: false;
w = cluster.getRexBuilder().makeOver(calciteAggFnRetType, calciteAggFn, calciteAggFnArgs,
partitionKeys, ImmutableList. copyOf(orderKeys), lowerBound,
upperBound, isRows, true, false);
} else {
// TODO: Convert to Semantic Exception
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported window Spec");
return new Pair(w, wHiveRetType);
private RelNode genSelectForWindowing(QB qb, RelNode srcRel, HashSet newColumns)
throws SemanticException {
WindowingSpec wSpec = (!qb.getAllWindowingSpecs().isEmpty()) ? qb.getAllWindowingSpecs()
.values().iterator().next() : null;
if (wSpec == null)
return null;
// 1. Get valid Window Function Spec
List windowExpressions = wSpec.getWindowExpressions();
if (windowExpressions == null || windowExpressions.isEmpty())
return null;
RowResolver inputRR = this.relToHiveRR.get(srcRel);
// 2. Get RexNodes for original Projections from below
List projsForWindowSelOp = new ArrayList(
// 3. Construct new Row Resolver with everything from below.
RowResolver out_rwsch = new RowResolver();
if (!RowResolver.add(out_rwsch, inputRR)) {
LOG.warn("Duplicates detected when adding columns to RR: see previous message");
// 4. Walk through Window Expressions & Construct RexNodes for those,
// Update out_rwsch
for (WindowExpressionSpec wExprSpec : windowExpressions) {
if (out_rwsch.getExpression(wExprSpec.getExpression()) == null) {
Pair wtp = genWindowingProj(qb, wExprSpec, srcRel);
// 6.2.2 Update Output Row Schema
ColumnInfo oColInfo = new ColumnInfo(
SemanticAnalyzer.getColumnInternalName(projsForWindowSelOp.size()), wtp.getValue(),
null, false);
out_rwsch.putExpression(wExprSpec.getExpression(), oColInfo);
return genSelectRelNode(projsForWindowSelOp, out_rwsch, srcRel);
private RelNode genSelectRelNode(List calciteColLst, RowResolver out_rwsch,
RelNode srcRel) throws CalciteSemanticException {
// 1. Build Column Names
Set colNamesSet = new HashSet();
List cInfoLst = out_rwsch.getRowSchema().getSignature();
ArrayList columnNames = new ArrayList();
String[] qualifiedColNames;
String tmpColAlias;
for (int i = 0; i < calciteColLst.size(); i++) {
ColumnInfo cInfo = cInfoLst.get(i);
qualifiedColNames = out_rwsch.reverseLookup(cInfo.getInternalName());
* if (qualifiedColNames[0] != null && !qualifiedColNames[0].isEmpty())
* tmpColAlias = qualifiedColNames[0] + "." + qualifiedColNames[1]; else
tmpColAlias = qualifiedColNames[1];
// Prepend column names with '_o_' if it starts with '_c'
* Hive treats names that start with '_c' as internalNames; so change
* the names so we don't run into this issue when converting back to
* Hive AST.
if (tmpColAlias.startsWith("_c"))
tmpColAlias = "_o_" + tmpColAlias;
int suffix = 1;
while (colNamesSet.contains(tmpColAlias)) {
tmpColAlias = qualifiedColNames[1] + suffix;
// 3 Build Calcite Rel Node for project using converted projections & col
// names
HiveRelNode selRel = HiveProject.create(srcRel, calciteColLst, columnNames);
// 4. Keep track of colname-to-posmap && RR for new select
.put(selRel, buildHiveToCalciteColumnMap(out_rwsch, selRel));
this.relToHiveRR.put(selRel, out_rwsch);
return selRel;
* NOTE: there can only be one select caluse since we don't handle multi
* destination insert.
* @throws SemanticException
private RelNode genSelectLogicalPlan(QB qb, RelNode srcRel, RelNode starSrcRel)
throws SemanticException {
// 0. Generate a Select Node for Windowing
// Exclude the newly-generated select columns from */etc. resolution.
HashSet excludedColumns = new HashSet();
RelNode selForWindow = genSelectForWindowing(qb, srcRel, excludedColumns);
srcRel = (selForWindow == null) ? srcRel : selForWindow;
ArrayList col_list = new ArrayList();
// 1. Get Select Expression List
QBParseInfo qbp = getQBParseInfo(qb);
String selClauseName = qbp.getClauseNames().iterator().next();
ASTNode selExprList = qbp.getSelForClause(selClauseName);
// 2.Row resolvers for input, output
RowResolver out_rwsch = new RowResolver();
Integer pos = Integer.valueOf(0);
// TODO: will this also fix windowing? try
RowResolver inputRR = this.relToHiveRR.get(srcRel), starRR = inputRR;
if (starSrcRel != null) {
starRR = this.relToHiveRR.get(starSrcRel);
// 3. Query Hints
// TODO: Handle Query Hints; currently we ignore them
boolean selectStar = false;
int posn = 0;
boolean hintPresent = (selExprList.getChild(0).getType() == HiveParser.TOK_HINTLIST);
if (hintPresent) {
String hint = ctx.getTokenRewriteStream().toString(
String msg = String.format("Hint specified for %s."
+ " Currently we don't support hints in CBO, turn off cbo to use hints.", hint);
throw new CalciteSemanticException(msg);
// 4. Bailout if select involves Transform
boolean isInTransform = (selExprList.getChild(posn).getChild(0).getType() == HiveParser.TOK_TRANSFORM);
if (isInTransform) {
String msg = String.format("SELECT TRANSFORM is currently not supported in CBO,"
+ " turn off cbo to use TRANSFORM.");
throw new CalciteSemanticException(msg);
// 5. Bailout if select involves UDTF
ASTNode expr = (ASTNode) selExprList.getChild(posn).getChild(0);
int exprType = expr.getType();
if (exprType == HiveParser.TOK_FUNCTION || exprType == HiveParser.TOK_FUNCTIONSTAR) {
String funcName = TypeCheckProcFactory.DefaultExprProcessor.getFunctionText(expr, true);
FunctionInfo fi = FunctionRegistry.getFunctionInfo(funcName);
if (fi != null && fi.getGenericUDTF() != null) {
String msg = String.format("UDTF " + funcName + " is currently not supported in CBO,"
+ " turn off cbo to use UDTF " + funcName);
throw new CalciteSemanticException(msg);
// 6. Iterate over all expression (after SELECT)
ASTNode exprList = selExprList;
int startPosn = posn;
List tabAliasesForAllProjs = getTabAliases(starRR);
for (int i = startPosn; i < exprList.getChildCount(); ++i) {
// 6.1 child can be EXPR AS ALIAS, or EXPR.
ASTNode child = (ASTNode) exprList.getChild(i);
boolean hasAsClause = (!isInTransform) && (child.getChildCount() == 2);
// 6.2 EXPR AS (ALIAS,...) parses, but is only allowed for UDTF's
// This check is not needed and invalid when there is a transform b/c
// the
// AST's are slightly different.
if (child.getChildCount() > 2) {
throw new SemanticException(SemanticAnalyzer.generateErrorMessage(
(ASTNode) child.getChild(2), ErrorMsg.INVALID_AS.getMsg()));
String tabAlias;
String colAlias;
// 6.3 Get rid of TOK_SELEXPR
expr = (ASTNode) child.getChild(0);
String[] colRef = SemanticAnalyzer.getColAlias(child, getAutogenColAliasPrfxLbl(), inputRR,
autogenColAliasPrfxIncludeFuncName(), i);
tabAlias = colRef[0];
colAlias = colRef[1];
// 6.4 Build ExprNode corresponding to colums
if (expr.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_ALLCOLREF) {
pos = genColListRegex(".*", expr.getChildCount() == 0 ? null : SemanticAnalyzer
.getUnescapedName((ASTNode) expr.getChild(0)).toLowerCase(), expr, col_list,
excludedColumns, inputRR, starRR, pos, out_rwsch, tabAliasesForAllProjs, true);
selectStar = true;
} else if (expr.getType() == HiveParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL
&& !hasAsClause
&& !inputRR.getIsExprResolver()
&& SemanticAnalyzer.isRegex(
SemanticAnalyzer.unescapeIdentifier(expr.getChild(0).getText()), conf)) {
// In case the expression is a regex COL.
// This can only happen without AS clause
// We don't allow this for ExprResolver - the Group By case
pos = genColListRegex(SemanticAnalyzer.unescapeIdentifier(expr.getChild(0).getText()),
null, expr, col_list, excludedColumns, inputRR, starRR, pos, out_rwsch,
tabAliasesForAllProjs, true);
} else if (expr.getType() == HiveParser.DOT
&& expr.getChild(0).getType() == HiveParser.TOK_TABLE_OR_COL
&& inputRR.hasTableAlias(SemanticAnalyzer.unescapeIdentifier(expr.getChild(0)
&& !hasAsClause
&& !inputRR.getIsExprResolver()
&& SemanticAnalyzer.isRegex(
SemanticAnalyzer.unescapeIdentifier(expr.getChild(1).getText()), conf)) {
// In case the expression is TABLE.COL (col can be regex).
// This can only happen without AS clause
// We don't allow this for ExprResolver - the Group By case
pos = genColListRegex(
.toLowerCase()), expr, col_list, excludedColumns, inputRR, starRR, pos,
out_rwsch, tabAliasesForAllProjs, true);
} else if (expr.toStringTree().contains("TOK_FUNCTIONDI")
&& !(srcRel instanceof HiveAggregate)) {
// Likely a malformed query eg, select hash(distinct c1) from t1;
throw new CalciteSemanticException("Distinct without an aggreggation.");
} else {
// Case when this is an expression
TypeCheckCtx tcCtx = new TypeCheckCtx(inputRR);
// We allow stateful functions in the SELECT list (but nowhere else)
ExprNodeDesc exp = genExprNodeDesc(expr, inputRR, tcCtx);
String recommended = recommendName(exp, colAlias);
if (recommended != null && out_rwsch.get(null, recommended) == null) {
colAlias = recommended;
ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(SemanticAnalyzer.getColumnInternalName(pos),
exp.getWritableObjectInspector(), tabAlias, false);
colInfo.setSkewedCol((exp instanceof ExprNodeColumnDesc) ? ((ExprNodeColumnDesc) exp)
.isSkewedCol() : false);
if (!out_rwsch.putWithCheck(tabAlias, colAlias, null, colInfo)) {
throw new CalciteSemanticException("Cannot add column to RR: " + tabAlias + "."
+ colAlias + " => " + colInfo + " due to duplication, see previous warnings");
if (exp instanceof ExprNodeColumnDesc) {
ExprNodeColumnDesc colExp = (ExprNodeColumnDesc) exp;
String[] altMapping = inputRR.getAlternateMappings(colExp.getColumn());
if (altMapping != null) {
out_rwsch.put(altMapping[0], altMapping[1], colInfo);
pos = Integer.valueOf(pos.intValue() + 1);
selectStar = selectStar && exprList.getChildCount() == posn + 1;
// 7. Convert Hive projections to Calcite
List calciteColLst = new ArrayList();
RexNodeConverter rexNodeConv = new RexNodeConverter(cluster, srcRel.getRowType(),
buildHiveColNameToInputPosMap(col_list, inputRR), 0, false);
for (ExprNodeDesc colExpr : col_list) {
// 8. Build Calcite Rel
RelNode selRel = genSelectRelNode(calciteColLst, out_rwsch, srcRel);
return selRel;
private RelNode genLogicalPlan(QBExpr qbexpr) throws SemanticException {
if (qbexpr.getOpcode() == QBExpr.Opcode.NULLOP) {
return genLogicalPlan(qbexpr.getQB(), false);
if (qbexpr.getOpcode() == QBExpr.Opcode.UNION) {
RelNode qbexpr1Ops = genLogicalPlan(qbexpr.getQBExpr1());
RelNode qbexpr2Ops = genLogicalPlan(qbexpr.getQBExpr2());
return genUnionLogicalPlan(qbexpr.getAlias(), qbexpr.getQBExpr1().getAlias(), qbexpr1Ops,
qbexpr.getQBExpr2().getAlias(), qbexpr2Ops);
return null;
private RelNode genLogicalPlan(QB qb, boolean outerMostQB) throws SemanticException {
RelNode srcRel = null;
RelNode filterRel = null;
RelNode gbRel = null;
RelNode gbHavingRel = null;
RelNode selectRel = null;
RelNode obRel = null;
RelNode limitRel = null;
// First generate all the opInfos for the elements in the from clause
Map aliasToRel = new HashMap();
// 0. Check if we can handle the SubQuery;
// canHandleQbForCbo returns null if the query can be handled.
String reason = canHandleQbForCbo(queryProperties, conf, false, LOG.isDebugEnabled());
if (reason != null) {
String msg = "CBO can not handle Sub Query";
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(msg + " because it: " + reason);
throw new CalciteSemanticException(msg);
// 1. Build Rel For Src (SubQuery, TS, Join)
// 1.1. Recurse over the subqueries to fill the subquery part of the plan
for (String subqAlias : qb.getSubqAliases()) {
QBExpr qbexpr = qb.getSubqForAlias(subqAlias);
aliasToRel.put(subqAlias, genLogicalPlan(qbexpr));
// 1.2 Recurse over all the source tables
for (String tableAlias : qb.getTabAliases()) {
RelNode op = genTableLogicalPlan(tableAlias, qb);
aliasToRel.put(tableAlias, op);
if (aliasToRel.isEmpty()) {
// // This may happen for queries like select 1; (no source table)
// We can do following which is same, as what Hive does.
// With this, we will be able to generate Calcite plan.
// qb.getMetaData().setSrcForAlias(DUMMY_TABLE, getDummyTable());
// RelNode op = genTableLogicalPlan(DUMMY_TABLE, qb);
// qb.addAlias(DUMMY_TABLE);
// qb.setTabAlias(DUMMY_TABLE, DUMMY_TABLE);
// aliasToRel.put(DUMMY_TABLE, op);
// However, Hive trips later while trying to get Metadata for this dummy
// table
// So, for now lets just disable this. Anyway there is nothing much to
// optimize in such cases.
throw new CalciteSemanticException("Unsupported");
// 1.3 process join
if (qb.getParseInfo().getJoinExpr() != null) {
srcRel = genJoinLogicalPlan(qb.getParseInfo().getJoinExpr(), aliasToRel);
} else {
// If no join then there should only be either 1 TS or 1 SubQuery
srcRel = aliasToRel.values().iterator().next();
// 2. Build Rel for where Clause
filterRel = genFilterLogicalPlan(qb, srcRel, aliasToRel, false);
srcRel = (filterRel == null) ? srcRel : filterRel;
RelNode starSrcRel = srcRel;
// 3. Build Rel for GB Clause
gbRel = genGBLogicalPlan(qb, srcRel);
srcRel = (gbRel == null) ? srcRel : gbRel;
// 4. Build Rel for GB Having Clause
gbHavingRel = genGBHavingLogicalPlan(qb, srcRel, aliasToRel);
srcRel = (gbHavingRel == null) ? srcRel : gbHavingRel;
// 5. Build Rel for Select Clause
selectRel = genSelectLogicalPlan(qb, srcRel, starSrcRel);
srcRel = (selectRel == null) ? srcRel : selectRel;
// 6. Build Rel for OB Clause
Pair obTopProjPair = genOBLogicalPlan(qb, srcRel, outerMostQB);
obRel = obTopProjPair.getKey();
RelNode topConstrainingProjArgsRel = obTopProjPair.getValue();
srcRel = (obRel == null) ? srcRel : obRel;
// 7. Build Rel for Limit Clause
limitRel = genLimitLogicalPlan(qb, srcRel);
srcRel = (limitRel == null) ? srcRel : limitRel;
// 8. Introduce top constraining select if needed.
// 1. Calcite can not take an expr in OB; hence it needs to be added as VC
// in the input select; In such cases we need to introduce a select on top
// to ensure VC is not visible beyond Limit, OB.
// 2. Hive can not preserve order across select. In subqueries OB is used
// to get a deterministic set of tuples from following limit. Hence we
// introduce the constraining select above Limit (if present) instead of
// OB.
// 3. The top level OB will not introduce constraining select due to Hive
// limitation(#2) stated above. The RR for OB will not include VC. Thus
// Result Schema will not include exprs used by top OB. During AST Conv,
// in the PlanModifierForASTConv we would modify the top level OB to
// migrate exprs from input sel to SortRel (Note that Calcite doesn't
// support this; but since we are done with Calcite at this point its OK).
if (topConstrainingProjArgsRel != null) {
List originalInputRefs = Lists.transform(topConstrainingProjArgsRel.getRowType()
.getFieldList(), new Function() {
public RexNode apply(RelDataTypeField input) {
return new RexInputRef(input.getIndex(), input.getType());
RowResolver topConstrainingProjRR = new RowResolver();
if (!RowResolver.add(topConstrainingProjRR,
this.relToHiveRR.get(topConstrainingProjArgsRel))) {
LOG.warn("Duplicates detected when adding columns to RR: see previous message");
srcRel = genSelectRelNode(originalInputRefs, topConstrainingProjRR, srcRel);
// 9. Incase this QB corresponds to subquery then modify its RR to point
// to subquery alias
// TODO: cleanup this
if (qb.getParseInfo().getAlias() != null) {
RowResolver rr = this.relToHiveRR.get(srcRel);
RowResolver newRR = new RowResolver();
String alias = qb.getParseInfo().getAlias();
for (ColumnInfo colInfo : rr.getColumnInfos()) {
String name = colInfo.getInternalName();
String[] tmp = rr.reverseLookup(name);
if ("".equals(tmp[0]) || tmp[1] == null) {
// ast expression is not a valid column name for table
tmp[1] = colInfo.getInternalName();
ColumnInfo newCi = new ColumnInfo(colInfo);
newRR.put(alias, tmp[1], newCi);
relToHiveRR.put(srcRel, newRR);
relToHiveColNameCalcitePosMap.put(srcRel, buildHiveToCalciteColumnMap(newRR, srcRel));
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Created Plan for Query Block " + qb.getId());
return srcRel;
private RelNode genGBHavingLogicalPlan(QB qb, RelNode srcRel, Map aliasToRel)
throws SemanticException {
RelNode gbFilter = null;
QBParseInfo qbp = getQBParseInfo(qb);
ASTNode havingClause = qbp.getHavingForClause(qbp.getClauseNames().iterator().next());
if (havingClause != null) {
if (!(srcRel instanceof HiveAggregate)) {
// ill-formed query like select * from t1 having c1 > 0;
throw new CalciteSemanticException("Having clause without any group-by.");
validateNoHavingReferenceToAlias(qb, (ASTNode) havingClause.getChild(0));
gbFilter = genFilterRelNode(qb, (ASTNode) havingClause.getChild(0), srcRel, aliasToRel,
return gbFilter;
* Bail if having clause uses Select Expression aliases for Aggregation
* expressions. We could do what Hive does. But this is non standard
* behavior. Making sure this doesn't cause issues when translating through
* Calcite is not worth it.
private void validateNoHavingReferenceToAlias(QB qb, ASTNode havingExpr)
throws CalciteSemanticException {
QBParseInfo qbPI = qb.getParseInfo();
Map exprToAlias = qbPI.getAllExprToColumnAlias();
* a mouthful, but safe: - a QB is guaranteed to have atleast 1
* destination - we don't support multi insert, so picking the first dest.
Set aggExprs = qbPI.getDestToAggregationExprs().values().iterator().next().keySet();
for (Map.Entry selExpr : exprToAlias.entrySet()) {
ASTNode selAST = selExpr.getKey();
if (!aggExprs.contains(selAST.toStringTree().toLowerCase())) {
final String aliasToCheck = selExpr.getValue();
final Set
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